PWS Rifles: Piston AR-15, better than the HK416?

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[Applause] if you've ever tried to show a girl the masterpiece that is interstellar and she thought I was boring good hit that subscribe button like comment do all the things they help me out quite a bit guys if you're not familiar with the comments section it is probably better than the video so you can go ahead and skip the video and get down there so yeah a big supporter of the channel right now is a gun neck warehouse guys they give me monetary support and I'm pretty clear on that and they're awesome so get in there buy magazines from them just kind of code grantham and that also goes for the vertex and Alonso who also are pretty cool so just kind of go to Grantham it's actually 25% off vertex kind of out of control make awesome apply it all that kind stuff so get in there get all that stuff guys enough with that let's talk about the video today so today we are going to be talking about the PWS mark 111 rifle specifically the mod 2 with M lock there are there is also the mod 1 they're awesome as well but that's what we'll be talking about today I also have a lot of experience at the mark 114 which is their 14 5 inch variant which is also pretty on par with this so we'll kind of talk about this rifle so what makes this rifle different because you might be looking at this and you're like this is clearly an ar-15 and I don't know what you'd classify it as when you start changing gas systems up but I'm not quite so the PWS is a long-stroke piston system so what does that mean because very recently I did the video in the hk416 which is a short stroke gas piston system so with the long stroke it's very very very similar to the gat well it is pretty much the same system that you see in the aka and also the m1 garand obviously I'm a fan of the grant just given the a as great as well so what it is is PDS because that has a great graphic on us we're gonna use theirs but essentially with a DI gun first to start with fire the gun bolt travels down the barrel all the gases trapped behind the bullet that's expanding it's going to be tapped off full gas port come up and the da GaN that's cycled that's siphoned back with that gas tube which then hits the gas karaoke and then creates that rearward movement of the bolt carrier group to allow the weapon to cycle on all the type of stuff on a long stroke gas piston system same thing gas gets tapped off and then it hits a operating rod right so that long operating rod then travels back and that operating rod is attached to the bolt carrier system so they all move as one piece back in cycle four that's how the gun runs so there are a couple kind of things that pw PWS has done to make this run better than like your standard kind of piss and gun your standard kind of long stroke system so we're gonna talk about those I'm gonna get too far into it I know people are probably gonna argue about piss adverse gas and go ahead and do that in the cop in the comment section whatever you guys like but let's talk about this gun and kind of what I think about it because if you remember I had a my big problem of the hk416 was kind of the violent and recoil impulses so how does the PWS stack up compared to that because the PWS is a gun that you can much more readily get your hands on over the hk416 PWS is manufactured right in Idaho cool people as far as my relationship before we get too far into this for far as my relationship goes with the company they provided me two rifles that I dealt with this is just the upper I have a rifle from them as well like many other kind of higher-end kind of companies that are in the industry right now I know the people who run the company personally so just like guys Lee and rating weapons and arrow and a couple other BCM I know the people I've hung out with them we've gotten dinner together and have him like where I'm getting like pay to do review or anything like that but just understand that there is a relationship there now does that stop me from trashing products you know just because I know the people know I think I'm very fair with everything and I'm gonna continue to be fair and give my honest opinion but just so you guys know that is my relationship with the company so I know the people were pretty cool and yeah and they provided to what the uppers to me but no money no any assured anything like that this was my own ammo on this gun this gun has 5000 rounds through it I've also leveraged my friends experiences for about a total round count of around 30,000 rounds certainly I've done more rounds on certain guns but I think five thousand is kind of enough to kind of figure out what I need to do with this so getting into the mark 111 mod 2m lock so first off let's talk about the gas system right so we have a long-stroke gas system and then we have the very front of it that allows all the gas in its adjustable I know it's kind of my big thing with the hk416 the hk416 was super over gassed and because they had a really weird kind of stiff in recoil impulse so the PWS allows you to go between three different settings so those three settings are you have your big circle so as far as adjusting it I just use like an allen key or anything that's kind of long and then I can fit in there and rotate it over so it works fine but anyhow a big circle is like any ammo you can rotate that over you have the two dots two dots is pretty much - running a suppressor but you're writing the low powered ammo like Tula or wolf or something like that and then finally you have three dot system which is four you're running a suppressor you have a really high-powered ammo things like duty ammo like you know m855a1 or something like that you know anyhow the point is is that you are tuning the amount of gas going into the system so you can kind of adjust your recoil impulse which is really cool now I found on my particular rifle shooting to do the ammunition I