ECL Africa 3v3 - Secret vs Frantic [Grand Final]

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hey first map is not rift island it's actually forced nothing so I'm really excited to see these two teams face off on this legendary map I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun why don't you guys believe me nobody believes me I thought chat would be more gullible I'm just kidding it will be rift island uh Turk man are you there testing one two three testing one two three I believe I'm here alright sounds good to me chat if you could just give me a yes or no or a good or a bad with the audio quality I think we're good with the levels Turk so I'm excited to get this started haha that's what I call like no technical difficulties here man just nailing it off the bat yeah dude that much better than started the stream I have to say but that's all that's all in the past now that's all in the past and we are gonna 14 here and just get started in what will be a best of five between secret and frantic ah I was watching the last game and I cannot believe what I'm seeing to see these two teams in the final this like everyone in this tournament has been an amazing player thus far but this little look and I say here they want it so bad from both teams so we're gonna say some amazing plays yeah I'm really curious to see how frantic will face off against secret a secret currently and near the top of the table frantic right behind them I believe I think of the overall standing standings in this event we have s why number one at the moment then we have secret number two and frantic number three so these are two of the very best teams not only in the world based off playing and skill but based off their rankings and we start off with rift island this is a crazy map I'm going to introduce the secret team and then I will pass it along to barbecue Turkmen for the frantic team Vikings for VIPRE surprise surprise Vikings is picked by Viper seems to be sticking with the Vikings which makes sense since he's from Norway we have tattos the Spanish pocket in the red and then we have doubt who is the Portuguese flank for secret all right you're gonna have to give me one sec it cuz we were doing so well man oh okay it's fine it's fine I'll continue you just just hop in whenever it feels natural man we'll just keep going here over to vivvy use in the blue this guy's named vivvy he is phat dragon he's really d al he's so big d al he's five centimeters you guys can guess what d al means in Chinese Vivi's he's a creative guy he's a creative guy he's an aggressive player he's one of my favorite players in the game and he's playing as Mongols miles and miles away from him is CL SEL is playing as the Spanish and then we have Portuguese for Tim so not a mirror matchup we do it we have Mongols and Vikings as difference-makers here and Portuguese pretty much a staple on a map where you want good communication where you're using water play and that's exactly what we'll have here so for those are the men are you good we're good man we are absolutely injured what can I say the classic T Nani I absolutely love it if Island overall is a map as well this was actually one I believe by one of the escape map making tournaments I kind of had yes yeah it's a cool map there's that water element on the sides where you can fish but also your water can come on this quicksand so this terrain right here does extend to the center so Navy can go in there if they would like to disrupt the zebras or to disrupt the villagers that will be collecting the zebras because that's why Mongols is a good pick you can collect all that food really fast and notably vivvy is really far away from the center so I don't know if he'll be able to take good advantage of that yeah and I think a couple of the other games we have seen has really been a debate where the players decide to push out to that center to try and get that bonus from there while also risking the extra damage that comes along with it obviously being so far away from the town center I'm gonna have issues there but you know it could be worth it depending on exactly what the team is doing and it is 43 scenarios like we're having here you know there's a lot of options for strategy around that yeah so frantic destroyed sy on this map and they had an excellent strategy and their strategy was to go for heavy pressure on the flanks so vivvy went heavy pressure last time and then we had Tim going heavy pressure last time and then the pocket just boomed so we could have the same thing here from CL see how is docked in a safe position doesn't look like he'll be going aggressive saying that though tatto has done that for the other team so paying it we'll have to pay attention to the feudal age times because if the fuel age comes in quickly for the flanks and that will probably fall in line with what we saw before from frantic look it makes perfect sense and it's a strong strategy overall we kind of saw it like how much difference we got from the one person Slean literally in the last game with the series we're kind of watching that so that kind of shows exactly what kind of strength you can have out of it and having players where you need to and a little extra extra resource really just goes a long way for a single fly up I just wonder what Viper will be doing here the Viper has docked somewhat forward and Viper is Viking so he cannot make fire galleys so he needs to click up the fetal pretty quickly I'd say to keep up with his flank and will he try and advance here no not yet we'll keep an eye on that vivy the fat dragon is the first one to advance surprise surprise and he'll be going most likely for water aggression and then potentially land aggression after that water will be the priority as the docks are so close well like it absolutely lack it we should be in for an aggressive game from the get-go we have got wolves from tatto already coming up was actually sickening signaling to the rest of team where the wolves were going as well and the way that coming up I'm not sure exactly what his plan is it's a big open area to defend obviously nice and hands to the team that's a huge area to defend if pressure is of course put into the center there with tato yeah well I think that is a big sign that tato will not go for any futile Aitch play and likewise on the other side the other Spanish player Ciel he's also adding extra fish actually I say extra fish and he's a few fish and chips behind but point is he has not clicked up to the next age just yet and turkmen what's interesting here is with the starting positions the Chinese players get more of the map looks like they get 55% or maybe 60% of the map but that might not be a good thing for them because they're further apart from each other and in a team game you'd like to have some form of support from your allies absolutely and I would say that kind of vias secret has recognized this fact as well they're going for a team will straight off the bat yep yeah and that is kind of Normand team games but also the norm for secret who again while they are very dominant they're not dominant because of very early aggression they tend to play much safer more experienced and the walls are almost completed they better complete the walls at doubt side because vivvy he's going for Scouts and I'm surprised at this actually I expected Scouts at some point but I thought that fire galleries would be the early priority and since vivvy has not prioritized that early I don't think he'll beat doubt on this side because doubt is on gold and he'll be going for water interesting play there yeah it's a really interesting choice I think going the fire galleys kind of would have been a good option there go in obviously if you're up that early you can kind of deal with the fishing ships quite quickly whereas now I guess you can try and block that wall effort of course of Spears already there a couple of Spears from videos without going to be included to mix that one up try and keep that spirit way but here comes the villager pool and there goes the rest of the wall well it was a bit deceiving because the spear was the starting spear you start with this spear instead of a scout so doubt needs to create another barracks to have Spears for the additional Scouts and he gates this up and now he won't really need them because vivvy can't get in that's it they had tattoo over there with the spear as well so again good teamwork from secret as always trying to get that defensive play not relying on a single player but relying on that teamwork all together yeah and on the other side now Vipers doing a good job here against the early fire pressure from Tim Tim said that he would grass Viper sister years ago that was where the whole grass thing started so I I guess Tim was probably looking looking for an insult at the time and and Google didn't help him out all that much but demo from-from Viper he's a few galleys and Viper grasses Tim excellent and it looks like we're seeing a couple of kills against out over here so dad did lose the villagers who are just looking at our forensics and Age of Empires at the moment but between both I would say it's still pretty even overall and as it is even with villes it is not even with fishing ships a viper closes in he'll chase those fishing ships away I think this is an extremely good sign an extremely good sign for the secret players that Vipers doing dominant on water he's doing well on water well I needs to be careful we know it's Viper right so his micro should be decent and now that fletchings on the way I think that Tim is going to have some real troubles well man the galley choice straight-up is really good out like it'd be I'm moving to support no with the demolition rafts and we're like you said Vipers got the micro that makes this work so fantastically so if he keeps this up should be in a good position and last it looks like you might get caught a little bit out of position here with a couple of these flag alleys yeah fire cow is still pretty Shaun I guess the calories don't have the numbers that I per would like yet he's been trying to micro back the weak ones and yet he loses one there and he could lose more actually Tim being more stubborn than I expected speaking of stubborn play Vivi's been using these Spears to annoy tato at a toe is now stonewalling up and Vivi's having none of it vivvy he's going to tower this vivvy once through interesting man is committed to breaking through this team will run out all those cannot sitting that try and do the damage they can putting down the tower just like you said to deny any kind of walling behind it overall as well so man is committing to this play overall and I'm just wondering if it's gonna be too much of a commitment here we've got both tatter and Ciel kind of looking towards going up now as well in fact I already clicked halfway up yeah oh and Ciel this is also play against as well Ciel is fully fish boomed he'll go for conquistadors in the next stage notice the difference here if you were to to have if this was a hidden cup 3 B 3 and you didn't know the players identities you would assume that the players who were fully wold was the frantic team but instead we have the secret players fully stone long really early and that has given time for more aggression from frantic which is working Viper he hasn't been as dominant as I expected him to be on water and tim has looped around and Tim could possibly hit tattoes fish which tatts is prepared for that's a big investment into walls from tatto that in the village of time behind it to make it as well he's got that one demo kind of hanging out with his fishing ships at the moment there as well single fire galley is up against three all pre-market points and we're really gonna be having any kind of major success there needs to make everything connect pretty well full also good oh there we go got a demo I get there against vivvy as well but man this this could be bad those five ships could be going down against these guys and then of course fishing ships gonna get absolutely slaughtered if Tim can kill the fish here it's quite a big deal because the pockets are the strongest players in this map by far though both have conquistadors there's one fishing ship down and conquistadors are very costly very costly when it comes a so drop from say el what a forward castle that's amazing man that's amazing excited brilliant they know that the secret players are trying to fool wall so CL runs all the way across the map builds the castle forward and viper I mean I'm there's children watching so I'm gonna watch my language but he's screwed man he is screwed he did not expect this castle that's three villages with a single conquistador moral conquistador was flowing out from that castle as well yes scouts moving in as well from busy men this is the dream they managed to bust through the wall they got Indians a single tower there for a single tower yeah it's not not great for Viper he can't add too many T C's behind this he has no defense on land two conquistadors beyond a monk or two which he could work on once he gets to the castle age but look at look at the conchs moving and vipers forced to fight with villagers underneath the tower he's gonna lose so much this could be Game one right this is such an issue in general that Scouts will be able to back this up on top of this as well man there you go falls away from gold second tower coming up just hitting Castle age well let's not forget let's not forget that doubt has one water on the other side and if he gets these fires in two Ciel's fishing eco this game could turn around tatto has his own castle Tatsu ascends conquistadors to help Viper so Vipers on the back foot however there is an opportunity now for the the secret team to come back as long as doubt does his part on water well that's the end of the day this is a 3d three scenario not a 1v1 players have that team to fall back against Tim pushing out against a couple more well more of tattos doc i would guess at this point but viper they're trying to defend as best as possible yeah it does not have a huge mass of galleys but it looks like it might just be enough ed vivvy vivvy 8 i don't know a vivvy contributed all that much to where frantic is at you know I'm still thinking back why didn't he go aggressive on water because his Scouts got in but they just found another layer of walls so that's the big difference now Vivi's score is actually behind vipers viper trying to keep these scouts out and he will do with some nice little gates but vivvy needs to get into the game now and I wonder what his play will be I guess now town centers and a few siege workshops for him kind of boom up behind it and kind of reclaim a little bit about yeah my guess is probably his best option here while battering rams this is how you know CL who has been the MVP for frantic recently this is all you know he's confident he goes immediately for rams instead of Mac and Elle's as they say battering rams are for ending things Manganiello for cushioning so here we go we'll see if he can do some damage to this tower scouts in it vivy killed that monk that's such a big deal because all vipers relying on is a few towers and some conversion this tower will die and all can see Elka conversions on tap to make it three conversions it'll kill the bank wow what an incredible way that's crazy man vivy killed the monk Ciel gets three conversions and the early Gigi were not the early Gigi at this point it's expected from secret the Vipers at 32 population and he calls it what a sick play from frantic that's man that came out of nowhere as well I didn't even see the villagers move out across the map to be able to pull something like that off very nice they were looking so safe behind their team wolves and obviously the forecastle drop that's the easiest way to bust in and it happened so quickly there's not really much they could do about it yeah I think that I don't know what to think I don't know what to think I will say Viper was not very successful on water I completely misjudged that he was not successful on water so there was that if he was more successful on water then this could have played out differently because Tim had the free fish boom siela had the free fish boom right but man that castle I mean it's such a simple thing now after the castle has been placed there and the game has been finished off we say okay well yeah that makes sense but the boldness of that castle it it's not something you see a lot at the expert level in fact tatto he was planning on building his and his base as most players would do regardless of what happened with the walls or what happened with Viper that was just a smart strategy choice and great execution Raphael yeah I was sick and that's it again it's a team game and that's what we've kind of really been talking about here and the fact that that kind of happened overall in the way that played out it was a hundred percent a team effort overall you had Tim kind of publishing in across the water obviously kind of creating that opening then that gave sail time to kind of move out across the entire map undisturbed because we knew what everyone was doing now focusing on that water zone over there even then Vivi didn't seem to be doing too much but I guess he gave the map control to be able to do that Castle Bush I don't know that's kind of the way I'm looking at yeah exactly I mean makes sense now for us to think okay they had math control you can build it forward but if there were stone walls in Viper's base and he never got through then he would have had no defense at home with a castle which does happen sometimes when there's other conquistadors running around there's a lot of factors with that decision and obviously it looks brilliant now what we will do now is we'll go into game - a game - will be desert we apparently the players had an issue with a drop so we need to do this in a separate game room so turkmen I assume you spoke to Robo on how to get this sorted I need to get the game in the right folder and then we should be able to get this started for the viewers here in a few absolutely I'm just going through making sure all my settings are correct now and then I'll be able to launch up and in a pretty good way hopefully we'll see how it goes and see if I don't drop again at the start cuz you know that's the goal here if we don't drop at the start I'm feeling ok was was that was that Ozzy Internet is that what it was or was it PC yeah that was a boo-boo crash believe it or not and what was the intent behind that one you would have lost me for much longer if that was the case it happened so when you put this recorded file in make sure it's the wool low kingdoms patch five point seven point four because if you put it in the normal world looking tombs it will not be there I've absolutely done that one point five alpha as well yep number aue siz what is up with the fonts the fonts are different that is kind of out of my control at this point all of these features were I downloaded them to my PC and I spent a solid hour trying to get them to work both the other day and today and then when I got the features to work and the fonts and all that then my microphone wasn't working it was a real headache so thank you for your patience not something I want to focus on now that everything's working you all right look you uh can we disconnect from this voice chat room and how what if I call you on discord your voice i I don't think it's bad but you know how it is twitch chat is always right so there's a oh here's a little lutely there's just a little like robot eNOS to it occasionally so we'll try just calling you and discord see if the connections a little bit better all right go for it absolutely let's leave this one and kind of get our own separate thing going cool all right one second we'll get this squared away as well hello hello can you I can't hear you if you can hear me turkmen I can hear you now I'm there but I think we're okay now I think it's still good I don't hear difference but we switched it up a little bit maybe we have a bunch of guys majoring in like audio out there who knows so are you good we go to read sir oh yeah it's true you said that you were in it like Turkmens in a band he's really it's really done some stuff used to be yeah used to me okay how that goes from 10:00 to 10:00 cool I should be GS throughout their that crash set me set me back a little bit yes cool man it happens I'm ready to go when you are I make sure you launch the game in single-player mode go into the save game and then that's the plan let's see how we go yeah all right we'll launch it up if we don't get another crash I'll be super happy it looks like we should be okay in one sec so if you ever go if you are in a band that means that you can say you're ready to rock for game 2 right Oh always ready to rock when it's you yeah we are good so apparently it has not worked on my end so maybe I messed something up one second no look that happens that absolutely but I'm don't worry I'm ready to rock I'm still ready to rock yes rock on man does my favorite cheat is my favorite cheat don't so many