Beating Dark Souls 3 by Playing The Game Backwards

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invaded by dark Spirit trusty patches I I don't know if that's patches this might be Patches from Dark Souls 2 which we encountered prior hey patches how you doing we're kind of in the same boat here friend YouTube they're gonna kill me in here if I'm not careful kind of sap like God I got everything there yeah there's another thing in there oh don't tell me that was this just a sick meme there's a hidden wall oh it's so hard to get through this house not spawn up here I said don't spawn up here get him God get him God I got it I got it I got it I got the item hey bud how you doing you have pastors having latest summon sign right in front of you touch some inside I've been waiting years to watch you fight the abyss Watchers as they're my favorite boss in the whole soul series I was excited for a hard-fought battle and getting to watch the way you approach the fight cannot wait to see the absolute joke this fight will now become sorry about that yep your favorite boss uh may not be the experience uh you initially hoped for they said it couldn't be done but Miyazaki found a way there is an additional swamp level thanks to the DLC he had more development time for Dark Souls and he's like well I gotta put one in oh no just just grab it he doesn't care I don't know why I'm not gonna question it oh there's one of the sorceresses from Dark Souls 2. wait behold my magic you're not the only one I'm gonna do Now Zoe oh God she's very strong my spell takes so much longer to cast okay Zoe you go you just live your best life why are we up here why are we up here how does this help us how does this help us at all how does this help us wait invisibility my God don't don't make the same mistake we literally have a spell to make this Zone like hopefully comically easy oh my God I don't have ashinesis anymore because I rebrandt oh no okay we have we have failed remarkably to prepare you didn't you did not see me don't worry about little old me oh thank God wait here's the source of them perfect swamp safe now now it's time you will not die bloody expensive not sure what that implies now it's time for Dark Souls one it's even in pain demon From Below oh God we're just gonna hack away okay I need him I need him to separate a wait no I don't come on there we go this is perfect for Breeze opportunity okay the other guy is just going half you need to back off pal oh my God there we go that's one oh that's two but it's not it's not done yet this is a two bosses phase two okay I'm gonna need my mist it's a good opportunity the Mist that's a real bad spot for the miss oh we're gonna need a lot more for grief this would be a real good time for Febreze oh my cleaning product okay that's one all right gotta get a better heal than this oh my God he just took out all my asses okay it's it's lasting for at least a little bit okay if that I didn't realize that home's on to you it was not expecting that I just don't want to go near him I just don't want to go there absolutely huge oh I did not see him in time no oh it's such a long fight too like the problem is I'm I'm out of gas by the time I get to it get a little bit of damage off of the start at least with the miss you won't stop me now oh God wait what the future is happening oh my God what do I even do summoned a sun oh that's huge how many hits can you take the third stagger oh you bastard jumped and instantly killed me I hit me twice there a single mistake I swung one too many times I almost had that oh wait wait iron oh I forgot about the sun watch out for the power of the sun on this here power of the sun oh no no oh sorcerer build yeah that's how I feel there's a lot of Plunge they they just assumed that's how you continue supposed to display the small Banner I mean you can't fault them you've jumped off a lot of Ledges to get to this point it's time to fight the Dark Soul three two three it's a nicer view with you in it I'll stop at you is it deceit a lid an overgrown privy a problem I can't tell if this is someone from the stream or not I think this guy's actually just trying to kill me he went straight from the backstab I'm just gonna keep summoning folks uh he can't stop us all it's my logic I feel like I'm going to see an angry like four of post Leisure today about this horrible Invasion experience Society man is invaded us as well how's it going Society man Society man sounds like he might be from the stream come on Oliver you've been doing great we want to see how many you can take gotta get the high score that's what that's the goal here you do have the advantage oh I don't believe it I made a mistake okay I I'm gonna be honest I can't remember how you get through this because maybe there's a path somewhere you can fall down huh save some oh if only I had to spell it may be invisible inherit the text GE golly I I literally have something to keep me safe sorcerer Bill okay back up your time is not forgot they could see you there wait the Febreze is really strong here of course if only I had magic oh no no I stumped my toe oh you're kidding like I would have made it well at least that means we won't die again you know if previous playthrough is anything to go by leaving product has been applied no more this guy tells you stories of other characters in the games it's actually got a lot to say speak of thine kind are you doing it's like nothing to see here but like two hours there's just a pot on its way to work okay there's quite a bit going on here we it can eventually get to this church too oh she's I thought that was patches oh God he was trying to bait us into it though you can see that I don't foreign over here wait keep on our toes not blessing that we should seek the same place and find ourselves standing here together have you seen like a bald man running around he's not Mr Clean yeah hang on I gotta be careful here hmm holy YouTube you're wrong there we go Kung