09.19.2021 - Morning Worship Service

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[Music] stay oh what a relief it was when god rescue me [Music] it is let me breathe [Music] [Music] cool and water cooling water sleepless night and so much pain can't see no sunshine nothing but rain [Music] [Music] set me free [Music] [Music] cooling water [Music] water in that water [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] praise god foreign praise cooling water cool oh david said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord anyone glad on this morning ah when i was little we used to say if you're happy and you know clap your hands if you're happy and you know stand up on your feet then if we got real good to us we said if you're happy and you know jump for joy let's jump on this morning oh yes sir this is the day this is the day this is the day that the lord hath made i don't know about you but i have been in my mind and i'm determined that i will rejoice and be glad in it all magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together uh we just want to welcome you those in the sanctuary and especially you who are watching us either be a live stream facebook or youtube tell a friend tell a neighbor wake up everybody in your house and tell them that the royal missionary baptist church broadcast is on the air where the feast of the lord is going on we're gonna drink from the fountain that never runs dry and after we've done that we're gonna do what else are we gonna do we're gonna shout hallelujah but this is the day this is the day this is the day so on behalf of our senior pastor the reverend dr isaac j hope our entire ministerial staff our board of deacons our deaconesses and the entire royal missionary baptist church family we welcome you on this morning we welcome you to join in on the service and for those who are watching as i said for your live stream why don't you hit the like button and the share button wake somebody else up amen i don't care whether you're in charleston afghanistan new york dubai israel or wherever part of the world you are in guess what god's got a word for you on this morning how many really believe that god's got a word for you on this morning [Applause] old taste and see that the lord is good i don't know about you but i'm happy every time the lord allows me to wake up in the morning i'm happy whenever i'm clothed in my right mind i'm happy whether i have or i don't have guess what i'm still happy it's at this time [Music] we're going to have our scripture reading coming from deacon dan excuse me i got too happy from one of our deacons then deacon another deacon will lead us in prayer and as they come forth we act said those who will stand in need of a prayer those who stand just stand where you are some might want to come to the altar but i just want you to just stand where you are this morning because it's in times like these we need prayer it's in times like these we need a savior and one thing we have to be sure of we have to be sure and very sure that our anchor does what grips and holds onto the solid rock you know when i was when i used to fish i sort of backed up off fishing and when we went out in the ocean and we dropped our anchor some had six feet some had 10 feet some of the water was even 20 feet and we had to make sure we had enough line on the anchor so that when a cot hole to the bottom we will drift away so on this morning as we prepare to go through the throne of grace i just want you to make sure that your anchor on this morning grips and hold the solid rock even those of you who are watching by youtube facebook make sure that you know without a shadow of a doubt that your anchor holds and grips the solid rock and what is that solid rock the solid rock name is jesus that rock is jesus dick and daniel come on and lead us to the throne of grace and then we'll have our scripture coming from dick and denmark in that order [Music] so [Music] let us pray i came to jesus as i was weary wounded and sad and him i found a resting place and he has made me glad father guard is in the name of jesus that we come this morning just to say thank you lord father we thank you for another day of life father thank you for another day that you put breasts in these bodies over heavenly father father we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy god father we thank you for who you are god father enough of what you can do for us father but just simply for who you are god father you made the heavens and you made the earth o god father you made us a heavenly father so father we act now that you just have your way in this place of god father we surrender all to your father father help us to leave self on the outside father and we come and worship you in spirit and in truth oh heavenly father father we thank you right now for just being god in our lives father we thank you for the opportunity father that you've given us through your son jesus our father just to call on your holy and righteous name god father we don't take it for granted heavenly father because it didn't have to be o god father you could have let us drown our heavenly father but father but you saved us from heavenly father father we thank you father that we have that spirit of blind by the marriage the father that we do recognize this opportunity father that jesus is passing by father father let us not let it go in vain oh god father we thank you we thank you our heavenly father for what you do for us father we thank you for how you kept us with heavenly father we thank you for how you keeping us with heavenly father we thank you for all you do oh god father we ask now that you search the house of heavenly father father search the airways on heaven for those that are watching online god father we ask that you are dressed in need oh heavenly father whatever they stand in need of father we ask that you have your way in their lives or father father somebody needs a healing or heavenly father somebody needs a financial blessing or heavenly father somebody just want to get closer to you this morning oh god father we pray right now that you have your way your father father here they humble cry oh god father they're reaching out to you this morning oh heavenly father father hear him oh heavenly father and bless him will father in the mighty will god father we pray right now that you forgive us for any sins that we may have committed or father knowingly or unknowingly father that this prayer might not be hindered oh heavenly father father let it reach your ears this morning oh god father in the mighty way father to search its place over heaven for i let your spirit blow through hell father help us to worship you in spirit and entry with him the father father we need you this morning oh heavenly father we can't do anything without your god father you made us you knew who we are father father you blowed us blow blessing this dustful body by that you made our heavenly father father so just use us this morning father and