Castle you'd I love it absolutely love it I'm probably doing something wrong here oh no it works okay so are you are you in the game and good to go I am in the game and good together as soon as you already hit that well pause button I guess is what I yes I'm positive 15 so you can go to that point and then we can do a quick 3 2 1 countdown yeah we can start game number 2 in the finals is best to 5 between secret and frantic no where as you said pause to ask 15 seconds yep soon as you're ready metal we're gonna count out we're gonna do three two one and then we're both the same time going to say we're ready to rock three two one we're ready to really bad we'll work on it guys okay this is just games yeah exactly all 20 minutes well get it by the fifth game I apologize I'm gonna take the blame for that one it could have been Aussie lag you know he's on the other side of the world will find more excuses if we need them but we have game number two between secret and frantic and first thing I noticed is I'll introduce secret is that doubtless on the other side of the world here he is Mayans flank and vite is a long long way away doubts probably crying for Viper you that's probably exactly what he's saying and Vipers Berbers pocket which is good for him and then we have tatu who is close to Viper and he's playing as the Saracens Austin for frantic we have Tim in the green as the surgeons we have CL playing in the teal light blue whatever you want to call it as the Mayans in our center here in our pocket and then on the other flank we have Vivi playing in the blue as the Franks and kind of a little bit of a reverse and what we had last map hey we've kind of got frantic in this corner and then secret having merged the map I would say kind of looking at it a little bit yeah big issue will be the doubt is all on his lonesome here and doubt is also Mayans and he was lucky he had the hacks enabled for the previous series or he'd always get pocket and getting Mayans pocket is ideal but he's mines flank instead and he has to walk a few miles to get to wood so I think an open map for doubt very open map for doubt he's not close to Viper so I think this puts pressure on those two especially I just did a quick kind of whip around ad space and I just had the biggest lemon face kind of going on all looking at this it's probably one of the most annoying Maps I've seen in a long time how far he had to move to would that you've already commented on that how open it is how far away from everyone oh this is if he can't kind of get an early I guess aggressive play going on here make it kind of work for him anything that comes in towards him in this stage is going to be an issue to deal with yeah on the bright side it is mines four Saracens so it's not as if mines are bad on flanks so I would actually give him the advantage when it comes to the SIVs in this matchup but there are some pretty good maps for frantic look at vivvy for example vivvy has a fantastic map he can wall on the front protect two stones in his gold if if there was a tender for Age of Empires two maps I would be swiping right on this map right here this is this is amazing for vivvy and Vivi's going out to lame Tautou and he might find some success as the bore is not far away all right looking at these maps as well say l again i can't absolutely put the walls up if he does want to looking around the base overall oh yeah not so much kind of looking at him he's got kind of the same kind of open style as doubt has they're not as bad when it comes to his would like because it's just kind of on the right of his town center there so nowhere near as bad but still you know hopefully gonna be able to see some aggressive plays against him however it looks like Vivi's Borak Chua lee walking all the way back right now oh yeah he's got it he's got it man Frank's for vivvy so probably a scout opening the Knights later on we know that CL is gonna wall okay it's minute six it's time to fool wall so he has already house walled the front and now he'll build Palisades the one big weakness for his map is that gold actually he has stone so he could always get two stone for the castle but the gold it's gonna be hard to protect of what I expect here turkmens yeah yeah I mean what I expect is what will or will probably see is secret we'll have the early stage advantage because three of them will go for a fuel age pressure viper will go for scouts doubt will go for archers tattoo will probably go for archers as well and then it will just be Scouts for vivvy and archers for Tim but of course CL will have to wait for Castle H to join in on the fights and that said though if Co can make it to Castle Asian whose teams in reasonably good shape overall can basically I wouldn't say steamroll with Mayans but you can absolutely get in there and get some super cost-effective trades yeah and even then the range kind of advantage you can have with all your upgrades and things along those lines um I think steamrolls not the best word for it but you can get some awesome picks you can really turn the tide quite quickly vivy lost a villager so a Boer got a pick a little bit of a little bit of revenge I guess prior to the board die he's like you're not gonna kill me without a fight dot oh where you going buddy well tatto force me not to lose the scout there that's that's unfortunate for him lose that much scout HP early on means he won't have great scouting info and of course he's already up against Frank's and Frank's have more Scout HP to begin with oh man he did his best set to kind of get away with it but not really too much he can do in that case I guess yep so and shadow thrown up some walls as well by the looks of it just across that and there's doubts beginning to it looks like we will be saying again another one of them secret wolves yep secret walls going up this time the Chinese players are walling more and oh goodness Tim what are you doing Tim is going for a dress against al who's going for a dress and Tim he gave doubt so many free hits they're probably not expecting doubt to be there and so this is great for doubt because remember his map is not ideal but as he walls it it's getting better and he'll have the time man see that's the thing that's drush right now it's gonna buy him that time because that's what you're worried about any kind of early aggression moving in and that's where the damage was really gonna happen once he's got these walls up he's got time to play with and that's exactly what he's buying here this has been fantastic yeah great job from doubt doubt is so good as Mayans you rarely see him him or his team lose when he gets Mayans they did lose actually 2 a.m. when he add Mayan so big it is possible it is possible we've got CL and we've got Vivi being super cute there with their own little team world that's really nice to see you guys I would feel really bad for Tim being excluded them yeah what are you Tim at Tim and out there like the black sheep of the family nobody really cares about Tim and doubt so and they just do their own thing I will say great great recovery here though from Tim he for the most part has dealt with these militia he needs to be careful because losing the Scout would not be ideal and boom there he goes he loses the Scout but at least it wasn't worse for him he didn't lose any villagers there yeah actually produced an extra militia there as well to be able to deal with this one so dealing with the problem quite well looks like we do still have a true v1 situation going on but that's really about it all right I'm gonna predict it it's coming again I think tattoo will go with Scouts full Stonewall and sling the sling seems to be the strategy for these secret players and already I see the stone walls and I'm thinking comfortable sling yep eventually interesting coal I like it it's obviously a really good strategy if we can kind of see it kind of come up here and really do some damage I guess you think it's gonna be a sling to one player or sling to two because I obviously have got the data like the doubt himself and then divided by himself as well do you think it's gonna be a split sling between the two or do you think he's really gonna try and power someone out ah well it's gonna be initially the Viper if doubt needs anything later on then maybe but I think Viper will probably well no if Viper has if he starts mixing in more stables the sling won't happen now it'll probably happen within a few minutes what is Tim what on earth is Tim bro this is this is remote militia yeah not just young more one with a couple of villages there he's going with four more and he wants to tower rushed out look that that sounds like Tim stopping towers yeah I've seen any wolves yet if we get walls outside it's basically a full template it's really not an a bad idea and a 1v1 because you want to keep Mayans off their plumed archers and outs already on stone so this will at least forced out into a few defensive towers but in a team game we've seen so many times today that sending villagers forward means you're soon going to have dead villagers because the enemy Scouts but we'll find out soon enough and Tim is trying to break through this palisade gate yeah you're exactly right i mean you've got tato sitting on some scouts here obviously you've got Vivi kind of keeping him a little bit entertained here but the moment he backs off like he's kind of doing now tatoes got walls it doesn't need to keep these guys at home he can just go and helped out clean this one ah yeah now it's possible that vivvy is invested too much into attack with too little reward it's possible then Altemus investing too much into attack with too little reward the doubt builds a few stone walls and he will be safe from this who might lose out in them a few farms but he'll have his castle in the next stage now and obviously we've come see you know most of the way up towards castle age he's gonna have his stone there so he's gonna be able to get that castle up yep honestly as nice as it would be to see another kind of ballsy forward castle drop like we saw a lot of a secret enough I think he's probably gonna play this one a little safer what's the chances of lightning striking twice a yeah that's not gonna be the play here they do not have the map control to go for that type of strategy I yeah tatoes sending resources to Viper so tatto is slinging vipers so Scouts and the stone walls and his sling and Viper who's on his way to Castle now will probably be three stables when he gets there and tatse will have a whole mess of Knights that's just gonna be brutal against this we've got Tim doing his best to kind of push in here with a couple of towers dad obviously walled up quite well towards his town center here so gonna make things a little bit more of an issue which is kind of nice he's playing it really defensively with the units it's good and honestly doing a great job with it tower on his stone slash gold defensively straight away couple up defensively around the town center as well so looking pretty strong here he's gonna at least by the time now what what's real interesting is that there's a gap between Viper and doubt a doubts been trying to wall that up so vivvy got in he harassed doubt a little bit and they've done a good job as a team frantic to force doubt into stone walls and to towers because then doubts boomed archers will be much later so let's see it will be just two stables actually from the Viper but it'll have a whole bunch of resources coming in from tatto and you can hear the noise now those watching at home of those resources coming in there we guys CL has got his castle up on the front that defensively like we really thought would happen but then again I guess last game we could have thought that as well but hey it's what you haven't happened but gonna be able to get that one out the plumed Archer production has started gonna be a little bit earlier than doubt of course thanks to this one here and of course the fact he was playing in the pocket but of course like you did say we've got Viper going in on those stables those Knights we know Knights they are a powerhouse you know these are the kind of young just steamroll with yeah and vipers not the kind of player in fact no players of this level would do this who would simply go for Knight production he adds town centers as well so the initial threat will be really strong because viper will be on three TCS and making Knights but then it'll get even stronger as he's receiving the resources from tatto so they're realizing now apparently multi cue wasn't enabled this is interesting and so I guess at this point they had saved and we're going to restore this and that's why this game is split into two parts that makes sense Viper's like i have two stables it's not multi cue but we must continue which is funny but it's also the tournament rules so they probably forgot to select multi q it was not intentional and we will go into that now so I think what we can do is just load up the second part to that recorded game just like we did earlier on of the day and then I think we have another opportunity here yes yes another game yes alright so who would have thought we have a we have an opportunity to redeem ourselves so let's do it let's do the three two one you ready how are we doing let's rock and roll or just rock and roll like let's get that kind of satin at this table I was gonna do we're ready to rock but we can switch now if you want look we had enough trouble the first time let's keep it the way it is so we're ready to rock oh yeah so 3 2 2 1 1 we're rock yes that was better we're improving we're improving that matters yeah it was maybe maybe if there's another drop we'll get there and that's a real anticipation right now when do we sink up enough to get this secret frantic finals who cares yeah so those watching here these games were played well they're essentially live because no one has ever seeded seen these recorded games before and the reason that we're doing wrecks is because we have potentially 17 games just today and if we were to do that live it would be well it'd be a 24 hour stream and I'm sorry but I'm not doing that CL yeah well we just had to restore a game yeah it takes time it a good like six planets and jump in games it's it's too much yeah so CL arrives with the plumed archers right a tattos gold with SATA needs to sling of course attacked us built a tower there but attached to us not responded to this which was really surprising he loses three villagers for villagers and there's her for villagers that can't send VIPRE Rhys now whoa that's rough Viper has just got into Tim's space so Tim trying to slow off as much as he can but here at the knife stay in there just disrupting causing as much damage we can but finding the wood in the back there what is this base I'm sorry to laugh at a pro player but what is this base to him look at these walls man oh no he's building a diagonal gate he needs to build they okay so I think the gate will hold now because he placed Palisades on the edges of the diagonal gate so that's good but not good for him that he has no support yet a Viper with receiving full swing has tons and tons of knights here we've got Vivi moving out with a couple of nights we've got Ciel in the middle of the map there or I guess more towards doubt and Viper at the moment with a couple of plumes so looking to do what he can here but yeah Oh doing basically what Tarot does best in this situation hanging out slinging we've got a couple of camels on the way by vipera as well actually so he's gonna be able to deal with these units quite effectively and man at the moment all I can say was to must be trying to tell us something I've got a payee that's about it you got exactly yeah maybe he'll write some more messages for us Tim's gonna sleep as well look at these walls man Tim's gonna swing as well it's just that tatto has been singing longer and taxes resources are set up to sling someone who's making Knights whereas Tim is now sending resources to CL but he might not be sending the right resources so I think it's a good decision because Tim there's no way he can contribute now so just send resources if you're him but will it be enough because Viper has 50 knights on the field man that's that happens so quickly it's absolutely ridiculous to think about would you have the castle up from doubt as well so he's in a good situation they're gonna be honest at that bloom dodge of production and comparing tatto here and Tim that's probably gonna be the big thing in terms of the sling I can fit all of Tim's base all of his economy basically in a single screen right now yeah and the team walls are now completed for secret so they're fully walled says the game goes on they'll probably be pressuring the center where there's all this extra gold but if they need trade of course they have the corners I'm not liking my position if I'm frantic missed opportunity to say that they're looking pretty frantic but I'll save that for later oh hey this is the best-of-five you got time yeah we've got time to get that right I just it's gotta be CL now it's gotta be CL because he has enough stone for a second Castle it's got to be all him that Viper ver CL with the production of the resources or the the units are getting after the Reds from the slangin and don't forget about vivvy of course vivy he needs Knights to help CL as Viper has so many numbers Vivi's actually even pushed out in the center already as well he's got a town center up he's taking some gold from there looks like he's trying to kind of submit a position there interesting than he went out straight in front of tato though he didn't push out in front of him himself yeah you're right yeah you would think that he could have T seed there perhaps went for the more bold TC so he could take that away from tatto a viper receiving full sling clicks up to the Imperial age it is so so easy to play when you're as good as Viper and then you have the sling I mean goodness gracious you have all that skill and extra resources it's almost like using a cheat code that's it man it's just such an I don't want to say it's an easy game for him but look at him he's taking down that TC yeah Knights yeah it's not even em he's got the armor he's got the upgrades he's got when he needs just push VV right back across the map yeah and great job from doubt to arrive oh I like this he he's distracting with plumes from CL runs in with another group and both slingers have exposed Gold's which is as far as it gets I guess and those Gold's can be can be hit by plumes but tattoes is now secured because viper has full control the map and I I really fear for frantic here I think that with Viper on the way to imp they need a little bit more than e to fight and maybe this is it from Vivian it's just rough looking at this we've got the extra stables coming down closer to the center for vibe but another town center on top of that I did see Viper signaling and they want to start trading very very soon as well this forward castle from CL though looking quick with defending roughly two golds their overall gonna see the extra town center get dropped down there as well Oh we'll be able to submit little bit in the middle sorry the petard let's go we got some pitar it's those guys wanted to join the main fight I can guarantee it they're like weak we can do it but I think this firepower is gonna be used on tattoes walls believe it or not that would be cool to see but I don't know if they can win the fight if they get in there as Viper is gonna have so much that's the thing these productions gonna be so high behind this as well extra Castle going up in the scent of a viper here as well now he's really kind of starting to solidify this position another two stables coming down he's a man he wants this oh the timing though is quite good this is right when Viper hits and Piper didn't have any Imperial age upgrades in that fight the castles denied vivvy looped around with a few extra nights and all of a sudden viper looks like he might be overwhelmed a bit CL and vivvy on the way to the Imperial Age for the frantic team so there's definitely a shot for them this is that teamwork we've been talking about all game yeah it's nothing you can have one superstar player even one strong player that's receiving sling end of the day if you've got two players that have kind of made it on their own like this they're in a good spot to be able to push that one position back tatto sees the Vitara he sees the pitar G's trying to wall behind this and now the cake goes well can the plumes get in yep the plumes are gonna be blocked out for now 200 HP walls here tattos losing so much does CL want to commit because viper will just come behind I I think you have to run here I don't think you can go in I don't think you can go in it's too risky to run inside if you're frantic I think he'll go for it really going for him best cavalier we've got the extra armor upgrade on these guys right now I can start to chase him down getting as many kills against a doe as he can but the walls come up yeah I like the fact that vivvy went in that's cool I like the fact that