These Mario Puzzles are insane, by every definition

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yo what's up friends you love a good rom hack  wednesday if you haven't been here before we're   playing all the smb1 rom x trying to find the  best ones it's all been leading up to this moment   this is it this is an insane romhek  i don't know fully what's in store   i just know it's gonna be insane are you ready  you're not none of us are here we go this   is roar light tongue gate or better yet poor  lightning there you go that's what we're playing   dude i really don't know what's in this  hack i know some of the technical details   of things that they have done but  man let's just find out here we go world alpha one okay you ready for one of the things  i already know about watch this is it that insane now if you uh   probably not insane to like most of the  world but the screen scrolls to the left dude that is insane for this game it's probably gonna throw me off  for a while dude the screen really   just immediately like threw me off the man   wait what oh do i just okay i got the screen  is freaking me out okay what do we have here uh escort mission go to the right  he didn't go to the right rip oh yeah you can go to the  left i was like what i'm stuck oh right okay so shells break blocks now i  can go in this pipe are you starting to see   this heck it's insane dude uh i think   oh oh yeah i just wanted to show off that really  cool death sound thing do i only have two lives or   just zero lives here i want to test this real  quick okay so zero lives is a life instead of   one being the last life oh whoops i got past the  game over screen too quickly we gotta go back and   i'm sure we'll never see that again in  this play through this is the only time   we have a chance to see it i won't game  over okay show me that death screen again is that from ninja turtles okay that was fun i feel like i just did like four  backwards bumps to get here whoa   i found the solution on accident um okay  so what i was trying before i died was uh   yeah i don't think you can do any kind of  wall jump see how it like pushes me out   like wall clips are patched in this so we won't  get away with any of those shenanigans okay go oh okay uh i need to get up there i guess i can make that nice 8 000 shell cake you're right dude wow this  this looks a lot like that one screen of uh   no mario's cute well i just want a wall clip in there  so bad wait i can't even go down this um i didn't see any enemies oh hello well we're stuck   wait what is even the point it's saying  please die now okay for the memes 8 000 kick um hello why would you ever know  to do that like obviously   i know the mechanic that lets you do that but like  i don't know you're supposed to like fumble around   until you stumble upon that i don't know what do i  do now though is there another secret passage okay well we're through there if this hack turns into  like just find a bunch of invisible block paths   it's gonna be kind of dumb oh i can kick it that  way ouch i go all the way back pog we love that   they say in the description save states  recommended and i agree not because   it's even like hard but just because they should  have put in the checkpoints themselves and didn't okay um am i gonna need that koopa shell   probably and it's gonna hit another  invisible block yeah i can't make that no way never mind it just looks so far dude all right oh the first power up here we go does that  let you do okay so you have to hit this first   kick it across or not yeah go under that brick oh good idea  how do you suggest i get over there i like that i just did not think you could  make that dude this is a classic rom hack   where it's just like insane technical prowess  and like not the most enjoyable design all right   no maybe blue dudes never come back out   what i just don't understand why why would you put  all the effort into games and then you just like   want people to not have fun when  they play them i don't understand   okay the hope now is that when we get back up  there we'll kick it and it won't hit that block   wow that was almost fun he made  it like three steps too long okay what now tiny fire bar  just like a power up check   oh we finally get to move on to a new stage  have a check proper checkpoint is there gonna   be some troll i'm really paranoid now because  who knows what this creator is up to okay it's gannon peach perished wait do i get to move oh no what is happening unnecessary dude there's there's like some obsession  with a lot of these old romhek creators with   just like killing peach or mario or luigi   i don't know why it's like the end of all  of them it's just like mario died luigi died why what is the purpose like i see this i just  have to figure out what the deal is presumably   there's like some invisible blocks right  there i got to make a bridge with but how i did a coincidence are you serious   how isn't that like insanely precise what  not even a coin wall clip a coin floor clip there we go let me in okay we win if there was another layer i was done i might be done why i need a buffer jump thanks   oh now i'm respawning now there's a checkpoint  on here but there wasn't anywhere on first level wait what holding right or left or buffer jump  didn't do anything i don't so i don't know what wow epic video game solution like i don't know just like run off why it's just like   there's no merit to any of that congrats you like  guessed the right direction to hold i don't know   like um another thing like there's so there's such  simple things that solve like game design problems   like they put a coin up below all of  the invisible blocks i need to hit   like on the last level i knew like where all the  invisible blocks i needed to hit work there's   a coin below them but they don't put a coin  like next to the walls that you need to go in   okay so we're up and above  wow we solved it or did we   how can you get this to cross  is there an invisible block sick why do you turn around to face right how did  i even die if he's facing that way i don't know   what if i leave him unhit  and then hit him over first