it's in jesus holy and righteous name that we pray amen [Applause] [Music] honey royal praise the lord sins well this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it i will be reading the scripture coming from second samuel's sixth chapter in its entirety i'll be reading from the niv version and it reads david again gathered all the chosen men of israel 30 000 and david arose and went with all the people who were with him from bill to bring up from the ark of god which is called the name of the lord host who sits a throne on the cherubim and they carried the ark of god on a new cart and brought it out of the house of abernathy was on the hill of other the sons of avenue were driving the new car with the ark of god and ohio went before the ark and david all the house of israel were celebrating before the lord with the songs of larry's hearts tambourines casternets and symbols and when there came to the dressing floor of nilcon put out the hand to the ark of god and to hold of it for the oxen stumbled and the anger of the lord was kindled against the other and god struck him down there because of his error and he died there beside the ark of god and david was angry because the law had broken out against azer and the place is called prayers president this is a state and david was afraid of the law that there and said how can the ark of the lord come to me so david was not willing to take the ark of the lord into the city of david but david took it aside to the house of orbandom and guitar and the ark of the lord remain in the house of abundance getting three days and the lord bless of adam and all his household and it was called it was told king david the lord has blessed the household of obedience and all that belongs to him because the house because the ark of god so david went and brought up the ark of god from the house of oberdium to the city of david with rejoicing and when those were broke born the ark of the lord had gone six steps he sacrificed an oxen and flattened an animal and david danced before the lord with all his might and david was wearing a linen epaud so david and all the house of israel brought up the ark of the lord with shouting and with the sound of the horn and the ark of the lord came into the city of david mccall the daughter of saul looked out of the window and saw king david leaping and dancing before the lord and she despised him in her in her heart and they brought the ark of the lord and sat in its place inside the tan of david and pitched for it and david offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the lord and when david had finished offering the burnt offerings and the peace offerings he blessed the poor in the name of the lord of horse and distribute all the people of the whole multitude of israel both men and women a kick of bread a portion of meat and a king of risen to each one then all the people departed each to his house and david returned to bless his household but because the daughter of saul came up out to meet david and said how the king of israel honored himself to this today uncovering himself today before the eyes of his servant female servant and as one vulgar fellow shamelessly uncovers himself and david said to my car call it was before the lord who chilled me above your father and above all his house to appoint me as prince over israel the people of the lord and i will celebrate before the lord i will make myself yet more contemptible contemptible than this and i will be obeys in your eyes but the female servants of whom you have spoken by them i shall be held in honor and the carl the daughter of saul had no child to this day of her death thus i read second samuel sixth chapter in its entirety may god has a blessing to the reading of his word amen [Music] so [Music] if you don't mind put your hands together like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gotta run god [Music] listen when i hear the church fails tone and i stopped and wondered lord how long and i see the church wheels roll into not say trouble all in my way i got a right [Music] [Music] one more thing i want to say listen when these eyes and mind are growth [Music] [Music] [Music] trouble all in my way i gotta [Music] hey [Music] [Music] enemies [Music] [Music] pain in my body run [Music] run run [Music] run run run run run run run [Music] [Music] run run run right i is [Music] hallelujah for the races not given to the swift even a battle that is strong but he that endureth hey all the day long ride and see what they ain't gonna be hey the enemies keep on running pain in the body keep on running trouble all in your way hey man we're doing lee williams this morning y'all doing lee williams [Music] stay right there come on [Music] come on children let's have a look all we gotta i wonder can i say it again come on they won't do nothing they ain't got nothing to say thank him because you're good because i wonder can i say it again come on come on god thank you let's oh anybody come here come on let's have a look thank you thank you thank him because you're who brings you because hallelujah let's have a good time come on let's have a good come on come on come on come on children let's have a good time all we gotta do is thank him because you're doing well come on let's have a good time come on let's have a good time [Music] all right all right all right i'm gonna say like pastor said sometime i feel a little churchy up in here up and here up in here oh guess what i don't know about you you you and you at home oh but my brother right here was having himself a good time yes sir a good time [Music] [Applause] as long as you got jesus on your mind hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you want to thank the meal chorus or the male ensemble for those selections letting us know that we came into the sanctuary to worship the lord and have a good time for the word says that they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth we have quite a few announcements on this morning [Music] so we ask that you would pay attention to the announcements the liberty hill community will be culminating its 150th year celebration tonight with a fireworks display at 7 pm at the felix pinckney community center so all of you are invited to celebrate along with the liberty hill community [Music] and as you know [Music] we're gonna ask you to keep a whole lot of folks lifted up in prayer we're gonna ask you first of all to keep our pastor lifted up in prayer the ministerial staff the part of the grief team those of us who are continuously and constantly bringing aid and relief to those who are grieving and i say that because you just don't know burden and the weight not only that it has on the families who are going through bereavement but on those who are even assisting them and let's pray for the morticians those essential workers those workers who are in hospitals that have to take care of those individuals we have quite a few in our church family so we ask that you continue to pray for sister betty