Speedrunning Super Mario Bros. but there's NO CUTSCENES??

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This is super mario bros flow This was made by unknown joe 796 A guy who was out of gdq saw me playing and was like, huh? I wonder what the speedrun would look like if there were just no cutscenes or like no breaks So he made this rom hack. This should be a lot of fun You can already see on the title screen that when he grabs the mushroom bam instantly big mario, but that's not the stuff We're gonna care about we're going to care about the level transitions because check this out This is what it's going to look like when you get to the end of a level Look how cool that is no flagpole. No walk to the castle. No waiting for the time to count down just Bam instantly into the next level. Isn't that so cool. I think i'm gonna explore just a little bit first Then I will do an 80 run and then a warpless run and then even after that He's added a couple, uh other versions of it. I won't spoil it but we'll have some more fun after we do some speedruns the 80 run of this with warps is 329 by gtas So there's like a minute and a half you save so yeah, let's just explore it What happens if I stomp okay, of course normal physics boom big big mario Let's check out a pipe transition That's pretty funny. Oh my gosh, he comes out so fast, too All right, we're in 1-2 gosh that's so fast, oh man I wonder if the minus world is different. We have to check this. This is important Oh boy Look at this so the minus world Glitch is really famous But it just is reaching like out of bounds memory to load levels And because this is a rom hack memory is obviously different Here i'll just do a quick run through the first one's probably going to be really bad Some things are slightly different just because of the way things are laid out So we'll just see how it goes the first time around. Wow, okay Even like the level transition at the beginning is so much faster. I wasn't ready to start the timer Oh, man, the goomba's farther away. No flagpole. Okay, just straight in right on Look at this huge moment I have to reach I had like a full three seconds there Oh, I can't hit my splits they're too fast we're on 4-1. Skip skip No flagpole Oh, I have seen this so watch this because pipes transition so quickly you can just Oh, whoops okay, we're gonna Do this but watch? You don't have to stop moving on the pipe because the screen just doesn't get a chance to scroll very far Okay, uh 4-2 done sure The music is reaching places it never reaches during the speed run No bullet bill glitch. Oh man, that's the best part of all of this no flagpoles, which means you don't have to do any stupidly hard What are they doing flagpole glitches? Okay, not bad eight four time My thumb's so tired, I haven't hit any splits Bowser, all right. I'll just wait Okay, not a bad first run 337 Can I take the vine you do get on the vine at 78 Which is faster It depends how fast the cutscene actually is I am assuming that it's probably still gonna be slower, but we'll see okay All right, mine is exactly the same as normal so still five to six seconds slower What I saw the world counter was at one two, and I was like, where do I go? If I die here? But it just puts you in the level What? Four two split. All right hot pace. Let's go don't miss the pipe jumps this time Oh remember the strat That's not the stretch try this again Okay, that's the better strap The other strat was like I never died on it before Yeah, it's like that you gotta land the left side second step Yep. Yep. Yep. Maybe I can do this Okay, let's do it Something about streaming makes your nose just insanely itchy all the time. It's so annoying. She's like Can't take it. Why is it stitching like crazy? Okay, see if we can hit it this time Wow, okay. Well, we'll just roll with it because we definitely have enough pixels Okay, come on gotta hit these stairs Nice Hammer bros, please Nice are they always in the same spots? Ouch that one hurts Oh gosh, come on, okay, man, let's do this thing. Come on Come on Come on man, remember no b button full of bills for some reason Fuzzy beetle, come on hit this. Come on Cheap not nice cheap No, I tried to Hello that has yet to happen I thought I was like this strap might not work every time but it worked every time before that Gosh, dang it stupid hammer, bro Oh my gosh All right, come on we can do this Oh my gosh, what are you doing there bullet bill that was terrifying Come on Please work. That was a pixel short Oh, I failed the turn around Dang it All right, come on Bowser, please Okay, well I guess it was 329 I forgot to Make the time go all the way down. I split at 329.6 Okay, this version just must be slower than gta gta's because that run was faster most recent version of super mario bros 1 flow 80 world record the legendary sub 330 Watch this Here goes. Um, do I want to do small fire? It would be pretty cool and a lot of people haven't seen small fire glitch. So I think we should do it. Let's do it This is going to be so much running non-stop my oh man My thumb's gonna be really tired at the end of this I already know I don't think anyone's ever done a worthless run of this. So this is history The transitions are fun. Yeah I get to see a lot more of those. Oh, I didn't hit the spot now. That's one two, but I'm, not on that split now so I can't hit it Oh my gosh, that's so strange Oh boy fire bars are different Why is it pausing That's not part of the romp that's just a thing wait Okay, I didn't know how that was gonna work, but that was pretty cool Wait, I didn't become small fire. Dang it. Okay big fire time it is what is going on? All right, whatever stop What is happening