BCC Classic Service 09/12/2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] done [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right good morning everybody and welcome welcome to broadway christian church our classic service those of you at home watching us i'm glad you're joining us my name is rod i lead the music here and most of you already know that however if you don't know that it means you're probably a first time visitor if you are a first time visitor welcome glad you're joining us and we'd ask you to do a little favor for us so we get a little more information about you if you would text the word guest and uh use this number it's 480-933-1482 that gives us a little idea about who you are and we would much appreciate it actually we'll appreciate it so much we'll send you a digital gift card so please do that we'd love to hear from you our service lasts about an hour we have pastor john namnet who's going to be uh delivering the message today we have brian hargrave who's going to be helping us through offering and communion it's going to be a wonderful service out there so let's get it started i'm going to invite you to please stand up and let's sing we heard a little bit of this music early on it's called i saw the light [Music] [Music] praise the lord i saw the light i wondered so aimlessly jesus came like a stranger in the night praise the lord i saw the light i [Music] praise the lord i saw the light just like a blind man i wondered a lot of worries praise the lord i saw the line i saw the light i saw the line [Music] i [Music] [Music] when the shadows of this life have gone [Music] i'll fly [Music] away o [Music] [Music] shall never hit [Music] [Applause] i [Music] there's a land that is fairer than day and by faith we can see it a farm for the father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there in the sweets by and by shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet spring by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore to our bountiful father above we will offer our tribute of praise for the glorious gift of love and the blessings that hallow our days in the sweeps we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweeps i saw the light i saw the light no more darkness [Music] praise the [Music] lord i saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes praise the lord fun songs while you're standing we do want to make those people at home feel welcome and warm so i'd like everybody turn around there's a camera right in the back would you wave and say welcome all right and while you're standing look around and see who you're worshiping with who you're singing with maybe share your name with them get to know who you're with oh good looks like you greeted somebody new today once you've done that i'll invite you to have a seat and we'll continue on with our service all right if i can draw your attention to the screen just above me and behind me let's find out what's happening at broadway christian today hey there everyone my name is doug and i'd like to tell you about what's coming up for you and your family at broadway so check this out our next mission trip to build a house in rocky point mexico is happening november 11th through the 14th come learn more at the information meeting today at noon in the south lobby classroom details and registration are available at bccmesa.com info the bcc women's ministry event my body god's temple is happening this saturday but the deadline to register is tomorrow september 13th don't miss out on comedy dinner and a deep dive into self-care culture and body image at this special evening just for you find all the details and sign up today at bccmesa.com info kick off this year's operation christmas child season with the team on saturday september 25th at 10 30 a.m in the family life center you'll hear from various speakers and learn just how impactful this global outreach ministry can be we hope to see you there if you have questions about any of our events or just want to learn more about us stop by the kiosk in the lobby or visit bccmesa.com info on your computer tablet or phone you can also connect with us on facebook and instagram at bcc bccmesa have a great day and thanks for letting us be a part of it good morning how's everyone doing okay before we go any farther our worship time was amazing yeah i love that set so uh we're gonna move into our time of offering and i want to talk about worship just for a second i think many times when we think of the word worship we think of what we've just done we just sing songs and praise of god but worship comes in many forms it is singing praise to our holy god but it's also reading god's word it's tithing and presenting our bodies as sacrifices the apostle paul mentions this in second corinthians 9 7 each one of us must give as he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or on a compulsion for god loves a cheerful giver and as john says he will take money from a grumbling heart as well so we have boxes out in the foyer that you can physically tie there you can tithe online or you can download the push pay app and tie there as well let's go to god in prayer our father in heaven hallow is your name god thank you so much for all that you do for us god your attributes are amazing uncomprehensible sometimes but you are the real treasure you are it through you you give us the breath of life you created this in your image you you love us to the point where you send jesus to die on a cross for us so that we may be reconciled to you that we may live through the sun have a restored relationship with you god even though we fell into sin you still give us life food jobs homes you take care of us and god we love you so much for that for never giving up on us for continuing to love us even when we were steeped in sin father we offer our our bodies as living sacrifices and we can communally pull together our tithes and offerings to give to the church that we may further the ministries here on earth to bring people to you so they may experience true liberation just like we have in christ jesus your son's holy and precious name amen [Music] light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see beauty that made this heart adore you hope of a life spent with you here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me [Music] trump close to you [Music] never let me go i lay it all down again [Music] to hear you say that i'm your friend [Music] no one else will do [Music] cause nothing else could take your place to fill the warmth of your embrace [Music] help me find the way bring me [Music] help me know you are near [Music] here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together worldly all together all together wonderful to me [Music] come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our [Music] come god us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord [Music] [Music] unless [Music] [Music] worship let us [Music] [Music] machines [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi i'm john and abnett one of the pastors here at broadway and uh welcome to our online service and i've got some