pearson and the passing of her sister then we ask that you pray for sister sharon stevens in the passing of her mother also brother randy who's over here on the guitar their son michael and sister lilly which is their grandmother continue to pray for trustee ivan wilson who said farewell to his nissan yesterday continue to pray for the buckner family services will be held on this coming wednesday for mrs mary watkins and her daughter renee watkins who is the aunt of sister latencia brother jay and sister eliza holmes those services will be held at the new hope baptist church and red top at 11 a.m on wednesday please lift deaconess catherine manigault up in prayer her aunt mrs elizabeth maxwell passed arrangements are forthcoming and continue to pray for sister mulder tonya johnson's family those arrangements are coming and on yesterday morning brother anthony l houston passed he is the husband of dr tonya houston there will be a memorial service for him held on friday september 24th at northwoods church his graveside services will be held on saturday the 25th in anderson south carolina and brother houston was the coach at the school in somerville he had been a coach there for 28 years then we ask that you continue to keep sister bernadette sister gabriel and the writing family lifted up in your prayers guess what today could be you it is them tomorrow it could be you or really this afternoon or this evening it could be one of us we never know but we just ask that you continue to keep them lifted up in prayer covert vaccine i know some say they don't believe in the vaccination and i remember pastor said last week on the first sunday he said we put a whole lot of things in our body and we didn't know what it was made of however free culvert 19 vaccine clinic for all south carolinians a thursday september 23rd from 9 00 a.m to 2 p.m it also states that boosters and all three types pfizer durner and jensen are available no insurance no id or appointment is required so we ask that you govern yourselves accordingly because we are our brother's keeper and if you don't want to do it for yourself think about your children your children's children and your loved ones please be reminded for those in the sanctuary and even you out there watching us via facebook that you can still bring your tithes and your offerings into the storehouse the word says that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now saith the lord and see if he would open up the window of heaven and pour you out a blessing see sometimes we must quote that but it says pour you out a blessing that you wouldn't even have room enough to receive so there are many ways that we can give we can give online you can go to the church office that is open on monday through fridays from 10 a.m to 3 p.m or you can mail in your offering all of it is needed for such a time as this since sunday school please continue to remember sunday school every sunday morning via zoom from 8 50 to 9 50 a.m new members class those members who have joined and have not completed new members class new members class is still being held during the sunday school period every sunday morning and we also have new members class on mondays and tuesdays at 6 00 p.m don't forget the wednesday morning prayer line from 6 15 a.m to 6 30 a.m i know we all stand in need of prayer and there's no better way to start your day than have prayer seeking the word of god seeking to hear from god and don't forget our met our youth on youth church on saturdays from 2 at 2 p.m in our teen pulse on mondays at 7 00 p.m please govern yourselves accordingly to all of the announcements and i gather you've already gotten noticed now that pastor is not here today and we know he's watching via zoom but guess what he has entrusted us to continue to have service and for those of you who are at home maybe one day you are planning on coming back and we understand believe you we understand everyone wants to be safe and we are our brothers keeper i can't express that enough we are our brother's keeper so we have to be safe and safe for someone else we have a preacher in the house on this morning he needs no introduction [Music] he can preach god has called him to preach for such a time as this [Music] and i ask that you stand not in judgment but open your hearts your mind and your ears to hear what the spirit has to say to the church so after the next selection coming from the mail ensemble i present the summon introduced to others one of the ministers of the royal missionary baptist church in the form of brother nathan wright i'm gonna ask everyone who's sitting in the sanctuary and even those who are alone online if you would just follow me and waves your hand towards brother wright in the sanctuary and say brother right brother right preach preach brother right brother right preach preach preach as the holy ghost allows you to preach under the anointing so after the next voice after the singing of this male ensemble the next voice that you will hear will be none other than minister nathan wright amen praise the lord church this is our we call that our lee williams tribute sunday we've been doing nothing but lee williams y'all like what we've done so far this morning cool in water gotta run good time and this is another one of the signature songs of this great gospel giant brother lee williams [Music] if i couldn't slay one word y'all just wait if i could say one word [Music] good to me you kept me out of danger when danger was around me let me say that again i couldn't say one word [Music] [Music] [Music] good to me lord you kept me out of danger when danger was around me could not have done what jesus did we went when he went to calvary [Music] lord you shed it for me that's the reason why i'm standing here oh hold your word lord i know you were shall forever i got to say that one more time listen could not have done what jesus did we went when he went to calvary [Music] lord you shared that's the reason why shall forever stand [Music] i just you've been good to me [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] mind i got to keep my mind stayed on jesus cause i shall keep him thou shall keep me in perfect peace whose mind stayed on the lawn [Music] cause we got a whole lot of trouble in this world today but i wonder how many they can say today after all the things i've been through i still got joy how many can raise your hand and say that somebody look over at your neighbor say neighbor to neighbor after all the things i've been through i still got yours i still got yours you know we got wildfires on the west coast but i still got your we got flash floods on the east coast but i still got yours hurricane ida down on the gulf coast but [Music] 20 months in a pandemic but i still got yours hallelujah jesus no more room in the i see but i still got yours hallelujah even the undertaker can't take no more but i still got you up hallelujah [Music] folks fighting over the vaccine don't want to take it but i still got yours hallelujah