Terry Crews Hallucinates While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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This hurt. A LOT. But I’m glad I did it.

Looking at it— I realize now I didn’t take the last dab. I seriously felt like I was losing consciousness. The sauce was all over the wing— the dab was for effect— but I understand. That will always be one of my greatest regrets!

👍︎︎ 39165 👤︎︎ u/TheTerryCrews 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Terry's drawings are legit! Here's his sketch of Andy Samberg he was talking about for Color Me Terry!

👍︎︎ 917 👤︎︎ u/TyronePAD 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sean Evans proving yet again that giving a shit is the bedrock of good interviewing and compelling TV.

👍︎︎ 5102 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

My friend was on "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" when Terry was the host and he said he was the nicest person he's ever met in his entire life. Seemed extremely genuine and kind.

Also my friend won like 70k

👍︎︎ 10298 👤︎︎ u/wickbush 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

I feel like I would be king of the universe if I had Terry Crews shouting instructions at me.

👍︎︎ 2979 👤︎︎ u/Matty_dee 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

"I need your phone number, cause now we're friends forever". If Terry Crews wants to hang out with you it's safe to say you're officially certified awesome

👍︎︎ 1678 👤︎︎ u/ThaGreek6374 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hearing Terry Crews talk about building that PC, and making that effort to connect with his son. Damn.

👍︎︎ 3989 👤︎︎ u/_tost 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

I fucking love Terry Crews. One of my top celebrities I would like to meet.

👍︎︎ 5218 👤︎︎ u/Freakymrp 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Should have given him some yogurt