vivvy went in but I don't like is that all of the plumed archers for his CL are getting chewed up and all of them of course but a lot of them even running by Vipers Castle which he has finished now and this swings right back in the secret favor man he's starting that trebuchet construction at the moment as well so gonna be able to go to war with those hassles of CL without too much of a struggle those cavalier at this point gonna be stoking up so many hours and you got a great surround on a couple of those Flinders they run that was that was brought there from CL to build that house to protect his plumes that was a pro move I like it I really like it yeah he's I mean he's still screwed here but it was cool and yeah you get style points at least cuz he needs to run all the way back to this castle and wait for upgrades and he needs to wait for vivvy vivvy he's an imp vivy needs cavalier and that's now on the way we got castles slowly getting taken down their second trebuchet out for Viper as well a couple of nights did it end up behind Viper behind chat so it looks like they're gonna get cleaned up by this cavalier quite quickly getting their way into Vipers base hopefully gonna be able to sacrifice themselves for something noble here but I don't think we're really gonna see it happen that was a Miss play from Viper didn't patrol their lost three cavalier for three as you run towards runs towards Vivi's golds there's just so many good things going for secret at the moment they have two people that will be in EM soon Viper has received full slaying all game he's at 180 pop just that as a team they're not quite there yet because doubt doesn't have his upgrades these are some good fights now for frantic they're losing map and sensor but that's not a bad fight versus Vipers cavalier only thing I'm worried about with sales for castles that he might kind of start to lose him and of course I'll have to get more production out of it probably the thing I'm most worried about with these trebuchet zon flavor Viper and the fact they don't really have the forces to push into it that said though would you have Vivi up in a Cavalier now looks like he's gonna take this fight versus Viper and they might just have the numbers yep so this is another fight that goes well for frantic and I keep watching the population's Vivi's population is still pretty low down and viper have 115 villagers on top of the sling so it's still a rough situation for them but Vivi's over chopped and vipers in with a couple of cavalier getting snaky all that hurts so much that hurts so much he's already at Seven Devils it's that single tree man I was watching that happen I was like oh I don't think there's anything there he's got Wolves up and just like that look at the numbers plummet he's got to work on his lumber micro man I can recommend a certain map for him but we won't we won't get we won't get to that okay this is this is the escaped Champions League I think Vivi's castles gonna go down and that castle would only offer a bit of protection anyway that's not even up in play yet there's already three trebuchet is on it and I don't think again they have the numbers to push into it they've got castle of doubt behind it we've got Vipers cavalier sitting there ready to go and out as well there's been some good team efforts from both players I mean in fact both teams they're all in the right positions here it's just friends teachers don't have the numbers to engage this tally up to castle there we go my man in the fight he's gonna trade boom now he's gonna trade could join the the fight but I think see only 58 bills he'll add tc's yep so his castle age eCornell and he'll he'll work on adding more and more economy say what you want about the physician that France cos in as they take a huge fight it shows just how stubborn they can be man they haven't rolled over yet Piper getting game putting the castle up there as well obviously if it does come off or if it does draw some fire here it's really gonna help out yeah obviously you're having the hills really gonna help frantic out here but we've got doubt behind it whole heap of plumes and it looks like even using the trebuchet to take out that castle wall they've got a chance baby moving around the back of the castle gonna try and get the trebuchet is now as well and Viper and doubt just have too many numbers too many numbers viper has the trebs he'll pack him up he'll unpack them and he will take out these castles at this rate vivy he is getting paladin so perhaps that's their only hope now of course Berbers they have very cheap cavalier and camels but they don't get paladin but still vivvy he'll lose more villagers he doesn't have the numbers of viper in fact viper has tripled the numbers and this is looking worse and worse for frantic the doubt and vibe there just is such a high pop right now I mean you've got Tim in 67 he's been there nearly all game you've got Tasso down about there as well so really kind of even out overall but I would say card what tattoo achieved in the early game setting himself up for giving that sling kind of put him in a better position overall and I did actually see some tribute to go to Tim before actually as well and looks like he's tributing back this is I'm not sure if they just don't 100% have a plan here but that's interesting it's at this stage it's almost impossible that you're you're totally unraveled you're behind by tons of numbers you don't have map control there is not a single stat that frantic has in their favor unless you're counting castles lost as a step and yeah they have that in their favor brutal we do have paladin on the way from vivido he's got a lot of numbers so it actually could a little bit of a difference there help him out with the numbers situation but end of the day if we have a look at the front of his face is just kind of getting butchered on those stables yeah getting butchered he needs his castle for flumes one has gone down he'll lose this one now the Vivi's coming to save the day just as paladin will complete but will it be too late Viper is actually packing up the tribes I think he's gonna maneuver here this is a wise move from Viper because he sees the paladin's are incoming oh my bad he's actually seen a yellow as well yeah look like he's gonna try and get a little bit of bulk out there to help deal with those I guess not deal with but saw it soak up some of the damage that's bloomed archers yelling out but again it numbers numbers numbers here look at how many plumed Isis dowsers got in the position they're not even all grouped up yeah hey I think that the trebs will get taken down I think that doubt and Viper will regroup here but the fact that they took out that castle the fact that they have so much map control in somewhat population it's still a very very good sign for them as I say that doubt comes in with a mess of plumed archers and they might just continue to push forward here it looks like the gonna lose the treads but end of the day that was a massive engagement they go over to most of the paladin's kind of in play here even then we've got Viper on the gold of vivvy as well this is it's I don't even know where baby's getting his gold from now yeah it's probably from who has not wrote you know what this isn't a P this is an F F for frantic and f to pay respects yeah F for friends- f to pay respects that's what that is I've print screened it I'm gonna send it to them for logo yeah well anyway game is over there and it is all tied up now secret ties it up in the finals and we will have Game three coming up next apparently the new strategy is have tatto full wall and sling because this is the second time we've seen on this map vibro choose Berbers for it they sling him full Cavalier and that's all she wrote they've done that twice no yeah it worked really really well so end of the day if it's gonna work I guess that's kind of what we do hey well swing has always been strong in Age of Empires 2 in fact in this tournament for those wondering that's actually been nerfed so it's more expensive to sling or at least whatever you're sending are you sending a little bit less than what you typically would but still it's proving to be a strong strategy and I think the weak link in this game was Tim I don't know what Tim was doing thinking of going for towers and team game like that he could have gone for something very similar to tatto where he went man-at-arms into full wall into slaying but instead he used a lot of resources forward he lost a lot forward and that did not help him at all and even then he's trading was just inefficient overall as well like he produced so many militia just to deal with that three that we kind of had formed out there and then to kind of push it forward a little bit as well and build a couple of extra militia and try and push forward with that tower rush like you said it's a good in 1v1 if you can delay those plumes coming out that's absolutely great when you've got two players in Scouts however the vibrant tatter they can just kind of come across and clean that up as soon as they're ready indeed man so game number three will be Serengeti so ok chats gonna hate me for this but I can't help it we'll see who can Serengeti the next victory oh snap boy look at that yeah that was cringe I even cringed but I can't help it I'll support you man whatever you decide to what this is this is law we got Turkmen this is Laurie got Turkmen for the final we got Turkmen in here for the finals so he'd support me as that's the only reason supplied hope you know I'm here to just get stuff done what'd you talk about check and I'll bet come on yeah I mean I can't even have my hand up like that waving at him it was great I wish I cast with Dave I cast with Dave so often now it's nice to Castle someone who doesn't make fun of my jokes you know it's nice oh dude it's one of those things if it's gonna happen I prefer to saline into the curve and just like watch the whole thing spin out together as a team I love it all right well we will get into Game three soon I'm sorry Chet I mean gorge is it's going to happen for Game four so I have quite a few Gorge puns too but I try and stop I'll try and stop my I just have this image of you having this like big shade of like a4 paper tattooed like Todd just to the wall next thing just like written on it and you just glue just thing after thing there Age of Empires puns I have a whole booklet right next to me guys the real strategy booklet yeah ladies and gentlemen I'd like to welcome you to game number three this is game number three between frantic and secrets it is all tied up one-to-one now and as you can see here we have Serengeti Serengeti is yet another open map it's a map which promotes high aggression and we have two of the very best teams in the world here I'll start it off for the frantic players we have CL on the teal he's playing as the Berbers then the pocket is Tim tim is playing as the Byzantines and then in the blue we have vivvy aka fat dragon aka really d al and he is playing as the Indians Oh a secret we have doubt playing in the purple as the Indians we have tatto in the red as the Byzantines and then over in his trademark yellow we have the Viper playing as emollients interesting attached to his pocket now because for a lot of the games today Tata was flanked he would go aggressive he would fall back and sling this time he's pocket and I'm not saying that Tasha doesn't have the skill to be pocket but I think that as a team they would probably prefer to have either viper or doubt so in terms of player positions this is probably the worst position could find for the secret players that said though I am really looking forward to Tarot kind of showing in this series as well what he's kind of made of and I think this is a great opportunity of him because obviously everyone knows in 1v1 team game he's a phenomenal level player but for him to kind of showing this after kind of doing to swing strategies he kind of powerhouses this one I'd be really happy to say that in all honesty yeah he's a good player of course he is capable of doing it I think what will be fun to look at the civilizations that are Pocket both Byzantines so Byzantines would probably be the ideal flank for both teams as they would go archers and then they could go for a faster Imperial which we saw in the previous Serengeti games in this event so a lot to look at a lot to talk about we have Berbers vers Malians so viper will be facing off against CL probably the two MVPs for each team will be fighting each other on this flank and then we have Indians for doubt which can be awkward on the flank up against oh I'm sorry that's Li up against Indians for Vivi's so it's it's Indians for both their which will be even well I guess this is gonna be a really good test of skill pretty much in general for this game because like you said we've got pretty much the exact players facing off against each other as nice as it is to see a viper Tim crud match it's always nice to see kind of Cl because he's been absolutely not carrying but he has been an absolute all-star fanatic over pretty much the entire series so to see him go kind of head-to-head with Viper that's gonna be really nice then we've got kind of a balanced war up the top between the two Indian players and then we've kind of got Tim who's been known for a long time for his walls and kind of boom strategy up against Atta who in this situation most likely going to get some kind of boom going on or at least some really strong pocket play so it'll be nice to kind of see what everyone's capable of bringing to the table so in the 2v2 section of this tournament you was it you and me casting was I think frantic verse process why that was you and I right yes that was we did like 12 hours that day yeah yet that was an incredible set of games and for those that didn't see it there was some aggressive place from CL and Tim as CL and Tim they outclassed sy and funny frantic actually beat sy as well in their three to one victory but the point is is that these frantic players are very experienced on a map like this they know how to get impressive victories there was also you know what it was it was aftermath they'd be it was frantic and aftermath that's who it was regardless we go regardless we casted so many games that day man they all they all get confused it's blurred into one at that point right exactly we've got a barracks down for fire but they're trying to get some militia out onto the field here overall what do we got from cl-cl going for those trademark walls pretty much straight up and no barracks from him though so it looks like Viper kind of I would say pretty much everyone at the moment no CL does walls right everyone knows he starts around that six or seven minute mark and then he's Wald from there so whether or not Vipers getting those moisture out to try and delay that I guess is probably the question here Viper does this a lot nowadays this would be yet another Josh from the Viper why is Viper good well it's because of his micro him because of his well overall skill but the big thing is that it's his economy can you never see Viper you rarely see Viper go forward you rarely see Viper Yolo like other players do and that's because he goes for the safer approach the wiser approach and that's all based on economy and this rush will give him that time to use more economy as he collects these ostriches freely and the collects the Zebras freely and I guess it'll be an archer follow-up I would imagine he wouldn't go with anything other than that man he has commuted hey he's even got the second mill down yeah second mill he's Malians dude he's Malian so everything is cheaper so it's fantastic this just worth it the rush will not do much for him though because CL has already yep he's already full wall to space the zebras trying to escape sorry buddy not today your penis oh no one escapes these walls just a side point before the fighting starts if you watch the Lions run in Age of Empires they look so happy you look at these up these zebras run they kind of look like either really upset or scared or like constipated you guys noticed that it's like they've no flexin laughter teams yeah we got to get eight happy zebras we need happy zebras not constipated zebras goodness somebody please make a mod where's just a big smiley face that could work well there he goes I mean it's I don't know if I would want to eat a constipated zebra but that's what Ciel's going in for and I guess though the food might taste a little bit weird he's he's gonna get he's gonna make use of it anyway that's that's the end of that we should probably talk about the strategies in the north we have Scouts for vivvy and we have Scouts for delts so that's the 1p one there and then we saw the dress from Viper and his first Scouts from CL and Viper he will go for an archer follow up to this he's just not in feudal age yet so obviously those militia really haven't been able to do too much here CL Scouts pretty much get him you the go at the moment obviously he's got the stable out there's the production kind of starting the Viper it looks like he has dealt with all the ostriches on the front though so it looks like he's not gonna be able to be caught to add a position here it's got a couple little walls up kind of the weight viper like you said with his economy it's the same kind of deal he just builds effectively and that's really what he's done you know he's got all of these economies set up towards the back it's got that one little wall off between the mill like it just looks strong overall and then we've got a couple of scouts moving in against doubt that doubt can have pretty much equal numbers here so it's really a meal to push those away quite quickly a bit of a 1v1 in the North between Vivian doubt those guys play each other an awful lot they know how it goes and tatto has gone scouts from pocket and he's here VIPRE just elite but if I forgot house and he deleted two of his militia he's like the man's about that efficiency ain't nothing getting in that's hilarious screw you guys you couldn't do anything for me this is the one I liked that's funny well it's smart you know you would prefer villagers here and he will go Josh fast castle while tatto helps him with scout so tattle Zack tattoes actually on someone equal numbers to CL who's on the opposing team closing in to VIPRE that's really interesting actually saying it happened on the flank basically seeing obviously the art true go down second archery coming up now blacksmith as well and then tattos kind of moving from the pocket he's gonna kinda sit here and defend vibe well vipre gets up yeah I'm going up as well sorry who've we got in terms of Byzantine versus Malian yeah and Tim wills ladies Tim Tim will go for ranges to which not a fan of actually not a fan I know that Byzantines don't get bloodlines but they still get camels and Knights they still get paladin in late-game and the big issue is that archers are extremely slow to cross the map this could be a huge concern for Tim sure because I guess if you got Viper here straight away going arches the how fast you can kind of push in against CL I guess that's gonna be the thing and I guess CL with his walls he hasn't left himself a lot of room to move as well if you check out where they are that's all pretty close to Iker there's not really too much it can warm up behind this indeed man indeed well players have secured themselves for the most part so now I'd like to just appreciate how complicated and interesting Vivi's walls are if we look at this doubts trying to plug the gap there look at Vivi's walls for a second it it's like is it shaped like a fish I don't even know what this is that's interesting set of walls but it does secure a lot of wood lines and gold so if it does the job lose the job I'm definitely looking for the second one of the secret code here I definitely can't see another letter that would have been really nice yes indeed he asically yeah I need to protect themselves an early game but walls will not protect them against the archers that Viper has and Vipers getting crossbow now and what CL needs is some help need some help from Tim the other militia getting some scouting info well done Viper he doesn't want to send the scout forward because it's on low HP does Viper know if Vipers not aware of what Tim is going for I I find this to be a questionable move Turk man I really do it could pay off but I think that the flanks for frantic are gonna get hit to be one a lot because Tim has no mobility well that's it it's what you was saying early like the arches they're strong units but that don't have the same kind of mobility as anything like a camel as Knight obviously like you were saying earlier as well they don't get blood lines but that mobility may have been worth the trade-off to be able to defend your allies quite quickly get across and make sure that 2v1 scenario doesn't happen too often or at least for too long yeah well Viper looping around he knows the wood golden stone is here and I think we need another tower from CL or CL needs another tower one villager down for him this