folks fighting over the mass don't want to wear it but i still got y'all still got y'all said i still got y'all still got joy i just how many still got joy in your heart this morning wave your hand and say i still got joy i still got y'all still got joy hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Applause] it sounds like somebody got a little joy this morning [Music] if you have some joy why don't you just lift up your voice and tell god thank you after all you've been through i think you can do a little bit better than that tell god i still got joy tell them tell them lord i thank you [Music] somebody didn't hear me if y'all can help me in the in the in the sound room i said open up your mouth and tell god i thank you because i still have shown [Music] i don't know what you've been through but i've been through pure hell but i still got my joy i got my got my joy i got my joy i got my joy money don't look right family acting up marriage on the rocks but i still got my children oh yeah oh yeah i've still got it i got it i got it yes i got my joy i got my joy i got it i got it i got it i got my [Applause] [Music] joy uh some of you may be wondering i don't understand why he would act like that but i'm just going to share this brief testimony i'm here to preach and i'm going to preach it but on last year i lost not one job i lost two jobs on last year i buried my biological father and had to speak words over a man who i did not know a few weeks later i got a call that my aunt died things were going all types of types and turvies all kind of tribulations in my life uh y'all missed it i said i not lost just one job i lost two jobs uh my money was funny i was engaged i was planning a wedding but god somehow in his infinite wisdom allowed me to keep my joy [Applause] [Music] now that was the first half of the year but don't y'all uh y'all don't feel sorry for me because i serve a kind of second quarter third quarter fourth quarter god now i may have lost those two jobs but god had the best job i ever had in the second quarter of the year i don't know about you but i still i still i said i still got my choice i came to church with tears in my eyes but i came all day i kept on stopping i kept on lifting him because i still [Music] foreign [Music] still i've still got my joy i'm married now [Music] got married on the golf club on the golf course don't play a lick of golf but got married on the golf course and i still got my jaw got more letters and numbers now on this job they say when they up they sent me an offer letter you what is that he said mr wright we want you to come work for us and they don't give me all kind of 401 rta hfa and all kind of stuff you just got to learn i don't know why i'm telling you all this but you got to learn to keep your joy [Music] i know some of y'all always had it together you always had but i can remember when i didn't have and all i had was my joy the bible says that the joy of the lord am i right about it y'all might as well talk back to me the joy of the lord is my strength you know follows up by saying that his strength is made perfect in our what our weakness so when i get weak god gets strong [Music] [Applause] we thank god for this this time [Music] reverend ford didn't even indicate to me that i didn't put this cover on this microphone you make sure you spray it before i got it i got it i got it thank god thank god for for jesus we thank god for being in the building one more time thank god for for jesus [Music] y'all thank you thank you mother once somebody agreed with me thank god for jesus [Music] [Applause] we give honor to the set man of this house a man who i not only admire but a man who is worthy of all praise he is a unique leader he's unique because he has such a way that he can only he is one that can build you up tear you down and build you right back up again i am so proud so proud to be able to call him my spiritual father and it's not a title that i throw around loosely everybody wants to be a spiritual mama everybody wants to be a spiritual father everybody can't be but i knew that i was a son of his when i got a text message one time from pastor and it was correcting me it was in the text message it wasn't long didn't say a bunch of words don't like this don't do it again and left it at that and in my humanity i wanted to retaliate i wanted to know we're going to talk about this i'm thinking we're supposed to have a conversation but true fathers they don't do a lot of talking and i text back and i'm waiting on a response because you know you're just going to tell me something and i'm just going to leave it alone but i thank god for his leadership and i knew that i was a son when i had to suck it up [Music] and don't do it again i might as well be real with me i know y'all you know some of y'all we're living a time now with church folks that don't want to be corrected nobody gonna tell me what to do somebody need to tell you what to do so you can sit your happy hips down somewhere and get saved and then you want to turn around that yeah that's my pastor that's my spiritual father and he can't tell you nothing you ain't his child in the eyes of god you are a bastard i said what i said that i'm not afraid of anybody we live in an uncountable generation i thank god that i have submitted myself to my leadership we thank god for all of the officers and members of royal missionary baptist church i thank god for y'all i thank god for you y'all have loved royal has loved me i tell anybody and everywhere i go that i'm probably one of the ones that has at least 27 different mamas and 37 different daddies because everybody claims me as son and i appreciate that i appreciate it because you didn't have to love me but you did and i thank you all for that to these wonderful musicians who who have assembled themselves i thank god for y'all thank god for their willingness to play i'm getting there i'm getting there i'm gonna get to the word don't y'all worry i promise you i've got plenty of words i've got more word than i've got time i promise you that i also want to thank my family my mother's niece is in the house sometimes she's my cousin something else at the time she's my mother's niece y'all to catch that when you get home thank for god for her being here i also thank god for all my for my children who who allow me to who have called me daddy throughout the years and i thank god for them and lastly but not least i said lastly but not least to the one who god decided that i was worthy to share her life with [Music] the one who is my sunshine on a cloudy day [Music] when it's cold outside she is my mom for me some of you may be saying well i wonder what can make him feel that way i'm talking about my girl [Music] [Applause] thank god for my wife being with me today songwriter said that she makes love look easy and i thank god for that thank god for that the question has been posed is there a word from the lord how many are excited about the word today how many excited about the word today