Forest Wild Camp Bike-packing Adventure. Hammock and Tarp. Liver and Onions. Honey/Hive Stove.

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so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi folks and welcome back um i'm out in the woods today i'm out on a sort of bike packing adventure um i've mostly been riding along gravel tracks and woodland paths and i've just got to this nice pine woodland where i'm gonna set up camp for the night um as i've come into this woodland i'm very much aware there's a lot of flying insects about biting insects so before i do anything else i'm gonna get some repellent on because i don't want to be scratching and itching all night long and then i'll look for a good spot to set up well i found a nice little spot to camp here it's in a natural little dip in the woodland trees are nicely spaced apart and as i'm camping in my hammock tonight that's a good thing yeah it's a nice nice little spot home from home for the night i thought uh before i start unpacking everything and setting up um i just show you my kind of bike set up here how i got everything here um these are all bike packing bags um there are really two well they're three options really um for transporting gear on a bike you can have a trailer and just tow everything behind you and i've done that before i've got a single wheel trailer that just sort of tracks nicely behind the bike and that's one option another option is to have racks and traditional panniers which you know sit out to the side here at the front and at the back um and they're great they're they're perfect for kind of road tours and and you know cycle touring um and i have panniers i used to do a lot of cycle touring in my younger days and i still have all my panniers and racks and everything from that from those days um but if i'm in this sort of setting in woodland or on narrow paths and tracks i much prefer to use these bags here they're much more in line with the bike and they don't stick out any further than i do or the handlebars do so there's less likelihood of kind of bumping them off trees and ripping them ripping them off i just prefer it it also makes you think a bit more carefully about what you're taking because there's not as much room in in these sorts of bags this bag at the back here is made by elp kit and it's just a giant seat pack a wedge shaped seat pack and it's amazing how much gear you can store away in this thing um i've got in here all of my food i've got my hammock including all of the suspension um i've got my swedish folding frying pan and i've got one can of beer i treated myself to bringing one can uh which i'll enjoy with my dinner later and that is in there as well in the middle of the bike i've got this frame pack here from blackburn um this was really kindly given to me by jake and greg from black black bikes in cherringham up on the north norfolk coast they sent this to me and it's brilliant it expands so you can have it kind of like this size um you know if you're just going out for a day ride or whatever or you can expand it down and attach it to the down tube here and it stores loads of stuff there's one big pocket and one smaller one here and a couple of small mesh pockets on the other side as well i've got loads of stuff in here i've got my stove which is the honey with the hive expansion kit so it's going to be a big kind of twig burning stove i've got my tjm metalworks mini fire anchor i've got um my plate and chopping board uh i've got a knife i've got a folding saw i've got my kind of first aid slash sort of hygiene kits i've got my cup i've got all of that stuff a pump um fire lighting gear everything all that sort of stuff is in here fits loads of stuff i've got two cages here by blackburn one of these was also sent to me by jake and and greg and these things are awesome it's just a giant cage you can put in bigger bottles and you can do a normal cycling cage so i've got my one liter nalgene bottles a metal one and a plastic one down the bottom here which i've just strapped onto the underside of the frame but you can also strap in um you know like a small dry bag or a sleeping pad or or a small tent even you know you know just strap it in good bits of kit great for cycle touring or for um bike packing that's for sure and then up the front here supported on my handlebars and resting on my on my stem down here i've got a 20 liter double ended dry bag from out kit and this has got my sleeping bag it's got my hammock under quilt it's got my tarp um it's got my undercut protector and that's it i think that's all just stuffed in there so they're not compressed or anything literally just stuffed it all in and rolled it up and that's in there this bag on the front is an outlet bar bag uh this is more of a cycle touring bag really than a bike packing bag but i use it to carry my camera gear in it um it has its own bracket which mounts onto the handlebars and it clips on and it's quite stable so you know i don't have to worry too much about my camera falling off and braking so i have my main dslr in there which i'm filming on now all the batteries and sd cards and all the other paraphernalia which goes along with that my video light and all the rest of it for filming later on my warm jacket i stuffed in there as well