My fireball is going nowhere. The game's pausing I think i'm just getting power pack glitches Okay, well now we know that small fire is not the strat We it's fine we had to reset anyway because the game was broken I'm, just glad that pausing didn't happen like on a good any percent run Do I even kill him I don't Okay, I don't I don't know if I should try and kill him with fire or what Oh go oh gosh, there's a hole right there Oh boy, why are you like this it's like right in the way I don't know how these are gonna be I could have easily died, but it looks like they were normal I'm gonna try and kill him. Oh gosh out of my Not if my controller is going to be dumb and fire fireball Still gotta get those new button pads. I like that level transition though. The toad room looked really cool when it was brown This is going to be so cool because it's just like pink. Oh the other guy is nothing straight into three two This whole world looks the same So this is going to be a really cool world. I feel like just three levels in a row that feels Feels just like one Level cheese popping in You can jump through that platform if you're big mario, you just can't Oh the fire bars are so weird how about these ones I should be fine to get through here Okay, oh wow Let's go 419 i've saved about two and a half minutes so far, okay Green mushrooms, this is fun They're all one-ups huge one-ups How's this fire bar gonna be Fine Go for the clip Heck yeah What I held it down for so long to be safe in it a veil with me nothing Okay, we recovered every time I hit the x it scrolls me forward a few pixels on the screen and it's driving me crazy I'm, like 30 pixels farther forward than I should be or like 40 Now i've ran back to the left you can see how much of a difference Jump Okay, we'll get power-ups back in Wow In uh, i'm not sure which level i'm even in Gotta skip that split i'll just hit it late. Whatever Oh, yeah, they're so different dude so different, okay sure. That was so much worse and yet Okay, sick grabs Yeah pipe changed green That's not a normal spot for a bullet bill they started earlier so they're like really strange spots What there's like so many bullet bill sounds Okay, five four, uh royal good bars for sure It worked one of them despawned that's weird. Oh those are so different Okay Take bowser out Brown toad room Let's go 7 14. That's uh closer to when I would normally finish world three Oh, man, please don't spawn differently than normal, okay Oh, wow, that was interesting good thing I shoot that guy He was farther right that was nice and easy don't need to slow down for fireworks This is so fun, wait, what the okay It despawned Okay Let's go world seven Into the pipe I hit the split early, but oh well It seriously feels like i'm just speedrunning the longest level of any of these games i've ever played I'm just like when's this one over? How do I get my brain break Okay, 10 minutes in we're almost done with road seven, what are we gonna get we're gonna get like a Like a 12 30 All right world it time How am I going to do the stairs I know that's there. I just messed up Ah, that sucks well now we know how to do the stairs that dude despawned that's not possible I know and I obviously wouldn't have slowed down Okay, i'm gonna grab the mushroom for Since safety takes barely any time anyway Oops that guy made it take a little more time than it should have because he was not in his normal spot Two koopas, what's going on? Whoa, that guy was like the highest he's ever been ever Okay a couple more levels Ouch please don't kill me They threw so many hammers I could not jump it lagged so much why did they do that? They threw like five hammers each What on earth? Hello? What Why'd they what was that Now they're normal like The souls of all the hammer bros i've ran past were living in them all at once What the heck? Okay, can we get the sub 13 Let me get the sub 13 though I'm not so sure because water section is long Ah hammer bros costing me 13. ouch All right, I would have jumped over if I could have gotten it but 1303 Dang Well, not too bad Not too bad for the first ever flow worthless run beats the regular world record by six minutes about kind of crazy Okay but earlier I did hint at maybe some other versions i'm not going to spend too much time on these but Wow Wow Wasn't that cool? they added the thing that's in later mario games where you can Hold jump to bounce higher off enemies, which is really good. Really good mechanic. I don't know why the one ups nothing But isn't that cool also? Ouch Uh, if you push down you fall immediately so like i'm so not used to it I can't do it right That that's not right Or if you're about to like jump into an enemy or something You're like what? Whoa, no, no Like whoa. Whoa whoa, whoa Don't touch him Looks so unusual Okay, let me try the other one now Here goes go Oh my gosh, she's so floaty Clip in the wall, I think I really wanted so if you guys liked what you saw This was super mario. Bros flow. Shout out to unknown. Joe 796 on twitter. I'll throw the link In the description of youtube when I put this on there and yeah, you can try it out for yourself You can play the fast version. You can play the original version. You can bounce higher off enemies you can do whatever you want Have fun You
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 248,319
Rating: 4.951478 out of 5
Keywords: Super, Mario, Bros., Super Mario Bros., Kosmic, Kosmicd12, Cosmic, Speedrun, Speed, Run, World, Record, WR, SMB1, Challenge, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight
Id: fmR97uf-7No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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