and i want you all to know i'm just as excited as you are because whatever he's saying whatever he's doing i heard bishop morton sing the song lord whatever you're doing in this season please don't do it without me let us pray let our heads be bowed eyes be closed father we thank you again for this time the grass may weather the flower may fade but your word will last forever father i would like for you to take nathan and put him back into the office in which i just came [Music] nathan does not need to be in front of these people nathan has no place in this pulpit but god now i ask that you allow your holy spirit to speak now send a word that sends healing to somebody's soul sent a word that would deliver somebody from out of their sickness and sadness sin a word now holy spirit that would encourage somebody to run on just to see what that end is going to be i request your presence now do it in this house like only you can and we'll be ever so grateful to tell you we love you we praise you and we magnify you in jesus name it's in jesus name we pray amen and a man i would like to thank the deacons who deacon who read it i was in the back but i thank god for him reading the scripture i know it was lengthy and i know y'all wonder why why he have him to read all of that but you know it was a time when i went to the club i know y'all don't know anything about this but there was a time when i went to the club and i really didn't care what time and how long i was there because i was there to get my groove on i wish i had somebody in here who may have went to the club at least one time and you didn't care how long you were there long as you was in the building matter of fact i'm gonna bring y'all all the way back when i was in the club we said something like this a party ain't a party till nathan runs through so i didn't care you know it's amazing to me how we live in a society now that wants to shortchange the word of god you know bread you're up there too long preaching you preach too long choir saying too long we all we're in such a hurry where are you in a hurry going the only way i you know i'm from a little place called ocean city new jersey and we used to have a bishop by the name of bishop gandhi we used to come on the radio and he said i'm on my way to heaven and i'm enjoying the trip i'm on my way to heaven and i'm going to enjoy this trip so i thank god for deep for reading that word for praying thank god for this turn in your bibles if you will to second samuel chapter six ii samuel chapter 6. tell them you call them back when you're there signify by saying amen amen and amen we will begin reading at the let's uh you know i feel the functioning of the spirit he's kind of changing my heart a little bit and i'm okay with that i'm old enough now to know that sometimes our agenda is not the spirit's agenda so let's go to verse number 21. second samuel chapter six verse 21 when you have it say amen if you don't have it bible study is on thursday night seven business 7 pm on zoom uh second samuel chapter 6 verse 21 and it reads as follows and david said unto michael it was before the lord which chose me before your father and before all his house to appoint me ruler over the people of the lord over israel there will therefore will i play before the lord and i will yet be more vile than this and will be based in mine own sight and the maid service which thou has spoken of of them shall i be honored if you would humbly walk with me through this text i would like to entitle this particular message you can't stop my praise [Applause] i thought you all would have did a little better than that turn to your neighbor and i know we are in a covered society and those who are watching virtually i thank god for you on facebook and youtube wherever you're watching from i thank god but just turn to your neighbor if you're in your home and you're finding yourself by yourself just touch yourself if you don't want to turn to anybody touch yourself and just let yourself know you can't stop my praise you can't stop my praises yes yes yes you can't stop my praise thank you holy spirit and this holy spirit send me colon when you if you're writing this down you can't stop my praise semi-colon undignified praiser thank you holy ghost undignified freezer as i was at work yesterday i was went in and had to do a few hours at work i was on my way home and as i was on my way home i turned some of you familiar with lats in somerville area i was on lincolnville road and i was turning making a right turn to get on vine ocean and if you know anything about that area you know soon as you make that right turn there's a railroad track right there and as i made the turn i saw the railroad arms coming down and as i looked to my left i could see a bright light and a loud horn it was signifying the train was on the way now if you know anything about trains you know once a train builds up a certain amount of momentum the train cannot stop on a dime but the first indication that the train was on the way was i had to view the arms going up going down and as i sat there the spirit began to deal with me about my lesson uh all week long i've been pondering this lesson talking about praise now now the indication for the train coming was the arms going down but to the saint of god the indication that a praise is brewing is when my arms go up now remember what i said the train can't be slowed down it cannot stop when it's in motion it's almost like the true praises of today once i'm in motion you can't stop my praise uh uh it's not an indication for the usher to grab a fan you don't have to fan me uh it's not for anyone to go grab a blanket and throw across me because you can't cover this when i'm in my true praise i have built momentum and i cannot be stopped uh the authenticity of praise cannot be stopped why because when i lift up my hands i am in total surrender if i fall and my hands is up i have nothing to brace myself because i've got to lift my put my arms back down to catch me from falling because praise is authentically uniquely yours no one can tell your story like you can no one has been through the pains that you've been through like you have i wonder is there any mothers in here who have birthed the child no one they tell me i don't know no one can feel the pain at that moment like you can uh uh brothers i'm i'm here for you too i don't know if you ever lost the one that you thought got away y'all know what i'm talking about and it seemed like when she left you it left a hole in your heart and and every time you come to church you seem to think about the one who got away and automatically something brews and stirs in you and your hands just go up because i got to praise god that even though she left me i serve a god that will never leave me nor forsake me ah let me get to my texts i i don't want to go over my time i don't want to worry saint uh uh the saints of old would put it something like this they said every time i start thinking i start thinking because i think