Day 14,058 - Execution Force DLC (LEGENDARY) | Callidus Assassin

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the fight against the vile Heretics takes an interesting turn Grand Master Kai may have grown obstinate sitting on Titan but there are others who recognize the need for Action the officio assassinorum has agreed to make available an execution Force tasked with Exterminating this bloom each operative has undergone countless genetic and cybernetic enhancements to transform them into the ultimate killers now Commander which Temple would best serve your most immediate needs on the battlefield [Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel I hope you're doing well today we're gonna play some kiosk demon hunters and take a closer look at the new update and new DLC execution Force and right off the bat it is amazing I'm I'm gonna be honest I won't be able to go through everything in this video uh there are just too many things to say about this update I also want to say that right now I'm commenting over my own gameplay uh because I kind of suck at committing while playing so uh that's that and I really wanted to concentrate on a few things that I think are insane and life-changing game changing it is really incredible this squad has taken up refuge in some old fortifications from some forgotten Skirmish reports indicate they were ambushed returning to the Garrison with the Sanctified Services their lack of vigilance will hamper my research recover the servitor's commander that is your only duty Okay so first off I just want to say I just want to clarify a thing or two on what you're about to see while some of you guys may find my actions more accurate I can explain I did not want to create an immersive experience for the pool cosmen there you know on how it's like to finally see your first and last Granite at the same time no it all comes down to the meta and how I adapted to a plan that completely went wrong as you know well as some of you know not so long ago a free update launched and with it came new enemy units and New Missions and let me tell you that protecting those servers and Guardsmen is tedious and time consuming and I I believe that after three successful missions I was Fed Up it took me so long to just deal with this and well it also took me around a freaking hour permission and Emma said that protecting them from all directions put my knights in weird situations especially during techno phage missions where my adjuster car ended up doing A1 versus 15 match and well I have well I had to basically save this straight up save me he was gonna get you know killed at some point so I had to teleport him and the Guzman died anyway uh and I was well I was 35 minutes in so I was like you know what let's just save one group it won't really matter anyway you know the mission could still be successful despite the fact that two-thirds of what I was supposed to protect died it's cool it's it's cool as at least I could save one group the mission counts as being success successful you know what I mean so uh and and my Knights will uh will be able to assist each other more with um more efficiency you know by protecting one group they will be basically around each other they will support each other um more efficiently yeah so um another thing that I thought would be great is that at least the enemies will move towards one location since they don't have to spread all over the place and I will be able to terminate them wave after wave so that was the plan you know let them kill the servers and uh godsmen so that they could move forward I mean towards one location once they're done with them once they're done with two-thirds of them at least you know I will be able to protect uh the the rest the servers and uh the surviving Osmond I'll be able to protect them more efficiently you know they will all move forward they will all move towards this location I'll be able to protect them that was the plan it all went to for one reason basically once they discovered the enemy groups and by then I mean once the enemies discover the godsmen and serders they attacked them they killed them they do what they have to do and when they're done they become completely lost they don't know where to go some of them sit here not moving for the rest of the game some of them try to to find us some just straight up flee the zone of come like they cannot flee you know they cannot surrender but this they straight up go in the opposite direction and after the issue with this type of mission is that you're done only when all enemies are killed so it basically becomes an hide and seek like and hide and seek so I'm done with some of those waves you know because enemy patrols um travel in groups and they travel you know together but when an enemy Patrol gets triggered by my uh godsmen and and servators that are around the map well you know the attack uh I mean they spread around their attack and and then they go they go completely wild and they don't know what the they're doing so well at least you know um the enemy patrols stay together they stick together until they find me well this is also what I thought but it didn't go that way as well it completely went rogue as well nothing of what I planned was working so and the last one isn't that bad uh because well you're gonna see in uh in a few minutes for yourself but long story short I was like let's let's just start from scratch let's just let's just start from scratch and uh straight up help the enemy Patrols to deal with the godsmen so straight up kill the godsmen kill the servers so that the enemy patrols don't go wild on what the they're doing because again guys once they kill the godsmen and conservators they go all over the place they don't even they don't even know where they're going what they're doing so let's just make their work easier and straight up end the misery of our Paul Guzman right here and there so I started killing the gauzeman so that the enemy Patrols would be able to keep moving forward towards my location and surprise surprise they didn't do it anyway it's still it's still better in in a way it's still better because uh well while they do not move towards my location they don't move at all so it's way better that way because I don't have to look for them all around the map at the end of the game so first don't move at all all right the first patrols the first patrols that are in the game don't move if they don't see the servers and Guardsmen they stay put they stay where they were supposed to go yeah they don't move for the rest of the game the patrols that are here right from the beginning don't move if the servers are dead so they're gonna stay there for the entirety of the game I was like all right uh didn't go as planned but at least you know I know where they're at right now so now let's see let's see what happens uh with the next enemy patrols that will come out