pie oh wait no that I think that's I think it's patches item okay you left a few of them I'm I'm losing my mind okay all right that's that's that has to be yeah like a different texture you look like you were from like a different game I know feeling annoying matria of the church I'm getting a bit anxious I'm gonna have to keep it brief for now oh my God that has range who is shooting me just just run invaded by The Secret of the spurned hang on I I'm not equipped to fight you you can do a Zoli cosplay now if you want I know I know Zully is the character in the games but I'm just used to associated with you know like YouTube Silly Waluigi is a little bit menacing under it forget that we haven't been able to see his face in a while please we gotta talk faster [Music] yeah I'll do it I'll do it I'll accept the request thank you anyone else over here yeah we're doing we're doing a pacifist run of Dark Soul oh wow I actually got cursed I've never had that happen if only I had a spell that made enemies detect me less even Gents motion is a merry Dark Souls 3 oh my God why are you a Beyblade oh what was that oh no no yeah we're just gonna get the Collectibles just gonna pick up a few bits from the shops my God how many of them are attacking us oh God I forgot about this guy one of the fellows who made it to the end of the world it is the armor boss that we fought before Oh I don't think he's gonna fall for this I don't know if I can Febreze him this time it might be harder I I'm gonna really struggle the Febreze them it's working imagine dying to Febreze not once but twice I almost got a little more Febreze full dollar just a splash we've done it you have to wait until the end of the world and still could not beat the Febreze we thought about reaching out to Febreze to get to respond to the highlight videos I'm sure they'd approve I I genuinely hope so but I think I think the implication might be if they endorse this if Febreze is essentially endorsing like you know to kill people you don't like with Febreze which is which is a bit messed up I think that would be the main barrier to a potential sponsorship not impossible but it would have to be considered you know Luigi we we could probably use your help because I I have no Estes left you know we don't talk often very awkward a Christmas between us but we are family ultimately oh he's doing like a let's go no he he is actually trying to just kill me okay this might be I don't think Luigi's gonna help us so I don't know yeah he now he really wants us Dead uh patches is back too what do I even do save me Luigi okay wait we can do it all paint and switch just hang on Luigi you can get him just distract them oh why have you created the Sun bury I don't know if we've had just standard Mario if I use the dried finger that means I can summon Wario can't I we need to get all the Super Mario Bros together where's Pope Wario I don't know I think he might not have made it we're actually quite far in here oh you comedy Mastermind new character oh let's get him let's get him Brothers entire family is here on this one doesn't stand a chance I'm kind of anxious with this camera what is happening outside wouldn't it wouldn't it be really awkward if I just stopped here okay all right okay we have found the Persian Monument which is actually just a collection of like kind of Hollows just molded together oh no Luigi oh we lost them did they go home wait no crashes what happened I actually don't know what happened to him he might have slipped or something new timeout and game I don't think no wait it's okay okay our new character after all this time I honestly if we were going to die to anyone um I'm glad it was you louder you may take the kill you know it's okay fellas I can do it myself my own cleaning products thank you boys so the next boss is a PVP boss the next boss will summon another player that is then the boss so I want everyone to throw their hat into the ring because someone's gonna be it someone's gonna be it it's a really fun one what the pope mean good to see you my Holiness maybe my dark skirt moan at night is that is that an NPC I do not remember this one at all we going oh wait no he's he's sprung into action he's taking his sweet time oh okay great I can make it I can make it oh that's so dumb oh which is squat why would I get that now every agency actual in-game sound effects all the best patches take care he actually helps you this time he like kicks you the direction you need to go this guy's still walking where did he go I I can't I can't oh cause there's an NPC I can't heal should I just quit out of the game we don't need to quit out of the game actually I think there's gonna be a few situations here where yes yes Dash just approaches don't mind him I almost had him let's try the Dodge the fire safest way to do it is simply paid him for the fire attack and you try and run past him if only I had a spell that did consistent damage that didn't require me to be there stupid stupid man oh I don't know peek over Jesus probably don't need to hide back here if I'm ballsy but I think if you're if you're ballsy he'll just do a different attack there we go okay send them on his way we're using a fair bit of our magic to deal with this guy but I think you get his weapon if you do which is two giant swords and you know how I feel about comically oversized weapons oh no no no no no no no no no no no there's a bit of an understanding here pal that's what I thought bringing tonight paired greatswords you can do like a poke with him they're very heavy okay so this is a PVP boss and it could be any one of our wonderful cast of characters that is summoned oh I think also here yeah blossom no I sorry I didn't realize that was gonna be Joe Biden I thought that was patches patches leaves the summon sign um somewhere for you I did not expect it to be joke oh there's no traffic we're gonna get the Febreze going a while but he's already dead hang on wait what happens now who is it