5 AWESOME NEW Features in DaVinci Resolve 17.4.1 FAIRLIGHT

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all right all set up recording i think we're good to go what's happening guys so as you know recently blackmagic design released davinci resolve 17.4.1 recently so there's a couple new features here in fairlight you know being that i love me some good audio i'm an audio guy there's some awesome features here in fairlight that got added in that 17.4 release and 17.4.1 i don't know between the two of them there's some cool new features in there so i thought i'd give you a little rundown i got five features here that i think are pretty cool you can check them out check out the time stamps if you just want to jump along to each one of them and i might even have a bonus tip in there at the end for you so it's jumping and resolving check this out all right so i have a random clip here in my timeline just to show you some of these new features here i am in the fairlight tab which is right here the musical notes at the bottom click on that so the first thing that i want to talk about is the ability to move around your effects so you used to have to apply your effects in the order that you wanted them to be applied to your clip right you had to go you know multiband compressor de-esser whatever it is you might want to do you had to put them in in that order but now you can just come in here click and drag it and move it around you can change the order of them you can move them wherever you want that's pretty sweet it's just nice to have that option to be able to move stuff around later on instead of having to delete it then re-add it again then apply your settings so that's a feature that i really like we can move around our effects now in addition to be able to just move around those effects on a single track we can copy them between tracks super easy check this out let's say i want to grab my reverb and i want to apply it to another track if you just hold the alt key click on your effect drag it to the new track let go boom copies it right over there for you that is sweet because there's a lot of times where i might separate my audio into different tracks even if it's you know just me talking here i might want to just separate it a little bit for whatever the reason and i want to use the same effects well you don't have to go through copy paste and all that kind of stuff it's super easy just use your alt key click drag drop onto a new track you're good to go your effects are exactly the same on one track to the next so i really like that feature that they added here in resolve 17.4 so that's the first thing i like the second thing that i like is if you use vst-3 plug-ins now i don't use many of them but if you do now you can use them right here and resolve they're supported you should be good to go to just use them right inside of fairlight here so that's number two that's pretty sweet if you use vst3 plug-ins the third thing that i really like that got added is more detail to the waveforms sometimes i want to get in there and see exactly where different things are on the waveforms check this out so when we're looking at this level right here i can see it does look like a little bit more detail to me but if we also come here and we zoom in more so i'm going to zoom way in on this guy look at the detail on these waveforms i mean that's pretty crazy that wasn't there before at least as far as i remember ever seeing but they said they added some detail and when you look at the view like this zoomed in this far and even if you go in farther right look at that you can see the actual line of the waveforms that's pretty sweet because there's times where we want to get you know the beat of the music right on that point of you know me talking or something like that boom right there and with the waveforms like this and the added detail that they've given you you're gonna be able to see exactly where those points are in whether it's your vocals your music whatever it might be you can find that on those waveforms with the enhanced detail that they have here so that's pretty sweet now the fourth feature here that i really like that they added this can be done in either the edit tab or right here in fairlight i'm going to show you in fairlight but it's going to work in the edit tab for you too so looking at our clip right here we have this line right here right and you'll see this in the edit tab as well and you can click on it and drag up and down and that's going to change the volume of your clip right but sometimes when you're doing it you're getting in there and you're like trying to tweak it just a little bit right it doesn't work it's jumping too much it's moving you know too many db so you can try and you know zoom way in make it make the track bigger so you can get a little more detail there but look see how it's jumping the numbers right here well maybe i want to be a little more exact now we can do that with this new feature that they added so if you hold your shift key while you click on this line it's going to allow you to get more precise so i'm going to click on there and i'm going to hold my shift key and now look i can go up in 0.1 db levels right just moving my mouse up and down that is sweet that we can be that exact with our line that's right here on the clip no more do i have to come over here open the inspector you know click on this guy drag back and forth real carefully you could just do it right on the clip now so i really like that number four that's a game