Davinci Resolve 17 Green Screen made EASY // Fusion Delta Keyer Tutorial

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hey welcome back to the channel today we're going to turn this crappy backdrop into this and then we're going to fix that yeah we're going to use the fusion screen in davinci resolve 17 and we're not going to use anything from the paid version just the stuff you can find in davinci resolve free so let's dive in don't be scared of the fusion tab but remember if you like this video don't forget to like it at the end and comment and subscribe and all that youtube stuff but before we begin a couple of quick tips that'll make your life a lot easier one have a decent green screen or at least some kind of cloth that is a single shade of green that's key the other key is this see that reflection yeah that's my soft box i'll show a picture here the extra light that the softbox adds makes all the difference when you go to green screen yep it is it's a lifesaver so let's jump into resolve and get this squared away for you oh and uh since you're probably not asking i'm not using the color tab and i'm not going to use magic mask to do this i've played around with both of them but the fusion screen is where it's at also i'm not going to delve into the nitty gritty because if you're like me you're looking to do youtube and social media videos and you're not doing hollywood level stuff you feel free to delve into some of the finer aspects of the delta keyer hey look that's what we're going to use in a minute uh but for now we're just going to use delta gear infusion and get it done quick and dirty but with really good results as you'll see or i've already seen because you're looking at my backdrop so here we are in resolve i've got a couple of clips i recorded with obs for our background and i recorded with my phone for the foreground if you notice my phone footage is backwards and we will fix that in just a moment and since i did show you i'm going to fix this guy up here too so you have a much cleaner appearance to your video so the first thing we need to do is open this bad boy infusion so i'm going to right click and say open infusion page and don't be scared it's just fusion it's not going to bite we've got media1 here which is our video media out is the output player if i press the 1 key you see we have our media in over here and what we're gonna do is add a transform and the line turn blue drop it in with the transform we can come over here and flip it so it's right and then we're gonna use our shift plus space bar and we're gonna bring up the select tool window which came up on my other monitor we're going to type in delta here or dk and we're going to click add and now the fun begins so i'm going to rearrange our screen here we're going to come in grab our dropper tool bring it over to the brightest part of our green screen and drop it and then i'm going to zoom in and you can see it's already done a pretty good job there's a little bit of fuzz here and that's not just facial hair and really i got the distance from the green screen pretty good there's not a lot of reflection and this is a pretty clean mat wow okay well this will be easier than i thought but there is some green you can see a tinge of it when you zoom out and we don't want some of that fuzz so we're going to go over to the threshold we're going to bump it up and you can see what happens you can watch if i max it out i disappear but if i don't then you see over here you'll see this uh you'll see this blind start to disappear and that's pretty good right there but that's that's also dropping out a lot here so you don't want to go too far we can fix a lot of this a much easier way so we're going to bring this back down to about .25 that's about where i like it and what that does is it color corrects for the different shades of green in your source material so if you look over here you can see a dark green shadow that's cast by the light box it's not here but if i back this out you can see if you're paying close attention to this area as i move the threshold you can see it gets cleaned up and not cleaned up so if you want that shadow leave your threshold closer to zero if you want less of it bring it up a little bit like i said i want to bring it up to about 0.2 and you'll see there's a little bit of green reflection on the blinds but don't worry about that the other big thing is there's a little bit of green in my logo and i left this in here on purpose you'll see it turned brown here so we're going to fix that in a minute too we're going to do some masking this is fun and that's about all i changed there except i will do a clean foreground and background now to see those better we're going to go back to up here and we're gonna hit fit and i'm gonna click on this image and press my a key and you can see it shows a black and white image showing you what's being masked and what's not so here you can see i'm mostly being masked you can see if i zoom in my glasses are catching a little bit of green there's the aforementioned green on the screen and the blinds so we're going to clean foreground clean background and if you get something wonky that you don't like go ahead you can go ahead and fix that but now you can see it's fully being masked out now if i hit the a key again it still doesn't look quite right does it but if you zoom in now with our threshold and this is another point here if i go further you can see that it's it's really getting rid of my ear so we'll back this back down to two and leave it there it's pretty clean yeah i like that quite a bit okay so now that we have that done we need to clean up this and fix this and i'm going to show you how to do that so the first thing we need to do is grab a polygon right here drag it in we're going to need a second polygon now for the first one you can click click on it so it's surrounded in red you just come up here and we're going to click and make a rough outline of our polygon and then control mouse wheel to zoom in we're going to cut it off right there at the top of the monitor so i'm going to bring it up to those two corners and just to make it even i'm going to kind of move this over here and then we'll click on polygon two and we're gonna again come over here but this time we're gonna mask off our monitor so we're gonna zoom in click there that corner that corner zoom out and then oop that one turns white click on it boom now we have our rectangular polygon mask sometimes i'll go into this area and mask off around it too but one of the things to be careful here's a hidden tip or trick is if you have a green screen and you're limited on space like me don't wave your arms around because then you'll spend ages masking off this area to mask off the blinds but leave your hands alone so just a quick tip now we have our polygons set up we'll drag the first one into this lower gray triangle that's going to be called our garbage mat and you can see that it is masked off this area and then for polygon 2 we've selected it we'll drag it to the blue triangle which will be our effect mask and you'll see that it canceled out our green over here we're going to go over to the controls under inspector if you don't see it click inspector and we're going to click invert right there and now you can see that this corner is masked out our green screen is masked out and we have a clean setup on our laptop screen so that's pretty slick right so now that you can see the yellow matches that's why i left this viewer up over here and now the effect is pretty much done so we're going to go back to our edit tab and all we have to do is line these bad boys up so i'm going to do right-click auto-align clips based on waveform and you can see we now have the rode reality screen in the background with our road reality laptop visible and me so if i zoom in you can see that we've got a really clean mask here around me not a ton of shadowing and you can see there's a little bit of shadow here off the laptop screen which is nice a nice effect and you can drop anything into this background so if we just separate these and we add in say a room background and then we'll disable this clip with the d key you can see that now we're in a room and if i zoom in on this say to about there move it over move it around a little bit change that a little bit zoom in a little move it over a little bit there you go and and now it looks like i'm in a room doesn't it how silly is that i've actually done this effect and a friend of mine sent me a message on facebook and said hey i don't recognize that room in your house where are you and i said i'm in front of a green screen i win but anyway that's the green screen effect real quick and easy it's not that difficult and once you've masked it out up here you can basically put anything you want in here i've got some stock videos we'll do uh we'll do one of my favorites here and now i'm in front of a mountain and if you want to mask out the laptop screen it's as easy as playing with the masks that we had and you can see there's a little bit of color around that so you can always just go back in now be careful with this because if you go back in and muck with it it'll create keyframes so i recommend going to the first frame of your video and if you want to mess with it i do recommend selecting both it'll show you both polygons here so you can see how they line up or in my case they don't so we're going to drag this over and drag this down and that should clean everything up and if your phone or camera pulls focus at different spots in the video you want to overlap these a little bit so there's another tip cleaned it up maybe a little bit too much but for the purposes of this demo we're good so what we'll do is we're going to play this hey thanks for checking out the video now you've seen the final result go ahead and hit that like button comment subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching bye for now [Music] you
Channel: RoadReality
Views: 464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve delta keyer, delta keyer, delta keyer davinci resolve, davinci resolve green screen, davinci resolve green screen tutorial, green screen made easy
Id: gtjsn1Lu2ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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