Beating Mario Odyssey as SLOWLY as Possible

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what we're doing today it's pretty simple we're gonna play mario odyssey and we're gonna speed run it although we're not going for a personal best today what i wanted to do was i wanted to beat the game as slowly as possible and i thought well what does that mean but then i thought well what if i just got last place on the leaderboard and now the current last place record is held by fights and it is six hours nine minutes and 16 seconds so we're trying to beat that and by beat that i mean lose to it i guess we'll just start you know what doesn't take six hours nine minutes and 16 seconds subscribing to the channel it only takes like three seconds so you have no reason not to do it i don't really have any strategies or anything i'm just gonna have fun with it i don't know i might go too fast i'm worried it's just in my nature to go fast at this point oh it's a mushroom kingdom i didn't know this mushroom kingdom was in the background of the scene what the this is the end for you oh my god my hat my lifeless inanimate hat wait how close is calf kingdom and mushroom kingdom jealous mario i mean yeah cause mario's dead and bowser's not i'm gonna go to the bathroom yeah be right back oh no time loss oh no we're losing so much time i think this is gonna go really well wait where's cappy hi cappy what's up hey where you going oh frogs that's cute wait what am i doing i'm crazy all right what's going on here i mean we got time oh my gosh where are they is this cap this is cap kingdom did he demolish the town oh i guess he did unfortunately all our airships are wrecked in the attack oh my god i've never watched this this is dark my controller's a little dirty do i have any like anything to wipe it off with hold on hold on what does this say this game's awesome have you guys ever played this game oh that's cute that's gonna oh i'm a frog i captured a frog frog like pokemon i don't want to go up there i want to see what's over here okay okay oh there's a door what is this room what the heck wait where'd the frog go i wanted to see something i heard that you could learn more about where you're at and that might give you an advantage you might mistake them for giant top hats no they they just look dumb warned me there'd be a fellow with a mustache coming along they have accents guess we ought to introduce ourselves where'd the wedding planners for the happy bowser peach couple ah that is awesome oh we get to split now split yeah we're not too far behind mario no oh i guess the game's up he's alive the hell oh a sign that could be helpful oink oh a moon wait i thought it was stars i i'm so confused multi moon atop the falls wow who the is that oh coins coins hold me oh we did it yoshi no way they put yoshi in the game it's yoshi from the super mario bros movie i can't believe they're referencing that movie that's so crazy bye yoshi it's nice seeing you hopefully we meet again you know she deserves to suffer a little bit how you guys doing today here we'll just finish this wait it gave me the ability to fly we're about to get so much faster this game is about to get way easy i'm exhausted dude we're only through cascade i'm already so tired of this it's okay only five and a half hours to go can i do voices for them uh seeing is how we've got some time to kill let's review some useful skills you guys don't know a real fun fact is that that was originally going to be called the wedding ring but um they called it binding band because wedding is technically a religious term so they decided to avoid it that's fun fact like a wedding ring never mind whoa it is covered in sand but the sand is so red it's like spicy sand walk around feel the rumble let it move you to the prize let me look in the action guide see if there's something that can help me out here didn't work what about the other one oh my god it worked why is that bird glowing is he okay are you okay guess he's fine this is really slow i'm trying to go fast i don't know why this is taking so long all right let's do that i do look cool well i don't want to not look cool so this is really slow are you gonna do this for five more hours i think it's gonna fly by oh we can't pv now that sucks [Music] anyways let's move on with the run oh it's another boss fight looking for the binding band chubs too bad the boss has it now all right just avoid the bombs i don't know i don't think there's any way to get her to stop going doing that is that a pentagram you'll die for your sins oh got her let's go uh i'll be right back all right bye ah oh did i miss anything yeah i was just sitting here talk to the npcs i'm trying to go fast what are you talking about also they're just going to be complaining about how it's colder but i don't want to hear that [Music] no it's like 10 hour pace i know i need to speed it up a little bit i'm i'm taking it a bit too hard what oh my gosh like wii sports boxing i don't have my nunchuck no no oh oh oh oh no wait that's not boxing works his head isn't supposed to explode all right i think we have enough to leave that is awesome i'm so tired 51 minutes that's pretty quick this mode all right we got to make up some time here we're going a little bit too slow i don't want to waste any time so we're just going to speed through lake kingdom [Music] yo we save time and like boom let's go we can reach the wooded kingdom now maybe bowser is there okay hello i want this yeah why not that's awesome what's this boink boink uh what's over there hip oh that is kind of creepy the more i think about it the more i think this is the dumbest thing i've ever done oh what the hell did he just say he definitely spoke english there doesn't that sound like english hey you mean you just say games you made adjusting turn to light chubs we stacked this wall right bouquet already oh boom nailed it what have i become where has the time gone you know there's no rules about going and playing a different game while your timer's running so if we if i get bored of this i can just switch to something else for a little oh tank on tank warfare boom boom gotta make sure you break all the rocks i think there's like a secret if you do defend the secret