BCC Classic Service 9/12/2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good morning everybody and welcome welcome to broadway christian church those of you who are tuning in for the first time thank you so much for joining us and if you are a first time visitor here thank you for coming in uh we do ask a favor though if you are a first time guest to text the word guest on your tablet or your phone to the number 480-933-1482 just to give us a chance to connect with you learn a little bit about you and we'll even send you a digital gift card to show our appreciation for connecting with us our service lasts about an hour we have pastor kim bristol who's going to be uh doing everything i think he's going to be singing too right he's going to be doing the sermon he's going to be helping us through offering and communion we do have communion it will be at the end of the service those of you at home please find something to eat and drink and join us together as a christian family and should be a great service so i'm going to invite you to please stand up let's begin our service stand up stand up for jesus stand up stand up for jesus the soldiers of the cross lift high his royal banner it must not suffer loss his army shall he lead till every foe and is is lord indeed stand up stand up for jesus the trumpet call obey for do the mighty conflict in this his glorious day he that our men now serve him against a number rise with danger and strength to strength the pose stand up stand up for jesus the strife will not be long this day the noise of battle the next the victor song to him [Music] shall be he with the king of glory shall reign eternally let's watch you take this next one blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord most high blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] the name of the lord is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the name of the lord is [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to the name of the lord is [Applause] [Music] a strong tower [Music] the name of the lord is a strong tower [Music] [Applause] boy is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] in heavenly armor will enter the land the battle belongs to the lord no weapon that's fashioned against us will stand the battle belongs to the lord we sing glory [Music] glory to the lord when the power of darkness comes in like a flood the battle belongs to the lord he's raised up a standard the battle belongs to the lord we sing [Music] glory to the lord we sing [Music] glory to the lord our god is from heaven above with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god he raised from heaven above with power and love our god is an awesome god praise god all right now we have an audio or people at home watching us and to make them feel like we're part of the group i'd like you to turn around there's a camera back there and just wave and say welcome thanks for joining us and now would you do that the same people next to you maybe if you don't know them maybe share your names them give a little fist bump or elbow bump and know who you're worshiping with and who you're singing with good morning and uh it's my privilege to encourage you in regards to the offering uh yes amen you know it's such a such a blessing obviously a portion of the offering tithes and offerings goes to operate the building and be good stewards of the campus uh and uh and staff etc but you know there are a number of ministries that this church supports the most obvious and the most well-known of course is the hope community center an outreach to five zip codes in our area and i always thought if every local church in the entire world minister to those around them the whole world would be touched but but there are also other ministries elsewhere in other countries as well as this country but one particular one is jacob's hope jacob's hope is a ministry that that ministers to and takes care of babies born with whatever addiction their mothers were struggling with when they were born what an important ministry jesus said if you've done this to the least of these and you can't get any more least of as far as not importance but as far as taking care of themselves and so what a what a blessed ministry that is what a sight unseen with a no marquee or anything like that but part of your uh offering goes for that so let me pray for you and pray for the offering and thank you for your faithfulness amen thank you jesus lord we just appreciate your goodness and we thank you lord that and we recognize father that everything that we have has been given to us by you one way or another thank you lord and so lord we just return to you a portion of what you've blessed us with and lord i pray for gift and giver that it go to the furtherance of the gospel in jesus name amen god bless you hey there everyone my name is garrett and i'd like to tell you about what's coming up at broadway so check this out oasis is starting back up on wednesday september 8th at noon in the family life center enjoy solid biblical teaching over lunch prepared by bcc volunteers all for just five dollars this is a great way to build community and get closer to god sign up each week at bccmesa.com info our next mission trip to build a house in rocky point mexico is happening november 11th through the 14th come learn more at the info meeting it's at noon on sunday september 12th in the south lobby classroom details and registration are available at bccmesa.com info vcc women's ministry is going all out this fall they've got bible studies starting tuesday september 14th and the my body god's temple event happening on saturday september 18th learn more and sign up today at bccmesa.com info if you have any questions about any of our events or just want to learn more about us stop by the kiosk in the lobby or visit bccmesa.com info on your computer tablet or phone you can also connect