I Collected EVERY Mob Head in 24 hours

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there are 89 different mobs in Minecraft each with their own unique head ranging from sheeps to parrots bats to wardens creepers to witches gives me anxiety just thinking about all of them but today I plan to track down every single mob collect their head and store it here welcome to the head ball [Music] that was a such a stupid name actually I can we cut that out okay I think it's a good idea to start off with one of the harder mobs like the warden that way we don't have to worry about him later oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm out okay that was way too close for comfort let's just get back to the warden later and start with something a little less deadly like this sheep what the heck sheep said don't remember killing one here I did by the way I just lost track of time anyways I got squid's head okay that's two heads down and there's a cow right here can I make the hit can't get yeah yeah I got him yeah he dropped ahead chickens apparently have a one percent drop rate so they're gonna definitely be the hardest to get never mind okay now we just need the rest of the basics like a pig donkey and horses head and oh yeah even a I wanted to go on record I I didn't like doing that after a few hours of work we're eight heads down but still have a lot of progress to go and if you're wondering how I'm getting all these heads in the first place I installed the data pack that gives every mob a unique chance to drop its head now that the common farm animals are done let's head into the caves to get some of the more deadly mobs like a bat okay yeah that's not actually deadly but do you know what is a spider spawner and while I sit here farming for that spider's head let me catch you up on why I'm doing all of this in the first place you see I'm playing on the outcast server and I have a bad habit of making bets well to make a long story short I lost the bet to my friend estelina and now I have 24 hours to get her every head in Minecraft because if I don't I'll be banned from ever using chests again I wasn't invisible I was drinking water I know it sounds really lame but have you ever gone two weeks using only barrels because if not let me be the first to tell you it sucks so I'm gonna gather every head in Minecraft even if it kills me a spider head I thought I was gonna be here a lot longer you know I'm not arguing I'll take any time I can save right now and let's snag this Axolotl and now let's get about Andy didn't drop ahead still I got a bat's head oh nice okay but there's one other spider in the game and that's a cave spider he's very venomous not friendly and can only be found in uh mine chap mine Chef oh man this is fantastic okay now we just gotta navigate this mine shaft see if we can find any spider spotters okay awesome come on guys let's have some fun thank you for saving me mini Chief get out of here give me a head okay that was too good to be true oh wait a minute a cave spider head yes thank you suckers I'm out of here now it's time to head back to the deep dark because we still need a warden's head and I've had some time to think about this and I've got an idea on how to get his head I'm just gonna need to dig a little hole get some trap doors placed and now the scary part of getting the warden angry oh yeah he's mad but now we just need to lure him into this pit wait did I get him whoa yes he's in he's in Kale's just lob a couple arrows in them and boom we got a coordinate oh that took that took a lot of effort to get oh my God that was actually a freaking sweat Fest I'm just so glad that's over okay we're making incredible progress oh my God but what we only have like 16 hours left and we still have a lot of heads to go so yeah we uh we gotta keep moving it just occurred to me we still haven't even gotten the classic cave mob like the creeper okay I'm just not having luck with creepers I guess uh there's a zombie maybe I'll have better luck with him [Music] oh what hold on wait a second I'm so confused right now why are they not dropping ahead oh my God that's right I need to charge the creeper to get their heads oh you see there are four mobs in Minecraft which only drop their heads when killed by a Charged Creeper to get one you need lightning a specially Enchanted Trident and lots of time and boy I I really don't have a lot of it man so whether I like it or not I need to get a trident and I think the most efficient use of my time would be to go get every aquatic mob head and also get a try them while I'm there because efficiency all right drowns [Music] give me your head and give me a try adding give me your head and give me a traffic yo I love using Rockets underwater because it's like a boom speed boost news round acquired you smack him in the face and another time in the face and he drops a he doesn't drop a hat but then you boom zoom over here you find another drown you smack him in the face and he