Does the US Military hate the SCAR H?

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Anyone know the song in the opening?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/N0rmal1_grantw99 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Kyle” the “professional shooter”. Likely the understatement of the year.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Treadwear_Indicator 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would still take a Scout M1A over a scar. I’ve seen a SEAL reviewing a precision SCAR 20” and during the episode it jammed using federal gold match ammo twice in 25 shots. Plus a reciprocating charging handle is a major screw up design in a $2,700 rifle.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HurricaneLovechild 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

that guest got the stance of “i served but i don’t wanna talk about it”

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Ajkgta17 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is better than coffee. Funny too because I have been looking into getting a SCAR.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/c0Y0T3cOdY 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Didn’t know I needed Garand thumb in the morning until now

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/20buxiz20bux 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] if you've ever used a scar in a video game go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control i will do nothing to control you make sure that you guys stay wild in there if you guys are looking to support the channel biggest part of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy limited being the cost of the world 99 cents gets you in price goes up is it worth it i think that you are worth it of course we have other sponsors of this channel big thank you to the dude bag a great subscription service recommend then and of course acre gold go check them out ladies gentlemen my often forgotten but most certainly not by me scar ages welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very controversial topic for some reason on the internet and that is going to be the mark 17 the scar-h the scar-17s whatever you want to call it um for whatever reason this thing is absolutely mired in controversy so there's a lot that goes into this now with this particular weapon that i have right here as i pick it back up again um we have about 12 000 maybe 15 000 rounds on it a couple barrel changes right now it is sitting in a sbr configuration and uh i wanted to make sure i took my time on this i've had this rifle for several years now and i just wanted to make sure i had everything together i've also been very lucky that i've been able to fill in knowledge gaps in my own knowledge by talking to some very knowledgeable people combat controllers green berets marine corps raiders people have been able to use this rifle real world so that we could get good accurate data on it because lucky for us when it comes to the scar there is quite a bit of data out there it's been used quite extensively in combat and we're also very lucky in that we have a guest today on the channel so kyle i'm going to go ahead and uh have you come right on so good to see you man so we're lucky that uh kyle uh has some experience with these but i don't want to steal your thunder uh kyle good and uh tell us a little bit about yourself and uh we'll kind of get into it yeah mike thanks for having me i'm kyle um so i've been shooting for quite a few years now uh just shooting competitively just most recently you know i'm a okay competitive shooter i like to get better i know i appreciate it yeah um but yeah no i'm happy to be out here talk about the scar awesome and now um as far as your your experience with it man you you do have some uh i guess we could say real world experience at the scar a little bit we could say right um and that's kind of why we have you on here to talk a little bit about that applicable knowledge of it to make sure that we are kind of keeping ourselves grounded right because there's there's one thing to shoot the scar on a range and there's another thing of course have the experience behind it and i think that's pretty important so i can't thank you enough for coming on the channel and talking with my people about this uh topic of course yeah so um i'm gonna go ahead and let you kind of leave this out um you have the experience you're certainly more of the real world subject matter expert when it comes to these weapons and so i want to let you go ahead and take it away and talk about a familiar gun so uh i'm only familiar with scar 17 i've never shot the 16 before um you know of course 17 762 by 51 or 308 if you will um you've got different configurations of the barrel optics all that kind of stuff it just kind of depends on the situation what you're really looking to do for this you know you got um you know the 762 is a you know it's a it's a potent round round it's been around for a while yeah um you know we've uh we definitely use it quite a bit um just mostly for your kind of more daisy marksman but you know this is kind of in a carbine configuration right here you can do a little less a little more with it just kind of depending on you know what you want to do exactly and you you bring up a really good point so you talk about 7.62 by 51 right so the scar being in that caliber for for our viewers who might not know uh what might be a reason you choose a seven point six two by fifty one versus five five six the round is obviously much larger than your typical five five six uh you know round right there so the question is you know when is it good to do that is it better for cqc like a lot of people just don't know so yeah of course i mean yeah the 762 it you know it's you're going to reach out further with a 556 just less affected by wind which is a heavier hitting round uh all that stuff versus uh you know a