is just not great he's gonna get away he's only gonna lose one there yeah end of the day that's his only wood line yeah he needs to tower right on the left here next to this this rock that way he can range both areas the wood line actually he towers in his farms because Viper is considering running it alright so we've got a 10 hour up on the fonz we've got one up behind the gold as well so he's got quite a few towers here you kinda just can't sit under them which is nice but again if he sticks up towards that rock like you were saying he can just fire down on that wood line again yeah I just I'm scratching my head here I I don't understand it look at this Tim arrives with his crossbows but that will be in Castle age with Indian camels and he can just kill them and then tattos making Knights Katz's making camels and he has so much mobility he can arrive to help Viper immediately this is such a big advantage for secret I cannot stress enough how weird that crossbow from Pocket decision is and it's gonna cost him that's the thing like you were saying tadow is already like halfway across the map yes nice exactly good dad up in the top you've got these mobile Scouts and you've got tatto over there as well helping doubt out so between them they're gonna have the numbers to fend this off in those crossbows like they're not gonna really be able to do too much you've got the double stable and like you said we're gonna start seeing those in Indian camels and then where do you go from there yeah and tiel's already so far behind because Vipers been on him and he has walled himself into this small little area this is this is a great sign if you're a secret fan this is a fantastic sign in Game three maybe this is it honest it tilts me a little bit because I hold such high standards for these players you know and it's just one decision from Tim and I'm like why Tim why but I think that with the secret player is fully comfortable and when Viper and tats are going to run in yes oh so good for them that one night is taking all the heat those crossbows managing to walk through pretty much untouched yeah now there's crossbows in his base thing they may not be like he has no way to deal with them that's really the thing here there in the base you may not be doing too much with him but they're there they can just appear and kill a villager or two and run away and that's what they're doing they're kind of distracting the farmers it's it's just good man it's just gonna play really good played out at killing Vivi's camels on the other side he does need to go back now vivvy is it's really been the strongest player in this game it's not Ciel's fault that Vipers on him right now to v1 it's really Tim's fault because Tim isn't here to help the only thing is if Tim clicks up to em soon which doesn't look like he's close to then maybe with the faster Imperial with Byzantines this can be good for his team but otherwise the secret players have a free boom they have amazing map control and I think that I'd be worried if I'm frantic when we look at the stats behind the economy as well you've got all of Secrets sitting on three Town Center's you've got vivillon - I think I saw Tim on is three and see elderly just hit the castle age yeah he's putting a siege workshop up so he needs Whelpley he can't put up next round says he has to deal with this issue exactly these workshops obviously gonna be the easiest way to do that um if he can do it but at the same time right now the economy is just gonna kind of start to spiral out of control towards secret until they managed to get up to the same numbers well I think the wise decision would be to avoid going to Viper and tatto because Tim would not have the numbers there so hopefully doubt will be exposed and that's exactly where he's going Tim and vivvy they do have more villagers than I need the secret players but it's slight there's an opportunity for them here and there's crossbows and camels from Vivienne Tim and they're working towards doubt but Dao already has secured his base with TCS and he signals it or sorry that was actually Tim who signaled it but Tatsu could of course arrive and come from behind to accompany doubt if need be let's see if the fat dragon can carry this let's see if Tim can prove us wrong here they probably should not run underneath this town center okay they're fine yeah they're fine whoa crossbows Tim needs to back up here oh man joke Tim on the front of doubts gold though Turk men are you there by the way you good I think turkmen is he's been baffled by the crossbows arriving to doubts gold so he's dropped off he'll he'll be back F's in the chat for him that that engagement was kind of weird like Tim could have kept his cross was alive a bit longer but at least he hid doubts gold there and that that gives doubt fifty villagers while Vivi's on 66 so frantic do have the boom lead and Ciel who's the only one really behind he's adding TCS luckily and he's a few nights and he gets the Viper if Secret lose this game would be quite surprised I thought there in a dominant position the Viper now can't find an area to hit with his crossbow I heard a breath are you alive yes I am Alive I have no idea what happened nothing's robbed it looks like disco dropped us alright oh I did it but overall yeah what did I miss like bring me up yeah yeah I mean a huge fight now at south base at Tim again he really is lacking numbers and he can't get reinforcements in like you could with Knights the attack that will clean up those crossbows tatto tattoo what's it on a tax dance so now he'll clean up those numbers I guess there's no real speak a sign of confidence hey then a couple of nights just hanging out getting to show it yeah and I I don't know I mean we missed a lot of pressure at doubts base basically and I think at vivvy with 77 bills could actually steamroll this side because he has it like a 25 villager lead over doubt at a todo kliks up to the Imperial ages Byzantines maybe he can help tout out he will need to help tout out that's for sure all right so really what we're saying is Vivi's kind of in a dominant position here versus doubt mm-hmm toss over Tim tosser is definitely in front overall obviously going up to em he said I've got a lot more mobile army that's what's in a good place CL versus Viper I guess Vipers got a lot of crossbows out on the field but they're not at home and we are seeing a little bit of a push here from CL yeah CL being annoying keeping viper off that stone and gold killing a few villagers here this Macan l has ventured a little bit too far but he'll back up and viper will need he kind of needs some support from tatto but doubt need support from tatto and I can't believe this it's actually working for frantic Tim has just had a crazy boom behind this as has vivvy and one for one with the Macan LS there I suddenly am liking France exposition and awful lot depending on how Jim Tim sorry Tim there we go deals with this crossbow situation yeah that's probably gonna be my situation cuz that's a lot of crossbows from Viper he's got nothing really at home to deal with this he's already lost four villagers and if you can get through these walls and kind of do some chunky beefy damage because you gotta bring out the damage beefy damage can we get that chunky beefy damage in a can or is it in a bad yeah absolutely it's how it comes I'm here this is gonna be my thing after this that's gonna be a secret chunky beefy all right well viper sees the mag Annelle is on the way he doesn't want to over invest into attack here and viper tries to duck underneath the Makah no shot he will take two huge shots my god that is some chunky beefy damage and it is on sale today my friends it is on sale today right now in the frantic the frantic store is unlike Viper to take those losses and Willie take another hit Leiper Oh chunky TP damage order me up another one okay wow that is quite a throw from the Viper I truly can't believe it but that the more important thing is that Tata is pushing back on the other side and we have a just a lot going on here bleep yeah I couldn't believe what I sorted that got cleaned up so quickly and so effectively a tonight sap from CEO backed up by Manganiello couple of monks out in play there as well and looks like taro is gonna ignore that town center from steal I guess he doesn't have the forces to engage there anyway instantly everyone's like Chinese lag I I hate it like vipers already so good you have to at least acknowledge that he's human when he makes a mistake don't start making excuses for the guy people are like Oh Chinese leg doubtless been playing for Viper man that was that was chunky and that was beefy man and we're gonna have a real real chunky beefy attack at down space soon because vivvy and Tim will be in the Imperial age in a bit there's a forward castle from Bibby we've good chat we're trying to get some damage here against him it looks like this is where they've kind of isolated it down to if they can kind of bring Tim out of it to have a little bit more of a chance here but Tim's got that castle up on the frontier protecting his gold the Cavalier from shadow kind of doing what they can that the house probably not gonna be the best target in the world to really we got to bring that one back to damage so yeah it doesn't have a whole evil walls or anything he's just playing well he's just defended and then we've got Vivi coming over with the camels to save it but let's give some props to tatto guys because tatto has propped up doubt he'll need to do that more he's also propped up viper and vipers been able to it clicked to the imperial age build a castle on the hill vivy is forced to chase tatto down and if tattos splits his army here which he is doing yeah this will just be wonderful this doesn't find them build places but yeah well well played from tatto just needs to keep his army here don't lose your army here tatto you need to keep your opponents running around after you always commuting to it I feel about this I think he should have tried to run a little bit and he will be cleaned up and that means vivvy can send all that are me right back to doubts base or that could go to Vipers base vipers making a future bet oh right now which is quite a good decision when your opponent has a lot of camels I really like it actually it's a good decision obviously limited-production that to his castles and yeah if you lose those castles gonna be a little bit of trouble but I think it's a good answer or doubts in big trouble now doubt is in big big trouble can he hold on here he's he has the stone to build another castle if he loses the one on the front or he could go into some repairs to stall meanwhile tatto is still defending viper a little bit it's really all about that heavy camel yeah it's all about the fat track and now vivvy indian camels getting coinage to possibly sling some resources to an ally and tatoes camels are not near as good as indian camels it's not even close it's not even close mmm man I'm looking at this one right now and I'm not feeling confident the way they're kind of being able to push frantic that is at the moment they're just they're pretty much dominant in the field at the moment I would say that the heavy camels from Tartu buying some time over towards Viper fit like you said vivvy at the moment he's kind of just pushing it onto out he's just putting a little bit of pressure here a little bit of pressure there and half his army is not even there he's ready to help pushing against the Viper again like that's the kind of situation we're in at the moment vivy has just absolutely taken off and ran with this one he has the most population in the game as the flank he's going to kill doubts castle at this rate he can honestly research Imperial camel at this rate and I don't know if there's any response to that tato would almost need to go into halberdiers and he doesn't have them yet so he's making his own camels Tim is on the the northern side now with vivvy so even hal videos wouldn't work and Imperial camels on the way for vivvy my word but sale moving out across the map at the moment as well not sure exactly what he was trying to accomplish there but can he get spotted by some off yep there we go tattos camels are getting me on that one quite quickly so gonna be able to deny whatever kind of push that was which should be relatively nice here but income the Ovilus from Tim to help out Vivienne gainst out and I don't know if they're gonna have the numbers here to really help that out they need a few magno shots and there's one there's one but there will be no more doubt fortunately it's in the Imperial age although is stable that's researching heavy camel is going to die it will die no no no he's actually canceled it he's canceled it and he's repositioned it but still that's a lot of wasted time and meanwhile Viper is pushing forward on teal but who's dick who's gonna die faster here is it gonna be CL or is it going to be down I think doubts gonna die faster at this rate CL again pushing out with a bunch of villages he's got some monks there as well whether he's just trying to get over towards a fight with doubt and really just got to put a nail in the coffin there yeah or if he's trying to kind of get between Tasso and Viper I guess that's pros the other situation but he's going for that castle on the hill who said they're trying to kind of cement their hold on that kind of center of the map there but the ghetto kind of moving in getting the kills against the monks and doing what damage they can yeah good job from CL to get the castle up he just needs to survive now he would be interesting he's going into camel archers so he has that'll be his third castle so if he gets upgrades on them he will be very well off for his Vipers Gepetto but again that side doesn't matter you can forget about viper you can forget about CL just look at the other side where doubt is that easy and we've got pissed this is just a a rough situation generals got a heavy camels fighting out against Imperial camels we've got Tim just moving in with these habla so they don't even care about the town center fire at this stage it's looking for damage he's looking for those villager kills he wants again just bang another nail into this coffin here and it's happening tanto trying to get what damage you can but Tim to the rescue with more of those are bullets behind sales-based there as well yes attempts on that side I'm just wondering where Vivian's going now cuz Vivi's not accompanying Tim on his side I doubt does have heavy camel and he finally pulled back what I will say is that doubts villager population isn't too bad it's at 80 I thought he'd lose a lot more and he's getting Imperial camel now and so we have Imperial camel on the way for doubt which I assume he will complete and there's possibilities there's definitely possibilities Viper's elite Geppetto's they're incredibly strong and vipers good with his mobile ranged units and he has domina position in front of Ciel's base so if CL doesn't get the camel Archer numbers this could be trouble for the frantic team there's definitely a chance yet looking at left out with that castle on the front bow avid there's Ovilus moving in from they are going to be nasty Imperial camels are getting taken down doubt doing his best to kind of stay in the fight here but yeah looking at that base that is just absolutely gutted his economy running on bare bones at the moment but here we go here's the push with the camel arches we've got the are blessed in here as well as get so not gonna be able to do too much about that that's this one yet man now Vipers feeling it now he only has 17 military he'll lose TCS he'll lose castle soon I imagine and Tim is getting bombard Tyler I wonder if Killer Bee is out there because it would be one of the see a bomber tower in the previous series and you know what else were gonna get we're gonna get a ballsy fat dragon castle from vivvy it's not really ballsy at this stage because of how dominant his team is uh has been but no it is it is look at this look out forward this castle is it could get tonight look it's a strong hopsack man a strong hopsack yeah I think he'll get that up because of the positioning of the arms and Divi coming in with his own camels it's frantic gonna take this game it seems like it I'm just watching what Secret has at the moment what they've got left it is just melting behind a lot of this we've got such a strong combination here the Ovilus behind the camel arches and then on top of that as well we have Imperial camel which is absolutely dominating for Vivian doubts got up into Imperial camels as well but where's the numbers he doesn't have the numbers to defend anything right now I think the gg comes in shortly if del Chico gets hit he's had to reposition so much of his economy it's all exposed if he gets there could be overlooked tattos trying to build a castle that will be tonight that will lose villagers and vipers still getting pushed I can't believe what I'm seeing because the play from Tim surprised me so much but it's worked turkmen it hasn't worked absolutely it has I would say at the start it was kind of a little bit of shaky that over Oaks he didn't have that mobility like we're talking about that once kind of vivvy managed to cement himself and say all managed to cement himself Tim didn't need that mobility was just there for damage and at this start of this tournament people were talking about who they thought would make it into the top two because the top to make it to the land final which will be next year and a lot of the people were saying secret or aftermath or why I don't think people were saying frantic and frantic third place in the overall standings and they're about to go to one up in this best-of-five for secret add it to your list these guys have been playing phenomenally this entire series now we've got the trade coming up from secret but at the end of the day look how restricted they are yeah vie for obviously putting up those castles I think that's probably what it was thinking about when I was putting those castles down more than pushing it against CL that's gonna meter to defend the trade I wonder if they can hold this it's really just Dell at the moment which doesn't he's not a great position wonder if they can hold this I I don't think so tatse gets to Castle up just to lose it any trade they do add will be cleaned up by these camel archers and Ciel's going right in for it will this be the gg moment cuz there's no there's no way to stop these camel archers taffetas building trying to build a castle that will be tonight as well well even looking at doubts on a tea village account right now 50 of which are idle he's got nowhere to put them he's got nowhere safe to have it he built up behind shadow cuz that was the safest kind of location he had but even now that's just being absolutely raised so there's nothing he could really do to kind of defend this one I don't think he's gonna be able to get back into the game even then he's invested into trade carts yeah and they're just all about to get knocked down anyway yeah and of course the trade is being added for frantic they're not worried at home at all they can take advantage of any extra wood or gold or stone that's in the center of the map and we have yet another Castle now this would be the sixth castle for CL man as he bounced back in this game and look at the force from Tim from vivvy and from CL in this corner my word this is just man it's an a team game and that's what we're saying here once cams doing his best we've got Pike's out from Viborg a two-out 4x4 they're just doing everything they can to kind of hold onto this one now but here comes it looks like the elite camels are pushing for the trade yes camels will go into the trade this castle will go down and I think the gg will be called and there it is frantic gets their victory they go to one up in this best of five and that was that was unexpected not not prior to this game but after seeing what the strategies were that was onyx for me oh absolutely like the teamplay in this like from even the last two games we've seen basically what these guys are kind of capable of overall but seeing how that kind of worked out with something else than just the way kind of I wasn't expecting you know vivvy to take off like he did in the same with CL I thought they were gonna be really a little bit down for the punch until Tim could kind of come in and start to you know relieve some of that pressure but man the way they kind of held that one overall that was something else Viper with the with the G with the G just one single V the the salty G so it's hard to get into Vipers head maybe he's saying that because he's versed Tim I wouldn't look too much into that but we are commentators so we have to we have to mention those things so the viewers can talk about it maybe Viper is salty who knows but I'd be frustrated what yeah I would be frustrated if I'm a secret player because I felt like the lack of Tim's mobility would be good for them and really what happened was vivvy was just a beast cuz vivvy he killed so many of doubts villagers