does he kill him no whoa oh that was actually sick okay  um what do we do how do we get you up   oh hello what or why how do you do this man   how can i get him okay epic troll gosh dude why i why why do people think that  makes you hack fun i just don't understand dude   epic troll indeed like if you make a troll  mario maker level or whatever the whole point   of it is that it's a troll level but like i  don't know uh but in this it's like someone   like the reward for playing your game should  be people want to solve the puzzles and they   shouldn't just be like forced to redo them over  and over because you could like pull the gotcha   like it looks like the goal is to get a koopa  past this block so he flies down and breaks that but at the same time how would that even  let me break these oh they can fall down how does that help okay so there's that one block  gap you can obviously hit a koopa to the other   side of it but that requires you to come down  here once you're down here you can't get back up   unless you break that block but if you break that  block then you can't hit a koopa over the gap   i don't think there's a wall over there there is on this floor if anyone knows i look  straight up just like be told the solution   i have no idea what's going on wait is that  really the solution nightmare that's insane   keep in mind this is like the third room of this  level with no with a limit on live so you have   to restart and play all the others if you missed  this jump okay i want this koopa to come down here   oh wait last time i feel like he walked the  other way is there anything oh wait so i   can break this now yeah yeah so can't  i just like have him break that block   okay he's up here i think you want this  knot here and then he walks off and then   you kick it into here so i don't have to  redo it all but not have this block here   we love that go now he has to walk left again   okay oh that's what this block's for dude  there's just so many steps involved you can   mess up any one of them so ridiculous okay  okay okay the moment we were all waiting for okay sick bro what what the heck is this game like does that alter his position enough to make  it what happened last time dude i don't understand just get me out of here please  oh boy another room okay   dude i am having some some visions  and i'm not liking what i'm seeing   oh dude wow that was actually insane okay this is nuts like i have to get him  somewhere that i can kick him into those blocks   wait how would he ever okay this might  not actually be that bad i think clearly   i want to hit him over here and then  up there but from here um questionable   okay seems like i could do a million  things and none of them feel productive and   just feel like i'm gonna lock myself out  of solving the puzzle and i don't know okay where is this invisible coin  should be right in the middle why so now you kick it a bunch it goes back and forth  it breaks all those basically all i need to do now   is like when it's over here like break a block  so it starts going back and forth yeah and then   it's literally done like see what the difference  this block made i don't know put it put a coin   there right again literally just put a coin there  and then it becomes a good puzzle i don't know whoops nice damage clip with a  shell whoa that was super cool   dude that should be a puzzle  solution that was awesome how do i break that to let it down  oh wait i just like do that yeah just okay to hit it from the side all right fire away i lost the mushroom  it doesn't activate the coin block   are we done are we done here yeah power up  check wait will this kill me okay okay okay okay   wait this isn't another room why'd you even  put that there imagine i died of that what are   you thinking this is on a time limit potentially  and i maybe have already messed it up and that's   my last life are you serious oh yeah that  kind of makes sense how you make a bridge perfect nicely done dude what the heck am i doing here  that's gonna oh last time i tried to   kick it right where the invisible block  was it did not work what's going on here whoa the fact that i stomped that and  then it just landed down there was so sick   like without continuing to move uh now what he can't walk off ledges i'd have  to like bump him and then ride the platform   and then like jump and kick it what would getting  him up here do for me he would walk through here   he'd turn around here i don't think he he  might make it here turn around make it there   okay is it gonna work oh wait no go in the hole oh wait shoot oh look yeah he doesn't  walk he doesn't walk off ledges uh   yeah what do you do bump him down no  dude bump him down then kick the shell   okay kick it okay nice can you believe we're still on stage two you're  supposed to do all this in a row what on earth wow that's a good design we love that   really epic oh so cool dude what is going on dude what else even is there  to do that i haven't done you're at the right spot   i walked off where are we talking about  nightmare i'm walking off all over the place   oh so you're saying that it's right  here but it's probably subpixel based   that is the dumbest thing in the heck so far am i in the right place is this useless oh my gosh did you even play your video game   why do you put so much effort into like  mechanics and then make garbage it's just so dumb   dude like you know they put it like this on   purpose so you'd fall down  there and get stuck sick okay whoa is it finally over that's a nice change of  music how long do we get it for not very long   how do i get the mushroom and have this  platform available visible blocks anyone   do i just need a frame perfect jump right here   oh that's all just after the six  rooms just a frame perfect jump insane dude after the 500 soft locks like  the super precise koopa stomps and shells and   losing my mind dude not nice just some just  some healthy bullet bills to kill you right   before the axe ah yeah that's what i want in  a video game she died in bricks rip [ __ ] oh that's a good sign we like  invisible blocks immediately   that'll be fun to listen to okay i have