Outstanding AoE2 2v2 - TyRanT vs AfterMath

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and like for a town center an h1 is the same hotkey as I had for h2 they used my custom hotkeys but I'm not I'm not really worried about tryharding too much apologetic squid thank you for your 15 months Celts for Jordan 23 in this to be 2 Vipers in the yellow thank God he went with yellow the Celts in Japanese oh wow too strong infantry SIVs viper in the japanese in the japanese and he'll up against em BL and the orange playing his Aztecs okay and then the blue we have me caught playing as Byzantines let me get warmed up with my casting guys are gonna mix up some words I still have that headache so this is not a Sid Matt tip you see often Japanese and Celts they're met is very similar so we might see the same thing from Jordan and Viper they're really good with man-at-arms its crossbows into a boom and then if they get the opportunity they'll transition to their unique unit and some seeds later on in the game now it's not that simple though because Arabia is an open map so we'll have to look at the maps first I'll look at the tyrant players in North first and then I guess we'll talk about what aftermath has a good map for Viper I think Gold's in a nice position he could wall in front of this will line behind to the left to the right that's all I can really ask for only downside is he does have his stones forward so if MBL wants to go forward he can do that a little bit more successfully Jordan pretty much the same story here three world lines to choose from and he actually has a stone in the back and a gold in the backside say it's pretty good for him and both players can wall across the front of their bases and yellow who's up against Viper oh man his Mount Everest on the front of his base but he does have a backward line and plenty back resources so it's just important that you never go on the back foot and it's so difficult to do against the Viper you have to keep what does MBL doing here with this woman is she on strike MBL guys I swear to you this is an expert game there we go there we go he's building a house tell idle time allowed jeez I'm getting sidetracked yeah they the hill is important but he can't wall here I guess maybe he built his barracks on the hill and archery range whatever he goes into me cough I'm pretty cramped base I have to say wood here would hear but he's gonna have to push forward where he has his main Gold's does have a gold back here in a stone so I mean long story short the maps aren't too bad for either player I feel like I didn't really keep a good order to that explanation Aztecs they're known for militia as well and span at arms so maybe that's what MBL will do we've seen a lot of Eagle warriors in the current meta so we can go to Eagles later don't think Eagles will fare well against Japanese Japanese can go long swords and Japanese can also go with Knights Meza saves don't have that luxury okay this gets me excited by chat t90 fish are gonna play some AOE games let's hope the games go smoothly good luck man good luck a Byzantines they normally go for rush or just like straight man in arms and trash builds and I think that's what we're gonna see from Nikko I think we're gonna see the trash builds and the reason you see this all the time with Byzantines is the camel skirmishers and spear line cost 25% less so you make all trash units to counter anything your opponent throws at you it's a pretty strong strategy and normally you all up from that as well defend try gets Castle H and then do a lot of damage then the trash doesn't kill the villagers that's a downside of it but as long as you're not receiving damage and you're killing your opponent's army you can get good map control and then in Castle age you can upgrade units and do more with it Jordan's already here I'm trying to see what the players are preparing there's the barracks for Jordan definitely feels like man in arms for Jordan and yes it's gonna be man-at-arms for him Piper not making anything just yet wonderful go straight archers look at this can we can we get some t90 walls in the chat holy cow is this Viper or is this Tim he might even consider going for fast castle they too to gold now this looks like 24 pop archers from Viper now straight archers is tough because you need to wait till you get to archery ranges then create about six to ten archers then you need the blacksmith get fletching though that means is it takes time to get to that which is why you need walls like this that he's gonna give MBL some map control MBL yeah he will be going with man-at-arms and that means he can bust down the walls now I'm Bo has been a bit greedy with his hold on a second did he lose his Scout he didn't lose the scout where is it yeah he's been greedy with his scouting kind of looked like he lost his Scout over here at the wood line he doesn't know what Viper is up to so seeing as he's at home sure he's gonna have a few more resources cuz he lured in some zebras but he's not gonna know what Vipers doing if he knew the walls were here already he would most likely be pushing this a bit more or at least planning on it sometimes if someone for walls like this you you'd go with towers forward I might have been a bit off of my prediction I guess vipers is gone up later to the next stage and not going with archers sorry about that whoops I like this play a little bit more he's also going for another greedy wallet why wall here when you can wall here I guess if you can do it why not there are Lions here both fire is going to be sending their units out don't run into the Lions on this side Jordans already in and yeah they're their archery range for me cough