BCC Modern Service 09/12/2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so so all right welcome in if you can go ahead and stand up we're gonna sing some songs today [Music] you brought me out of darkness and you have filled me with peace [Music] see [Music] forever is [Music] near [Music] see [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] so [Music] he promises my confidence is [Music] my confidence is [Music] my confidence is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] faithful [Music] and now your promises amen and all your promises are yesterday [Music] [Music] nothing but jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] i know [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fowl i know nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious [Music] but the blood of jesus [Music] [Music] all right hello broadway how are we doing today all right good well my name is elizabeth and i'm so happy that you're all with us today and a special welcome to the people joining us online um if this is your first time with us today we would love to have you go ahead and text the number on the screen for a special welcome guest from us and we're gonna go ahead and continue singing some songs today if that's all good with you [Music] oh how high would i climb mountains if the mountains [Music] know how long have i chased rivers from lowly seas to where they rise against the rush of grace to send you [Music] inclined [Music] oh i will praise you on the mountain and i will praise you in the mountains in my way through the sun and where my feet so i will praise you in the valleys all the same no less god within the shadows no less faith [Music] is [Music] does your [Music] trace my steps [Music] [Music] oh i will praise you on the mountain and i will praise you in the mountains in my way you're the summit [Music] of the is is [Music] my sound is [Music] a mighty river flowing upwards from a deep but empty grave i will praise you on the mountain [Music] and i will praise you in the mountains in my way you're the summit where my feet are so i will praise you in the valleys all the same no less god within the shadows no less faith when the night leads me astray you're the heaven where my heart is in the highlands and the heartache all the same all right so this next song is called awakening and as we sing i just want us to think a little bit about the lyrics from the darkness comes a light awake my soul and sing now in john 8 12 jesus tells us i am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life so in the midst of our chaos confusion riddled world we have to remember that jesus is the way the truth and the life and the only one that we can turn to so i want us to remember that as we sing this out now church [Music] in our hearts lord in this nation awakening holy spirit we desire awakening for [Music] for the world you love your will be done let your will be done [Music] for you when you [Music] my soul [Music] let your will be done [Music] we turn to you jesus we give our hearts and our souls to you [Music] [Music] hear from the darkness [Music] like the rising sun [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] see [Music] thank you so much for singing with us you may now be seated good morning broadway christian church my name is frankie and we now come to our time of communion so if you're a baptized believer in jesus we invite you to come forward and take the albums we have some in the back as well and come to your seat and just reflect on exactly what jesus did on that cross when he died for you and me so that we might be able to spend eternity with him so you guys want to come forward and grab the albums take it back to your seat and reflect and then we'll take it together [Music] before jesus was to be crucified he he's with his disciples he took the bread and broken saying this is my body which has given me for you [Music] then you took the cup lifted it so this is my blood shed for the forgiveness of sins taking a drink [Music] we now come to our time of offering there's a couple different ways um that you guys can give the first ones online at bccmesa.com giving and the second one is through our mobile push pay app so would you join me uh praying over our offering dear god just want to thank you so much for this wonderful day that you bless us with the lord we are so grateful that you sent your one and only son to die on that cross for us so that we might be able to spend eternity with you because he defeated death lord we're so grateful for that lord we pray over these offerings we just pray that they might be able to be used to bring more people into this building and events that we have lord just so that they might know your name and come to worship you and know you as their lord and savior we love you so much here's his name i pray amen hey there everyone my name is doug and i'd like to tell you about what's coming up for you and your family at broadway so check this out our next mission trip to build a house in rocky point mexico is happening november 11th through the 14th come learn more at the information meeting today at noon in the south lobby classroom details and registration are available at bccmesa.com info the bcc women's ministry event my body god's temple is happening this saturday but the deadline to register is tomorrow september 13th don't miss out on comedy dinner and a deep dive into self-care culture and body image at this special evening just for you find all the details and sign up today at bccmesa.com info kick off this year's operation christmas child season with the team on saturday september 25th at 10 30 a.m in the family life center you'll hear from various speakers and learn just how impactful this global outreach ministry can be we hope to see you there if you have questions about any of our events or just want to learn more about us stop by the kiosk in the lobby or visit bccmesa.com info on your computer tablet or phone you can also connect with us on facebook and instagram at bccmesa have a great day and thanks for letting us be a part of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everybody my name is john clunt one of the pastors here at broadway christian church and today we're excited because we are starting a new series