Speedrunning 10 DIFFERENT Versions of Super Mario Bros.

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yo what up everybody today i'm doing a speedrun of  10 different versions of super mario bros 1. and i   put there's actually more than 10 versions of this  game but i picked the 10 most interesting versions   some you may have heard of some you probably  haven't and i'll show why they're different some   really interesting stuff if you stick around kick  things off with the original super mario bros one   on the nes just my classic childhood  super mario bros slash duck hunt cartridge   this isn't gonna be like oh i'm gonna do the  super mario bros standalone cartridge and the   duck con cartridge and the famicom cartridge nope  this is gonna be way more interesting than that i   promise it's not gonna be the same exact speed run  10 times in a row way more interesting especially   some of the later ones it's going to get crazy you  might not know these exist and the very last one   it's going to be something real special i tell  you some games are going to have different tricks   that are possible some games are just going to  play entirely differently i'm going to be very   mysterious and vague about it but we'll see which  versions we play as we go okay we're on 458 pace   as long as bowser doesn't kill me   dude not even my fault i don't care it's  not my fault i played as well as i could   okay nice and safe this time we just gotta finish okay first round wow five five fives no 458 but  hey we got five five okay smb1 done time for smb   one number two not smb2 though this is the famicom  disk system version i did say i'm not gonna   do like a bunch of that are all super similar  this is gonna be probably the most similar one   and that's just because it's like on the same  console but the run itself is actually gonna be   quite a bit different all of the normally playable  parts are supposed to be completely identical   but because memory is arranged a little bit  differently if we could get access to like   you know some some glitched worlds or something  like that it might look a little different gonna do the most famous glitching games first  try let's go to the minus world some people   may not have seen fds minus world it's quite  cool it's not even just one infinitely looping   level we got three levels in here so this  this uh we would not be playing this level   on the last version i played so this is this is  a different version we're playing and we can do   we can miss that trick okay after minus one  we go to minus two which is just seven three   i can go for a flagpole glitch here as  long as the chief doesn't get in the way okay minus three this is underground 4-2 and  speaking of we're just gonna kind of go up here there's some bloopers there's no maze  that you actually have to navigate through   but we can jump down here we can grab the axe   and we're actually in world 36 right now which  is eight or bigger so the game thinks we actually   just beat the game even though it says you know  princess is in another castle it thinks we just   beat the game so now we can do the level select  code to go to world 8 uh now we're on quest two   this isn't like a faster way to  beat the game or anything but   i just thought i would do the different  route since we're playing this version   it's a bit more interesting but we are gonna  actually beat the game we still have the tentative   goal of sub one hour so i'm gonna go ahead and  grab the mushrooms make sure i don't die anymore   or maybe i won't i died twice i just wanted to  show off that glitch where you can actually die   twice isn't that crazy we're crouch swimming  right now so the top of top half of mario can't   get hit see we just swim right through the fire  bar facebook comments are going wild right now   okay two smbs finished ah now we got a  hurry and switch can't dawdle too long okay next up turn the audio up a little bit super  mario all-stars version this version is a lot   different it has so many differences i really  should have grabbed the mushroom piranha plants   and some other enemies but most notably piranha  plants have vastly different hitboxes in this one   so you can still do pipe jumps but they're  way harder you bounce a little bit higher   off enemies there's a whole bunch of stuff  and it has waving clouds in the background uh there is super mario all stars plus oh  my goodness why can't i grab mushrooms today   oh i'll do this since we're here   may as well show off another i'm going  slow another all-stars difference wait for it okay so this time we're going  in here and it's not the minus world   so they actually removed that glitch on  this version normal smb1 speed runs we   clip into the warp zone but you have to go  to like the far right side and then back to   fully load the warp zone you don't have to  do that on this version so that clip saves a   lot more time okay we can do the wrong work  like this just let it push us a little bit nice insane gaming right now fun fact i did get the first sub five minute run   on all-stars version the record may or may not  be like a couple seconds faster now but you know   i got the first one i just wanted to show  off how the hitboxes are like you know   actually where they should be on this well so  normally you can go through like the top half   of a piranha plant almost but in this game it's  just touch like any pixel of it and you'll die   bloopers you can still go through the  bottom of bowser's hitbox is way better   yeah like this no shot i can jump over it uh i was about to say hey let's go for  a bullet bullet bill glitch again but   that would soft lock the game on this version oh yeah this guy is like way different or  maybe it's i don't know there's all these   differences i forget about podoboos always  jump really high so we shouldn't shouldn't   die to the podoboo we'll just die to the hammer  bro instead that sucks that's like 40 seconds up and over much better nice thanks bowser  all right that's three done now we got to   do a lot of tech switching here we  go wait actually we're playing melee wait actually we're playing the game boy is kelvin in love with lee lane how  nice that's what i'm saying dude okay super mario bros deluxe this is game boy  color game i've never played before here we   go it's actually pretty cool but the screen  is like unfortunately small it can scroll to   the left though and like up and down it's pretty  crazy whoa it's so interesting it's so weird wow   i get to live react to like all the differences  