five five six now of course the you know the big thing with 762 is you're only shooting you only have 20 rounds in these mags so um you're not carrying as much it's heavier but you know you're those are the kind of pros and cons of the whole thing for sure you know when you when you bring up the magazines uh so we have a 20 round magazine as standard on the scars there are of course larger ones but this is kind of what you're limited to and so that can certainly be a problem in certain situations so before we kind of get into that the question is for a combat loadout uh we're looking at what seven to eight mags maybe of scar yeah and so we have what like 120 140 rounds depending uh and that's compared to the combat loadout of like 240 so you're literally at half the ammo uh with almost double the oil double the weight like yeah yeah we have quite a bit of weight on there and and so if you're going to choose a scar there you really have to make sure that you're choosing it for the correct situation right and that kind of brings us to you know why it's important i think to to pick this for the correct situation because if your engagement distances are uh even 300 and under you're looking at a pretty effective range from 556 versus if we're uh looking at 500 and over we're definitely getting out class on the import system is that something in a situation where the scar might kind of settle into a roll a little bit better oh yeah of course yeah the the 762 i mean it you can reach out to 800 meters with that you know you but you got to know your gun you got to know you build basically your dope card okay on that and you you figure out how far you can reach out and you know just play with it now what is a dope card for my viewers who don't know yeah so um adobe cars it's stat on previous engagement that's what it stands for it's basically if i was to sit here now there you know of course there's technology now now we can chrono these and i could build a dope card just by firing a few rounds out of it um in the past they used to just fire at different distances and then figure out like hey this is how much bullet drops at this distance and they basically taped the side of their guns there so when it comes to the barrel length we have the 13-inch barrel which is a short barrel that we have on this and we have of course the full-sized 16-inch barrel right down here now what was your typical barrel length that you were using when you were employing this professionally i would say typically is either the carbine length you know 13-inch or you're going out to a longer length we usually uh there's usually suppressors on them uh so of course you know that's adding another for eight inches or so to that but yeah carbine was pretty typical what were you seeing as far as effectiveness um distance wise on this gun i mean you're definitely losing a lot of that uh muzzle velocity when you shorten that barrel down um i didn't chrono it but i know that i wasn't hitting as reliably with a shorter barrel um that's why guys opted to go with longer barrel now of course you're just biting off more distance more everything you know you're kind of losing that carbine esque of a scar but now you're getting you know more accurate rounds downrange but i'd be very comfortable shooting this you know out the distance in the carbine length not bad you know and that does definitely bring up a good point which is you know as far as bare length on the scar so typical typical barrel lengths that you're seeing on a scar h are anything from 16 to 13. so we have the short barrel right here uh the 13. the problem of course with a 16 and a 13 inch barrel is that really 308 does a little bit better with longer barrels we're talking 18 plus a 20 to 22 inch barrel is really ideal for a 308 so even at the longer typical barrel length that you're seeing on a scar 17 um you're still not getting the best velocity out of 308 so a lot of times when people bring up the scar and how they don't like her or or something like that it's not so much an argument about you know how effective of the scar but it turns into an argument on is the battle rifle still a a good implement in combat nowadays because the scar was really and is truly a battle rifle that is what it was designed for and if you want to take a second to explain what a battle rifle is to to those guys who don't know because a lot of people just just don't know the difference between an assault rifle and a battle rifle yeah i mean you have the the shorter of course battle rifle is going to be a shorter car uh caliber carbine uh excuse me shorter carbine um in a heavier round such as a 762. you know the us military we use you know they use 762. so um that's kind of what they have right now precisely so you know the the idea being that with an assault rifle you have an intermediate caliber right so we have our 556 selective fire a battle rifle is much the same uh select a fire except in a full powered rifle cartridge so you know with a lot of studies and it was kind of one of the reasons we went away from the m14 was a lot of studies proving that the more fire you can put down in a typical firefight the greater the chance you can maneuver keep somebody suppressed and then eliminate that threat so it's one of the reasons that battle rifle kind of ended up fading away but i'm sure as you know very well as engagement distances increase suddenly with certain engagement areas uh that were that we're currently in that suddenly the battle rifle kind of found itself back in rev and relevance because of how long of shots we needed to take yeah absolutely and that kind of came down to you know what choices did you have so when it came down to a 308 gun what choices did you have to pick from i mean beyond the scar i mean you've got your your it's basically an ar-10 platform of course you're looking at a longer barrel everything like that that's kind of what we consider to be like the long