to hit  this first so then it won't make that maybe   i guess maybe they could like collide  and kill each other at the perfect time   what how'd i even hit that what the heck what is going on okay go that was very far from working whoa i mean that's actually pretty  sick if it wasn't so brutally hard okay what do we have here uh yeah  so clearly i can get across this gap okay my idea is like send this koopa into  the blocks on the left like multiple times   so what i can do is the sickest 8 000 shell kick you've ever seen so i want to kick it and then stop it 8 000 kick into stomp i don't know if i've  ever done that before it's just like so tight   dude i'm standing on that platform what  do you mean standing on that platform oh you mean stop the show like this  instead of being an idiot like me no it's not easier don't tell me there's some invisible  blocks i needed to hit at the start   or something what do we want this guy to do oh hello that's good oh i think that's all we need him to  do maybe yeah there's that thing though okay oops so now he's going to walk  around and what we want to do is   hit him up above there i don't know if he  can go that high sorry i'm gonna hit it after   okay no problem for a gamer like me or is it it's not oh no wait  no that's fine i don't know why   i thought that was bad it's actually great yay  one out of 30 rooms on this world completed   whoops okay what do we have here  looks like we gotta do one of them   maybe one of them maybe even one  of nope oh there's a green koopa   i see we probably want him to go up there okay  our goal is to get that mushroom it looks like   so we're gonna have to like kick a bunch of  koopas to make some bridges for us if there   was clips and wall jumps i would have clipped  past half of the puzzles in this or maybe all of   them oh okay he gets me up okay this room might  be really short but also never mind it might be   really long depending on what's hmm okay you get  to find out what's in here someday we'll find out the description said like patched wall oh gosh  sick bait dude i love when you do that every   time it just kills me inside i think i just have  to hit him down and he hits an invisible block never mind how about you   yo is this a mushroom jump is mushroom jump  involved here because that would be pretty high   i just want to know if this is possible   feels kind of not like the solution but  there was a frame perfect jump earlier i don't think you can make that like jump from the  platform to it are you saying you can make that   i i'm really surprised by some jumps you can make   next man they just don't look  possible but hey here we are that felt like not the intended solution  to me still but i don't know why   what are those swirly dudes what is this whole screen oh there are koopas where'd you come from my gosh really no way you make like an insane labyrinth path  for him to jump all the way through there's a million what am i dude just show me the video  i don't want to solve this how's it even gonna help   okay jump jump jump oh maybe hit this one any idea of  asking too much maybe it's pretty cool   i can figure out what to do here that is not pretty cool  that's pretty awful in fact what see you later buddy   is that what those are for i thought i  just despawned him nope see you later flip them around what's going on i keep going left   i need to make this bridge first gonna be so fast turn around reveal block reveal  block wait up and away okay don't come down here dang it how do  i how do i make him land here instead he's like one jump away go so close wait whoa wow  we did it wait no we didn't   what the heck was that wait no he was coming out we found a solution let's  come up here and wait for him i took damage but i'm out of there i am back there okay i didn't take damage and i am out of there okay i mean that doesn't help me i can't hit the end i live you hold oh i didn't  think about a corner hit   whoops dude this is such a good example  of low gravity physics check this out dude   it's so good get a shell kick going you just need  one shell as long as you can kick it a couple   times you probably need this mushroom after the  pipe i'm still gonna wait for it to wake up cause unless it walks to the left  in which case i'll be very sad okay thanks mr koopa go get  him go get him tiger oh sick sure all right koopa come on down   no no no you misheard me come on down  no no no dude you're the next contestant okay okay that was insane he was flying okay  koopa come on down i was hoping he would walk   left that time because now i had a block  set up for him to turn around dang it no okay let's get this oh oh all right well what is in here i even need it i don't know i kind of want fire just in  case what if there's like an   epic final boss battle i want to have fireballs oh let's go that was sick   all right hopefully that was all worth it i'm sure  it was epic final battle incoming for sure right already nothing to fear roar  finale all right let's see it oh i'm glad i took all that time to get the  firepower yo bruce is the boss what's up bruce how do i get down does that take you to the left alright zebras  here's good chat huh that doesn't work either   i'm confused like i can use the platform to get  to him but then i don't have fire or i can ride   it left and get fire again but then i don't have  platform i don't understand are there blocks that's so annoying just make it one block  bigger this guy's gonna help me let's get him here i'll shoot some fireballs and get a couple  shots in before i take damage right disappeared dude that's so annoying i have to get there twice okay oh wait i mean i can make two blocks  but how does that help oh get fire then shoot him oh okay i can make it  there now what are the invisible blocks for them okay this is it we don't even care about  those blocks i'll hit it anyway but   okay maybe there still could  be something more in store yeah okay so what good did any of that do that's wow maybe the third time around oh then i just dropped  down okay okay okay okay we're gonna do this   just like every other room in the sack  after 200 invisible blocks are