Life's 2 Most Important Questions with Peter Tan-chi (September 03, 2017)

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[Music] I like to ask you a question as we celebrate our 33rd year of God's faithfulness can you ask your neighbor why do you do what you are doing why do you do what you are doing as a follower of Jesus why do you do what you are doing for example why are you here why do you study the Bible why do you try to invite people why do you go to the office are those good questions all right ask your neighbor one more time why do you do what you are doing the problem is so fast don't even know what we are doing okay so I like to share with you as a reminder of why we do what we do let's learn from the Apostle Paul everybody let's read this together 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 everybody for the love of Christ controls us having concluded that one died for all therefore all died the Apostle Paul tells us why he's doing what he's doing he says the love of Christ controls us the word control has this idea of passing through mountain gorgeous where it is so tight you are hemmed in it's like - cliff it's so tight you have no choice so Paul is saying I am compelled I am controlled it's a picture of two soldiers holding you one on the right one on the left bringing you to a place where you have no choice but to go so Paul is saying the love of Christ compels me the love of Christ constrains me the life of the love of price controls me my friend are you and I motivated by the love of Jesus and they realized love is the most powerful motivation it is one of the most powerful motivation you remember that thought if a guy who wanted to lose weight he was so happy he could not lose weight until his doctor Antilles daughter was diagnosed with kidney problems and the doctor said your daughter needs a kidney transplant they could not find any donor the only donor is the man himself the father and the doctor told the father I cannot operate on you you are too heavy you are too you're overweight you need to lose weight would you believe it in six months time the father lost weight you know why the love bla is powerful but that love is not based on sentimentalism it is not because it's a feeling it's more than that let's read this together the love of price controls compares me having concluded the word concluded is a beautiful word in the original language he talks about I've thought about this I've analyzed the process I've analyzed the cones I've analyzed the facts and this is my conclusion according to his conclusion one died for all therefore all died he died for all notice his conclusion the reality the Jesus died so that they who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf he was so clear the Jesus not only died but rose again the resurrection is the basic evidence for the Apostle Paul one of his main motivation it's based on truth that Jesus died and rose again do you know in the States they ask young people today why do you believe what you believe noticed my question why do you believe what you believe can I ask you this question why do you believe what you believe see most people don't know the answer she's because of your parents why do you do what you do is it because of tradition is it because it's our culture why do you do what you do so today I want to share with you something so basic so important for the Apostle Paul it is love and cold and truth the truth of Jesus so let me ask you a question so you understand the importance of truth how many marbles are here how many marbles what is marble Jolin and I will give you a price if you guess how many marbles you get one thousand okay all right guess how many marbles are right here one hundred sorry two hundred sorry 130 sorry 150 sorry fifty sorry thirty sorry 33 funny Tommy Tommy number book in the back anybody I'm sorry your answers are not correct therefore I will keep the 1000 pesos you want to know the number I'll tell you tonight because I have to ask the afternoon audience now let me ask you a question is this a question of opinion or a question of truth how many marbles are here is this a question of truth or opinion preferences answer truth what about the next question this is the best ice cream in the world the flavor the best flavor is called vanilla caramel is this a question of truth or preference preference today people are confused between truth and preference the Apostle Paul is not talking about preference is talking about truth today most people confuse their conscience let me ask you is there such a thing as absolute truth now there but today you ask young people you know what they tell you do you believe premarital sex is wrong you know they'll tell you for me I'm a follower of Jesus to me that's wrong if you'd wrong for other people the answer is well if you think it's wrong it's wrong if you think it's right it's right you see the problem we don't think critically you should a issue of truth or preference so let me share with you some of the characteristics of truth everybody truth is not truth just because the majority of people believe it many years ago people believed that the earth is the center of the universe that the Sun goes around the earth that's what they believe it that is not true do you know the earth goes around the Sun see so you don't even know up to now now the question of preference truth does not cease to exist even if you don't believe it for example you have cancer that's the truth you have cancer but you don't believe it or you refuse to believe it it does not change that's why this message is crucial it has to do with truth you can deny it you don't have to believe it but truth is truth either you agree with it you don't agree with it you believe it you don't believe it it does not matter because truth is truth you we need to understand there is such a thing as truth for example truth does not depend on our feelings truth must correspond with facts after a final exam there is a little boy pray doctor doctor doctor