good news and some not so good news the good news is uh that we're beginning a new sermon series called at the movies and the reason we're going to be talking about at the movies over the next several uh sundays is because stories are powerful and movies are a powerful medium to tell stories jesus told stories lots of them they're called parables and i tend to think that every time jesus told a story his audience leaned forward and listened in really closely because they were given insights and helps into the kingdom of god and who god is and what god's like and his love and forgiveness and grace and so many things and stories were a powerful way for jesus to do that in his day in this generation movies are a great way to tell stories i mean just think about this now what other room is there where people can gather and laugh and cry and cheer and boo hundreds of people that totally don't know each other except in a movie theater so our aim is to use movies to help people get to know jesus a little bit better and we're going to do that over the next several weeks we're going to talk about some some great movies that will help us to experience jesus maybe in a new way that's the good news the bad news is that due to copyright restrictions we can't show the movie clips online which means that you're going to have a somewhat limited experience from what the in-person uh folks will have we just can't show the movie clips so you'll have a different experience than what those that actually show up to church will have if you're still going to have church it's just not going to be quite the same as as those who worship in person so let me encourage you if you can come to church if you're able to worship in person without jeopardizing your health just to show up and come and we'd love to see you we miss you we need you and as i've said a few sundays ago it just isn't the same when you're not there listen if you can't come i'm so glad that we have this online service for you but if you can come please come and uh and we're going to experience jesus no matter if you're at home or in the sanctuary we're going to experience jesus together over these next several sundays god bless you in luke 15 jesus tells a parable that's become a famous short story many people have said this is the greatest short story ever told if you have your bibles open them to luke 15 right now it's called the parable of the prodigal son you probably heard it before and rather than reading it to you today i'm just going to retell the story in my own words there was a man who had two sons two grown sons and he loved both sons very much the older son was dedicated responsible hard-working the younger son apparently was more of a free spirit a little bit on the rebellious side kind of wanted to do his own thing and one day he comes to his father and says dad i'm out of here i'm tired of living under your household rules i want to do my own thing i'm going to split but for me to do that i want you to give me my share of the inheritance right now talk about cheeky but the father does it the son so disrespects his dad but the father gives his younger son his portion of the estate and then the dad watches his son go off on his own and he immediately takes all that money that fortune that he just been given and the younger son heads to las vegas i made that part of he actually goes to sunset strip on jerusalem and he takes all that money that's been given him and he rents this condo and he begins to throw one party after another he's got women he's got booze just wild times that's party central at his house and he likes to party hardy until one day his credit card is rejected and he calls the bank and the bank says well uh we're not going to honor your credit card purchases because you're out of funds all that money has been squandered he's gone through a fortune in a matter of months and now he's broke he's busted and he's disgusted all those prostitutes all those fair-weather friends of his they hit the door and they don't look back they want nothing more to do with this young man now he's got no place to live he's got nothing to eat and things are looking pretty grim for him he's gone from the penthouse to the outhouse almost overnight so in desperation he goes and finds a pig farmer according to the way jesus tells the story and he gets hired to slop the hogs which no jewish kid would ever do but he's got to live in fact he gets so bad for this young man he actually starts envying the pigs he says to himself at least they've got something to eat i've got nothing to eat i mean face it you've got to be desperate to be willing to eat what pigs eat but that's where he is in life and then the young man has a moment of clarity and sometimes that's the way it works for us isn't it sometimes we have to actual rock bottom before we'll come to our senses before we'll have a clear thought a clear a moment of clarity in our lives and he thinks to himself this is insane the way i've been living my father's servants are living way better than i am i know i've been arrogant and and proud i know i've been rebellious i know i've gone my own way i've done some terrible things to my dad i don't deserve to be called his son any longer just based on my own actions and something tugs at him to go home just like when we run away from god god never stops looking for us and god listen to me right now god will never let us go it's like the holy spirit just keeps working in our lives always reminding us of the father's love for us and the parable that jesus tells in luke 15 is the story of how god pursues lost people and there's this young man is absolutely lost so he gets this idea that he's going to go back home and beg his father for a job he's not going to be his son any longer as far as he knows he's just going to be a servant for the rest of his life and he doesn't care and then jesus says as he continues the story jesus says as he heads back home in this forlorn state of his that long before he reaches the front door of the family place the father sees the son coming and this boy is covered in pig manure and slop he hasn't bathed in weeks he reeks he stinks he's absolutely filthy but the father hikes up his robes and runs to meet his son and he wraps his arms around his boy and gives him a giant bear hug he envelops his son in unconditional love and he says i'm so glad you're back home i've missed you so much my lost son has been found and he calls for the best robe in the house to be put around his son and he says give him my ring and by the way the ring that jesus talks about in this parable would be the father's signet ring which would be like giving him a credit card it's the way that you conducted business in that day and then the father says kill the fattest fattest calf we've got let's let's have a roast barbecue let's let's have a party and they did it's a celebration that that's that's unfolding because someone who was lost has now been found someone who had wandered far from home has now found his way back home here's this prodigal son that felt like he'd exhausted his father's love by demanding his inheritance early but