How to sight in a riflescope

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[Music] what's up everybody we're out here at the range today and we are going to go through the process of sighting in your rifle scope to your rifle now the sight in process is probably obviously the thing that you're going to want to go through very first when you get a brand new optic on top of your rifle we want the rifle scope to be pointed at the same place the barrel was pointed at some certain distance in this case we're going to be going with a hundred yards that's a very common sight and distance especially for a rifle like this which we'll use in a combination of long range shooting as well as hunting applications too but there may be different distances 200 for example 50 it'll all vary on your application but in this case 100 yard is very common the sight in process and just generally shooting groups at 100 yards is also a process that you can go through at any time even if it's not a brand new rifle scope on top of your rifle for example if you're going to be shooting in different locations than where you last zeroed especially if it's at a higher altitude or a lower altitude things like that will affect your ballistics and can affect your zero so you'll want to confirm at you know in this case again 100 yards to make sure that you're shooting on never take your zero for granted especially when things like that change now in this case you can see we have the bolt removed from the rifle that's because we just finished up the bore sighting procedure and we actually have another video on how to properly boresight your riflescope to your rifle it's just a good process to do before you even send any rounds down range to at least ensure that you're going to be putting rounds on paper or on the cardboard backer that you're shooting down there you don't want to send any rounds in a bad spot where you really don't want them to go or where you would never be able to see and reference them in order to make adjustments later now for a rifle scope like the razer lht which i have here on this rifle it has a parallax adjustment and since again we're shooting at 100 yards we've adjusted that parallax adjustment to 100 yards parallax error certainly can come into play if it's not set just right your knob for your parallax adjustment may be on the side like it is here or it may be up on the objective bell check for that if you don't have one it's likely that your scope is fixed at one certain distance and you want to check the manual it may be 50 it may be 100 yards 100 yards tends to be common but there are a few outliers now another thing our razer hd lht here has is a zero stop in the elevation turret now zero stop is a really nice thing to have because as you're dialing out at distance you're only gonna dial in one direction because gravity only works in one direction and then when you dial back a zero stop will prevent you from going beyond your zero but in this case since we haven't zeroed it in yet and since we don't know exactly where we're going to be on the target we've removed the zero stop or if you have another type of zero stop that requires you to unlock it in some form you're going to want to disengage that zero stop so that way your elevation turret can travel both down and up as far as the target downrange goes we're not using anything really fancy or with a lot of vibrant colors all over it or a lot of intricate designs we're using a simple high contrast small target down there and we're using paper as well with a cardboard backer so we can make small holes this isn't to say that you can't zero in on steel but shooting at steel causes a lot of splash and it makes it difficult to see exactly where your impacts are so this is going to help us be as precise as possible and speaking of precise of course we the shooter come into play in this operation so we want to make sure that we are imparting as little influence on the shot as we can you can see here that i have my rifle set up on sandbags we're not even using a bipod like we might actually use out in the field because depending on whether you're on a concrete slab or on a bench you can get bipod bounce and that can influence your accuracy we also have a bag at the rear that we're using just to keep the rifle as steady as possible we're gonna take our time and we're gonna shoot five shot groups if we're only shooting one round and then chasing it around the target will never actually know what's happening so shooting multiple rounds taking your time applying the fundamentals of marksmanship that will really help now speaking of those sandbags i was talking about a popular piece of equipment that many people will use to eliminate shooter error from this process is a weighted gun vise and we actually discourage the use of that and we encourage using sandbags like this that allow the gun to recoil the way it was designed we have a video on exactly why with an explanation that we'll link in the description below okay so without further ado that's all the explanations let's actually get to shooting again we've bore sighted this so now it's time that we're just going to send some rounds downrange and see what's happening [Applause] so right off the bat this is where some people may want to immediately start making adjustments because as you can see our impact downrange is high in to the left i'm not going to do that yet i'm going to keep aiming at the same spot i'm going to take more shots and finish out this group to make sure the rifle is shooting the way i expect it to be shooting if it is then we'll make adjustments all right now we're down here at the target and as you can see like we were saying we are shooting high and to the left which is okay we're going to make our adjustments needed good thing is that we have a good consistent grouping here it all fits