with us on social media at bcc mesa have a great day and thanks for letting us be a part of it [Music] is [Music] praise [Music] will remain be still [Music] leads to our joyful way [Music] be still my soul the hour is hasting on when we shall be forever [Music] [Music] and blessed we shall be [Music] come thou found of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me some the loneliness on it sung by flaming tongues above praise the mount i'm fixed upon it mount redeeming blood hitherto thy love has blessed me thou has brought me to this place and i know thy and will bring me safely home by thy good grace jesus on me when a stranger wandering from the fold of god he to rescue me from danger caught me with his precious blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a feather bind my wandering heart to thee prone to wander lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love here's my heart oh take and seal it seal it for thy courts above sorry i missed my cue i was going to appear out of a cloud of smoke the uh the um video up top the screen uh reflects the upcoming ministry series uh and uh starts next week at the movies it was popular the last time we had it obviously it'd be different movies and different messages but uh but anyway so that starts next week and so it's a great opportunity to um to bring somebody perhaps somebody that's unchurched i might uh be a great uh segway and opportunity to uh to come into the lord but if you bought a ticket and you were expecting to hear john and abnett preach there are no refunds around here it's kind of like the circus midway you buy your ticket and takes your chances and um but uh no it's my privilege to uh uh share a few things from the word of god i actually i was looking in the scriptures and ran across a passage the bumper advice for life and of course the scripture is just full of advice for life god has a vested interest you can attest to the vested interest because you can look to the cross and see his interest in you and me god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so god has a vested interest in you being a successful person not success perhaps as the world says success but as god sees success he wants you successful in your relationships he wants you successful in the mundane things of life uh and he wants you especially six successful and prosperous as we see the day capital d day approaching in that great discourse on end times in matthew 24 and then luke 21 jesus is talking about the things that are going to happen in the immediate future the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d but also by extension of the things that are yet to come are happening now in the world and are yet to come culminating with his return so he's talking about these things and he tells his disciples and by extension you and i he says when you see these things coming to pass run and hide hang your head no he doesn't say that he says look up your redemption's drawing nigh that's not a a position of defeat that's a position of victory this is the victory that's overcome the world in first john 5 it says our faith faith in the fact that jesus came the first time indisputable fact we celebrated the 25th of december even though that probably was not the date of his birth but still we celebrate his first coming his second coming is coming and we need to be ready but that's not a fierce fearful thing for you and i for believers and it's but it is an urgency to tell others but uh the uh and part of that success is just everyday living that god has for us take the book of proverbs for instance the book of proverbs is just marvelous counsel and advice on relationships for instance neighbors family on the job off the job in retirement plan pickleball whatever it might be there's advice for successful relationships with others there's advice about controlling our tongues i don't know i'm sure nobody here has ever said anything they regretted saying but uh and so there's there's just advice financial advice solid financial advice for everyday living who doesn't need that it should be taught in schools of course but uh and so god is has a vested interest because of the cross because of his love and our success so you read the scriptures with that thought in mind and god speaking to us and uh and and we can come come away with uh some counsel and individual things that uh that speak to us but i was looking in the scriptures and every once in a while something will just pop out and and and stand out in my mind and my heart and i think that's for me it's for everybody of course because it's in the scriptures but sometimes there's just some advice that's just something i need to hear and that's a blessing you know i usually my normal practice or read the scriptures uh every year as a matter of fact if you care to do that that's three chapters in the old testament and about 22 to 25 verses in the new testament and you can read through the entire scriptures this year i'm doing something a little different i realize there's 85 chapters in the gospel so if i read a two or three chapters a day i can read through the entire gospels every month and so i did that the first four or five months of the year and proverbs for instance is a great daily devotional 31 chapters whatever the day corresponds to the day read that chapter got a built-in devotional but but god wants us to be in the word so he can speak to us he speaks to us he can write it on a wall of course and he's done that he can speak through an animal a donkey i won't use the king james speak through a donkey to an individual he can speak any way he chooses to vocally out loud mostly in your spirit and usually from the pages of this now if we limit the bible which actually is from the latin which biblios which uh where we get the word library a collection of 66 books as you know but if we limit it to the ink on the page we're