flower field well where is oh i guess it's the secret so i wouldn't know don't mess with the biped wait i've actually never seen this this is insane what stuff that is terrifying and shebang let's go all right we gotta speed things up a little bit i don't want to be i don't want to do an eight-hour run you know oh we have enough power now to make our way to the metro kingdom time to cross that vast ocean i've been excited for this one this is the one in the trailer i've been really excited to go to metro and i'm glad we're finally doing it oh he's back oh no this is weird where am i nimbus arena cloud kingdom explore the remnants of the civilization that once existed here oh what i'm learning so much i have never noticed any of this before this is actually trippy as hell there there's all four to this this game has so much lore all right anyways let's fight bowser oh oh the hat the hat punch the how to the how does fist punch ah i don't want to get punched by the hat now i have punch run mario run oh my god see what you're up against mario i don't think he heard that if i'm being totally honest i don't think mario heard that just from where he's at i don't think he could hear what bowser said there what cappy oh my gosh hello goodbye boink anyways i have to go pee i'll be right back uh hopefully we don't lose time for this all right let's keep going we still got four hours left alrighty oh what the hell just happened oh no no a friend of mine went up to the top of that building he hasn't come back i don't know what to tell you there's no one up there i'm sorry holy sh oh wait he's right here there's someone up here ah oh my god oh no i keep missing what i hope i don't three cycle oh no i was too late all right well now that we've murdered that worm the sun has come out i feel like being able to capture a human is taking it too far this goes like against the geneva conventions i'm pretty sure boy i tell you this city you you suck loser loser i'm tired from all that let me sit down you're the first person to ever just sit down next to me it's a lonely city thanks for reaching out take this for your trouble well let's see if we can find some info in here population crowded size retoculous it's redonkulous that is ridiculous let's go let's go talk to pauline at new donk city hall hi new donk city really means the world to me i just can't thank you enough for all your help mario we never met do you think you can find me for backup musicians so i could do a small musical number something simple okay he's pretty good oh this is kind of a banger all right you're in buddy yep yep i'm gonna do it blindfolded i messed it up i want to see if i can do it with my eyes closed no okay i got 35 that's fine mario what is that dancing i know you can do better than that dance for real yeah next time i go to the bar it'll be like with the arm up here look at how mario dances in here this dude's grooving this dude is going ham he's not just going he's just doing scales let's see if we can find someone else this guy blows he's gonna really drag down the whole team can you do anything other than scales oh i like how that sounds you're in pal you're in one sec are you the one looking for cats to play with the mayor no sorry that's 3d world uh that's where all the cats are this one is hats pretty sure this is intended actually whoa how'd i get here this is crazy a traditional festival whoa this is sick all right let's go why can't you do this i can't even leave yet i don't have enough but why is that an option all right all right we need two more moons oh it's these guys again what's up i've seen the sights take me to a new place i'd like to see a waterfall big one no problem i'll get you there in a gif just gotta get the mayor's autograph and we're outta here terry accent was that supposed to be toast arenan i think it's time for a change of clothes all right back to the odyssey now i have to pee i'll bring it back oh i skipped a cutscene oh my gosh dude seeing as how we've got some time to kill let's review some useful skills wall jump i know how to do that oh all right we're going to zoom through snow i'm feeling too hot they talk about donkey kong earlier maybe want to play a couple games with smash man let's uh let's just play some smash real quick nothing wrong with that it's not against the rules on and we're still doing the run you know we're allowed to take a break isn't this smo speedrun yeah we're just taking a break speedrunning is hard it takes a lot out of you is the run and valid now what's going on no there's nothing that says you can't close the game and open it back up just says you can't undock the switch oh yes yes all right back to the run boys back to the run now i feel invigorated i feel like we can get back to this run we've got two oh i've got like two and a half hours left what the are you all pissed about oh oh where did that come from oh oh no watch out wait isn't either king isn't he like king dolphin something bublain oh my god that was disgusting the eldest son of the king of france see he's like a prince he's like their king and they're like this kill him i think we have to clear out all of this lava i think that's what they want us to do here took that star and sunshine yeah now you might be thinking that like we're really we're progressing a little more quickly than we might like but i do have one more trick up my sleeve but i'm gonna wait no that wasn't the trick i swear oh oh let's do go stop get him ah no [Music] hey get over here let's go what is it if you drown you know i think it's my responsibility to find out what happens if you die here am i the king now yeah like scar can you not drown in first person dude i found out how to break the game now what what are you serious i have to restart he's dead what does that mean all righty let's not die this time it's okay i'll make up for it with volleyball 100. what was that dive dude oh all right back to the odyssey let's just move on up nailed it oh it's the hardest boss in the game i'm just gonna clean up after him dude that bird up there showed up out of nowhere he took all over our stupid just we were making more of our special stupendous toto everyone was getting ready again wait you're telling me that this