Basic Wednesday Episode#36 How To Use Green Screen Functions In The New Davinci Resolve 17.4 Updat

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it's wednesday Claus here it's time for another  basic davinci resolve tutorial hello Claus here   it's wednesday and time for yet another basic  davinci resolve tutorial in this video we're going   to have a relook at how to do green screen inside  of davinci resolve after the new update 17.4   and there are some changes and some new stuff so  let's have a look into that so first off if you   don't know which version you are in in davinci  resolve or you want to check if there is an   update you can go up here to the result tab up  here click on that and go to check for updates   davinci resolve is now going to tell me that i am  currently on version davinci resolve studio 7.4.1   and that's totally fine that is the newest version  i'm on so let's quickly just run through the green   screen in davinci resolve again in davinci resolve  you can make green screen in three different ways   you can do it in the edit page you can do it in  the color page and of course you can do it in   fusion however after the new update there's no  change in how you do it in fusion as well as   i am aware of and i also prefer to do it either  in the edit page or in the color page in fact   i would prefer to do it in the color page before  this update but after this update i'm not so sure   so let's uh jump right into it so again i have  a green screen clip here of me in front of a   cheap green screen and a background okay that's  good enough so let's jump up to our effects   we're going to the open effects and we're going  to search for key and here we have the 3d care   i'm going to add that to my top clip then  i'll go to the inspector and i'm going to   go over here underneath and make sure  that this is set to open effects overlay   and then i'm just going to toggle off my  effects and we are already now in the gear   itself this is the 3d care and um if we just  take a quick look at the basic stuff we have   some new things we have a new d spill which in the  old version were a check box now it's not and also   we have some color space stuff we can change  around and we have some different options   some adjustments some matte finesse and some  garbage matte and that's basically it but um   we also have this feature and i think this is  very lovely because as soon as we draw a line here   we can actually see how our key is and it's going  to show us exactly what we are keying out this is   one of the new features it's uh again a super easy  way to see what we are doing so if we just let go   we've now keyed out the background and i think  that should be good it's hard to see if there is   any green the spill in fact so we might as well  go in zoom a little bit in here so we can see   if we need to put in some d spill i  can see there is some here and here   so i'll go into the d spill and i'm going to  bump this up until my green cast will disappear of course if this kit are getting  too harsh we could go into   the key adjustments and change around for  instance the tint and shift in the chroma colors   as you see right here that we are not going  to toggle too much with but you know we can   adjust our settings so it will be a little better i think i'll keep it like that and go into  the d spill again also we could go into   our mad finesse and here we have a bunch of  options again to go in and clean the blacks   for instance which we're doing here cleaning  the white we're not going to do i'm going to   bump up the black a little bit more and then we  can again go into black clip we have white clip   and then we could change the blur radios and  stuff like that we could do that a little bit something like that so in in general  we have a a decent key i would say   out of this old piece of footage so what we  need to add in now would be a garbage mat   in this case i'm just going to do a rectangle  however as we might see now this doesn't look   good because we need to invert our selection  and also going to make it something like that should be good enough and you know then we  could change around the mask here again um   and do a little bit more of a finesse we also have  some soft edges so we could make the edges more   soft or less so it's all um according to what you  think is best so i think this is already a pretty   nice thing so i'm going to jump over again here  and i i want to do a little bit of animation in my   clip here so i'm going to select my top clip  i'll go back to the video and here is where   we have the first little problem with davinci  resolve new update because as soon as i want   for instance let's say i want to be a little  further back so i'm going to zoom this in and this is not what we want we don't want the  black bars i think this is a little annoying   bug in davinci resolve hopefully black magic will  fix this in the next update however there is a   fix to actually fixing this so i'm just going to  control c this and the way to fix this issue is   actually just to right click on your green screen  clip and make a new compound clip and that's going   to be just fine so you see if i zoom now the bars  has disappeared and i can for instance make myself   a little bit smaller i'm just going to toggle this  on here and i'm going to put myself right here so   we'll do a quick animation i'm going to put myself  over here and in the positions i'm just going to   put in a keyframe and then i'll go to the end of  the clip here and i'm just going to move myself   past the screen so lovely it is so here we have  me walking in the forest it looks like