Beating Minecraft’s SECRET Dimension

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potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes April 1st 2024 Minecraft released the poisonous potato update and with it a brand new dimension loaded with new blocks mobs and biomes one could almost consider it a potato filled Paradise almost because hidden deep within the world there is a boss rumored to be the hardest mob Mojang's ever added to the game and I want to feed him but don't worry I brought a friend say hi miles hi miles so just like that we were on a mission to survive these potato wastelands find this secret boss and beat him to a mashed potato pulp yeah yeah yeah yeah oh God I made a mistake I made a mistake I'm I hit the potato bees oh je there's so many of them my bad there's 12 of them I feel like Indiana Jones running from the natives oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no miles I need help Dad Dad needs help Dad needs help Dad need I need help I I don't know going to help no uhoh miles what the heck wait a minute all my stuff is still on me I guess death and women want nothing to do with me I'm going to die alone ladies aside my near-death experience made me realize one thing if I got my booty absolutely rocked by a potato bee what shot do I have fighting the big bad potato boss I clearly have no idea how to navigate or even survive this wild Dimension so any chance of success is completely hinged on my ability to acquire armor and food Okay so is this wood it's like Po potato stem which makes potato planks which makes a potato crafting table which makes potato sense now I'm going to level with you it may look like we know what we're doing but rest assured we do not know what we're doing so we decideed to learn the ways of the potato and become one with the land within the hour we started making Discovery after discovery for example pickaxes well they're uh they're not what they used to be oh my you good bro instead craft yourself a wooden hoe mine these blocks here then boom you got yourself some tater Stone which can be used to make stone tools okay that's Stone acquired let's get ourselves some iron now oh oh wait a minute oh crap uh I need my hoe yes iron ore baby hi welcome to Apple Beast where Chief is feeling good in the neighborhood with gear acquired the last thing we needed to fight this boss was a source of food uh which I don't know if you could tell was kind of easy to get a hold of feel like a chef just cooking up some sweet food you guys want some potatoes you on the keto diet well too bad cuz all we got is potatoes I'm going to be real with you guys things were going well and we thought what better idea than to take on the boss right now we had gear I mean how hard could it be now the chicken the chicken kill the chicken it'll be fine so I'm guessing with the Eye Of Enders we find him with that oh yeah dude look at that let's set off on the adventure baby going to speed Bridge oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh CH you got this you got this you got this CH oh my God now let's see where he is Dead Ahead no no no no okay chief nope yeah you buge along and I'll just like protect you oh we got a little bit of an angle this time just a little bit oh you know what bam come on we got to play play smart baby play smart okay we just got to we got to Huff through it Huff through it follow me follow my line after thousands of blocks of traveling we were encountering strange mobs mysterious farms and really got to understand this alien world on a much deeper level and we're going the wrong way [Music] crap Hi hi okay I'm coming oh my God oh my God ladies and gentlemen spuds and tater tots this is the man we've been hunting down this entire time Mega Spud potato lord of the fried Legion now I'll be it he's giv himself quite the snobbish title and really needs a reality check from everyone's second favorite squid we investigated the area found some brick-like structures and found his layer miles and I were prepared and we're not running away oh what do you freaking do have you never been scared before fine I'll go and fight him ah wait hang on can we just SE the fir back in can we ow wait wait wait wait wait Chief I hit him and he just and I'm one heart Chief help me all right baby girl let me show you how daddy Chief takes care of it come at me boy yeah oh God sa okay no oh my God there's a lot of oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait I made a mistake I I that was way too bold to me that was way too bold I'm going in for a hit I'm just going to lay some hits on him no it's so I can't even seem to get a hit on him ah I'm at half a heart life is great okay I'm going in again all right come on wait I'm actually I I'm not doing any damage I'm not I'm not doing any damage I'm not doing any damage I'm not doing any I'm scared I'll Chief so we died now I'm not sure if you noticed but as I was laying on the heavy hits there was something precarious [Music] happening he uh he wasn't taking any damage now at first I thought h that's strange it's probably just a bug but it's not by Mojang's own words