Extraordinary - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Peter Tan-Chi

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity [Music] we will talk about one of the topics that is very close to my heart it's called everybody with this be broken and be blessed it's very counter intuitive how can I be broken they are debriefs what enters your mind when you think of the word broken can I tell you something in the world when something is broken you throw away in this world when something is broken you discard you get rid of but with God it's different in fact with God until you are broken he cannot really use you huh is that in the Bible I'm gonna share with you for the next few weeks month we are going to discuss Bible character and one thing you will notice all of them have gone through brokenness how can brokenness be a blessing broken marriages broken heart how many of you have experienced broken heart in love in denial time a broken heart you know what I mean have you been broken be honest have you been disappointed with loved ones yeah how can that be a blessing you know there's a Japanese art it's called kintsugi or a skinned Suki King Suki is when you restore broken passages through gold they use gold paint or gold powder why they want to highlight the imperfection the story of the pottery because when it's broken aynura story the story the spirit comes out so this is what's happening in this Japanese technology it's a master artist they put together and then it becomes something beautiful I realize it is like your life your life can be a master day but if you give it to the master artist which is Jesus Christ himself he can make something bad into something good do you believe God can restore your brokenness yes or no how do you believe God can do it you know today I want to encourage you it can be a failed marriage dysfunctional family bad choices even your own life you feel your life is a mess we will learn something together what is brokenness brokenness is real repentance you see yourself brokenness is contrite of heart you know you have heard God and you are really repentant its humility brokenness is surrendered will no longer i but Christ that's the idea brokenness and I will show you from the Bible all of these concepts of brokenness for example in some 51 let's read this together the sacrifices of God are a everybody read the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart O God you will not despise this was written by David when David was hiding his sin God sent somebody to expose him you will learn more about his life as we go through this series but what's happened if you read Psalm 51 David was so repentant in the middle of the Sun he wrote Psalm 51 in the middle of some chapter 51 he says the sacrifices of God Lord this is something that you will accept a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart what is she talking about David is saying if you know what the verse before this one this is what David is saying God you do not delight in sacrifice otherwise I will give it you are not pleased with burnt offerings in other words what David is saying is if you want external religion if you want external offerings I could have done it I can give you lots of cows lots of lambs lots of sacrifices but God that is not what you're after you know what God is after the sacrifices of God if you want to make God happy you want to offer something to God today God is saying give me a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart and I submit to you this is the problem today many Christians are superficial because we have religion we don't really have a personal encounter with Jesus we look at ourselves and we think we are better than others we are judgmental but David the same Lord I know what will make you happy a broken heart and a contrite spirit if you do not know what I'm saying listen you will learn I'm gonna share with you how do you offer to God a broken heart and a broken spirit that will make him happy now what is the opposite of brokenness to understand what is brokenness let's look at the opposite somebody who is not broken he's proud he's self-centered is self-sufficient servile and you see a lot of Christians acting like this they are proud self-centered it's a lot them self-sufficient they are not powerful they think they can go through life on their own why they've not experienced brokenness brokenness is a process there is no shortcut sometimes it is painful but it is necessary so in the coming series you and I will be learning about the lives of men and women of God why I wanted to realize if you read the Bible the kind of person God uses are not perfect people they are not great men they are ordinary men ordinary women but we have an extraordinary God and what will he do this you will see brokenness in the lives of these people today we will talk about Isaiah say that with me I say in the coming which you will learn about Moses Joseph in fact next week you bring your friends if they are not here today everybody I want you to do me a favor do your best to bring somebody next week yes or no I'm going to talk about Jonah I'm going to share with you how God used Jonah by breaking Jonah brokenness is a process no shortcut sometimes it is painful how many of you will do your best to invite somebody next Sunday raise your hand higher how many of you are not selfish you invite somebody next Sunday raise your hand how many of you are selfish you not invite anybody okay let's repeat how many of you are willing to do your best to invite somebody next Sunday raise your hand higher video camera pan around higher higher higher I'm not done you know I'm watching some of you if some