about what god has has brought me through here here we are we are in a time we are looking at a text here where there are three main characters in this book of second samuel chapter six the first one we see is praise the second one we see is david and the last we see is michael michelle if you want to be correct and those three characters are unique within itself so if y'all would just carry with for a few moments i'm going to go through these three main characters how many characters are we going to look at how many uh what's the first one we are going to look at praise the second one we'll look at is david and the last is if i had a grading book i swear i give all of y'all an a i hope you do the same for me uh so uh i believe i believe that we are now looking at this thing called pray praise is an expression that further says that god i trust you uh to do everything that i need and i trust you to do everything that i need past present and future i believe that true praise is the defining reality of a past illusion i'll say it again because i didn't always ride on the long bus as well i said that true praise is an expression of a his past experience based on a path on a future illusion that's why david said yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death in order for you to go through it you have to understand to keep on walking uh just touch yourself and say i'm going to keep on walking i believe that praise praise can be defined in many ways but praise can be defined so much as to the heart of god that the bible says that god gives command to the angels to praise the bible says in isaiah chapter six the first through the first first through the third verse he said in the year that king of zio died i saw the lord sitting on the throne uh high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and he says and uh above that train above that the temple he said i saw the cherubims you know the cherubims are celestial beings they are commonly referred to as angels he said i saw those angels and each angel had two wings and those were angels what did they do they cried one another holy holy holy why because the angels understand that god is requiring my praise y'all y'all talk to me i can get out of here uh and in the book of revelations uh the fifth chapter 11 through the 12th and he said and i beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne beasts and elders uh he talks about and he said they were saying in a loud voice worthy is the lamb in other words here we see some more angels and they're praising in the book of psalms we look at psalms 148 and 2 says praise ye him all the angels praise him and and all the hosts because praise is important and suddenly we see now in in luke chapter 2 verse 13 and 14 he says suddenly there was an angel of a multitude of the heavens host praising god it's in the book it's in the book uh in verse 14 he says and they were saying glory to god in the highest and the earth peace good will towards men you can't stop my praise yes even the angels had to pray and slow this down just a little bit because i want you to understand now that's praise but now can we talk about david david david whose name means well beloved david whose life can be defined in three parts uh the youth before saul david's youth during saul's reign and david after saul's reign three parts david the youth david doren saul and then there's a david that came after saul we understand that david our first introduction of david is when the prophet samuel comes to his daddy's house and the bible says that he goes to jesse and says jesse i'm here to anoint one of your sons and the bible says then y'all know and i won't terror much longer but the bible says that jesse brought seven sons uh he brought the sons that were in the house uh he did not bring david because david wasn't there now some would preach from the narrative that david was overlooked by his own father and i don't know about you but i come i was born a bastard child that means that my father birthed me with my mother but he had nothing to do with me he had nothing to do with who i was in my upbringing and my becoming and the bible says that even though david was in jesse's house david still was not recognized by his father and i come by there just to talk to somebody it doesn't matter if you're not recognized by your father god will give you a mama who will take you in a two-bedroom project apartment in the city of new jersey 413 pets beach village if you ever want to look up and tell you that my god will make you more than what you could ever see or imagine it doesn't matter who your father is don't matter what your daddy said and didn't say all that matters is there's an anointing on your life the bible says that when samuel goes to anoint one of those boys uh he says uh the the all is not for them do you have any more and the bible says justin said yeah i got one out there in the sheep he's tending to machine jesse and samuel the prophet says go get david go go and get that son he said yeah go get that one and the bible says that when he brings david to samuel that all starts releasing because now david is going to be anointed you know why some of us having uh heaven's fully experienced the true manifestation of god is because we want to be in the house when sometimes you need to be in the field in other words you need to be working while it's yet dead and when the oil gets close to you the bible says that the oil from from samuel's horn anointed david we find out that david was somewhere between the ages of 14 and 15 years of age and i know i've got facebook and i've got youtube and i've got some young people who are watching me and i just come from glory to tell somebody god can still use some young people y'all older folks stop telling us these children are the children and the church of tomorrow no no no they are the church of today the bible says that he was anointed at 15 years old and i also know my bible in the bible says that god knows no respecter of person if he can anoint david at 15 he could anoint nathan at 5. ah so samuel goes and anoints david then when we see that that saul after david is anointed we've here comes saul and the bible says that saul now is upset saul is going out of his mind because he understands now he has lost his anointing and i'm going to stay there for one second and i'm going to bring this down just for one minute because somebody in here you may have been feeling as if you have lost your anointing the bible says that saul was anointed matter of fact he was so anointed that when samuel was told by god to go and anoint david another one the bible says that samuel grieved because he had anointed saul saul had an anointing on his life in the beginning but saul mishandled the anointing i'm here today to tell somebody don't mishandle your anointing so the bible goes on to say that saul is out of his mind but i want you all to see something now saul is going out of his mind because his anointing is gone but the bible