doctor you know the teacher said the exam is over what are you doing I'm praying I'm praying praying what Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo why because in the exam I put there the capital of France is Tokyo my friend no amount of prayer will make Tokyo the capital of friends understand truth must correspond with reality four times four sixteen now look truth is narrow and exclusive see many people are not critical thinkers you know they used to tell me all religion is the same it does not matter what you believe as long as you're sincere all religion will lead to heaven they're sincere that that's what they believe in my friend please think is that a question of preference or truth look at what Jesus tells us okay everybody let's read this first two contradictory or opposite truth dreams cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense two contradictory or opposite truth claims cannot both be true if I say la caminha if I say the capital of the Philippines is Manila and you say the capital of the Philippines is Cebu one of us will be wrong yes or no that's the nature of truth it's exclusive it's very narrow now when Jesus tells us everybody read I'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me is this an issue of truth or preference truth jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me so the conclusion is this either Jesus is lying and it's not the truth or he is the truth if Jesus is telling the truth my friend it has serious implications in the way you live in the early but please don't stop thinking don't think well as long as you're sincere it does not matter so I want to share with you today the message is life two most important questions in order for you to understand why you do what you do why you need to know everybody life two most important questions it has to do with truth question number one are you ready to find out let's look at the life of poor what happened to him everybody let's read this together I am a Jew born in Tarsus of Silesia but brought up in this city educated under Gamaliel strictly according to the law of our fathers being zealous for God just as you all are today Paul was under house arrest now he's arrested not just house arrest and they're about to sentence him for imprisonment or for life or death we don't know but Paul appealed he said allow me to speak up so this is his testimony Paul is saying once upon a time this is his testimony he's telling all of us I am a Jew born in Tarsus of Silesia brought up in this city so Paul was a city boy not only city boy Paul is saying I am educated under Gamaliel Gamaliel is the most if not the top professor of his time Paul is saying like in modern times I graduated in the best university today I am educated I know what I'm talking about and then Paul is telling us in terms of being religious according to the law of our fathers I am very zealous for God so Paul is saying hey you got to know me that's who I am and then I persecuted this way to the death binding and putting both men and women into prisons because for Paul the people of this way I persecuted this way to the death if you read Acts chapter 9 and Acts chapter 26 it's all about his experience his testimony he persecuted Christians he hated Christians in Paul's mind Christians are dangerous people they are fake they are believing something that is not true so to save his country from a false religion you know what he did look at what he said I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus for Paul Jesus was a fake prophet a fake teacher Jesus was just a man so he hated Christians he hated the idea of Jesus notice how dedicated he was everybody read I punish them often in all the synagogues I tried to force them to blaspheme after being furiously engaged notice the grammar the adjectives furiously enraged the guy was angry I kept pursuing them even to foreign countries that's how dedicated Paul was now listen to me if I will translate this in modern language you will never want to invite Paul to CCF you will never want him to attend our service you know why once he knows us he will put us in jail you will never want to invite him to go to your house at any Bible study because that guy is not just indifferent he hated Christianity do you have some friends who don't care about Bible study do you have friends who not only not care they are so angry with Bible study do you have such friends what I'm going to tell you something relax you don't have to force people to believe why let's find out Paul said it happened it's a fact it happened as I was on my way approaching Damascus hundred fifty miles north of Israel Jerusalem so Paul was going upward about noontime notice noontime a very bright light suddenly flash from heaven all around me and I fell to the ground and I heard a voice saying Saul so why are you persecuting me now you've to understand poor soul throughout his life he was brought in Judaism mono mystic one God no other the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob and here is Jesus claiming to be equal with God claiming to be the Son of God for Paul that's crazy we don't allow this kind of false teaching so what did he do he tried to eradicate Christianity if you are Paul suddenly you heard a voice and the voice says Paul Paul why are you persecuting me and you know the first question you need to learn to us is this question number one who are you Lord everybody what is question number one most important question you need us who are you Lord why because that question will help you go to the next question the answer to the first question will impact your entire life who are you Lord and what is the answer I am jesus the nazarene whom you are persecuting you know how to entered my mind when people mistreat you their misstating Jesus are you aware of that Jesus identifies with us Palmas had been shocked what is happening and those who were with us with me saw the light and to be sure but did not understand the voice of the one who was speaking what is