Beating Super Mario Bros. as SLOWLY as Possible??

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Okay, let's get started I am very excited to do this run. Well let's Restart Okay, I'm really excited to do this run I'm ready I've put a lot of thought ahead into how we're going to beat Super Mario Bros as slowly as possible The one caveat well too is that we can't die If you allow dying, then you could get a bunch of lives You could play forever and you can't pause the game obviously, but with those two rules in place This is going to be a very interesting run. I promise I know it's it Sounds like all we're going to do is wait around for the timer to get to zero and then grab the flagpole But I promise there's a bunch more to it than that so While there will be some waiting around we have plenty of things We need to do like get a mushroom. For example when you get power-ups the timer will stop also when you take damage the timer will stop so we obviously will want to get as many power-ups and Lose the power-ups in between each powerup grab When you go in a pipe the timer also stops When you exit a pipe the timer also stops So we just lost a good like I don't know five seconds then we're well on our way to beating the game slowly Now we do have to wait around a little bit and I will say as I'm waiting that Initially, you know, what seems intuitive is grab the flagpole at 0 seconds remaining right? I Thought I was gonna be Big Brain 500 IQ and say no, you've got to finish the level with six remaining on the clock so that you get 6 fireworks but the truth is if you have that little time remaining on the timer it like immediately pretty much finishes counting down all the time the six fireworks go off and they actually don't lose you any time because like the fireworks finished before the fanfare finishes playing and So the level transition actually happens later if you grab it at zero don't get six fireworks Okay, so we want to grab it at zero There we go first level complete No time to countdown and When we split you'll notice that the splits are green because going slow is very good Okay, so you obviously want to grab this mushroom And you'll think okay now immediately take a hit but this is a rare instance where we don't want to take a hit yet Let's go over here to find out why I'm so scared. I can't take the hit early. This is gonna be a very nerve-wracking category Okay now but I have activated that we're good to take the hit You want to make sure you can get that power up Take damage from this guy also I Failed to mention this in one one Every time you go through a screen Transition the time on the timer will go down by one no matter how much time was remaining in the game second so you want to enter a pipe or like go up a binder or whatever as Late into the game second as you can so I'm gonna try and go it late at like 220 And now that it goes down to 219 no matter where in 220 it was right So that will just waste some extra frames Okay, so now I'm gonna exit low 150 so that we waste most of the 150 time remaining And then we have one final Powerup to grab here and Then we're good to exit this pipe, but of course low 120 is one who wanna leave I'm actually going to take damage off of this piranha plant Very good. We're well on our way All right 1-2 done we've already managed to lose upwards of five minutes this is looking pretty good so far You know what just for fun I probably shouldn't risk it but just for fun I'm gonna collect all the coins because that will actually make the one up in 2-1 spawn Because that's how invisible 1up blocks work in this game kind of weird Got it just kidding that's good. That's exactly what we want Cool Three levels down we're going nice and slow so far Dying on an axe. Okay. Yeah you that that's a lab There we go, I almost forgot I was just chilling I was like do I have enough time I don't even know worst speedrun ever Pretty good so far. So this one up Invisible one up right here wouldn't be there if I didn't get all of the coins in one three Well, technically you can skip one in that level alone, but that's all Nice Now you want to climb up the vine I want to start the timer stops But when you're like halfway up this vine, so I want to stop it really late into a game second. So like 210 really late Coin heavens are Very good because the divine animation takes so long that usually coin heaven is the route to go but not always oh That was like high four. I tried to get low five rip reset man not slow enough you guys want to see something cool or I'll teach you something about the game see how I'm bouncing like above the screen watch this Now I'm not bouncing above the screen how does that work It depends on how much speed you have when you jump on to the spring If you have very little speed when you jump on to it, you know really high. I didn't know that till this year Okay, this level not much we can do to go slow so I guess I'll show off crouch swimming Normally we hit Mario's head on this block But if I crouch and then swim once the blooper goes away, so yeah My head is through the block now So you can Crouch and then you can keep the crouching hitbox while you swim that lets you do fun things like this We have lost almost of 13 minutes at this point, we're doing great because these cheeps