alongside Tim and vivvy hit him so much faster than dealt that Tim not being able to get to the sides fast enough didn't matter that was quite a play right there yeah absolutely perfect in terms of saying that man like that's what it came down to vivy doubt like it was looking pretty close overall between pretty much every player in the game there and then the way that viv you kind of managed to come and get the sneaky picks did a little bit of damage and then just start to put the pressure on more and more and more so just managed to kind of skew it in if I guess fanatics favor and now I'm fan ticks favor yeah I'm losing all my words right now it's 6:00 a.m. don't judge me but basically that's kind of what managed to pull this one aside because that's where CL could really come out of his box Tim could come out of his box and then from there they managed to push out and that's where they were doing the damage and the fact they could group up as a team behind this as well man yeah just cemented them so well cuz it was a strong opening for sacred a really strong opening regardless of where your allegiances lie it's great that we're in a time in Age of Empires 2 where players like the Viper doubt and tatto are falling behind in a series because for a while it was just he was tyrunt tyrunt tyrunt tyrunt tyrunt and we're in a time now where we have amazing teams who can always get results whether that's in 3b threes 4v fours 1b ones to be twos you name it so this is an exciting time for Age of Empires 2 we are gonna get into into Gorge voyage an exciting time probably the most walkable I would save the maps we've had thus far uh kind of the grinder which makes that the court makes that tough yeah so there's a big if I've really curious to see what sibs are picked here because all the stone is in the gorge viewers you'll find out here in a moment so before we do the full intro of this game please if you have the time check out BBQ turkmens channel you can type exclamation mark casters at any point there's any stream here to see the casters individual channels Turkmen does not stream unfortunately but he does have you don't even upload all that frequently anymore but he has hundreds of hundreds of videos that you guys could check out I'd be quite cool actually because he was one of the first youtubers so you could see some of the old old legends playing in some 1v1 sand team games on his channel that goes for myself as well I am I'm t90 official I do stream more often than turkmen does I was not around for all those games back in the day I was actually watching you you make those videos so let's do this man that's super cute super cute oh it was beautiful it was great and that's the thing it couldn't be happy with the kind of hold torch at the moment and what the Saints turned into so let's have a look at the game here you can kick it off mate yeah we're gonna start with frantic frantic they win this game they win this final they get more points towards the overall standings they get a decent chunk of prize pool money and we have vivvy who in my opinion was the MVP of the last game for his team he is playing as the Malians in the blue in the teal we have CL CL is playing as the Persians and then in the green we have Tim and Tim is playing as the Turks for secret moving from the north of the map we have doubt in the purple playing as the Mongols from their viper again in the trademark yellow as the Franks and of course their last final player for this 3v3 series we have Tasso as the Turks in red and already doubt says thank you very much I'm gonna have that boar so he steals the boar from Tim that's gonna hurt Tim that's gonna really help doubt Mongols very good Civ for this Turkmen very good sip for a lot of different reasons I like it that's absolutely brutal straight away again Wow that's tornament play guys it's tournament play a lot of these guys will not lame in rated games but when it's a tournament you got to go for it now even then a lot of wolves and things you won't say from a lot of players yeah yeah when tournament game when push comes to shove they'll use everything in the arsenal of God correct yep so let's talk about the map a little bit all of the stone on this map is in the gorge that's why it's called gorge there is gold on your main lands it's also pretty easy to wall up the main lands if you wall between all these wood lines but if you want to get to a unique unit if you want extra tc's all your stone is there and I'm looking at these sibs now I think we're gonna see a sling situation with Turks honestly I think the Turks will probably wall on sling that's my guess but hey if Turks want to go for Janissaries they can they'd have to go here to get the stone Mongols aswell Mongols would be a big one if they get to manga die it's really hard to stop them but all of that stone is in the gorge and then maybe maybe Malians will go for Gepetto's but funny enough there's a lot of SIVs here which we probably won't see a huge emphasis on unique unit usage that's a weird phrase no I like it exactly like you said all that stone it's so much harder to come by you've got some big chunks of gold in fact you'll have to really large chunks of gold and then one smaller chunk overall when you kind of starting plateau here and then moving down to take the stone that's where things get really dangerous because obviously you can't wall it in you can't kind of get as much buildings down there and any kind of walling you do try to do will be very very limited so they can get range units in there take out a lot of villages very quickly and again being in that kind of middle situation extremely hard to run away from so it's definitely a risk versus reward and like you said whether or not we see the unique units kind of come out actually go for play Turks I don't I don't know what they can really else bring to the table overall obviously you free us our free light cavalry apart from that that's probably their big play I guess yeah it's I believe it's for the sling and if it is for the sling you need walls Tim you better walk quickly my friend because doubt had an extra pig and doubtless Mongols so here come the walls I think Tim could be caught out here this is dangerously late to be walling up when your flank the opposing flank is Mongols we'll find out soon enough at a toe let's see if Tata waltz ooh I mean I'm okay with being wrong with my predictions that's fine but I also don't see any other reason to go with Turks here look it's nice as it would be to see there's like a full yolo castle Janissary drop on top of it yeah I don't think it's gonna happen just because you know if they lose this game it's over they have to play this safe they have to make something special happen with at the same time not really kind of going too far with it that said doubt just about to hit futile already this is awesome timing from him that extra pig making such a difference Tim you better quick wall viewers were saying that Viper lost his crossbows because of the China lag you better quick wall with the China lag all this is bad that that Scout is the weak Scout from earlier but if doubt plays this correctly he'll tell his allies to come and join the wall we're not yet joined the area join the party Tim no he's fighting it he's fighting it he's trying to fight it why is he doing he could gate this this is just buying him more and more time the stables up for doubt we have production on the way if you can keep this open I don't think he's gonna be able to though it's fine it's fine Tim he's Chinese man he knows all about those great walls so he's good I think tatto will go for Scouts into sling again this is just my guess but that's what he's done before though he is building his barracks in HO build is stable Tim is still in Dark Age so he's no sign of what's coming from him probably we'll see that in a few minutes we see a fast castle from C Elvin for frantic and then it'll be the same for vivvy lots of fast castling here this is really interesting actually we're basically saying arenal essentially from the frantic guys here yeah so not sure exactly how they're gonna kind of play it out from me obviously map control you're kind of loose with that as soon as you start to wall but at the same time we can see the same kind of play from all the secret guys you've got viper up in full walls and that's pretty early for him to full wall in general as well obviously some pressure could have kind of come in but you know it's tournament play he's making it happen and end of the day if they lose this one it's game over well what this strategy does is it gives viper a great opportunity to win with the sling so if I'm right on this we have dealt we have tattoes starting off with a few Scouts actually I'm sorry not not Scouts for for tat oh he's making a few archers believe it or not and that's getting a lot of early map control and then if there's a fallback to the sling for tat so Viper will have lots more areas to hit essentially so he could choose Turks and go over something like Cowboys it is tatto right and he started off with the archery range search I didn't expect but I guess well there's a lot of unanswered questions right now we'll get those answers soon I looking around so have a quick look at the view counts I guess well everyone's kind of walling up and playing that economy game we've got 27 for 5 by 27 fadap 26 for tosser same time looking very very similar for the frantic guys we've got 27 for vivvy 30 for Tim and twee 9 for sale so a little bit of an advantage there but there we go VIPRE already clicking up castle 8 Tim only still getting Awards futile age now yeah it's weird how late he is here this is 3rd he is 30 villagers this is something where if it was an arena map it could be a fast Imperial but I doubt that that would happen here though I'd like to see it at least attempted just a later time than usual I guess because he spent so much time walling up he'll be in castle soon ish playing his Turks as well so maybe he's potentially going for the sling as well he's got his walls up he's got a huge economy behind this could be potentially looking to sling someone on his team as well which were kind of seeing from tatto I guess as well that they're really trying to make him they me work for it here it's forcing the Stonewall inside a couple of those arches doing a really good job he's actually got fletching behind it as well but there goes CL Neely castle AG's already got bloodlines so looks like we will be seeing a little bit of aggressive play from him Persians as well so gonna have a little bit of bonus best of some options to vivvy vivvy is slinging so vivvy has tantrum sources already to CL CL has Persians and CL will be going with a lot of nights and and yes I did not expect that from vivvy I thought that vivvy would be the aggressor still no sign of what Tim will be doing in the next stage but yes there is sling I think that tatto will do so as well soon he's full stonewalling he's not over investing into archers he has done a great job annoying vivvy let's see if tattoo builds that market soon yep there we go so he will also swing so this is I'm kind of proud of myself right now I figured it out man I'm I'm in their heads I know what's coming you got to the end of that sodoku man you knew what was out yeah so it'll be a sling - Viper and Viper will be me as the best Paladin Civ in the game we saw what he could do with Berbers let's see what he can do with Frank's next all right what if we go got the two stable overall from via probably seen a third anywhere not that I can book no blacksmith not that I can see there how we looking in terms of stables for CL easy just on the two as well yes and extra towns that are coming up in the back - CL looks like we didn't see a extra Town Center coming up on the main gold of Viper there as well so gonna be able to defend that one plus a little bit more extra village of production so very very simple place yeah yeah you you get the food boost the gold boost from the sling and you also add your own economy behind this so you're much much stronger on your own later on and we see CL and Viper doing this Persians and and Frank's have fantastic paladins what it what are the other players doing and what what is Tim doing now he's getting bodkin he's gonna go CAV archers Wow and this is this is interesting and doubt can see the archery range as well so doubt is probably expecting this what is doubt going to be doing here he's a d9 blade he's that easy yeah yep just saw so getting those eager boom knights and camels I guess interesting this week cuz obviously we've got kind of two plays here going for the same thing so I've got chatter and we've got Phoebe down the bottom of the map both those guys will be swinging yes we've got Viper and then CL essentially playing in the pockets directly opposite each other we will be receiving sling going paladin yeah and I guess kind of the only wild card here is we've got doubt who's about to do something and Tim who's going wild card and cavalry atcha yeah Ivey better fights here for secret these archers believe it or not are doing a great job from tattoo the Arcturus and the Spears the very least are a distraction right that way CL is not able to focus on Viper sights well we have a group of accordion night so let's go look at that that wasn't fun looking pretty yeah maybe pretty so more aggression coming from from frantic but it takes a long time to make these cavil archers Tim is working on it very late up from him and so he'll fall behind doubts villager count he needs to make something of this and maybe help CL out as CL has fallen slightly behind Vipers army number and also viper has he is an amazing boom going as well I mean it's it's such a strong strap just full wall swing the Viper and usually that means you get a victory well let's hope he's micro kind of pace up that's the thing his speed allows him to have that economy allows him to have the marker or everything at once yeah and that's really kind of where he goes for it we've got the monastry going down for Viper he's got the market so it looks like he's looking to go in pretty soon in all honesty yeah it's just when right because if you make too few nights then you get overrun by the CAV archers and by the Knights from CL and here are the CAV archers Vipers looking to chase these down Tim needs well you're number three yeah but no doubts Gold's not in it in great position although the calves archers get in there are you kidding me I wonder if that will delete his barracks yeah he deletes the barracks he builds a gate and that's a good move get this around yeah there we go get him there get this around on and do the damage he needs to do it so we've got Tatsu up in the top of the map of the right now trying to get some kind of poke against CL or let's get some scouting information do the damage where he can tim has started his Stonewall's but it looks a bit up behind a lot of his base at the moment still a couple of chunks of palisade left but not really too much at the moment where it's gonna be an industry for him Viper's flooding nights for stable night production whereas CL think he wants to go to the Imperial aide she already has a monastery he's got a couple monks out actually moving towards that top section as well looks like he could be going for a few converts because you've got the cavalry arches there from Tim you've got the Knights if he gets a couple of converts yeah well the way that'll swing that even further in favour it'll look pretty decent he's housed badly like housed badly so he can't produce any more villagers this is really sloppy from him this is not the time you want to get this victory here doubts golds are so unfortunate man both of these golds are forward so I just looking at it again lemon face like to a hot one and in come the Knights o doubt you've got a warlike face man and Piper's nowhere to be found cuz Viper was expecting everything would be okay doubtfully it's an opening for Viper to arrive and this is just a disaster for doubt I do think got a couple of good magnet out hits pit yeah end of the day he's gonna have to try and clean this one up you still with the monks outside the base there they can potentially go for a couple of converts a viper going to be able to clean it up but doubt losing a lot of time yeah I think CL should have should have left the other direction but I guess doubt would have plugged to the gap so good good decision to come here and this is where you save all your numbers if your CL don't take too many early engagements because it's getting a little too though you won't have it flush in in he's taking some great just a little attack set managed to get one on the way out on the y Nexus table he come the monks potentially we can only get some converts cavalry arches from Tim coming up behind it as well I'm still not sure if the numbers will be enough actually I don't know if that's enough CAV archers they don't have thumb ring yet Vipers just pure Knights and I think Viper will win this fight and then the Macan el comes in oh one Mac and I'll shine let's splash the monks go down Knights go down that is basically what I said was don't lose your night numbers because now is the time to start massing them and he lost his night numbers that's tough to see the Viper now the 27 military man he's going to be an emperor behind him yeah you also said early on you've got to be careful with your Imperial age time which is fantastic if you actually have a look at the Imperial aged timing so you can say see I'll click top earlier yeah you can see flat but has more numbers and Cl is gonna be an imperial earlier but he's gonna have nothing to really do with it yeah III think that Viper being later to imp does not matter here because of his numbers he has double the numbers and the calves are sure moved from Tim what is it done here not all that much right he's thirty villes behind doubt I feel like a better approach would have honestly been to just send all of his gold the CL you know double sling because his calves archers haven't contributed anything to this game and out has such a big lead over him this is looking good even AC else CL was gearing up to get an assault on chatter yeah Tara in feudal wouldn't be able to defend himself of course the Viper could run to the rescue yeah the question would have been half quickly and even that Vipers there he's getting rid of this forward position he's getting rid of the manga nails and just keeping his allies safe this is perfect yeah and Viper has 81 of his own villagers okay he is human he's housed so he also is scrambling up houses in the back of his base man this is something that else from powder here now as well he snuck a village of bet I'm not even stuck it's kind of just gamed its way across the map actually dropping some outposts he wants to know what's going on he's gonna have that Intel man that's that's really next-level actually yeah we saw this last game from or one of the games from Tim to to tatto has control of these areas where trade might run and where they might get stone like for example Tim now is looking to get stone and tatoes there at tatto could kill those villagers they're kind of a funny thing but a very important thing well that's it now they know Tim was pushing for stone that's gonna be three free kills like these units would have been just giveaways anyway so this is actually fantastic play it's making the most of everything he has to offer here and Vipers about to complete cavalier and Cl is trapped in here with Tim this is not the first time we've said this there going too far and Viper he groups up his Cavalier perfectly on both sides and he will win another fight here 28 kills 11 deaths for Viper it it's I but he's punishing he is punishing everything it's just so easy for the guy give him those extra resources he does not make mistakes but let's keep in mind heavy camel for CL that's not something Franks get by sure probably played counted well I if I forget spalatin it's gonna be a lot stronger than cavalier doubts got two castles he's going for the manga dike he's already got manga died in production this is this is gonna be rough yeah and that that's why I was questioning the decision to go for calve archers at all for Tim what I thought for sure it would be a sling instead they had the malian player sling which I still don't get and doubt will be an imp with manga die so it won't just be Viper right and I don't even think Viper needs to push at the moment right he's in a good position already he just needs to make sure doubt is there to fight with him he's just keeping him busy at this point really look at this he's keeping Tina Koch's at home the manga die come in from behind gonna be able to help this one out quite a lot he's kind of just pushing Tim back across the map again with his cavalry arches Ciel can't engage anywhere just cuz Vipers numbers are kind of cruising around everywhere the only thing I can really think is a viper gets caught out of position here but that's not how a viper plays Vipers the one who catches you at a position look at