of the race so the reinforcement let's see what the reinforcement will will actually do because now I'm sure I'll nothing so I thought that new reinforcements won't be able to still go towards my location and I was again I was still wrong they did not move towards our location I thought they would but they matter of fact did not some of them are spawning right next to to where we are so I have to deal with them that's for sure that that at least you know I planned and it's working out but when it comes to the enemy Patrols uh the enemy reinforcement that spawn far away from from our location well these guys don't look for us actually they straight up regroup they straight up regroup and make like this big ass Army like it could be bad but I also took advantage of the situation so I did not expect what they were gonna do I did not expect them to regroup all at once um so this is what I mean by it went rogue not nothing that I planned actually worked uh but it's still something that I can manage and that's that's yeah that's that's pretty much what I mean by a nothing went to nothing went according to plan so now you know why I ended two-thirds of my allies here I wanted to basically manage the flow of enemies well it kind of worked but not as expected uh but to be fair the way that they were grouped as a small army is pretty cool um what else uh uh okay okay let's move on to the main character here the kaldis Assassin dude I don't even know where to start well actually first well I did a little a little research to make sure that I could add the Assassins to my ongoing campaign and yes case closed it's done uh everyone can do this that was pretty cool I was kind of scared at first but it's all good so the caledus Assassin this chick bro listen this chick is immune to photos with with one of her abilities called polymorphin is able to to straight up turn her into an an enemy and she cannot be seen she can stay undetected like you know while moving around uh killing people assassinating and she does not trigger enemy patrols when she has when she she is using like the polymorphin ability no one sees her uh she cannot be detected she does not trigger enemy patrols they stay together they stay put they don't spread around and it it basically it basically gives you Intel on what they are where they are what they're doing you can and you can even you know take your Knights and according to what you're seeing well you could you know take actions and by take actions I mean planet attack oh so this enemy Patrol has a bunch of demons there's also Terminators uh oh this is an enemy Patrol fulls uh full of cultists it basically gives you Intel on what the enemy Patrol is so uh same thing with seed carriers it's the same so she has also that weird looking gun the the neural Shredder yeah the normal Shredder and dude I really thought it was gonna be for some reason I really thought it was going to be actually garbage man this ended up being the best thing ever that thing can immobilize immobilize in a in a wide spread attack dude none of her requires willpower the warp surge doesn't get triggered it doesn't move a single pixel let me get this straight she can infiltrate immobilize and disable range for two turns she shows up enemy Patrol doesn't know what the is going on she immobilizes she immobilized them immobilizes them sorry I kind of bad at this but the they cannot move right they cannot move anymore and you're like oh but listen you know at some point I gotta get closer they're gonna shoot at me this chick can turn off their guns this she dude you send you send that man the the use man this is so useful I I really thought to a certain degree that the Assassins were well I would actually need to kind of carry the Assassins at some at some point while they're not like like uh vakir said they are not as resilient they do not have many Health points and of course when she says they are not as resilient I don't know about the other difficulties but in Legend I already have one resilience so I guess you know when they're gone they're they're dead uh you could always buy a new one I guess uh but dude man they are so efficient I don't even know how am I gonna play without assassins anymore they're that good they're that this is just dude this is just one assassin this is just one chick this is just the Kellis assassin dude the others based over what we have um for the the mechanics of the because a bunch of mechanics change uh changed and especially bleed but I will not start on blade right now because I could it's it's the same it's it has no end and one of the assassins well I said I would not talk about this so I won't but listen this is game changing the Assassins are a game changing and while during this mission you know we were facing a lot of uh melee units and my squad could honestly deal with with them no problem uh and we also brought the damn Dreadnought so at some point you know we we were kind of good okay we were kind of overpowered on this one um but let's say at some point I ran out of action points you know my justices were out uh my purifier has I I don't I don't know nothing nothing else my Dreadnought same thing zero and this caldis is remaining you know these demons here they cannot they do not have range attacks first of all so I could totally immobilize them and wait for the next turn it doesn't it doesn't have to be you know you don't you don't have to infiltrate enemy patrols to immobilize immobilize uh enemies you know that you could be in the in the heart of a of a freaking battle your out of action points there's there's no more hope this chick shows up and and says I got you and immobilizes everyone and then you wait your turn these guys cannot do anything so you just wait they can't move it is so good I I cannot play without an assassin anymore and this is again guys this is just one and you didn't see this is just one this is one build this is one strategy so you can only imagine what what other possibilities are out there to be fair this is I just named a few that are very efficient but it could be something else and you're gonna see a bunch of um you know what that's this is I'm just going to let you see um I'm done I'm done yes commander this is your will certainly they will pay me no [Music] Emperor protect me they won't get me here protect me Temple caledus At Your Service in and out foreign foreign [Music] they won't get me here thank you the emperor's Justice Target wounded foreign [Music] [Music] foreign the final judgment thank you another devil down breathe your last activated shall avoid its fate thank you foreign [Music] return them to the ship with haste thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: sturmy family
Views: 5,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MD1x4EEkolI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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