this is working exactly as designed and my God they're not messing around so neither can wait to beat this boss is going to take more than good looks in a cheeky subscribed plug that's why we're going to need a [Music] plan it's took all night to build slaving through the toxic rain Sky demons and more but our prayers had finally been answered ladies and gentlemen I wish to welcome you to none other than the potatoes [Music] Palace this really is just my glorified solution to just procrastinate um I mean I it is going to help us though however I got to retention bait you real quick and do a little bit of a house tour not much of a builder with blocks but man I got to say I'm a builder with potatoes we've got the hardened potato brick stairs accented with the potato stem trap doors and fences honestly this is a carb Lover's Dream every single inch of this entire house is made and I kid you not from potato you walk inside and Bam your greeted with the potato portal a little bit of cheeky Decor you know nothing too much you got your frying pans to make sure you're cooking up all your potatoes you got your chest for all your valuables and of course you can have the bed where you can have some nice dreams dreaming off into the little night thinking about your potatoes one potato two potato three potato snore cuz you're already asleep nothing gets the blood Moving Like Potatoes now believe it or not without this house I wouldn't have actually found the solution to defeating this boss let me explain as I was breaking and placing blocks I was also crafting them and what are you use to craft that's right a crafting table and as I was spending a borderline unhealthy amount of time in said crafting menu well I stumbled across an item that caught my eye and could change the course of this entire challenge I'm talking about none other than the poisonous potato Hammer with knockback 10 and crazy attack stats this weapon is the answer to our potato problem no mob not even the potato Lord himself could defend against such a threat however we're going to need to head to the nether to obtain the final critical ingredients grab my water bucket I need to find some lava or something if that even exist Mama buying a lottery ticket let us build another potato portal or something like that take something like this and then you go like this and then it's this I'm so good I think I go like this oh look at look at me go I know what I'm doing I don't have gravel or flint and steel wait a minute I have the portal I don't know how to light it uh flint and steel I need to find some flint and steel where would I find flint I looked for 27 minutes and the only thing I found was my patience in Rapid decline okay plan B uh find a creeper see if we can blow it up to light the portal all right come here follow me oh don't you get in the way I'm going to need your help to light a specific portal uh it's this one right here so if you could just like uh ignite yourself [Music] and bro it's at this point the doubts really started to creep in and more importantly the questions is it possible to even craft this Hammer did I misunderstand the crafting re is there another way to find the meaning of life is this theame why mov where can I find a blaze rod questions like these filled my brain just craving answers and I couldn't ask miles for help as he decided to get a full8 hours of rest like some kind of psycho so here I was stuck in the land of carbs just praying for any answer oh what what was I thinking aha flint and we can make flint and steel now we just got to set up another portal I don't know why I didn't think of that before welcome to the Nether and there are no potatoes unbelievably sad actually I was really hoping for some potatoes let's find a fortress actually let's mark down our coordinates first need one Blaze Rod all we need oh got y we're going back to a old tra through here nether is dangerous don't risk death no oh [Music] god um oh my God miles I Rage Quit so hard last night good god what happened I just died a bunch in the nether I was trying to get in a blaze rod and I was looking for a fortress and just everything just got worse and worse and worse yeah i' I've like I went on TT last night and I saw a couple things on there Chief walk me through it there's a there's a lot I thought he was exaggerating but oh my God he's not oh my God I'm poisonous ptra let's go wa oh a potato peeler does plus 10 damage to potato mobs I'm feeling good miles we put a copper on the side we need an iron ingot here and I believe it's like a boat shape of potatoes and we've got the potato battery miles oh I'll let you do the honors okay shoot oh no now at first glance this may look like a measly distraction but these inventions are crucial to our survival I didn't show it at first but after I died all of my food turned to Hot Potatoes killing me on sight ah so as a preventative measure we crafted these elytra and flying machines to safely avoid the lava and make some forward progress to get a blaze rod oh oh oh oh yep yeah yeah found Fortress all right all right I'm going to potato peel them I'm going to peel