this cheeky tower from tatto on the stones and you know he sees everything with that outpost that villager and now viper sends over a few cavalier and he'll destroy Vivi's Vil's so it's a great team play here from from secret that's funny and Tim just lost all of his calves archers on the front and Tim has really had a bad game here I'm not gonna not gonna sugarcoat things so it's not been a good game from him well that's a you look at vivvy who's been slinging the entire game his overall score throws it 3-1 you've got Tim at 4-3 yeah just above that like that's not a good sign in general obviously score isn't everything to kind of go off but it looks like the manga die might actually get caught out of position by Tim's cavalry arches yet they are elite manga die though and these are just Castle age CAV archers fighting uphill right so the trade lastly much better for doubt yeah and vipers here with paladin's I think I think pretty soon Tim is gonna be a dead man because Vipers here doubt is here and Cl he's still trying to track Piper back at his base and help kill that army from Viper but it's about what is coming next can they stop that yeah I don't think so well basically sitting the same kind of situation we've saw in the last game actually if basically the Viper and damage pushing through here they can gut the top north whale yeah and then from there it kind of all falls back on a CL and if CL it's receiving slinks there's nothing really Phoebe can do about that is vivvy if he has no sign of kind of transitioning out of that one at the moment either from Tasso in fact there we go Castle age from chat oh yeah so he's looking at actually starting to get back into the game here and kind of do a little bit more military play by that's it it'll just fall back onto CL and I don't know if he's gonna have exactly what it takes cuz he's gonna be up against two players here that is a sign it's a fray that is a sign that they're aware that they're in a dominant position because clicking up to Castle age is oftentimes a risk because that 800 food 200 gold could be better suited for one of the teammates right so the fact that tattos advancing to Castle age at the moment is a sign that secrets aware that they're in a dominant position but my hats go often my height is going off to see yellow fur for hanging in here against Frank paladin's against elite magnet I he's done a great job in this series he's done a great job today that however that's it that's us go to fight as it gets but he will still lose the fight but whit was Tim Tim run away with a lot of those you've got a whole bunch of heavy camels sitting up on the hill here as well basically engage with like half of what they had there it's just peculiar to to try and go CAV archers of Turks in this situation or at least yeah I don't know I mean tattoos sling is obviously worked out really well now keep in mind that frantic could not choose Mongols because they chose Mongols on another one of the maps so perhaps secret saving this civilization as shows is how experienced they are with knowing where the sibs have success very true they could have been a limiting this one this could mean that exactly plan basically yeah cuz they knew the moon rules had been exhausted they can kind of have the dominant one in this position here overall and it's working out for them absolutely brilliantly well looks let's stop let's not say it's over just yet Tim does have kept Ariel age upgrades on the CA the CL is is pushing against out doubt should back up your vipers left him the Viper is going towards Ciel's basis yield know about this he hasn't reacted yet okay now he knows if Viper gets in CL loses a lot of villagers and Viper he just fights the army instead there's wolves but they're only palisade will so he can get through that pretty quickly the wool up behind there is happenings again be able to get that pretty quickly I guess even though you put doubt in a predominant position here versus Tim obviously coverage a heavy cavalry Archer on the way I did see pathway and tactics earlier as well so getting his ups here so he's not gonna be able to go 100% tow photographer he's gonna be able to make a good stand of it at least each workshop looks like we're not really saying too much but mostly just producing from those I guess yep and it's there's a big problem now for frantic and that is the tattoo will soon be in the game and that means that vivvy will probably die so fragile pigmented push up this hill and that is not gonna be an easy task secretly been taking more than secretly taken start he wouldn't care if anyone saw him at this point but the castles are out the Janissaries are on their way out of course as we know Genesis is just a one-off unit the damage output on those guys is ridiculous watch tower coming up as well so gonna tonight any further wall off behind this if tato can crack in here against VV it will potentially just end this yeah and vivvy he's had a rather boring game I imagine cuz he was forced to sling you know but he can't defend himself he's waiting on an ally again CL has played really good considering the circumstances here but will he have enough she chases viper away and he's forced to address tatto tattoo it's an awkward simp to play with Turks so I'm thinking maybe gunpowder stick with gunpowder go with some bombard towers interesting heck down Fatima's well so those caveat heavy cover-ups it moves a hundred hit points on those bad boys yeah but here come the Mungo Rams this is where it's really at and vipers even look at these monkeys like I I have a relic in front of you I don't even care you can't get it you probably accidentally Group this guy you know I was like their fearless leader the the grouping on the units and out invite was pretty bad though I mean the magnet I really need to be behind the Paladins and there we go that is when they need to fight and that's the Murray Rams Rams pushing against the building's opening that hole up on top of that as well working for their absolute bolt getting sacked on that but there's the gg yep there's the gg and we're gonna see a game five we'll see what sibs they have for the next map I have to say though frantic they played amazing right they got two wins but this game was just weird strategy wise from them I and it could be one of those things that our secret strategy was so good that it just made frantic look bad but I think it was a combination of good thought process on the sieve selection and strat from secret and not the best thought process and save selection from the the frantic players because I don't understand why you would have Turks fight in Castle age and have Malian sling when Turks would be the better sling sieve because they collect gold faster and Malians have so much more firepower than Turks right I'm still so confused I was yet trying to figure that one out as well and I'm sitting here like I'm doing a little bit of a head on palm got a lien on the desk here trying to work through every kind of option we had there and that's it Tim he went into the cavalry arches which are very very expensive unit as well so he don't trade effectively well again let's see getting massive kills from hit-and-run obviously against data kind of worked out of the Starks he had those forward goals but apart from that he just couldn't do anything with him apart from join the fight CL was already in and even then he was sitting behind it and if you know it's came in from the wrong side it was game over Robbo says guess what happens in this game oh there must have been another drop here okay so apparently during the final game there was a drop at some point so we will have to do the fancy-schmancy separate game room cast here and so we'll get that set up give us two to three minutes guys and we'll set we'll get the next game going this would be the final game of the day and thanks again everybody for being here to enjoy these amazing games I I just want to mention that frantic could have also chosen those civilizations to to save some sips for this final match so Sahara will be the final game and I'm pumped we'll be back in a few for one more game my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys you guys ready for this dan/erin app that won't are you guys ready for this final game I know I'm ready I can be ready enough everyone we go in the chat room yeah this is this is the finale of this session like yeah seriously what a day has been I've been watching the twitch chat all day there's been a lot of people here almost for the entirety of the event so thank you regardless of how long you've been here whether you're active in the chat or not thank you for supporting this amazing game thank you for the kind words about Turkmen and myself are you uh every in the game and ready to go cuz I'm paused at zero seconds and we can do the whole three two one we're ready to rock thing this would be the final the final test of our synchronization skills that's what it will be well we got one more office we go this is true yeah we go well let's nail this one I agree let's not hold on to that let's do this alright so how do you want to do it cuz I was having at the start that stuff does every single time so three to one and then we say we're ready to rock that's what we're gonna do alright okay you all right what else eh you just start and you go and I'll jump in with you I think that's gonna be the easiest way to go all right we got this I've never been more motivated to do anything in my life let's do this three two two one wine stop it you're just on purpose man that's gotta be intentional that was that was obvious sabotage from barbecue turkmen that was obvious I thought I was so into that too jeez alright guys welcome to the final game in a best-of-five between frantic and secret this is a3 b3 and whoever wins this gets a large chunk of the prize pool whoever wins this also gets some points which they will need to hold on to to get to that land final at the end of this the end of this event so we have CL for frantic he's playing as the Huns he's the flank it pocket Far Far Away is Tim tim is playing as the italians and then we have vivvy vivvy is playing as the eto means in this game for secret on the flank we have doubt playing as the Ethiopians in the purple in the pocket we have a tatto playing as it's hellions in the red and then again the devaya in the yellow playing as the huns on the flank as well versus CL wow I love how it's the same SIVs in the same positions I think that secret would have preferred to have Viper as Huns pocket having Viper as pocket means that you could sling him so maybe we will not see any swinging this game to the Viper though you never know you never know it's happened a lot puns verse hunt Italians verse Italians and Ethiopians verse Ethiopians and this map as the scouts are fighting from vivvy and from doubt this map is called Sahara barbecue Turkmen I'm checking out the map right now I'm trying to see who's probably in the worst off position just kind of going around everyone's got like a reasonably close Wood Viper I would say and Cl probably with some of the worst at the moment just having a little bit of a cruise but again kind of balances acts we've got Silver's Viper both from having a wood should be nice in general keeps it nice and balanced back we've got same sibs like you said we've got same locations overall and relatively similar in terms of the maps I would say even then do you think anyone has an actual like definitive map managed by bat oh yeah Viper does for sure I think Viper has two backward lines he is two back-to-back golds whereas CL he has two forward golds and nothing behind so that's gonna be a real concern but uh so the big thing yeah bang the Viper can kind of back up here CL has to hold that front but honestly when you play the Viper in tournaments you have to understand that not only is he one of the best players but he always gets the best maps so that is what you come to expect so this might not come as a surprise for CL he'll just probably say okay I don't need to scout Vipers base for you guys Viper has back golds I don't even need to scout it it's back there we know so at least that helps with the scouting B honestly the whole back untouched I mean it's I know it's kind of a joke like the whole map hacks thing is a joke but I've casted this game and you have cast this game for a long time and it's it's cruel just how many times Viper ends up getting the best map when he is known as the best player obviously he'd be a 1600 newb without the maps right yeah I'm just kind of cruising around at the moment and how many Borisov I forgot that Viper loser poor yes I can see his butt too at the town center he's got one still in the back yeah I'm only seeing one info still aimed him or worse his scalp oh he listed yeah he lame yeah a weak Scout okay so and look he ran right forward and a freaking course the boar was right there look he didn't even see where his opponent is but the boar was on the front it's like back boars back gold it it's sickening guys it is truly sickening well he always gets that little bit of an edge there and the thing is a play that's good enough to take advantage of every single situation you get the front boy he'll take it you give him back what you lost oh what a scrub his his back golds and back boars and he still loses aval what a noob that's perfect even stealing some CL shape there as well you know want to see looking at this yes yes yes he is man CL is in for a rough ride here this is gonna be brutal yeah Viper got the board's he got the sheep of course he lost a Vil but he'll you know I think this changes his whole strategy choice because normally what you do is you'd probably go for something like Scouts or archers on the flank but I think that instead Viper could go for some fast castle funky business it really could and Cl luckily is pushed dear luckily he can click up but he has fallen behind here and Viper will know that Viper needs to be cautious though he can't be too greedy with this and I think he will click up on 22 pop as well alright and I guess that's probably the other thing as well at this point in this tournament overall there's been so many games you've seen so many unique play styles that have registered to a player as well you know when those wolf card you can actually go through and analyze it's just about tit for tat and every game at this point things are starting to happen more and more this so they can get a really good read on their opponent that gives them breathing room so they know what they should be able to get away with how game they are to take that is the actual question though yeah all this all the small things not going in for antics favor here at Tim just finding his sheep a little bit late you know it it's been tough for them in the Dark Age you have to say where as secret secret it's looking pretty good and let's look at the strats they'll go for I hear doubts on gold so that's got to be archers for doubt as he's Ethiopians and then we have Ethiopians for vivvy as well this would be a fun matchup we've seen doubt Birds video a lot in this tournament and it will be archers for them tatto is building a stable now he'll go Scouts we have that stable late for Tim but Tim will also be going Scouts and then CL will be going scouts I believe and the deer has gone back which really sucks for him I believe yep that's it how much does even got in the bank actually he's barely good enough food in the bank right now to keep Villa and Scout production up this is that's the thing he hasn't even got his stable out yet he's been up to feudal age forbid he's not gonna have the probably gonna just have it look how many villages he's got in Barrie's there I think he's given up on the deer bombs are starting to get dropped down so he needs to cut a migrate a couple more villages to wood here and man I don't know if he's gonna be able to do much with this kind of the start Vipers gonna have that huge head start will con chakra as a villager down the end of the day that extra resource is gonna have ya gonna really kind of cement a little bit of a lead I think he would prefer the extra 550 food and - one villager definitely prefer it weird to go to Scouts here I think you're already having food problems so why try and go Scouts if your CL really really peculiar I thought archers would be slightly better for him instead he goes for Scouts and Viper he will see the scout from CL in his base and I'll see the Scout in CL space so while he hasn't scouted the stable he'll at least know his opponent is going for that strategy man CL as well just up to the north of his middle day cuz he actually missed two sheep as well that's about as rough as it gets he had four sheep and a single boar to work with well considering that heck of a job for him to get here in fact I think he knows that he scouted vipers ranges I think he knows now he's going to be behind so he's going to stone early so we can build defensive towers which is really school I'm thinking from him oh absolutely you started playing a little bit more adaptive because like he was saying they're kind of going straight for the Scout coveri overall could have been that he thought he kind of could have pulled it off and he wasn't that far behind could have been that he wasn't kind of trying to adapt more to it and the team had a planning kind of just want to stick with it as best as possible but now moving to that stone making sure you can kind of get some towers up he can get some walls up if he needs them that's gonna put him in a much better situation well what I will say is that Viper will have to pressure elsewhere but that would bring a 3 B 2 situation into play because you have Tim and you have vivvy making military non-stop at the moment and then you have viper making archers you have doubt making archers and you have tatto making Scouts for secrets so in theory it should be a stronger army composition for secret if they're in the same positions and now tatto and doubt are pushing to the right hand side I think that vivvy and Tim are just waiting for them and they'll react to this immediately yeah they're trying to camp that hill at the front there obviously this day is trying to take every little advantage you can every little piece of Micra every little hill advantage try to take whatever they can but it looks like we've got to kind of doing a little bit of searching here I don't think he's gonna find any holes just looking at the base and kind of the layout here overall but and it looks like Tim and wool there we go we've got Tim and say Lord sorry - man vivvy could be moving out at the wrong time here they might actually lose this hill well what time you got by the way I'm at 15 20 I'm moving forward well you're moving forward and doubts archers are not man doubts archers they got caught on a position so that's exactly what the frantic team needed here and Vipers archers are moving forward and Viper all is he gonna get to the gold in time I just wonder Ciel's building towers he will not get to that gold in time there's a lot that could happen here if CL doesn't see this he could be in trouble but okay a little bit of luck man the tower goes up on the gold VIPRE will have to run away from that it's very very primed but there you go doubts would lie in losing one village I'm potentially gonna lose a second here as well does some little stinky micro headed try and get away from it yeah and it'll actually save that village up yeah well played why is VIPRE sitting there okay VIPRE realizes the towers up so VIPRE leaves with one less Archer I'm tatto he made less Scouts so that's why doubt has fallen behind here I mean dealt lost his archers and he doesn't have the presence of tattoes Scouts but Tata will hit castle age first and whoa whoa whoa whoa Tim wait Tim is slinging it means fling and sale oh my goodness did not expect to see that did not expect to see that Tim is slinging CL back into this game Wow so Tim has given up and this might surprise secret I'd absolutely I don't think anyone was expecting this wasn't that actually there's Tammy's getting this link so notably gonna be down a player obviously it can take a little bit more for CL to catch up here but at the end of the day he's going Castle age already taro is going up to Castle age as well see elds gonna be able to pull some units on the field get up to that castle H use that take advantage and there you go sling has an incredibly high winrate in this tournament an incredibly high winrate and this is just your your standard play from secret no sling at least no sling that I expect here if anyone were to sling it would be doubt and doubt is just going with his archer build at the moment Wow what's the play will it be oh wiper moves in with a few archers here will it be stables yeah CL will try and go Knights a viper can actually fight these Scouts at the moment I wonder if I get a sling if he sees these towers sees the stables if he senses the sling is incoming just want to sit in this table seen the market what are we going up a blacksmith going up in the back as well I think I