Spirit of the church it's Society man I gotta I gotta get this other one down he's actually trying to kill us oh he's decimating us don't have time for spells oh get out of here it's just the painting Guardians it's just the paint Guardians why is there two of them what is your spear who are you summoning this one's just a painting Guardian it's yes indeed okay I got he's he's just kind of watching what are you doing sir yeah he's got he's got another one we need to take out this Ally real quick I don't know if he wants to fight he's literally turning his back to us oh you want to go hand to hand hang on hang on wait let me let me take off my stuff I'll bring it on bucko okay uh you might have a bit of an edge here okay my man I'm gonna have to request a little extension oh God he's just thank God no no no holy sh YouTube he's too strong oh he's got a combo I gotta take him down oh we got okay that's a lot of damage but come on she's so close you can't don't run the law I gotta get him with the Febreze wait oh my God where's my staff I I unequipped it he just heal to full oh you're YouTube kidding me he's got a sphere he's getting equipment hey no healing there we go [Music] God he actually almost got us he was shockingly powerful this I believe is one of gwyn's children this is philionor and she's got an egg touched the egg very fragile the egg is apparently in great pain he just waking up I was like what the YouTube Waluigi doing here I think there's like a few places and some like inspiration for this like it's kind of hard to work at what's happening here there's a lot of metaphors but we are now at the end of the world because she woke up and so is everyone else too apparently who Disco uh let me give you a hand me on a Monday just need to get through it sometimes what what hey Ferris wheel how are you doing I need it over that thing your dark soul for my latest painting the character's like oh I don't know if I want to do this here we go slave nightgail the man who sucked us into the painting subscribe yeah just stay calm just stay calm and we'll get and open it the Mist wow that's really bad I actually shot him it's like a face [Music] title drop essentially lore wise what's happening ale wants to create a new world with the Dark Soul but he needs it as a pigment so his lady can paint with it but because everyone was old and dying their blood had dried up so Gail ate them so that the Dark Soul blood is in his blood and he 'd kill him now to finish his mission oh my God which is a tall order he sort of has a machine gun okay here he comes Gail please oh he just flings you oh no not again okay it's time for a grand plan bottom Febreze let's go oh I didn't expect him to jump foreign here we go to lightning hit me Jesus oh I forgot oh yeah it's really hard to get that Febreze in come on the mid Hill up there of the lightning yeah that that's one of my favorite bosses in the series that's one of my favorites that's also the last Dark Souls boss in the Dark Souls series that was the last one formally added this was added after the final boss of this game so anything from here we are officially playing the game backwards still haven't beat Abyss Watchers I've searched for the dark stricken creature I am Shira hey Shara how do you feel about Febreze [Music] Waluigi is officially the last man standing at the end of the world you think Michael Ashford Gail gave us more trouble like honestly probably still mikolash probably still make a lash oh YouTube he is just out here what are you doing here the real final boss I got it I I know how we can take care of him just clean them up real quick oh my God he's stronger than Gail all right just a random titanite slab from him yeah I never noticed him that's really funny so if you go back to the painted world of Aryan Dell uh this place has actually caught fire now see paint a world is finally starting to burn give blood of the Dark Souls I found the world please tell me thy name I would name this painting after thee I I don't know if you want to do that like it's it's Waluigi I will paint a world of that name oh that can't be good don't know if I describe why Luigi is gentle I wonder when Uncle Gail intenses for tough uh a dimension of Gail I'm sad this is the end of the Dark Souls Series this is pretty much How It Ends this is like probably the most significant part of the end and if you do the DLC uh there's a new painted world that's going to be separate from it all I can get another spell slot yeah we're doing that look at that I'm a wizard now actual magic Missile Febreze turn invisible distract them every spell you can need let's proceed jump down here break your legs here's the boy let's get him with the Febreze yeah the Febreze is definitely more powerful here it's like his body is so enormous that we seem to just get a pack quite hit his tail oh you gotta be careful there I got I gotta just stop being stupid behold Febreze I'm gonna get closer that's a little too close I'm just being stupid like what am I doing what am I doing oh Mike okay all right I no I should have should have rolled I should I should have foreseen that apparently Febreze stinkiest of dragons he's he just won't stop running oh my God what is happiness come on clean up the dragon with cleaning products can't stop my greatest spell there's nothing it won't be dragon has been cleaned the DLC is complete [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 338,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, dark souls, dark souls 3, dark souls dancer, dark souls 3 funny, dark souls funny, dark souls magic, dark souls 3 magic, dark souls funny build, dark souls 3 funny build, dark souls 3 bosses, dark souls 3 let's play, dark souls 3 dlc, dark souls dlc, dark souls gael, dark souls midir, dark souls ringed city, dark souls 3 ringed city, dark souls dreg heap, ds3
Id: zWowin-vq88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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