actually typically have it at the two dots so which is made for a suppressor with low powered ammo but I'm shooting a lot of unsuppressed on this gun and that actually works really well with duty powder ammo and that's actually a really soft recoil impulse especially for a piston gun and even for a DI gun in certain cases and we'll get more into that in a second but I just want to point out that the adjustable gas block it's probably one of the best parts of the system it's very easy to get to and unless you cover it up but it's right here so if you're shooting suppressed this piston is just awesome because on a DI gun even if you're you know even if you're adjusting the amount of gas going to the system you're you're still gonna get that gas coming back into the receiver group to some extent or another because that you're gonna get gas blowback with this most of that is vented off now of course you're still gonna get gas blowback up from the barrel that's always gonna happen especially on a short-barreled rifle but it's way better than a DI gun so what that means is that when I'm shooting suppressed especially fast this thing is an absolute pleasure to shoot so I'd be just a lot adjustable gas block isn't really awesome now going back into the gas system itself again PWS is a great video on this but a little bit different than certain long-stroke gas guns whereas the piston is coming back there are three different ports that allows kind of a progressive venting of gasses so that the piston naturally slows down and a cordon of course along with the buffer spring as well what that means is that it's a really gentle recoil impulse for a piston gun like really surprising the first time you shoot this you can tell it's different if you're used to shooting a RS and that type of thing but super smooth wrinkle impulse just pretty awesome so they they really designed that well as far you know with this system I know some people gonna be like well you know the hk416 has a short-stroke gas piston system it's a piston hidden another piece of metal to me pin gene back so you have two pieces but it's like that system is really well proven you know how proven is the PWS and so certainly I wouldn't say as a vetted as the hk416 but that doesn't specifically mean less reliable in my experience and experience of my friends and also to put them through law enforcement groups I've seen nothing but good things the PWS as far as its ability to chug through some really dirty environments in that type of thing now like any rifle I've heard problems of people you know people having problems or the rifle when in cycle or function or something like that but they're isolated and I haven't been able to really investigate them were to figure out what it went on where there's ammunition related or use your air or where there's something actually wrong with rifles but buying far I've only heard good things about the PWS so just to let that be said the one thing about the gas system is that compared to a DI gun so what makes the ar-15 so great is although you are getting those gases hitting the gas carrier key you know you do get that gas into the system a lot of it is vented off but it gets dirty in there but what's grazer so few moving parts and they're so little reciprocating mass you just have the bolt carrier group decide you know how many Pistons or anything like that because of that the recoil impulse on the ar-15 is in my opinion unmatched it's super smooth it's easy to control and all that type of stuff one five eight point one three split so when you add a piston up front like you do on the PWS you add more weight so no matter what you're gonna get a little bit more recoil impulse than a well built ar-15 like a BCM or the vascular Radian or something like that or you know a Knight's armament or something like that now I do want to point out that if you have you know not maybe as good of an ar-15 maybe it's a little bit over gas you're actually gonna find that the PWS actually has a lighter recoil impulse but again compared to like those high-end manufactures which and I do consider PWS a high-end manufacturer that's why I'm comparing it against them you're just not going to get as light of a recoil impulse because it's just it's physics you're still gonna have that gas piston which is more weight cycling with the actions because of that you're just gonna get a little bit more of a recoil and pull so what that means is that when I'm actually shooting this gun and really getting into it cuz that's kind of what this channel is about what does it feel like when I shoot this gun I have to try a little bit harder than I do with like a well-built DI gun so that means I'm kind of getting into the gun a little bit more I'm kind of focusing a little bit more as I'm firing it but the same time I want to say that it's not really that much which is really impressive for a piston system so I've been really impressed with the PWS that being said that's kind of move on here as far as the barrel is concerned the barrel is a heart of any gun they do a great job barrows well made I've gotten you know 1 MOA groupings out of this particular gun right here which is an 11 point 7 5 inch barrel has their PWS flash hider or comp whatever they want to call it up here it's the Triad or whatever it is works fine all that type stuff so the barrel is awesome I'm as far as barrel life I haven't seen any detriments my buddies who have a whole lot of rounds on them haven't really seen any degradation accuracy I'm sure will last about as long as they say nicely built barrel is I'm guessing around 15 to 20,000 rounds depending on you know firing schedule and that type of thing so barrel is awesome um another cool thing about the mark 111 or just about any PWS rifle is the rail so the rail is a pick lock rail you might have hated to take my Madre land all the type stuff so what does that mean what it is is they have em lock going continuous all the way to