are pretty scary We should probably just try and get past them. Well gotta have a little fun Okay to dashboard Just being as safe as I can because one death very bad Very good get this mushroom. I Believe the pipe is the second of these two right I want to take damage first Now you got a wall jump our way up here We're alternatively we could do this That's fun If you want a really easy wall cliff anyone can do just do this just Tap left right this platform and when you reach a wall just kind of tap left so you go through Fire flowers aren't bad. We just Need to take damage as much as we can If you go if you get a fire flower It means you lost out on one opportunity to take damage which sometimes it's better to get the fire flower But that's more rare than calming. Okay, this is actually Something you might not know six four and seven four Bowser's throw hammers But they don't breathe fire, but eight four eight four Bowser throws hammers and breathes fire. Isn't that interesting? There's actually three types of Bowser's in the game All we got to do in this level to make sure we take damage get the power Try sub 70 minutes no, we need super 70 minutes. We need above 70 minutes We don't go for subs in this category. Are you kidding me? Dang out to finish with a one-house silly of me. I've got really scared. I didn't want to die All right, well this run is extremely improvable whoever wants to alright so we got to take damage before this pipe Because there's a power up down here we wouldn't have any way of taking damage afterwards We're - - there's a whole bunch to do in this stage So immediately We you're gonna mess around oh don't die. I was actually be really bad This is not worth it, it's I'm gonna die. Okay get this Man we're gonna have to grab this mushroom. I'm gonna do a mushroom Alright very good. Yeah, so I explained the fireworks earlier. I thought eating a six would be the best to get six fireworks it's like unintuitive that the intuitive thing is slowest like that first, you're like zero and then you're like wait six then you're like oh, so you're All we gotta do is get the mushroom in the stage Oh This isn't good, maybe we can get past it Alright we just gotta be careful on the housing. Oh My gosh, I was standing right on the we're gonna cut this part out guys. We're just gonna just gonna Just gonna cut that part out I ruined the run But I'm just gonna continuing because it really doesn't matter Try again, oh my gosh, I'm incompetent. We're just splicing for the youtubes right now Don't shoot your fire ball There we go, very good Wow, look at this super legitimate speedrun and by that, I mean slow run Let me show you interesting something interesting that hammer groups if we wait for a really long time potentially he'll charge at me. Oh Here he goes All right taking the vine we're taking the buy Then we of course Grab this that's why it is important. I took damage before the vine Take damage from you. I Can grab this we want to finally take damage? Nice and slow. Let's go Maybe it doesn't gotta make sure we have this. Oh I wanted the double but I bounced super high off the nut off the Goomba Because I did a walking speed jump on to him so I bounced extra high Get him The double that was so sick The double Bullet Bill That's like a test thing like that's so precise to make happen and I it's happening All right, don't take damage this time Just wait til 6 to most interesting level in the whole game This is this is a fun trick and ruiji taught me you get the edge of the screen You get this block mixed to the edge of the screen. So when you crouch in here You can't die Alright guys, look at we're making such good pace like how far behind Okay, first thing to do is go in the very first pipe for those who don't know 6-2 has four bonus areas or Can you count that high Obviously four bonus areas though and One is a coin heaven Three of them are pipes you go in and You can't take all of them. If you take the coin heaven, you can't go in two of the pipes But if you don't take it you can go in all three pipes so which is faster, I Timed them all Well, I timed how much time you lose for each pipe versus coin heaven and the answer actually came out pretty close But because you get an extra power up on the three pipe route it ends up being slower Okay, now I go in here right, yes Now I take damage a lot of people probably don't even know about this area Whoa underwater, that's not like an underwater level next on the agenda. I Gotta go in the last fight, which is this one and Then this has This mushroom So the added time of collecting and taking damage from this mushroom puts this route ahead of the other one 45 minutes lost. Let's go. This is a nerve-wracking level Not really I just have to get this mushroom that's all there is to it mushrooms not too bad I just need to Do that Yes, I think the very first person who had an ID like this was Andrew G he said I wonder what the longest playthrough of Donkey Kong you could ever have is Because don't become arcade. You only can get I think four lives and You can't last forever in each stage. There's a time limit kind of like this So if you use like I wonder if you got all the way to the kill screen What you would have to do is you'd have to get to like one of the very last Barrel levels