just to wrap the camera in case i did take a tumble and my seat pad is in there as well my tripod i just strapped underneath these bungees here and that just sat along here obviously if you're not filming you don't take any of that stuff with you and you're a lot lighter so [Music] so right that's the hammock and the all set up um i've still got to set up my under blanket and get my sleeping bag out and and that sort of thing but um i need to have a i need to have a drink i'm absolutely parched i've been trying to conserve my um my meager supplies of water i only bought two liters stupidly but it was trying to pack it all in really oh uh so here's my setup i've got my warbonnet superfly tarp that thing cost me a fortune not only buying it but also paying for the import duty to have it sent over from the states but i love it it's uh tiny you know it packs up really small it's really really light and i love that it has these uh spreader bars on the top there it just lifts the the top up stops it sagging down gives you a bit more sort of working space underneath i've got it set up really shallow tonight because you know we are in the summer i don't need it for weather protection that's for sure and that will just give me a bit of airflow underneath and should stay a little bit cooler that's really just for that sort of like morning dampness um and just in case we get a we get a shower but there's not not any forecast i've got a hennessey asim deluxe i think it was uh hammock um this is the same one that i modified so it didn't have a zip on it originally it was one of those weird sort of bottom entry uh hammocks i put a zip in it's much easier much better now and then i've got a summer weight under blanket one of ginger's a ginger hammocks one um this is actually a prototype one he'd made ages ago and uh and gave to me um it's just a sort of three-quarter length just a light downfill be ideal tonight i probably don't even really need it to be honest but it's there it's that kind of like early morning uh coolness isn't it you know sort of like four o'clock in the morning when it seems to just temperature seems to drop so i'll just keep me keep me toasty and then i've got an under blanket protector also a ginger hammocks one yeah all good should be good and comfy in there tonight so [Music] i'm going to be cooking in the honey stove with the hive extension which just adds two sides the honey is normally a six sided stove smaller than this but you can get an extension kit which just makes it bigger i'm using this just to keep it contained i'm in pine woodland i have dug down to sand but just to just to be on the safe side i'm going to keep it contained within here um i've collected a load of load of twigs and i'm just going to use some of this hammer oh tinder card you buy this in sheets and if you peel it apart like this it makes a really good tinder just take your knife and fluff it up a little bit just to get some of those fibres to the surface there and that will take a spark really nice and easily [Music] i've just got a load of really thin birch twigs here from a birch tree that was down so hopefully they should catch nicely [Music] i've positioned the stove um just away from where i'm sleeping tonight just so i don't risk putting any holes in my tarp um and there's a convenient log so i can sit on it while i while i cook and stuff um i'm not going to use the grill that comes with the honey stove or the hive stove i'm gonna use my tjm mini fire anchor um that way i've got some adjustment i can adjust it up and down um you know these stoves twig slopes tend to burn pretty hot and you've got to keep feeding them so this way it gives me some clearance to get to exander and i can raise it up and lower it down so that my food doesn't burn i'm going to be cooking a favorite of mine and i haven't had it for ages liver and onions not everybody's cup of tea i know but um i really like it and i'm going to have it with uh mushrooms and with bacon i'm going to cook it with with the mushrooms and bacon and make it into a gravy and kind of have it in wraps is my plan [Music] i've got my onions on just cooking down with some bacon lardons for flavour and here i've got my uh liver this is lamb's liver and i've also got some seasoned flour here just plain flour with pepper and some of that lovely uh wild garlic salt that claire o'leary sent me um and i'm just gonna put the the uh liver which is already sliced into thin slices um into that flour that seasoned flour then i'll cook it in there and then that will hopefully thicken up into a gravy when i add some stock towards the end [Music] yep i'm suffering from small pan syndrome here again but this was the biggest pan i could fit in that's right it's doing the job right i've also got a stock pot to put in here you know me and these nor stockpots i love them [Music] so i'm gonna block that into the top and then some water to create a source so dinner is ready look at that [Music] yep hmm oh that is good got my beer now only brought one so i thought i'd better make sure it's a good one oh yes dinner was absolutely delicious nothing like that uh shoe leather muck they used to serve up to us in school that's for sure i'm sure that's why so many people in in this country don't like liver but