the first question who are you lord what is the second question everybody read what shall I do Lord and the Lord said get up go on into the maskull's and there you will be told all that has been appointed for you to do question number one who are you lord question number two what shall I do Lord let's talk about question number one is that a question of preference or is that a question of truth who is the Lord my friend that answer cannot be preference the answer is truth who is the Lord that question implies who is the lord of who's the king who is the one in control of the whole universe you see in the time of Paul you have Caesar who is also called Lord we have Emperor's you have Kings that is not a question being asked the question being asked is this who is the Lord of the universe who is the creator who is the king of kings who let me give you a test how do you know the Lord is your Lord do you know how to test yourself let me give you example of the test test number one how do you know who is your Lord the test of love what is the test of love what is it that you love so much that you love more than God and if that love is taken away from you your life loses its meaning let me repeat what do you love so much that it is taken away from you your life loses meaning if it's a family member this is the boyfriend you see the girlfriend what is it that you love so much that you cannot everything of living without that person second test the test of obedience ultimately who decides what to do in your life most of us we are the boss most of us we are the Lord of our life for example if you have a problem with your husband or your wife and you're irritated what will you do are you going to do what the Apostle Paul did what do you want me to do Lord or is it you will do whatever you want to do you see many people make decisions not asking the Lord what do you want me to do you know how they make decisions they are the boss now listen to me what question will you ask who is the Lord say that with me who is the Lord who is your Lord that question that answer will determine your entire future your entire destiny test number three how do you know your Lord is the Lord or something else look at me what is your security what is your source of security is it money it is your bar kada you're Binaca your business what is your security then without it you become afraid my friend there are many tests so question number one who is the Lord now I'm going to ask you to change it now who is your Lord you see the difference who is the Lord that's a statement of truth the answer is Jesus what's the proof I will tell you for the Apostle Paul it's the resurrection but my question for you is this who is your Lord what is question number two what do you want me to do so let's repeat question number one who are you lord for the Apostle Paul his Lord is none other than Jesus why look at what he said what is the basis everybody read I delivered to you as of first important this is the most important what Paul is saying Adana this is the whole basis that Christ died for our sins he was buried he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures he appeared to Cephas then that word pour is now stating facts not opinion Jesus died and rose again why is the resurrection so important listen to me everybody please bear with me if Jesus did not rise again from the dead forget Christianity it is just another religion if Jesus died and he rose again then it becomes completely different Jesus is a King of Kings the Lord of lords you see many of us don't even know why we believe what we believe you don't even know who I you do what you do because you have never thought about this I'm discussing with you reality it's about truth not that she did not stop here he continued he said he Jesus appeared to more than 500 brethren can you imagine more than 500 people what Paul is saying this is not a myth this is not a legend because he said most of them are still alive today he said most of them most of whom remain until now but some had died he said most of the people are alive you can check them out he's stating facts notice he appeared to James then he to all the apostles and last of all as to one and timely born he said he appeared to me also yes Bible tells us Jesus appeared to Paul that's why Paul was so appreciative of Gihon because God was chasing Paul Paul has no business becoming a Christian listen to me what was Paul doing he was on his way to destroy Christians and that's why Paul could honestly say I am the least of the Apostles I am not fit to be called an apostle I persecuted the Church of God but everybody did by the grace of God I am what I am you see Paul experienced the love of God because God was chasing him God appeared to Paul God took the initiative today I like you to know something you are here today not by accident if you are here for the first time I want you to know something it is God what's been running after you do you know that I have some friends which I never thought and I never believed will become a follower of Jesus that's me I'm one of those guys that I would never imagine that one day I'll be teaching Bible and I'll be a father of Jesus because my life was contrary to all the teachings of Jesus I'm not a good man I'm not a good boy but by the grace of God he did something when I learn about the resurrection that Jesus died and rose again in my behalf I concluded that the resurrection is the proof that Jesus is Lord the resurrection will open your eyes to see everything differently but my question is this do you believe Jesus is Lord what is question number one everybody who are you lord have you heard of dr. Simon Greenleaf dr. Simon Greenleaf is the author of the classic a treatise on the law of evidence he wrote what are the law of evidence how do you allow documents witnesses to appear in court he is the Royal professor of the law at Harvard so this guy made Harvard Law School popular because of his credentials amazing lawyer he wrote the loss of evidence