Profiles of Prayer - The Prayer That Changes Lives - Peter Tanchi

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have you ever wondered what the disciples asked Jesus to teach them think about it the disciples did not ask Jesus to teach them how to preach the disciples did not ask Jesus to teach them how to divide the bread and feed thousands of people the only recorded requests that you find in the Bible is this request made by the disciples everybody let's read this together it happened while Jesus was praying in a certain place after he had finished one of his disciples said to him everybody between Lord teach us to pray they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray tell me why in your mind why think about it not preaching not counseling teach us to pray can I tell you my analysis just my own I believe they saw in Jesus that connection between his power and prayer they saw the connection between the intimacy of Jesus with God the Father in prayer they saw the ministry of Jesus his effectiveness always connected with prayer because Jesus modeled prayer because prayer changes a lot of things can I tell you about what prayer can do somebody once said prayer changes many things but the most important thing it will change it will change you it will change us share with me prayer will change us so I like us all to learn how to pray to know how to speak to God is more important than knowing how to speak to men let me repeat to know how to speak to God is more important than knowing how to speak to men Andrew Murray said not power with men but power with God is the first thing let me repeat not power with men but power with God is the first thing the most important and that's why I want us to learn how to pray as Charles Spurgeon once said I would rather teach one man to pray than 10 men to preach we all committed to learn how to pray folks you want to learn how to pray all right Jesus expanded in look how to pray so you find that in the Gospel of Matthew so he tells them what not to do and he tells them what to do so how are we not to pray when you pray you are not to be like the hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corner so that they may be seen by men in Tagalog these people pray to impress people Jesus says you are not going to do that I say to you they have their reward in full in other words prayer is never to impress people in the times of Jesus baby habit they pray three times a day morning nine o clock lunchtime and 3:00 p.m. but the Pharisees the religious leaders will purposely go to the be Soria in the street corner and then they erased their hands and they begin to pray they wanted to impress people Jesus said prayer is never to impress people prayer is a private communion with God is from the heart so he tells you how you should pray when you pray go into your inner room that means it is best for you to make it into a habit when he expects us to pray regularly you find a place conducive place forever it is I praise God CCF is completing its prayer room we will have prayer rooms you if you need a quiet place just to pray we will have rooms for you we have prayer places in Amman McQuillen accepts too far but you find a place in your house you pray along with God close your door and pray to your father who is in secret and your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you we pray because we believe God listens God answers and then he tells you be careful what you are not supposed to do when you are praying do not use meaningless repetition us that Gentiles as the pagans will do for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words in other words do not try to impress God with low prayers you keep repeating how many of you are familiar with the Lord's pea raise your hands in this country we are all familiar with the Lord's Prayer now don't call it the Lord's Prayer call it the Lord's model prayer he taught us how to pray it is a model it is not his prayer it is the prayer for us to learn but for me when I was a naturally believer the Lord's Prayer to me is a punishment because I remember will now confess my sin to somebody and that person will tell me all right you go you say the Lord's Prayer 30 times so for me the Lord's Prayer is it's a chore it I don't enjoy the Lord's Prayer because they tell me you just keep praying that 30 times if I committed more than 50 times okay sometimes too many times but I realized when I started the Bible it is completely opposite to the teaching of Jesus Jesus is saying you don't try to twist my arm because you are repeating something so many times Jesus says you never do that notice is very emphatic do not use meaningless repetition anything can become meaningless when you keep repeating it without thinking of the meaning the Lord's Prayer is beautiful I'm not saying don't repeat it as long as you understand the meaning and you pray from the heart but what's bad is when people just repeat I know some people I've been in prayer meeting they just bubble certain words okay totally you don't know the meaning they don't even know the meaning the Bible says don't use meaningless repetition thinking you will convince me to answer your prayer because I feel sorry that you keep repeating and repeating you know God is not like many earthly fathers so how do you pray well he tells us do not be like them your father knows what you need God knows so you have to keep repeating may I suggest you started a pair of Jesus he sells them spread low on prayers I tell our pastors be careful when you're asked to pray publicly don't pray so long that by the time you are feeling everybody's asleep Jesus prayed short prayer short days prayer father glorify your name that's it father into your hands I commit my spirit the longest recorded prayer of Jesus it's John 17 and it is really not that long so be careful when you pray you are talking to God do not use meaningless repetition don't thing you are twisting the arm of God so the first thing I'd like you to understand today's message all right everybody are you ready let's read