changer for me because sometimes you really just need to get those real fine tune adjustments so i like that a lot again you can do it in the edit tab or right here in fairlight that's a sweet one i like that so number five here is dealing with keyframes for your audio so check this out so i've got a bunch of random keyframes i just threw them in no rhyme or reason to them just so we can see what we can do with them now well now we have the ability to click multiple points right we can click we can hold our command or control key control if you're on pc and you can select multiple points here and let's say we want to delete them boom we can delete them you can also click on the first clip and let's say i want to come to the last clip here hold your shift key click the last clip and that's going to select all of your points as well now you can delete them like that and that that works pretty good so being able to select multiple keyframes there is good if you want to delete them or something like that but let's say i want to grab all of them and move them up and down together right so i tried selecting them that way the way we just looked at and moving them up and down and that didn't work but here's how you can do it if you come into fairlight let's make a little more uh room on our screen here close these guys down and if i come and use this guy right here the edit selection mode tool i'm going to click on that and now i'm just going to come and drag where i want to select my keyframe so i'm going to select that right there and now i can just hover over any one of these lines and it's going to drag them up and down as a whole so that's pretty sweet because maybe you know overall my mix needs to get adjusted up or down a little bit in a particular area using this tool is going to allow you to be able to do that you can grab all your keyframes and just boost that whole part up and down a little bit so that's pretty convenient i really like that we can do that here with the keyframes another thing that is pretty convenient that is a new feature here is that you can add keyframes to your audio tracks by just holding your option or alt key on mac option on pc so check this out so i just have this little selector guy selected here and let's say i want to add some keyframes along here so i'm just going to hold my option key and click and you can see anywhere i click it's going to add a keyframe so that comes in super handy if you're just looking at your waveforms and you want to add in some keyframes hold your alt or option key on a mac and you can just drop them right onto the timeline that's pretty sweet then we can just come in here and you know make our adjustments however we want and it just kind of speeds up your uh ability to work with keyframes here in fairlight so that's pretty sweet all right so here's number six i know i said five but i think i'm gonna have six and a bonus for you here so number six has to do with when you're adding audio transitions in the edit tab and how it appears once you get into fairlight check this out so we're in the edit tab right now let's say i make a cut here in my my video and my audio and you can see okay i've got two different clips there now i want to apply an audio transition so come into my effects library right here audio transitions right here we've got our three different kinds we can do cross fades right we have the crossfade plus three db minus three db and just the zero db cross fade so let's just say i want to do a minus three db now let's say that i only want to apply it to one side of my clip right i don't want it to bridge the gap of the clips i just want it on one side so this is how it looks in the edit tab and you can come in here and you can make your adjustment right that's perfectly fine if that's all you need to do but let's say maybe you need to change it or tweak it a little bit well if we jump over into fairlight hit the musical notes down here you can see it looks a little bit different once we get into fairlight it gives you more control on how you can change that particular audio transition so right here is our transition and if i come in i can click on it and i can change the way that it looks so that's pretty sweet i like that it does that so now it will look even different if you have a single clip that has you know no clip right next to it check this out jumping back into the edit page let's just say i separate these guys a little bit and i throw that same minus three db crossfade on here just on the very end of the clip on the left right here now i jump over into fairlight and that clip appears as a fade so it does have that minus three db uh transition that we put on there but look now we've got the option to change it we can do whatever we want here we can make it longer or shorter we can you know make it a different curve as far as how that transition is applied it just gives you more options on how you can tweak stuff and work with things and just really get the desired result that you want out of those transitions so i like that that's a pretty sweet feature in uh 17.4 here so the bonus tip here is not really a fair light tip but it's something that i think is super helpful and hopefully is going to be a really handy feature and that is being able to export your markers as youtube chapters so i don't know about you guys but i'm always trying to put the chapters in my youtube videos because you always get those people are like i don't watch the whole video it's too long i just want to get to the point