so kind of expected Jordan nope not gonna get in Jordan just needs to buy himself time here man arms need to be kept alive as well you don't want to go committing and running through the town center fire me cough can't fight these man-at-arms for quite a while because he's only gonna be fighting with skirmishers he's probably gonna have to start with a few archers he wants to kill these fast and he's gonna need to repair that he did not repair that villager off gold now though she's still alive now back to scouting look he ran into the Lions MBL ran into the Lions now Vipers coming forward with five Japanese man-at-arms MBL's trying to lawn this awkward hill it's not yet completed must be a pause but so far a very good start for tyrant Jordan he's delayed the economy from me cough man arms will give him time to add his own archers and skirmishers which he's already working on the Vipers gonna be pushing forward taking map control away from them yell MBL has a really exposed map as well so it's not gonna be something he wants and mvl didn't even research man-at-arms I don't know what happened with his eco but oh this is tough he's gonna try and make Eagles and as I said Eagles won't work well first Japanese his Japanese can make those men-at-arms and they're already here the NBL is gonna need an archery range and he hasn't even built that yet not looking great for him he ran to another lion here by the way there's the archery range for MBL and this is just buying Jordan and Viper time we copy even building a watchtower really weird play from aftermath me I know that tyrant is doing what they should do and they're playing well but this is really weird play niqab building a tower so early that's that's a waste villager down here MBL's still having to quikwall mass archers while viper does whatever he wants at home this is poor play from aftermath and it's giving you vibe for time to finish all these walls isn't there an AR and aftermath yeah it should say aftermath they're not aftermath yes age of chaos two experts here this is probably gonna be a matchup we'll see more of in the future and he kept trying to build his blacksmiths it to plug this gap i believe he didn't know there was a hold earlier and that's how the man arms got in village you're just gonna get away that's funny but Jordan has that nap control Viper has the map control and oh vipers maybe considering going to niqab not going to get in this rate wouldn't be surprised to see Viper hit the castle aged faster than MBL MBL has no clue what's waiting for him out here he's scouted with the militia to see that there's walls from Viper kneecap also doesn't really know what Jordans doing at home is shorten transitioning it's you fool Walt they don't know and the Byzantine player was forced into archers normally they have told trash at this stage so this is good for Jordan because if they're both making archers you actually want to give the advantage to Celts cuz Celts have that woodchopping bonus Jordan has mixed in his own scrubs to counter these arches as well looking very good for tyrant only bad thing there is that knee cup just picked off two units for free well played Nico love-potion welcome back man look it's been a while since I've seen you thank you for the prime so what do you mean see more of this matchup is there some version of tie reverse aftermath well big tornament big 3v3 tournament so we'll be seeing niqab leery and a heart I think through the top three for aftermath verse I don't know if Viper actually signed up yet but whoever viper is chosen viper tatto and whoever the third tyrant player is maybe it will be Jordan I think aftermath and 3b threes are better than tyrant I think they're more solid I think this is one of the first team game tournaments in a long time that tyrant is not necessarily favored to win sure they're near the top and the predictions but it's not a sure thing anymore you have sy strong Chinese players you have aftermath you have fires team which is a lot of the Brazilians so I'm looking forward to that toward men yeah love post no problem no problem man hope things been well welcome back so as always happens in these games as the walls go up the players go up to the castle agent MBL clicked first before viper my prediction was wrong there as well viper has a lot of archers a lot more he's created more numbers and he sacrificed his uptime viper could come in here and BL is probably gonna need to build a tower the second he sees these archers the problem is art just get a hill bonus versus Palisades so in two or three shots the Palisades could die Viper needs get in and he needs to do damage goes MBL hitting the castle each first is no bueno niqab running away from Jordan here MBL's trying to hit Jordans base shorten his full waltz and Jordan also using a scout here Viper lost his Scout they're just looking for this possibility hey here's Viper shooting that palisade wall what's MBL's response here he's on his way to castle he doesn't want to be pushed off gold the man-at-arms here from Viper there so trying to get in this is gonna force MV l into skirmishers and he doesn't have a lot of them only four that's not going to be enough here that is not going to be enough Viper can micro that down Viper can micro these villagers down and Piper's main and arms will likely get in here as well because there's nothing here too quick well now so two bills down for MBE oh sorry one Ville down for MDL MBL's lost his wood line he's lost his gold and look at all those idols 36 villagers 21 idol villagers he's trying to keep Viper away from the right-hand side where he has some wood but this is not a great situation for someone who's trying to