and the series is called at the movies we did one of these a couple years ago and we're bringing it back for another five weeks it's going to be just a great time and here's the reason we do this because we believe movies are really about telling great stories and here's the thing about stories the best storyteller of all time and jesus was so good at many things but he was really good at telling stories stories that where he took every day events and things of just everyday normal life and he would weave them into stories that people would easily understand and get and so movies good movies tell great stories and they interconnect a lot of times with biblical principles and biblical values that we can learn from today so we're going to take some movies uh throughout this series and we're going to have a lot of fun with it and we're also going to learn a lot from it as as we go through this series one of my favorite top 10 movies of all time is the movie sandlot and sandlot came out in 1993 and it's a movie about a group of boys who play the game of baseball in a field that they called the sandlot and the room the movie is really about a coming-of-age story of this group of boys and them really learning to include a boy who was not a part of their group into their group and the main character of the movie is a young boy named scotty smalls and scottie smalls was in fifth grade he had just moved to the area he was brand new the school year was ending and he didn't know anybody and nobody knew him and summer was beginning and so the chances of him really learning about anybody or knowing anybody and developing a friendship were looking pretty slim for him and as the movie just opens up we see scotty smalls have a conversation with his mom and his mom comes into his room and is encouraging him to to go out and make friends and she says to him hey i don't want you to sit in the room like you did last summer and the summer before and isolate yourself and just stay in here and play with your toys and i want you to go out and i want you to make friends and i want you to have a great summer and i want you to even get in trouble she says get in some trouble well she encouraged him to do that and so we see him go out and he makes an attempt his first attempt which didn't go really well to to join to be a part of that group that's playing baseball at the sandlot there was eight of them and baseball was played with nine diff nine different players and they were missing one one player so he he tries to be a part of the group and because he didn't know the game of baseball and he didn't really have any understanding of the skill set and just really wasn't knowledgeable in any way he ends up running away and it didn't it didn't go very well well what ends up happening next is really how we see it's just real simple for someone to to to make a friend and include somebody and scotty smalls is sitting on the front stoop of his house and he's looking at his plastic broken glove and he's just depressed and discouraged and all of a sudden along comes a character named benny rodriguez actually benny the jet rodriguez and benny walks up to smalls at as he's sitting down in front of his house and he says hey come on come play baseball with us and he's like i don't have a glove and he hands him his glove and they take off to go and play at the sand lot well of course as he gets there the other players aren't really sure about him being included in into the team and they see that he didn't have a lot of skills and didn't understand the game baseball and and they were like come on do we have to include him do we have to make him a part of our team and benny was just determined that smalls was going to be a part of the team and so he hits a ball to him and smalls doesn't catch it and then benny walks out to him and he talks to him and gives him just a little bit of instruction and then he hits the ball to him again and smalls catches it and he throws it correctly back into the team and everybody starts to go okay maybe maybe he can be a part of us maybe he can be a part of the team and from there the movie just shows them going from some experiences to experiences and then of course the movie sandlot has some iconic iconic phrases like you're killing me smalls and never and that it's just it's just an iconic movie but there's a a big problem that ensues at the end of the movie because of scottie smalls lack of understanding of the game of baseball and who babe ruth really was but as they were going through the movie they were developing their friendship and as the problem ensued that friendship really surrounded scotty and began to help him well there's a a story in the old testament of the bible in the book of exodus actually it's just a few short verses in exodus chapter 17. in exodus chapter 17 we see that the amalekites were attacking the israelites and moses says to joshua hey tomorrow we're going to go out and fight the amalekites and i'm going to go up on top of this hill and you're going to fight them and i'm going to oh i'm going to watch and i'm going to oversee the fight and so the fight ensues the next day and the israelites are fighting them and as they were fighting moses was lifting up his his hands and he kept his hands up in the in the air and as long as his hands stayed up the israelites would win and the moment he began to drop them down the israelites would be would begin to lose up wind down loose and so moses as he's up on the hill has two guys with him aaron and her and aaron and her noticed that moses was having a hard time keeping his hands up all day by the way all of us would too because it's one thing to keep him up for a couple minutes but an entire day because this battle was lasting a long time it would be difficult for any of us and so they came up with a quick plan they put some stones underneath him so he could sit down just a little bit and aaron on one side and her on the other kept moses's arms up the rest of the day and the israelites defeated the amalekites so from that movie and from just that quick versus in exodus chapter 17 of moses and aaron and her and the defeat of the amalekites and moses keeping his arms up just have a few short observations about this idea of friendship and and the need for