Josh Brolin Licks the Palate of Absurdity While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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[Music] no I don't want to talk to you anymore that's gnarly I mean that's like a hot hot hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we close out season 17 with Josh Brolin he's an academy award-nominated actor who's storing credits include No Country for Old Men sicario milk Deadpool The Avengers many many more his latest project though is the mind-bending mystery thriller outer range which is set to release on Prime video April 15th Josh Brolin welcome to the show thank you brother how are you around hot sauce before we dig in I mean I've been around hot sauce my whole life I said earlier that my mom's from Texas um my dad is a big hot sauce aficionado I'm just kind of a trashy Tabasco guy but you know I'm willing but I'm interested to volley with you I want to see how this goes and I've been on kind of a diet you know I got to get ready for Dune and a week ago I kind of went into panic mode so I stopped eating all the stuff that I was eating so we're dealing with this on kind of an empty stomach which I think might make for an interesting moment thank you [Music] right on this is like a Miyagi thing yeah here we go set the tone ready do you always use the same sauces so every season we're out with the old in with the new so this is the season finale for season 17. so you've had these sauces All Season all season but this is the last time that they'll be on this table right on sending them off in style foreign [Music] so your new series outer range is a mind-blowing western set mystery thriller in which you play a hard-nosed Rancher who discovers this large metaphysical black hole on his property I've heard you mention a natural draw to the Absurd to the weird what is it that sold you on the story of Royal Abbott I mean exactly that anything that kind of hybrids something that I'm interested in which would be westerns but then if I go back to when I was a kid and I you know got exposed to literature reading for the first time and I grew up on a ranch and then I remember reading Ray Bradbury's books or Isaac asimov's books which really contrasted my reality and it was all interesting to me I always loved that kind of uh [ __ ] with the Alchemy so this was a great opportunity to be able to mesh something that was instigated in my childhood in a really really positive amazing way and then what you get is this kind of Behavioral chaos of humans dealing with something that's outside in themselves or what they consider unknown [Music] Dawson's Cedar I'm already getting weird I hear my friend Liz laughing already and nothing's even happened dangerous she knows she knows a lot more than I do so recently released the Art and Soul of doing a book that pairs your writing along with photos from Dunes Director of Photography Greg Fraser who by the way shout out recently won an Academy Award yes what are the conversations like between actors and cinematographers on set like how does blocking or lens choice help inform your approach to a scene it's really amazing to be able to work with people who are very good skilled and experienced at what they do it's actually really fun because the switch happens almost instantaneously where you can be [ __ ] around with somebody and then all of a sudden you're like look the lights hitting there I know that you perceived a scene in a certain way and yet I come in with my own ideas and how we can collaborate which can be it can be the most awful experience if you're collaborating with people who wanted are just interested in putting their kind of power stamp on it but people like Greg people like Denise actors like Javier actors like Rebecca Ferguson it's a very kind of loose very humble place I don't care about cinematographers right now man what are we doing this is like cocaine I feel weird right in this weird room together I don't know what cocaine feels like but yeah let's just go with it all right so this next one anyway on that note this next one is the Calabria oh pure uncut Calabria yep that's that's beautifully put thank you for running with that [Music] you know when you eat beets and you go to the bathroom and you think something's gone wrong and you look in the toilet and you think you might have to call 9-1-1 yeah what happens to you when you go to the bathroom after you eat these so for me I think the biology has more or less adjusted at this point you know to where I can kind of go through life without much of a problem for you tomorrow though yes chapters are like anything can happen if I film it will you cut it into the show sure yeah it could be the bonus scene you know close out season 17 with a bang is it true that you blew the audition for The Fly 2 by over committing to the metamorphosis project how do you know this that's cool that's fishing I like when that happens you're committing to the metamorphosis riding on the ground foaming from the mouth it was it was the fly too and I went in there man and I totally committed and I did this for like 22 years with pretty much every audition I ever did but I I was on the ground and I was frothing at the mouth because he's in a chrysalis he's in a cocoon like what what happens to one that's human that's not used to something like morphing from one thing to another one would imagine that it would be a painful process would one not and then you finish the audition which is always the most uncomfortable part where they all look at you and there's a pause and they go thanks for coming in thank you that was wonderful thank you and I go is there anything else you want me to do or is I can do it you know if that that wasn't appropriate