Secret Worlds in Super Mario Bros?!

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Okay We're ready to do this. Let's do it so what we're gonna do today, you have seen the minus world that I've been running recently and we call it minus world because it's actually just blank character - one or - two whatever and the blank character in the game is actually just value 36 and So yeah, it's actually world 36 and it's not like meant to be in the game It's just there because like the game tries to load level data From not level data. Basically, it's like trying to make levels But it's looking like past where it should to be able to load levels from and you can do that with all the other values in the game because Regularly, you can only go to worlds one through eight using the minus world glitch. You can set it to 36 but today we're going to be using game genie codes to set it to whatever we want any value from zero to 255 and the game Uses its there. It doesn't always use numbers to represent the values in the game right like 36 is the blank character every like Tile in the game is gonna be one of those numbers So like if we get to world like 70 or something It could just be like a cloud texture or something the codes that we're gonna use to be able to let us select any world are Gee okay, that should do it here look at all of these different tiles that we're going through up at the top You can see all of them. There it is. Okay cool Now let's go before We mess something up. Oh, let's start the timer Okay This is underwater Why are there fireworks oh you crashed What why are there fireworks? All right. Let's try this So it's underwater seven four ooh Yeah, it's way different this time. All right. Well, I died that fire bar might not even be there this time It's probably better Goombas, let's go that could have been a invisible piranha plant. Well, no there couldn't have actually cuz This doesn't have a blue background What you know we're about to do I mean at least I do you probably don't we Flying fish hi peach that is a castle. I cannot save you from Why? That's sustained All right World zero complete that's actually gonna know it's not gonna be the end of the game It's just it's gonna take me to one one or it is okay zero confirmed greater than seven Okay, finally, let's go to world line Wow 2-1, but like Very much underwater and nighttime Alright, wait, not 16. Why don't think 2-1. That's how different the aesthetic is right now I'm surprised that the vortex actually works that makes me wonder if all the whirlpools in Lost Levels are there on purpose? Didn't crash at the start. Well, there you go. It's cuz of my anti crash code 9 - here we go So that's for the anti crash Let's turn off the crash could try again Sometimes doesn't crash but sometimes it sure does All right, please do not crash this time no blue screen of death. Okay, very good We just have blue lava of death So this is um 6-4 and or 1-4 cuz they're the same That's amazing, I didn't know how this was gonna work There's invisible coin box here and I can interact with them Alright we be 9 - t or world 9, that's the end of world line Unfortunately, the princess is in another castle. Oh Well, we're not gonna get too far in this one this is gonna be a 1 scream world But we can get all the coins nice and easy because Yeah, so anytime you enter one of these worlds wait Why does it just keep going that's so strange why doesn't this dream that stop I didn't actually know that But anytime you're in like a sub area inside one of these worlds the the like entrances and exits aren't set properly so if I exit the coin heaven like I would normally Why what I went all of that way What oh Did that sound have to do with me hitting the cloud or was that just random why mushroom sound Okay So yeah, it's always just gonna restart the room anytime you go in a pipe or like try and exit the sub area So we can just go in an infinite loop here Time for B Mmm we've got under everything so fast bullet bills peach We found the other castle that she was in Hello, she's just chilling. I guess we'll leave her Hello there And another one dang How many how many are there? This is the castle that all the princesses are hiding dang Hello buzzy, beetle ouch World see time World see complete Is a made-up version no This is original game on original hardware a lot of underwater castles. That's a pretty common thing in the glitched worlds Whoo II Here we go. You dad Can't make it too far in this one. Can I buffer a jump onto this block? No Well, we're not gonna get too far in this one So we're gonna take advantage of some more game genie codes at this point Because sometimes there's interesting stuff to see farther in worlds that you can't see without using more codes So we're gonna do like infinite jump sometimes sometimes we'll do run through walls world II Here we go We're jumping I should have gotten some speed off the block at the start Oh, okay, and now I can get some speed up the block at this time Just kidding. I can't get run speed. It's too close to the edge of escape Okay, now we got some speed now it's like a whole different genre of game oh Hello I've never seen half a pipe like that before what's in here nothing All right, here we go Oh, this is much more interesting A whole bunch of Cooper's. Oh, yes There's so many numbers and just kidding there's not any numbers there's a set of any letters On to the next one if in the chat boys Hmm we cannot make it very far if in the chat indeed Time for G move we might get cutscene into another cutscene holiday Wow, we're playing 1 - 2 I Actually didn't even know that they foster platforms That's really funny I gotta go back for it. I'm pretty sure yeah - world height I I didn't think that would happen World h let's see what is in world h Okay, this is an underwater area that a lot of people probably don't even know is in the game This is this even come here if you go in a pipe in 6-2 or 5-2. I think those are the only places that we'd hear But yeah, unfortunately, it's just gonna leave forever rip Okay, uh, we're gonna we're gonna finally beat a level and move on to a - - let's go see what happens in I - I Too would like to know All right, like I said at the beginning a Lot of times it just likes to loop levels, but eventually we will get past Whoa, this is a different level now instead of three three were an 8-3 Does that mean we go to 13 three next Let's see some powerful stuff more eight three Let's go dude, I ate This is eight three calor I Be doing work Alright we're back to the Santa Monica section. Oh that means it's the end of