something like this the rules of evidence number one are the witnesses honest what is the record of these witnesses number two are the witnesses believable can you believe them for example the Apostle Paul is she crazy or can you believe him is she educated is she not educated is she mentally deranged are these witnesses believable are there enough witnesses do you realize all the other religious books believe it or not when they talk what the religious founder has no equal when it comes to witnesses are the witnesses consistent the famous lawyer studied the resurrection of Jesus are these people believable what was this conclusion would you like to know after his study I want to share with you some of the witnesses Peter and Phillip one of the originals of the disciples of Jesus crucified while crucified because they told everybody Jesus died and rose again boom Monty was killed by the sword the guy who wrote the book of Matthew who talks about the resurrection was martyred because of his confession mark the one who wrote the book of Mark was drowned to death by horses look the one who wrote the book of Acts died by hanging because he refused to recount Jesus died and rose again James the greater one of the disciples was beheaded James the judge was thrown down from a pinnacle of the temple why because he refused to deny Jesus is Lord the day of Jude was killed by arrows one of the disciples of Jesus Thomas was killed with a spear in India today you go to India you have Thomas sites you have people who came to Christ because of Thomas Bartolomeo Nathaniel was whipped to death in Armenia Matthias was stoned and behaved that Paul was beheaded all because of Jesus Andrew you know why I put under laws I read something recently about Andrew when Andrew was beaten up by seven soldiers and it was led to be crucified he said I have long desired and expected this happy hour it's amazing and this what he said the Cross has been consecrated by the body of Jesus when he died on the cross and Ruth was prepared to die on the cross like his Savior think about it while will people have a different attitude toward death do you know Andrew did not die immediately he suffered two more days on the cross and he would tell anybody who listened to him he talks about Jesus so my friend he used to think why will all of these people die tonight today people die for something they believe it is true but the disciples will never die for something if they know it is not true remember they wrote the Bible they did not invent that Jesus died and rose again today many people are willing to die for something if they believe it is true even though they are deceived sincerely deceive and they will die for it but nobody will purposely die for something knowing it is not true they live with Jesus they saw Jesus they wrote about his resurrection so the conclusion of the research is what Jesus died and rose again you know why the evidence overwhelming hostile sources non-christian sources this historical documents my friend Jesus arose after death exhibited the marks of his punishment showed how his hands had been pierced by nails this guy flagon is not a Christian he was just writing down what happened the famous historian Josephus Flavius Flavius Josephus if you go to seminary you really study this guy Flavius Josephus he was not a Christian you know what he wrote this is what he wrote at this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus Pilate ordered him to become them and to die historically Jesus was condemned to die it's historical fact those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship they reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive so ladies and gentleman you have four major religions in the world four major religions but the Buddhist religion they teach something different contrary to what Jesus is teaching that is the son of God Hindu religion they believe Jesus is just another one of those so-called God just one of the millions the Islam religion they believe that Jesus is a prophet but he did not die on the cross and he did not rise again from the dead only biblical Christianity tells us Jesus died and rose again my friends please consider what you're listening today ask the first question who are you once you answer that question and you know who is the Lord your conclusion will be like this famous lawyer you know this famous lawyer began to worship Jesus dr. Simon Greenleaf became a follower of Jesus after his investigation the resurrection is one of the best documented events in the history of man dr. Simon Greenleaf have you studied about the resurrection be honest sometimes you don't know hey sometimes you thought is this really true is the Bible really true my friend I have another course I will teach you why I believe the Bible but the point is this if Jesus died and rose again I have no problem believing the Bible if Jesus died and rose again Jesus is our Lord let you question number one who is your Lord will answer your neighbor well you would've asked your name of that question who is your dog now please don't answer if you don't mean it away who is your God question number two what shall I do Lord what shall I do why is that important look at the logic of the Apostle Paul if Jesus is God if Jesus is Lord then I better do what he wants me to do if Jesus is not Lord listen to me why bother why are you coming here why do you spend time attending small groups why do you need to learn how to live a life that's pleasing to God unless Jesus is Lord ask question number two what is question number two everybody what shall I do Lord you know God Paul get up stand on your feet for this purpose I believe to you to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen but also the things which I will appeal to you for the first time in Paul's life he lost control of his life because Jesus taught him you just listen I will tell you what you're gonna do stand up on your feet and this is what you're gonna do Jesus told the Apostle Paul you're I'm going