REAL LIFE Davinci Resolve 17.4 Testing on 2021 Macbook Pro M1 PRO

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what up folks alex here mr alex tech and here it is here is my macbook pro this is the m1 pro model so it's the macbook pro with the pro processor it's the 10 core cpu 16 core gpu one terabyte of unified memory 14 inch model that cost me a grand total of 2 399 pounds so it's not cheap this is a bloody expensive laptop and this is actually one of the lowest ones you can buy this isn't the entry level one the entry level one is one below this is the next up from that now i've only had this for literally a day or so i've not had very long with it at all but i've been tinkering with it messing with it running some benchmarks and i figured that just hop on give you a really informal sort of look at the overall performance in real time as best i can so you can see what the performance is like a few times i compare to my pc because that's what i've been using for a long time my desktop pc is a ryzen 5 3600 it's got 32 gigabytes of ddr4 ram and it's running an rtx 2060 they're very very similar in terms of performance like surprisingly similar but anyway let's open up davinci resolve because that's probably why you're here you want to see some davinci resolve goodness and i'm just going to show you some little things which i think are important so i'm capturing this using a capture card rather than my usual screen recording software because i didn't want the screen recorder to be using cpu using resources and actually limit the power of the laptop and give a sort of a false reading so we're exporting the video via hdmi to a capture card which is capturing in 1080p which is why it looks slightly different than usual right with all that out the way let's open up the directory resolve and i'll show you what's what so here we are on the desktop of the macbook pro and the first thing we're going to do have a look at how quick davinci resolve opens so you can see we don't have anything else open vintage resolve is currently closed we're going to give it a click it's going to open up get to our project manager pretty quickly and then we're going to open up this project double click and we're in now that's one of the first things you notice opening anything up is particularly quick but getting into which resolve is rapid davinci resolve opens really quick and then getting into projects is equally as quick as well something that my windows pc just can't do as well admits it does have a much bigger database there's loads of projects in there but i actually opened a fresh database and it's still not quite as quick so for a laptop for me specifically that's super useful because i have a laptop so that if i have half an hour somewhere i can boot it open do some work close it and off i go and being able to get into the davinci resolve so quick is a big thumbs up from me so here we are we're on the edit page as you'd expect and i've got this project set up so i can give you a few little demonstrations this is called timeline 2. i'm just going to hop into timeline 2 timelines timeline settings and as you can see this is a 4k timeline 25 frames per second just going to come up here go to playback i'm going to show you that the optimized media and the proxy media are turned off timeline proxy is off and what we're going to do is delete render cache so there's no cache in the background now one thing i will show you see my mouse up there yeah i can't see that i can't see that mouse it's under the notch you can in the screen catcher i can't thanks notch i hate the notch but anyway so what we're going to do we've got this footage here number 10 i'm going to drop this on my timeline like so give it a click we'll open the inspector just go to file now this is a 4k it's actually a cinema 4k so it's slightly bigger than usual 4k blackmagic raw 25 frames per second so we can close this down and we can just click through like so and as you can see it's super snappy we'll hit play it's having no time at all playing any of that let's get rid of that bit we'll do a cut here get rid of that bit and as you can see in terms of real time playback there's no issues there whatsoever now that file is sitting internally on the internal hard drive but i have tested it with a external ssd via usb type c and it is equally as rapid now again the second thing you'll notice after the boot speed is how quick it feels it feels really snappy and responsive within resolve itself now i think that's probably because of the 17.4 update that released a little while ago you get a faster refresh rate in the software itself so i think it's up to 120 frames per second when just moving around the ui which does make it feel really really snappy and then the fact that it's reading the file so quick there's no stutter whatsoever you can just play everything back at 25 frames per second so again 4k 4k no issues there let's just try the same thing with a 6k file so i'm going to leave those on the timeline and i'm just going to hop into the multicam grab this one put it down on the timeline and again no issues whatsoever we can just hop between the two i will show you in the inspector file five eight eight eight by thirty three twelve so that's a six k hit play tiny stutter initially but no issues there we can hop between the two it's happy as larry right let's do some basic grades so i'm going to hop into the color page and i'm going to open up my usual grades in this gallery i'm going to drop these on here like so now these grades aren't anything too exciting but this is what i use for all of my videos we've got a lut in the first node here then we've got some basic color wheel adjustments that sort of thing nothing fancy going on but we've just got some log adjustments and stuff like that and then the final one we've got a couple of other sort of contrast adjustments and then we've got a little bit of sharpening going on as well so we're going to apply that to all of these and then we can just whip around again on the timeline we're getting 25 frames per second 25. let's go back to the edit page hit play 25 over there 25 me picking my nose good shot 25 it was an itch i promise 25 yeah and then the 6k no issues there at all so no issues there whatsoever