gives you a head that took 36 tries to get right get out of here and now all that's left is that pesky trident oh I gotta try to I'm breaking one let's go okay now time for the rest of the Aquatic heads I'm talking salmon like a Sam like a salmon like a like it's like a like like a sand like a salmon like oh like a salmon first try we got the Cod the puffer fish the dolphin and even this ocean Monument we need some Guardians which shouldn't be too bad oh my God oh my God out out out out get out get out get out oh my God don't ask me how long that took but we've now got every aquatic mob head oh wait thunderstorm thunderstorm no okay I can't sit here waiting for one so I need to hop into The Nether and continue getting mob heads and I'm gonna start with the Magma Cube okay now I need to get this Strider somehow now I had a plan but albeit wasn't really a good one okay wait ow ow this is actually hurting a lot no no no no no no okay I need to find a way to get the Strider on land somehow I could use a fishing rod and try to pull them up oh I suck at fishing wait a minute if I grab a warp fungus attach it to the fishing rod and then hop on a Strider I can ride him all the way on to land and then boom I got myself a Strider head baby the rest of the nether mobs were super easy to get hold of and I didn't even break a sweat oh my God okay I'm lying but there's one mob that's been in absolute pain oh my God these freaking auglins are driving me nuts look I already got a hogland head but now I need to get a zoglin head which can only be obtained by getting a hoglin into the Overworld and no matter how hard I try they're just not even going near this portal like what are you guys scared me you guys a little chicken to get close to a squid in a suit turns out they're not scared of me but instead the nether portal so not only do I have to lure these guys into the Overworld I gotta trick them to walk through an unlit portal and light it as soon as they're in I had no idea you little scaredy cats were afraid of a little portal well your Darwinism is the only thing saving you right now so I guess you should be thanking it uh however get caught sucker I'm gonna get a zoglin head okay so if everything goes according to right off the bat it's not going according to plan where did my zoglin go okay it's weird but I'm sure that was just a one-off right so let's find a new spot build a portal and get a zoglin in there please tell me it worked why is this man disappearing so here's the rundown I need a zoglin head to give to a stellina but I can't do that if I can't even get a zoglin to spawn in the first place I went into a single player world using my exact same strategy and sure enough I was getting zoglins to spawn left and right which means the problem is the server however I don't know what specifically now I asked the other Outcast members if they've had this problem too but it appears I'm the only one so I spent one of my valuable hours figuring out a solution to this problem and I think I came up with an idea but it required help from my good friend miles oh Dave cheese thank you for coming man okay so my theory is that the zoglins are despawning as soon as they get in the Overworld because there's no one there so I'm gonna need you to hop into the portal on the other side and then I'm gonna break this portal and we're gonna try and bring over the hoglands okay here they come here they come they should be coming through oh you son of a guy they're coming through now oh is it what seriously he said he's easy you're kidding me okay my very fragile emotions all right die die die die we got ahead [Music] hey oh let's see let's see let's see let's see check it out miles the zoglin head in all of it now I still need to fight the Wither and should probably store all these heads somewhere safe or I can fight the Wither and risk losing all these which one do you think sounds more fun to me I'm addicted to the stakes I really hope I'm not gonna regret this that went about as well as I expected it to but we got a bunch more heads added to the collection oh this is coming along so nice [Music] that looks like a thunderstorm oh do you need the wait a minute oh yeah I need to get a i i i i i i i oh this is good miles this is not a drill I need to get all the charge creeper mob stuff oh my God that was too close skeleton head I got a skeletons ow that was all part of the plan yeah we got a skeleton and a Charged Creeper okay now let's lure this charge creeper into The Nether I've got a little cage with a piglet and a zombie in there which should kill two birds with one stone getting both heads with only one charge creeper let's go pickling head wait a minute you guys have a zombie head any of you have a zombie head they literally only drop one happy but I thought you knew that [Music] you know I hate to admit but just getting that zombie head burnt a ton of time I don't I don't feel like we should be playing like happy music right now I feel like it