friendship and and really how we kind of perceive friendship and maybe maybe what the stories tell us a little bit and here's the first observation we don't know that we need people until we need them oftentimes that's the case when something happens in our life and we can't take care of the problem ourself at that particular moment it becomes very clear to all of us hey i can't handle this and i need i need some help but if we don't have people in our lives it becomes obvious that it's a problem that might be too big for us to tackle another observation is simply this and the moment that we need of community of friends and that in that moment that we need that community of friends it's too late to develop a foundation it's too late to build a foundation which simply means this if you don't have people around you who can help you and be there for you and encourage you in the difficult times in life then then when that difficult time comes and you need to invite somebody into your problem it's too late and so the obvious thought here is develop it when you don't need it start now to invite people into your life and begin to develop significant friendships deep friendships and friendships where you know people are going to be there for you no matter what's happening in your life and you get to be there for them as well and another observation is simply this the best experiences in life are shared the best experience the best things in life are shared when we get to share them with other people in our life where we have something go on in our life where we get to years later we get to talk about it we get to reminisce about it we get to have people who walk through the difficult seasons with us in our life and that's certainly what happened in the movie sandlot and it's what happened in the story in exodus where moses needed somebody to to help him out because he wasn't going to be able to do it he needed two guys to come around him and and lift up his arms and i can imagine as time went on over the years they would be able to talk about those shared experiences and those young boys in the movie sandlot would talk about how that summer went and what happened and all the things that that ensued and and the fun of that as well maybe maybe we could say it best like this that the the best things in life it makes the it makes the the victories a whole lot sweeter and it makes the defeats a whole lot easier to swallow just some just some observations about friendship and i think we we all need friends we all need a community to come around us and the church should be doing this idea of community better than anybody else does community we should have the best friendships the deepest the most transparent friendships so here's a couple things i want to encourage you with today i want to first of all i want to encourage you to be a friend you see jenny the bet rodriguez was a friend to smalls when he needed a friend the most and he what he did was he invited him into something that he was already doing and that's what i want to encourage you with be a friend and invite somebody into something that you're already doing so you can share an experience together and secondly is this develop a community get get involved in the community here at broadway christian church get connected get connected into groups a bible study uh a life group get connected into service get connected begin to develop that foundation so that you have people who know you and that you get to know as well and then the last one is this the the church when it began in the book of acts they didn't they didn't describe church as something that you attended they they did church and church was about the people so don't just do a service do church with people have a connection have have people that you're doing life with and yes sunday morning is a part of that but we want you to do life with people during the week as well so be a friend shared invite somebody into a shared experience get connected which is so important and then thirdly as we talk about this idea of friendship don't just attend a service but do life do life with people as jesus was wrapping up his ministry simply he said to his disciples this incredible way of looking at how we are to do life with one another and he says in john 13 35 he says a new command i give you love one another as i have loved you and so so much a part of what we do together as a church needs to be about the one another that we care for one another that we pray for one another that we share life together with with one another let's pray we thank you that we can see the need for people in our life and boy do we need people we need friends we need a community and the church should be doing that better than anybody else and so i pray for anybody who needs to take that step today to invite somebody into a relationship with them and take a risk today and i also pray for those that are struggling in their life and they need someone to reach out to them father that that they can they can experience that rich and and deep relationship uh of fellowship that that the church should be having with one another i pray that nobody here at broadway christian church goes away lonely uh father and that they they can say yes i know somebody and somebody knows me and father i just uh i thank you that you've taught us what it means to be a friend and develop a community and that you want us to have that here on earth and so we pray it in jesus name amen that concludes our service today and i want to remind you if you're with us for the first time we're so glad that you're with us by the way and that you joined us today we want to remind you to text the word guest to 480-933-1482 and that gives us a chance to connect with you and get to know you and to begin a lifelong friendship with you and so please text that number and we have a gift that we would love to have you receive today also as we are finishing up our our time together i just want to let you know the series continues next week so come back next week and join us as we continue the series at the movies thank you see you next week you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 66
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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