gun range um there's also i've seen a few kind of like the uh m14 series kind of rifle those are those are pretty old now yeah um considering but really the scar when the scar came out that kind of changed that game between you know you have your long gun typical sniper setup and now you have a shorter customizable um very modifiable platform that you can you know change tailor to whatever you need i agree and you know kind of bringing it from there the idea too is i've seen a lot of complaints about the unreliability of the scar um i haven't seen that personally i found that uh both weapons that i've owned have been uh incredibly reliable dare i say probably some of the most reliable rifles i've ever owned in multiple tests throughout this channel i've used these scars at benchmark and reliability versus other guns in it almost every time we'll power through things that other guns won't is a inherently good design with how it seals off the internals from dust and in the operating system which is a short recoil operating system excuse me which is a short which is a gas operated short stroke piston operated system it's just very reliable now as far as reliability that you've seen how's it been for you yeah i've honestly never had an issue with it um the only thing that i've seen people complain about is just some of the ergonomics on it really but as far as reliability i've never had any issues with it i've never seen too many issues with it um of course you know just like anything of course yeah of course we can't discount other people who have had very real problems with reliability but but it's not like it just jams up every single round and it's just a worthless pile of garbage i've had a i've like i said i've never had a problem now you bring up ergonomics what are some ergonomic problems that you had from using this in comp in in combat situations or professional environments so big one uh it's on this side charging handle of course uh it's reciprocating of course we have here we have uh your example right here which is kind of set up more stock so of course charging handle on the left hand side yup uh people called starbite what happens is as you fire it basically will reciprocate and bite your thumb also cause malfunctions which of course is an issue yeah um but it's just like knowing your any weapons platform you gotta know kind of the ins and outs on it and whether or not you know this things are ship's getting of course you can change sides to it um but on the right-hand side i prefer on the left-hand side just because it's easier for me to um work the bolt with my left hand not taking my uh hand off the right hand side or having to come underneath much like the fail which is it's a very ergonomic system i have mine on the right hand side simply because uh every time i've gotten prone i can't tell you how many times i've gone prone and i've put my thumb right there and i've gotten that dude so many times i've gotten that star bite many a time when you when you have that you know that popular like you know beer cane grip on the top yeah that what happens is guys start to move their hand back some and then it gets into that in the way of the uh the bolt but i mean i like to put out my hand up further so it's never really an issue for me it's never been an issue for me and you know you actually bring up a good point which is about talking about bringing our hand up further on both our guns we didn't coordinate this beforehand but we have the exact same product so we have from parker machine mountain which is an extended rail and what that does is it allows you to bring out your hand just a little bit further on the scar if you want to really beer can grip that just out a little bit further because the scar suffers from many of the same problems the m4 the original m4 suffered from which is your hand guard kind of ends right at that gas block and that can be a real pain in the ass so uh we have the exact same product great product there are other products we have right down here we have the kdg rail on the uh on this long scar right here and they also make a phenomenal product so there are products that fix a lot of these shortcomings comings of the scar just like you have these same products fixing things on the m4 yeah kind of same concept there um so yeah charging handle uh on this one right here you can see how it's my charging handle is curving down anyhow uh the reason for that being that uh depending on the type of optic mount that you have you can easily just bust your knuckles when you're charging that weapon up so having this kind of down allows you to keep your hand kind of out of the way of your optic absolutely i've done that plenty of times before every time el cans you know everything like that that's definitely happened every time and what are some of the other problems you find ergonomically with scar so one other thing that i've i've i haven't personally experienced but i've had friends that personally experience it is you you know you have your mag release on this side um basically whenever they go down throwing their kit drop smack bump yeah bump smack i've seen i mean they said it's happened never happened to me but you know that's that's another you know kind of issue because you have basically ambidextrous controls on this yeah and that's going to happen to a lot of right-hand shooters with ambi guns um it can certainly be a problem depending on how your kit set up and everything like that it's that's an issue yeah that's certainly an issue something you can run into you know it is a good thing and a bad thing about the scar because a scar is an ambi gun yeah right you have um safety on both sides you have mag release um all that stuff on both sides so it is good i especially like having the safety on the right hand side when you want to take those longer shots you can easily get your thumb same side and really focus on that trigger pull making sure