The TRUE POWER of Monstermon Cards! | Kindergarten (Part 7)

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is the mysterious can of 'unless a minute mix this is then he who brings 25 help me release the greatest of all evils upon the world well I don't know about you but that sounds like a great way to end my time in kindergarten present no talismans oh oh man you have the 25 tennis means they've been president eNOS why is the ground shaking I never meant it I know giving is pretty but descend negative a spring but watch what happens let us end with rapture okay how wanna do is that would be Jason Chris and the twenty nine thousand people watching right now let's do it it's the grand finale of kindergarten the sand with no gas [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT lives did you like that dramatic pause that was great that was very dramatic very pause and it was very much dramatic very pause Inder garden hey yo killing small children and making everyone bloody dumping buckets of blood on their heads if I aged it's basically the crucible in video game form there was a new release out on game expanded the expanded edition of the non released game I don't know how everyone keeps doing this they released like eight alpha versions of a game without actually being like no there's still a lot the whole thing Stovall anyway there was an update that came out late last week we technically could have played it on Friday but we chose to we chose not to and now we're gonna play 101 walls high five high five to that sometimes less is more except just you don't need to explain everything look there's a whole new thing in the middle new it's a whole new game guys it is a holy gams hashtag GZ live use it or lose it okay alright ready because someone else will probably try to cool a claim do it do it okay so so we need to figure out how to get the remaining monster mine cars step one to collect the final monster Mon cards it's a final monster my cards doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo monster my gosh [Music] nice thing that makes good shout-out to Europe all right the seekers of the original song all right monster moans oh what a me so what's our strategy here today Steph the strategy is to finish up all the monster run cards we have it Thanks thank you seven eight one point today with expert commentary way to ask the great question what's our strategy I felt like that is a very okay so here's we've got we've got several to go we've picked up a number last time you can already see them around the circle but I actually have the I have sort of the the tips for getting us the rest of them so we don't spend a lot of time like fumbling around great and people don't have to be really bored great okay so uh you need to so where would you like to start with any of them in particular or do you just want to start at the top oh let's let's start at the top okay so I think the first one we should go for is the one where we give bugs cigarette already got it okay oh we already on okay never mind just kidding uh let's see then then I think we should do the magnifying glass one you on board for that one magnifying glass the magnifying glass we steal it from the cubby and then we're able to give it to nugget to receive the King Power beetles okay oh we're low on cash we are low on cash okay not so much with the fun we have we have a lot of needs right now okay we have a lot of needs death all right boys understood that you're wealthy we have a lot of these do we have a strategy or we're just running into this at this point we don't have a strategy at the moment great mastic this is great okay okay all right which about 45 cents worth good one [Music] here's my strategy ready oh okay if you don't want to do the magnifying glass one right now we can also do several in Sydney's mission and Cindy's mission doesn't require a lot of money to get started so would you like to do that one okay let's get Cindy's that we have we can get shroom turtle we do Cindy's mission up until the house but then you you agree to take her breathalyzer test and then you go through lunch and at least and at recess you give the breathalyzer to them to bugs and then Jimmy card great yep so I'm sorry you tell me sorry let me start off sanitation okay yeah want to be boyfriend yes okay I'll give I'll put gum in her hair that's fantastic great good is there anything else that I can do doing or am I just doing one run-through for everybody I think you just do one run-through for every monster run card I will see Oh actually there's another one for Cindy's mission so you can do Cindy's mission up to the janitor closet also and then you can also grab the gym if you have if you have the apples I literally don't know what you're really telling me at this point so hey so you're just saying stuff and it doesn't make sense do you do you want to get the card during Cindy's mission she has a card that she can give you do you wanna get that one I would like to get as many cards and as few runs as possible would be great though in an ideal world that would it would be awesome to get a bunch of cards in every run I think at this point we may need to narrow our strategy a little bit that we're just gonna do a lot of runs in the day that's that's my fear here I can try and get you as many cards related to Cindy's mission as possible okay that's okay one also okay so I saw that we need a pill right yes for one of them but that's but that's a magnifying glass oh I know so if I'm doing the magnified but the thing is you're telling me hey we can do the magnifying glass one but in order to do the magnifying glass one I need to know how to get to there so I know that we need to drug the teacher in order to give them so like okay it's just a lot of okay so why don't we start with this anyone that okay cool alright so you're going to do Sidney's mission right up to the janitor come into the janitor's closet okay so I have a Bock so nugget we can also do the nugget of friendship can we well cuz he'll let us buy a pill okay don't go stealing people's cubbies so now he'll let us get a pill okay teacher oh let me search the cubbies a distraction how do I take the edge off of her teachers fond of Nuggets pills great hey great so now we can give the Nugget pills great governor hair so now she's sad so now I can keep going with Cindy's mission or so so here's where you start to face choices right because now I think aren't we in the position now that we've given the teacher the pills that we could also steal the magnifying glass well we have not taken Cindy's mission yet we're like we have not played house yet okay so so that's where like we may have to do a couple of run throughs to like get the different to get the different cards right cuz you're gonna run out of apples if you try and both steal the magnifying glass and do Cindy's play house thing here right so give me the magnifying lessons okay yeah let's do that one okay so what do okay take it okay now go back to nugget okay give it to nugget to receive the King power beetle okay okay thank go for it yeah have you found the taking duty to finchy I guess he won't accept it though because I'm doing his quest line I guess oh okay oh all it says for this one is steal a magnifying glass from the cubby when able and give it to nugget to receive the King Power beetle that's all God what about the one where I stand bugs cuz at this point I could steal this knife and stab him potentially okay give it a shot oh no what what what are my staff okay here talk to me stab bugs instead of giving him the Nugget tell nugget it's done even though you stabbed him you'll get the end okay so he's not interested I guess I just gotta follow Cindy at this point so like that's that's one of the weird things about this is you have to follow such a specific pattern of events to get to the certain monster mana cards because at this point I did get the magnifying glass but nugget is not in a position where he's willing to accept the magnifying glass to get me that monster one card so we do need a bunch of like run throughs of this with very specific circumstance Indies roll it we're going for shroom turtle here this is gonna be the shroom turtle monster Mon card no idea what that means do Sydney's mission up until the house this time refuse her and then then agree to take her breathalyzer test so see have you been drinking you're always so is that a breathalyzer all right okay refuser agree to take a breathalyzer test be good you'll receive a breathalyzer do the rest of the morning time as usual go through lunch and at recess give the breathalyzer to bugs okay okay all right your father yep we've worked through this great okay oh wait shoot shoot no in that moment she she if you if you choose to abort the baby no what you can't because you don't have the pills right now oh we don't know the pills wait all right what up hold up what's going on if you keep the pills and you tell her in this moment to abort the baby she'll give you another car oh that's here then let's let's just restart the really do that yeah okay this is complicated I know I have to go and make things so complicated avril lavigne okay we got this no get any kid somewhere it is okay getting the Cubbies fantastic okay copy oh no oh no the fondant hello I haven't found a nugget yet it's there how do I take the edge off oh here's the underground pill trade great yes now just talk to Cindy hey Cindy let's go do house things here we go oh man so awful I'm such a meanie poop I'm the worst hey sexy let's go talk and play house okay it's in a kindergarten sense Stephanie okay here we go I just noticed that the background rug looks like the CBS logo yes there I've been drinking again no honey I'm not drinking oh oh I gotta take a breathalyzer okay ah be a father oh no she cheated on me okay we can work through this you bet we can should we keep the baby no okay hey there garden jeez ah take it away because this is a new line of dialogue yeah that's what I was thinking but I don't know exactly how to do it I think there's a pill you can take well Cindy I just don't happen to have this mysterious fill please take this unmarked drug Oh God perfect no wow I think you've earned a special trees Hey see look what we're getting you there we're getting you there here please Reed's alive you can have this monster one card since you went the extra mile here and actually had an abortion that is the level of service that I provide you Cindy that's your house oh my god watch together fantastic alright so make sure we have the other ones still going to you okay you got the breathalyzer that's all we need make some money dude okay so we're gonna great go through lunch go to lunch just go on there we go just just crank through it yep got a lot of money ah it's for it doesn't mean till lunch okay wait well good sir hold on I don't I don't know how many apples it takes yeah but did you already get the monster man card from the janitor for feeding Cindy the biscuit and then going back in you know I never did actually yeah I better the biscuit but I never actually