the line we came all this way for nothing So now it's just typical - world that is infinitely looping water level Time to find out what's hiding in J - one Looks like underwater three - four And this will be the entirety of jade and world jk1 Wow it's above it's not under water 3-4 and yes, these are breakable blocks in case you've ever wondered. So if you ever Got into the floor you can definitely break these I Was gonna say we all know what's gonna happen? Oh Hello Wow flagpole colored text ill See if we have to hold that or if we can make some decent progress 8:1 interesting. Alright L - a - I wonder what the next level is gonna be L 3 what could it possibly be? It is in fact 8/3 All right Wow, it's 8 4 I should have done fast Excel faster Is it gonna say our princess is in another castle? Oh It doesn't move that's really really funny I Did not remember that I shouldn't take the pipes and also that this is not even gonna loot so if you ever wanted to see what 8:4 looks like all laid out with no pipe transitions This is what we could have gotten right Next up we have Jumping cheep-cheep room. Are they gonna continue all the way past this - Bowser? No Vanilla hammer bro battle Bowser Gotham how much like so surprised that there was a bridge breaking animation because there hasn't been and all the other castles But our princess is in another castle How about him Some more three - three loops Alright now we go ma Look ma no level nice one eight three my favor 3:14 we did a guy is nice 8o - 1 now I know my abcs Oh - 1 Hello boss fighter Wow, look at truly unique levels This one does have fire I'll give it that Let's try q1 The name like cutes gotta be ooh, I mean it's something It's something oh I Can't do it if that's how my dad's that fit. Aha. I found the strip No Now do we try the anti crash cheat Ok Never mind it is the crash G You want to get past the crash point. Are we already past where it crashed before? I? Think it was around here Okay, here we go q2 I really hope we get to Wanted to get to Q&A But instead we only get to q2r one Mmm my favorite 3-3, so Hopefully we don't have to play it 9 times and then play underwater level or Like go to 8 3 after this No, that's the end of the line kids All right, yes, this is gonna be a special one, oh No, I need the game genie code ready, here we go No idea how long it's gonna take to come down oh That's about to ask if I went to a parallel universe, I think it was pretty clear what I couldn't I jump Try it so hard. I didn't get very far though. Why can't I jump? Hello we came all this way in the end it doesn't even matter We're about to play this level in t-minus one second. And here we go Never mind, we have a catchy first Let's go the best world in all of the glitched worlds Over here somewhere. I know there is a fine I really want to get on it, but it won't actually leave anywhere anyway, so it doesn't matter We're just gonna make it as far as we can. It's full speed There definitely was last time I played GTA but it might be random might straight-up be random One up. Oh There it is I've never seen a blooper that color it looks so cool Mints Got a boost right there Thanks, I think we've reached the Oh Infinite time Quick thinking cosmic brain, let's go, dude Now we can go forever How is he still going this is insane Earth to Mario literally like please come to earth Mario There he is Wow Whew okay, I need the fire we got to get the fire we'll make it in time this time Whew Oh No, that's stupid Tell me there's another Interesting What why What do you think is gonna happen here This dark contrast from the least exciting the most exciting to least exciting I'm sick. All right Wait, oh, never mind. I've codes. I'm so sick. Yeah Vv1 maybe we can get to v8. That'd be cool Considering we started on three three we'll probably get to be a Post cast on levels They should exist. We just can't set the level counter to them at least not with this not by these means VB though VB Virtual Boy, where's were keyboard? Hello Dang same fate as all the others w Dang that was just riveting This one was really fun, we're gonna go to X - 1 and there might oh Eight four Super fun. Why one? I believe this is I think I've played this one before I did make a video a while back about glitch worlds and I think this is one of the ones that I did that one was I was getting random worlds by like swapping between the Famicom tennis cartridge in the Famicom Super Mario Bros cartridge when you do that Like it doesn't clear Ram and you can it can let you go to a random world. Basically, let's hope that this is z1 Definitely not what comes after Z everybody. What could it possibly be? Whoa, nothing - one I wonder what this one is Okay underwater Now you understand how? Would the - world you understand its world 36 now? We just went through the other 35. All right White square - one here we go My favorite coin heaven back to square one Blue square one that is We can work all the way from world 38 to world five Doesn't that sound cool guys? Can you believe it? We gotta do is come right over here World five hog Let's see, what world I've Dodged deed pay that one up over time. Holy cow All right back to square one again This one's boring - - one my favorite oh Boy three - three here we go, please let us get to world - - - At that movie running no No other x - one little X Oh, this is the shortest one of all Well, that's all you get Babe Well, that's exciting but we can't go there yet you have to do this one Whoo This is the final world of the stream get excited Oh 8 - 208 3 out of favorite level. I have a mushroom so I can figure out the optimal time to beat the level Do you hear an backwards? Not fair? Alright, no cheating. We cheated last time no cheating Go 320 boom we did it We finished the final level exclamation point - three everyone knows that was the final destination We were going for all along. We explored a whole bunch of worlds guys like 30 worlds today or something But we still can't find the princess. She's somewhere. She's in another castle somewhere We still have like two hundred and twenty some odd worlds to check so it's ok We have a bunch more to explore but that will be next time You
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 436,463
Rating: 4.893837 out of 5
Keywords: super, mario, bros, nintendo, super mario bros, speedrun, speed, run, secret, world, hidden, glitched, glitches, twitch, gaming, live, crazy, cosmic, kosmicd12, Super Mario Brother, smb, highlight
Id: E6qRbk5Cscw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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