that you're making good shots so absolutely absolutely that's a that's a problem though so what are some other issues that you'll find at the scar uh beyond what we've talked about so far yeah so i mean really the last thing is the stock you know you get the classic ugg boot here which you know is very very fashionable when you get both of them and yeah yeah perfect they'll walk with them love uggs but very comfy i would say you know just kind of being you know general plastic everything like that which you know of course you see a lot in guns these days but you have the uh the release for the mag sorry for the stock here you know kind of starts to get worn down a little bit as you go uh usually quite a bit once again i haven't ran into the issue but um other than that i mean you can you know look for like a more skeletonized stock or you know more minimalist on it um like the cheek riser i've never used that yeah i i agree on that and that does bring up actually a good point you you kind of hit the nail right head there is from one of the oda guys who um was speaking with me about the scar that he was running he had that issue he had one of the early scars and um they had a lot of hinges break on their scars where the stocks would then be useless so that was a huge of course liability the the issue was fixed but you know like anything uh you know the m4 and the m16 had teething problems and unfortunately the scar uh teeth out in combat and that kind of made it a little bit more of a liability for people but he certainly had issues with that absolutely and it has it has been fixed on the newer models but you bring up a very good point in talking about that and same thing and what he was bringing up was this uh [ __ ] piece right here you can raise up the comb if you have an optic that's a little bit higher um i've never i've never needed to use it it's adjustable it's very comfy just like an ugg boot just not very doesn't look great and so it always kind of looks a little bizarre on that gun um and uh you know we can't talk about the scar without talking about a couple of the other issues that happen to plague it right so the other issue that the scar runs into is man when they made this gun a very reliable system it's a very very heavy bolt that's reciprocated in that system it's very bizarre looking almost looks like an ak if you didn't know any better you would say it was a long stroke gas piston type system and in fact it's probably best if we go ahead and show that because i do find it pretty interesting to actually feel it there so go ahead and get all of that out right there all right that looks pretty expert right there that's great hi thank you so here we have the scarf man this thing's been shot so much that bolt's looking great though actually it's looking really good so you look at that and you think that looks just like an ak now it looks like it's a long strobe gas piston system but it's not that piston is actually right up front there and it's impinging upon this so it is a short stroke system but um you can see just me just hold on to that thing yeah like it's very stout and so the problem that comes into play with that is although it's very reliable although it really helps dampen recoil and that's something that we haven't talked about is how soft shooting the scar is it is such a simple 308 to shoot like when you the first time i shot a you know this car i was like here we go 308 you know you never know what you're going to get but man for such a light gun so soft but the issue is that because this is so heavy when this is coming forward optics are typically taking recoil to the rear uh they're not really made to take recoil as as things are moving forward that's not something that's typically that difficult on a on a optic however due to the amount of weight when this slams forward and due to what they think might be harmonics on the on the scar it's just absolutely brutal on not just electronics but optics thermals night vision it just annihilates that kind of stuff which brings us to a couple points if you're going to use an optic um on your weapon make sure that you have something that's tough on yours you have an aimpoint t2 great choice uh on here we have the vortex razer gen 2 or i think this is actually the gen 3 again awesome very famously we have the lcan right those things are literally were made to withstand the scar recoil and another thing that people don't think about is your electronics so right here we have a la5 uhp and this is actually a nav c marked one so if you look there on the bottom of there so these are actually specifically made to withstand the recoil on the scar they're actually filled to help make sure the electronics don't get broken because scars will break moles scars will break just absolutely everything so make sure that if you're running some type of electronic that it is rated to take the scar recoil because it is a little bit deadly uh on optics it's very well known for that and you know that kind of brings us to to the thing about the scar is there's not really anything like it there's nothing really like the scar and that's what makes it so unique and so hotly debated yeah is you have a battle rifle in 308 caliber uh sub eight pounds we're getting closer seven pounds uh loaded you have a 20 round nag you have extremely soft recoil you have a weapon that is easily one moa with federal gold medal match uh you have a pretty phenomenal weapon it's just it happens to sit in this weird in between on what a gun can do it's not quite a dmr it's not an assault rifle it's a battle rifle but it's a very lightweight one but it is accurate and so you fall into this weird area i think that's where a lot of the the hatred comes from in the military circle you got a lot of guys who love it i know you really enjoy the time you've had with the scar but a lot of people say i don't like it i don't get to carry as much ammo i can't sustain myself