got anything you can do that now if you can get to a dollar cuz the biscuits a dollar well doesn't give it to you for free if you go down the the right conversation line oh maybe I don't know I I think they think so the other thing you can do in the cafeteria is I believe if you keep getting slop and throwing it out eventually you'll get a card from the Capitol yeah it's for eating enough servings of slop slop costs money at lunch get slop no it doesn't at lunch get slop and chuck it out do this until the lunch gate it gives you uneaten cake okay okay oh maybe we can go up to that one look sure let's do janitor first are you already that one first my own recipe came up after a little what's it on whatever is it a biscuit and a little something extra how much are they they're a buck apiece quite a deal if I do say so myself and I'm sure a little friend Cindy would why would Cindy want to try one just go out and give her one I'm sure she'll love it you're being creepy I'm always creepy just give her a damn biscuit did you something of course not I'm not that kind of janitor this is something else killed her dog ground it into bits putting a biscuit ball something a bit more entertaining yeah you can do the slop one if you want well hold up I think I talked to her oh hey boyfriend I just saved you a spot go get something to eat sit with me good eat was no get she needs she needs some vegan yeah slop is a vegan here we go we give me No here we go she wants something there's no time to get that Sydney girl the biscuit ball vegan you're her boyfriend wow talk about setting the bar low here I'll make you a deal what's the deal I'll give you the biscuit ball for free don't worry I'll also throw in one of them mobster Mon card there it is all you gotta do is make sure she eats it great what do you say deal Neal good come back here when she's down it fantastic awesome nice where did you get me this thing that's vegan are you sure absolutely it is um okay I trust you hmm how do you Birbal eyes a month it was great I thought that was the ideal bunch of sound effects hey that's pretty good and kind of reminds me of my dog in a weird way I can't place it and thank you so much for getting this oh no problems but for whatever you're being so good to me today you're probably the most well trained boy I've ever met I could use you for something you were something at recess hmm okay so here goes all this stuff okay great awesome done okay there we go and we don't have a screwdriver so we can't get the monster mine card in the cup in the hall correct right so let me let me go back let me do this did you eat it yep alright nice here's one of them cards you kids like now skedaddle great and I do I do do we have enough to apples left to get the slot when does he need to do the breathalyzer at no recess recess okay yeah uh yes please I would like some slop I'll probably run out of turns that's what I think too slop oh the slop yeah shoot sorry wow we have a lot of stuff tonight yeah right we're we're a pack solid okay so now the eyes are two bugs okay get out of here get out of here I'm busy I am big Oh what's the point it's no fun being a bully when no matter how many kids you beat up my dad still isn't coming back is everything about him even the way you used to drink excessively well here's a commemorative here's a breathalyzer breathalyzer oh it's just like the one my mom used to force my dad to use auntie thanks buddy no problem here's the bottom on card I really appreciate having this see you later great nailed it good good job today that's three the day so just end the day yeah just get out of this run-through yep wait uh-huh can you get the grass people there's already already got that okay yeah so end the day and the day what did you all bring hi I brought this illegal key an old Greg hey it looks similar to the one that you an attorney is as far as closets he only keeps it locked during lunch anyway you don't know what that's all about oh great okay great and I end the day great Oh awesome okay we got three more c3d ones to ravish AMPAS evil thwart her and a shrewd turtle look out a fish I did we got a buck 70 now okay so we got shroom turtle so I'm gonna I'm gonna take that one off our list and pills okay for the abortion one great this is the shrimp turtle card it's a guy who ate some shrooms and thinks he's a turtle ah great this is the plan a canted oh the evil thwart er card it doesn't more evil it's a sorter that is evil ah ah chill distinction there okay and lastly this is the dress serpent it's a snake with a really long neck or body we can't tell so basically it is just we've gotten wizard worms from the Nugget cave right we've gotten we've got cactus outlaw with bugs we got frizzy guy Jim okay shroom turtle we got we got wizard war room yep okay alright we got that one Cyclops doubling all right evil border which we did just now okay so here's what we got okay giraffes have been sorry grass literally grass and last one is really bright star okay so you have a few that I think we can knock out in in the next run alright one involves not speaking to Cindy up and oh wait we got the evil quarter okay um one involves not speaking to Cindy until lunch okay um she'll ask you to put gum in Lily's hair do it and she will give you doom jelly they do it very end and there's also another yet another one with Cindy's mission do Cindy's mention up until the janitor's closet instead of the bucket retrieves a note from the left box show her and then show Monte come back and tell her about this I guess it's a recipe is it Cindy or Lily it says Cindy says do Cindy's mission okay and then she will kill the janitor and give you they faked a tornado sit okay so Cindy's mission up until okay so we can't both do that one and the one where we don't speak to Cindy until lunch so let's do Cindy's mission now okay well we'll finish up all the ones that involve needing to put gum in Lily's hair and do all this okay okay so we'll do that we'll also get the Nuggets so I can get the pill so I can drug the teacher Yeah right did you also bring your lunch pass because there is one in your lunch if you choose to do lunch with the teacher although we have we can't you can't do you can't people all right yeah okay so no gives me the device fantastic great okay did you already get sneaky snake from your janitor's closet okay we have that one okay sell any of this stuff I can sell the lunch pass oh if I sell them lunch pass do I lose that do I lose it forever where do I just earned a lot of money three dollars that no I would not do that just in case just in case yeah okay okay here we go okay so Cindy's mission put the gum in the hair yep gum in the hair great right walk away Sydney's mission up to the janitor's closet okay cry let's play house one more time ah we've gotten accused of rape by this girl we've aborted the baby of this girl thing here we go I've been drinking again should I do the drinking it doesn't matter makes no difference right yes dear yes dear oh wait no wait I want to restart the room okay because now I have to pay her off as opposed to here you okay gum in the hair gum in the hair crazy sad oh oh my poor brother is dead and locked under the school at this point it's so sad I'm the saddest little girl of all time okay that's okay come on pinks we go right here it's the best no dear I'm just hired oh no it's a breathalyzer I'll take the test 0.32 oh no I'm your I'm a father we can work through this because I'm a responsible husband yeah I think so don't you do it baby we should keep it look at how old happy in the family we are great okay good I'll see you at recess okay we're at lunch are you at lunch now no give me a pill not the pill sure what do we need the pill for now I'm gonna see if I have enough turns to drug the teacher and grab the monster man card other thing oh oh oh hey teacher I hear you like pills yeah don't give me a pill oh I'm so high right now blue running all day play great I'm gonna take this most of my card this is Sydney's cubby there's the most fun take it got it good donesies yes okay good awesome I don't want to have lunch with the teacher right no not unless you want to try it no no we need to do other stuff at lunch good go to LA okay so now okay so now at lunch do cities vision up to the janitor's closet up to the janitor's closet okay yeah okay I have a nugget great oh she's the worst your your mother sucks it's so true oh yeah again this general this janitor will do it yeah what's in them oh I want to buy them why would say do you want to try one you're being creepy great drug it and vegan just give it to me give to me for free fantastic all right good donesies breathing in and you what you get me oh I got you your hand you're grounded dog oh that's so weird and awkward don't you hate it when you eat your dead animals Oh skip don't listen let's let's break into the janitor's closet great okay lunch is almost over let's do it okay go go go go go okay all right all right good to go okay ready go so you said instead of the bucket retrieve a note from the left box okay instead of the bucket retrieve a note note from the left I remember we got the note one time I don't I don't we do this all the way through take the notes keeping out I'll take the note but I can't read it because I'm in kindergarten right go back and you're gonna show Cindy she's not gonna be able to read it but Monte will be Oh Monte okay good ol Monte here we go okay I'll show it to her yep okay okay Kevin I took a note it says show her then Monty shoot Oh know what I do know that word no one wants this note all right I'm skedaddling hold on wait what I get the lunch lady I don't know what's it say this is all it sets come which one the left box show her but hers and then show Monty city will give you the tornado if you find out what happened to our dog instead of getting something gross from the closet so that's so that's what we're in the process of doing right now yeah click on the note at all no joy Neeson and it has to happen at lunch I retrieve a note from Leonardo her and then Monty come back and tell her about come back and tell her about the recipe oh it's probably because I fed her a biscuit ball and so like that you know yes we start the room good and then we can feed her something else yeah I'll feed her a salad okay if we buy Monty's thing and then we if we buy whatever the salad he's selling and we show it at show-and-tell he'll give us a monster Mon card too oh really yeah what does the salad yeah he's like ridiculous meal or whatever wait who's me glob oh yeah that one the silly meal no it's a deal because then I get if I can cuz here's all but I know cuz you salad well no I could buy the salad and I can buy we'll see if I have enough apples for this round I don't think you do you were down to one yeah well let's see here we go salad salads grows I hate salad all you're the worst okay oh I'm sorry no friends oh I support your vegan lifestyle editor key an equal-opportunity about your dietary needs go ready the closet it's break into the closet right now don't pay off the lunch lady there