of you are not raising your hand let me tell you why you're always thinking about yours you have religion but you don't have a relationship if you don't care about other people you don't even know what it means to be a Christian I'm gonna share with you today I hope will encourage you once upon a time I don't care about other people but something happened to my life I want to share with you this is what Jesus tells us the importance of brokenness everybody please read everybody ready go he was saying to them all if anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me a Christian is a follower of Jesus so Jesus is asking all of you today if you want to be a real Christian you want to follow me if anyone wishes to come after Jesus he gives you the condition number one he must deny himself number two take up your cross daily and number three follow me today the topic I'm gonna share with you is not popular you don't see many pastors talking about this but I'm not talk about this because my burden is for you to be real follower of Jesus not shallow Christianity not consumerism you come to God based on what he can do for you without knowing who God is be sure you are a real follower of Jesus and he gives you the condition if you want to follow him listen to me if you want to follow him if you want to follow Jesus what must you do number one deny yourself in other words there are many things in life you don't like to do but you have to do it and what you like to do you don't do it why because of Jesus deny yourself daily what in the world does that mean come in the next few weeks take up your cross daily and follow him now you and I know only God can help you deny yourself take up your cross daily and follow him I will kill you understand this verse you are not yet a follower of Jesus you may have religion you may come here every Sunday my friends you don't have Jesus so this topic is important we will talk about Isaiah how many of you have heard of Isaiah raise your hand how many of you have read the entire book of Isaiah stand up stand up you have read the entire book of Isaiah stand up you know who I am looking at some of you it's amazing how you can miss one of the most important books of the entire Bible I say do you know the boy Isaiah is the most prophetic book of the Old Testament the book of Isaiah is the book that talks about who Jesus is in the Old Testament 700 years before the coming of Christ I say I was used by God to explain to the people who he is if I were you I'm gonna read the Book of Isaiah you got to read the Bible okay so don't you don't yet I've been standing all morning okay so I like to have some sympathy so will you commit those of you who are standing up review the Book of Isaiah again review the entire Bible thank you sit down and those of you who are seated when are you ever going to take Christianity seriously and read the Bible you know I've been talking about this for 35 years read the Bible am i communicating properly what a good-looking go but basa are you now biblia read the Bible you know why I like you to read the Bible you will never know what you're missing hey you don't read you read doesn't affect me you want to be blessed with the Bible read Isaiah now who is Isaiah anybody I say it's one of those prophets that was used by God mightily he was serving God for 60 years 740 BC up to 680 BC that's more or less his life span but he was used by God for almost 60 years probably the oldest prophet the longest prophet used by God was probably Daniel but I say is one of those guys he was faithful to the end he's one of my heroes I say I say is a book that is loved by my wife if you ask my wife one of her favorite books in the Bible is Isaiah now he served under different Kings Uzziah Jotham the son of Isaiah a HUS and as a Gaea in the time of Manasseh he was killed the Bible history tells us in the Talmud he was shown in half I don't know how he was shown this way but he was Martin why because I say obeyed the Lord tobei God is not always easy but he was used mightily let me give you example of the book of Isaiah how it is outlined I say it's like the Bible it's a miniature Bible the Bible has 66 books you have 39 books in the Old Testament now mathematically 3 times 9 excuse me Gissing like using that 3 times 9:27 so in the Old Testament you have 27 in the New Testament total 66 books so now you understand the Bible in the Old Testament how many books 39 in the New Testament how many books 27 total 66 entire Bible the Book of Isaiah is a miniature Bible 66 chapters the first thirty nine chapters deals with judgment and the last 27 deals with comfort the coming Messiah I just thought it's fun for you to see how the Bible is put together amazing now let's begin with some examples of how God revealed himself to Isaiah to show you why I like you to learn from Isaiah for example I say a53 the whole chapter is about Jesus let me give you example together let's read but he was pierced for our transgressions Wow before crucifixion was invented I say a lot about the crucifixion continue reading he was crushed for our iniquities the chastening for our well-being fell upon him by his scourging we are healed who is Isaiah talking about Jesus local the next verse all was like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way but the Lord Yahweh God the Father has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on who is this him Jesus I say was used by God amazing versus lots of beautiful verses but one of my favorite is how God used Isaiah a simple man to deliver an entire nation I say a 37 verse 21 let's read this together I say the son of Amoz Amos sent word to Hezekiah the king saying thus says the