it's cold   it would be great if there was snow there  we can add this in later of course however   let's jump to the other way of doing a  things here in this case i'm going to   show you the green screen options in the color  page so let's just jump over to the color page   and uh here we have the clip as we  would expect and the way we would   do it in here is we'll go to the qualifiers and if  you've been using davinci resolve before the new   update you would see that a lot of the icons are  changed and they look a little bit different also   they have been placed different places so it's  going to take you a while to get used to but it's   like this when they mess around with the icons and  stuff like that so anyway i have my qualifier i'm   going to take my 3d color and i know that this  is right here and i'm going to do the same thing   like i did before going to make a pretty decent  key i can make a little more over here i think   something like that and if i look here at my note  i can see my selection and in this case i need to   invert it yet again and you know that button has  been moved so now it's right over here instead so   i'm just going to toggle that and if i click over  here i can see my selection how that is looking   looking fine i think in this case i'm also going  to do a garbage patch i'm going over to the masks   here i'm just going to take a curves mask i'm  just going to like do a shape around myself here   something like that that should be okay i think  so what we need to do now in davinci resolve is   of course to add in an alpha out you do that by  right clicking over here and i'm going to add an   alpha out this blue icon you see right here i  actually hope that blackmagic would update this   so this would be here all the time so we didn't  have to add it in every time we wanted to use an   alpha channel i just think it would be nice to  just drag here and connect instead of all the   right clicking but hey that's just me and again  we could do something with the softness here   of the mask we did i think that should be  good enough for this little thing so we'll go   back here to the editing page and we're  going to take our clip here yet again   and you see if we zoom in we're going to  have the exact same problem as we had before   also since i did the mask i can see i have some  problems right here so i'll go back into the color   page i'll go up to the qualifier and in this case  i'm going to add in the ds build and it's up here   and it works the same way as the other if that  doesn't help and we can't take it out well enough   we need to go into our clean blacks here and  we can take some of it off at least this way   something like that and then in general i think  this is good enough for jazz so i'm just going to   take this off and jump back into the edit page  and i'll do a quick little animation yet again   remember if i zoom or do anything to my  image it's going to give you the black bars   and again if you just make that into a compound  clip your top layer with your green screen it's   going to be all fine and dandy again let's  do a super quick animation with me yet again   i'm going to put in a keyframe go  to the end and i'm walking here so there we have that walking in the snow  lovely isn't it it would be very lovely if we   actually added snow in and that can of course  be done super easy if we have a snow overlay   we're going to put that on top of our clip  here and i'm just going to push b and do a   cut and remove the rest because i don't need  it i'm going to select my top layer here and   then i'm going to go over to the inspector into  the composite mode and by the way a new feature   is also you can preview your composite  modes which i think is a pretty darn   nice however in this case we only need to  use add to add in the snow and with that   again out of the way we have this result and  by the way if you're interested in the snow i'm   using for this particular thing then you have  to check out rocket roosters snowpack there's   a link for that down in the description below or  if you just need snow in general you can check out   my free pack again link down in the description  so now we have this little cold scene here lovely indeed if we wanted to make this  just a tad better we could just um you know   highlight both of our clip right click  and then just do a new compound clip   so they'll be together as one  and then we could go into the   color page select our compound clip right here  go into the color grade you know and just play   around with the temperature and make it a  little more blue a little more cold that's   what we could do anyway i do hope you found this  little video useful if you did please hit that   subscribe button give the video a like share  with your friends if you think it would help   them out and if you want to be notified every  time there's a new video on this channel please   hit that bell icon down in the corner until next  time keep filming keep learning and keep sharing
Channel: Duke Denver Film
Views: 859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve, how to use davinci resolve 17, blackmagic design, new in resolve 17, how to, video editing software, getting started with davinci, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial 17, video editing tips, new to davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, green screen tips, davinci resolve 17.4 update, davinci resolve 17.4.1, davinci resolve 17.4 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 17.4 tutorial
Id: -Flr1qxWaNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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