cheating ourselves it's certainly the ink on the page that's how we appropriate it and understand it it doesn't matter what country you're from you have a translation most likely in your own language and the ink on the page is how you appropriate for you but that's just a small part of it you see god as we know is a triune being he's one our god is one hero israel our god is one but also father son and holy spirit the triunity of god and so when he said to about man mankind let us make man in our image he created us triune beings first thessalonians 5 23 paul puts it this way he says i pray that your whole spirit soul and body be sanctified unto the coming of the lord jesus christ so we're spirits soul and body the spirit the greek word for spirit is pneumo where we get the word pneumatic god breathed into man in the breath of life and he became a living being the greek word for soul is suki where we get the word psychiatrist psychoanalyst things like that it's your personality it's your thought processes it's kind of a the culmination wherever whatever age you are of the of what's been put into your life over the years and uh and of course the body is summa which is the physical body but we're triune beings so it should come to no surprise that the word of god is triune in nature first of all there's the ink on the pages there's the natural or the historical aspect you can uh the prophecy we're going through daniel and the zoom wednesday bible studies and for daniel it's in the future as he prophesies about the future kingdoms coming uh all pointing about they came in the natural and then ultimately the end of the age but but it's history for us so we can look back we can read about it in daniel for instance and we can look back in history and see that the word of god's talking about alexander the great or or nebuchadnezzar or caesar or whoever it might be and it's past for us it's historic the bible is not a history book but the history in it is absolutely accurate any archaeologist in the middle east worth his salt consults the scriptures before they look at the whatever the culture is they're looking at and so there's the natural the historical aspect but there's also the moral aspect of the word of god the moral aspect how did people respond for instance the bible says all authority is given by god he raises kingdoms up he lowers kingdoms see it doesn't matter if you're a middle manager of a plant somewhere or uh the king of a a kingdom or president of a country or whatever it is all authority comes from god but the moral aspect comes in with what that person does with their authority how they treat other people because every one of us is going to be held accountable for what we do with the gifts and calling of god and so there's the moral aspect and that comes clear in the word of god but most importantly probably is the spiritual aspect hebrews 4 12 says the word of god is sharper than a two-edged sword even making a difference or do surgically making a difference between soul and spirit you see the difference in my mind is when you're born again your spirit is born again sunday morning rolls around maybe not so much we're retired for the most part but when i was working sunday morning roll around your spirit says get up hallelujah it's time to gather with the saints you get to go to church hallelujah and my soul says this is the only morning i get to sleep in the word of god can make a difference there see and uh and and bring us along the spiritual aspect of the word so having said all that uh i was reading in ezekiel chapter 44 and verse five and and the holy spirit god is speaking to ezekiel concerning the uh end times temple now whether that's a uh that's probably the temple out of uh revelation 21 the temple that comes down the new jerusalem uh that contains but nonetheless he's giving them all the specs and all the worship pattern for that but something stood out for me and it's highlighted on the screen the lord said to me son of man meaning he lives in this life just like jesus referred to himself as the son of man fully human it's subject to the same things your eye got hungry when it was when that was time it was cold when it was cold outside hot when it was you know etc etc experienced everything like you and i except of course without sin so he said the lord said to me son of man look carefully listen closely and give attention or pay attention to everything i tell you and then he went on talking about the temple and that's those that verse jumped out at me talk about rules for life look carefully how many times have i not looked carefully just in the natural and stumbled over something i had sandals on i've got a little barrel cactus on my front yard there's hardly anything in my front yard but a little barrel cactus a big rock and but i was going over to cut some branches on a tree that's on the corner of the lot i accidentally kicked the cactus well i had sandals on what an idiot i mean i know that it wasn't like i just planted it the day before it's been there for since we've been in the house practically for 10 years anyway and i just kicked it because i wasn't looking carefully and so we reach a certain age we have to look carefully when we're walking around and moving and move deliberately because things can happen but look carefully my wife she's such a blessing about five years ago she had what they call an optical occlusion and the sight in her left eye just winked out the eye just went dark that was it and uh nothing they could do about it we've of course sought medical help but it's it just happened and that was it there's no way to reverse it only god can reverse it and so being very conscientious once she kind of got her balance back and your depth perception obviously is off and so she turned in her driver's license because that's the kind of person she is very conscientious and then reapplied and uh with the