there's another way we can deal with it and they go no that was fine that was great and then I left and I got back to my place and there was already a message from my agent and I called the agent back and he said what the [ __ ] did you do in there literally verbatim and I said did I get it and he's like oh no like they'll probably never see you again I was like well I still don't understand to this day I was like don't you want somebody who commits anyway I didn't I didn't do that part I didn't do that part yeah this is hotter I I feel that one man we're climbing so that's number four number four if I itch my ears my ear Gonna Hurt later yeah you know what actually that's a good question because there is some sort of like you know cross-pollination that goes on but what you really have to look out for is your eyes you know don't rub your eyes don't rub your eyes there that's it wow the Ingenuity here it's what you get when you're dealing with really smart people so in addition to starring Wall Street money never sleeps I know that you worked for years there's a real life day trader specializing in pullbacks off the top of your head without thinking about it too much what do you think is the greatest stock market movie of all time oh Wall Street I mean of course man I mean that's what others are there I mean there are there are Wall Street you have Wolf of Wall Street is a great movie I mean I know I knew Jordan Belford for a while and and I still I talked to him once every couple of years now but I mean that's an incredible story man that's an incredible story but that's not it that's about stocks but it's not about stocks Wall Street is about trading in the behavior around trading whereas Wolf of Wall Street is just about absolute you know unadulterated greed which is kind of amazing in itself I thought that was a phenomenal movie there was one point where I thought I was going to be in a version of that movie but I think Kyle Chandler ended up doing what we had talked about and I thought he was excellent excellent amazing yeah I don't feel like anything biologically has changed yet do you know what I mean I'm not sweating I'm not not doing like a Matt Damon where I look like I'm gonna fall off my chair wow foreign [Music] yeah that's really good man so far I feel like we're five for five five for five I'm stoked I thought I was gonna have to eat bread before just so I didn't shove my I mean so I didn't throw up but I feel good right now the whole milk thing is not really becoming an issue even water you're crushing it I think straws is really fun I mean I I love this this is great um Josh we have a crane segment on our show called explain that gram we're gonna do a deep dive in our guest Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the Monitor and then you just tell us the bigger story okay can you pull back the curtain on the movie Magic that's going on in the makeup chair here is that from Deadpool 2 yeah so the whole so I've had that done a few times and when you have that done they put it on you and it slowly obviously slowly solidifies right and as it slowly solidifies because it's around everything and they've created holes in your nose other than the holes in your nose everything starts to muffle so you lose the pores start popping and you start to lose all sense of sounds or obviously sight and all that kind of stuff so the sight thing is one thing and then when you start losing sound it starts to become a little freaky and some people can't do this but I have to I've learned that I have to have a bad and then what I wrote on that pad at some point during that process was mild panic and then they get really close to your ear and they're like it's okay dude you're doing great we only have this long left and then they sit there and they basically hold your hand through the process because you have no sense of anything there's no sense of space vicinity or proximity sounds anything you lose it all it's a wonderful experiment but it can be terrifying why would one want to do that but you know when you're doing Deadpool 2 you're excited at that point you really don't know what you're getting into so you're like okay well speaking of doing things that make you ask yourself why would anyone do that are you ready to move on yes to the back half yeah so this is the queen Majesty Coco ghost Coco ghost I think I cursed too much no okay you're such a clean guy what does that mean you just feel very clean to me you just feel like you just showered or just groomed well maybe that's just like the who's your groomer me just it's a solo Mission I'm just joking shout out to Susan it's a solo Mission this is me man yeah I've never felt as clean as you look laughs what's special to you about the Jiva theater center in Rochester it seems like that literally the greatest questions I've ever been asked oh seriously like I'm Blown Away by I don't know who's working for you but don't fire them um Jiva theater was run by Howard Millman but there was a classic portion and then a new plays portion of that year that Anthony Zerby ran and Anthony Zerby is an integral part of my life somebody who I met doing a western show called The Young Riders amazing Shakespearean actor an amazing friend my officiant my wedding but it was an incredible four years of my life where I did I would do two plays in rotating rap and sometimes do a classic piece but I was always doing two plays at once so that was kind of a a conf what would seem to be confusing but I was actually a really great skill to be able to pop in and out of something or do one thing in the afternoon and then go do a completely different character at night and I worked some amazing actors and and uh yeah so it was a great experience and I think