to appoint you a minister the world Minister means a servant just like you just like me a servant of Jesus I'm going to upon you to be a witness you tell people what do you know about Jesus that's what you need to do and Jesus tells Paul to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light from the Dominion of Satan to God knowledge Jesus talks about two kingdoms the kingdom of God the kingdom of Satan the kingdom of light in the kingdom of darkness two kingdoms and he tells them they need forgiveness that they may receive forgiveness of sin our greatest problem is sin now Jesus says I have given you the solution and inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in me what Jesus is saying is this is the truth the truth of Who I am the Son of God the truth that there is life after death the truth is I will make the difference between life and death these are truth so Paul will you be my witness will you be my servant everybody if Jesus arose from the dead then you have to accept all that he has said if he did not rise from the dead why bother let me repeat the issue on which everything hands is not whether or not you like his teaching but whether or not he rose from the dead if Jesus rose from the dead then you have to accept all that he has said if he did not rise from the dead forget it are you understanding what the Bible is saying listen to me question number one but who is the Lord that you have to clarify with your own life until you recognize Jesus is Lord you are not even a Christian let me repeat in the nicest way I can say until you recognize that Jesus is Lord and he is your Lord you are not even a follower of Jesus those who claim to know Jesus in the head but their life does not reflect that Jesus is Lord I don't judge anybody I'm just saying you have a problem because Jesus is Lord are you treating him as Lord if you are he tells us why do you call me Lord Lord and not do what I say that is the test that Jesus offers you why do you call me Lord Lord and not do what I say my humble responsibility is to tell everybody in the CCF Network at least 70 plus thousands of us in the Philippines plus thousands and thousands all over the world the reality you must ask two fundamental questions question number one everybody who is the Lord number two what do you want me to do now Jesus taught Paul be my witness you know why Paul took it seriously because if Jesus rose again from the dead everything he says is important and true for example let's talk about the reality of heaven and hell you know what Jesus tells us the only person that talked the most about Hell is not the disciples of Jesus they don't know this it is Jesus himself it will be at the end of the age the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous everybody who will throw them into the furnace of fire in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth I hear people say this is help I don't believe in hell I'm living in Hell now you owe me you have no idea what hell is if you want to know what hell is put a gas stove and place your hands over the gas stove for five minutes and see your skin burn you have an idea the mean of weeping and gnashing weeping and gnashing of teeth the other disciple of Jesus who wrote the book of Mark wrote the following if your eye causes you to stumble throw it out it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched my friend I tell people I believe in the statement of Jesus there's a place called hell you know why I follow Jesus I believe in Jesus I believe what he said what about you he's not only talk about hell he talks about heaven you know what Jesus tells us about heaven everybody with this I heard a loud voice from heaven from the throne saying everybody will behold the tabernacle of God is among men and he will dwell among them and they shall be his people and God Himself will be among them the Bible tells us Jesus will be with us anybody today who does not care about Jesus who does not want to be with Jesus will never be happy in heaven let me repeat if you don't like Jesus now you don't defend time with Jesus what makes you think you're enjoy heaven because heaven is the place for goddes so my friend examine your life have you experienced the truth about Jesus like the Apostle Paul he was changed he look at heaven I shared this with my mother I shared this with people and they're about to leave this world he will wipe away every tear from their eyes there will no longer be any death no longer any mourning or crying or pain the first thing said pass away ladies in German no matter how difficult your life is right now they struggle your problem can I share with you something the reality of the Resurrection the truth about the resurrection the promise of eternal life gives you a future of immeasurable good you have a fantastic future I have a fantastic future you know why god jesus promised those who belong to him what happy turn our life my question to you is this have you consider Jesus as your Lord and Savior let's bow our heads while your heads are bowed down I want you to consider have you come to a point in your life where you have surrendered the lordship of your life to Jesus well you are saying today for sure jesus is my lord and I've asked him to be my Savior would you like to do that if you like to be sure you'll go to heaven and he promised to offer you heaven raise your hands praise God anybody else in other words for the first time in your life you want to be sure when you die you'll go to heaven and you realize the only way to heaven according to Jesus I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to God except through him and you want to go to heaven through Jesus by recognizing him as your Lord will you raise your hands higher higher this is something important today is our 33rd anniversary I'd like you to take this seriously I want to give you all the chances you need to pray a prayer to Jesus all right with your hands raise up will you pray this prayer with me okay put your hands up