you go [Music] alright so now now we go get the recipe no we get the door already the janitor's closet here we go oh there's a dead body in the background I don't care about that I'll take the note fantastic oh no I can't read the note because I'm character guard and that sucks well let's start some chaos here we go and hey honey look what I got you oh this is so awesome come on maybe it has to be at lunch all right recess let's try it at recess all right can I buy his thing and then show it it all right darn it okay so show it to her now we'll try it well what'd you get yeah well what'd you get this paper a stupid note we can't even read you better find someone who can read this or who won't get us in trouble and it better be worth it okay I'll find someone don't you dare show it to the teacher we'll get in trouble if you do that I wonder if I showed it to cuz Lilly is also able to read and so I wonder if I showed it to Lilly if she would also give us a treasure sheet can't you read I don't know if she can read here we go can you read this down yes can you read this note Monty of course I can read and I don't me and/or Saul like bugs I can read anything for a buck oh here can I sell anything yeah come on up here can I hear you some apples oh-ho lon hold on off it's not enough hold on for a buck a bottle here you go all right let's see here um it seems to me a recipe of some sort oh this is the janitors recipe for those gross looking biscuit ball things he oh god he's using biscuit she's actually using Sidney's missing dog is an ingredient oh this is just so messed up I hope no one has ever eaten one that'd be so gross yeah [Music] whoopsie okay Cindy Haney you find out what that stupid note said yet it's Russell generous biscuit balls just a stupid recipe I can't believe I went to all the trouble of stealing the key to that your dog is an ingredient what your dog is where is he I'm gonna kill him right there dog oh okay I wasn't expecting to find out what happened to my dog today I'm sorry for trying you but you have exceeded my expectations as a boyfriend today I am Number One I am Number One I am Number One oh no good wait okay maybe she'll give it any other day why don't you go first what'd you bring she better give me this right Oh silly me Oh Oh silly me normally would just eat didn't much not bring it to show-and-tell it looks like you left a Mossberg card that goes with it inside the box wouldn't want to leave that behind now would we yeah all right okay I want to see what okay okay okay come on City come on Cindy Cindy bindi bindi come on walk off with your head like I'm not even here oh my it glitched out and I wasted oh that sucks oh that's so obnoxious uh all right all right well you can cross off the one then else so just okay fine oh also have you gotten the card under nuggets lunch table no I know I know that's awesome this time because you don't have to buy the meal free aunty yeah yeah absolutely all right okay oh that's silly gob Amma's he's stealing meal what was the other one we picked up then that run that's it Monty's telling me I was the only new one oh my god no we still learn from Cindy's cubby right we had already gotten that so I got you Cindy Cindy guys we're just forced to be the worst boyfriend ever over and over and over again this water what else could I do thank oh I don't know what it is its water its water but what else can I do anything else come to mind friends uh you can you I was going to tell you about the one on the lunch table see I'm looking here I'm just gonna run through them real quick you have to get sent to the principal's office for one of them here you you start assessing what we're gonna do next yeah and I'm gonna run through this real quick Jerome has a riddle at recess oh wait already didn't done that one okay I've been drinking again no honey I'm just tired okay breathalyzer test all we'll get through this together let's be a father and we still have to still do the stealing the magnifying glass all right badass boyfriend time ever fantastic you didn't complete the magnifying glass one right nope okay yeah I raised some money I don't want to go lunch what happened it glitched out it just glitched out that's so frustrating oh that sucks okay you might need an apple to get the card yeah I think I need it is yeah here we go take a salad don't I don't need anything else fantastic oh here's vegan it's a salad yeah I know it sucks a salad great is literally the worst it's also made out of lettuce which is roughage and really does nothing for you except mildly high drain you but you can just drink a bottle of water so they're okay janitor's closet but now we oh yeah okay okay here we go hurry back okay fantastic run ZZZ and then we can grab the one at the table no no I know what it is it's a recipe so one sec what there's two options here cuz there's money in this room right there is yeah you can either go back and get the card under Nuggets table okay or you can get money in here unless you get money right yeah you have two apples is that are you still able to get money and yeah yes hi yeah so I should take the money oh good idea five bucks that's great so they'll be here we will need money for some of these later on yeah absolutely okay over the last couple are the expensive one okay no make sure you use all your apples on her okay what'd you get I got this paper okay I'll find someone who can read it fantastic so now we head to Monte Monte read this paper it'll cost you a buck okay deal it's a recipe good fantastic all right back I did it's a recipe for the biscuit balls your dog oh my god then I'm also gonna rip other appendages off and then he's gonna die and then I'm gonna just walk around with his head for a while I love the fact that she walks around with his head until the end of the day right awesome that no one come to care no one comment good well that is nice and that is some quality sound again oh hey hello you pay me for my services Cindy with the monster mom I know right here you go you've exceeded my expectations with a boyfriend today that was pretty messed up Cindy indeed I know but I'll make it up to you here you can have this flower it's pretty like me are you kidding me right now I can tell by the look in your eyes that you think you deserve a little more yeah come on card if you really are the best boyfriend I've ever had yes good sweet okay good this is gonna fun recess I'll see you at show-and-tell I just know you'll have something good to show now well that's interesting you can actually complete her mission huh without attacking Oh Lily yeah uh-huh this is the janitors trusty mop apparently it's not very effective at warding off angry girl tonight what could I do it the mom pick them up oh I'm totally taking the mom wait is there a mop yeah what can I do it the mop oh I feel so powerful now what can I do with the mob I know none of these involve a mop I'm so curious and excited about having the mop go play with well you're so thin yeah we can show it at show-and-tell gonna save it's nothing else all sure no he already did his rat all yeah we rack up some cash or some things okay that's really gross no one is no one's changing what they're saying to me no nugget cave no no I don't want to jump into the nugget a no no no oh no back away from nugget go I was gonna be like you'd better not kill me get out of here he's busy okay alright so he's just saying about his dad okay I can give him the breathalyzer I got that yeah we're done really yeah we're done get out of there all right so here's your we can show the full hour well here's the other dilemma because if we don't show the flower on her actual quest line awake you told you okay yeah usually Loret let's yeah should I know maybe she'll be like oh I'm proud of that you showed them I know the vilest we know what happens with the flower let's try the mock you're gonna risk losing both of these we're not we could just restart the room all right oh yes the generators mapa true like part of our school it's clean so many messes killed so many children I've heard it's been passed down for generations some say it once belonged to Napoleon Oh fascinating wow that's very good show - thank you oh man yeah a very good show in town how can I make no for you owners over oh no oh come on ah geez oh god oh that was actually a really okay got a tornado okay look if we broke up we got a mop all right we got the soccer tornado great what what do you do with the model it's it's just weird that they're like here's the mom and then but it's so close to the end of the day what are you supposed to do it yeah I'm so curious this is a tornado said that being people being sucked into it are compelled to say its name oh wait it's always listed under a different name under here okay cool okay so uh next next there are a few things to do at lunch which I think we could do together there's one where you don't speak to Cindy until lunch which is welcome relief well uh and she'll ask you to put gum in Lily's hair if you do it she'll give you doing jelly you can also get the oval bop Gollum under Nuggets lunch table right let's do this and if we unscrew the air vent well actually we might run out of okay hold on I'm was there yeah there's some there's some stuff that you can do during morning time too yeah if you can get to the bathroom during the morning time you can uh oh wait did you get the monster Mon cards it's in the bathroom already when you go to be it doesn't give you the speak with the janitor tell him you only want the hall pass man with the long arm okay so it's Jerome's mission but go into the bathroom and speak with the janitor tell him you only wanted the hall pass and he will give you man with long with long arm the gender at morning time yeah so you're doing Jerome's mission what do you need for Jerome's mission drones mission I need just the yo-yo okay at least up through morning time okay I'll take three bucks okay yep I'm ready to start okay okay here we go all right Jerome's mission do I mean anything else I'm done with Cindy right uh you're done with Indian until lunch okay I'm gonna buy a yo-yo that I do yo yo yo yo yo what time is it oh my god oh my god you guys you got wait wait wait wait wait oh okay clear time is in full sexual both for you guys or sprinkler talk regular time is here you know what that means you know what that means assume the position that was awesome Wow look so cool did you also add a rain sound effect you saw I don't you add really good that was really does not sound what you did I didn't get enough time to watch what's out dis water make we don't want it we don't rain yes no apparently the sprinkler time is just getting all sorts of upgrades we don't want it we don't want to overwhelm you guys with production value all right oh just be crazy we got we got generic green screen effect now just wait maybe one day we'll be able to get a generic free to use sound if our lean cause people in the chat here we do Susan nature thank you for your sprinkle as well as for your game controllers and airplanes actually raining over here at my place laughs it's