should be more suspensefully tense maybe even a little over dramatic music maybe even throw in some of those cinematic bars or maybe not regardless if I want to use chest again we need to kick it into overdrive and we need to start racking up heads like there's no tomorrow no time to explain I need your head thank you sorry I know you have nine lives so you'll probably respawn but thank you for your head oh and there's a panda thank you very much I feel so bad about this yeah what is this luck we're having no we didn't look I'll tell you that much and speaking of goats goat head inquired I'd show you more footage about me getting a snow fox tadpole and a bunch of the other heads that I got but I'm sure you'd much rather subscribe to my YouTube channel is that too forward let's play a little game of keeps gonna gamble there's only five moves from here and a one percent chance that they're gonna drop their heads now I'm not a Gambling Man but there's only eight hours left on the clock in I'm feeling lucky oh that was such a stupid idea Mushroom City let's go we got the Mooshroom look I've learned my lesson I'm not gonna Slaughter endlessly now I'm gonna go grab some wheat I'm gonna make a farm and I'm gonna breed a crapload of mooshrooms you want this you want this yeah boom boom yeah make babies in the rain baby acquired this is going swimmingly and indigo come on guys it's your genetic duty this seriously reminds me of the time I was farming a million carrots because this is also just such a grindy task all right I hope one of you drops ahead because I just don't have the time to keep breeding you [Music] look at all these heads oh this is so sick okay I've gotten the Overworld heads I've gotten the nether heads and now I need to get the end heads there's five heads that we're gonna need and it starts with a silverfish okay let's hop on through the portal and see about getting an Enderman schulker and ender dragon head and last but certainly not least an Ender Mike I am gonna watch my health from now I am not gonna let myself die aha on guard Alice eh now we're talking now there's still a few heads in the Overworld that we're missing two of which being the camel and the sniffer they're the newest mobs to Minecraft and I saved them for last because I have no idea how to find them I know the new Minecraft update has been around for a while but I haven't played it at all but regardless of that I'm gonna start looking for the camel because I think using Common Sense he's probably somewhere in the desert so let's just travel really far away load in some new chunks in the search for a desert begins foreign [Music] desert acquired let's go and uh oh wait we need a husk actually oh a husk said oh perfect and a bunny head bunny had a funny head hey now we can get the hairy heck out of here and carry on our quest for a Campbell I don't really know where we'd find one in the desert but I'm sure it'll just show up I do need a Pillager head dang it there's a village over here hello Village oh that's right there's a raid wait [Music] potential we need a lot of heads downtown Larry Brown good job John a new head Vindicator Rapture a witch a ravager and a witch you drop a head you didn't did not pay another chance at a ravager I don't have time to die I gotta take them out now oh my God oh oh a ravager's head a ravager's head we got it okay we got every head we needed from that raid and best of all we found our first 1.20 mob the camel oh my God yes oh okay now we need to find a sniffer okay I don't even know where to look I looked it up and it turns out sniffers don't spawn naturally in the world they're hatched from eggs which can only be found in an ocean run oh found it sweet now a sniffer egg is in this suspicious sand which we can only get from a brush okay so we need a feather copper and a stick wow not not even close we need a feather copper to stick to make a brush first try and now let's do some Excavating I feel like Indiana Jones right now we're on a cool archaeological expedition of course Indiana Jones wasn't trying to gather every mob head in Minecraft to you know be able to use chest again but that's irrelevant I think wake up we're doing it we're literally unearthing something a snort Pottery short very suspicious oh come on we're on the hunt for a sniff rag okay a wooden hoe none's trash is another man's treasure hopes are still up there's more sus sand to go around oh wait a minute is that it is that it snip sniffer egg oh my God we're gonna stick right now we gotta go hatch this thing let's clear out a little room and place you right here oh dear God this is gonna take forever um wait a minute editing Magic hello my little friend oh God you're really cute oh I'm gonna hate doing this so anyways I got a sniffer head only cost the life of the cutest little munchkin I've ever seen I'm just kidding he's right here his name sniffles and this cost me two extra hours of work just to keep him alive and still get the head but you're