Lord the God of Israel because you have prayed to me about Sennacherib king of Assyria now historically speaking I say I live in dangerous times the Assyrian Empire was becoming more and more powerful in Assyria decided to attack invade Jerusalem Israel Hezekiah was offering so a satire prayed to God and God told Isaiah you tell the King tell the King because you pray to me I'm going to help you this is what God told Isaiah to tell the King what is the message everybody read therefore thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria Sennacherib he will not come to this city or shoot an arrow Wow he will not come before it with a shield or throw up she'd run against the city by the way he came by the same way he will return and he will not come to this city declares the Lord if you read this you will notice a similar document in the British Museum written by the historian of the Assyrian times it is in a metal cylinder the history of this account it talks about how the king of Assyria attacked Jerusalem but for what every reason the king went back to Syria without attacking Jerusalem the historians of Assyria did not write what made the King go back to Assyria the Book of Isaiah tells you what happened would you like to know what happened the Bible tells us when King Hezekiah was so afraid he prayed to God God told Isaiah you tell the King Assyrians will not step into Jerusalem I will protect you and you know what God did the Bible tells us that very night God sent an angel it's like Marvel Comics God sent this super angel just one what did the angel do let's find out then the angel just one of the Lord when I'll stop hundred eighty-five thousand soldiers in the camp of the Assyrians and when men arose early in the morning behold all of these were dead the power of God one angel can kill 185 thousand Assyrians no wonder King Sennacherib went back home but they did not tell you why he went back home this is documented in the British Museum in the history of the Assyrian Empire the Bible is accurate it tells you what happened God use I say and God can use you but what's the process well you you need to know this is the process everybody be broken and you'll be blessed when you are blessed you become a blessing now what's the process of brokenness in the Book of Isaiah especially chapter six you will see number one an encounter with God you need an encounter with God who God is who is God and then you begin to experience His grace and then you'll embrace his mission let's talk about what does it mean to be broken and be blessed it begins with God encounter with God and you will encounter yourself look at me look at me God everybody point out God and then you see yourself and when you see yourself amazing thing will happen you realize you're a sinner and then you experience God's what Robby encounter God your experience seen yourself you experience forgiveness and the Bible tells us you become a blessing so everybody God forgiveness blessing simple simple it's like kindergarten God forgiveness blessing that's brokenness let me share with you in the year of king uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne lofty and exalted with the Train of his robe filling the temple so the context of chapter six is in the year of king uzziah's death why is that important king uzziah's death let me tell you why it is important because king josiah was 16 years old when he became king he did right in the sight of the Lord he continued to seek God and as long as he sought the Lord God prospered him can imagine sixteen years old today what those 16 years old people do I tell what they do they play yes or no what those 16 years or people do today maybe you are still playing Jolin or what but let me tell you something in the days of Isaiah in the Old Testament up to the time of Jesus when you become 13 years old you are a man our problem today we have low expectations of teenagers of young people they don't grow up I say praise God 16 years old I became king was he a good King louder good or bad good why the Bible says he did right in the side of God he continued to seek God and this is the amazing thing as long as he sought the Lord God prospered him this is the problem when he became strong his heart was proud he acted corruptly he was unfaithful to the Lord his gun ladies and gentleman this is the paradox of the Christian life the irony when you put God first he blesses you but the moment God begins to bless you you begin to focus on the blessing and he forgave God that's why Isaiah did something his biggest challenge was success the greatest problem of leaders is success itself he became proud now what happened to him he was so proud the Bible tells us he entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense now what does that mean to burn incense only the priests can enter inside the temple to burn incense and the priests told him they opposed desire it is not for you Hosea to burn boss don't do it now everybody Rock Amina if somebody corrects you if somebody tells you what you're doing is wrong what would you do what will you do excuse me wake up wake up what will you do if somebody tells you Malayan what we are doing is wrong what do you do if you are a humble person and people criticize you and people correct you in what you will say thank you but if you are proud like King Messiah the problem with success you become proud proud people don't listen proud people once entitlement they feel they deserve it you know what happened to King Messiah Messiah with a sensor in his hand for burning incense was enraged instead of listening humble people listened proud people don't listen he got angry and the Bible tells us when he was