this together the prayer that changes lives this is one prayer that will change lives would you like to learn how to pray this prayer prayer does change things all kinds of things but the most important thing it changes us I love this quotation from RC is pron he said prayer does change things all kinds of things but the most important thing it changes what it changes is it changes us so my outline is very simple as you studied the prayer that changes lives would you like to learn how to pray that changes lives including your life all right three basic outline but one major point the player that changes life this prayer will change life you know why it will change our perspective it will change our priorities it will change our place of trust the object of your trust will change when you pray this prayer are we ready okay let's begin Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 together pray then in this way together everybody our Father who is in heaven Hallowed be your name notice the first thing he wants you to learn is prayer it's all about relationship our Father our father referring to God is a radical it was not used that way in the Old Testament in fact to refer God as a father is only referred to 15 times but when it comes to the teaching of Jesus the gospel alone it is used over 170 times just by Jesus alone that God is our Father it was radical it is something that they don't think of but God wants you to know God is our Father turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor God is your father now for most of us it does not mean much let me tell you why in my years of ministry I've seen many people who grew up with dysfunctional families you find it hard to relate to God as your father because there are many people who grew up without a father or if they're a father the father is reckless irresponsible abusive so instead of bringing comfort to your soul when you think of God as our Father sometimes you withdraw because you have a very bad experience with your father well let me tell you God is not like that think of the best father in the world and he is infinitely much better I understood this more about God when I became a father I remember when I became a father my eyes were opened to what it means that God loves me that God is our Father in fact the word use in the New Testament is a from the Aramaic word daddy Jesus is saying God is your daddy you call him Papa that's the Greek version intimacy and it is so true I tell my office when my children were growing up anytime any one of them will call me you can disturb me because I want to give time to my children I want my children to know they are priority they can see me without any appointment they need help I will always be there web access but more than that I want what's best for my children I remember one day when one of my son was sick I look at him I began to cry I said Lord can you transfer his sickness to me I find him having a hard time breathing and I was thinking if I a sinful father will love my son so much that I'm willing to substitute myself my health for his health I was thinking how much more does God love us so my friend I want you to know one thing God is your father he loves you and he want what's best for you the only question I want to ask you this do you really know him as your father for example in the same sermon of the Mount Jesus uses an amazing concept but repeats the same phrase if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children everybody with how much more will your Father who is in heaven exactly the same word our Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask him in other words prayer should give you confidence if you know whom you are praying to so may I suggest when you pray today privately stop those hi something polluting word don't use the King James Version Oh thou mighty the hell no where's the need of Dai children may I suggest when you pray simple English in spec girl oh Lord Misaki thump oh sure okay no yeah okay whatever language you use okay but don't try to impress him he's our father tell your neighbor God is our Heavenly Father but how do you become his child this is just introduction my friend not everyone can pray this prayer you know why because not everyone is a child of God many people don't realize this some of you are here today you are creatures of God but you may not be a child of God you know why the qualification is very clear as many as received him Jesus to them he gave the right to become children of God and that's why sometimes your prayer life is dull you have religion but no relationship you need to understand so today as I give this message think about it are you or are you not a child of God how do you know you're a child of God there will be evidence but the first step is humble yourselves come to Jesus because the Bible says Jesus is our mediator between God and man Jesus and because of Jesus God is our Father that's why Jesus commands us when you pray you pray in my name in the name of Jesus that's why when we pray we always say in the name of Jesus because through Jesus you become a child of God question how do you know you're a child of God look at the behavior like father like son I don't judge people but I tell people watch your behavior ask yourself am I really a child of God or do I have religion is Jesus a passport to heaven if Jesus is just a passport to heaven you don't know Jesus you don't know God and that my friend will bring damnation salvation is by grace you cannot earn it it's through Christ but once you understand the grace of God you will change notice how do you pray it changes your priorities pray this way our Father who is in say that with me heaven now listen that's important God is nothing it's no ordinary father he's in heaven meaning the supreme being all-powerful almighty and he can provide if it's good for us he may not provide if it's not good for us he knows why do I say this is so important who art in heaven listen one of my friend the eldest son of the family or one a parent he was the leader