worth it aren't you little sniffly poo I love you so much yes I do I should probably stop saying this I gotta get more heads now okay I love you bye I spent the next couple hours on a mission to scrounge up every last head that was on my list and it didn't take long until one two three four five six seven eight nine oh ten that's every single head well not quite I've already gotten every different mob head in Minecraft but my deal with the stelina is far from over because I can't use chests until I steal the entire server's heads like I know I agreed to this but holy cow this is going to be freaking impossible you see for whatever reason players on the server don't want to give up their heads so I need to trick them enter doordash a competitive escape room that's totally not inspired by a certain food delivery service please believe me because on the surface this build appears to be a legitimate minigame but peeling back the layers reveals a precise mechanism with the sole purpose of stealing heads players will enter the starting Chambers and on the flick of a lever instead of opening the door they'll be trapped inside an obsidian prison where they will die to instant harming potions thus dropping their heads but I'm gonna need help to pull this off so I recruited miles from earlier not because of his skills but because he was begging me to be involved in the chief Heist uh like a lot so we set up a five-stage Mini-Game tournament to lessen the other player's suspicion with the last mini game beating doordash and the head Heist was underway welcome guys to the first ever Mini-Game event on the outcast server yay I'm so excited Kings one two three and four went off without a hitch nobody suspected a thing miles and I got our inventories ready and just tried to keep our cool and not blower cover so have you all played Escape rooms before and know what they are yes sir so the goal of this game is to escape the rooms miles and I built this so we're not going to be able to do the escape room with you so team one is or oh this is team two that's awkward team two this is blue team team one this is red team now everyone hop on in [Music] miles are you ready yep okay the doors will open in five four three two one let's go oh my God oh I was quite looking forward to that look at all the heads do we murder him or what's the Play Let's Go murderer yeah revenge on this Minecraft SMP oh God uh Miles Davis now miles Coco miles go come on Miles watch ing I think we lost him okay okay we're in we're in wait a minute good job buddy by our own complete disbelief Not only was the head Heist an absolute success but even managed to escape completely undetected minus a couple close calls hey but it's a Canadian oh this is don't worry about it how did he not notice me but I can't say we're out of the woods yet because we still have one head left to gather and that's it's telling us she wasn't able to attend the head Heist because she was too busy with dinner so I tried to jump her and take her head by force but it was to no luck she won't give up her head willingly either and if I can't get it well the deal's off so with only two hours left on the clock I'm out of ideas out of luck and out of time [Music] oh [Music] okay do you know why we're having this meeting no I was hoping you could clear that up for me okay I'm kinda building a World record-sized Chess so I need people to Hell apparently this chess she's building is an apology to another server member to prevent her from getting locked up in a high security prison which is awfully convenient for me because this gives me an opportunity to subtly offer my services in exchange for I'll only help you if you give me your head after foreign [Music] we got straight to work along with the help of Tazo yeah jarin and Raz there was a lot of blocks to place and not a lot of time but despite the odds we were making incredible progress and it wasn't due to our skills at the game but instead yeah it's called printer mode it's some sort of modest element made us use and look I'm not going to question the ethics of this because it's freaking done which means I can get your head you very much can I see place it at the area I would hope for nothing less okay Astana I have got the biggest surprise for you now welcome [Music] to the head ball yo [Music] and I saved the best for last yeah it's not even intentional congrats you got my head look at it look my head right there and finally now look my head's right my head's not you're not black you're not you don't this is your help no you've got more of my heads now huh what you're you got my head you could have used chests ages ago what are you talking about black you got my head ages ago what are you kidding me [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 2,401,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, echocraft, outcasts
Id: HyVtODt0xHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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