pretty much within the size of the tip of my thumb and it's about three and a half inches high and about three and a half inches to the left linear measurements wise now we recommend doing is if you have an moa or mrad scope your reticle should have some measurements in it of some sort that you can bracket to determine how many moa or mram you need to dial into your turrets to get on target this is the point we're aiming at and hopefully we can get our impacts right down here but you can do the conversion of linear units to moa or mrad we are shooting at moa scope we know that one moa is about an inch at a hundred yards so about three and a half moa down and three and a half m way to the right should get us just about in this axe now another thing you may have heard is that we are shooting suppressed out here and just when i go back to the gun gonna make sure that the suppressor hasn't worked its way loose a little bit at all or that the cover that we have over the suppressor hasn't gone over the suppressor in any way that could affect our accuracy so gonna check little things like that and send another group down after we make our adjustments all right now our riflescope turrets give us directional indications so on the top of the turret here we see up with an arrow pointing counterclockwise and we see on our windage turret right with an arrow also pointing counterclockwise since we need to go down into the right we're going to spin the turret clockwise for elevation three and a half m away and we need to go to the right so we're gonna go that counterclockwise direction indicated by this right on the turret three and a half moa as well we are moving the points of impact this particular rifle scope makes its adjustments in quarter moa increments your scope may vary it's something you want to check in the manual certainly if it's mrad it will vary but even if it's an moa scope it may not dial in quarter moa increments so check that and then adjust [Applause] accordingly [Music] [Applause] okay so after our first round of adjustments we can see that the scope responded very well and it got us really close but this is the perfect reason why we do five shot groups let's say this shot right dead in the center of that x was our first shot and we would have just said hey we're good to go if we're really chasing as close to perfection as we can get and that was it we wouldn't have noticed that actually the bulk of our shots maybe this one was slightly pulled or one of them was a fire but the bulk of our shots were a little bit to the right of the x so we can actually go back now and make one or maybe two clicks back to the left to really get the bulk of them right in the center there so we're gonna do that but again the good news is consistent gun and scope that responds well to our inputs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so we made that last adjustment just one click to the left and as you can see the scope did respond to our input and we are if you average all these impacts out pretty much right there in the middle now i would have loved to be punching out that x but the fact of the matter is we're shooting a rifle with a hunting profile barrel and we have a suppressor on the end of it on a really scorcher day today so uh that's a recipe for a lot of heat to be built up in that barrel and uh you can start to have your group open up a little bit or even have some slight shifts in poi as your barrel really starts to heat up so we can go back and confirm that certainly at our indoor range at another time once everything cools back down but really feeling real good about this in general again the rifle shot really consistently today and the scope responded well to our inputs and still at the end of the day i mean i can hold my thumb up and i can say that we are within basically the top portion of my thumb at 100 yards which for a rifle again like this that's a hunting rifle that we may do some long range stuff with on occasion that's pretty solid all right now that the shooting portion of our sight in process is complete there is still one more thing that we have to do we input a lot of adjustments into both our elevation and windage turrets and when it comes to actually shooting and dialing at different distances and such we want to be able to make those adjustments from a zero point on the turrets and so in the case of the razer hd lht here there's two flat head kind of button screws at the top of each turret that you can get out with a quarter or a flat head screwdriver and those once removed allow you to lift up on the turret itself and there is in this case a rubber o-ring seal so there we go now we also will install our zero stop but again your scope may or may not have the zero stop but once that's done we're just gonna index this portion that your hand actually physically grabs onto to the zero and then push it back down and we will do the same again with the windage turret and as you pull them off just be careful that you don't input any clicks or anything into the turrets that would in theory throw you off of the zero that you just got again just index them onto zero tighten them down and you're set to go alright everybody hopefully this video gave you the confidence to head to the range and sight in your own rifle scope on your rifle as usual if you have any other questions about this particular process or anything else shooting and optics related let us know in the comments below shoot us an email give us a phone call or social media message we're always happy to help
Channel: Vortex Optics
Views: 13,240
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Keywords: Vortex Optics, Vortex, Optics, Hunting, Shooting, Glassing, Riflescope, Binoculars, Spotting, Scope
Id: TkWTHuao7Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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