when his father passed away he was given the responsibility of looking at the state cleaning of the papers and he read his diary you see he never liked his father he never had good relationship with his father but when he read the diary he began to cry because he discovered that his father mortgaged their house so that they can go to school he never understood what the father went through to allow them to have good education because the father is not expressive when he discovered what his father did he said Peter it was truly I wanted to show up to my father but I never had a chance he passed away my friend your father who is in heaven loves you he does not have to mortgage his house to provide for you but he loves you therefore if you know he loves you what must you do notice it changes your priorities hallowed be your name it changes your perspective when I pray I realized God is my father he loves me it changes my priorities what is the priority hallowed what is the meaning of the word hollande the word hallowed is from this Greek word Haggard so the idea is Lord may your name be glorified may your name be set apart you are the supreme you are the most important being I treasure you the most that's the mean of the world hallowed if you hallowed anything if you if you make it primary if you make it supreme and it is not God you are doomed to be disappointed in many families they make their children hallow they make their children the center of the universe it's called child-centric parenting can I tell you what it will do you are doomed to be disappointed I remember this mother after all I've done this file after all we've done for our child how come they're treating us this way very simple any person any being that you treat as God as the most important you go out of your way because they become the most important person in your life you are doomed to be disappointed you know what in the case of this story this child felt so saccade saccade in English means suffocated you know some parents are so loving without knowing you are destroying your children because you are loving them the wrong way it's called helicopter parenting you try to do everything for them you try to prevent them from having problem so you are all around they feel so so in Tagalog they feel so calm so when they become teenagers their dream in life is to get away from you and then you get the shock of your life what happened to my children after college they left anything that you hollowed more than God is doomed to disappoint you so this pain will change your life my highest priority is what to bring glory to God that's my prayer now if you prayed that prayer hallowed be your name may your name be glorified through all the earth that's your priority now how would that impact your life you will glorify Him I remember this Christian leader asking me for counsel not from CCF so don't imagine somebody MCCS I said when you make that decision to leave your organization I said I'm gonna warn you the day you leave your organization this way this moment will bring honor to God I praise God for this leader he thought about it if I leave this organization if I make this decision will it bring glory to God I said there is your answer you want to know God's will for your life you ask yourself will this bring glory to God whatever you do husband and wife you want to make decisions as yourself with this being lower it again if you do not don't whatever you do you bring glory to God notice your priority changes your kingdom come what does it mean your kingdom come the Bible is very clear the kingdom of God our Father is not just a loving father our Father is king is gonna come again you see the kingdom of heaven for many people the kingdom of God is not very clearly taught the kingdom of God yes is in our midst in it in our heart that's true when Jesus becomes your Lord and Savior he is king so the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God is in our mid yes he is king in any Kingdom you need a king you were sovereign and you have subjects you have a king and your followers that's true but the Bible talks about a literal Kingdom also it's future attempts you need to understand when you pray this prayer Jesus is saying you pray that the kingdom of God will be answered very soon lot let's look at what the Bible says the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come that they will come for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down he who accuses them before our God day and night who is the accuser of the Brethren the devil the Bible tells us right now you have two kingdoms side-by-side the kingdom of darkness Satan his influence that's why this world is that's what you have suffering you have pain and you have the kingdom of God but the day will come when the kingdom of God will be fully manifested the devil completely removed but that day is not today you must pray for that kingdom to be acid in we have a part the Bible tells us in Revelation very clearly please read this the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever you need to understand your values cannot be dependent on this world you know how this changes my lives it changes my priorities my values folks listen to me if you are ignorant of this truth that there's going to be a coming Kingdom you will set your hope your ambition will all be the temporal things of this world because for you this is all you are going to get everything in this world but my friend the Bible tells me the opposite everything in this world will be changed will be destroyed what is eternal the kingdom of God it's going to come whether you like it or not whether you are part of the kingdom or you are not it does not matter it is coming and Jesus says you pray this prayer regularly so that you are reminded Lord my values cannot be the things of this world and you know why I like you to think of that kingdom the Bible tells us is a beautiful kingdom everybody read this some of you are in pain I know it but please with this he will wipe away everybody read every tear