the blaze yeah we got one we'll get one more Blaze ride okay now we'll get we'll get a few more we'll get a few more so we don't have to come back again oh boy that's hot that's spicy why are you just hiding there come on get out and fight be a man my flame there's a big beautiful world for you to Miles ow ow hey oh what I don't like you all right miles I got the blaze rods here's a blaze rod we're going to need ourselves a poisonous potato okay Blaze Rod poisonous potato and finally the poisonous potato Hammer oh my God wait with the poisonous potato hammer in hand morale was cooking to say the least and nothing not one thing was going going to get get in what just broke was that you my shoes I keep breaking oh Che I have somebody's like stop making shoes it's h ow ow ow no no no no no no you've mixed all of my stuff with these things you like spone trap no God no come on [Music] well r r r [Music] that was not what I wanted to come back to this morning good god I've heard you like actually angry you don't understand what I went through last night I don't I I thought after that I wouldn't have to see a single hot potato ever again and then you bring that atrocity back to me into my house into my house under my roof that I built some St little stup potatoes just stup stup Stone potatoes God dang [Applause] potatoes so anyways the potato Lord with the poisonous potato Hammer Acquired and a boatload of redstone components miles was busy putting together this a Hypersonic flying machine which will take us to the potato Lord in not only speed but style it's it's taking a very long time to prepare for this moment I mean heck I didn't think we'd get here but I think that we're truly ready we've got the potato Hammer we've got our wings and most importantly we've got ah no by G fell off oh my God it just left without us you ready miles I'm ready okay all right ready get behind here so we don't fall off straight away three two 1 go oh my God miles oh my no miles wait wait wait no flying machine two miles and chief zero yeah let's just walk there come on yeah yeah we gave a good shot yeah we we gave it honestly we gave it a solid Plunge we did all right daddy Spud prepare to meet your maker to each other yes let's do it okay I'll take that corner you take this corner deal all right let's go charge charge charge no ah what I'm dead get back in get back in oh no this is going terribly okay he's he's on me he's very much AG wait I can't hit him I can't hit him you can't hit him either oh my God wait I wait I hit the sh Chief the chicken the chicken kill the chicken the chicken I know how to defeat him when when the chicken spawns in we kill the chicken okay well we got to move quick the chicken I'm going to the chicken I killed the chicken nice nice nice I got one take that sucker that's for my friend oh I hit a f back at him get the chicken get the wait there a snipper what's this thing it's an armadillo ah take that suck all right he's up his Shields are up we know how to fight him now what do we have to kill yeah spiders uh what What's Next spiders okay that's fine yeah that's what I'm doing okay next one Pig boots Pig boots Pig boots oh my God shoot the fire back down I got one I got one ah ah what are these things oh my God no what are plague whale Patriarchs I'm more of a matriarch kind of guy kill them I I I I can't I just can't what is going on Chief yeah what's happening why are these things purple I don't know we're going back in baby ow think about the amount of Hell diver reinforcements we put into this I just want a 500 kg nuke these guys are they like expanding like puffer fish I don't know I make some more swords for for it so we can go back down there with swords okay ow coming there coming there ow wait Giant oh Chief this is not I'm getting a sword these are giants okay actually I don't think they oh they do take damage okay look at that I found a spot here if you look where I am you can't hit me I'm going to try and jump over you yeah okay one down I killed a giant I killed a giant another one down we have to get this I got another one down but we got to get these guys out quick oh let's go another one yep all right I got another giant down wait SP shield down SP Shield SP shield down a charge charge charge ah where is he question of the freaking weak I'm going keep trying to take out these guys yeah there's one giant left I see him I see Spud yeah go for Spud I'm going to keep going for the Guardians dude dude I'm laying on hits right now I am laying on hits let's go baby almost got he's so close dude look at how little Health he has we got him what did he drop potato great staff of the peasant wait what I don't know what does it do oh wait makes portals it's a portable potato thing oh my god did you go through yeah dude absolutely see on other side side see on the other side what oh god ow ow ow stop it ow ow ow ow ow ow [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 145,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, echocraft
Id: OjPV3M3kxhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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