Bear Grylls Battles For Survival Against Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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oh yeah unusual the first thing it hits from here is your eyeball yo that's a bad sign wow hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by bear grylls he's an adventurer best-selling author and the battle tested host of a number of hit shows including running wild with bear grylls which returns for its july 25th premiere on national geographic today though the man who's feasted his way through live scorpions and a yaks eyeball tries his hand at the wings of death bear grylls welcome to the show hey nice to be with you a little apprehensive when they lifted that that was like how oh it cuts through the air yeah yeah but don't psych yourself out just yet i know that you're an adventurous eater how are you around spicy food probably not brilliant this kind of similar dynamic that we have on running wild really in the sense you know what you're doing i'm the rookie elaborative but i'm ready to go [Music] yeah and look we've got beef as well hot ones first just for you bear grylls yes thank you i don't know i love i love beef yeah this is great this is new for me [Music] um [Music] yeah i mean this is how i eat good steak a little bit of something hot but i definitely hang around this side not today though that's so good so running wild isn't an interview show at its heart but there's no denying that you get these very real moments with your celebrity guests that you'd never see on a late night talk show how do you intellectualize how these extreme environments open people up and perhaps make them more relatable you look at a chat show it's always a performance isn't it somebody's got three minutes to be funny and tell a kind of great story or whatever and i always struggle with that because it's never feels real you know and i think as you know you go out with someone a buddy and you hike a trail and you know get involved in in nature in the outdoors for a bit you have you have conversations that are much more real and running well is just an extreme version of that you know i think after you've faced a few fears and you've you know you've got a trust between each other people open up that's why i always say i think the wild is the star of the show really does my job for me [Music] the double lock yeah [Music] hmm so good that one's really good the steak the sort of tropical vibe with that well my wife said she goes you're going to be terrible at that show you hate really spicy stuff and i'm probably not great really spicy stuff but right here it's dreamy it's very nice you might notice something here note to self don't wipe my eye or scratch my balls scratch your balls after you've been messing around with the bomb right you might not live to tell the tale yeah okay i'm over so i understand that will ferrell legitimately struggled after eating a caribou's eye and i've heard deion sanders tell his story of clinging to the mesa rock wall a thousand feet up when you think of the celebrities who've impressed you the most with the size of their adventure bug is there a name that stands out you know sometimes guests arrive and they they want the whole nine yards you know they say give it give it all and there's a little part of me that's always like be careful what you wish for because the wild again tends to do it anyway you know somebody is you know it's unpredictable you're going to get some bad weather or the water levels higher than you and you always got to improvise a little bit so for will ferrell i mean i will always be indebted and love that man you know he was our first ever guest we took him to the arctic you know in those days we'd go for days and days you know now it's much shorter and tighter and you know we've learned otherwise if you break people you don't get anything out of them after a while but will we didn't know that at this stage so will was in the deep end and still to this day if i see him he goes first of all people still talk to you about that show and secondly because it was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life and i go well you're a truly amazing man on the shoulders of giants we all stand will ferrell is one of them for me [Music] wow somebody's put a lot of sauce on this one this is like marinated we thought you wanted the whole 12 yards did i ever ask for the whole 12 yards hmm getting a little punchier yeah this one so you do lure it in with the first two then cover the third you guys are gonna have a slick pattern to this blow you into a false sense of security and then bring it saving the milk yeah there we go so in 2019 mountaineer near mall persia posted a viral photo of a traffic jam of climbers at the top of mount everest how does that photo compare to your memories of being one of the youngest people to climb the summit when you did it back in 1988 yeah that photo was amazing nims is a good buddy of mine he's you know an incredible high-altitude mountaineer but you know i think you've got to kind of roll with the times and you know part of me thinks that's amazing you know and and people way younger and wailed and without limbs and you know and i would never want to take anything away from those guys because at the end of the day you've got to climb it you know the the weather forecasting has got better the gear has got better and the oxygen has got way lighter you know why so many people would die so you're so slow you're carrying so much weight those progressions are great and i don't stand in the way of progress so um i look back on those times super lucky to have got the chance to do it and grateful to got away with my life what others hunt at that stage and ever grateful for the friendships with the geysers without them [Music] this one's green as well which makes me suspicious definitely getting into harder territory your eyes are watering if your eyes are watering i'm dead i'm trying to put up a calm front you know thank you almost like you would do on your show you know i'm trying to be that support system i loved it when gordon gordon was such a good episode so fun wasn't it loving going you [ __ ] we'll never forget that here in the studio i was feeling much more boring guess sorry off the top of your head and without thinking about it too much what would you say is the seminal or all-time greatest adventure novel ha interesting unbroken an incredible story you know the louis vampirini they made it into a film which kind of lost so much really because the book is insane you know he was an american soldier the second world war his plane crashed in the pacific ended up in one of the longest survival life for our stories in history whilst being strafed by japanese you know enemy aircraft and shark attacks and most of them died a couple eventually made it and you think you finally make it onto this island but the island was one of the most horrific