with you it's so strange this game has like   i think some some extra red coins they added in  to uh just as kind of like bonus things to find   it has like extra bonus modes  i don't know it's really cool   whoa that guy why does he fall like  that why does why does he even spawn this is a bizarre experience what you can't even like see lakitu you you don't   maybe because of the screen size difference you  don't jump as high or if you do you don't jump as   high as quickly it's really weird does the wrong  word work i'm not even gonna try probably not   the camera is like so different okay let's find  out if power up jump works maybe it doesn't work got a really game here wow they're so close to the wall because  of how late they spawn they're so wrong   why do bullet bills move so slow what the heck this is so weird okay don't game over don't game over now we gotta beat this thing  everything maybe there's like why are you there   maybe it's because the frame rate's different  or something the enemies move so differently it's shot so early it wasn't even on screen  what the heck you can't do that what oh please   oh my gosh where do i go can i  continue from eight one please continue yes okay i from a3 this game's great  thank goodness i'm just gonna do the ted strip this is the hardest version of smb1 dude this is crazy dude the physics like you can't turn around no was even crouching okay can i actually kick it this time he just whoa   what wow i'm finding so many differences  you can't stomp enemies moving downwards   and if your invincibility frames run out in the  middle of a damaging source it actually hurts you   okay now it should be super free right go away you can probably just run under  all of them dude oh but you can't   i don't know at least we made it out of  there what the top step is like moved   maybe the screen can't go that high or  something i don't know man what the heck good luck with eight four moving  lava this game is fascinating man welcome to my casual  playthrough of super mario bros there's no cheaps why everything freezes when you go  in the pipe you can't buffer a swim   the fire bar is completely wrong  what the heck why are they like this you don't disappear behind the water  layer now we have final boss incoming i there's no fireball just get me out  okay it's over it's finally over   it took 17 minutes we're definitely not getting  sub hour if you thought that version was bad   let me introduce you to super mario bros on the  boy advance no i do not have the wrong resolution   selected or the wrong d interlacing settings or  the wrong anything this is actually what the game   this is the game and yeah yes the last one was  on game boy this one is on game boy advance   i don't know what happened but dude this is like disgusting   but yeah dude here let's get a better sprite  on screen big mario doesn't look as bad he's not like all scrunched and horrible   grab this just in case i mean  after the way that last one went   i can like jump over piranha plants now though  so this one's not so bad they look better on   tiny screens yeah i'm sure it looks better on  game boy but it just shouldn't look this bad yay the upside down like two cloud  looked really funny for some reason   it like didn't look right like they forgot to flip   something rewind the tape i swear it looked  weird let's see if bullet bill glitch works   yes oh my gosh dude i like kicked  something i got so excited um   i had to account for a delay dude i like pushed  jumps multiple frames early and it was perfect   you could see my eyes mid-air like that was  the right frame that's crazy my foot hurts now wow i can fight hammer bros  they're like function i got a heart   oh yeah i forgot to like try and account  for the input delay on the ball jump   uh maybe that was perfect pixel and  i didn't need to scroll more but   what you can see mario come up through the  pipe why wait for it wait for it okay well   we'll get that one of these runs  okay here we are in animal crossing   just gonna go in my house real quick kill the  cockroaches and boot up smb1 here i'll play all right here we go super mario bros number six  uh i don't know why this version is like so low   resolution it it looks like you're watching a  90s commercial for some reason uh for those who   don't know yeah just the gamecube animal crossing  has some nes games inside it that you can just   receive as gifts or like i don't remember  how you are supposed to get most of them   well i know the japanese version is called e-plus  because it uses the e-reader and you can get like   nes games from that and a couple of them like  never really got fully released there's like three   i want to say it's like punch out legend of zelda  in super mario bros never really got released   properly i don't know the full details okay that  was not smart i don't know why i went for that   what was that hello what i was gonna i was gonna do this method of wrong warp we we have ten playthroughs we gotta do  some variations but i don't know why i was   like clipping in the vine block uh this has zero  input lag like a lot of these versions will have   you know variable if you play on wbc it has  like maybe one frame if you play on some other   version like the last game boy version  i played on had like three or four this   actually zero like definitely zero  yo back to back yo okay coin toss boom let's go okay this is nes remix 2 and in  here we have super luigi bros   this is where things are gonna get a little crazy we're gonna run to the left well again i've never played this   oh also luigi you are actually luigi like  he jumps higher but he doesn't have like   skid whoa i bounce so high off that goomba  for the most part i'm just gonna try and oh because he jumped higher i think i hit  the block faster so it sent me down sooner   i guess i should just what wait i can we play  both clips uh side by side of i did that exact   thing earlier but this time it was mirrored okay  but pipe jump but he's gonna jump too high i like   can't depend on anything because i don't know  when i'm gonna randomly get thrown off wait   i really really want to go to minus world let's  all discover together jump higher though so okay does wall jump exist we might have put ourselves  in a bad situation dude i tried so hard to like oh   okay it does exist uh i can get speed and then i'm  more likely to hit it as evidenced just reset dude   what what huh i tried running at like full speed   now i did a crouch jump and like went all the way  up what oh that's funny