Barricades for Realistic Range Training | Tactical Rifleman

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all right guys welcome back to tactical rifleman i want to talk about using barricades for realistic training right because when we go to a shooting range we're restricted a lot of times to a square range basically that's downrange we can only shoot in that direction but honestly to be better for combat shooting we need to be trained we need to be training realistically you need to think 360. you know threats from any side like this but also like this think uh second-story windows think rooftops but also below you you know if you're on a stairwell and there's somebody below you on the stairs or above you we need to start always being situationally aware so how do we replicate combat shooting uh on a square range one of the ways to do it is to use barricades you get used to shooting around barricades it starts making you think uh more tactically for example on the flat range everybody when they shoot their pistols they shoot bang now your law enforcement guys they uh they're taught that when they sh when they draw that pistol they'll always step to the side and what that's doing is it's basically getting them off the x but all those cops they step in one direction because they've always done it on a flat range with that whole classic cadets to their left and right more importantly is the why the reason why they're stepping is to get off the x in other words make it harder for the enemy to shoot them i got that another technique again use barricades if you have barricades nearby you know if you have to do that speed reload the gun goes down or whatever it helps you build the habit of stepping towards cover now this is not actually cover it is it's made out of plywood it is a two-dimensional graphic representation of cover now cover can be anything cover can be a vehicle cover can be a concrete wall the corner of a building can be anything literally anything so when you think barricades don't just think uh you know barricades on a range understand that while you're using them at the range you're doing this because you're trying to build good shooting habits for concrete now you you go to ranges and they've got all kinds of very common designs right this is basically what we call a v-tac barricade it's cut it's got sideways slots and horizontals little windows different heights for you to stack your barrel when you shoot okay i got that i understand that right now um but let's be smart about how we build these things okay because literally i can get two of these out of a sheet of plywood or this design right here same thing two out of a sheet of plywood right but i can get two of these five foot high walls well six feet roughly um and that leaves me space off the top of my sheet of plywood i can get two of these walls and one of these walls owl out of one sheet of plywood and what that allows me to do is i've got my walls to get behind all right but i also i can take this low wall right here and i leave off one foot and that allows me to basically lay it down and now i have a much shorter wall because now i can replicate this being a being a low wall i can actually get down or i can uh think of it as like the the hood of a car something like that now i make my barricades so i can take them apart makes it easier for me to transport them and how i do that basically is on the back of these things uh the steel i pick up from mgm targets it's called barricade wall backers basically it's a sheet of marine plywood you buy it at lowe's home depot and it's basically just the steel inserts you get two legs two of these tall vertical posts and the pins you stick the feet in run the pin through and it holds it in place guys it really does it's that simple comes with the hardware you can buy the set from mgm targets i i don't want to i don't remember the exact price i want to say it's about a hundred bucks add the cost of the marine plywood and yeah you're looking at they get pricey they do you can just build them out of wood yourself but by the time you start buying hardware to do it and everything else you got to make sure that these things will last and that you can also use them for training properly now why would we waste time doing this now if you're just thinking that this is just a a wooden board for me to hide behind yeah you're missing the training point but if i was to think of this as though this was the corner of a building like this right um there are different drills that i can use to practice on this barricade all right so we're going to go hot all right now your normal kneeling position for uh for support to be accurate is you drop your strong side knee literally just drop it down right where you're at and that allows you to place your uh support side knee so that when you sit back i've got good position all right that's all great that's fine and dandy but that's that's for accurate shooting at distance we're talking tactical shooting using these barricades now assuming that this is the corner of my building here i want to set up so that i can shoot right here at my target so what i do and again this is the beauty of having barricades to train with is it gives me physically something to see i'm not just doing this on a range and just kind of mentally figuring out where it is i have to actually break past something that i can't see past that's that's one of the beauties of this i don't necessarily have to have a corner of a real building a piece of plywood's fine now everybody thinks well you know you need to you need to practice locking in and all honestly it's better to stay off barricades if you don't need them stay off of them all right so plant this uh whatever side it is plant that foot forward place it about where the limit of the target is right so wherever i think that target is that's where i'm gonna step i'm gonna plant that kickstand and then when i sit down i'm gonna actually point that that toes not pointed out in the out in the open because if it is as i lean out my knee is becoming very very visible more than my body so rather than that i point my foot towards the very edge of my event horizon and now when i lean out i lean out i can support uh my uh my strong side knee right there i can lean out and i can see it now if you can't see guys that's real life you adjust where that kickstand is slide it out a little bit more and again pie out when you can see that target ripple the rounds off back behind cover now to go to the other side the other side of my wall would be the same thing even