do some damage in Castle age diaper now gonna run away as NBL comes back with his army oh let's see what MBL can do nice microphone him to start no losses for him yet like we're gonna take the hill but I think Viper needs to run from this cuz the squirms and archers from MBL so MBL now has time maybe to push the Vipers base but Vipers in on this side is well sniped another villager nice playing for Viper here he knows that MBL has a big advantage with tech so he needs to keep MVL at home we'll take some good trades he's done that but now he's losing this army and MBO can push forward and he's just now on his way to castle annie cough again being spotted by jordan scout that says second time jordan has kept as f found an attack with that scalp and now instead of going forward he's gonna go try and kill this to the fence well pretty close pretty close game it all depends on MBL I think niqab should be secure I don't think that would be a huge problem for him Byzantines should have a slight edge versus Celts at least in the defense aftermath is trying to catch up and get some traits viper has double palisade wall now see what MBL can do will you have the economy to get eco warrior upgrades only on Eagle Scouts right now hasn't actually upgraded any of them see one for the crossbow fruits instead fly per oh yes stables and this is something he doesn't want after map the seed he does not want after maps to know that he's going with Knights I don't think he could do anything about it though he's just gonna have to wall try keep these units out now here comes Jordan I want to see if aftermath spotted that this would be important no they didn't see the stables Jordans presence pulled them back they don't want to run in here and be trapped especially once the Viper hits cast leaves they're gonna know why people have upgrades it's a great teamwork from Jordan to be here if Jordan was attacking me cough he could just be knocking on the door and not doing a and viper could be taking hits a Viper you gonna go crossbow vodka narrow and I guess he wants to go to stable Knights then but here we go they see the stables there's the signal like hey meant their stables here might have Knights aftermath has to score leet MBL holding here with his skirmishers and crossbows Jordan patrols into this but he has to go away once again so in feudal H Tyron had full map control now aftermath was able to push back knee cough adding a second Town Center at Holmes streaming those cheap skirmishers forward to catch Jordan from behind and the Knights are here for Viper to kill skirmishers problem for him now is that there's quite a few crossbows involved in these armies so the Knights are not gonna be able to take nice engagements this that was a big loss for Nico that was definitely a big loss but now he needs to use these skirmishers to maximum effect first Jordan I think Jordan knows if he runs he dies so he's just gonna let the units fight here and it's gonna be down to Viper now Viper only has two knights here and the rest is crossbows and there's still elites skirmishers in the mix so either needs a lot more Knights or he needs to run away at Jordan I can't call it a fight because both people have a hill you see this little dimple that actually gives a hill advantage as well I think Viper and Jordan are gonna have to go away I kept I couldn't see the reinforcements coming in and I kept getting the judgements wrong it's so hard to judge even for players even when I play at the 1900 on googley sometimes I'm just like I don't know who's gonna win this just gonna cross my fingers hope for the best very good for aftermath very good for aftermath and while Jordan has a strong economy VIPRE is actually behind is he out of those stables 49 bills for him 55 for niqab 55 for MBL oh and Jordan trying to go to siege workshop and he lost the villager building it he's gonna need to force this up so he can get a Maggie no he's gonna lose Wow holy cow that woman was lucky to escape with her life but that was still three dead villagers see you guys talking about Harry Davis so Harry Davis is pop you were then I take you guys liked the video guys don't hate on Smarties play until you play Harry Davis yourself because I played him I'm significantly no offense Martha significantly better than smart at the end obviously Harry Davis but it still took me an hour and 10 minutes to kill him he just drags it on and on and on and on and on I think as a spectator casting that it's kind of hard to realize just how big a giant map is and a1b1 MBL's gonna sit on this hill now I don't think VIPRE knows he's there ah yeah he does but Jordan probably told me sending him a canal me cough has regrouped back at home but Olaf Castle aged Viper and Jordan have been chasing but this army will die to these nights now their spots do they will die you're not doing Legends of AoE you were doing trolls vaguely that's the point it's it's literally a troll title they are legends for all the wrong reasons ass mystic thank you for you or three months whoo whoo men MBL gonna try and kill these crossbows before these units die but that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen Viper gonna actually hop in the TC with the crossbows that's the power of the Knights right there but here's the power of the Byzantines kneecaps already on his way to the Imperial Age nice little compact base three town centers has 75 villagers and that attacks gonna pack a real punch now I love what MDL did he paid attention he knew this army was gonna die he tried to kill some bills but not gonna work out for him MBL sticking with crossbows and there's two monks there as well to defend from this and he is on three town