the end of the rifle so I'll show you a video of that right here but they have the Picatinny or recessed back which means that you can use either em lock or Picatinny here at the ends so on most of my rifles I only use Picatinny at the end of my rifle so I'm actually really happy that they did that that was a really good design point that they had you know and compared to like something like the urg eye that rail or the BC mm CMR I love to have mounting surfaces on all sides but it's not that big of a deal if you're using offset mounts if you have to get the light up or something like that so I do think it's a great design they've done a great job with their rail system it allows a lot of cooling and that type of thing so the rails not getting super hot so good on them for that now with this rail it is plenty strong I haven't had any trouble with a zero shift from running like a peg 15 or something like that in the realm so it's perfectly adequate when it comes to that as far as like strength like you know like how much of a beating can it take I don't know I haven't thrown this thing into a car yet from dropping on the ground and you know having a hit against door frames and that type of thing to do in CQB yeah it's running fine when it comes to that and I haven't heard any trouble for my friends who are in law enforcement that type of thing so the rel is plenty strong for duty use and civilian uses and all that type of thing so the upper receiver group is forged super strong it runs super great they've done a lot of weight saving cuts and they're actually kind of aesthetic they actually look pretty good so that is good on them for that now one thing I do really like about the gas system here to kind of go back to the handguard really quick is how thin it is it's not very girthy or anything like that sorry sailor's but um you know compare that to like the hk416 which is like uber tall just you know it's too tall so I really do like that they're able to keep it lower and more in line with the system it just works really well so again another point for PWS versus the hk416 when it comes to that okay when it comes to the bolt and the bull care group and all that kind of stuff well made well treat it all that type stuff it's their last survivor Ivan had any trouble with these or heard of these crack or anything like that so I doubt that's gonna happen uses a standard ar-15 bolt and then the bolt carrier group itself of course is going to be you know its own little deal because it's connected to the operating rod on this system which is closed when it comes to the back of the gun right here they are using their radiant charging handle we've talked about it before but I do consider rating charging handles the best on the market currently so you know it was a good choice from them they're using the LTS which are polymer they're a little bit more lightweight than the metal radians they're just as strong and durable I haven't had any trouble with them so good on them for using good products when it comes to charging handles sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel and that type of stuff if there's a great product product already on the market then they're going to use it and they did so that works great so we've talked about a lot of the pros of the PWS mark 1:11 let's talk about some of the comments this is a very light rifle that comes onto the barrel profile that they use and to the rail and all that type of stuff it is still going to be heavier than a DI gun that's simply because you're gonna have more mass up now compared to most piston guns this is very light weight I'm in fact very surprised that it's as lightweight as it is given that you have a huge hunk of metal up there in the front but it's very well balanced you will notice that over time a little bit more than a DI gun but it should be noted that it is definitely going to be heavier than your di gun and this is going to be a con against it that kind of comes into play when you're running a piston system so it's all about give and take right if you're writing a suppressor you're probably gonna want that piston system so get your guys dead balance those pros and cons okay board assist oh boy here we go so every time I see a video on these or some gun where the fort assist is gone people are like good riddance what's the point of a forward assist you know what gun has a forward assist in that type of thing so first off I heard the argument what gun has a forward assist well on most guns like the a K the bolt charging handle itself is a four because it actually activates the bolt so most guns I don't have a forward assist per se but they have a you can actually actually move the bolt with a handle that is connected to it so I do think that the Ford assist is a good idea so I still like a forward assist I like the ability to use it people have always like people get really angry about the four sister like what was last time use a forward assist unlike several times actually I definitely have used it before when doing like pressure excellent that type of thing and using that the club closes the bolt into battery and everything like that so I do think a forest is a good idea they remove the forward assist on the on this model and I wish they had it to be honest and that's maybe a personal preference but I think that it's just a thing that I think it should just be there maybe that's me not being able to move on and not break up the forces but me and the fort assists are not ready to break up yet so you know there's that so the cons and this is kind of more personal preference I suppose but when it comes to this rifle right here if I'm not shooting suppressed it's very smooth it's very light recoil cycle still gonna be a little bit more than a DI gun so I actually do still prefer a DI gun when I'm shooting unsuppressed like a BCM 11-5 or Radian or you know whatever I'll take a DI gun over a piston when I'm shooting an unsuppressed