as long in a firefight and those are all valid concerns but it kind of comes down to how you're using it yeah in what situation you brought that up right off the bat you have to understand what its intended purpose is to ensure that you're using it correctly because this is certainly not a cqc gun in any way and if you try to configure it and such you're going to be pretty unhappy with what you come out with in the end and i think that's the thing about the scar it's a good weapon right it fills a role that the m110 didn't and it fills a role that the the the m4 doesn't and in a military role it it's tough right because you think about you have a lot of guys supporting you with m force and then for anything longer you've got heavy machine gunners you've got dmr's and so that's where the scar kind of falls into this real weird role where it's like well i've got a dmr to take care of those long shots i really don't need to make them or i have cast or something but i think in a civilian role i think the scar makes a lot of sense you know where you're on your own you probably don't have casts you don't have all that stuff where the scar kind of it comes into its own as a really well-built reliable excellent just battle rifle right there um you know i don't want to kind of steal the thunder here at the end but what do you what are you kind of final thoughts here on the scar i mean as you said it fills a role like i i think it's i think it's a fun shooting rifle um i have a good time with it it's it's nice that you can you know do certain things you can fold it up you can put different barrel lengths on it you can you know run a red dot if you absolutely wanted to i mean of course you know you it's definitely better suited for elkan or lpvo you'll get some magnification on at least but for sure you know it's i i enjoy it yeah i definitely enjoy it it's um you know it's it is hotly debated that's huge i mean it it definitely feels a specific thing bottom line is you know it's it's a reliable i think it's a fun shooting gun um you know you can change all kinds of different optics on it you know you can go of course do a red dot but you know better suited for some magnification uh get you know justify that 762 you know pushing out a little bit further but you know it's it's a fun little gun it is a fun gun and you know it what people don't understand sometimes about i think military weapons is it's what you have right yeah absolutely and sometimes you make you you make it work yeah depending on what you have and the scar works even even the outside of that i think it's just a a good gun overall so i think what it comes down to is do you feel comfortable using this weapon professionally oh yeah absolutely would you recommend it to people yeah absolutely yeah i mean you have your own i mean you know i hate money so you know i spend it obviously in that medic anybody in the gun world sure and that comes down to the problem with the scar yes right so if you're going to buy this um you're looking at quite a bit of money right now you're looking at at least at least three grand but i think they're cool weapons i think um the biggest thing is if you get a chance to shoot one try them out see how you like them and if you like them cool buy yourself one if not it's not really that big of a deal but the thing about it is i think you're going to suck with this gun if you don't train with it all right absolutely yeah you got to train man what are some good training source resources that you know of i mean other than yourself yeah yeah that's not true uh we got guys like we have bear solutions right uh former fifth group dude just a great dude cog works haley strategic uh uh we're just talking about tony cowden absolutely tons of great guys who just can give you great knowledge and the point is is make yourself the weapon right the weapon matters um we debate this so much but if you're not good at what you do you're still going to suck be deadly with everything that's kind of my point um and that kind of brings us to the end guys so thank you so much for watching uh we love kind of doing these uh having guests on talking kyle can't thank you enough for coming on and just talking about yeah man anytime i really appreciate it we'll definitely have you on more we'll thank you for more information but guys um appreciate you guys very much and we've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys i do it every time i'm going to do it to you guys you have to give these guys a little bit of dad advice outside of the gun world so just a little bit of advice to make them uh be better at life i tell them to be kind typically but this is all you man yeah i'm gonna put you on the spot oh man i know um i know god my my biggest thing is i guess call your mother every so often that's a good i'm very bad at it but you know call your mother or whoever you know you consider your mother i guess i'd call her call your dad too i think that's a really family member we'll just do that call call your mom call your dad call your family because they matter i agree that's something i talk about quite a bit awesome man thank you so much again for coming on course appreciate any time man so kind of finishing off guys um you know if you've gotten this far we're gonna talk about survival dispatch uh survival dispatch being a repository of survival information uh it's where you can get good survival knowledge as a former survival instructor i definitely recommend finally a big shout out to my patreon people thank you so much love you guys i've got nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,595,748
Rating: 4.9182277 out of 5
Keywords: Scar h, Scar 17s, scar heavy, scar special forces, scar h review, scar 17s review, is the scar good, scar military, military, flannel daddy, garand thumb, Fornite
Id: ELf7xtiEmDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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