playing back 4k and 6k blackmagic raw on a 4k timeline remember this is all on battery as well this is not being plugged in this is all being done on the battery which is really quite impressive let's keep going and see what else we can do the first thing i'm going to show you is multicam so over here i've got this multicam i'm going to drop this in here so we have a quick look at it this has got eight layers so there's six layers of 4k on here and then two layers of 6k and each of the different clips has been graded with that exact same grade that i showed you so a lut color wheel slightly more color wheel and sharpening and you can see all eight are down here so then what we can do hop onto my timeline too grab this multi cam drop this on my timeline and then just hit play initially so this is obviously just the first clip that we're seeing but that's playing no issues whatsoever let's open up the multicam viewer so we can see all of the different angles within here and we'll hit play a little bit of stuttering as it catches up with itself but after a second or two we get full rail time 25 frames per second it does seem to drop a frame here and there but overall that's pretty solid remember that's six loads of 4k two loads of 6k all graded now let's actually try and snap through and make some cuts so we'll cut to this one here go to this one up here we'll cut around and as you can see it's doing a pretty good job dropped a couple of frames there start to stutter we'll cut again and there we go let's just turn off the multicam viewer get rid of this go back to the beginning we'll play this a little bit faster playing through 25 frames per second on the timeline no issues again whatsoever now staying on the timeline i'm going to get this footage down next now this is slightly different this is 4k h.265 50 frames per second so we can hit play and this will play back exactly the same no drop frames no issues we're going to hop into the color page we're going to apply my grade again 25 no problems at all looking pretty good then what we're going to do right click change clip speed we're going to pop this to 50 so it's playing back this will be 50 slow max is 50 frames per second and again no issues whatsoever with playing that back now let's do something a little bit crazy make this a nice small window pop it up in the corner like so put it over the multicam and we'll see hit play and we're still getting full 25 frames per second playback and again just to be sure playback render cache delete everything yep back to the beginning hit play and it's having no issues whatsoever let's do a cut on this and a cut there we'll rip or delete that didn't even skip a beat when it was doing that cut so in terms of dropping files on editing 4k 6k b raw or h.265 it has no issues whatsoever it's really very impressive so that's a full 4k timeline no render cache no optimized media we haven't created anything they're just the files straight from the internal hard drive running on battery and it's having no issues whatsoever it's very very impressive now let's just say that's pretty much all you do maybe you're a vlogger that sort of thing you drop your footage into davinci resolve whether it's 1080p or 4k you work on a 1080p or 4k timeline you do some color grades you chop things up you don't really do much motion graphics much fusion anything like that you render it out and off you go this will do pretty much anything that you want it to do it will handle anything you can throw it without really dropping your frame as mentioned i've just used eight layers of raw and it was no problem at all then i started stacking on some h.265 50 frames per second all graded and it was doing absolutely fine so if that's what you do this would be more than enough but what if you do a bit more than that let's apply some titles see how it handles the fusion and then we're going to hop into the color page and mess with some noise reduction and the face refinement tools to see how it handles that side of things so we're still within our timeline too we've got two pieces of 4k raw on this 4k timeline everything's been graded and the first thing we're going to have a look at some simple transitions now everything we're going to use is from motion vfx you can check those out by clicking on the link down in the description below so i'm going to grab this corner spin transition we'll pop this on here and we'll just see if it can play this in real time which it cannot doesn't do too badly but it does start to stutter so let's open this infusion we'll see what the actual fps is hit play down here 13 14 just dip off it goes to about four or five it's quite varied it's probably just the motion blur but honestly that's not too bad for a full 4k timeline let's just go up here and we'll enable our render cache but it's a smart hit play the once stutters a little bit we'll come back play again and it's all rendered so that was really really quick didn't take long to actually render that once the render cache was enabled now we're just going to turn that render cache off just for another quick demo this time we're going to go to titles once again motion vfx we'll go to the intro one and let's just grab this one here and pop this on the timeline again nothing's been pre-rendered for 4k if we hit play it's not doing too bad but it's definitely stuttering not giving us a full 25 frames per second again we'll open infusion we'll hit play and we're getting seven and a half somewhere between all's dropped a little bit now somewhere between six and a half and seven and a half frames per second playing this back again full 4k all being generated on the fly which again is honestly not that bad for a laptop running on battery so i can't really complain about that let's go up to the playback render cache we'll enable that we'll see how long this takes we'll give it a quick play through there's one full play try again not quite there but it is rendering pretty quick we're about halfway through now we'll give it another second or two it's pretty much done so there we go so it's actually quite impressive when it's doing any sort of fusion i've compared this against my pc once again and this is actually faster when we're doing pure fusion which is a little bit of cpu and