now if I'm shooting suppress hands down I do think that this is a better system piston design and the reason for that is I'm not getting all like gas in my face I can't explain to you how much it sucks to be shooting a DI gun suppressed especially when you're doing three to four you know shot strings or more it just becomes unbearable so if you're gonna shoot in like one or two rounds at a time di guns do fine and suppress they can easily handle the gas but you start really getting into it or just firing full auto or something like that that's where a piston system really shines and you're not gonna get that just eye stinging gas into your eye over to where you can't even ID your target or see where you're shooting in that type of thing so shouldn't suppress hands down take the shooting and suppress I'm still EDI fan so again kind of ask yourself that question as well if you look at the piston system for suppressor usage I think this is a really good design and a really great thing if you're not running suppressor take a quick look make sure that a piston is what you really want I'm not gonna get into piston verse di in this video but um just decide if it's going to work for you I know kind of what people wanted was a DI verse kind of pissed something going on here and I'm not gonna talk about di vers piss and other than suppressed shooting in that type thing for this particular video so what it comes down to is this is an excellent gun this is a high-end rifle or SVR pistol whatever you guys are gonna make it into that is made by a very good company that's right people they're gonna stand behind you and everything that they do and they're their customer service is top notch so really well that'll get it the question on whether or not it's gonna be for you is depending on what you do so again if you're a you know police officer and you got a full auto lower and you're looking to just shred this thing on suppressor you you know with the suppressor on yeah I think the PDS is a really good option for you if you're looking to you shred unsuppressed with a short world rifle of some type yeah it could definitely be the gun for you because you can adjust the gas settings and kind of get everything dialed in for yourself it could definitely work but also take a good look at some of the really well-made di guns like BCM and the best skiing rating and all those good guys out there take a look but you're not gonna be sad getting this this upper row the entire rifle if you buy the entire rifle they have a great lower receiver as well I don't have it I just have the Radian lower on this one which is also excellent so finalists gonna work for you final it works in your budget these aren't too expensive they're definitely more expensive than lexan like a B cm but again you get some really cool features along with that find out if it works for you guys you're not gonna be sad getting this I don't have a whole lot more to say then other than say that you know do your research I can't be kind of your final decision I'm kind of your gateway drug into research in this rifle so do your research do all that stuff guys I really do appreciate you watching the biggest thing is training right this guns gonna be awesome but if you can't actually you know well because you don't have any training or because you don't actually shoot there's no point to any of this so many people want to buy like a super nice gun but they didn't want to do the training or get good at the rifles so good with your equipment if you have a DPMS and you're like super stressed cuz you're like this isn't a very good gun because grantham I don't care go buy ammo and shoot with it get good with your gun but what's gonna help you look cool guys which we know is what matters is trading so cog works bare solutions daily strategic esoteric check them out guys get that good training and as always look cool and I've got nothing else are you guys last thing I want to hear from you guys is tell me the absolute worst day you've ever been on if you've never been on a date I want you to I want you to tell me I don't make one up for me guys have you gotten this far we're gonna talk about Big Daddy unlimited for a little bit so if you know I've kind of been talking about them a little bit I'll spread the word it's a subscription service that allows you to it's kind of like Costco but for guns you can buy tube layer products on the top stuff at a lower price than what is typically advertised online so whether or not that's going to be worth it to you is gonna be dependent on how often you buy right so if you know you're spending the the XYZ amount of dollars to be subscribed and you're buying like one product a year probably not for you your product go save money if you're buying at least like a product once a month yeah you're definitely gonna be saving enough to where it's gonna be more than worth it so or heck even a couple even like you know a couple times a year so take a look at it I have a link right below in my description right here at links right to the website they also track that that way they know you know look right down there guys I got a link directed directly to the website check it out let me know if you think I'm a pretty straight shooter on this thing I bought things from them they had our Mars for super cheap for a while so again you can find cool stuff just see if it works for you and for real I've got literally nothing else for you at this point so you should just go man get out of here and you get things do good things with your life
Channel: undefined
Views: 463,771
Rating: 4.9383101 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, pws, mk 111, piston ar, piston vs ar, are piston guns good, pws review, pws piston rifle, should i buy a piston ar, best piston ar, di vs piston, hk416, mk 114, primary weapon systems
Id: h5vGJDq2yV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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