from their eyes there will no longer be any read death no longer any mourning no longer any crying no longer any pain now all of you who are over 60 you appreciate this verse no more pain back pain shoulder pain the hot pain praise God no more pain but else the first thing said pass away behold I am making all things new I am the Alpha and the Omega friends the truth in this world there is pain in this world there is injustice but be of good cheer the Bible is very clear you know people have accused Christians of dreaming that our hearts is always thinking about the future and we are no earthly good my friend if those dreams are just dreams then I agree with them Christianity is the opiate of the mind it's like an opium however if those dreams are true and they are real then it is the most sensible thing to do you set your heart on the things that are real that are eternal and I don't know about you I'm excited that Jesus is coming soon yes or no do you know the Book of Isaiah described yeah you can club praise God I don't know about you but I am headed to a wonderful place you know the Book of Isaiah tells us I don't have time to read all the verses the boy Isaiah talks about he will create a new heaven and a new earth and then he talks about what will happen you know what will happen look at the picture when the kingdom of God is here the wolf will dwell with the lamb the leopard will lie down with the young goat the calf and the young lion together a little boy will lead them the nursing child will play by the hole of the Cobra beautiful picture notice they will not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain and was released for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea then in that day the nations will resort to the root of Jesse who is the root of Jesse Jesus the great great great grandson of Jesse the Bible tells us ladies and gentleman that day is coming the lion and the tiger and the leopard will become vegetarian they want it as anymore develop and young kids will play no need to worry no harm they will not hurt or destroy because in the kingdom of God righteousness dwells beautiful place hallelujah praise God now watch your part this is your part that this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and the end will come in other words the reason why the kingdom of God is not yet here is because of God's mercy God is saying this good news has to be preached to all the ends of the earth why do you think CCS has CCF beyond why do you think were investing money and resources to the places where the gospel is not yet preached why my friend because my part is to help fulfill the conditions of the coming of the kingdom of heaven the camel kingdom god I want to proclaim the good news you ask yourself will this change your life if you pray this prayer Lord thy kingdom come ask yourself are you bringing people to his kingdom how can you pray thy kingdom come and you don't care about expanding his kingdom how can you pray this prayer thy kingdom come when you don't share the gospel so this prayer will change your priorities and notice how powerful this pair is it says your will be done on earth as it is in heaven your will you know what is so liberating no longer my will no longer your will God's will do you realize the problem of many Christians you know why you don't have joy because you want to be in control you want to control people friends you better realize you are not in control the earlier used to render the control of your life to our Father who is in heaven the more joyful you will become instead of fighting people you say Lord this what I want but it's okay not my will example Jesus look at his prayer mark 14 Abba Father daddy Papa Wow look at this pair all things are possible for you remove this cup from me yet not what I will but what you will beautiful I love this prayer most of us don't pray like this do you know what you fight with other Christians you know my you fight with people because you cannot have it your way I've discovered it's not my way my way is not important his way is more important and if God's Way is most important I surrender to him I do my best but sometimes what I want may not be what he wants sometimes the board may overrule me that's fine I tell women I tell children you appeal to your father you tell your father but if your father says no so be it you ask God you see this pair will be change your life Lord my priority your glory your kingdom and your will beautiful can I tell you why do you change your life because it's all about him this prayer has six prayer requests the first three deals with God your glory your kingdom and your will let me give you a test how many of you are students raise your hands students raise your hand that means you are still in school or home school raise your hand oh you're high I'm looking at you now let me ask you when you're in school do you study in such a way that you bring glory to God if your behavior in such a way that others will be attracted to the kingdom of God do you commit to do God's will you see impacts your life how many of you are in business raise your hand you're professionals raise your hands higher higher those of you in the office let me ask you at work do you glorify God's name the way you conduct your business the way you interact with people is God glorified will you attract people to the kingdom of heaven to the kingdom of God are you doing God's will let me tell you a true story of a pastor who was so hard-working he had no time for his children and one day the wife asked him I want a few moments with you and the wife said your children are growing up without you I cannot tell you what to do but I'm just going to tell you one thing you need to know your priorities you are responsible for this family she left ladies that's how you talk to your husband short succinct you are responsible mind this guy by the way this guy's a world-famous pastor I met him he said he got the shock of his life he began sitting down what is God's will he discovered he can delegate many things