👍︎︎ 1010 👤︎︎ u/EskimoMoe 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
Oh stay on top hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hacked questions and even hotter wings and today by popular demand I'm joined by Terry Crews you know him from his many films TV shows and of course you can catch him on fox's award-winning hit show Brooklyn nine-nine now and it's fit season Terry and welcome to the show are you doing good Terry how are you I'm good I'm hungry you're not fast every day so it's we waited till two o'clock it's now 2:00 we can officially yes we can do it how are you with hot food I've had some really hot stuff before and didn't die so I'm okay are you ready get it going I'm ready [Music] all right so this first one is Valentina alright so I want to start by talking about an interesting time in your life the purgatory between when your NFL career ended and before the Hollywood dream began because as I understand it you were doing temp jobs you were sweeping factory floors that are especially interesting to me working as a part of Ice Cube's security detail I was location security probably do a bunch of different movies it just so happened I was on next Friday because I was like the biggest guy so they would assign me right outside his trailer he parked and the whole thing and I'm like hi mr. cube and he like hey what's up you know it was really like dismissive and and the whole thing and I just took care of business I mean I really wanted to be you know a good security guard I didn't want to be like hit my demo tape I want to be an accurate about cuz I wasn't even into that at the time what was Wow was that once I was an extra in training day that's when he was like that's to do that was out dude well you know do it security the whole thing and then I got my opportunity for Friday after next and do it change our lives forever and it's interesting to how in this business it can come full circle that way you know at one point you're just giving a little head nod to cube and then the next time he's putting you in the movie exactly exactly I wanted to get in the business so CID in mind the thing right is it [Music] all right so your Renaissance man with the resume - Matt but I think the fans will tell me if I didn't focus on Brooklyn nine-nine for a way mm-hmm what's the origin story of the yogurt thing it's funny because once we started filming you know what I always eat yogurt you know it was one of the things and some writer was watching and picking it up and he felt what is a really healthy thing a Terry Jeffords in love in ever liked yogurt and it just pain this iconic thing I'm still waiting for my big big giant deal yogurt dude who's been your favorite cameo on the show and why is it Marshawn Lynch what my job was great though he was really really good I think Eva Longoria was awesome Eva's always been a friend and she killed him who's the set clown who's the funniest off camera it's weird cuz Andy's a very serious guy you know he's got calculates his comedy you know he's always like that but chelsea peretti is hilarious all the time we laugh non-stop she is the life of the party and I truly think she's probably one of the funniest people TV has ever seen I like porn now [Music] can you talk to me how you went from not knowing a damn thing about computers to all the sudden building a custom state-of-the-art gaming PC with your son Wow Wow that right there was really cool I remember watching my son playing video games playing on a computer I was like what'd you play and he was like I'm not playing okay what are you doing he's like I'm watching excuse me I was like what and I found out he was actually watching people play and I was like oh this is weird I didn't understand what was happening and I said I've got to find a way to connect with his world cuz one thing I remember is that my father never wanted to connect with what I was doing like I was I hey Dad check this out and evil I visit you know you're like oh and I'll never forget how that felt and I said I'm gonna get into where he's about but once I played battlefield I thought it had these tower computers and they were playing with keyboards and mouse is I was like oh wait I even know about it and I remember they were like you gotta build it that makes it better you know I was like really like I was like there's no way I can pay and all they they but then I said no this is what me and my son can do together it's the new ham radio all of a sudden things started to make sense the more you stand around and you're the only that goes in there and the sound card goes it goes right here oh the new graphics card is spinning it's very it was so satisfying and man it changed my life forever changed my life and it's interesting because you know I think that the video game obsession it freaks a lot of parents out when they see their kids getting into it but as somebody who went through that experience how did it change your perspective as a parent when it comes to video games well I mean I saw the potential I saw how beautiful though that whole thing is it's so different in reading comic books and I thought what a beautiful thing it's beautiful I'm all choked up it's not the week a leopard on it Oh My Damn someone talked about your NFL career because there's a Hard Knocks fan I'm fascinated by the sort of bottom of the roster dog-eat-dog competition that goes on and you're someone who experienced that with a handful of teams and I know that it's a very tough business at what point did you feel most chewed up and spit out Wow I had to be it was 1997 I got a tryout with the 49ers and they treated me so bad I mean they treated me like I was dirt he was working me out like he was mad and he had to be out there it was just a psychological mess I was a little farther away from him than I am with you and he ruined a ball at me and I put my hand up and my finger was like an L it totally went sideways and I snapped it back I was like forward you know you come on I don't just get to work out good I was like I'm done and I remember coming home to my wife and said never again that was good I was I was so done as your label mm-hmm-hmm tasty Thank You Terry I appreciate the thought this guy he tastes mm-hmm is we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that Graham we do a deep dive on our guests Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so I'll show you the picture and then if you could just tell me the bigger story does that sound good that's good all right you're having fun tearing having fun now tell me afterwards if you had a good time first things first yeah Academy very aggressive pose for the short shorts era oh my god it was a magical idea because you know you gotta know I had the George Gervin Iceman poster in my room he was sitting on his black ice with to basketball I was like - I need like my own George Gervin posters thing and it was really bad I don't even oh Sh in my knees up next yon horseback the horse is that your favorite animal I hear it's your favorite animal first of all I love horses when I was a young man I used to always want arrivals going up and put Michigan they were like oh man Matterhorn it's gonna kill you man I was gonna step on your head dog it's gonna be all and then you finally go yeah yeah that's kind of stupid yeah I shouldn't I wanna ride horses behind they went to ride horses and learn how to do agile up the best time let me tell you it was the best time I was like damn it let anybody talk you out of what you want to do and they were all wrong Terry you could have gone your whole life without knowing the joy of riding a horse in the sunset yeah and this is me on my day off here you are with the iron the iron addict Ct Fletcher Ct Fletcher we got a background it's the same we both had a major major issues with our fathers and my father was very abusive I mean one of my earliest memories of him you know basically hitting my mom in the face so I was five years old you know what I mean and that made me want to live because feel like oh my god if he's hitting her what's he gonna do to me my whole life I was totally obsessed with being strong psychologically through a lot of therapy you learn that you're trying to protect yourself I remember I got beat up a couple of times in high school I thought I'd never happen again you know and you have to fight to get into school it was really nothing I want to go to classes I'm you ain't going there girl you ain't going nowhere you know and man I said no not me I'm gonna survive and we're kindred spirits man that's my man just serious no no no this is not deep man that's what