centers - hey man great streams today just want to say thanks time for dinner sadly not salmon I have salmon today man I have salmon no problem Argo no problem I actually had berries - I'm basically an age of empires villager I had my shore fish and I had my my Forge Bush earlier so in this situation if you're Jordan you need to try and get to imp as well but you need to hold and to do that you're gonna need to build castles and probably maghen else me cops gonna start pushing forward soon but because he cooked up to Imperial age one out of his three town centers has been idled not creating villagers during that time so Jordan should have a slightly stronger economy just has to hold with less technologies available al Viper he's probably expecting MBL to be camping and trying to get to imp as well and he's gonna ideally take a good engagement here or get some good map control back MBL doesn't want this wood line to be arranged by crossbows so he's trying to house wall that off he's sitting on the hill with his own crossbows and a few months to get conversions let's see what Viper can do because he's definitely gonna be behind MBL's closer to the imperial age at least at first glance but Viper has mobility with the Knights every time you watch like from play do you always need to look at this speed and how much he harasses his opponents economy how much he attracts attention with random units and forces MBO or whoever it is to look away and run away sure MBL has a few more villagers but that doesn't really matter when you're losing this many now and all of these farms are being delayed the Viper goes okay MBO you want to take this hill I'm gonna take the one on the right-hand side and that's probably MBL's mistake for not long that off honestly it's almost inexcusable and I'm just gonna run right through so this is gonna be difficult for MDL to deal with meanwhile the push comes in from me cough this is gonna be quite a push another castle from Jordan defensively though he's probably gonna go right into on etre he has three maghen ELLs and two-seat workshops and that would count to this but again he needs to hold good thing for tyrant is vipers doing a lot of damage just like MBL clicking up to Castle age I didn't think he'd really have the unit's he did that time but same situation vipers trying to hit MBL before he hits the next stage and this time it really hurts MBL he's down to eight evils he's losing feels underneath the TC because he has no military here only good thing for MBL is that he has the castle securing that hill but still all this economies idols he is 45 idols right now guys 45 idols out of 78 builders that is not good now monitor is on the way immediately from Jordan and while that's strong knee cough as Byzantines could get block printing to get 12 range on a monk's which would out range the amateurs and he could get Redemption and start converting those auditors in fact I'd love to see that move it's gonna go bomb Birkins that's another great move as well to snipe them now there's redemption though there's redemption so he's thought of it as monks weren't just there by accident are you going to stream Age of Empires 1 when the remastered version comes out I probably be gonna be doing that in an hour so actually so you'll get to see it before it comes out so Jordan and Nika our amp this is hilarious niqab is trying to tempt Jordan to send the amateurs forward so he can convert them or so he can just shoot them with bombard canons the niqab is probably looking at this who might receive one shot at Molson yep there we go he runs away can you get a conversion I don't know if Jordan expects that but if he does gonna have to be careful maybe adding something else it's so hard verse Byzantines it is so difficult here we go monk got taken out though would your got taken out kind of a nice hold for Jordan installed all down Seviper now I think if Viper can do damage versus MBL then I'll even things out and BL he's kind of in that hold position where he doesn't want to receive any more damage only had 107 pop TC bout to die for Jordan and it did if block printing now completed guys so these auditors can be converted or just shot down here nice microphone Nico I'm so on edge during these engagements because you know how it goes with managers anything can happen but me cough seems to be pretty under control what do you do against this you can't go on udders because they can be shot down by bombard cannons and converted by monks you can't really send out I mean as Celts whould writers because the árboles will counter those I think your only option is to hold in a team game setting just wait for Vipers help em BL is going elite skirmisher huh well maybe MBL expects hand cannons from viper or something that's why he's going with lead skirmisher got a nice job from niqab he hasn't taken any losses here looks like he converted not injure and killed - he's gonna press this castle guys I will definitely answer questions after this game I'm trying my best you guys are giving me a lot to think about but I'm I don't want to miss things in this game oh one more shot yep that bombard kins got almost to bomb our cannons going down for nikah Jordan is holding but he's lost his gold three forward monasteries for niqab it's just gonna snowball here can't really tell what Viper is planning on doing right now siege workshops multiple castles both MBL and Viper have the front secured with castles maybe Viper didn't one MBL to get that relic it's the only thing I could think of or maybe he wanted to to get in the corner to stop the trade Jordan also trying to get there yeah we'll call these random units are here they're paying attention