isn't enough soup for everyone this isn't enough soup for everyone are you crazy all right let's see what they got here oh garbage that's sick when he sees it though that bird's gonna make off with our meat oh they don't want the bird to get the meat and then mario just purposely lets the bird take the meat that's kind of i think you have to break all the cheese okay nothing yet i think i have to break this cheese too okay and that's it right oh it spawned a lever up there what the hell that's awesome how did i know that that would work that was kind of crazy b for twitch i've just ruined this town oh man if only there was some way to get her to stop doing this faster oh this is such a shame oh go go go ah boom baby all right we hit all the veggies this isn't gonna be a great soup after we're done with it it seems like oh got her all right dope we just need six more moons that's kind of a lot we did it we're done with lunch and baby split you're right seeing us how he's got we've got some time to kill let's review some useless i know how to triple drum you think i don't know how to triple jump by now now back to our investigation next up we have the bowser in bowser's kingdom is that bowser did he think it was a different bowser even though like one minute ago he said next up is bowser's kingdom uh oh that can't be good this is actually kind of nuts how did bowser convince his dragon to help him let's see you survived this plumber boy jesus christ what the hell ruined kingdom crumbled in this one has a lot of lore i'm not gonna read it because i've already read it recently but this one has so much lore it's kind of insane all right here we go oh god oh this is so hard oh this is sad this is a baby wait is this dragon a baby is that why it has a soft spot on his head are we discovering even more lore uh first try boys let's go oh you guys could have worked on these textures more well guess we gotta fight him again no more no uncrouching for this entire fight i'm stuck i'm not allowed to let go of the zl button no no no no no no okay this is hard boom oh oh oh oh that was scary yeah we did it all right we still need to kill about one more hour of time so i do have a plan it's a bit of an unorthodox plan so you guys might not fully expect what the plan is here we're gonna play some minecraft and uh you know we've got time to kill so i figured why not take another quick break from the game we have a lot of time to kill so so you guys how you guys doing you enjoying the stream why is there minecraft we're just taking a break from the run it's still right up there it's it's okay don't worry that's unfortunate come on man come on okay let's go we're moving quick split i'm not actually splitting but seven minutes not bad we'll take that time to play the game we got 35 minutes left feeling good feeling dandy okay i know how to kill this ogre and it this is the intended way you guys know you could do that i found that out like two weeks ago all right we just gotta grab this did you guys know that these statues are fashioned after gods of wind and thunder to me i'm gonna be honest they just look like bowser uh oh wait what is spirit dead to come at you with everything i got wait so did spear die or did i kill him wait cannot there we go we got our ass let's go boink got his ass oh my gosh we're finally gonna fight bowser you're too late we're off to our wedding ceremony on the moon what huh oh huh ah what are we're going for target acquired i haven't done this in a while so i'll probably fail never mind nailed it let's go oh we're making it we're going to the moon boys we're going to the moon snazzy [Music] bowser's moon wedding well i don't want to miss this wedding sounds like it's going to be banging into the moon cave this is the only way to get up to the uh chapel i believe could be wrong but i don't know of any sort of skips for the moon cave now we're gonna go through moon cave as fast as possible i'm gonna speed running because this is a speedrun category and i'm doing it all right madame brood you're going down like donkey kong that's not how the saying goes let's go no come on let's go all right we got it oh no we fell oh well maybe we can jump up this way let me try let's go oh my gosh i've learned a lot in the last six hours this oh no words just wow let's go cappy let's go bowser could have just left us we have no way of getting out no i mean tiara is definitely not stuck i'm gonna be totally honest here peach is also not stuck but tiara is definitely not stuck and peach can definitely slip through that i mean she's trying to get her ass through the bottom but she doesn't realize her ass is thicker than her head so she just needs to go the other way all right we're gonna do the same thing i'm gonna be a man i'm not gonna punch bowser in the dick because that is messed up that is dishonorable god is ass no no no no god damn it i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh oh and now the now the now the binding band is dead poor knuckle attack we did it guys we did it i saved peach that's the end of the game it's okay peach i'm gonna get us out of here what are we gonna do i don't know well if only the game would tell me maybe if i jump on bowser this poor dude ah yeah bites lost her 100 000 points and her last place in this game because i secretly know you're supposed to capture bowser this makes it makes you assume mario experiences this for every capture hold on i think you have to break all these actually let me just make sure i get that out of the way gotta break all these too it's a lot harder but you actually have to do it or else the game won't finish it's a weird it's a weird like requirement but you missed two where oh well we'll try anyways damn sorry bites we now it's the slowest run now we just have to finish it without invalidating go go go this is gonna be the fastest pillars you've ever seen oh all right here we go let's go finishing the run baby come on boom that's what i'm talking about six hours 14 minutes and 55 seconds that's what we like to see
Channel: cjya
Views: 1,658,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m6jjuKG5jW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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