japanese prison war camps and his journey was only just beginning and he survived nagasaki nuclear bombs i mean you know the transport ships from hell you know his story is amazing he was broken in so many ways afterwards but he found healing and he found a faith in his life and a great family and he set up these amazing you know youth programs and um true hero i'm breaking into the milk we're halfway you know it's bad when there's a devil on horseback we're at that point in the world grim reaper yeah they start threatening you through the marketing trying not to get it on the lips smart all right bear in the meantime though we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story i love this quote of yours life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of showing up in an attractive and well-preserved body do you have an injury or scar that holds the most meaning to you yeah but i got a private one i'm gonna keep that one private um i think you know my back my back accident you know breaking my back in three places was a was a life-changing journey for me you know it's a fruitful accident jump went wrong i spent best part of a year in and out of army rehabilitation struggling to be able to reach a bathroom you know it's just strapped up in braces and my back never lets me forget it and i think the thing that's not letting me forget is a number one don't be an idiot you only get it wrong once be smart and always be grateful for life you know because i should there'd be so many times i should have died and i'm still going and i'm you know so grateful for that it's only great whether it's sitting eating crazy you know stuff with you or whatever it's life's a great privilege and uh and i think that's what the pain in the back always reminds me of every day i'm really enjoying this yeah the clue is on the scale of how how hot it is there's a lot of chilies down the bottom i'm hanging on in there i can see it trying to pace myself the determination i see it come on never give up we're gonna get the training it's all it's led to this [Laughter] so besides obvious exceptions like david attenborough there aren't that many people who've been making television out in remote areas of the world long enough to see the effects of climate change are there obvious changes that you've noticed in your decades of doing expeditions that give you pause climate change is undeniable and the other thing about climate change is that it always affects the vulnerable you know in terms not just in terms of wildlife which i've seen some horrific consequences of of climate change upon and you know animals and you know when you see 50 elephants fighting in a mud hole with sort of that much mud in it that you know for hundreds of years there's been a full up and you see these elephants starving to death and so yeah it's it's hard to come away unaffected but the other side of it is that climate change affects vulnerable people coastal communities the poorest people in the world rising sea levels extreme droughts extreme rainfalls flash flood you know and that's the one thing we all share together the same planet and i come from the position of if you love something you protect it and uh and that's how i see climate change [Music] oh wow i've just found the knife and fork yeah yeah here's to you wow is that a bomb worse a lot worse yeah i'm not going to lie to you i i appreciate the fact you're honest i am struggling a little bit with this one [Music] come on bear there we go let's go bear you got it you've got a bear you've got a fire there we go it's like it's like anti-venom yeah i've never heard this analogy before but i'm all yours well with you know we're in jungles all the time a lot of snakes in fact one of our one of our guys got bitten by a horrific snake and that's a whole nother story i'll send you the i'll send you the photo of steve's foot after that snake yeah i gotta see steve's terrific but um this is hot ones auntie venom that's taking me close to the water team [Music] good here we go there we go i'm really feeling the urge to scratch my balls don't yeah i appreciate it i appreciate it yeah like dive on that like secret service from across the table okay so there's a recurring question that we've asked before on hot ones to anyone who can give a credible answer and i think that we can add you to the list alongside padma lakshmi and andrew zimmern of all the animal testicles that you've eaten in your life which ones do you think have the best shot at becoming a mainstream menu item if people gave them a chance well first of all none of them because they're all pretty terrible and there have been a few test schools over the years you know i mean the worst testicle was the goat's testicle in the sahara that uh this berber tries when it cut off and uh and i saw the goat before and it was quite a small goat i thought this is gonna be okay until i saw the size of the testicles and i thought that that is out of all proportion anyway i tried to eat this thing uh thought i'd try and swallow it because i didn't want to bite into this massive testicle that was just going to get ugly so i tried to swallow this thing and it got halfway down but it was too big so i threw it up now having a mouthful and then bit down so now i got tesco sacks sperm and vomit in my mouth you know but i didn't want to be rude so i tried to hold it there and then eventually kind of got it down yeah that was a bad day yeah wow i'm i'm suddenly getting a lot of kick from a build-up of eight this is the cumulative effect yeah yeah i'm getting that well wait till and i haven't even done the wait until this sort of once that bomb goes down there's no going back there's not going right we're in it before we do dead bomb is there anything sensible you'd like to ask me because right sure the answers might get us slightly well listen i don't know if you've been following along so far but nothing i ask is sensible you know yeah unusual there the first thing it hits from here is your eyeball yo that's a bad sign wow mother love yeah wow yeah come on team never give up get the milk get more milk ready we should yeah maybe it's payback over like so many there's so many guests we've had have been so many moments of kind of raw terror and raw this is payback this is a long time i have a lot of running mob oh buddies watching this going you mother lover this has been long overdue yeah yeah in all of your years of shooting what would you say was the most inopportune time to experience diarrhea halfway up a rock face i had that on a on a big cliff and i'd eaten a dodgy snake the day before and um wow and anyway i was halfway up this rock face and um and i felt it coming you know and as you know when it comes you can't there's nowhere to know where to hide and i said the camera guy said look turn the camera off this ain't waiting for no one you know because i had a hand up here on this thing you know one hour on