think that they might sense this in all honesty because there's no reason that CL would be up to Castle H unless he's receiving sling and there's no reason you'd have to stables so if he cease to stables he assumes that CL is clicked up and the only explanation is that someone is slinging him so you should know okay so now it's basically sitting back waiting to see what reaction we see if IP is going for the double palisades however he's starting to kind of prep for that one yeah and doubt doing a good job holding to v1 they're actually obviously Tim moving into the swing now so not producing quite as much but it looks like we've got tats we're moving out looks like dad who doubts gonna move out with him as well dad big problem for doubt is he's behind in the castle age uptime and vivvy has just fallen back away for his upgrades and hope pushed back out this is doable for frantic and tim sends his scouts in to help a viper what he's doing now is he's clicking all these units that are killing him to see what the upgrades are to get an idea of what his opponents mike going for and he sees scale barding and he sees bloodlines on those scouts he has to assume sling here he has to assume absolutely yeah doesn't see the knight but look you've seen the earlier uptime he's seen the upgrades yeah absolutely right on that front there he knows exactly what's coming at this point he's kept his archers at home he's gonna wait go for crossbows he's got padded arch armor on the way change barding on the way from CL as well and there's a siege workshop on the front as well actually from Co looking to get aggressive ear Viper doesn't expect this Viper does not expect this he's getting crossbow he's getting bodkin viper has to be extremely careful these will also be Knights with chain bar ding oh man it's not a good situation to be in here III don't think that teal should continue here cuz viper can get to choke but he does get that chain barding upgrade and a Mackinaw will be on the way soon oh he's just gonna keep Piper trapped in as long as possible I'm so tense man I'm so tense there's the maggot hell and Viper splits away from Appaloosas crossbows the louanddan tool or crossbows his frantic gonna do this with the sling wow what a play man what a play in vipers I don't think he was expecting in hindsight because he ran out there way too early if that was the case he'll loose impossible transition to cavalry arches there we go Yanis tree at the front and a stable as well so obviously gonna try and get the heels as much can told you come the way comes after daddy saves the day he'll he'll kill the forward villager he'll kill to Magga Nels and Viper keeps those crossbows alive in the end if Viper can mass enough CAV archers with the Knights from tat so they can hold from the sling and just like that this game changes let's not forget about the fact that vivvy has the crossbows Turkmen that's legitimately what I'm watching to stomp across the map at the moment and you could save absolutely will they be able to hold it that's the next question we kinda need to be asking ourselves obviously the cavalry archers good amount of bulk to them overall however gonna be at a disadvantage when it comes to the range overall those monks potentially gonna be able to get to a couple converts yeah it looks like they will pop right on top though and those cavalry routers there's a couple of freebies yeah CAV archers go down this monk goes for a conversion there's two of them in fact I think they now unsuccessful with the conversions and viper has to retreat from his hill tap to us to retreat from the hill and seeker on the backfoot yet again and doubt has to arrive so doubts on the way to save the day but they do not have that main hill in front of Vipers base and Viper will we'll need his ranges that's it it's so easy for them even with one Manganiello they can push it against those ranges they can start doing damage so I did it's destroying like a couple of pieces of walls or anything vipin needs those up it's gonna cost him to replace them overall stage workshop coming up back from phifer as well so gonna potentially try and get some defense there and looks like scatter and dash is coordinating as much as possible now for Vipers in big trouble his eco balance is way off his yuka balance is way off he's gone for a defensive mag and L look at this group of Units from the Chinese players Vipers built two defensive towers that's how bad it is for him right now defensive towers and not something we usually see from Viper here and a couple of crossbows trying to quick wall gates across the back there to defend his gold and defend his wood there the scouts are already around it they should hopefully if they're lucky just get all the scouting information from back here so they know where to pressure and that Hill is just looking so deadly now you've got that many knights crossbows monks magnums I'm not sure how they can push into that and Vivi's on the way to the imperial age so I think frantic need to be very cautious with taking fights because they're the opposing team has more economy than them they need to out tech them so be very careful and now Vivian CL are running back I really loved the decision to switch the sling up send a little bit of a food boost and gold boost to vivvy to get him to imp because once he gets are blessed it's gonna be really difficult for tattooin doubt to fight this well that's it to engage that they're gonna lose units on the way in they're gonna have to have an amazing engagement opportunity kind of come up to be able to get that and that VB is just again just a shining star across a lot of these matches you've got CL they're playing fantastically you've got Vivi playing fantastically Tim even in this case he took a great opportunity that he had there he kind of just decided well let's go back let's go to this sling it over all and get CL up and I wonder I really wouldn't know if that was an on-the-fly decision yes that was the plan before they went in I had to be had to have been an on-the-fly decision a decision that I don't think secret expected it's not often that secret get surprised like this they will probably try and force a fight when they see vivvy hits him that's what I expect it's interesting to see just how like spectators respond to the sling because remember when Viper was receiving full sling everyone was thinking wow like Viper he's incredible he's unstoppable with sling but now we have it on the other foot here and it's not that Vipers doing anything wrong it's not that tat or even doubt is doing anything wrong it's just that sling is strong the strategy works and vivvy now is moving in absolutely I'm feeling a little bit worried here for this castle coming up he's only got three villages making it if it gets spotted I'm not sure the Knights are gonna have the range of line-of-sight there are in the crossbows well so it should come up but this is a massive push take out the range gonna take out the barracks there as well they're literally just gutting Vipers kind of any kind of military production I don't like this fight from frantic they're fighting uphill against Mac and Elle's against a lot of crossbows and Knights this is a risky engagement but if they take the engagement they obviously win the game Viper can get his castle ah blast ah bless from Vivi chemistry already on the way this this might be what stops them it might be what breaks the game it could also be a gigantic throw from frantic I think it's exactly newly dug fake as crossbows from doubt to Inc work Tarot is gonna have more units here the ARB LS gonna be pretty much left on their own here that's so weird that's so weird maybe judges it wasn't even it wasn't even close really like they're fighting uphill verse so many more units the castles on the way and just like that a secret they stay in the game like that was that's who came up that way so maybe we were late is driving they did not need to go after the castle they could have got a right to Vipers base it would have been fine that's just I'm actually stressing for frantic it that was a huge loss overall got P needles all up my legs at the moment but look at that down to scope the numbers now like the Imperial age attacks are absolutely awesome if you've got units it don't have the unit's to use it with that needs to be careful here maghen l and good good maggin l shot from CL my word and the score just just takes back to frantic there for a moment because they still have Vivian the Imperial age all right oh well doubtful the way that way yep that's it the evening this thing up now we're gonna get some players to Imperial and overall I guess looking at the counts here looking at the bases with God if he kind of just streaming across the map we've got doubt streaming across the mouth I guess in this case like vipers doing his best with what he's got here but it's not a lot he's getting his eco overall and Tim silver I'm with the sling Vipers at sixty villagers he's completely surrounded his put so much pressure on tatto to send help and on doubt to send help and doubts actually getting here I love how vivvy he sent a group of arms to delts woodline he's now doing this again he'll go to the gold a vivvy vivvy vivvy he kills the mag Annelle and I think he has to leave because dave has all of his numbers here but alright even then if we just look at the economies behind us it's actually kind of in the favor of secret over a little bit sure you've got seven use for Viper you've got 78 for down a hundred eight Fatah - absolutely holding the line there look at the Ceylon 76 64 for V V and then 73 for Tim the gate wall is pretty slick there from Viper but teal is going to get out of here anyway they don't have any ceej to kill Vipers castle what's Vipers decision Vipers not sending any resources to anyone he's not singing himself that that's a surprise to me normally that would be the fallback oh he's trying to build a castle on the left yeah I don't think this castle will go up if he spots it and yes there's the signal there's the signal VIPRE deletes the castle more units are funneling into his base oh no this is Taz over there with the Knights I don't know if he's gonna have really enough to kind it back yourself hopefully in fact with all the fire and here it should be fine yeah oh and there's that villager sir just get taken out yeah this is awkward but I think secret are winning this game because tatto has 108 villagers doubt has 85 villagers and Viper is he's on par with Tim when it comes to villagers Andy has some military and defense with castles right so well that's it I would say all of Secrets plays the mum they're all playing independently none of them are relying on that sling none of them are seeing the Vipers setup just about ready to go tattoos ready to go doubts ready to go that's kind of what we're waiting on once the Vipers in the fight here it will essentially be a 3v2 situation unless Tim Cana joins the fray well this would be really interesting now trebuchet can be created by CL the castle will go up will it go for conscription first or will he go for trebs first I think conscription might be smarter so he can create the Cavalier flight in Cavalier yep nothing out of his castle just yet I mean he has a lot to focus on so that's understandable and he's tried to run into Vipers base and Viper gave Tim oh that could be a game change of decision Viper blocks him from getting in we know the Viper would've lost everything if those units got in there about to be cavalier the well-played Viper and tatto he has his home cavalier now doubt he has to throw up less now and doubt and tatto have a real force to be reckoned with 50 military for del and 35 for tat oh let's see these are just cheap unit size these a units at absolutely damaged this is where we get the chunky damage you know yeah the chunky beefy damn it del paladin will be clicked immediately for CL after cavalier that's big difference and also keep in mind that Italians they do not get paladin so tatto is capped out with the cavalier on top of that though viper going up to imperial so they're gonna get nice and even net so we're gonna have that team on just an imperial front again Tim gonna have to make a decision you know I guess CL and the whole team actually yeah what are they gonna do with Tim here because the thing is end of the day if they get out pop so there's only so much population count you've got between two plays which TC did viper choose for him I know people want to know that yep safety C he'll start losing his castles nothing that he can really do about that except delay and I have to say Vivi's done a great job to pull back and not get overwhelmed by doubt and by tatto so he recognized it was coming and then here comes CL a paladin's halfway completed this is quite a game 5 my friends quite a game 5 still don't know how to call this as vipers losing castles Vivi's losing villagers and Vivi's losing a ton of map control I think the things gonna be more than anything you've still got a whole bunch of Cabell you've still got a whole bunch of oblah sitting outside vipin space CLS there with trebuchet what does viper have to defend against this now he's got a couple of cavalier from tosser everything else is on the other side of the map this may be I'm not sure exactly how to call this one but this is gonna be very trade sufficient really hard to judge huh and I wonder if CL expects viper to be on the way to him and he went in for that empty sea which is of course that would have been the wrong gas be funny to ask him afterwards the fight on both sides árboles and paladin's now down has more are bless and are bless are going to be really strong with the buildings there but the buildings are deleted and if the market is deleted if the barracks is believe it I think that secret will lose this fight it's so hard to tell doubt even has a hill maybe not I think that welding up think down and unit for unit it it's just crazy what happens Tacy's right now crazy well the Cavalier trying to get that Genoese crossbow connect Genoese crossbow from tat zone with Genoese crossbow he has to counter to the paladin's just a matter of if viper can be saved if viper is going to go the Tarkin Rudy's going a leaked arc and he's making a few of them now rocket what is this madness singing this is fantastic doubt look at that and oh man envy these bikes look at how many ah bless I left the doubt it's too many vivy doesn't have a response to that and Ciel doesn't have the Paladin numbers and doubt we'll build another castle oh god they're both looking to get this hill but doubt we'll have a castle there can Viper hold on man can doubt hold on can tap to hold on seems like they are for now stable production yeah olá stable production in the back provide by all these talk ins coming flood man yep well possibly going a bit too far there into the towers he'll pull back to the hill he'll get his castle of if he if that is a vivvy castle if I've ever seen one a castle will be completed and what I like from CL is he's sending the powtoons into different areas so he's keeping secret on the back foot and now if I Pro loses a castle and tatto could be next to lose a castle and he needs both of these castles to make the Genoese crossbow man wipe it's back in the game now look at the amount of toxins he's got out in field this is great push that back doesn't need to rely on the support from tattooin doubt anymore which means tatto and doubt can do their own thing and downswing thus far is pretty much been crushing vb as much as possible but in comes the peloton stream from CL against his castle Oh - how could be overwhelmed here this is huge this is huge if doubt doesn't get in the castle okay he just gets by so he can hop into the castle and out the other side so luckily for him he saves most of his numbers but that castle could die down loses villagers on the other side we have the Tarkan's engaging verse er bless the paladin's are their genuis crossed over there I think tat so and viper are gonna clean this up but it is so close Turkmen it is so close look it's turned essentially into a two V Forces Arya he's running around with Ami's viper can defend himself is showing that near with the assistance of tato he's being able to take this out he's pretty much dealing with most of it but that said he needs those January's back in their tattoo while tato loses the castle there's another castle he's building right there on that hill so they're obviously confident that they can push this hill back what vivvy needs is buildings on this side and he recognizes that he will add more archers here they need answer to the Genoese crossbow oh man I'm looking at this right now and dad has lost his castle exhaust holy zaba less there as well wow this is he's back and forth really is really is and it's all about the castles now if Tata loses to castles secret loses this game Tim is someone who generates wingmen it's a good hold put the end of the day to the trebuchet that holding will not be enough they have to push out against it talking getting one potentially gonna redirect on to the second there as well yeah no micro control nice nice job from Viper he will get that one Trev there's two remaining now the vivvy needs the ARBs here come the orbs if if he has our bless as Genoese crossbow will die viper in the back knocking sail off his gold mine there as well killing a bunch of villages and just delaying that's looking hopeful to get a little bit of advantage yeah these are a lot of paladins just died to the Genoese crossbow a lot of paladins just tied to the genovese crossbow but it's just a matter of space we've got castle coming down from viviana paladins push about to happen oh my god and doubt can't fight this man dog can't fight this that that's a crazy thing doubt could actually die here and he is 175 population the Vipers just he's resorting to pick him off trebuchet when he can he's on trebuchet knifing duty hey look if it's working it's keeping that castle up and that's what this is like I said you can't hold against the trebuchet against paladins you can all the so good yeah the castle stays so many paladin's died another trebuchet goes down and now we're really seeing how it's three players verse two Tim he's going to Castle age he will not have the resources to go to imp when he gets there I'm not sure what the play will be there's just so many things going on right now because there's so much emphasis on the corners and the trade you can see the trade now from doubt is running right where CL is building his own market and vipers there it is insanity but secret have the lead secret haven't we should look at that fending this off he got the helps that was a massacre of paladins absolute massacre it's Secrets gamed lose now secret should have this all players in the Imperial Age all players with their ideal Tech's a meanwhile frantic are probably kicking themselves I don't know why they fought up that hill and early in it it all comes down to them losing their momentum the Tarkan's will kill the herbalist and it's the the skirmishers and i think it could just be a matter of time now look at Tatsu mopping up these paladin sin Vipers base man those generals crossbowmen are just doing work this game if you've ever want to see a unique unit in crime this is the game - look at the way these have managed to hold against so many different compositions has been absolutely incredible the trade is up as well how are we looking in terms of trade it looks like frenetic are just starting to start there's yeah and I would say looking at it even then it's so close secret ahead by literally a hair yeah well I think vivy is really stretched now he's on the right-hand side which is fantastic but he's needed on the left they need archers on the left and they don't have that it's just paladin's and even if they add archers on the left vipers Tarkan's and that's going to be the answer to that right there very complicated it's very complicated it's what and that's the thing it's so interesting to see players having to go left to right right to left they have to get the compositions right here when they're actually going for an engagement you can see vipers moving all those talking's over towards doubt you can see the paladin's trailing him as well shadows got Genoese crossbowmen defending viper Vipers about to be defending doubt with Tarkan's it's fantastic viper is losing a lot of his economy to these paladins tatto doesn't have the mobility to catch up with these things and vipers down to 69 villagers 88 population and Vivi's back he is back and he's looking for some action now he might have lost a little bit on the right-hand side actually it's gonna lose more because viper arrives here what a game what a game this is this is what you want out of the final game as no one's been able to call it again five reduced rendre a little bit of rating here a little bit of rating there wherever if you kind of get one unit into but those paladin's are going to be deadly verses of skirmishes novelist I think maybe if frantic can hold this hill on the right and