to random units amongst all this fighting it's incredible I think they want to stop the other team from trading so it's important to get access to corners MBL is holding here that way Viper can't send villagers to build markets Jordan's going to want to hold this corner as I say that it looks like niqab is trying to secure this corner with the castle or something Jordans getting C trim he also researched pure celtic ax which is the unique technology for celts which gives the siege more HP which is always helpful if you want to push in but another forward castle for nikah this is looking almost unstoppable now and now MBL he's gone forward with the trebuchet so the choice was scurb skirmishers and jaguar warriors for MBL monitors and skirmishers for viper at least how this is going for aftermath it looks pretty good but it all depends on if Jordan can push this back because if Jordan to push his back I think Viper has the advantage on this side MBL just needs to hold his position force Piper not take any damage knee cough sending out a few cataphracts this way let's look at Jordan's point of view he has resources Bank tub Jenny do something with it a lot of elite skirmishers on the right hand side the seizure is coming as well this is what he needs to push this back he won honors her shot can change the fight but I think with seat rims with this much HP they should be able to push this the skirmishers they obviously kill are blessed as do the auditors so there's two ingredients now that Jordan can use to push this bombard cans probably gonna die if they don't run away but they are needed for the ramps and cataphracts would be perfect here but I don't know if me cough can't afford cataphracts now at the same time Viper pushing forward on this side he's about the trap this capsule down for Shore he's killed three trebuchet from MBL now kageura pushed this he has one trebuchet behind it's at byzantines castle 6700 HP me cough he needs to be careful with the bombard cannons pay attention to where he's placing these things the skirmishers are getting chewed up we caught building another castle sending out cataphracts to kill the rams will help with the skirmishers and niqab is researching alleycat effect man this is a good game because Vipers gonna kill MBL at this rate MBL's only on skirmish or viper gonna add in samurai gonna take out another castle here big honor shot incoming as well MBL's forced to run away me cough loses the castle now tell me he actually finished elite cat effect yes he did finish that but does he have two resources for it this castle is gonna go up but will it stay up need a lot of cat effects for it to be effective Annie cough what are you doing he's forgotten about his bombard cannons seed Ram gonna chase these down luckily he didn't lose any just yet but there we go well done from Jordan and Viper they've already started trade as well it's not the ideal path because they don't have corners but they can get that corner soon because MBL is just getting crushed by viper on the right and now at this stage I don't know if Nikko is doing much here he's just trying to survive so both aftermath players are trying to survive niqab is definitely losing a lot he's losing the bombard cannons he invested in monks that he has lost that means knee cough is not in a position to help MBL elite samurai completed for Viper the Vipers gonna work on getting those upgrades and he has Japanese rep so every Castle MBL HASC will just die now tyrants so good at that they're so good at that so good at just waiting and stalling Jordan must have spent a thousand two thousand stone repairing that Castle multiple times he didn't have his goal didn't matter he just held and held and held and held waited for the right opportunity and pretty much at the same time Viper and Jordan did that that Castle obviously dead MBL needs something else he needs something else he can't go Jaguar warriors he doesn't have any castles left but he does have one castle somewhere but point is he needs something to counter the samurai that viper can create now and skirmishers not the answer there now the good thing for aftermath is they currently have a corner for their trade but they're just now adding the trade parts in so it's not really paying off for them yet MBO gonna snag that Gold's the Jordan did fall back again and now units from knee cough coming over to help I think anyway looks like he patrolled so does Viper now have the resources for lead samurai he definitely has the resources I'm just curious why he stops producing they're trying to get the corners I guess for the trade you can see Vipers pushing a lot of military this way but it is a little bit interesting how he just stopped production unless he wants to shift directions because you know his MBL is just waiting for him and that I think that's what's gonna happen he's gonna go right for Nico see dreams pushing forwards with cataphracts here to kill them but not enough cataracts to do that this council being repaired for the tenth time Jordan's gonna keep this up because once the sea gems come into Ballmer cans have to run and the trebuchet will probably die because get packed up ya trebs gonna die Jordan once again being stubborn once again being able to hold on the Viper can do two things now he can push towards MBL from the weak side MBL has 40 idols doesn't have a lot of economy you can see all the idol farms from all the focus where Viper can go right into niqab space this could be the game changer right here because kind of holding its back-and-forth births Jordan but once Viper shows up you won't have an answer to this and this is Annie Copps point of view they're just now seeing Viper