a pH belt Belarus and then Gloria Jones thank you for your sprinkle guys Scott thank you for your sprinkle necks as well thank you for your sprinkle Raymond Rodriquez thank you here showers it's like a sprinkler but cleaner no no no Cohen tha's sweet or saw its swab so it's mister vendôme 250 thank you for your sprinkle unique is sending fire in in opposition to sprinkler time I think that looks the idea Emma Graham thank you for your sprinkle Isabella back patented sprinkler time and then send sprinkles and a lone pumpkin home right Ruby Rose the cute Fox the official let's see @h Bell says we can't even blame Jason anymore because he's the best oh no don't his head won't fit through the door on the way out mister 0 awesome thank you for your sprinkle and finally it's a game six three teen tasks and a bunch of numbers that the desert gamer and Gregory Scott thank you for your spring I wouldn't have to you guys thank you all for sprinkles keeping it moist up here in the livestream room we kept sprinkler time a little bit shorter today because we got a lot of foster mom O'Malley up to the janitor okay and during the morning time so what do I got to do with them good work uh hold on let me flip back over to our our dad okay do drums mission up until the bathroom you get but go into the bathroom and speak to the janitor tell him you only wanted the hall pass and he will give you men with long arms only wanted the hall pass all right so let's go down there boy we'll see those bags how Zito bags you're kidding right oh these bags nothing for you to worry stop worrying my little head okay it's bleeding oh yeah the bleeding's hey you know that I'm required by law to stay at least one mom's length away from children at all times what oh okay hey how did that judgment get passed down it's a long story but it ends with someone on the end of a mom okay sounds riveting it is but that's a tale for another time I'm morbidly curious that's amazing anyway I don't think you would I don't think it would be appropriate for me to tell someone of your age that story that's okay okay for me to see a bloody bag in a bin right no you sure chipper young sport here take this nickel and buy yourself a bar chocolate nickel won't cut it what do you mean to cut and nickels gonna have to cut it or I'm gonna have to tell you chocolate is more expensive than Oh in that case I'll let the old lunch lady know to give you a chocolate at a price you would have seen back in my day before the old mop incident how about that yeah great good now skedaddle you know oh we do you got to start the cleaning mine maybe I'm not sure uh let's see so just in case did you get the monster man card that was in the bud yeah you got the one in the boxes right well he goes to clean the back of the toilet oh we got to get him to clean the toilets and then there was a monster Mon card in the box in one of those boxes I thought we already got that one though it was eye of the but holder know you have eye of the buck holders okay all right let's let's get it out and I can't because shoes I can sell off the Hall Pass no for money yeah let's let's do that the Hall Pass and you can also you can buy the chocolate for super cheap and then sell it for $10 that's a lot that's nice all right so now don't gonna do I think we just need to get out of this at this point so just run through the yeah just get to lunch and then we'll get the thing for under no get stable okay so I'm at low and then we'll sell the chocolate bar to okay so first get the thing under Nuggets awesome on cards I got a card okay great good one Lily disappears she's off we don't care about yeah so now get chocolate chocolate and then sell it Oh got anything else okay chocolate bar the gender said I could get it for cheaper here we go five five cents fantastic so now I got that sell it off to the busy chocolate we want to do the Cindy yeah now you can also do the Cindy thing I think we can't do both infants we have the chocolate bar right now and it's harder to get I would sell off the chocolate bar and then we can do that one wait hold up go sit with ugly little oh okay I know what we got to do like what if I give you this become what you put in here bonus points if you can do it and come back to me before lunch is over like okay so you can't well that's right ah well here let's restart the room okay cuz what okay so here we go this is what we need to do okay cuz Lily leaves after first Bell yeah so we need to get her while she's in here okay Lily yep okay like what will you do me a favor we need you go do it right if I give you this piece of gum would you put in her hair I'll make it worth your while bonus place to be doing and come back to me before lunch is over sugar awesome come see me when it's done okay now we go do that right away oh she's out okay so you need how are we supposed to make this happen I think we can do it so we need first off I want chocolate good we could potentially sell it later on couldn't we shot maybe no you might not you might not be able Monte's like what they selling later it's kind of weird here I got go to the bathroom can I go to the bathroom okay I'm not allowed to let you kiddies out to the hall but maybe we could do something if you wanted me to look the other way ok is there anything else I could do I'll see what I can find I could kill up so there's a couple options I could sell the chocolate bar kill off Monty yeah but it's gonna run out of apples yeah the problem I think you just sell the chocolate bar and grab that one monster runs hard under the table and then we're out I agree I think chocolate bar bar chocolate 5 bucks deal 5 bucks great he's doing business fantastic I leave anything else ok grab this grab that guy it's my card pick it up alright now we just get out and Lily well it's on the loose yeah yeah we have to come separately so we got one is there anything else I can do no you just run it out from here on out run it out ok yeah as far as I can tell yeah oh we need 1250 for the holy night one from Monte so ok just know that we need to get to a balance of that very good things in Show and Tell I'm sure there's not much to tell about it he was supposed to put it in Lily's hair we had dropped the ball on that one that's great well thanks for not doing it I appreciate that thanks Lily we'll just move on try not to be so weird next time ok great we got the monster minecarts are also completing really fine right yeah the blue yeah yeah we got a yes all right cool all right get out of there so we got one yep then we got and we got a bunch of cash so at this point we're in pretty good shape ah go Bop goal up there we go ok so we can do a well maxed out on money yes is there a big money one that I need yeah it's born it's Monte's or bug - oh yeah eight dollars this is the Agha bop golden card no one knows what hoggle Bop really is but everyone is too afraid to ask ok ok so do you want to do this big one for uh for bugs yes okay so take eight dollars mmm you won't need anything else go to school let bugs take your money okay hold up one thing undone yep okay eight bucks hey egg take a 12 Hey I know it hurts painful okay eight bucks ready Hey go to school let's do it okay take it back okay bugs snips my money great hey Katie Caryn a cash yeah excellent give me a hammer I'll split your empty skull let's take your money okay take my money okay now go by the voice recorder by the voice recorder okay yep buy something here's the voice recorder now it's good now rat on bugs to the teacher telling him yeah well I miss Applegate bug stolen money great okay do I accept her later go and help the teacher yes help the teacher okay what's it for me I'll give you gold stars okay great kid play start a fight with bugs right uh hold on wait uh before you talk to them report his teacher talk to Jerome hmm well I know get the oh yeah get Cindy sent to the principal good Cindy sent to the principal okay oh jeez bye toes oh yeah why doing the whole you rapes me things yep but you know by doing the all you raped me thing you know that old battle that old number want to be my boyfriend no no it's sure later it's no is it our love enough but no it's a lie you're gonna have to prove it what is that why why how about I'm the cutest prettiest smartest nicest girl you ever meet you don't think any of those things yeah this is where she gets that I'd like to see you I can have you taken out I'd like to see you try right here she goes right okay good great oh I mean good bad Jeremy what's going on over here yes please navigate it with me this boy tried to rape me oh we've been over this boy's not wanting to be your boyfriend does not count his way but has brought our school ball as they have said he bolted principle 20 me probably Ravens little Paris I do I'm going to the principal's office have a story this so fair yeah yeah okay so we're in the principal's office okay good problem gets a new set of the principal cool guys and the teachers measuring out okay great and report to the teacher so you want to get get out of there I can barely play them up I'm gonna assume that you're gonna deny yes that is correct that's what I thought well since I have I reported perfect well that makes this a hell of a lot easier Cindy do I even have to listen to this or will you make it easy on yourself and just admit that nothing happened good enough I think I'm gonna enjoy that Avenue in my school for a while say this Recorder kids any other trouble happens no no more requests okay here we go teacher all right back what's your punishments Nona had proof they didn't do it oh so that mean she's going to oppose like AmeriCorps nonsense you are two gold stars are there gonna be a problem for me today after that hold bugs thing but I guess you're not all bad great awesome you're welcome now run along and enjoy the rest of your morning to go talk to Jerome Jerome Jerome really your realm do you know you're not cold enough talk to me let them be my morning bunny besides money is gonna put me oh yeah whatever jerk now go to the teacher okay and report that you are not cool enough oh good talk to Jerome then inform the teacher that you're not cool enough yeah she will let you go through the Cubbies I I think you needed to get bugs scent principle let bugs take your money by the voice recorder rat on bugs and help the teacher because she said it's helped the teachers all help the teacher storyline it didn't specifically say get him sent to the principal oh shoot does that I think that's what you need to do yeah apparently yeah because she needs to be invested in you enough at that point oh and also I also I remember specifically that bugs guys bugs get sent to the principal's but then if we go with Cindy he's like you still there at least yeah that's what happens all right here eh okay be drawn it speedrunning it there are so many cards hot all right here we go all right my money Shay flip over to Twitter while you're catching up with all this by a voice recording I am weird am stead I said it's sprinkler time they forgot about simpler time we did not we would never forget sprinkler time