higher you pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus I'm not sure I'm going to go to heaven but I want to go to heaven I recognize you today Nord today I surrender to you my life I recognize you today as my Lord and my Savior Lord you be my Lord and my Savior I give you my life I thank you that you died on the cross and you rose again from the dead thank you for the forgiveness of sins Jesus name I pray amen bring them down now to those who just prayed to receive Christ now and those of you who have given your life to Jesus I want you to see a video because that video is going to answer the question what do you want me to do now I want you to listen to that video and ask yourself what God wants you to do between today and December 2017 I want to give you an assignment but before I give you that assignment I want you to watch this video because God wants you to do something God wants us to be what witness yes or no all right what's this video hi my name is Joey Carlos and I am an engineer I build houses my wife and I have two teenagers and we live in Manila for eight years we were members of the biggest lead sect in our country the Philippines they taught us that Jesus was a good man but he was not God we were provided to read the Bible they said if you want to go to heaven we just need to stay inside the organization until the end everything seems fine and okay until one day something happened that changed my life forever I was building a house for a man who I knew was a Christian because he's been initiating spiritual conversations with me one afternoon I asked him is it true that a person can be seen and never lose his salvation he thought about it and asked me would you like to know the truth without hesitation yes we went to a restaurant and using a small booklet called the forest spirit the loss he showed me what the Bible says about God's plan for our salvation when I realized that the Bible 3 teaches that Jesus Christ is God I immediately asked him to be my personal Savior and Lord only took me 20 minutes for me to understand the truth about salvation to Jesus Christ then I throw away 8 years of my false teaching about Jesus at the end of our conversation Robert asked me who I wanted to share this good news to then he gave me 5 more yellow booklets I didn't know that this would be a beginning open amazing adventure with Jesus Christ that same night I led my wife to Christ at breakfast the next morning together we shared our two teenagers and led them both to the Lord that same day after a meeting with Chris my landscape contractor I told him in his wife what I have just learned about Jesus and led both of them to Christ that weekend my family and I went to the countryside where my wife shared to her mom and dad in the days that followed my son jetrel their disgust me to Christ my daughter Bianca leather best friend to the Lord then her best friend leather whole family Christ and now they attend the same church she does of Christ commissioned fellowship or CCF I led my oldest brother and his wife to Christ then they let pipe all the children to the Lord the next weekend we went to my mother's house and I led her to Christ then she led by two younger brothers to the Lord I also went to my two uncles and led them to Christ later they let all their children to the Lord on the third week I was in the mid-to Beauty car dealership as I talked it one of the salesmen I invited him to a discipleship group that night even though he was not yet a Christian when Robert and I picked him up here talked friends with him to sharing the gospel to them all of them accepted Jesus the same night God gave me my own discipleship group robert shared each follow-up lesson with me i wouldn't share it with my newly born discipleship group it was so easy soon the 13 young men shared the gospel to their parents the co-workers their girlfriends their girlfriends then they began to lead their own generation of disciples one of them is even leading a weekly discipleship group of 30 men in the same exhibition dealership where met the salesman one of the girlfriend is a high school teacher who already shared the 200 of her students and co-teachers I also started sharing my new faith for my clients my construction workers in all of my project sites I realized I can share the gospel to everyone I know in two months time I already personally shared my faith to almost 300 people I am committed to sharing Christ in my career Network my extended family network and my own social network for example as a national champion pistol Maxima I am sharing the gospel to our Gun Club I encourage my fellow Christian shooter in support a discipleship group to lead other insuited surprised I also like to drive my poor boy were struck with an off-road driving Club that time these men were not yet followers of Jesus but now several of them become Christian now that discipleship has become part of my life I decided to make every Monday a ministry Monday I use it they make myself available for me to see related activities I start missing Monday with a man's breakfast blue the group is made up of a cross-section of man that I pulled from my hobby and my career networks some of us and business relationship each other some of us know each other two common recreational interests I've learned the success and witnessing simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the result to God if the person reject the gospel I haven't lost anything but if they accept I have gained everything I'm so grateful it Robert have not initiated that spirit for conversation with me I would have there been the truth about Jesus and I would have never led those hundreds of people to Christ my name is Joey Carlos once I didn't know that Jesus is God now I know him and I'm committed to make his name known everywhere I go by His grace I'm willing to do anything so that others may know that Jesus is God he is a savior and he's the Messiah to God be the glory now the challenge is this our 33rd anniversary I want you to