uh her eye doctor gave the exam the eye exam and so she has a restricted license she can't drive at night and but she can drive but you know what happened is that's made her the best driver on the road why because she doesn't let anything distract her she's looking carefully she doesn't doesn't have her phone phone is off she doesn't have it hooked up to bluetooth she doesn't have the radio on e uh if she does it's very very low and it's not talk radio where you got to concentrate it's just some music but she's watching a case in point she was leaving a shopping center and driving and watching very carefully she wasn't putting her seat belt on or adjusting her mirrors and she did all that before she pulled out of her parking spot all of a sudden just like that a toddler is right in front of the car and she slammed on the brakes and she stopped about that far from that little kid the mother just frantic comes out she's crying and anyway and so she thank my wife for paying attention for looking carefully because she knew what could have happened just a second not even a second but a millisecond later would have hit that child the mom had packages the child's hand let go of the child's hand to unlock the car just that quick but that makes her the one of the best drivers on the road because nothing she doesn't let anything distract her she looks carefully that's the natural how about the moral aspect of that have you ever walked by somebody and didn't really look at them and missed an opportunity to say a word for the lord or a word of encouragement or just a smile or something because i i that happens to me i'll walk by and i i didn't look carefully and i didn't see uh what was what was going on you can tell what people are maybe not so much of the mask on but you can tell what's going on with people uh by looking at them sometimes and uh and and it doesn't have to be a big deal but we don't want to miss anything the moral application is is god put us here to be a blessing to people and when you're when you bless others guess what you receive a blessing and uh and it just comes back on you so look carefully it's so important in life well how about the spiritual aspect having eyes to see jesus quoted isaiah chapter 6 having eyes to see they fail to see having ears to hear they fail to hear and that's why it says in mark 4 33 i think it is where jesus only spoke in parables to the crowd of people around him but when he got his disciples alone he explained everything to them you see because all kinds of motives with the with the uh a crowd many people after he fed the five thousand uh many people were there and jesus said well you're only here because you're looking for a free lunch and there are no free lunches by the way as you know but uh looking for a meal looking for all kinds of things but his disciples in the by definition a disciple is a disciplined follower of christ and and so his disciples his followers he explained to them but the multitude he only gave them parables and as much as they could understand on a surface level but looking carefully into the word of god now what a blessing that is and so proverbs i mean psalm 123 1 says i lift my eyes to you i lift up my eyes to you psalm 126 says i lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from and i'm all when i read that psalm i always think of the uh many of you are similar age range i might be the oldest in the room but anyway i i i remember the wagon train is surrounded by hostile indians and they're whooping it up and going around and picking off the settlers one by one but they send somebody off to get the calvary and they have no idea whether they made it or not but pretty soon when all hope is lost over the hill comes to calvary some of you might remember those old westerns and i certainly do the saturday matinee and that sort of thing but and so they're rescued but the psalm doesn't mean that i lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from it goes on to say my help comes from the lord looking unto jesus it says in hebrews the author and the finisher of our faith we look into him with spiritual eyes we looked we looked to him to what uh what he has for us did you know that jesus looks at you god looks at the father looks at you through rose-colored glasses how many remember the little drop of blood when you were in probably the ninth or tenth grade in high school and biology class and it uh your lab partner would stick their finger or or if your lab partner was a girl you stuck your finger because that was macho and got a little drop of blood and put it between two glass slides anybody remember that and then put the under the micro microscope to look to see well when that little drop of dark red blood spread out it was rose-colored so god looks at us through rose-colored glasses guess whose blood is on those glasses it's the blood of christ your sins i'll separate you well i'll separate you from your sins as far as the east is from the west what a blessing it is psalm 103 verse 3 says who forgives all our sins what a blessing that is it's a it's a honor and a privilege to keep short accounts with the lord amen amen he looks at us through rose-colored glasses so fix your eyes on jesus the author and the finisher of faith hebrews 12 2 so we're looking carefully uh and you see the scripture says in in hebrews 1 1 in the past god spoke to people through the prophets but in these last days he's spoken to us by his son or through his son the exact image of almighty god and so that brings us to our next point listen closely the second part of the advice listen closely to what people are saying you know we're hearing aids and and you know praise god for those i discovered that uh hearing aids are not for the wearer they're for everybody else uh around them uh just ask my wife but anyway so the fellow across the street kind of on the corner uh down a house or two