but he can never delegate being a father he cannot delegate being a husband and you know it helped him one day in his church he promised his son a ball game so around 4 o clock for today he was about to leave the office the secretary said sir somebody's here to see you he said no I don't have time to see that person I four other pastors they can take care of him but what would I tell him he was to see you tell him I promised my son to go to the ball game with him you mean I will tell him that you know this man went down from his office he saw the man the man stopped him sir I really need to see you he said I'm really sorry I cannot see there are 4 other men that can help you sir you don't know what's happening to me my family is falling apart I need to talk to you you know what this man of God said I have four other pastors that can help you but my son has only one father I need to spend time with him friends you need to know the will of God for your life and you will only know the will of God if you study the Bible so this prayer thy will be done on earth means you are committed to know God's will you are committed to surrender to God's will God will not always answer the way you want it this mother prayed for his son don't let my son live home the son left home when he was 16 years old the mother was devastated Lord how come you didn't answer my prayer can I tell you that story a few years later the Sun came up the Sun came back a new person because the Sun encountered the Lord Jesus while he was in Rome who was this young man who encountered Jesus while away from home leaving a rebellious life is none other than the famous st. Augustine God answered the prayer of the mother of Augustine not the way she wanted it but the way she really wanted for a son to love the Lord God allowed this son to live home because God knew what away from home is going to meet the greatest person on earth which is Jesus and when he came back he was a changed man so my friend do you have an answered prayer yes or no that's okay what would you say not my will but dying give us this day our daily bread notice after you pray for God's will God's kingdom God's priority that is okay give us this day our daily bread what is the meaning of daily bread you know they like they studied this fresh daily bread it is nowhere to be found in the entire New Testament except in this place you know what it means this word is used to describe a lady going to the market the shopping list that need for the day God tells you go to him daily can I tell you our problem we don't want to come to God daily we want God provide for my needs for the next 100 years most of us react to dependence on the Lord daily because we want independence especially businessmen businessmen I don't blame you why prayer is so counterintuitive for us because prayer is the declaration of dependence let me repeat prayer is the declaration of your dependence on God prayer is the antidote for self-sufficiency and the first Jesus says you pray daily you know I was talking to one of our member he's a volunteer I asked permission from him if I can share his story it's a volunteer he works with the g-men you know to help Behrman the soldiers the policemen I said how are you doing he said pastor it's so amazing God provides for my needs he said for example now this guy's amazing he lives by faith he does not receive a salary from CCF but he's working for the Lord he said one day I went to Quezon City the maracas office I need to pay my electric bill and I have a hard time so I was hoping they'll give me extension when I went there the girl look at the computer the girl said sir I don't know your bill is paid somebody paid for it he said pastor to this day I don't know who paid for the bill now it happens not just once all I'm saying is is God faithful yes I tell you one of my horse who took care of me while I was in Sydney taught me pastor because I was asking myself how is your life ask your financial debt say God provides he said you see this car you see this car and driving I said yeah do you know how I got this car I'm a volunteer I live by faith a lady doctor from our church approached me one day she said you know what the Lord told me that you need a new you need this car and here are the details go to the car shop got the car deal and get this car pastor new car it's got amazing now listen I'm not saying when you leave this place you get an envelope you get a new card no no that's not what I'm saying listen to what I'm saying I'm saying our Heavenly Father knows our needs and it's okay to tell him what you need not this forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors your greatest need believe it or not is spiritual needs forgiveness do you know forgiveness is so crucial that Jesus tells us you learn to forgive others and in fact if you read this prayer at the end of this prayer you have two verses two extra verses that deals with forgiveness forgive us our debts this word depth is not what you understand it today in the days of Jesus sin trespasses is called debt when you sin against God you owe him something so this word refers to sin forgive our sin forgive those who have trespassed against us notice he added in verses 14 and 15 he added this if you forgive others their transgressions your heavenly Father will forgive you please read the next verse if you do not forgive others your father will not forgive your transgressions in other words forgiveness is something you need and forgiveness is something you need to forgive others and many Christians don't experience transformation because they disobeyed this verse how many of you have experienced the forgiveness of God in your life raise your hands higher good if we have experienced God's forgiveness to forgive others it's not an option I have met Christians who don't forgive they lie to themselves they say no i forgiven them do you understand the process of forgiveness first the hurt it's okay to hurt you our pain hurt by the consequences that's okay but then you forgive once you forgive the next phase