continue pushing on the left or at least rating vipers open base on the left they'll be very happy but it's going to be more difficult now it's viper stone walls up this area where the trade is oh man this has been beautiful this scam shows everything we're trading back to the hill as best as possible just a much safer situation for secret because they have all that trade flowing so every gold unit that frantic losses is difficult for them to replenish their forces populations actually much higher as a team for the secret players absolutely I'm waiting for him to jump back into the fight here but the thing is they haven't established that trade so he needs to basically keep this one as open as possible needs to keep supplying his allies with resources here so they essentially keep defending the moment he stops it might drop entirely yeah I'm fairly certain if Tim stops swinging now then his his allies die you know the only time you can really stop the sling and get into the game as if you're ahead and they I would not say they're ahead here at all as Viper and tatto have stabilized on the left and gal is at least holding on the right man those Genoese crossbowmen it is just a bowl of death at the moment it's just paladin off the pallet it's all they're really got on this side like you've said baby just does not have any production over here everything has to literally walk across the map to get there it's such a difficult like mix of counters because sure if if he needs the ARBs and thus Kermes to kill the Genoese cross with them but then viper has the Tarkan's and these Tarkan's have such high pierce armor that the arms and skirm barely scratched them so sure that's what vivvy needs but with what viper has that's almost impossible what they need is they need Tim in this game at some point so maybe the Chinese players just need to hold you know for a long time trade themselves and then eventually get to the same composition and if they can hold for a while I'll be quite impressed with them I have been impressed with in this whole series but okay this is where we had to restore right yes the end of this don't stress ladies and gentlemen we're on this news I had mini heart attack yeah apparently there was a drop at this stage so we're going to restore let's do this now let's not make the people wait and I have let's go part two yep three two one boom we're not gonna do the whole we're ready to rock thing cuz we have the game mister gents it's - yes yep look look on the left-hand side CL has a castle there I wonder if they can get through look he's making up its hard he wants to get through to that trade route they can get in that it's a good step going in look I mean they could completely be wiped on the front but they're going to go in with paladin's and range soon if they know they're behind in trade and they're going right on in January is chris burrman from SATA already on the way they sense this one coming vibe is trying to get a castle out there with a single village I'm moving some more in to kind of defend this one fit the paladin's are in play yeah but the Genoese crossbar here tattoo expects this and these shadow he's cross for me they're so incredibly strong income the scams in the obso they're gonna be able to sit behind it yep this will pull Vipers back vipers need it now vibe he needs to get Tarkin numbers here he they can't push on the front they need viper to be where he is look at the dead pills for tat oh and viper from the rating from CL there's so many moments that add up here i just think that it damage that Genoese cross focus any more villages scimitar on three castle up the talk ins behind they can't retreat incredible movement from viper to block off the retreat and these Genoese crossbow are just too strong look at this man this is domination secret it's almost unstoppable I can't see them pushing secret with this many Genoese crossbow this is just insanity that's it Vivi's not here to be able to kind of go toe for toe with this one yeah and of course so it's talking it's gonna bring down that castle sorry quickly adele is still alive and well on the right hand side at 200 population is 23 trade carts tattoo is 37 viper has seven there's some trade going for china but what they need is tim in the game and look who's on the way to the imperial age how has doubt survived this one this this amazes me I know he's the absolute king when it comes to this game he's been here for so long he's seen all of it but to be right next to view this entire time and he's just kind of got away with it he's also fighting against full scurbs but I'll tell you what one viper sent over one Tarkin one HUS are it's so helpful in viper will kill a bombard cannon doubt will win this fight Tim is looking to get into the game but I feel like the frantic team is going to get pushed back too much by the time he gets to his units like ma'am we need those at Le Pain Jade way to crossbowmen man that's absolutely gutting us get some castles up so he's getting them up could it be too little too late would be an incredible game wouldn't it if they're able to come back here and get Tim in this game it would be an incredible game one of the best for sure at a toe this has been just one of the best games in the entire tournament us assurance back and forth everywhere Messi the vivvy is really struggling though he's losing multiple castles on the front he's only at 140 pop he doesn't have a lot of bills now he doesn't even have the trade numbers he needs so he really has to fall back to his base I think and the same could be said for CL after they lost those numbers they didn't have the resources to get back into this and I think tatto and Viper could run right into CL is based in a bit Hopkins just doing what talking's doing thus demolishing buildings on the way through sage rams getting in there as well the thing with the talk is is they're just so effective against everything obviously not the best trade versus a paladin but they've got enough HP they can kind of bulk for it as well yeah well let's see Tim has three castles on the left he's making elite Genoese crossbow this is gonna make things interesting that's an answer those man it's an answer to the huzzah it's an answer to the talk ins like yeah this good the Dow has a huge ball of arms that he could help with and tattoos at 75 military so you need to have about seventy two more Genoese crossbow to be on par with tat oh and by then by then I think the castles will die to the seed ramps well we've seen it yeah obviously gonna push into it cuz the seed Rams there if they get rid of this that's like the lost I guess ex-facta that like frantic had to play right yep from here it's justified eventually it'll win out vivy doesn't have resources from Tim sling because Tim's trying to fight and now Vivi's getting completely wiped I think secrets gonna take this I think it can't be too far away now as well because they just gonna be able to go through at Lycia the castles are the perfect lines of the units in units are on a perfect line they've got the seed Rams there everyone's doing everything they can but yeah look at the rating is gonna be open for CL a couple of Sorrows net and look at those farms man how fast they're all gonna fall yeah bombard towers for Tata tatto is played incredibly well this game he's fought on both sides he's been helpful on both sides he's the reason that viper is able to get to Tarkan's and that sling this was so strong initially from frantic I just can't help it and we'll talk about it in the post match comments but just can't help but think that that initial flight was a huge waste and I don't think we ever needed to get to this point I think frantic had an opportunity and they wasted it small small amount of Genoese crossbowmen the team have they're absolutely doing work right now yeah take that so many of those targets but of course the mass of its just elite general use cross moments coming in for tat oh now they'll clean the rest of these guys out they can't kill the Rams the Genoese crossbow cannot kill the Rams they cannot kill the trebs so this castle will go down and Tim will be on zero castles then the Vipers getting paladin the Viper hasn't really been needed over the last couple moments you know he's been fixing his population and he's going to send some help to doubt on the right who also has he doesn't really need help I think it's just every time yeah that's it we've got stables there they're ready to go which is probably the biggest thing see I was missing on this side a couple of extra Archer is from Vivian he probably would've made a good position the effect like the amount of reinforcement time that would have saved yeah it means I could have taken so many more engagements they wouldn't have been in such a better place today moving forward some villages generally as crossbowmen what's he up to that's the real question well but secretly we do is they could go right to the enemy trade just go right in there's nothing stopping them they don't need to do that right now I think they will win this game in normal but if they get through to the trade it's obviously even more difficult for a team who's not finding any answers right now I'm waiting for the Paladins just to kind of get into sales base literally just like four or five yes to kind of start cleaning out billions during their legit just be annoying and that's all they need to do at this stage because if you check it out the trade is just beyond where doubts kind of fighting right now the Paladins look like they might clean most of this up actually but they've got the saws the Tarkan's are there the top guns at this point basically a throwaway buy for obviously looking at guide transition into paladins and he's got the trade to do it all of them do tato has 83 military men 83 military this is just insanity it's him is is going for condos now I mean let's give him credit he's helping his ally out he's helping vivvy hold this might not be over I wonder how condos will fare versus the Genoese crossed by I haven't seen it too often I know that they'll die to the Paladins in the Tarkan's but I'd say good question actually she's really good questions it's not like a husk Carl they're normally better versed at gunpowder but tattooing has as so many that he could probably kill bald árboles at this rate just look at the map control right now secret sauce so far in front you've got seeds Rams kind of just moving towards see Alan by me like they're not even like defended they're just doing whatever damage they can yeah here comes the stream of Genoese cross by man they're in the fray yeah and this could be the final flight in all honesty this could be the final flight vipers here tattos here doubt is pushing from the right hand side again and yep there the ramps they're going to go through the walls once they go through the walls they'll go into the trade and that will be the finishing blow that's it man and they make it look this has been an intense game but right now they're just making it look like it's been under control the entire time this is what they wanted in reality there was so many points where this could have gone either way it's been abstain yeah VIPRE was absolutely surprised earlier I think secret were surprised by the strategy they didn't react like you normally would if sling was involved but you know once they realized they built the castle on the hill sure you have to say that frantic made a mistake thereby going up the hill the way they did not just avoiding the castle but good teams good players force mistakes right and that's exactly what tattoed out and viper did here that's it I think I'm not even forcing them so they just took every single little opportunity they could find and now they pulled them ahead here yeah they made these little things work for him if it wasn't mistake they found an opening they force a transition and I don't know where this could have gone any differently in all honesty like it the thing is they had Tim sling in the moment Tim kind of stopped and tried to get in there I guess if Tim kind of mashed up some more Genoese crossbowmen would have been a little bit of a better story but you know a secret roll over that they saw the castles they knew what was kind of happening there and they just decided well let's get rid of this trap before it even begins yeah it was almost immediately when Tim clicked up the castle ate the baby started getting pushed back because he was relying on that sling right as you so often do I tell you what these guys are not dying yet you have the condos from Tim that the condos from vivvy are blessed there's a lot of Units here but but now it seems like on the other side CL is dying as tatto and Viper push him and CL you can't afford to lose his stables he can't afford to lose these villagers and I don't see any other I don't see anything else happening he's gonna die here that grew fatherless on the trade just again doing work obviously will get taken out there but the trade damage some of that is done CL space absolutely swarms the Genoese crossbowmen are back in play there as well the seed REM is obviously going to start destroying those buildings so quickly denying that castle there there might just be enough paladins here from CL to kind of clean this up with the reinforce look at it from Piper here it comes yeah more stars killing off villagers ie I do not know at this point what can be done it's it's just a matter of time now it's again it just really shows you how strong this frantic team is to not be dead yet to somehow get the population to defend but they defend on the right tastic goes to the middle they go to the middle the Viper and tatto go to the left and all the fights are being dictated by secret players now and only 95 population for CL and half of half of that pop is idle Vil's could be killed man and look at his face it's basically it's just being gutted yeah it's like nothing left there anyone where's he gonna produce way is he gonna get anything kind of built from I can see him in the background here trying to get another Town Center up trying to keep his village account out but where the stables that's a real question he can't get the units into play yep the Viper gets into Tim's economy now and they realized him with the 3 G's he calls it and what a game it was game number five secret take the victory I think frantic can hold their head up high after that series though that was an incredible series I hate I I hate to put it down err I hate to put a downer on it and maybe I'm being too critical but they could have won the game they went to the worst possible spot if there was no reason to run up that hill Viper was wide open here they could have ran right in but instead they they thought that the Imperial aged tech for vivvy would be enough and that was not the case they weren't up the hill into Mackinac outs into enemy crossbows and Knights and Castle fire and they gave secret an opportunity to come back right but again his secret props because secret only came back 20 minutes later secret only came back after they stabilized and it took a lot and lots of time wow what a game oh man yeah that summary is absolutely it there was so many points in that word crew going either way and both teams prowess in this game is why we saw such a long game here going for an hour and 15 minutes of game time against three players like this it was so United on this in such a big league tournament that people have been practicing for like every day you cannot do it this has been just an absolute phenomenal but of head especially with the final score we end up at against this is what you want to study what a play from tat oh man what a play from tattoo it is not easy when you're Italian pocket and you're going cavalier for someone who can go paladin right and tatto he if he made too many cavalier he would have just lost them it would have been a waste of resources but he really calculated how many he made and that's a good game for him to show what he's made of he made cavalier verse paladin who was taking the best possible fights then and into the Genoese crossbow at the exact correct time so I mean we could probably analyze that game all day we've been cast while I've been casting all day so I don't have the time for that but I will show you guys the achievements here just crazy I couldn't be happier with that series as a final series to basically the 3b3 ACL Africa that's this is what you're after we didn't want to see it go through one we didn't want to see a stomp in the last game we wanted to see it bloody hurt we wanted to see it we want to see people push to the edge to get that one and they hung in for so long they wanted it so badly I can't wait to see what they bring to the rest of the tournament look at the standings there these are live standings now secret is back in first position in the overall standings with that first-place finish frantic with a lot of second-place finishes right and there are 20 points right now so if if things stand like this until the end of next summer then a secret and frantic will be at the land wherever that may be of course we have a lot of games yet to play we have sy in third we have a.m. in in fourth but sy frantic and secret are well ahead in the standings there so definitely keep that in mind as we go on to future escape events this has been phenomenal and that's exactly it looking at the tally here there's so many strong teams and you look at secret from now yes why there is nothing between them one good couple of rounds is all you need for them to basically jump up to the first place that would be a pretty sweet land man seeing that game played with 300 400 paying whatever the ping is between Europe and China just imagine when there's zero ping that was an exceptional game with significant amount of lag so these are these are quality players guys these are quality players so nominal has been the best so twitch chat I see you're salutes thank you very much they're crazy games thank you for the love today thank you everyone for hanging out today I was quite stressed because this is not normally my role I'm not normally streaming for escape from just casting and there's just so much that I had to do behind the scenes this morning that I was not expecting to have to do so thank you for the support and understanding for whatever issues we encountered and happy to have stepped in today that's why it 16 is wrong maybe maybe the point systems haven't been fully updated but you guys get the idea right it's it's it's not like if we missed a point or two 4sy they're still not going to be in a dominant position so any any final thoughts turkmen that's just been absolutely beautiful to be here I'm always happy for the entire community like when events like this run to have someone like you running such an event today as well in the absence as well fantastic thank you so much for doing that as well you've done an absolutely beautiful job and everyone that's been here for all this in general like thank you so much especially the people that have been here since the beginning the new people that have kind of jumped in you're all loved here and thank you so much for everything you've been able to do for the community yep you're welcome and you're welcome thank you it's always a pleasure to cast with you looking forward to doing it more in the future thanks so guys there will be more escape events in the future this is a 3 B 3 tournament we will have 1v1 2v2 s4 before there's just a lot of stuff there's so much going on on my mind right now so I'm I'm unable to ok robo fixed it robo fix this so sy second place apparently good way to go robo let's get some Dan's games in the chat for Robo but um but anyway there's just a lot coming up normally every two weeks there's an escape stream so if I am NOT streaming on escape I will be streaming this on my own stream which is slash teen on the official but for the most part I'm here and I'm happy to be here so to all you guys who are possibly new to the Age of Empires scene I hope you enjoyed the games today definitely stay involved in the community the community is blooming and bigger than ever we have more events it's just an exciting time to be and I'm excited to be a part of it so thank you everybody for the love I believe that we are going to send a host to another Age of Empires streamer within a few minutes after we run a little countdown and I will see you all next time so thank you guys for by thank you for the love have a good one everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EscapeAoE
Views: 39,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escapeaoe, escape gaming, age of empires 2, age of empires HD, ecl, escape champions league, daut, cool, commentary, zeroempires, killerb, expert, match, aoe2, t90official, memb, africa, 2v2, SY, secret, tyrant, semi-final, semi, round 2, am, aftermath, sy, frantic, turkman, bbqturkman
Id: hZHt-DnkO-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 8sec (10148 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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