come in Viper can go into the trade they can go right for the markets how often do you see trebuchet is just waltzing right into someone's base yeah Viper does have a lead samurai and look at all the trade from niqab man this is really gonna hurt this is really gonna hurt elite samurai they're not that bad verse cataphracts because they attack so fast and because they're much more cost efficient than cataphracts get all the upgrades this is so weird Viper just has random trebuchet here Jordan now he's gonna start pushing forward again because niqab is gonna be distracted and he's not gonna have the population to the bush on the front this is so much wasted gold going down Viper might lose all his traps what's he going for mining camps yeah yeah make sure you take out those mining camps guys next level strategies MBL coming over with monks and skirmishers to help us gives viper an opportunity to push forward a little bit I will say that tyrants still don't have corners for their trade which is a big deal and oh right delete these lvl just converted three trebuchet that's freakin awesome wait is it for he converted for trebuchet that's awesome great job from MDL this is crazy game this has been back and forth back and forth MDL should clean this up it's 200 population for joardyn 180 for knee cough 180 population for Viper 194 m VL it's just down to MDL not having strong options he only has skirmishers that's his problem at least he has trebuchet is now so he is that going for him trade numbers much higher for tyrant Vipers 23 trade karts 8 for Jordan it is 15 for knee cough it is 8 for MDL I think they're signalling here because they know that needs a wall so their trade doesn't get raided once again and be out at the same time he's seeing Viper wall off this corner vipers probably gonna build that market now and like we saw before exposed economy for MBL you need to address this fast I want to see MBL's resources the 200 population trades cleaned up but he does not have a lot of gold but Jordan I've said this before but he's getting pushed back once again Anika has still had access to his gold this is giving me cough time to add more trade parties at 17 now MBL's at 10 we have monks coming forward for MBL after math is the one team that can outsmart tyrant that's at some stages and I think the monk addition and the trepidation will be really nice the monks commit conversions on enemy siege can MBL hold though wow that's a lot of our blessed from viper viper should have more resources than anybody look at that food he's researching cavalier with all the extra goal he has MBL needs to hold now he needs to hold he needs to hold for a long time that's that's a lot do you know if Trev still unpack pack they attack fast if converted I'll Genoa are you asking if the converted trebuchet z' have the Japanese have the Japanese bonus is that what you're asking not sure exactly what you mean I think finally Jordan will lose his castle finally he will lose the castle MBL he doesn't have the answer to samurai he has the answer to our blessed skirmishers with Ottinger he does not have the answer to samurai so that's what he needs to deal with right now needs to maybe mix in his own R bless he's losing a lot of his eco he's only at 70 for villagers and the villagers he does have while they've been idle a lot of this game but he's still holding to this hill and if they could push tyrant in maybe Jordans having a similar struggle on this side isn't he Jordan just gone it's heavy scorpion doesn't have the numbers of heavy scorpions to be successful he's gonna lose his production buildings on the right man this is a good game who's gonna die faster MBL or jordan 23 a viper sending over help now see the samurai coming so maybe relieve the pressure on MBL huge stone walls from viper to secure their trades the trade seems safer for aftermath [Music] can't wait till we see it 3v3 with these clans cannot wait this would be awesome and MPL is his shoe in the chat he has so many skirts issue would be proud these are Aztecs skirmishers doing a decent job for samurai that's the crazy thing next level of shots from MBO again that's something we haven't seen a lot of is the Aztecs skirmishers and team games and VL maybe gonna mix him champions now that he has the gold with the trade because he's researching the men-at-arms upgrade we'll probably go through the whole tech tree 3 3 tournament is 2nd week of March ribbity if there's one player that can hold and be a stubborn mule it is MBL if there's one player who would go for the trade right now with skirmishers it would be MBR I think he's gonna try and cut through the trees and do that now Viper expects this and has his own amateurs so we might see a huge shot at the same time Vipers been trying to get through at niqab as long that all how on earth they can focus on all the fights their economy and the trade rates at the same time and notice it every single moment they need to I don't know I don't know how it's possible but it's happening and this game could not be closer again Jordan amis is trying he's holding on he has the scorpions he has those Rams here's the micro from MBO forget about vipers micro look at MBL's micro micro and with skirmishers we were trying to run away from the otters he's killing trade carts where he can there's always God's being ends though and there it is the skirmishers gonna die and all conversion from mb on needed here because Jordans pushing in I think Jordan can push in but now cataphracts coming forward from me cough so won't just be are blessed exposed the Viper has a few samurai and they're killing MBL's monks Ram on RAM action it is Celts each Ram the overs Byzantine