is get together you need to be willing to get together with the person you forgive if you are not willing to get together with a person you forgive you had not forgiven and there are many Christians today you know what they tell me yeah I forgive them already I forgive but I don't want to spend time with them I talk to ladies have you forgiven each other yes okay let's have a meal together I know I don't want to have anything to do with the person my friend that is not forgiveness that is self-deception just imagine someday when you go to heaven and God will say I forgiven you but I will not see you horrible I love this do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil you know many people don't understand this word temptation this is a preventive prayer do not lead us into temptation what does it mean the word temptation is from the Greek word Paris knows the word Paris most can be translated two ways one is temptation and one is trial what do I mean for example consider it all joy when you encounter various trials same word Paris must lead us not into Paris most trial because trial eventually leads to temptation same word based on context when is it used as temptation when is it uses trials depending on the context for example in James chapter one same chapter let no one say when he is tempted Paris much same word I am being Paris motions understand by God for God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself does not tempt anyone so do nothing God is the one leading us to sin but what does it mean the prayer Lord lead us not into a Paris mode the idea is this lord I am weak I'm not strong I need you lead me so that I will not yield to the temptation that comes from trials I cannot bear the understand we will all face Paris knows the only question is this will you have the strength to overcome the temptation that will follow after trials because of a new face trial you have two options to resolve it the ways of God or to do it your way that's what Jesus tells us keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation watching and praying the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak you know I want to praise God for a sister was gone through trials temptations but because she understood the power of prayer she's able to share with us what God did let's welcome Malou Ortiz good morning my name is Malou Ortiz as a child growing up i religiously went to church every sunday and prayed every night before i slept ironically this rituals need prevent me from going against God's will my parents were strict and I disregarded and disobeyed them I learned to lie and met secretly with my boyfriend whom I dated for three years clueless about what we were getting into my brief boyfriend and I Wed at the age of 19 because we were not emotionally equipped to handle conflicts and responsibilities problems in my marriage the relationship started to arise we lived through a painful process of separation and starting over again and had two sons in 1987 I gave birth to our daughter with Down syndrome and who was also hearing and speech impaired and physically disabled I stayed in the marriage and tried to submit to my husband no matter how hard I try the fights went on and on eventually in my desperation to save a failing marriage I consulted a friend who invited me to join a Bible study group she brought me to see CF where I met wonderful ladies who welcomed me to their group one of the pastors wives talked about godly wisdom a teaching I had never heard before she taught me to see my marriage from a different perspective and helped me realize my shortcomings as a wife after just two months my husband commented that he saw changes in me he encouraged me to attend Bible study regularly he was happy to see the transformation in my life I started to enjoy being a housewife and bonding with my family it was what I had wanted to experience in marriage and the Lord answered my prayers in 2003 a couple who were also parents of a child with Down syndrome invited me to join a study group on the book The Purpose Driven Life led by pastor Peter and Dianna it was only then that I fully understood what Jesus had done for me the through his death on the cross I am forgiven and have a new life in Christ overwhelmed by the good news that I have been forgiven accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior from that day on my life was never the same I continued to grow in understanding God's Word and looked forward to reading it every day I began to develop a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus however in 2007 my marriage failed once again I experienced extreme physical pain and grief over losing my husband but this situation drove me back to the basics of my faith in God I had only two options I could curse God and give up or I could trust God and draw strength from him to continue I had to fully surrender my husband to the Lord I needed to forgive him because I too have seen realizing that I could neither control him nor my own circumstances I endeavored to continue to fulfill my duties as a wife and I constantly pray for him painful as it was and is I had to release my husband completely to God sometimes life doesn't turn out the way we want it to god gave me a husband but not a successful marriage he gave me a daughter but she has a disability I'm reminded of job who was blameless before God experience break losses and trials although unlike him I made bad decisions in the past my heart is comforted that my Heavenly Father has strengthens and carries me through all the pain and hurt by God's grace these trials have prepared me to be a channel of blessing to others I'm now a graduate of jlc for leading a Bible study day group we call the praying wives a volunteer at the CCF unique special needs ministry and the pastoral care ministry God continues to equip me as I serve Him enabling him enabling me to pursue studies that allowed me to help others through counseling and discipleship cut commissioned me to write five inspirational books about God's purpose for