got a truck and uh i said dave i said you bought a truck and he says yeah i'm gonna get a boat and so i had to have a truck to pull it and a little suv wouldn't pull the boat i said oh what kind of boat are you going to get and he said a bass boat i said oh okay about a week later the truck is hooked up to this little speed boat and i thought i said dave i thought you were going to get a bass boat and he says no i said i was going to get a fast boat [Laughter] oh okay maybe i didn't hear that right listen closely i just thought he said best boat well that doesn't amount to anything at all really but how many times have we missed some important information when i was in the navy they always said 10 don't get the word and i'm sure it's much higher than that that would certainly not in a senior community everybody gets the word and everybody's on the same page of course but those of you live in the senior community know i'm joking so listen closely it says uh proverbs uh the first seven verses of proverbs chapter one lists the purpose of proverbs it says in verse five it says let the wise listen [Music] and add to their learning listen up people god says and so we listen to him listen to what he has to say we listen to other people because it's amazing not only what you'll learn but as i've already said god's got us here to be a blessing if he just wanted to populate heaven he'd have taken us as soon as we received christ and actually that would have kind of been a blessing wouldn't it but but it's not just to populate heaven it is to populate heaven but it's to bring as many sheaves with us as we can and who knows that a word the bible says a good word fitly spoken as like apples of gold and pictures of silver a pleasant word a good word is like a snow cone on a hot summer day well the bible doesn't say snow cone but it means that uh and so it's refreshing to people it doesn't have to be a big deal or anything not that i would ever discourage anybody for sharing the good news of jesus christ but but most often it's just a word we have to listen closely to what other people are saying mark 9 7 in mark chapter 9 is echoes what it says in matthew 17 it's the mount of transfiguration you recall when jesus took peter james and john and went up to a high mountain and he was transfigured before their very eyes this tremendous bright glow around him his clothes became whiter than snow and there appeared to him moses and elijah talking with him and encouraging him and peter james and john just fell on their faces before uh before god out of fear when you see a manifestation of god the the man jesus the son of man uh was not particularly fearsome though there were times when people were awed by his presence or what he did but but normally they just received him and they they understood he was the savior they didn't understand the ramifications that but when they saw him as god they fell on their face before the lord that's the response you read throughout scripture and so when when peter looked up they elijah and moses were gone and just jesus and then this voice from heaven this is my beloved son whom i love listen to him and by extension that's that's an exhortation to you and i listen to him in these last days god has spoken to us by and through his son hallelujah and so we need uh to listen uh listen carefully it's kind of like instructions uh i don't know how many of you uh when you were younger tried to put together swing sets or or uh christmas gifts or or even an ikea [Music] piece of furniture would we get we have to put it together and my motto for a long time was instructions i don't need no stinking instructions and i don't know how many times i took it all apart again and and found all the parts and read the instructions and now i've wised up a little bit something comes that i need to assemble i sit down and read the instructions first you know it saves a ton of time it saves a ton of time the i had a thought huh must have realized where it was and fled well anyway must must have been important this is my beloved son and whom i love listen to him in revelation chapters two and three are the seven letters to the seven at that time current churches each one finishes with the phrase jesus talking to the church with the phrase he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit is speaking to the church most bible scholars realize that those seven letters because those churches don't really exist anymore i realize that that's a composite of a chur of a letter overall letter making seven different points to the church today not necessarily in this corner but to the church worldwide believers worldwide but the injunction is the same the he that has an ear but him here with the spirit is speaking to the church and the lord will speak to us once again he has a vested interest in our success and to be successful at something you need to go follow the instructions which leads us to the uh to the pay attention you know the thing about attention is either pay now or pay later i've discovered that the hard way mostly you pay now or you pay later pay attention god says listen up uh look closely pay attention to what's going on we pay attention to what's going on you know so many problems in life could be resolved relationship problems if we just looked listened and paid attention to somebody else paid attention to what this traffic lights or signs were saying it's i you know for years i kind of thought that the speed limit sign was a suggestion thankfully i skated through and no accidents to report but i realized one day it's not a suggestion and it's like seat belts when seat belts for you how many remember when seats belts were first begin to be mandatory how many wore a seat belt before it was mandatory oh look a few cautious souls good for you i didn't even know my vehicle had seat belts until i dug them out and looked for them and i didn't want