Ram kind of 5050 in the end I think and it just comes back to if they can produce the Jordan again losing expensive Rams I just got to keep pointing out that aftermath has a safer trade this is a vulnerable corner for Viper and Jordan to use this corner and not so vulnerable for MBL niko and it is been walled off so it's going to be difficult for tyrant especially if Jordan doesn't have an eco Jordan's probably gonna need to have resources sent for Viper Jordan's only 150 population it is 240 cops 194 MBL and a BL is not being pushed at all so he's gonna amass another force to go for that trade so that means that Viper just cannot afford to help out Jordan and Jordan is already behind here I think scorpions and halberdiers is that the one thing you can do versus cataphracts but Byzantines have more options Byzantines can add in their own seat ramps and man I'm looking for a Jordan economy it I see some but it doesn't look pretty samurai spam for Viper on the right - all in the Audigier this is what he needs this is what Viper needs as to what tire it needs Samurai clumped around the skirmishers then on ature going in from behind there's gonna be a lot of debt skirmishes here I don't care how strong they are and oh man that's the samurais fam we have not seen before this game finally viper puts his foot on the gas finally viper starts to spam of them instead of the small armies now MBL tried to go into champion earlier i don't see any of them out cataphracts coming over immediately from niqab to help out me cough still can't push up that hill on this side Jordan still at 130 population so VIPRE definitely needs to do damage me Cobbs in a position to help because the guy on his side that he's attacking is kind of dead or struggling so I think VIPRE even though this is a nice Bush he'll probably get cleaned up by these cataracts and be y'all gonna get conversions use the skirmishers and yep samurai gonna get chewed up the only thing vipre has going for him is that samurai create really fast and he has a lot of resources in the bank this is maybe buying Jordan time to get that death ball going yeah me cough is actually going into Andhra now because he doesn't like the fact that these scorpions can clump up like this and look how strong they are so guys we have seen samurai we've seen cataracts we've seen heavy scorpions we have seen that the new technology with Aztecs skirmish were used we are seeing everything that you guys probably wanted to see this game except maybe see geometry and now MBL's going for it any it I think he's gonna build siege workshops on this side I always he should jordan gonna kill trebuchet s-- gonna kill mag Annelle it's gonna kill some marvelous gonna kill cataphracts he's slowly inching his way back up in population up to 150 vipers trying to slide through to the trade once again running into cataphracts here Vipers grading everything are blessed cavalier weed samurai these are elite samurai and they kill buildings really fast so these samurai are gonna get into the trade as MBL and knee cough know this they probably will in a second they're gonna need to pay attention I think niqab needs to back up masters units before he fights again and man VIPRE just won't stop pushing in the middle this is nonstop action case this is non-stop action one hour 13 minutes and I thought the game was over a while ago I thought the game was over when Jordan was gonna be pushed but you know after that I thought MBL is gonna die - Viper he didn't die they just will not die ok MBL thinking about cutting through he has a siege workshop here yeah he's gonna try and cut through to the trade you solve a signal from Viper and or Jordan that's why Jordan is sending us each workshop down here but that'll take some time and bl building monastery so maybe he can get some conversions can't add the sea challengers as well these samurai they didn't really kill any trade part sneaked off on the ball going to chase them down with cataphracts viper needs to pay attention here because the sea challengers I guess they just killed em bo-zone units but still they're there it's possible credits a kneecap meant he has been helping MPL out so much with these raids look at him again he's so good he is so freaking good oh here come the scuba shoes but thankfully his auditors so important to see this MBL's gonna have to run away what an incredible team game we've had multiple trade raid attempts every single time it seems to be cleaned up MBL finally going into two-handed swordsmen you can see they're all paying attention here with the micro trade carts are actually dying and all em deal converted the auditors here I heard the monk oohs I didn't even think about that Viper's tried to build guard towers in the trade to protect it but the auditors were just converted that is a sick play from mvl I know that we've seen the conversions already but I just didn't think about that possibility obviously he was expecting it now he can keep killing these trade carts now on this side again Jordan is holding but that's a lot of alley Katta facts from Nika and with that many this and this is the really the crucial number he can kill everything in sight Piper gets this guard tower up let's look at the trade numbers 49 trade cards for him 47 trade cards for Jordans 57 for Nika 44 Embree also still high numbers Piper's gonna get a lot of towers up here as well Wow when will it end how will events I think if it ends it's got to be due to a trade raid but they just can't get in maybe MBO should send a trebuchet over here kill these trade carts everyone in the game except Jordan has the technology stay with one MBL has the upgrades on the monks ESC Gianna derp but Jordan