tonight was absolutely delicious and really good in a wrap i hadn't done that before that was um purely just to save on a bit of washing up and it worked well it was a really good wrap filler yeah good i've just got some water on to boil i'm gonna make a hot chocolate i've got a really nice norwegian hot chocolate to have tonight which is even better than oh boy dare i say it i'm certainly on a par with it anyway yeah a viewer sent me some and they're really good so i'm looking forward to that um i've been getting quite a few comments about uh about views and about videos and notifications i don't know what's going on with youtube at the moment but for some reason people aren't getting uh notified when i put videos up and people are just assuming that i haven't been releasing them i try and get a video up every week it doesn't always happen i didn't have one up last week for example because it was the bank holiday weekend prior to that and that's when i would normally film but i was doing family stuff um which you know i need to do i need to spend time with the family as well but generally i try and get a video up um every week but you know every now and again there will be a week that's missed so if you think you have been missing videos uh just go along to the channel and and just have a little look there may be videos that you that you've missed because youtube hasn't let you know um yeah i don't know what's going on there um just just check that the bell is clicked um and you should get notified when i when i release a video but um it doesn't seem to always be happening yeah some weird algorithm thing um from youtube i don't know what's going on there i think this water is up to boil yep i'm going to get this drunk up and i'm going to go and zip myself into my hammock and zip the mosquito net up and get some get some sleep this is a nice spot here it's really nice and peaceful i've been hearing a cuckoo for most of the evening um it was quite a long way off and then it's progressively got closer and closer it's obviously gone now but while it was still light i know not everybody likes a cuckoo because they're bullies of the bird world aren't they but um i quite like the sound they make and there was an owl earlier as well yeah really nice yeah yeah it's a good little spot i do love pine woodland it's that nice kind of muffled muffled sound you get it's different it's different to all other woodlands all right folks so so oh uh so [Music] [Music] morning folks i've um just got up had a cup of coffee and um made myself some breakfast i've just got uh one of those um vacuum packed uh sort of potato brunch type things you can get from the supermarket it's just sliced potato and bacon they're really good they're shelf stable they last months and months and months and um i have one sitting in my cupboard so that's what i'm having for breakfast if i can balance this pan on this log that is um i slept i slept really well um very comfortable um nice and warm it wasn't a cold night anyway but um you know i had the sleeping bag unzipped and off me mostly and just pulled it over me in the early hours i woke up about half past four something like that needing a pee and um it was a little bit chilly then and um and first thing this morning getting up i just put my my uh coat on um although it's not really cold cold yeah absolutely beautiful sun streaming through the trees yeah lovely i um drifted off to sleep last night to the sound of muntjac deer barking in the distance and the odd owl it was absolute bliss one last cup of coffee and then pack away so so so well i'm all packed away and tied it up um as luck would have it my uh my big camera my dslr decided to give up the ghost just as i was uh recording packing away after breakfast um i don't know what's wrong with it it's gone into some sort of weird settings mode and um and i can't get it out of that mode it won't record or anything um but i've got my phone so i'll just have to finish um you know finish the video recording on my phone which is fine um yeah all packed away um there's very little evidence of me ever having been here you know a bit of scuffed moss on the ground where i've been walking around and things but that's no worse than what the deer do and that'll all recover in in no time at all yeah it's been a really nice camp beautiful spot nice food good food last night good food good food this morning nice breakfast and um really nice to reset that old mental well-being button yeah you gotta get out into the woods now and again just to reset really nice thanks for watching i'll see you soon [Music] okay [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 86,219
Rating: 4.958425 out of 5
Keywords: bike packing, cycle touring, Kona mountain bike, kona Kilauea, alpkit bike packing, blackburn bike packing, blackburn cage, Hennessy hammock, warbonnet superfly, ginger hammocks, liver and onions, campfire cooking, wild camping, wild camping uk, wild camp, stealth camping, honey stove, ferro roid, fire lighting, pcf hot sauce, bike load out, bug out bike, hammock and tarp, forest camping, woodland camping, bushcraft, Tjm metalworks, Tjm mini fire anchor
Id: Z3dOlhJXnCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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