angry with his priests the leprosy broke out on his forehead God struck him with leprosy look at what the Bible says he was leprous on his forehead and they hurried him out of there he himself also hastened to get out because everybody did the Lord had smitten why did God do that can I tell you something the Bible is very clear God wants us to be humble if you are not humble you bring upon yourself God's judgment can you ask your neighbor look at them in the eyes ask your neighbor am i proud as your neighbor my own bow now listen to me proud people will never admit their proud it's like body or door it was by the order you don't smell your own self proud people will never admit their problem but others can see it let me ask you a question if you come to see chef and the Astor's tell you where to park or the Estella for the SIP do you listen or do you get angry you see when you get angry it's because you're entitled you are proud she proud people gets hurt they get angry and that's how the Bible says King Uzziah was a leper to the day of his death he lived in a separate house being a leper for he was cut off from the house of the Lord God said King Uzziah Sidon I've seen this with my own eyes I've known of Christian leaders who was used by God mightily when they became successful they became proud and I saw what God did their ministry was no longer vibrant you know why it's what the Bible says anybody clothe yourselves with humility toward one another together peace with God is opposed to the problem gives grace to the humble and that is why I tell all our leaders I gave this talk when I was in Texas I gave this talk when I was in Toronto I gave this tapas when I was in shatta I was meeting all Christian leaders and I told them if you want to finish well you ain't got the issue learn brokenness be humble because the irony of the Christian life the more you seek God the more you put him first the more he'll bless us but then the more he blesses us our tendency is to become proud entitled I'm guilty of this years ago I remember I was invited to be the guest speaker of a conference and I was tired I was looking for my room they could not give me my room but they were giving room to the other guests to the other participants I was telling my wife in Tagalog say they don't understand the golem in the bundle on that one speaker Dido and then the lobby built me the Lord said you are having entitlement mentality honestly all of us have this tendency we become proud God says no I am opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble so can you ask your neighbor one more time Maya Bhargava are you proud proud people will never admit by nature we're all proud people and that's why the answers have a problem sometimes the elected city however you don't even I don't follow instructions we don't follow traffic rules why and teittleman now let's look at what happened by the way a warning to all leaders that's with this the chief of the passional hazard of leadership is pride and that's why this topic is close to my heart be broken be bless the rest of the acts of Ziya first loss the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz has written so you have to know Isaiah must have been a very educated man he was described he wrote down what was happening he was comfortable history tells us he was probably related to the king so he lived in a very comfortable life but God did something in his life to get him out of his comfort zone would you like to know what happened all right you will see this let's go back to Isaiah chapter 6 in the year of king uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high lofty and exalted with the Train of his robe feeling the entire temple the majesty the greatness of God everybody in the year of King messiahs death when a king dies what happened to the nation is there instability is there anxiety of course but look at how God called Isaiah God takes the initiative God reveals himself Isaiah God nature I say our division amazing and the Bible tells us what did I say see I say I saw the Lord seated on the throne what is the symbolism of that very simple earthly Kings will come and go your life may seem chaotic your life may seem out of control remember the song you just sang who's in control the Lord seated on the throne you know what God tells me when I feel there's so much problem and my life seems to be out of control God tells me be there he loves love I am in control can you tell your neighbor relax Allah I am on the throne God is saying I'm on the throne okay your marriage your life may seem topsy-turvy no problem I am in control I say a soft Seraphim the word setup means fire fiery angels Seraphim when you are when you add the word film it becomes plural so lots of super angels set up him fiery angels stood above him each having six wings with two they covered their face with two he covered his feet with two he flew this is to show you how majestic God is they don't feel like they deserve to even see the face of God they don't even feel worthwhile for God to see their faith they are all covered up okay do you understand and the Bible tells us what were they doing they were worshiping God holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory you see the angels were worshiping and what were they saying holy holy holy now listen to me you need an encounter with God who is God to you when the angel said holy holy holy do you know what the angels are saying what if the Angels did not say omnipotent omnipresent omnipotent the Angels did not say amnesia amnesia amnesia the angel did not say wise wise wise the angel simply said holy holy holy why the holiness of God speaks of one there is no equal