and and also teal frog 77 on Twitter said its sprinkler time back when it was indeed Sprint's or time let's see at so few draws just watching Gigi live and seeing Cindy with blood on her mouth haha blend oh geez oh geez let's see at best special special mix special May 1300 my gosh it says this is the first stream I've been on it's been such a pleasure at Julia 1 5 3 2 5 did you do the principal's route we have done everyone's route that's outlined in the game and including the one where we raid the principal's office and all the like his like lab under the office a bad dream yes and that's on the archive scam it's on the orkut ramyeon yeah go check it out on GG live let's see at fan fiend honest I missed the beginning of it into this too much we are collecting monster on cards left and right I'm sorry bugs please leave me no choice to you oh he tried to rape me great well then bugs looks like you know easy this time get out of here you little dumpster fire ya little dumpster fire you all right at em enough 1 so they just skip after sprinkle time I hope we didn't miss it I like that you just skipped it forget the game bear the game I'm just all about the football in the street I have to say the effect for sprinkler time we're really good so can you blame them well those other rules didn't get rid of bugs like Idaho but there's no worry there's plenty of time to handle that one later oh yes hi Micah Jerome always talking back to me because his dad is my boss the principal is informed that one of his whole passes has gone missing I bet nuggets life that the roam took it I can do it great okay so now great awesome now we talk to Jerome talk to Jerome do I need to accuse him of the whole pastor you're not no I don't know I don't think so just try whatever jerk okay well did you get it I haven't talked to him yet oh sorry I'll talk to again here we go did you steal the Hall Pass you why you trusting anyone well too bad I'm not interested how about you dweeb like you look man unless there's something cool in it for me you could totally forget about it okay know how we tell her well did you get it I'm not cool enough for him I hate obsessing is it being cool I'm gonna have to win the little monster over maybe see if you can find any gift or something like what come on you might have something with weasel has a bit of everything there could be something in the Cubbies to you I'm going to trim my back if you want to do some shows ooping okay shopping no Johnson go to the Cubbies yes got it take only the night knife yes yes mrs. bugs cubby it's a knife getting caught with this would give me the serious trouble yes take that great now go buy the yo-yo now by the yo-yo now by the yo-yo okay buy something yo-yo deal okay now go give it to Jerome okay Jerome he'll give you the path yo-yos are cool maybe you're cool after all I got the pass great all right great awesome Gupta Jerome get the pass and rat him out too okay okay okay okay so I start this yeah start that up okay yo you ready to do this I'm very glad after all buddy it's like I got this Hall Pass Holder oh you little cockroach no this you can't just do it passes you ratted me out dude yes he did he's a good little rat please stop calling me that no cuz I said you are teacher especially to rat just like to roam alright cool brush that we're cool he's not okay cool yikes man rat okay okay you okay one more Apple my dad is gonna kill me okay one more Apple you have to go to nugget and ask to be friends okay go to nugget ask me friends he could be you cringe II just wonder if you eat dich nich yeah you wouldn't nugget in we would then get such negative TV great okay okay great lunch okay good I don't want to have lunch with her at lunch no at lunch talk to Monty to know that the gender misspelled his sign okay okay so I'm really still trying to finish off every yeah Monty okay yeah hold on this will assign and tell him so and take the glasses okay yeah glasses okay oh you felt biscuit wrong yeah no I didn't how do you even know you can't read money can go kill him go kill welcome go yo yo yo Sikkim janitors go come up go get my little mop yeah don't break my spelling especially in school lines are drawn okay alright cool haven a janitor alright take the glasses you're a good kid great oh yeah shameful alright it seemed to be a little good ones things okay you know what talk to take glasses you got the bus to nugget nugget native speak you returned delegates the Nugget you consumed is very tasty dessert you can't eat what Nate Laden the I'm gonna die that depends on what you do Nick bugs just due to slop at you yeah he did it every day has the pudding and you were going to put in bug Nick why would I do that because talk to me at the end to do to feed you and me good enough reason I sacrifice him all right here's into the negative quit community when you eat me okay good you're gonna get bucks by the way we're gonna give a night okay good okay like Duncan no no I just see you taken I get with you now okay go over to bugs now dab bugs instead of giving him the Nugget dabs bust em in half I'm just saying yes gifts give bugs the old Stabbin half man and my response as the cold-hearted killer that I am enjoy that Oh God enjoy all right now go back to nugget go back to tell him it's done even though you stabbed him and didn't actually give him as bugs been poisoned no I stabbed him oh man yeah did you have completed you may have the edge dude isn't it great thanks nugget Nate who keep be a better paid camp you know get it would like to show you something thank you give the I'm assuming the lunch lady her glasses hold on stab me give a lunch lady glasses yes to leave go to the hall and see bugs on the floor with a tile open really yeah no one okay give her the glasses ray oh no way oh my god oh wait what is this guys it looks like bugs I had a secret stash under this tile there's a monster on card along with the money he took from me this whoa-oh take the card take the card leave the cannoli yeah oh oh the whole butter hey thanks thanks buddy don't mind the bloody trail okay all I'm impressed with your performance at lunch getting bugs and mods you must have dibs I'm doing you get two gold stars of that okay just get out of there just finish the day can you sell the Stars for money yes No Oh Monty dad dark stupid Monty okay okay alright so I've done this today then yeah just get out of there that was a hard one right now that we really combo Cana aggressive okay okay yeah did you steal the the frizzy guy Jim I already got that one I figured I just want to make sure before I delete it it is that a junior no good why are you showing that cuz it's poison it's really very great the teacher is one final one final hurrah that'd be alright well then there are two lost my cards the Martian old man alright alright yes hmm doing so well oh my gosh we're getting through them okay okay okay what else stuff alright so the ones we have left are becomes a haste but those orbs make people really until my gosh so a lot of them are really random now like um okay we got this one we got lilies so we still need the one from the bathroom there are a couple in the bathroom there are there are a couple in the principal's office and there's a couple at lunch so maybe I think I think the next when we tackle is to not speak to Cindy in to lunch then do her like putting the gum in Lily's hair at lunch and also see if we can do the slop what do you do you can do the magnifying glass possibly or the Jerome let's do the magnifying glass okay so all it says is still magnifying glass from the cubby when you're able and give it to nugget to receive the King Power beetle but I don't know I don't remember when he wants the magnifying a magnifying should I be his friend or no I think you would have to yeah I think you need to here I'll be your friend what happen to Billy yeah okay great oh wait now he's taking his pills those pills oh we can do this one where we get sent to the office and I'll get for the pills do you want to do that you want one sure there you go enjoy that pill I think if you start think about feeling too much so I got a pill from dug in so now if I need to get sent to the principal no no so we're now you're completing them so if you are we on the magnifying glass one cuz then we just need to be friends with nugget well I don't think I'm friends with that yes okay then we probably need to go back to nugget you gave me a pill though ah NEC wait we need to wait restart the day then oh maybe can I go for I sell it what do you got I got pillo - Doug its pills yeah buck oh we're still gonna need 1250 later so might as well start racking it up actually I think we wait okay cuz also alright alright cuz can I get her the pill now and steal it or can I or maybe can I sell it to him now maybe he'll offer me more no okay I say we give her the pill no you gave me a pill okay and that's gonna drug her out I think so and then you should be able to steal the magnifying glass and potentially give it to nugget okay Jim just don't worry about do whatever you want go run play okay steal that do what you want great great can I steal them in class well these cubby it's a magnifying glass take it now try and give it to nugget what are you busy with no it's very busy you're curious victim a big perhaps you could be a Community House you need a big magnet thing for the next bell rings and you would be really great well funny you should mention that cuz I got it you know excellent negative please you may have this month demand card he's created good great does important thing sittin okay great Jason what's up so I can did you get the screwdriver card yet the screws no we don't have a hold everyone yet in the hall no we haven't gotten it but we can't Kenny we can't not during morning time because the hall monitor will stop us a debate we have to do it during lunch anyone think the slop will take all of that yeah we can also do Cindy's during lunch too okay so let's do Cindy's during let's watch here then can you get to the janitor in the bathroom and still collect the card from the can I get to the janitor in the bathroom yeah I have the butt holders in the boxes that appear in the bathroom during morning time I can try because we have the lunch yeah okay this here I have a yo-yo you need this yo-yo buddy no it's not going to oh I'm gonna try this there was another way to get to it I think after you drugged the teacher you can just yeah I mean but the hall monitor will stop yeah Oh God alright fine get it Oh lunch Bell delicious nutritious slop great awesome alright like I don't have to help us yeah I can sell it yeah that'll help I couldn't get it okay so what do we need to do here now talk to sit talk to Cindy wait are you doing the slop oh you know okay now we need to go put gum in and Lily's hair during this lunch period that's the thing we have to do for this one okay okay okay Lily yeah great awesome got it okay okay she leaves at which point can I go to the bathroom bathroom anything else I can do here periodically Reiber got go away Lily's hair yeah Jack awesome alright worry about