Elden RIng: Waterfowl Dance Is Terrifying After The Recent Patch

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yo what's up guys chase the Bro here and welcome back to another Elden ring build video today we're going to be using a pure dexterity build centered around the hand of Melania since the recent patch changed the way that Poise works a lot of Ash of War's true combo and the first two parts of the waterfall dance do combo if you do stun your opponent with the initial part so if you Poise break them on the first part of the ash of War it's gonna true combo into the second and then you can go for the third part as a roll catch honestly it's a really long ranged AOE and it does high damage to make the damage on the build even better we are going to use the Millicent's prosthesis since it does raise your attack power with successive attacks and all this ash of war is is successive attacks and then we have The Shard of Alexander to boost the ash of War further the archery saver plus two for the HP stem and equip low boost and the bull go Talisman to hit the Poise that I enjoy as for the stats we're running 65 dexterity but the prosthesis does give us five extra dexterity so we're hitting 70. I have 20 decks just because I am running an overall dexterity build and I like using the bolt of grand sax although I am going to focus on the hand of Millennia that's really all I have to say about the build let's just see how it performs in the invasions got some Madness going on over there hello guys Noah Belmont hello how are we doing what do we got I'm up here I'm throwing some frostbite at you there Noah's frostbitten that's for the teammate nice teammates frost bitten let's go Shield poke I actually kind of want to see how well it's Shield bug does I've kind of isolated one here let's do this will Melania work [Laughter] I am Melania I'm gonna be Millennia even more now another stamina and that is the only reason you are alive new game plus eight maybe I poked just as the last tick happened this ash of war is actually finally useful oh the top of Ray lucaria okay well sakuya hello guys hi there ooh a nice ripe possible triple kill hello I'm coming in all right wizard let's see if you can Shield against this [Music] all right Katana battle me and you the R1 spam is back baby I love it well you know we did each of them in with the waterfowl dance I feel like that was an accomplishment all right I am a enjoyer of Castle soul but I'm kind of sad when they spawned me out here if they're in the castle oh we have a twin blade user and we have dracona we just get some defense buff going on here I think the teammate notices me Nero I'm not gonna finish him off don't worry I just wanted to scare him into realizing I'm here all right dracona well I want to see how well you handle the hand of Millennia I'm coming in it's like fighting the boss fight all over again just wanted to see how well the grab is I think the grab's pretty balanced now you can't really get it that easily on people rolling but and I've actually had that oh I kind of ate my R1 input that one oh well too oh you know I don't want him to die I actually want this to work here it's got a teammate why did you I like that you ran in though good enthusiasm you didn't heal yourself though I feel like that was oh assembly how would you not kill yourself if you didn't hit like no HP at all yeah do that come come back come attack me what's going on over there [Music] they're like full distracted oh there's one though yeah I'll take the free HP and free FP oh God that was kind of scary oh good ship damage from the dragon breath I get it I get it whoa all right we do this just to get a little bit of range yeah we get over there dangerous over there Parker full wizard all right Mr Wizard what do you got for me a little fire soon enough is the other build just dragon breath what do you got going on fairy Shield can you parry this probably could have oh well he's gone oh dragon breath oh God I like that he was free aiming it to be honest that does an obscene amount of damage I may just hmm we're gonna eat some magic defense that one's the scariest one it doesn't give us a huge bonus did he bring the wizard back is it the same wizard I just killed I forgot their names they all wear the same hat dodge ball are playing wizard ball we dodged the wizard ball what is the plan here I love that I can just do that hey I'm coming for a landing here quite honestly that is terrifying look at that chip damage I know his build's probably just dragon breath but we're gonna stay full health because that is utterly terrifying I think you're out of teammates now dracona I'm gonna just smack you out of the air that's just fair and we just run you down with the katana awesome fight though good teamwork with your small army there I'm loving that I can use the waterfowl dance now though so fun there we go I saw them taking damage so I figured they'd be fighting the boss hello guys how are you I'll give you a wave oh forgot that actually like fires oh my God I have an idea what if I was to go up here I'm coming wizard wizard down for you is that a bull goat it is hello bull gotius I'm going up right now I like that he actually ran away from it everybody is afraid of the Millennia oh that was pretty weak for fully charged what the heck honestly this guy's like almost frame trapping with him to the point where I have to dodge and then Dodge that pretty cool so one of them is just an L2 Warrior the bull goat L2 master I think you'll get tired of doing that eventually Maybe possibly oh me and Gert have pretty good connection I'll take that goodbye see if we can backstab that almost Fuller oh my God I quite honestly don't know how you can have fun being the teammate they just hits L2 the whole time and then when it comes down to the actual combat you run away why would you not want to practice and fight and pull her my man you have a weapon in fact you're wearing full bull goat but that it matters that much when I have a million slashes oh you guys were taunted tongue oh into the howling tree we go with avian have they already thought of the octopus that is the question seems like they have or wait they're coming from this direction or they're in the tunnel they are definitely in the tunnel normally I'd use some bow action but quite honestly I just want to see how well this can do in a little tunnel hello guys how are you Fireball Jutsu into this oh okay so that will actually