you see me go to the right   what the heck was that he jumped so high yeah  see when i do a running jump i just jump like i don't know it feels the same  but then standing jumps are like   higher than running jumps it feels like  yeah look at this running jump just   like mario to the top of the castle standing  jump higher why walking jump way high this was made by the interns the classic interns i just needed a moment to  chill dude look at him go   but only if you're walking speed get some running  speed you know like all of mario that's how it   works and nice bullet bill dodge even moving right  instead of left we still kill the hammer bros   i saw some article that said this game  is like a speedrunner's nightmare or   something because it's backwards and  they think it would mess us up so much   come on all you do is hold left  instead okay can we do wall jump   no because i can't even like travel  over there oh here's the real question   can i just like walking speed jump up there  almost nearly alright we'll do one of these someday okay we're almost there though bowser don't breathe fire on me worst bowser pattern objectively full  backwards instant second jump breathes fire   fire goes on the bottom row actual  worst bowser pattern in every way double death wait i'm scared let me just get out of why is mario here we had  to save both of them i didn't want to see mario   this is my time to shine this super luigi bros  alright 3ds once again 3ds virtual console nope   it's another nes remix this time speed mario bros  i look just watch the demo you can already tell   a bit of what's gonna happen here okay here we go  speed mario bros it's gonna run like twice as fast fastest death ever   i can't decide which screen i wanna stare at i  probably can't play by muscle memory anyway so i don't know i like play through obs kick it pipe jump what how what the heck get in there go in okay yo bronwarp i got a mushroom i guess just get fire  flower while we're here well now i have fire maybe   i can play decently actually nope way too hard to  like get the fireball out at the exact right time yo give me this i barely have  to wait any time to wait for it let's go oh that was not bad at  all i did get fireworks but like   how am i going to react to what  time i'm getting yes beautiful i'm going in the pipe because it like barely  costs real time and it despawns the koopas   glitch what the dude the koopa messed me  up i really would have gone for it if uh   i didn't bounce on the coupon  accident i better get power-ups nice dude look at us go like a halfway decent gameplay i'm scared here we go wall jump okay too hard to like you have to do really  small jumps and when you're playing at double   speed that means you have to do twice as small of  a jump i don't know how i'm gonna do the last room i'm gonna try and kill him shoot maybe i'll just try the jump strap oh  never mind i'll die there apparently dang okay that was actually pretty close nice and chill we're gonna  let the over 100 music play okay here comes over 100  music let's see how it sounds pepe overheat or whatever okay we got  lots of lives we got fire this is free i think i hit the waldron pixel dude oh i got destroyed now i have  to kill the bro this is gonna be hard sub one he said there's a chance  we can get step one he said wow i thought i was gonna get like a  slow jump onto the launcher but because   it runs so fast i ran so fast what are these what the heck no why i played so well and here i  am as small mario makes me sad dude i played so well and here i am small mario frame perfect are you serious if you jump the  first frame you land you don't land you don't make   it to the bro otherwise you kill him come on man  just too good can't help but hit 0.5 frame tricks dude we have a fire flower what could  possibly go wrong nice and easy now oh my gosh i'm so bad at the video game  bowser is going to be extremely hard   i really need like a power  up to just damage 3m dude okay hammer bro down jude first try bowser oh my gosh we made it man i just had to know  like okay he can go about at this time and as   soon as he went i was like super ready for  this one stream's gonna get a bit spooky oh yes the infamous super mario  bros 35th anniversary edition game and watch game i know this isn't going to be   super great to watch this is the best quality  we can get for this one secret tidbit about   this version is you can push b to just select  whatever world you want so we're going to do   that so we don't have to play this version as  long and also if you hold a when you select   or to start the game boom infinite lives not  that i need them i just wanted to show off   the uh the two secrets that i knew about  i'm playing off obs this is bad man okay here we go yo it's done it's over okay let's get  back to some acceptable stream content   okay so that was the 35th anniversary super  mario bros 1 edition but have you heard of   wait my sensor bar but have you heard  of super mario bros 25th anniversary   just wait till you see all the differences  that they made for the 25th anniversary isn't that insane dude they went all  out for the 25th anniversary of the   original super mario bros look at what they did but yeah all the blocks say 25 on them and  uh that's it was it a shop channel release   or something i can't remember ted told me  about it i can't remember how you got it dude we're on a proper version  again where i can play the game never mind one more for the boys okay close enough   yeah you're right this is a different game  maybe the most different game we've ever seen   it has so many 25s wait actually we we  need to show the 125 that's in this level   oh wait you can't even i'm gonna  wall jump just to prove i can   yeah there's there's like not  even a frame of 25 visible   the version's so different man what an  insane thing to do for the 25th anniversary let's go sub to an impossible  feat how does he do it just edit the intro obviously we did it i hope  you enjoyed that it took a lot of setting up so   if you're watching on youtube please subscribe  and i hope you liked it i'll catch every catch   see you later you
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 540,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kosmic, cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight, Super Mario Bros., Super, Mario, Bros., SMB1, Speed, Run, Top 10, Challenge, Record, History, All-Stars
Id: zd_7lMQdPM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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