gpu-based stuff it is quicker by usually a couple of frames per second than my actual pc so good going macbook on that one let's have a look now at noise reduction and the face refinement once again i'm going to delete my render cache so now i can complain about that we don't need this one we'll just use this footage here we're going to hop into the color page so this has already got all of our original grade applied and again we can play this back 25 frames per second no problem at all so i'm going to add a serial node very beginning and we're going to come down to our noise reduction now remember 4k footage 4k timeline i'm going to do one frame i'm going to leave it as faster medium and i'm going to guesstimate this we'll do about 20 of everything just for speed and we'll hit play and we get full ish it's actually red so it is dropping a frame it's very nearly 25 but it's just dropping the odd frame here or there it says 25 frames per second pretty much so it's pretty close it's almost there there we go down to 23. it's dropping the odd frame but honestly that's doing a pretty good job let's bump that up to the two frames and we do see a drop then we're down to 1920-ish frames per second we'll go down to three and as you guess we've dropped a few more 17 frames per second now let's just jump all the way down to five and we're down to 13 frames per second obviously if we add any spatial noise reduction as well that's going to continue going down even further and we're going to struggle to get five frames per second four or five frames per second there now again that's a 4k timeline personally i almost never edit in a 4k timeline i always edit in the 1080p timeline and i'll just bump up the resolution at the end before i export so let's just change this to a 1080p timeline instead and see how it performs with that so timeline settings will knock this down to 1080p or of course instead you could use the timeline proxy mode but i've just knocked it down to 1080p we'll hop into the color page i'm just going to reset the spatial and we're going to go to one frame hit play and at one frame we've got our green dot and we're getting full 25 frames per second we're gonna skip two go straight to three hit play once again green dot 25 frames per second no issues there whatsoever and we'll come on down to number five hit play greened up 25 frames per second again just so no one can complain delete render cache all yup go back to the beginning hit play green dot 25 frames per second so it's having no issues at all with 4k footage on a 1080p timeline it's just 4k footage on a 4k timeline it does start to skip frames let's add some spatial noise reduction as well just to finish this off we're using five frames still hit play we are dropping frames with that as well we're now sitting at 16 17-ish frames per second if we're not the frames down so let's just go with two we've recovered a little bit 19 20 frames per second about that with the temporal noise reduction and the spatial noise reduction now noise reduction regardless is known as a bit of a killer in davinci resolve the fact that he's doing that at all really with 4k footage on a 4k timeline is pretty impressive if you're not that down to 1080p you can edit comfortably at full frames per second as long as you don't have the spatial noise reduction on there as well so whether that's good enough for you is what's your call if you do do a lot of noise reduction maybe spending the additional even more money going for the max might be beneficial to you now to finish off i'm just going to show you the face refinement tool because that's using the davinci resolve neural engine that little ai engine so i think that'll be a good test just to see how well that does so there you go let's have a look so we're going to bump this up back to a 4k timeline we've got a 20 18 second clip of me just talking to the camera so then we're going to hop into the color page we're going to leave these as they are or add an additional node we'll go to effects face refinement tool pop that on there and then we're just going to get analyze and straight away without giving it time to think it's doing a pretty good job it's picked up my face it's picked up my jawline here my lips my nose my eyes and my eyebrows and it's processing that relatively quickly [Music] and there you go it didn't take very long to do that we'll turn off the overlay let's make myself look beautiful or add some brightening to my eyes give myself a bit of a blush you see it's all happening real time no issues there give myself some nice lips as well why not and then if we come back to the beginning hit play it is dropping oh no it's picked up it started at the beginning but now it's playing at the full 25 frames per second with my beautiful lips and my beautiful pink cheeks all applied no problems whatsoever so there you go that's a quick tour of davinci resolve on the new macbook m1 pro mid-level sort of laptop and it's really impressive it is impressive it's not perfect it does obviously have its limitations but for a 14 inch laptop it's done really really well it's not hot after all that benchmarking the fans haven't come on i've been recording this video on and off for 30 or 40 minutes and there's no fans whatsoever after all this time we've lost 15ish percent battery life so not much at all so overall it is very very impressive i've got some more videos lined up where i'm going to directly compare this against an m1 air from last year and another where i'm going to compare it directly against my own pc in lots of fun little benchmarks if there's anything else you'd like to see please do let me know down in the comment section below thanks for watching i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 15,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, 2021 macbook pro, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17.4, davinci resolve 17, macbook pro, m1 pro macbook, m1 pro macbook pro, m1 pro video editing, davinci resolve macbook pro m1, davinci resolve macbook pro, macbook pro m1 pro 14, macbook pro m1 pro review, macbook pro m1 davinci resolve, apple macbook pro m1 davinci resolve
Id: RE2sW1A1g2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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