always break me I see I'm gonna do this well as long as you're not getting stunned by two enemies at the same time when you time it right you can definitely blend your teams that is hilarious sensual Julius has died no my teammate gone because I was too late oh there they are hello wizard I'm gonna come in for a landing here all right we'll just do this okay or I don't know why sometimes when I'm hitting the third L2 it doesn't come out I gotta like spam click it just how I do the full combo pretty powerful though oh a castle worn Invasion all right let's go there were two I seen at the very least oh guys wait wait for me before you go into battle oh the Maria executioner actually might be pretty good now oh you know I'm gonna just dive on in here hello oh you saved them oh honestly great roll catch I'll hand that to you that R2 just was unexpected backstab oh I missed not a backstab at all oh that was not what I wanted the R1 spam very unexpected yeah I'm coming in with my Millennia swing oh oh I actually got a hit in there before he got stunned pretty nice I'll heal it I might take two ultrases yeah I thought that might happen they're being a little bit too aggressive costed him a lot of HP R2 I was out of stamina that was meant to be a running R2 but you know it is what it is we gotta take out one before we go for the waterfowl dance because they're able to stun pretty easily to be honest cool pop the bubble frostbite frostbite Prospect nice cartoon oh all right colossal guy is trying to protect other friend a lovely friend indeed on a frost bite him so we can I don't know which one the host is I'm assuming the one not fighting is the host backstab almost no too high of latency oh we actually went for the full swing crazy he's protecting him well over there we're gonna backstab that whoa oh wow he dodged it all let me backstab that again oh that hit me from behind this is getting him Health kind of a net win for him has a really long reach now oh whoa I don't know how I missed that but you know what I'm fine foreign [Music] against the guy with the colossal oh close though oh maybe uh is neku the host we heal again don't fall off the ledge there my friend I'm coming up with Handel Millennia hey good trade close attempt at the R2 honestly really good fight guys I love the use of lion's claw really good for trading into waterfall dance wow this is an interesting spawn what is this thing fighting oh he popped the bubble oh yes the Shadow Demon oh no uh that is a rough situation what is going on down here well now I have a choice either I jump down and I fight the Phantom which I'm gonna do I feel like that's more fun plus the hose is kind of get destroyed on his own over there I think he might be dead no he's healing it okay oh it's a wizard teammate oh that's interesting hey you've left without me it's okay I'll catch the next ride yo picking me up Mr invader hey there what happened to him that's actually hilarious what could have knocked him down I didn't do anything why do you get sent flying hello there I'm gonna stand in your way sir millennial it's okay wizard I got him I'm sorry if I somehow knocked you off The Chariot I don't know how I did though yes a storm bail Invasion I always enjoy these I feel like some of my better invasions lately have been here they're out by the front gate very rare oh you have a teammate hey tubbin Madness why why did the madness grab from five feet away jump attack oh Elgin call me millennia blade of a backstabber cut how good is this as a wake up pretty damn good I oh maybe a DEX Build enjoyer now whoa calm down Turtle blue oh it's tabone again all right taboom let's see will you die in the exact same way or have you learned find out I'm way of the blue one maybe we should wait for a blue I feel like that'd be a little bit more interesting you remember me hi there thank you I hope you remember me we had a really fun fight it was cute whoa um planning on pairing me what's going on here oh wait what did I almost get hit by those arrows okay we'll put back on the madness defense Shield just because Madness is fun I think you can Parry this I think that's why he's getting his parachield ready it's pretty cute who says I'm gonna use it again oh did I somehow what is that I don't know what that was but I definitely didn't get fully stunned from it random L2 you were not prepared for it oh my God another blue arrives right as the host dies if I invade him again at some point I'm gonna let the loot come and take a little we go easy huh all right boys I'm coming I'm gonna buff up here like he's gonna L2 at me oh you got a Crag blade and a thrusting sword okay they look kind of tanky to be honest to be honest our team healthy some blood loss into the city damn that was pretty cool looking to be honest L2 okay you can kind of back it up huh interesting we heal pretty weak jump attack so that's kind of nice do you have a team of three coming here yes we have a millennia the true millennia blade of Michaela what is this bugs I don't want any of the bugs oh God those actually track you that well take the aftermath I really oh wait that was the host is that not the host what in the uh the trick mirror did them dirty that time I actually was trying to take off the Phantom first all right those are all the invasions that after you guys for today on the dexterity build testing the hand of Melania I hope everyone enjoyed the Showcase once again there's my stats on the right the armor that I wore and of course the talismans that I used throughout the Showcase as well since the new patch has changed so much feel free to recommend whatever you'd like I really do appreciate all the input I'm going to be testing out everything that I can until the next video this is goodbye I will see you all next time thanks for watching goodbye goodbye
Channel: ChaseTheBro
Views: 228,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring pvp, elden ring weapons, elden ring katanas, elden ring builds, elden ring bleed build, elden ring arcane, elden ring invasions, elden ring top builds, elden ring top weapons, elden ring pvp builds, elden ring how to, elden ring pvp guide, elden ring miracles, elden ring best items, elden ring sorceries, elden ring magic, elden ring weapon types, elden ring pvp weapons, elden ring dual wield, elden ring update, erdsteel dagger, dlc, elden ring fist weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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