set apart completely morally perfect not an iota of darkness the Bible says God is light so holy holy holy means God is above all completely holy without sin you can trust him completely that to me is my comfort that I have a God who is not only all-powerful who is not only on the throne but he's holy now why is it repeated three times can I tell you why three times in the Hebrew language you don't have words like pretty prettier prettiest you don't have adjectives you don't have superlatives so what do you have to do to emphasize superlatives you repeat holy holy holy that's how they describe God is absolutely holy no other equal in the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out while the temple was filling with smoke can you imagine just the voice of one angel the foundations of the threshold tremble at the voice of him who is this him not God this is just his creature just one of his angels the power of his angel the whole place was shaking and you see the same picture to prove to you the Bible is one book in the book of Revelation chapter 4 a revelation of God you see God reveals himself to us you don't find God yourself you seek Him but he has to reveal himself the Bible says immediately I was in the spirit and behold everybody read as Ron was standing in heaven in one sitting on the throne who was sitting on the throne God and what was happening everybody read the four living creatures each one having ah six wings the same angels I say also is what John saw our full of eyes around and day and night day and night they do not stop saying everybody with holy holy holy is the Lord God the Almighty who was who is and who is to come that my friend is for goddess do you worship Him many years ago I used to worship God because of what he can give me my understanding of God was shallow the day came when God opened my eyes to realize who goddess today I worship God because of who he is not just because of what he can do for me I worship God because he deserves our worship he is Almighty his holy holy holy once you do that something happens you begin to see yourself if you see the wholeness of God encounter the Living God not religion and conquer him you begin to see yourself look I say I said woe is me woe is me I am ruined you know what that means in the god of butter Patel home-button I am dead why am i dead I saw the holy God and I saw myself I am a sinner everybody read because I am a man of unclean lips I live among people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of Hosts I say so God he gave him many titles the king the Lord of hosts but most importantly he saw himself this is the same phenomena with anybody who has a close encounter with God Peter when he met Jesus Jesus depart from me I am a sinful man Moses when God encountered Moses Moses knelt down why when you encounter God sooner or later everybody you see your own sinfulness there are people who are shallow they criticize others they look at the sins of others but people who are intimate with God that's my experience people who are intimate with God they don't judge other people they look at themselves let me tell you proud people focus on the sins and failures of others and can readily point out their faults that's all I notice a lot of Christians they are proud they kill the size others but broken people are more conscious of their own sin and spiritual need none of anyone else I've seen people they criticize people in a way they don't build in Oh God the order I get listen to me the more I know the Lord I don't have time focusing on others I look at my life I said lord I thank you that you have forgiven me I am Caesar why did I say I talk about his lips why did I say I thought about I'm a sinner my lips are unclean let me tell you what in the Bible he will not be something the things that proceed out of the mouth comes from the heart you see the Bible connects the words the mouth with the heart I've seen many people confess to me you know what they confess about the obvious sin they talk about immorality they talk about stealing but seldom have I heard anybody say Peter you pray for me I have a sinful tongue how many of you are conscious of how sinful your tongue is most of us are not consider yourself you don't even consider your tongue it's a reflection of the heart and the you are sinning with your tongue I said the Bible is very clear the Bible says out of the mouth comes from the heart so real holiness begins with the heart I say I knew this I said the whole well I'm supposed to be a prophet but Lord something's wrong with my heart I'm a sinner out of the heart come evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications teams false witness slanders these are the things which defile the man you see I say a Saudi connection the heart and that time the heart in the mouth the Bible says we always stumble in many ways if anyone does not stumble in what he says is a perfect man able to brighter the whole body as well if you can control your tongue the Bible says you are a perfect man now be honest with me how many of us are guilty of gossips Islam there with the town how many of you raise your hands how many of you never seen with your tongue you're the perfect man I say Lord I'm a sinner how many of you have reached that point let me ask you a question what is the color of this louder one long more time white are you sure I use this illustration years ago this from my son now I will change the background all right I will not change the dot just the background so far what is the color of the duck now there now I change the background what's the color of the dot what's the difference friends you spin your holy compared to other people