if i was standing plant that foot now i would have to lean my body out a lot exposing my body that's where you use that technique of switching shoulders you can literally lean right out and get on that target or you can completely switch shoulders switch over and get on that target nice and easy get back behind cover literally being able to work both sides of this thing now you see the beauty of this is now i actually have something that my students can train on now again you can lock in on the barricade i plant that foot i'm gonna actually now you don't want your barrel touching it see grip on the wall lock push in on it and get out till i can see that target adjust my kickstand elbow in don't have that elbow out and get on the target piece of cake easy drills to do again i mentioned being able to lay this one down let's say this is the hood of my car it's low i guess it'd be like a camaro or a little uh a little miata i like shooting up miatas i'm good with that no problem at all the problem i have is for me to clear my barrel my sight is over the top of the wall right i can see over the top but my barrel is still touching this vehicle whatever the bear if concrete wall whatever it is you shoot a concrete wall at this distance brother you're eating all that concrete it's all coming back in your face that's why we need to train in tr we need to make these mistakes in training i've had many students shoot the edges of the barricade make let them make their mistakes here rather than overseas or in a real combat situation so better technique because by time i come up and clear my barrel now my head's even higher better break it up over my shoulder get down when my optic clears i know my bearings my barrel's clear now i got up high enough to clear turn my barrel sideways now when you do that sounds easy but you got to remember my offset my height of optic over borrel is actually super elevated a little bit trajectory of my bullet when i turn the gun sideways gravity is still pulling it down so now i need to aim high and i need to aim in a direction that that magazine is facing just a good way to remember it why would we have to do that well because we had to turn the gun sideways it's stuff we do because we have barricades here nobody would do that on the reins without barricades hey gents welcome back i hope you enjoyed that commercial as much as i did hey so we were talking about the need for barricades for realistic training right now everybody can shoot accurate without barricades but they shoot accurate when uh where they're comfortable so for example standing put two rounds in the high a zone easy even from kneeling i don't need to have a barricade for this guys i don't even have to sit back one in the high a two in the high a zone nice and easy now when you're using barricades they've got the different levels on them that you can even be more accurate which is good for teaching you how to shoot stable dig it in make sure your barrel's not touching you can actually lean into it get nice and stable high a zone high a zone now but the problem though is you start getting down you start getting between kneeling and standing you get in those areas where guys are no longer in their comfort zone so by using barricades with holes you're making the shooters shoot in the areas that they are not comfortable if you're not comfortable you're not shooting accurate but you can but you've got to practice it you won't practice what you're not comfortable unless somebody makes you do it that's my job right but it's also the barricader can do it for you if i'm not there so by me forcing you to shoot from heights that you're not used to now you've got to find that position how do i get down because this is me comfortable kneeling i don't have a hole right there my hole's lower so now what i need to do is i need to get on my gun and then get down and find that find that a high a zone find my target and one and two high a zone now what i did was i had to adjust use what i have to get into that position same thing here with this one this one's even lower so i can sit sideways and make that gun even lower get it up i gotta break it off my shoulder try to keep my optic towards the top of this hole and i can get it right there highway zone one ti-a-zone two nice and easy so you see what barricades do for you having these holes these ports is it's making you shoot at positions that you're just not comfortable guys that's real life it is it's real life you're not gonna have positions that are always where you want it shooting off that bottom right there you can lay prone but me laying prone my barrel is still that high how do i shoot through holes like that we get in a using brokeback mountain technique laying on your side supine rolling on your side there's different ways to do it easy stuff but you've got to have the barricades to force you to do it so these are valuable training tools now when you start talking about these diagonal slots and these horizontal slots right now what the key to shooting these is because my rear sight is taller than my front sight but that what that does is that super elevates the gun to compensate for gravity all right that's how it works nothing hard you're used to it you've always zeroed your guns like that but when i tilt my gun sideways instead of it going up and then coming down that offset is making the bullet go to in this case off to the left gravity is not going to make it come back to the right is it it's not no gravity's still going to pull it down so if you're going to lay the gun on its side you have to remember to aim high how much do you aim high loaded question right what really it comes down to how far away your target is right it comes down to how high is your optic above your board because that changes the angle on the type of projectile that you have a slow 300 blackout uh subsonic's gonna be a steeper angle taking off likewise you're gonna have to hold higher this way now i mentioned it's gonna go off to the side so not only do we need to aim high we also need to compensate for holding off to the side so just rule of thumb easy stuff aim a little bit high and then you need to hold the direction that what we use is the magazine whichever way the magazine is aiming holding that direction so if i had to lay my gun on its side looking through this barricade here i'm go my barrel's clear i'm gonna aim a little bit high in the high a zone and i'm gonna aim a little bit that's right the direction of my magazine i'm gonna put one and i'm gonna put two i was holding roughly one two o'clock and i