revealed   we can execute the route all right bring it on bruce i'm coming for  you after i make this jump the real final boss   yeah the real final boss oh yeah you're right i can  just stay small on second pass okay here we go here we go quick grabs almost all right bruce what are you doing there just like every screen in this hack  how how is there always another what the heck i don't know man all right  we're in the ring with him i'm pretty sure when this thing goes  off screen it just spawns that fire what while jumps are patched  right that's what i thought i don't see any other way unless you   i guess you can get five in in two drops  maybe if you can hit him twice here i don't think this side even reaches though like  right side i think i could probably get three   maybe there's just no way dude like not even close whoa we got one just like depend on fire bar cycles too this is  the least fun i've had during a run back wednesday   this is the worst designed thing i've ever seen in  an sp1 drum bag it was like almost cool imagine if   the solution we tried was the solution and they  just didn't put that fire there and be like oh   that was kind of neat and then we fight him but  i wish he had like 50 health too but instead they wanted people to not  have fun playing their game let's just like try three on the  second one see how hard that is that was three nice i'm maybe getting more optimal  like getting two shots on this and this showdom you guys know how bowser's hitbox is shaped let me  just give you a little lesson here real quick okay on what makes this extra stupid   let me show you these hit boxes he  actually has two oh if i could get dude   i could get some double damage shots potentially  oh man i'm glad i thought of this dude here let me   explain the plan bowser has two hitboxes he has  one kind of like that and then one kind of like   that okay sorta you get the idea i don't know it's  kind of like that anyway here's the problem you   might be like huh okay sure he has two hitboxes  that makes sense i guess i'm trying to shoot him   at this angle right the problem is like i need to  get two fireballs in and there's like an optimal   angle to shoot them that's like that right so  they'll both hit like that but it's very unlikely   to shoot two fireballs with him moving and the  fireballs moving that they both can hit like that   what usually will happen is like one will hit here  and then he moves a bit down and the next one is   like a little delayed like it's up here and so it  misses because by then he's like down here so it   like it misses this hitbox and won't hit until it  hits the back so it hits like way later and then   if you ever try and hit the front of him so  like let's say instead i tried to make the first   one hit here and then the second one hit here  what usually happens is the first one will miss   and hit down here and it hits like way later  so in this case when i'm trying to have like   frame perfect fireball shots it's just  like impossible to get them both to hit   this hitbox but here's the thing if you can make  the fireball hit both hitboxes on the same frame   then you deal two damage so here is the  new idea usually you have to do that by   bouncing a fireball into him and before i was  getting him like really close on the right side   and then hitting him with two easy ones but  i think what i want is for him to be farther   away and then i'll try and bounce some fireballs  into him because dude if i can even just get one   double shot and deal three damage on that  fall then it's kind of gg right let's try   but now that i explained that you're gonna  start seeing you see how like the second   one missed because it like missed his head hitbox  and then it takes way longer to hit the lower one like how can you do any better than  that i think that was like zero damage like did either of those hit you  pretty much need to see the explosion   i wish i knew if they hit that might  have done three damage right there you're no save states imagine he dies oh i didn't hit  the blocks imagine he dies and   then i fall down because i didn't hit the blocks that's actually what happened that's amazing dude well that's the fitting end of the heck all  right we're done i mean i need to see the ending   i can't believe i pulled off just like the perfect  kit into the box that was amazing that looked good come on bruce please die on this one give me a chance   i can't believe i killed him like so close to being sick pattern  what i got two with that well we did it what do i do i jump on this  now does it take me to the pipe let's go oh yeah just put these here to make  sure you can still die before the end peach perished very funny it's not even satisfying the hack was awful i  don't care what anyone says dude no amount of like   sick custom asm technical prowess is going to make  your own good when you decide it that way there   were some really cool creative puzzles it's so  like disappointing that they're all marred by like   horrible troll like limited lives constant soft  luck like any time you should get a nice dopamine   rush for finishing a puzzle the creator's like  boom you died instantly go back and do it again   it's awful world 2 was like six insane rooms in a  row and that final bowser fight is the least fun   i've ever had playing smb1 oh by the way there's  a hard mode you guys want to play world four oh so now it's just hard mode   but world three guys we gotta see what hard  mode that final bowser is it was a little easy   i want a real challenging final boss only  five hits not much that's what vanilla is okay uh if you want to see what hard mode is  go play yourself i'm sure everyone wants to now you
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 61,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kosmic, cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight, Super Mario Bros., SMB1, Puzzle, Puzzle Levels, romhack, romhack wednesday, Rohrleitung Gate, Technical, Mechanics, Music, Insane, crazy, difficult, challenge
Id: Kzm4QiT584E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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