BANGS ANYONE?| How to get the PERFECT Curly Fro.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 86,228
Rating: 4.9761419 out of 5
Keywords: natyrap, high curly ponytail, hair tutorial, faux hawk updo on short natural hair tutorial, adanna madueke, faux hawk updo, faux hawk, faux hawk updo on short natural hair, easy protective style | faux hawk updo with afro bangs on short natural hair tutorial, eco styler gel, vlogs eco style, routine, review, lifestyle, bri hall, bri hall hair, curly high ponytail, marley hair, fearlessly bri, bri massive puff, CURLY FRO, HPOW TO MAKE BANGS, HOW TO MAKE BANGS ON NATURAL
Id: v7lG3bXj6dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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