that's our problem we compare with each other I'm not as bad oak in the middle now you compare yourself to Jesus you compare yourself with the holiness of God and I guarantee you you'll say you'll be like I say Lord who is me I am a sinner you'll begin to see your selfishness you begin to see sin that people don't see it's called the sin of the heart if my friend that happened to me when I began to see my own sinfulness immediately something happened once you humble yourselves you know what happened look at Isaiah the Bible classes then one of the Seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand which he had taken from the altar the burning coal came from the altar because the altar is a picture of animal sacrifices to pay for our sins it's a picture of what Christ will do so the altar from the altar the coal from the altar he got it he touched my mouth with it and said behold this has touched your lips and your iniquity is taken away and you're saying is for given hallelujah the moment the moment I say admitted his sinfulness what did God do God innocence you see the Christian life brokenness is all about God initiating something God initiated his revelation to Isaiah God initiated the forgiveness of Isaiah you know why God wants you to learn something we need Grace and if you have not experienced the grace of God it's hard for you honestly it's hard for you to be passionate about God you know why look at what I say experience I say around the following God will do I say this is what God is saying where God is speaking to Isaiah everybody read come now let us reason together says the Lord God is inviting you today let's stop what shall we talk about God said let's read though your sins are as scarlet they will be as white as snow though they are red like crimson they will be like war the whitest thing in the time of the Old Testament is what snow and wool and God is saying to all of you today if we will humble yourselves admit you're a sinner God says come to me and I will change your heart I will cleanse your sin I'm excited I don't have have you but my goodness praise God I am completely forgiven I'm as white as snow what about you oh yes why the snow or are you just red as crimson praise God because of Jesus you know how the New Testament tells us the same thing let's read this together he rescued us from the Dominion of darkness transferred us to the kingdom of His Son Jesus everybody read in whom we have Redemption the forgiveness of sins how are our sins forgiven when Jesus died on the cross you see I say saw the gospel of Christ but forgiveness will come I say I did not beg for forgiveness God on his own initiative send a Seraphim to cleanse him did you know that God sent forth his son Jesus to die for you now to experience brokenness listen to me you had to help an encounter with God not religion God next you got to see yourself then the experience forgiveness that's how you are broken encounter with God Lord I'm a sinner I need you and then you experience forgiveness look even when my wife and I went to Texas a few weeks ago we were picked up by this lady she gave me her permission her name is Nancy she told us her life story she said she was a drug addict and alcoholic for 45 years I said what do you mean alcoholic she said every day my husband and I will drink alcohol until we pass out not just done I'm till we pass out one day her daughter's seven years old met Jesus somebody invited this younger to a Sunday school to a church and she became a Christian of why does she allow her daughter to go to the church because they will be all alone and they get drunk when the daughter came to know Jesus the daughter began talking to her and her husband about Jesus the husband got so irritated after many years the husband said shut up don't talk to me anymore about Jesus so the daughter kept quiet when the daughter reached the age of 15 her mother Nancy met an amazing shall we say series of events her father was shot who shot her father she sang the father killed himself so Nancy was so shocked she began thinking about life what is life all about and make a long story short she was so desperate you see when something happens to you it is not because God is angry but in her case he was desperate you know what she did she began drinking again even more at night but this time she won't get drunk anymore those of you who have been drunk before when you drink alcohol a new don't get drunk you are horrible because you want to get drunk she remember the story of her daughter how Jesus turned the water into wine she said Jesus is turning the alcohol into water and then she remembered about her daughter Jesus she went to her toilet she was so miserable her body was in pain she wanted to pass out to sleep she could not sleep because the alcohol is not affecting her she's not done this is her exact words she said I pray that say Lord if you are real if you are real save me change me I'm sick and tired of my life I realize when you were broken and you pray honesty would form a broken heart the next morning she woke up completely change no more desire for alcohol no more desire for drugs from that day onward after today she never touched he's got amazing ah that's not the end of the story a few years later her husband told her Nancy I saw the changes in your life I want Jesus also and the husband gave his life to Jesus now both of this husband and wife they are volunteers of the church she picked us up she picked my wife and I with a brand-new black suburban you know how big this suburban is Chavous the world in the expedition in a suburban brand-new I said what is your work she said my husband is in the oil business and I volunteer