and then wait for all the time to run out Die and then you use up like three lives on one of those super long levels and then go to the kill screen It would be pretty hard to pull out some top a DK player could do that. I'm sure We're gonna try try and do something in this level. Oh my goodness We almost didn't get to do something because the pota boy was way dumb I'm so scared. I Just realized I got to get to the end as fast as I can I'm like used to taking my time, but I got it. I got a speed I had a speed run so that I can go slow at the end Okay, we got to get over here Why isn't like happening, there we go There we go Slow baby slow Go as slow as you can't know I paused that's not allowed I'm breaking all the rules. I'm a terrible slow runner. Oh, it takes practice guys going slow is really hard Pause the timer for about how long a pause for Also now I'm terrified actually Fatima's Bowser because of the po2 booth. I'm gonna die to the poet of it again okay, so we're just gonna Come on photobooth Jump Perfect very good we gotta take damage. May I go in the pipe after the first rose? It's like one of the craziest coin blocks to get in the game because of that bullet launcher right thing This is very familiar coin cache I Can I'm very practiced in doing wall jumps in this one? There we go. We can do a clip over here There we go Perfect now there's one more mushroom I need to get Alright maybe we can actually show up crouched swimming Mario now This is fun, all right. There we go We just got to get to the power up and it'll be melissa nerve-racking oh I Got owned That's why it's hard to complete this run I've got a pause you gotta pause the timer yeah, you could come up with some kind of penalty for dying, but I don't know I Think it's better to just have rules and make rules be rules that you can't break. Like if you do a high-score run there has to be some kind of life limit on a high-score run otherwise, oh my gosh This is so stupid Okay, I'm gonna let it go a little bit farther Penalize myself a little bit or just like a for stopping the timer late I'm only used to speed running these levels that this this is actually a level this way harder when you slow down as You can see Would never make a mistake if I was speed running going slow on this level over that is a real challenge. Oh Shoot I was supposed to keep that power up I forgot Now this Bowser's gonna be nerve wracking again We've had interesting moments. There's Bruce we showed him off finally I'm glad we got some Bruce pallet Bowser on the stream That's what I really cared about no Bowser please back up you're right where the pota boot is I Just I just got scared I mean we finished with two but I just I just panicked my bad I Could have waited but I was just like, I don't know what's happening I don't want to like stop to look up at the timer and then find out it says zero already. I was just scared Yeah time loss for next time that's really funny Well, yes Yeah, Gaiman laws are kind of backwards when you talk in speedran Anyway Man I don't know why I waited so long. I was just like chilling but What if I don't even have time they're kind of actually speedrun Oh Not much time I have guys clutch pipe jump And I make it I Don't know why I was waiting in that pipe. I was just like I got very sidetracked. All right. Yeah, I get the mushroom. Oh No para coop is out of position We got Got to make sure we enter at a low 3/10 We used up all of that zero game second. Let's go see if I can get this That's always fun Could have gotten like three more coins it's not actually a good way to get clean I Think this is the last pixel where you can still do wall jumps There we go, it's always funny to be standing up there with that little room See you hammers like The devil hammer eating Don't hit me nice cool we made it All right, so we've taken over an extra hour I wonder how much all the power-ups and Transitions help. I don't know. Why did that so slow. I guess just to be safe but This is actually a room where we gotta go fast This is a real level where we have to go fast So we got to loop this as many times as I can Should I go for one more? Okay, that's enough I guess The music speeds up so does my heart rate terrifying stuff right here? All right, that's the best I could do there. Oh dang it we didn't get the super 125 we got the sub 1:25 Oh Next time now now we have a goal to shoot for we'll shoot for the 125 in the future Dang it. We were so close the legendary 125 is the time to shoot for it in this category but like You know how complicated this is could actually get you could find out like oh You can lose one extra frame rule in this level. If you enter this pipe on the last frame possible Stuff like that like all the time that we've put into trying to make a game fast There's almost as much you could do to try and make the game slow You
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 852,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super, Mario, Bros, Super Mario Bros, Speedrun, Speed, Run, Challenge, New, Kosmic, World, Record, World Record, Challenge Run, Puzzle, cosmic, kosmicd12, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight
Id: ww_rRwfIsB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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