instead he receives a joyous welcome when he comes back home and there's this huge party now you know this story and i know the story i have a question for you and i want you to think about this for a moment why didn't the father in the story get off his front porch and go and look for his practical son why did he have to let him hit rock bottom i mean sure he stood on the porch he was looking he was scanning the horizon every day but the father had the resources he could have hired a private detective he could have sent someone after his son to rescue him before he finally went to slop the hogs that kind of thing but he didn't do that well of course the father in the story represents god and this matters right now so i want you to listen very closely god has given you something in life called free will the word for that is autonomy autonomy means you can govern your own life god took a huge risk in doing that because what that means is that god voluntarily limit himself limited himself from forcing you to love him in return see the lost son didn't have to come home he wanted to and by the same token god doesn't want robots loving him if god has to force you to love him then that's not love god wants people to choose to love him out of their own free will to accept his love if god forces you to love him if god programs you to love him against your will then that's not love i think the parable is called in my bible the lost son but really i think the better name would be the waiting father the parable should be called the parable of the waiting father not the prodigal son because as much as anything this parable is about our father in heaven when the sun walks out the front door when the sun heads down the road going his own direction the father never stops thinking about his rebellious son and when his rebellious son finally comes to his senses and returns home the father quickly runs out and embraces him and he doesn't even give his son the chance to to to give that well-rehearsed speech about not being worthy the father just embraces him and accepts him you know if you've never seen god as compassionate and loving and forgiving let this story help you see god in a new light you can come to god today you can come home today and let me tell you how to do that first confess to god that you've been away from him let god know that you know that you've been living your life your way instead of his way and next tell god that you're sorry about that and you want to turn your life around and and you want to come home to god and then the next thing that you must do is to ask jesus to forgive your sins on the basis of his death on the cross for you and for me and finally invite jesus christ to come into your life and to become your savior and your lord to save you from your sins to allow jesus to rule over your life if you've been lost if you've been a prodigal like the boy in the parable it doesn't have to be that way any longer and if something's been tugging at you to get your life right to get your life back to god maybe it's the holy spirit talking to you right now don't let this moment pass you by just like the prodigal son had a moment of clarity you also can have a moment of clarity let this be your moment right now god bless your decision pray with me would you father in heaven i thank you for the story of the lost son i thank you that the way jesus tells this story the father is waiting and longing for his son's return but rather than going and forcing him to come home against his will he waits until he wants to come home and father you're not going to force us to love you you're not going to force us to repent of our sins against our own will instead you've given us autonomy and free will to choose to come toward you or to walk away from you lord i pray that you would help us to make the right choice some of us have lived lives a quiet rebellion and some of us have lived lives of outright rebellion against you help us father to come home to come to you and i pray this in jesus name amen listen you need to let someone know if you've made a decision to return to christ to return to god let someone know that you've made that decision you can always call hear me and here at the church at 480-9810802 i'd love to talk to you about your decision but let someone know let someone know that you're coming home to god god bless you we're going to go ahead and move into our time of communion for those of you at home who are watching please prepare your emblems and for all of us the apostle paul writes to the church corinth on how to take communion how not to take communion i want to give us a moment to pray to prepare our hearts for communion so that we do not eat or drink judgment upon ourselves uh pray for forgiveness and then also thank god for jesus christ [Music] so [Music] jesus sends two of his disciples to a man in the city and he says go and prepare a place for us to have our passover meal together jesus later with the other 10 disciples meet jesus in the upper room and as they were celebrating as they were conversing eating that meal jesus out of nowhere takes the middle loaf breaks it give thanks and says it take me that this is his body let's take a need he then took a cup after giving thanks he gave it to them and said take and drink this is the blood of my of the covenant which is shed for you when you do this do this remembrance of me let's take and drink [Music] father god as we come to you we come to your son jesus christ and the redemptive blood the offer of forgiveness and true liberation from death and sin god as we take and eat the bread and we drink of the blood we do it in remembrance of you we remember that you loved us so much that you sent your son jesus christ to die on the cross so that we may be reconciled we may be liberated freed from the bondage of sin and death god that word remember means to shape and mold us to transform us this is a spiritual meal that we god are taking and i'm so grateful for it god i pray fervently that nobody falls away that if we start slipping away any of us [Music] that we may earnestly humbly call out on you to help us that we come forward to ask our brothers and sisters to help us your son jesus christ paved the way for us god that we are so indebted for thank you so much thank you for the freedom to come to church every sunday and worship you to collectively and to partake in communion father i beg of you if there's anybody lost if there's anybody unsaved or falling away god that you would put on our hearts to come forward to talk to us [Music] and to turn and go the other direction a direction towards you in our glorious savior jesus christ's name amen so that's going to conclude our service as john said we're going to be continuing the sermon series on for the next few weeks please if you need someone to talk to any prayers there is going to be many of us down here to talk to you have a blessed week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 70
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: L54-wNZdVqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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