lets us know that there was a servant in saul's house who said i saw that there was one of jesse's boys in the field and that boy could play like no one else's business come on sister vanetta you know what i'm talking about uh you know when you sing you could sing like no one else and you're able to sing and bring an anointing in the house that no one else can because that's your anointing the bible says that he says the servant of saul says i know there's one who is playing in the field he plays masterfully now the anointing that is on david remember had just left saul but the servant said there's an anointing on that boy that if you bring him here i guarantee you king he will be able to soothe your troubled mind so david has the anointing and is going to work for the one who is no longer anointed can i help somebody just really quick anytime god anoints you he doesn't anoint you to stay still he anoints you to go to work and david did not stop tending to his father's sheep david did not take the anointing and say now i'm awaiting my turn now david went and played for the king can we can we get here uh my time is getting away from me so we find ourselves david is a man and the bible says that david is a man after god's own heart david we'll find out later on he kills goliath the bible says that david was he was so much of a young man that david found out that this goliath was talking trash and the bible says that david says i will not allow you to talk trash to my people i want to understand this because we are living in a time where we got these officers and i said it who are talking trash to our young boys who are saying we're gonna kill you but david said not so the bible says that david said to saul i'll go and i'll fight for him i'll fight for you and i'll fight for my people and i want to know if we have a generation of men and women who will say to goliath we will fight for our people uh i'm not a political activist nor do i try to have a political commentary but i do have common sense and i do have a son and i do have daughters and i want them to know don't you fred not one day your daddy is going to fight for you i promise i have to hasten this to a close i told you before i even got started i got four more far more words than i have time and the bible goes on to talk about david and how david would fight so far that david would fight all of the battles for saul the bible says that saul is so upset and so mad with david that david even has to go and kill a hundred more philistines after killing goliath just so he can marry the second daughter now i know i said that fast but uh because what was a part of the first daughter was that when saul when saul sent the decree that whoever said would kill goliath they would have the opportunity to be rich they would have the opportunity to marry his daughter and thirdly they would have the opportunity to actually have their house their father's house free of taxes he had three things but saul was so mad with david that he goes and he have he allows his first daughter to get married y'all know the story and later on that's when we're introduced to michael and the bible says that michael is saul's second daughter and the bible says that uh saul he's okay with that because he understands he feels like he has a spy on david and i'm here today to let somebody know and i don't know who this is for but everybody you lay down with is not for you i know this is tight but it's right uh the bible says that my cal she goes and they're in the room and michael gets wind that saul is mad and the bible says that michael tells david david you've got to go because my daddy is going to kill you in the morning now notice they didn't do anything the bible doesn't say that they did anything the bible says that michael opened up the window and let david down she did what what most women would do she was protecting her man and fellas and brothers and single brothers who may be listening to me you don't want to marry anyone who won't protect you sisters i know you've been taught that ben should be to protect us but you should be a protector as well she said i will not allow my husband to die the bible says that she let down she opens up the window david gets out and she and saul sends the messengers there that next morning what do they do they go back and she has a picture the bible says she has an image in the bed it's dressed with goat's hair and she puts the bed and she has pillows in the bed so when the messengers come and look in she says don't bother him he's sick see uh uh and then as they go back they tell saul that uh david is sick but he's there and saul says no i want him dead go back again the bible says that she goes back that that messengers go back and and they find out that michael was lying the bible says that saul goes to michael said why would you have deceived me and my messenger and my cal does something unique she goes and lies to her father she said if i didn't let him out david would have killed me now notice she told the truth to the husband and lied to her father she ain't the only lion wife of the bible you know abraham and sarah when abraham told her you got to lie you so bad that if they find out that we married they're going to kill me just to get to you lying wives are in the bible [Applause] i wouldn't even say man find your line wife and i'm not gonna go there no no no no uh and as we close this message i'm about to close now we get to our uh texts uh so now we've learned about praise we learned who david was and then we learned who michael was because a lot of people think that jonathan was the only real relationship that david had but the truth be known david had a really special relationship with michael because she also saved his life uh so now we get to the bible and we come to this sec this uh second samuel chapter six if you look up up in that in that same chapter the book of second samuel you'll find that david is is coming home with the ark of the covenant and i don't have time to deal with it all i have time to do is tell you that david was trying to get the anointing to his house the bible says that us i reaches out and grabs the ark of the covenant and on the threshing floor and the bible says that he reached out to stabilize that ark of the covenant and when he does the bible says that god smote him down david is mad with god david doesn't understand god why would you kill my main man why would you do this well and in that same verse the bible says but david had good sins he didn't stay mad with god david understood that even though i may be upset now but god has been too good and the bible says that while david is trying to get this ark of the covenant back to his house the bible says that that david uh he finds out that the ark wasn't supposed to be touched and because the ark was not supposed to be touched it wasn't working the bible says that he goes and drops the ark off to obedience the bible says that he takes the ark in and leaves it there and while the ark