jerks like you okay did it so now okay here good color me impressed do you make a splendid boyfriend take this monster Mon card and don't be shy about talking to me tomorrow before school starts good great I'm gonna sell this whole pass don't want to sell something I got a Hall Pass five bucks yeah sweet that's all I got Yeah right alright that's it for that event yeah awesome two more yeah yeah alright the day write it down man okay alright what I bring I brought your lunch pass so what am I your lunch passes ah give me a special lunch a teacher although it's very special treat you should try tomorrow what a fun thing to show which hotel great okay all right and we're done zzzz awesome those are good run hold you bad okay so we got the Duke we gotta bleep Delhi to more King tower beetle and doom jelly awesome and we're getting our piggy bank up to eight bucks okay good day 23 okay this is the king tower beetle card he's just a regular beetle that lives in the King's tower fantast and this guy this is the doom jelly card goes perfectly with doom peanut butter [Laughter] oh come on now okay I think we should try for some of the ones from in the bathroom okay let's go to the bathroom steps right or the other option is to get sent to the principal for bugging nugget and tell the principal some stuff to get monster Mon cards you can also get that nugget get sent to the office for nugget and go through the principal's trash so we get to in the principal's office how do i how do I get sent to the office for nugget so that's the one if he starts talking about Billy a lot you keep bothering about oh yeah keep pestering him about Billy and then you can get in there and give a certain set of responses and also read his trash okay let's do that okay so I don't think you need anything to go in with I think you just have to keep bothering um what so I can also do this I can only do this lock one at that point yeah I was gonna yeah instead of the screwdriver one you could also do this screwdriver one in this same day but dude this law slaps lets slop it up man okay so here we go so bother nugget getting to talk about Billy yeah looky there was no love or friendship since Billy went missing what happened to Billy great well he's missing poor nugget mrs. Billy but no you cannot help him now it's too late do you know where he is no kit does not know nugget nose knows who knows no shoot no shoot ah you're just you're just talking about him we were not the principal is forbidding me from speaking but I need to know No yeah no you don't enjoy your trip to the principal's office whatever night okay good he wants to dissolve this okay so we have to get these monster on cards and we also have just survived the principal's office okay he can't shoot us okay okay so I guess since the prince was obviously bugging nugget tell the principal you were mad with Billy and fighting over monster Mon cards and he will give you spiky flim-flam I think you already did the wrong path I got pills shoot okay all right restart the room okay so I've been told that you're feeling sad about Billy who told you that oh you know word just gets around I'm not it doesn't matter how I know is that I know I'm not sad about Billy you're not more easily Dresden is disappearance yeah I'm not I've been doing this a long time I know a lie when I see one I know you're upset about this the question is why I don't recall you and Millie being close before his disappearance I'm not upset I guess lily is my girlfriend Billy and I were friends maybe I mean were friends it's hard to be friends with fight fight what are you fighting over my heart huh I hate those infernal cards sometimes I take the rage roams when he's being awful huh would I be a bad dad if I gave you one of his to annoy him no no no matter yeah take one anyway just don't tell him you got it from me now let's just put this whole thing behind us the next class okay great now go raise truckin there's the monster mode cards in here yet yes get out there oh that's great um cat - all right okay great I hope everything everything's fine now you can still get some in this phase yeah what else can I do so the bathroom bathroom still get one of the janitor ones maybe okay I will do my best here I don't have enough money so so there's two ways to get to the bathroom right now you can help your room but can't you what happens when you ask to go to the bathroom she just says isn't there a way to get a pass from her oh there is but you had to have befriended her with earlier oh wait oh oh nice oh that's why there's a bathroom okay so that is the bathroom good one okay no you're totally right here's awesome okay I'll let you go further than two okay there we go there it is okay so now wait so now it's we're doing I of the butt holder so I need to go into the box right yeah but you yeah but he needs to be distracted by cleaning the doll first okay good yeah these are all gross and dirty yes you'll have to get the janitor to clean the toilet on the far right check out stalls first then go for the middle box you only have time to check one okay okay okay okay over the middle box cool middle box good job okay here we go middle box matsumoto card yeah yeah yes yeah three there crappers clean nothing your team uses no just writing get out of here great yes oh oh oh you're back lunch after lunch great okay so now lunch do the swap yeah now we're slopping it up laughing laughing lobby you want some tasty nutritious slop for lunch yes slap it well that's good okay here we go it's a garbage can throw it away Oh Oh any way we can get through all this just please like garbage can throw in slop my word even bugs doesn't need my slop with such enthusiasm it's delicious I think I've heard something special my website thank you for appreciating the slop here's a monster Mon card yeah great awesome so now just end it yeah get out of there man this is a productive day right is awesome what do you bring I brought your so long my things your kindergarten to learn nothing how to share no no no uh-uh so he stole your teachers phone apparently why what's the point it's complicated so Oh No okay they start restarting you start that room yeah okay haha what I was curious what would carry the heck out of me man oh here I'm gonna show up the slob I can't actually believe they make you kids see that stuff great alright good easy for four cards hard oh yeah that was efficient oh yeah mission day of card gathering Oh got a catch-up ball monster ball to my cards so we got one about holder wall of Castle spikey flim-flam and uneaten cake and we're almost up to ten bucks again high five everybody cool okay whew that was a good one alright now so we have we have five left should be 123 or whatever the middle is li but holder the art for this car it's just a zoomed in picture of the back of a cat awesome it's but you put a flam its slim it should far sharper than it slammed okay so we can do a couple of these up in the same run looks like your mom didn't show up at the party uneaten cake oh that's so sad this is the wall of castles too often walls get overshadowed by the castle as they protect well not this so we do we do we already give cigarettes to bugs right practice outlook I think okay good so now we can there are a couple we can definitely do in the same one we can use our special lunch pass and get the one from there and if we have enough money we have no money oh no we have money if we so we need 1250 to get holy night from Monty at recess oh yeah I remember that we still also need to do Jerome's mission but go to the bathroom and speak with the janitor and and we still need man with wall with long arm from him I don't know okay and we need the unscrew the air vent so it seems like we can't do the special lunch path and unscrewing the air vent because those both have you can't do the special lunch pass and unscrewing the air vent and the money because most of the money one at lunch so all three of those are separate you can do Jerome's mission plus suspensions special lunch yeah I think we do that Jerome's mission plus okay let's do that yeah and then we just do like a money run man yeah okay we're almost there oh my gosh we're almost there okay Jerome's mission so drones mission we need the yoyo yeah I love how complicated this yo-yo okay yes feels fantastic okay that's it Oh almost there right that's all I you have for the day yep that's it cash it out man cash it out be the best you can be Yeah right sweetie oh you mean this yo-yo you can have it if you'll be my buddy you know in the friend okay so I need the Hall Pass I can get your laser grade I'm ready go distractor okay so now ya go here so what do I got to do with the janitor at this point okay alright this might take a couple of attempts of dialog okay do Jerome's mission do I talk to him into here do I talk to him you know I just go into the bathroom go into the bathroom and speak with the janitor I don't it doesn't give us the exact tree that just says tell him you only wanted the Hall Pass I don't see no bags did you do your kiddie yeah those bags oh these bags nothing for you to wear your head about bleeding save ya the judgement quite a bit actually catch me do it drift I don't follow oh you're really stupid okay oh geez okay no you killed us yeah okay so that did not work all right all right great thank you I would catch his drift next all right fine fine reserve room are you sure it's not go to the janitor's closet he finds what's there I don't think so it says go to the bathroom in Jerome's mission all right all right I got a distractor okay again oh great what everyone so genders in here size him up okay maybe I need to send him to the bathroom yeah maybe okay that's my only other thought it's like oh he needs to go check the stall or whatever let's go to toilet toilet cleaning what have you chose for the first option I don't even want to know I just wanted the hall like okay so he's still working on it and then we have to go interact with something else it's a safe walk we can see what's in the third box there's a bloody shoe we've gotten the finger from the first box we got the card from the second box crappers cleaver you're not gonna get a chance to use it the bell just rang no I think we have to restart the room again start try um I don't even want to know sweet yo-yo I neither and I'm awesome and we're doing this and we're doing this morning time as efficiently as pot waiting any apples here go distract her so he's distracting her okay he's here yeah here's my Hall Pass whatever also if you guys know in the chat and can point us down the right one way think talk to him what if I what if I do this he'll come this you wrote those bags okay what's going on there boy I don't even want to know I don't even I just have to do what's in those bags you're kidding right I think do that one these bags that this leads to the same thing yeah this leads to the same thing how the judgment get passed down you have to otherwise they'd put you on the track to kill you it's a long story but ends up with someone I'm in that's all I needed to hear maybe try it