consider sharing this booklet with at least 33 people between now and December on a one-on-one basis or one on two one on three basis in other words for example I have asked the Lord to help me share starting today with 33 people personally this is not content if I share the gospel and hundreds of people stand up it's got counted I'm talking about me sharing personally one-on-one how many people 33 I'm asking the Lord to help me you are asking the Lord to help you provided you're willing to share the gospel and make this commitment now this commitment requires you to understand there is what God wants us to do to share the good news I'm reminded of a story of a guy who was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder after serving 20 years he was given a pardon except nobody told him he never got the news so he continued another 10 years until a police officer discovered this guy has been pardoned so they look for him and told him you are pardoned be honest with me how would you feel if you were that person how would you feel if the most important message in your life was not given to you year after year that urgent message was never delivered how would you feel let me repeat would it matter to you if someone sends you an important message the most important message in your life but year after year it was not delivered to you would it matter to you would you feel bad God has given us a message and that message is to tell your friends your family members I want you to pray about sharing this with how many people 33 that's our 33 anniversary many years ago the descendant of Genghis Khan how many of you have heard of Genghis Khan how many of you have heard of Kublai Khan Kublai Khan is not the restaurant I'm talking about right but I'm talking about the grandson of Kublai Khan he ruled the biggest Empire in history all the way from China from Korea on this side Pacific Ocean all the way to Russia to Europe Kublai Khan met the father of Marco Polo and he told the father of Marco Polo Cain you sent me 100 Bible teachers I want to study if Christianity is the best we will all become Christians go back to Rome tell them to send 100 Bible teachers you know what happened very sad Rome was only able to sell two and the two never each public on their way to the Himalayas the weather was bad they back off they went back to Rome without meeting Kublai Khan and his leaders but coupl I can never give up he was sincere even he was a sincere seeker he met a Buddhist and he told the Buddhist you sent us 100 Buddhist teacher tell me your religion the Buddhist sent 100 Buddhist monk from Tibet to Kublai Khan and today history tells us why most of Asia our Buddhist because you and I Christians we refuse to pass on the good news if God is speaking to you and God is saying you know what I want you to carry my good news because God so loved the world but how would they know about Jesus if you don't tell them so if God has been speaking to you and you want me to pray for you why don't you stand up I should make that commitment stand up right now if God is speaking to you and you are willing to share in the power of the Holy Spirit stand up say Lord count me in I will do my best to share the gospel with 33 people let me repeat you will not be able to share the gospel if you have not experienced the gospel do you know why some people are not excited about Jesus they have never tasted the forgiveness of God you cannot stop me from talking about Jesus because he has forgiven me I have tasted the forgiveness of God some of you have no passion about sharing the gospel I don't blame you perhaps you have never met Jesus I don't blame you but I'd like you to consider Jesus some of you have been here for many months you come in you hear the message but nothing happens in your life can I tell you why nothing happens there is something in your life that's blocking the Lord perhaps there is something in your life you have never wanted to surrender I don't know what it is but based on my many years of counseling people until you give up something inside you that's preventing you from surrendering completely to Jesus you will never be on fire for the Lord you know why all you have is religion religion will never save us I want not to pray for all of you who are committing to do your best to share with how many people 33 listen to me when they listen to you you are doing them a favor if they don't receive Christ don't feel bad it is Jesus they are rejecting they are not rejecting you I don't take this personally for me to share about Jesus it's a privilege for me to speak here tonight is a privilege because God could abuse a monkey to speak to you but you know he chose this monkey it's a privilege understand God could have chosen other people he chose Paul God could have chosen all the people he chose you so my friend let's pray for each other can I pray for all of you guys father God in heaven I pray for this group of men and women who are standing up to say Lord yes I'm committing this year to share the truth the good news to 33 people Lord I pray for all of us help us even today right now to think of our family members of our relatives of our office mates of our neighbors Lord give us those names give us those faces Lord as I think of my classmates fifty years ago Lord I know some of them have not yet committed their lives to you so will you help me will you help your people here tonight to help the humility and the love to reach out to others just like the Apostle Paul the love of Christ constraint compares us controls us that we should no longer live for ourselves but for Jesus who died and rose again in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen praise God [Applause]
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 18,339
Rating: 4.7402596 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, alabang, sunday, service, filipino, pilipino, tagalog
Id: CLLqvtXOpbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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