does not have siege on the dirt and that was great microphone e copy see how he wets his units in there right in between the scorpions that way he can surround them keep close to them because they'd minimum range maybe this is how it ends maybe this is how it ends because niqab will not stop these cataphracts MBL still being a pain in the ass on the trade and Jordan always in trouble he's in big big trouble he has resources only to make siege and it's really all he can do vs and if he doesn't have the numbers and knee cough can run all over him villagers will die trade can die this side isn't walled off because they didn't think they'd lose there and in go the cataphracts all this is bad for Jordan and Viper this could be the end of the game this could be it right here finally niqab able to get further than this hill [Music] the sea trams are coming so all the production buildings gonna go down for Jordan he lost the monastery as well at the relic cataphracts finding the trade carts now now still you have to kill a significant number of trade carts for it really to be over and it's hard to do it when you don't have a range student but what can you really do when a Byzantine player has 70 military and that's mainly cataracts that's at least 50 cataracts now vipers gonna have to help their MBL he's not given up on this side I think he just needs trebuchet 'he's just kill the markets I'll stop the trade for a while and then you can take out the towers as well now knee cough is paying attention to the trade guys I know we don't see me cup and 1p once it's a shame but he is the big reason why I think aftermath is favored over tyrants in the 3v3 tornament niqab weary heart the MBL is technically the bench player for aftermath and they're playing with Leiper and jordan 23 right now and this has been an incredible victory I don't even think a sieve win could be argued if this does end the game because MBL was on the back foot and Viper definitely has the options as Japanese but look at the trade numbers now Viper and Jordan dropping below 40 when it's 43 for MBL and it's 57 for Nico and really what this comes down to also is the map control it's all been lost Jordans at 105 villagers he is sorry 105 population 42 villagers losing the Scorpions will lose production buildings this has got to be the end of the game I don't see any way back with Jordans population now and there we go they're calling the game wow that was an amazing game look at knee cough score holy cow man holy cow Jordan he held on for a long time you know you repaired that castle he pushed God push back time and time again MBL also had to hold Hey aftermath is so stubborn they do not die they just will not die they're like cockroaches man can't kill him and the I thought he was dead he had only skirmishers and maybe an auditor too and a monk or two verse full samurai and cavalier from Viper Viper at one point had six trebuchet you know when I saw Viper run in here with the trebuchet Zen he got them converted I was thinking ah that's not gonna be a big deal because tyrants gonna win anyway that's just a funny moment but no hope Piper he wasted the trebuchet Xand probably should have used them in a different way I just watched these games I get real excited as a caster this is why the game will never get old to me just a noun of multitasking it takes you know we're watching individual units I remember the one at one point there was one word Raider here next to the house wall what was that a skirmisher or maybe a samurai or something from viper units that were pretty much useless to all the fights but they were actually here trying to stop the wall off so then you got a figure on the random monks and random units and random seed units on random sides and every single time I looked - aside there addressing it like man it's hard to follow sometimes and they're actually controlling the units and they don't they can't see everything we can competitive Age of Empires 2 is something else all right so the KD no surprise Jordan was losing you insult game it was really down to Jordan to hold for his team and Viper to push Viper failed his push at Jordan couldn't hold any longer crazy kill death ratio for Nika Eco stats well knee cough and Viper had more trait it's actually crazy how similar the trade numbers are but it would have been a better situation for knee cough and for MBL as the game went on the other thing I want to look back on for a second is the fuel age knee cough was behind in fuel age and so was MBL so it wasn't just early in MBL took two huge hits from viper that game in different ages and they still won the game there's technology stats for you this is not really important in games that go on that long and we'll see relic old that was kind of split between everybody here and then the timeline that's one of the best TB twos i've seen in quite a while I don't even think manga dye would or plumed archers would counter maybe manga die if you have 60 of them who counts early cataphracts but I think in Poston Mayans diehard diehard Byzantines because all you need to do is add in seed Rams then verse the plumed archers tiger I guess at the end of the day it's just very difficult to deal with the unit in general and you don't want a lot Byzantines to get to that point and be a welcomed man that was one heck of a game dude that was awesome I'm still like oh I'm still in all of that game yeah Tiger it's not just about the straight-up fight though
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 39,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: X9oWJ00iH94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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