cuz we've never done that I'll ask him for more than the chocolate okay okay all the way that down that path yep chocolate nickel cut it okay give me more yeah okay give me more of today okay oh really well then maybe we can have another bloody bag applegate is expecting me back Applegate is she now all that I'm sure you have one of our bathroom passes yes yes I do you think you're so clever don't you you didn't get this passed from Applegate oh these passes are only given out by the boss you got this from the principal's boy right oh he knows the doctors say that's right yeah but he's gonna kill me no I think I don't think you know no cuz if I say no I got it from the principal himself now maybe I'm protected I think he's gonna kill me let's see I knew it oh maybe not speaking of that little devil I swiped his laser thingy this morning say is that what this is about you're here to get laser thingy back I just thought I just wanted to pass yeah you know what I like you you're gonna have this silly car thing I nicked from that fat kid okay great awesome and Thank You Madeline rapport Madeline roof for the tip of ask him for more than chocolate yeah gonna get chocolates done go ahead back left right but it don't really enjoy some good chocolate right I would like to get chocolate because maybe I can earn enough money to do the Monty quest right okay here we go okay good will be clean this because I also don't want to go but also Oh Ally Ramirez and power nature also sent us also sent us tips so thank you guys for that let's see yeah woo nice okay Chad always knows Joe's always knows oh good money yeah I'm gonna try to get some money here Minnie take the money honey five more bucks minimum I can show this yes for three or five yeah you heard the bell go back to class it doesn't matter class is over great so we'll talk let me keep it because I tried I tried the guys hey kid over here great and then we can know it and then we should have enough to buy his thing off them okay I can keep it so now I know here it is yes awesome I want to sell something what do you got I got a Hall Pass yeah five bucks 1250 world good we're good great so right don't you go to buy it from him no a recess so I'm done right now you're done d so now as you just go straight to recess yeah yeah get all the way to reset the clock so at recess what can I do for you I want to buy something monster bond card yeah oh yeah awesome well it's got it laughs is this with you done ah do you have something to show at reset I mean at shown yeah I have Monster Mash cars yeah I have these are muscleman cards or my lunch so that's that's both of those what are the last two things the last two things are get get to the hall and unscrew the air vent okay and then also use your special lunch pass to get your captain captain captain Calculon Kalkan good okay so yeah this is gonna be our last run about this okay okay go on nine bucks after spending 12 yeah our final our final one this is the hard part freak accident gave him him his arm incredible length but took it from somewhere else his legs huh holy night he would have been a priest but then he found out they aren't allowed to court women all right so I need my lunch pass right yeah take mommy and I say yeah I need money to buy this screwdriver driver yo-yo screwdriver and two bucks all right good got it is it yeah why do we need the yo-yo so we can get the Hall Pass so I can unscrew the bend so here I'm gonna buy something I want to buy a yo-yo I also want to buy screwdriver weeds great okay oh my gosh this game is still complicated enough it's great this is the best game ever all right oh it's done okay the end of morning time okay these must be dude in this yo-yo you have to be my buddy oh I want your Hall Pass great I can do that for you give me the hall pass yeah got it so now you're out there man explore the world you're the pass yeah do whatever you want great great unscrew the thing I hope it's through the vents take them out to my car got it okay can you get money from the janitor's closet I can but if I don't end if I don't end morning time in the classroom I don't get the option of doing lunch with her yeah oh okay here we go no spouse did you get it what happened I couldn't get it I bet you didn't even try okay I don't know I don't care big deal right now yeah run down go find it okay down down again okay yeah here we go I want to have lunch yeah Greg very much special lunch with me today excellent we also have to make sure you survive special lunch with teacher having special lunch with my favorite students I'm getting a smoke break is all my favorite things about teaching here's a big love silly meal knock yourself out don't eat it silly monster run cards yes good good oh really I mean she's not trying to kill me maybe I didn't offend her in the morning cuz she tripped killed us the one time yeah she did she bumped us off like we were just like bugs I don't really do much else during this time just wait here till the bell rings I'm siding great hardly okay let's go think that one pick up your lesser classmates and I dr. recess great I'm done so yeah I got a screwdriver screwdriver it's my favorite drink cool so now we can summon Cthulhu oh my gosh so what are we so we have to run through Nuggets quest line to be friends with nugget so we can get into the Nugget cave Ithaca we have to go back I was gonna say it one more yeah we have to do one more run through a nugget turn 8:05 after token yeah gosh whoa we got this high-five all right this is 2600 man is captain kalkan you'll show you his moves show me this is ready to fly this fly can generate tornadoes my flapping its wings they're not very big because he's so good what's the little thing so this is probably like dude Nuggets this is my complete set of monster Mon car it's a cards take the cards awesome oh my god and we need the flour yep to do Nuggets quest whatever check you should take at least three dollars oh yes special item from Cindy okay which is the plow ride lilies trust by telling her about the dog teacher role that you look through coming to be better pill so you don't cafeteria have to give her the love letter doughnut ah you can bribe the teacher air after what happens to the statue and gold stars okay all right break the money for Josh just just bring some cash okay here we go you might want to just take it off yeah just take it so yeah this is it yeah this is it this is it this is the final the final run yeah oh my gosh we're going home so ready you guys need anything else here no just just the Sydney flower yeah this is it alright you ready opening Cthulhu everyone's really excited in the chest these final moments Oh kiss game oh it's our last day of kindergarten kindergarten passionately you got it okay smell money hmm yes I was definitely carried more than three dollars around here hey kid carry Cassie I am actually give me a hammer I'll split your empty skull with my foot hahaha don't go tell the teacher about this you might turn up missing like that kid great okay nugget now you have your friend go for it oh this is it this is the final we are playing nugget Hey map incoming nigut or they would if I had any nugget nose noodles or friendship it seems to be anything I will be your friend nugget flower there's great living she really cares for you more than the others even boyfriend she's heavy three perhaps you do knew this I do know love nugget there are things that nobody's clean but it's cool it's a good look no good to forget love I do not wish to forget anymore take this negative things by bucket bring together the other nuggets of prints you buried it in nugget with review of will do there are fair to do when you already have come see me during morning time and no good will tell you how to get more excellent nugget one lasting food don't do this dreams do it it will reveal to you the moisture in the air that's coming out of your mouth like the air is getting progressively more alright nothing little real wood that's great no we're talking us you okay at least my spittle is just gentle and so what else do we need ah hold up we need to no no no here we go it's you can gain Lily's trust to tell you where the gum teacher will let you look oh yeah we have to get her to trust us and and also kind of be in love with us right yeah okay want to be my boyfriend sure like what put gum in her hair yes I will put gum in her hair okay you know and tell her about the gum go for it Lily oh okay hi Millie you probably heard about what happened to my brother Billy have it you haven't it's been all over the news when I say three days ago sorry thank the MiGs you know you believe in to care Wow okay okay great awesome you're not ugly yeah oh thank I guess Cindy's been getting to me lately I appreciate the compliment you're nice thank you I'm not really gonna be friends right now but I do trust you for whatever that's worth I'll see you around yeah you try hey guys so that's everything that we needed yes for mourning or for like preschool time here we go good morning children it's time for you to pick your butt is the morning time or you can be sad pathetic it alone so no give in return did he wish to continue his quick to receive the sadness yes I do not yet know he's pleased with your persistence one of the nebith it's hidden within this room literally within my eyesight you must find it hidden nuggets before you can get the one nugget who's got it it's literally right there okay great these pens are taking negative cream cheese yes but teacher won't allow me to search the cubbies take the area or maybe a brief description it's already treating me distract or take the edge off teachers quit find nuggets appears perhaps you could share them with her you may have good go around you know what I don't care here we go no get it got it Nate I have retrieved the second nugget have you found this taken negative cream cheese yes nugget when it's need is increased the trail become it is normally very difficult we know it's potential Swift well I succeeded do you see a pretty video video he has written the pretty Lily a pretty Pam you are didn't even exterior wait shoot what happened I show it to her yeah but then she could we have to go - Monty - Monty can read it the teacher reads it yeah whole teacher reads it is not your job to teach you or let you look through the cubbies we did Lily give you a doughnut after you you can bribe the teacher after what happens to the statue of the main stars okay okay I'm glad you are nice to me this morning and all but I'm not really looking for a morning buddy I have a letter from young Nuggets oh I didn't know he could I guess I'll have to go around you need to be read by the pretty me nobody likes the pretty Lilly he also misses me did that continue no good like still a loser nugget likes to smell her sure okay do we need to schedule another trip to the school counselor you do if you said you would protect your negative 23 hooray conjoin negative length and you will be taught how to continue your quick [Music] hey buddy the donut are you ready to continue your quick within it - Frenchie oh okay yeah yeah restart the room because he might yeah cuz if I shall run outta run out yet I didn't mean to take it out on you I know negatives just weird and you didn't know he would see those things in that letter I want you to have this donut is the best apology I could I would accept home so many apologies in the form of donuts it's okay if you say no but I'd really like you to have it there you go I'm gonna fish let alone but it's nice to know that you're that we're okay now I'll see you later yeah you'd be hot for me look at that sexy hairball like a sixth grader in a kindergarteners body wash up Wow her level of emotional maturity that's great are you ready what should happen Oh everything cuz da bugs - yesyes nothing cooler but today nobody knew that's me I'm that potential friend rate I'll negative for you to create from you is to make sure he is nice music simple task in the next negative Princip what did you do no get nugget oh all right I've easy buddy the pity he missed me tell you listen I agree and your friendship is totally worth homicide right let's do this look let me kill this guy no we're worms like yous gonna be sitting with me and here and even eat this but wow what is it now get yeah I can see that Oh somebody gave me I love how in the last episode he had a Boston accent yep cuz otherwise you look like a what around here definitely Jerome was the coolest of all the kids droves always coming up with stupid competitions whatever I'll show him now we have to just make it yeah then no units mean to give the last nugget made a PC screen to get the know get a principal can be acquired everything oh do you dangle then I will see you that nugget let's progress there great everyone says kill poor nugget I know no again let's don't let my smarts - okay good you're going okay yeah it comes you know he's been prepared himself to take the sine of negative in G I am prepared Vic creams give it and then you give you a punch to feel quick I have no choice people requited regarding the debate what would you like sir yeah now we may speak a bit please I know it never hit it knows what head and it does not Mak word it here and it's good let's agree that you explode but we must do it properly you see the place you've the principal over there in Washington wow we're gonna blow up that statute yeah your friendship better be worth it now get thank you once you have done that talk to the pretty hideo man you're such a poet have you ever tried writing poetry no get busy Bay let leg it when you talk about Kobe you got it alright good luck great let's do this let's blow up a statue yeah please nice hey Lily let's talk about your brother I don't know why we did the principal took so much trouble I wouldn't have a plan I don't have a plan but I do have a donut say uh oh my good color God why did you blow up the Statue the principal he's gonna be furious you expect me to believe the Princeville aren't exactly I [Music] have to get to the principal get the principal to believe you I don't want to see you become as bitter as Lily toward our principal just give me one reason not to send you to his office and you're off the hook here ideally doing us right now but only a woman can say that [Music] excellent teacher are you saying that boobs are capable of sentience and liking or disliking they're capable of teaching shooting down with excellent teaching you have ten will to blue clip thank you take this final negative print tip and know that you are truly no get spread it is time for you to enter the nugget cave in truth already yeah I'm ready wow thank you I know look it's got do something all right oh oh oh geez nugget here no Evie let's just drop all those listen hole I see we did not deaf I'm lettin is fishy and they are tasty I pooped them out massive now seed interesting I'm so excited for this game theory I'm once I finished the script I'm working on for this week the next one it's two up oh great yeah I'm so excited about it it's so exciting I mean I try to figure out a way to measure the squishiness Oh nuggets though that I think that means we should probably go out and buy a lot of things yeah okay also 20 tests across multiple - okay maybe in that maybe an honor of that we could actually have like a nugget taste test here on gg live to see if we could identify where each individual chicken nugget comes from here we go okay sit welcome to the negative B hood it's negative goodness Pete have another bet great let's do this I'm assuming I have to sacrifice it to this altar bite so I'm assuming I have to use my monster man cards on this altar okay is the miscue can of umnak only mix mix then he who bring 20 times has me release the grieved about evils upon the winds well I don't know about you but that sounds like a great way to end my time in kindergarten present no talismans oh oh man you have the 25 tells me they've been pretty addicting why is the ground shaking never met that I know giving a thread but it's in negative a spring but watch what happens with rapture okay how what I wanna do is that would be Jason Chris and the twenty nine thousand people watching right now let's do it it's the grand finale of kindergarten ascend with no gasps oh oh oh no what's going on out here the skies turned red why do you have your gun boy this guy's turn bring it could be an emergency what I just like this like you tense music you know what are you going to do shoot the sky Applegate's great she's great oh boy miss Applegate I don't feel good can I go to the no lightning is striking down from the heavens oh goodness I think the red sky is an answer to my prayers oh do Longy next Oh God Monty hey what the hell I didn't do nothing what no dad stop her oh no I don't think she has any saying what I thought it was gonna be me so what now we're all gonna die go into the nugget hole right into the nugget hole it appears so all the child kidnapping and pilled healing and for life 401 all for the apocalypse Wow so so basically we have summoned the greatest of all evils to come and smite us down for all of our bad actions it seems like you would commenda of the greatest my evil should be commending great Rhodes the greatest of all a pass in logic here somewhere well and it has nothing to do with the chicken nugget maybe I'm the one who's controlling it oh yeah me me what are you talking about I'll tell you when you're older well actually I vote considering the situation is the janitor the greatest of all evil well miss notes whatever's in this guy well mister sweepy looks like this is the end oh lord knows I wouldn't want to clean this mess up Oh his arm stays upright that guiding blood-soaked peels done it you've killed everyone [Laughter] what what are you talking about nugget another coup with a Fed another friendship Ted you wanna get nugget kindergarten Kim nugget must do kindergarten again at a new school kindergarten tears I'm going nebith wind will also have to change school then it with you there awesome just nugget your name together bye nugget bye bye bye bye makes you think you've been joining him communicating your you're welcome it's okay oh that was the hard landing though she did nugget just do seppuku oh man Tuesday Tuesday just kidding it's fun [Laughter] best game ever was awesome Oh awesome and kindergarten - I really like you guys that was awesome that was so good of all that was so good that was so much fun that was so fun there's gonna be a theory on this we're gonna do a taste test because now I'm really hungry for chicken nuggets after that episode and that was awesome I don't I hope Lilly survived you know like she didn't she was totally a gone no not she might have survived because the print on her before you came maybe he got distracted before he shot her though but maybe she survived because Lilly if anyone in this game deserves to live its nugget in Lilly damn it okay all of them except for Cyndi really yeah like he's not that bad really all of them except for Cyndi before people start to leave - yeah this is amazing there's one thing that we should catch people to talk about right now before people go because it's really cool and important and it's coming probably this week yes so we have a really exciting announcement there is going to be a brand new exciting announcement yeah there's gonna be a new identity new addition to the live stream to be a t-shirt that we're wearing there's new merch coming this week it's going to be like a special limited edition flash sale kind of thing I'll be signing selectively yeah version like who knows yes there's lights don't worry and we're going so it's gonna be like a special thing from now through III right up to VidCon because we want people to be able to have t-shirts for VidCon to bring to sign we can take pictures we'll be wearing them we can be twinsies you guys don't need so and like I said I'll be signing like select ones that'll be randomly like to hand it out to people who like order stuff but anyway um you can't buy them yet you can't buy them yet it'll be there just cookies just teasing this is just a tease I mean yeah it's literally going to be in the next couple days stay tuned they're great we'll have an announcement on the next game theory probably about it - yeah we'll give you all the information it's gonna be awesome there's a little time so keep an eye out look for the next game theory which is on mario odyssey so hopefully a lot of you are excited about that and you know will tell you kind of the more details about it but we wanted you guys to be the first to know because it's they're really cool there's no question excited about all of them yeah like there's a lot of back and forth about them but it's cool but a limited time and like I said we're will randomly sign things that go out to people so if you order you basically enter a chance to win like a special assigned edition of the stuff yeah it's gonna be really cool um and we'll be here all week on the livestream talking about it will tell you when it launches we are here for a whole week we're here all week you guys it was a principle no it was a balloon it was a blew my finger on the table remember that's just the stream a live stream take care of yourself geez thanks let's take my nap I'm jet all right wait wait oh they're still on the balloon oh gosh rainbow rainbow life's calcify Matthew a hided rice as we almost lost Memphis true story true story or a blog says that she'll be hot Ross played 56
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,227,951
Rating: 4.927094 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten, kindergarten game, kindergarten gameplay, monstermon cards, weird game, gameplay, mystery game, horror game, horror, child, walkthrough, lets play, steam, jacksepticeye kindergarten, kindergarten markiplier, monstermon, gtlive, gt live, matpat, matpat gtlive, kindergarten gtlive, game theory, matpat kindergarten, kids, school, children
Id: gJWO5nYT3Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 29sec (7229 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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