my wife and I are serving the Lord we visit prisoners we go to prison we tell them about Jesus what happened to her she encountered the Lord brokenness experience forgiveness friends God wants you to experience the blessing of forgiveness what are the blessing of forgiveness this is the blessing of brokenness the blessings of forgiveness the blessings of brokenness forgiveness in the mercy with God revival fruitfulness that's what happened to Nancy that happened Isaiah for example Isaiah am son 51 son 34 the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed who are content you see the blessing of brokenness is forgiveness salvation the Bible tells us some of us have not experienced forgiveness I tell you what the experience you have religion but not Jesus the Bible tells us God lives in two places thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever whose name is holy I dwell on a high and holy place the first address of God high and holy place and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit the Bible says God will manifest his presence in your heart if you are what lowly humble and contrite amazing truth I'm not talking about the omnipresence of God I'm talking about the personal Omni presence this manifest presence of God he makes himself very real to addresses holy place heaven and it was with together with the contract broken heart lowly humble for what purpose everybody read in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite notice revive renew you know many leaders have come to me Peter I'm burnout and tired you know what I tell them the reason why you're burnout because you're serving God in your own agenda if you are broken before God you serve God based on this agenda you are no longer trying to prove to people how good you are you're broken you are not there to impress people you are not there to show people how good you are you are broken it's no longer about your agenda it's no longer about your glory it's about God and when you humble yourself before God he promises you something I will revive you I will renew your spirit ladies and gentlemen for many years God has shown this to me when I'm done when I feel like burning out I go to God I said Lord Here I and I can honestly tell you my spirit is always the Bible I'm always excited to serve the you know why because God promised me I will be with you and I will revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite no wonder once you experience brokenness you experience intimacy you experience the Bible and the Bible tells us I heard the voice of the Lord whom shall I said who will go for us let me ask you who was God talking to who was God talking to I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us who God was not talking to Isaiah how come I say I heard him I call that intimacy when you're intimate with God are a broken spirit broken heart you begin to hear the heart of God you begin to understand what God wants and you know what I say I said everybody read here am i you know what most of us do I said I said here am I send me you know what most of us do here am I send him here am I serve her when you experience the forgiveness of God the grace of God you will want to serve Him my friend you know why I serve Jesus not for people I serve Jesus because of Jesus he loves me he died for me I consider it the greatest privilege ever given to mankind to have the privilege of serving the Lord and all of you I know you have that in your heart you want to serve God but the only problem is this have you encountered the Lord brokenness the Bible says I say these things I say I said because he saw his glory and he spoke of Jesus do you understand God was talking to Jesus they were having a meeting who will go for us Thomas talking to Jesus because the Gospel of John said these things I say a said I say I was courting if you read Isaiah chapter 6 the next part I John is coating Jesus is coating I say I said because he saw whose glory Jesus and he spoke of him friends God has a mission God is saying I loved this world but this world is in sin who will tell them that I love them I say a volunteer I'll be the one are you gonna volunteer he's God calling you look at me no please don't tell me here am i Lord send pastor Peter no here am I send me it is amazing what God can do with a broken heart if he gets all the pieces in the many years ago I gave my broken life broken heart to the Lord my father used to own the largest textile company in the Philippines we put up one of the first polyester company in the Philippines we were so powerful my office was in Manila Penh hotel nobody can import fiber without our permission I rubbed elbows with government officials I played golf with cabinet members years ago except something happened I got kicked out of our own company how is that possible how can you be kicked out of your own company in the Philippines nothing is impossible it was martial law the family of the late dictator got interested in our company and I remember that they clearly he asked me to go to his office and he told me you design you know it was it was hard for me I didn't know how to support my family I was married already and that's why I had to go back to school I took my master's degree in AI am why I need to find a job it was hard but can I tell you something as I look back the best thing happened to me because God slowly but surely he broke my pride he might pride people don't you know you you don't realize your approach I was proud but I never realized I was proud I was robbing with elbows elbows with high officials but I was becoming proud so when I lost my job lost my position lost my power can you imagine what's going through