to wear it i kind of wore it so i wouldn't get a ticket but man i didn't like wearing and if i could avoid it i would and then i had a brother i was a little younger at the time hadn't been saved very long but a brother in christ says you know it's the law to wear a seat belt and if you break the law why give the devil an opportunity to kill you wow you know that makes sense because to break the law is to put yourself outside of the covering of god what is the capital l ultimate lawbreaker the antichrist it's very clear thessalonians chapter 2 the lawless one is coming law less one the one that refuses to come under uh not only god's law but most laws are are at least in this country some of them are a little ridiculous like i think boston has a law that you uh it's illegal to carry a pig on sunday down the streets of boston um if if it's a full-grown pig i'm not going to argue with anybody carrying a full-grown pig but and i don't even know if it's still in the books but there's a lot of ridiculous laws and we live in a country where if you uh dislike it enough you can get the laws changed by a legislature et cetera but but the laws are there primarily to save life and limb some of them are a little ridiculous i'm a little redundant but basically that's the heart because what's what's the heart god is concerned about you as an individual he's concerned for your welfare and your safety and so he gives his laws so that we're safe in a in a spiritual sense and obviously in a moral sense but most of the laws safety laws osha and things like that get in the way of something that people want to do but they're there primarily to protect life and limb uh aren't you glad you came to church to find that out but so to pay attention to them but see the most important attention of course is to pay attention to the lord in deuteronomy 28 the nation is getting ready it's been 38 years since they came out of egypt and you know the account the generation that came out refused to go into the promised land and so they wandered in the wilderness for uh 40 years as a total of 40 years from the time they crossed the the red sea until they went into the land but anyway and so this the second generation now is getting ready to go and there's a valley there and there are priests on both hillsides and in june we can read about in deuteronomy 28 the priests on the one side are pronouncing the blessings of obedience if you obey me god says you'll be blessed in the city you'll be blessed in the country your kneading bowl or to put it in currently your kitchen will be blessed your offspring will be blessed children grandchildren on and on the blessings go conversely on the other hillside are the curses for disobedience i just want to hear the blessings but to hear the blessings there needs to be some obedience we need to pay attention to what god has to say that's what it says in hebrews 2 and verse 1. it says we must we being christians must pay close attention to what we've learned lest we drift away what a great phrase that is it doesn't say lest you fall away unless you turn away or whatever deny the lord or anything like just drift away and i've discovered that how many have had one foot in the boat and the other foot on the dock yeah there's not too many alternatives there is there but if you're all the way on the dock and the boat's 10 feet out it might as well be 300 feet away from the dock because you're not going to get it back unless without another boat or some way to to bring it in somebody brings it in and that's a great analogy i know people that love the lord and uh serving the lord reading the word and going to church and and i understand that uh that uh in some cases people are not able to so praise god for online it keeps us connected but it's not it's a dis people who have disconnected from the church whether online or or in person or whatever the case may be but they disconnected from the fellowship they've disconnected and they just kind of drift away it's not necessarily falling into sin and or anything of that nature but just drift away a love grows cold absence does not make the heart go fonder it just cools it off quite a bit uh and uh and so let's let's pay attention god says hebrews 2 1. pay attention or drift away and so god wants us to hold close to him especially as we see the day approaching almost everybody looks around and sees what's happening and anything that's happening in the news this is a freebie no charge for this if it doesn't pertain to the middle east israel or jerusalem in particular then it doesn't necessarily pertain to last days but everything the whole focal point of scripture is the middle east israel and in particular jerusalem anything that impacts that is part and parcel of the end times when israel became a nation overnight that's what it says can a nation be born in a day it says in isaiah overnight may 15 1948 that ushered in his return now how that translates into months days years nobody knows every age has been able to look and say well is this the eighth uh is this the time jesus is coming back because that's the hope that lies within us to see jesus face to face one day and so god would not deny that and so those that have looked in the scriptures or made up stuff out of whole cloth and set a day in time when he's going to come back have gone away and what it does it causes damage of course to the gospel because jesus said when he was walked the face of this earth acts chapter 1 they said they asked him are you at this time that this is after 40 days after the cross are you at this time going to reinstitute reinvigorate come in as king of the nation of israel and he said it's not up to you to know the day or time we can know the seasons we can get an idea but as far as chronologically or from the clock or the calendar we can't know the time and that's a good thing it's like the day of our death psalm 139 is