if there's any kind of modicum of a perception of me being a character actor I think that's kind of where it was revealed through Anthony's Irby you know yeah foreign back something that was really cool to me so I'm sorry let's fire it up man yeah man this is interesting I'm starting to I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with me because I always felt that way but now particularly because you're just running through these hot sauces just crushing these hot sauces actually not that I'm crushing them that's not how I would put it but I would I would say that there's nothing of that there you go yeah there's a little moment there's nothing that has worried me oh that's real [Music] that's good actually that's super good and yes the little it kind of changes got behind my eyes [Music] all right yeah that's real man so I'm fascinated by your stories about working with the Coen brothers for example you know sending off audio voices that you're doing for Hail Caesar and then getting feedback like the piece sound really good but the H's aren't great so maybe work on the H's when you think of all the enigmatic notes that they've given you over the years is there one that stands out as the most quintessentially Coen Brothers um when we were doing no country you know everything was pretty much drawn and you kind of knew what you were doing and it was it was not dialogue heavy so there wasn't a lot of stuff to experiment with and change but I know when I got the the satchel and I opened it up I said don't you think he should say something he looks at the Dead Guy and then he looks around and you know you can tell he's thinking about what is this what do I want to do with this and shouldn't there be like a little something there and and and and jogos well like what and I said I don't know like a huh or like a hmm and they go is there anything else and I go like like um and I go what else and then now you're thinking they're [ __ ] with me right so I went through about six of them and they go and Ethan said try the second one so I did the second one whatever's in there and then every time we screen the movie Once the movie was finished I always knew where Ethan was in the theater because every time that moment happened he would burst out laughing so was it a joke or did it help the movie in the scene we'll never know we'll never know any kind of film that they've come out with and they've manifested that's good is an accident oh yeah yeah just a coincidence that every time every time not because of skill or anything all right all right man it's happening bro it is it is it's actually finally finally at long last yeah and just in time my ears are ringing it's not not okay for the next Wing which is the bomb Beyond insanity the bomb Beyond insanity [Music] my teeth are reacting right now yeah like just crushing that wing this is a great example dealt with my life and why I am the way I am committing yeah but it's it's stupidity has anybody ever thrown up no no we're in the clear why do you think you might be breaking the ground I don't know maybe have you have you ever not how funny I've seen you do this because I watched your show yeah oh wow wow so why did you drink the milk what's the difference between the milk and oh God damn it's hot dude so the milk's [ __ ] gnarly yeah crazy hot sauce the milk is sort of a temporary relief but I don't think like anything helps like we're just in the soup now I don't want to talk to you anymore that's gnarly I mean that's like a hot hot yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] too oh things are starting to run and bleed it's crazy is that really the I don't know what to do with myself I understand the struggle yeah wow man stretch it out do you still love me I still love you I love you even more I love you even more I might ask you to spoon me in a second whatever you need whatever you need to get through it whatever it's when you breathe it it's hard kind of reactivates right yeah yeah what did you learn sneaking out to go to the punk rock Club Godzilla's as a teenager like what do you think you learned about yourself I don't know how you know this man you're freaking me out be careful careful careful oh okay okay don't manipulate me going down to Godzilla's just as Black Flag and Circle Jerks and dead Kennedy to all those guys were starting to come in was it would be like the equivalent of cbgb's back in the day was just crazy man you just see I mean it was like it was performance art and again like reading Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov back in the day when I was a kid that was like the next level and next Milestone of that I was like this is not this is a totally different existence and one that I understand a lot better than the one that's in front of me yeah man nailed the dismount thank you are you ready to move on to the next Wing this is the pucker butt pepper company seriously yeah or did you just make that up no oh that's bitching that's cool the pup pucker butt pepper company [ __ ] yeah it is okay here we go ready I'm ready [Music] again going in on those wings well dude if you're gonna do it I love them do it I love that wow man we're almost there we are almost there it's all good you know when somebody says it's all good that there's yeah I know it's Panic time it is panic time no it's all good ma'am okay can you speak to obsessively baking pies on the set of Labor Day you're you're a co-star Kate Winslet she has a quote where she'd say he'd give pies to everyone it really was exciting at first but later on you'd see a pie and go running what's the key to getting that like flaky crust oh there was something about how you indent I remember I was taught how to indent the crust and how it