my heart but God did something heart surgery I gave him my brokenness what did God do I tell you something when you surrender everything is amazing the peace the joy when God testify something he gives you something but for me it's amazing God gave us a new business that I could never imagine you see today our family is in a new business it's real estate development we build subdivisions we construct houses we construct buildings it's another business but it is all from God you know something happened to me when I saw people now my heart goes out before I don't care about people I don't care about if they are being abused or not but when I was abuse I began to see people and I began to see many people are hurting because there's a lot of injustice going on even today I see another injustice happening in this country but you know what I would never in my wildest name have sympathy until I myself became a victim so ladies and gentleman brokenness is a process it's necessary but it's a blessing have you been broken it's God breaking you can I tell you something as we close Jesus said I say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone if it dies it bears much fruit Jesus is saying unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth it's alone but when it dies it's a barefoot but you have to be buried you have to die to yourself ladies and gentlemen years ago they discovered seeds in Israel this is palm seed over 2,000 years old you know what they did with the seed they planted it they planted this seed in the southern part of Israel and if you go with me next year to Israel I will try to show you this place this is called the Methuselah plant the seed is over 2,000 years old as of 2008 as of today 2015 it is now 3 metres tall the seed was alive but for many years it is nothing this is just like you God wants to use you God wants you to be fruitful but you refuse to cooperate with God you see God wants to break us you know that you need to cooperate with him God takes the initiative but you must do your part I say I said Lord here am I send me what about you are they broken that's the greatest challenge today Christians who are not broken full of self full of pride your agenda is about you I suggest you pray this prayer Lord whatever it takes breaking let me repeat if you are willing to be used by God from ordinary to extraordinary you pray this prayer it's a dangerous pray O Lord whatever it takes break me let's bow our heads if God has spoken to you and you know you have not been broken you are full of stuff full of pride but you say Lord Here I am I want to be broken and be bless would you stand up praise God you want me to pray for you you want to be broken now you want to pray this prayer Lord whatever it takes break me stand up within you and God in fact you can add Lord break me as gently as possible that's okay because the truth is we are always fighting against God full of self full of pride that's why our Christian life is shallow you don't have real joy you don't have real peace can I tell you why because you still allow yourselves to be the king of your life you know in my case I was so afraid of my will I said Lord no longer I I want your will I don't want to do things my way that's brokenness what about you bill respond of surrender he was tired of your own life when I stand up I know some of you are struggling praise God but some of you are full of pride you still don't want to surrender your life may I suggest you pray this prayer be honest and God will do it whatever it takes you say Lord whatever it takes break me anybody else remember whether you agree or sooner or later God will break it you might ask why pray this prayer Lord break me as gently as possible God loves you he won't allow you to get away next Sunday I wanted to bring your friends as your heads are bowed down you pray for them today I'm gonna talk about Jonah how God was able to break the pride of Jonah but in the meantime today anybody else praise God within you and God you pray this prayer Lord whatever it takes break me if you don't pray that prayer I will pray for you our cell door whatever it takes break that person you know why I want God to break you because God is preparing you for eternity at the end of your life everything you have you will leave behind your money your success your trophies everything you will leave behind the only one you bring to you to heaven is you either you are broken or not broken anybody else praise God father God in heaven I thank you that you have touched so many lives here who are willing to pray this prayer whatever it takes Lord whatever it takes break me and lord I pray for everybody here those who are seated know who those who are at it standing up you know their struggles you know their hearts I pray for them Lord as you have done something mightily in the life of David Moses Daniel Joseph how you have to break them in order to be usable thank you for the illustration of the seat how we need to die to our own ambition we need to drive our own stuff in order for you to use us will you bless your people here today and I pray for those who are not as sure of their salvation look the reason why they are not yet sure is perhaps they have not met you they don't know your holiness they've not surrendered their lives to you here we are learn all of us we come before you whatever it takes or break us as gently as possible end users as mightily as possible in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 217,215
Rating: 4.8287854 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 14sec (4334 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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