is there the ark begins to bless the house that is in it begins to have more blessings that the house had ever had before david gets when that the house is being blessed because of the ark of the covenant and the bible says he goes back to get the ark and i'm close and i promise you i'm a baptist preacher that's my third close when i get to the fourth one we gonna ride out of here the bible says that he goes and gets the ark from the house and on his way back david begins to dance hi why david are you dancing because david said for all the hell i had to go through i'm going to bless my god how do i have any praises in the building david david the bible says that michael now remembers she loved david and first samuel but the bible says she looks out there and see him dancing with all of his might and brothers i'm here today to tell you our sisters don't tell us and show us how to dance we show them the bible said that david was dancing before the lord with all of his might ah brother me uh if you put me in probably e-flat i can fly out of here ah the bible says that as uh as he is dancing before the lord my cow looks out there and sees her dignified husband she sees the man who she fell in love with he's out there dancing and showing all his body the bible says that he is entrenched in a living ephod in other words if you ever wear leaning brother a reverend ford you know about it you like linen it shows your shape lord i love when my wife wears linen i'm getting back y'all come on bring me back ah it shows everything that's moving along ah but when the wind she sees her husband who she believes is dignified who she believes is a dignified man remember that david uh is not crown king until he's 30 years old and the bible says from 15 to 30 he catches pure hell he's on the way back to the house and michael tells him look at you out there dancing oh you dancing in front of all them women how david said let me tell you one thing woman ah before your daddy chose me to be ruler before i was your husband i was a praiser and i stopped by royal and this is the last time i closed i shut the bible and my ipad is off i come by to let you know that sometimes you got to be an undignified praiser you got to know that god is going to work a miracle in your life you've got to know that my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory i ain't can i talk to somebody in here you've got to know that no weapon that's formed against you is gonna be able to prosper you've gotta know you've gotta know that my god shall i be greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i like that song of the old saints that said be not this me whatever be tired god will take care of you beneath his wings of love about god will dick and bradley i tell you god will take care of you i believe this dick and bradley do you have this testimony that down through the ears the lord has so been good to me is there anybody in the building tonight that will say god i thank you that i have an undignified please you weren't there when i had to put my children and rice and corn and corn and rice just so they could have something that you eat you weren't there mother simmons they weren't there when you raised your children by yourself and you had to tell god lord i thank you lord i praise you lord i appreciate you you are there when they nailed jesus to the cross and they thought they were doing something but they didn't realize when they nailed him to the cross and they raised him up the bible says that if i be lifted i'll draw oh men unto me do i have any witnesses in the building that understand i'm an undignified praiser i've been through too much i caught too much hell i've lost too many jobs i have sickness and sadness but the gospel he's able to do exceedingly abundantly he's able to do the thing that i cannot do not by might not by power but by his spirit [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you royal for hearing this little sunday school message and i'm here today to tell you you've been through too much i've been through too much to give him a dignified praise i don't want to wear a suit that i can't sweat out [Music] because i've been too much i've been through too much [Applause] and i want to let anybody in the building who thought they could you can't stop my praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] we do reverence god for god's word you can't stop my praise at the heart of my praise is a person there's a who i praise and the who i praise has meant so much to my life because of what he has done for me reverend price told us that david had this idea that god had been too good to me that i've got to praise him because of how good god has been to me and how many of you know god really has been good to you [Music] that when i think about how good he's been he knew i was the sinner and yet he provided for my salvation he knew i could not save myself and yet he came to save me he offers an invitation come unto me all ye that weary and are happy lady take my yoke and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light come to a person who died on a cross for you we don't praise in obscurity we praise him because he is worthy of our praise and maybe you're here today and maybe you're listening to this broadcast and there's a tug on the inside there's something that pulling you to this place god has come near in your life god wants you to come home god calls you now to himself ye who are weary come home ye who are broken come home ye who think you have it all together you can come just as you are he will save you you don't have to be getting right as a matter of fact none of us were getting it right we were all jacked up but one day i heard the voice of jesus say come unto me and rest lie down thy weary one lie down lie down thy head upon my breast and the response was i came to jesus just as i was weary worn and said i found in him a resting place and he has made me glad today is your day of salvation i invite you i invite you to come home as pastor would say if if you've heard his voice this day write in the comments section 9 19 2020 and somebody will contact you the price has already been prayed it's a gift to you now maybe you're here in this sanctuary and you've never trusted jesus we want to offer you the opportunity you may stand right where you are if you've never trusted jesus you can stand the deacons will bring you a card and you will be welcome into the family the family of god god bless you god bless you [Music] shall we [Music] oh oh [Music] now unto him who is able to keep you from falling in to present you fallen before the throne of grace to the only wise god the glory dominion and power henceforth now and forevermore let every heart respond by singing together [Music]
Channel: Royal Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 3,078
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iJE9k-4WTGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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