creating people with disability for women going through marital problems and inner beauty the Lord continues to expand my borders using me as a speaker in various churches schools and organizations encouraging PWD families and women of all walks of life giving hope through Jesus Christ currently I am a co-host on a radio program and soon on a TV program called God is able where we advocate people affected by disability Bible says and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose Romans 8:28 God allowed me to experience trials in my marriage and family so that his purpose for my life will be fulfilled the Lord may not have given me what I've been praying for in my terms but he has faithfully been faithfully to sustain me throughout these ordeals and has strengthened my faith life on Earth is not about our happiness or comfort or personal agenda it's all about God my life on Earth is a preparation and training for the rest of my eternal life with my Heavenly Father in His perfect time he will give me beauty for Ashes to God be all the glory and please God praise God in closing let's read this together and do not lead us into temptation but deliver do you know the word deliver you know what it means literally to carry me through you know sometimes we are weak notice the pronoun it's all plural lead us not deliver us in other words when you pray you don't pray for yourself you pray for each other the pronoun in this prayer is about us give us this day our daily bread so do you care for other people give us you cannot pray that prayer if you're lazy people who do not work who do not put God first how can you say give us this day our daily bread when you're not working when you're dishonest forgive us our debts as we forgive others how can you pray that prayer if you have bitterness how can you pray lead us not into trials temptation but deliver us how can you pray that prayer when you put yourself in places of temptations so this prayer will really transform our lives changes your perspective it changes your priorities and it changes the place of your confidence your security I love this last face I want you to I want one of us to pray for each other deliver us let me just close with this with a true story and OMF missionary doctor was in Africa and his job is to go to the town twice a month every two weeks he goes to town to buy supplies and then he goes back to the tribal area he's a doctor one day on this way to the city to buy stuff he saw two men fighting and one was severely wounded so he took care of the man when the man got well a few weeks later the man said the you know we wanted to kill you because we know you have money but when we went to your camp we saw 27 guards guarding your house this doctor said we don't have gardens we cannot afford to have guards now he was giving this testimony back in the States well he was giving the story a man stood up from the church the man said sir sorry to interrupt you when did that happen so he gave the date and the man said on that very same date well it's nighttime in your house it's daytime in the state's he said I was going to play golf I put my golf bag in the car on my way the Lord burden me the Lord gave me a burden to pray for you so I texted the church that we will have a prayer gathering just for you and he asked the church members how many of you were in that prayer meeting for this doctor you know how many men stood up exactly 27 men the story is this the spiritual is as real as a physical world prayer changes things never take prayer for granted let's bow our heads and pray some of you I know some of you need prayer but perhaps there are some of you here you never have a relationship you never had that relationship God is not your father you cannot pray really our Father because you don't know God is your father if you want me to pray for you right now you want to make God your father intimate father would you raise your hands I want to pray for you remember you raise your hands because you are not yet sure God is your father and you want to become the children of God if that's your desire I want you to raise your hand higher praise God today you want to be sure you will belong you'll become a child of God higher place higher all right those of you with your hand raised up keep them up and pray with me okay wherever you are raise your hands up and pray this prayer Lord Jesus I'm not just sure I belong to you today I surrender my life to you Lord Jesus I invite you as my Lord and my Savior thank you for dying on the cross for my sins today I humble myself and recognize you and ask you not just to be my Savior but to be my king to be my lord change my heart thank you for the forgiveness of my sins father God in heaven I just thank you for all the men and women who have raised their hands as I pray for them today remind them this is the payer that will change our lives because we have relationship with you help all the people of this congregation and all of those who are watching us in the internet pray this prayer the model prayer the idea of realizing Lord you are our Father our priority Lord should be your kingdom your glory in your will and lastly Lord to trust you that you will provide for our needs is spiritual physical protection spiritual protection in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless you folks connect with CCF through the following websites [Music] jumpstart your spiritual journey by joining us wall group [Music] we are so blessed you were able to join us today god bless and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 118,053
Rating: 4.7916193 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Jesus, Prayer, Love, Faith, Christ, God, Bible, Christian, Christianity, Church, Truth, Life, Grace Changes Everything, Bible Verse, Bible Verse for Love, Hope, Supreme, Christ is Supreme, Serve Him, Live For Him, Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria, Gloria, Transform
Id: ox8QwaP2UvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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