the road the other on trying to get my trousers down did the business into free air you know crew underneath it oh no and uh and i told her to tell the camera to turn the camera off and i eventually got sorted and you know holding on and tied my train look looks over there and there's cameras all blinking still you know there's nothing sacred oh wow i know no but the other thing i've learned on this journey with you respect respect for you you know good for you i mean you do this day in day out [Music] you know i'm i'm a de bomb virgin and it's probably going to be a one-time one-time relationship you know good for you wow [Music] wow it doesn't get any better does it [Music] what's a politically correct word for man up step up human up yeah humanoid and no fun no fun at all but after the last one a little bit nicer yeah although that hurt the teeth right they kind of all were a lot different i mean that's a new experience trying to hurt the teeth you know you'd never call that you know if you're a viewer watching this at home you think hot things mouth you know lips for something to hurt your teeth different level so i imagine there have been times in your life where fans will approach you on the street to tell you how something they saw you do on tv actually saved them in a potentially life-threatening real-life situation what is the story that stands out when you think about those stranded and lost stories that you've heard from fans over the years [Applause] um well oh they're being some great piece of good stories you know you know great ones are like snowballs getting lost and you know a few few drinking urine ah you know kids falling through the ice there have been some pretty hardcore serious incidents for that and then kids have been amazing and remembered something and you know fall through the ice you're not gonna remember complicated difficult things but simple things like turn around and go back out the way you came rather than panicking and trying to you know simple things uh rolling in the snow you know so snow can absorb the water off you you know obviously dry snow it's going to take the water away it's water ultimately with windshields going to make you cold so great stories like that i love i love hearing them we get them the whole time and never tire of it so many heroes out there [ __ ] my massive [ __ ] wow i'm not entirely sure where we go from here all right so this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing or the last stake but today such an error such an error licking the lips it's been such a day of firsts yeah that i think we should do a first here on wing 10 with the dab yeah i understand that you've brought some snacks and you're not the only one we kind of had the same idea here ally coming through from bugaboo you're not the only one okay with the bug plug over here it's good it's good i mean i was always taught never turn up for a party empty-handed so you're so kind thank you so i bought a little present for you yeah so we should i bought some maggots here here we go there you go you got that all these go because he's the only one we've got some worms over here so what there we go so yep you have the maggots i'll have your i'll have your worms i'll just do a little bit of both guys these are these are not oh they are worms yeah yeah like well they're grubs you know these look like these have been marinating something already well allie seasons over here oh [ __ ] that's not a dab that's a marinade yeah yeah be careful over there hold on let's go again on this so that's a dab here we go cheers bear hey it's been a privilege if we don't come out the other end of this experience it was all worth it it's been an honor brother it's been an honor here we go here's to you to you [Music] um okay [Music] there's a reason you save it for the last yeah yeah but i don't imagine you have many recurring guests you know we have a handful but we probably have similar problems similar things going on it's so funny isn't it there's so much of it like when i was reading your book everything that i was hit everything was like i was like yes yes i never felt more seen than reading the same sort of challenges and then the same sort of effects that you guys have doing your show where it does open people up or yeah you have this thing celebrity that is by definition unobtainable but there's no artifice there's nowhere to hide in the wild and there's nowhere to hide with the hot sauce yeah well i i love that and and you create connections as you say you go through kind of hot scary things again you know you're gonna create some connections but um but yeah you you do you do an amazing job you know wow good for you but no like you were saying you know probably not many recurring guests we have a few on running wilds we have satan's come back a couple of times and a few others but but yeah mostly it's like an experience it's like hot ones it's amazing epic but we're done off the dab we're done you know and it's a bit like that day two are running while they go better this is being unbelievable and blow my mind we're out of never want to see you again but you know what bear grylls we saw the challenge we took it on and we climbed to the summit of mount scoville and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh wow i have to i like enjoy the thing to then plug the show you guys will figure it out you'll figure it out yeah hey for me more importantly than plugging anything you know it's just um i love it it's been a brilliant privilege to do it with you and i'm honored you read the book first of all you're so kind that'd be a good one plug never give up by that i'm running one running while that's why we're here it's like brain fog running one new season out now amazing guest wow that down [Applause] epic such a pleasure i would actually i would class that as a household hazard yeah yeah i think so that goes along with bleach you know sulfuric acid the machetes the axes that you know you don't need in your house don't have it anyway so fun so fun hey what's going on hot ones fans we brought the heat to the freezer aisle with our hot ones boneless chicken bites and used smash sales records and all of our wildest expectations so what did we do we made more that's right we are in with five new flavors of hot ones boneless chicken bites and five new ways for you to bring hot ones home from the classic to the classic garlic fresno edition to the los calientes trio of flavor verde rojo barbacoa visit hot ones challenge dot com for more information and to find a store near you hot ones boneless chicken bites you're in the hot seat now
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 8,631,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, HOT ONES BEAR GRYLLS, Bear Grylls man vs wild, Bear Grylls Fake Moments, Bear Grylls Obama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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