would cook but I also there was something about my oven wasn't working like other ovens or it was an older house and and it and it actually worked because it was a slower cook and it created a harder crust than usual so I made an even better Pie by accident than I probably would have made had I had the proper oven God I talk a lot man you had this Magic Oven you had that magic I did I did [Music] what's your favorite show oh like of all timer like right now I would say both I said it's two separate moments but what's your favorite show of all time where I was in my life and the the stretch that it gave to me maybe South Park oh wow yeah and then without thinking about it too much uh currently I would say uh succession oh really it's kind of the thing that I'm I'm locked into or no you know anticipating that yeah yeah my wife got me into succession it's very very good what about you favorite all time that's tough right under these circumstances Laverne and Shirley there we go let's go for this happy days to Laverne and Shirley when Fonzie was in the air and you didn't know whether he was gonna make the jump or not let's see if we make it okay I actually kind of saturated that yeah well this is the commitment here like the fly to audition but in the double dip chicken talk shell for me wow yeah no no no sometimes it's like I do this anyway where you just swallowed the wrong way but if you swallow hot sauce the wrong way it just it's not but I stopped it different ball game altogether you know there's a time we had a Colin Farrell in here earlier this season and I had like where I inhaled and like I feel like just it was just like a straight pepper like just a straight thing right to the throat yeah yeah and just couldn't talk I saw that I don't know if it was the moment with him but I saw you have a moment where you couldn't talk very well oh with uh John Bernthal maybe that that's who it was I legit choked yeah like are you actually choked on the chicken like a little piece of chicken every chocolate you choke your chicken you know but literally on that episode I took like a deep breath in and I've never had that before when we're like like vacuum sealed into the windpipe and then I'm doing it in the bizarre context of this show yeah and then I thought I was just gonna die on my show yeah yeah but you know what made it through you should be very proud of I mean this show and like I said the reaction of so many people when I BR when I bring up your show is is a massive like it's not like a oh yeah I've seen I love that show it's like no [ __ ] way you're gonna be on that show it's like a major reaction but was there a moment when you were choking on your chicken that you felt I can't die on hot ones you know what that's lame I have almost even though I'm not saying it's not it's not yeah like insult your show at all no no but I know what you're saying right because it goes uh one of two ways you know what I mean where maybe it's almost like oh well this is me dying on my shield yeah you know what I mean like if I go down a chicken wing talk show host goes down choking on a wing yeah it's kind of cool it's kind of cool it's kind of cool it's kind of like let's write about you know what I mean yeah exactly like I think that's how like the Legacy kind of lives did it on purpose right and then they can ever without anything beyond this was kind of gonna be not as kind of you know grab public attention like yes but then I'd never have to face that reality because all right at the peak I just went down in flames and there it is like the armpit lick relived here Josh Roland taking on every single sauce in the lick that's how I think you put an exclamation point on season 17 and look at you taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life what I have going on in my life what I have going on right now is total chaos and Insanity inside my mouth I mean isn't that the point um I have outer range where I lick the pallet of absurdity at a range we have coming out April 15th and I'm very proud of it it was a lot of hard work it was in horrible elements when you go through that you want the result you want to be good and I think we come up we came up with something very interesting and original so I hope you guys enjoy it that was so much fun dude that was so much fun you're not just saying that I don't ever want to do nighttime talk shows again this is like this is what I've been talking about like do we have to break an egg on my head like I don't understand what that has to do with the movie no yes I understand hot chicken wings yeah it's cool that's cool thank you brother hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans and they said we were crazy they said we were nuts a hot sauce for kids they said it wouldn't it shouldn't be done well guess what we did it anyway and now we're doubling down we started with the green say hello to hot ones Junior the yellow the yellow is a super mild hot sauce with sweet tropical heat from mango pineapple and Scotch bonnet pepper whether you're a parent child or just want a super mild sauce this is the sauce for you and if you want to be the first person to try it the April hot one subscription box is where you'll find it sign up by April 15th to sign up and Order the yellow
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,318,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, hot ones, josh, Josh Brolin, josh brolin outer range, josh brolin thanos, josh brolin thanos voice, josh brolin hot ones, josh brolin ryan reynolds, josh brolin sicario, josh brolin workout, spicy wings, spicy wings challenge, spicy wings recipe
Id: c0ZtaaMml90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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