so i like to put in those markers so that way you can just jump to the point you don't have to watch it off you don't want to but you do have to go through i put the markers in davinci resolve so i know where they're going to be i pick out the time code i write it down i put down what the title is and it's a little bit of work right you can't export the markers and use them that way but a lot of times i just look at you know the edit index here in in resolve and just do it that way but now you can just have resolve export those markers so they appear as chapters in youtube and i haven't had the chance to play with it too much yet but i'm going to be giving this a try because if that works and it's able to put those chapters in youtube dude super handy and anything that saves time in your workflow i'm all about that i want to save some time right i always feel like i'm crunched for time what about you guys you always crunch for time or what let's jump into resolve i check this out i'm in the edit tab here different project i've got only three markers in this project so it's not a big deal but if you had a lot of markers like my crash courses i pretty much make as many markers as i can so i've got three markers here and in order to export them here's how you do it you jump on over into the deliver page which is right here little rocket at the bottom so once you're in the deliver page here i use custom settings where you're gonna find the option to export those markers as chapters for youtube if you look down here you're going to see right here below you have resolution frame rate right here chapters from markers so any one of the you know preset options that you have at the top of resolve here if you have this option to make the chapters it's going to tell you right here so i'm going to go ahead and check that on and now you've got the option to use whatever color marker you want to create those chapters now like i said i haven't played with it too much yet but i'm going to be trying this out because it's going to save a lot of time especially if you have a lot of markers in your videos that you want to turn into chapters so for me i always use the blue for you know my chapter spots and my youtube videos so i would hit that and then once you're done you add it to your render queue render it out and in theory from what i understand it should put those chapters in your video when you upload it to youtube so i'm going to give that a try definitely see if it works or not and if i have any issues i'll be sure to get back to you guys and let you know all right guys that wraps up this video for the features that i think are pretty awesome here in fairlight now i might make another video because there's other awesome features here in the edit tab and the color tab fusion there's new features all over the place and that's one of the things i love about blackmagic design is they're constantly pushing the envelope constantly updating things and they don't take forever to do it you don't have to wait for a once a year update they're just constantly pushing out new and improved features for all of us who are using resolve and on top of that you're only paying 299 if you get the studio version come on come on who doesn't love that right everything else is going subscription and here you have blackmagic design they're still saying 299 here you go or 295 whatever it is here you go you get the studio version of davinci resolve which is an awesome program for life you're good to go one time fee that's it i mean that's just awesome you just don't see that in a lot of companies today with their software everybody wants to charge a fee right it's like money money money money money right so that's kudos to black magic design for just doing it that way and really just making it you know something that you know us regular people can afford and not only that did you guys see the announcement the other day where they lowered the price on a whole bunch of their uh their stuff come on i mean what company is lowering prices right that's like me want my taxes to get lowered here in new jersey it's never going to happen so that's awesome i mean you just don't see that that often and i did actually want to try out that davinci soft keyboard because that looks pretty sweet might help speed up the workflow and stuff so i'm going to be getting a loaner to try out uh here sooner or later from blackmagic design and i'm really looking forward to trying that out but anyway all that said blackmagic design is awesome continue pushing the envelope forward we love the product you guys do an awesome job tons of awesome features here love fairlight love these new features and uh i'm gonna stop rambling on now that's gonna wrap up this video here guys all right guys thank you guys for watching what's your favorite new feature comment down below give the video like if you learned a little something subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i look forward to seeing you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 5,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fairlight New Features, DaVinci Resolve 17.4.1 Updates, New Audio Features, New Features in DaVinci Resolve Fairlight 17.4.1, Fairlight, Fairlight Updates, DaVinci Resolve Fairlight New Features, Top 5 Fairlight New Features, DaVinci Resolve New Features, New in Fairlight, DaVinci Resolve 17 Fairlight, Enhance Audio
Id: 6r2UhLtH7os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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