we want that's what the wings do the hot sauce my man Terry thank you very much so you can't get pecs like those without having some discipline in your diet but I know that on the cheat days you like to throw down in the kitchen do you have any cheat day kitchen hacks I make a killer bread pudding with orange butter sauce take French bread you better get about a day old I mean literally you want to have a little punch on it slice it up you put some raisins on top you pour like a cup of butter on the fattest butter you can find okay but make sure it gets all into the bread and the whole deal then you blend up about six eggs and some milk and some sugar and some spices like cinnamon and the Nutmeg love it then you blend it and makes this really big cream and then put that in there blend it up like crazy pour it over the sliced bread let it soak I let that sucker soak until all the bridges in goryeo's the bully make sure you pat it all down and raisins are all in there bake that sucker for about 4550 minutes then I make some horns butter sauce which is more butter more butter can't handle it with some sugar and a couple tablespoons of orange juice to give it a little twing and then you pour that sugary mixture over there what it basically is is a glazed doughnut in a pang and now you will be in a carb coma it's like you know it's just a major crash because if you get this energy to just go the carbs just run through your system oh man the walking dead I look like that guy I did like there's a guy on the bottle oh oh ass hurts mm-hmm getting serious over here it's a home oh man oh not tasting good so despite your grueling shoot schedule I've heard you say that you work out up to two hours per day yes what's something that was easy for you in the weight room at 25 that's now kicking your ass as you approach 50 you know I used to be able to like have a 90 second you know then you hit it and do two or three things at the same time run the gauntlet now I'm like five minutes I'm good you know I gotta give me five ten minutes you know between sets get those lungs back and it's like I gotta come back whoo I thought what are the Fitness politics like when you do a movie like The Expendables is the craft service all protein shakes and sweet potatoes do they put a gold gym I'm a lot you know we don't work out together and it's because it's too you know the challenge is too deep what was wild is um I missed a competition and you kind of hit those kinds of dogs in there but I don't like to compete I don't believe in competing but it's inevitable you know and you do something and you'll hurt yourself just because you're trying to keep up with people it'll have to be very careful who I work out with because they draw you in and you want to be this and then also then your PEC is like popular you know here in the hospital you know I've seen it happen too many times [Music] Oh mm-hmm oh man yeah oh it's not yeah now there's some consequences to the bomb 400 whoa milk it's okay it's okay no shame in that so everyone knows Terry Crews the actor Terry Crews the football player but some fans might be surprised to know that you had an art scholarship mixed in with that athletic full ride at Western Michigan is it true that used to moonlight by painting portraits for your NFL teammates making $5,000 a pop exactly what I did I used to go back in the locker room after I got cut and I remembered because I thought that was my only way to survive oh oh and it would literally be like maybe pretty good oh thank you oh man I'm good like it yeah oh man it would say you're pretty good and usually football players are pretty egotistical yeah they probably like so yeah yeah I could put a picture you over a city and you know you put this over your madness over your mouthpiece are you 11 and they were like oh yeah we'll do it and and I really I did a lot of that that's how I survived all right careful around your eyes Terry oh yeah what's the last thing you drew or painted well I actually did a pilot with Eddie Sandberg about a show that I'm doing called Color Me Terry where I draw celebrities as I interview them got like a hot one oh man where you at Terry okay okay I'm all right oh yeah how much what we got you get hot off this year yeah yeah for sure that's that's how this show exists I don't I don't care about the YouTube views I'm just chasing the dream like my voice is changing yeah oh you got it turn it into three people man oh my god [Music] ah Oh stay on top oh yes so we've had a lot of talented actors with range on this show but I'm gonna be real with you your IMDB page there's just something different about it it's magnificent I want to bounce rolls off of you and I want you to tell me which one was the most underrated that sound good t-money brawlin MMA fighters in a hamster wheel on battle dome the trial Spencer belting out a thousand miles and white chicks president Camacho busted a shot from the presidential dais and idiocracy where the Camacho was underrated because no one it was a bomb the movie did not work no one saw it and then years later years later beep oh my god and then your characters they tend to be insanely quotable what is the Terry Crews ISM that gets yelled at you most often in airports everybody knows that I need another one is uh remember that [ __ ] at Christmas from The Expendables the first one so right there here's a napkin how you doing my man it's not man all right I'm gonna ask you with this oh no I'm lightheaded I can't oh no you walk one more wing to go and this one is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's a tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want some turnovers it's okay don't go it's okay what a comeback story Terry careful though but how much fun you're having around explain that God all right man good man good you're doing great you're doing great Terry Oh I survived it enough that I can do this all right goodbye goodbye Terry oh man you what a fan of this man it is always amazing it is always amazing to me it baffles me I scratch my head but I'm very grateful it's been a revolving door I don't know how oh man am I here find me my man losing me catch me oh yeah I feel like Steve Jobs in the seventies alright Terry so whether it's walking a red carpet or eating the wings of death you're very comfortable in the spotlight but it seems to me like you're most at home when you're barking into your phone from the driver's seat of your car yes letting your followers know that they have one more set in them so now that the wings have kicked into your empty stomach the last dab settling into your soul what's the Terry Crews advice for the fans out there that just keep hitting the snooze button there's a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I have used for my life and if the biggest thing ever is that guy will not have his work made manifest by cowards love it dude when you realize and internalize that there's nothing on this earth now that doesn't mean not being scared what it means is doing it anyway taking that last bite of that wing anyway being willing let people see you snap in front of everybody ah what [ __ ] Terry I have chills going down my spine I'm not sure if there were the words or if it's the death sauce but either way I feel great and looking at you I can tell that you feel great too Terry Crews I love you too Terry it was a climb up the mountain together and now I just want to roll out the red carpet for you my man this camera this camera of this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I got the nine-nine happy season five man we made it dude I am NOT one of the only new people to have three consecutive scripted shows go past 100 episodes to be syndicated let me tell you something when you work you learn you grow Oh [Music] hello hot ones fans its Sean Evans new outro same message if you like what just saw throw us a bone maybe please it is dog-eat-dog here on the YouTube streets hit that subscribe button knowing that you subscribed it is seriously the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning thank you very much hot ones fans I love you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 20,889,737
Rating: 4.9610653 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), terry crews, hot ones, sean evans, everybody hates chris, hot sauce, nfl, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, food challenge, interview, actor, 10 questions, 10 wings, the last dab, peppers, hallucinates, hot wing show, brooklyn 9 9
Id: 7TN09IP5JuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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