just a couple inches because i'm not that far away that's the key i'm not that far away here but when you start shooting at 100 200 300 meter targets you're gonna have to offset more so that's why you need to practice this out at the range now how about these 45 degree ones here you still got to do the same thing if i'm canted like this backwards instead of my gun being vertical i can't see through i've got to camp my gun sideways i try to keep my optic in the top half here and all i'm going to do is i'm going to aim at my target i'm going to aim which way i'm going to aim a little bit high because my gun's canted not as much as if it was sideways but just a little bit less and because it's candid i still need to hold in the direction of my magazine which is on this side not the other slightly up at one o'clock and fire one fire two now notice i didn't have to press my barrel on the barricade that is important it is because you're not always gonna be able to touch your barricades you're just not real life real barricades you're not gonna be able to shoot now i've heard people say well this is three gun [ __ ] guys it's three gun you're never gonna have your gun sideways in combat diagonal there's not a single diagonal hole out there in nature in nature you're just not going to have to do it you're not you're not going to have to have your gun diagonal you're not going to have to have your gun sideways like that you just wouldn't do it okay that's pew pew guys trying to talk smart let's slap them right in the face with a little bit of reality here right now remember this is a two-dimensional graphic representation of a barrier on the planet whether it's a corner of a building a wall or possibly a nice shiny car right now these little sideways diagonal ports we would never see them in combat we just wouldn't we just wouldn't see them in combat again [ __ ] this right here guys what we call an a-pillar now everybody understands you've got the engine block everybody wants to hide behind the engine block i want to hide behind those rotors all right i want to in order to shoot i need to can't that gun sideways get it up so i chicken up at the same time everybody grasp that if you want to learn more about shooting around vehicles i could you've got whole other videos on it but back to my diagonal see the angle of this a-pillar right here then you've got your b-pillars some vehicles two doors they're a lot more angled then you've got the c pillar back here two-dimensional graphic representation this is legitimate this is depth now shooting at an angle right like this through this vehicle now because everybody's like well this is hiding behind the engine block right here right but realistically if my target was over at an angle i'm actually behind the engine block right now if you look at this a pillar and i have my other a-pillar on the other side of the windshield guys i've got this a-pillar that a-pillar my window that looks a lot like that little sideways port right there doesn't it now i can keep my gun vertical i can make a lot of noise like the pew pew guys that do nothing but shoot around [ __ ] plywood or i can do realistic shooting get nice and stable i can come up match my angle remember to aim high remember to hang the size of my magazine and i can practice this shot by using my v-tac barricades realistic training to prepare you for combat now this is not the only barricade you can use it's because the problem with that is a lot of people want to lean right up against this corner right we talked about this they dig in and they shoot like that they shoot the problem with this is i can't do that on real vehicles right here on this corner if i was to plant if i was to even dig in on this bumper a guy's right here i still can't see around the edge of the vehicle because this thing is aerodynamic it's curved i can't touch the front of the vehicle unless i'm halfway in front of it all right there are some vehicles you can shoot around but there are also some that you can't also if i was to lean out all right lean completely out now i clear it with my optic but my barrel hasn't cleared the front of that that's a steel bumper it's got crumpled zones but behind this plastic is a steel bumper so now i'm not just eating concrete i'm eating steel so what we do is we make additional barricades in this case guys we use the exact same stands wood and my my steel poles my same legs this is a two scale two-part replica of a dodge charger it comes apart i can lay it flat it's made out of two sheets of plywood and it will go inside my suburban to take the classes the wheel is cut down and we have plywood inserts for hubs but we also have plywood on the back so i can actually lay on that tire lean off to the side dig in and i can actually pie completely underneath that vehicle it allows me the training to do that but the other thing it allows me to do is if a student leans out like these two bullet holes right here if they make a mistake better to make a mistake and accidentally shoot the plywood in training make the mistake in training better the sweat in training than the bleed in combat you shoot that steel bumper on this car that car guys you're eating that bullet so anyways there's a lot you can do with barricades it really is um i'm not saying you have to make your own go to a range that has them but if you're looking to take your personal training to the next level you want to get out of that square range mentality everybody says oh yeah i train for combat i train for combat it's easy to say that i challenge all of you to do that and to do that you need to train realistically train the harder stuff you've got to get down on the ground you need to get up off the ground you need to do that gun yoga but having the barricades that help you do that to push you a little bit further that's what's going to make you a better warfighter anyways that's all i have for this one this week on tactical rifleman you know the d i'll read all your comments uh put them below and i'll see you next time y'all take care and shoot straight if you like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on facebook instagram and twitter so you don't miss out on anything
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 22,485
Rating: 4.9783654 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, military, training, skills, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, hunting, hunt, barricade, range, build, your, own
Id: FZ0O_CjeRAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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