very clear god wrote the day of your death my death in his book before any of them came to pass but thankfully he doesn't share us with us because the worrywarts among us would just be frantic for until that day arrived and the quesara sarah of us would just party until the day before or maybe the day of and so god doesn't share that we just know that's why it says in psalm 90 verse 12 teach us to number our days or to make each day count because we don't know the number of days and so we don't know exactly when he's coming back but we do know he is coming back for every old testament prophecy about his first coming there are two regarding his second coming probably the most the simplest easiest known would be isaiah 9 6. behold a son is given a child is born well that would refer to his first coming wouldn't it a child was born we can read about that in the first couple chapters of the gospels and the child born but then it goes on to say and the government will be on his shoulders the government wasn't on that little baby's shoulders and the government wasn't on that toddler's shoulders the government wasn't on that little boy playing with the other little boys or that young man working in his carpenter's shop the government was on his shoulders luke chapter 3 verse 23 when jesus came up out of the waters of baptism it says he was about 30 years old and he began his ministry and his ministry lasted three and a half years before he hung on that cross that's when the government started to be on his shoulders but actually it's after his resurrection the government's on his shoulders he's the head of the church he's the one in charge so in one verse we have both first and second coming there are two two uh illusions or or mentions of his second coming to every one of his first coming did he come the first time without a doubt thankfully is he coming again absolutely without a doubt do we know the time or day no do we know the seasons well we can get a pretty good idea of what's going on in the time i believe is getting close what ramification does what's going on in afghanistan have i don't know except there's another country fallen to islam radical islam you know muhammad was born about 600 a.d and his religion consisted of a little judaism a little christianity and a whole lot of other stuff and so they lump it in as one of the great religions in the world uh and i suppose if you're going to call christianity a religion in that sense i suppose it is but christianity of course not a religion it's a relationship god ministering to us amen okay so that uh brings us here it says it finishes up saying uh give attention to everything i tell you you know speaking of the trifold nature of god us the scripture of worship service is trifold in nature you look at the first worship service after his resurrection acts chapter 2 through the scriptures first corinthians 14 26 and we realize that a church service is triune in nature we might not recognize the church service from the first century but they consist of worship praise and worship the word and communion part and parcel jesus instituted communion at what we call the last supper if the ushers uh if i can get the usher's attention and for communion and just go ahead and start serving a communion it's a communion is instituted by jesus before he went to the cross just a few hours but before he went to the cross and then in acts chapter 2 he's ascended they in obedience they remained at jerusalem in the upper room 120 of them and then the holy spirit was poured out and peter began to preach as you know and the 3000 people came to christ 3 000 people i would say that's a successful revival wouldn't you absolutely and then it goes on to say the chapter finishes up that they broke bread from house to house they listened to what the apostles had to say preaching the word of god they worshipped god so they had communion worship and preaching or the word of god that's what makes a successful worship service we're coming to the time of communion would you please start serving thank you amen i appreciate that such a blessing so as we're waiting to be served or as we're served let's just reflect a moment what jesus did it's out of love that he did what he did for you and i we serve an open communion here that means you don't have to be a member of this church or a regular attender to take communion we just ask that you be a believer in jesus christ so if you're a guest i want you to feel free to partake of communion [Music] so [Music] amen [Music] on the night he was betrayed jesus took the bread and he broke it and he said take eat this is my body broken for you let's eat together thank you lord he reached down and picked up a cup he said the contents of this cup represent my blood which is for many for the remission of sins let's drink [Music] thank you so much lord thank you so much for your graciousness [Music] and now lord bless each one we thank you for that in jesus name amen let me a quick reminder oasis starts wednesday uh please sign up either online that's the best way to do it or one time only because the office is closed monday you can sign up at the kiosk but they go shopping for groceries the grub on tuesday morning so if you don't sign up by when by monday and just show up there might not be enough grub for everybody and grub's very important to me so please sign up but you're welcome to come a lot of people come and then they don't eat lunch they just come for the bible study anyway god bless you uh and um it was probably something else i was supposed to say but i can't think of what it is if you need if you need prayer i'll be down front here to pray for you [Music] you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 91
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ENTLR4qe6tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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