Baldur's Gate 3 Walkthrough Part 2 - I did say EVIL!

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welcome back to part two of our evil Baldur's Gate free walkthrough and I'm gonna warn you guys now this actually got I didn't think this game was as dark as it was but my God I was wrong and I'm not just talking about the thumbnail this episode gets much darker it made me uncomfortable but I'm going to role play out this evil character and I think it's quite interesting and exciting to watch because of the decisions that are made especially towards the end of this episode and once again I'll time stamp everything for you guys to watch My ultimate plan is to burn down jurid's Grove to the ground and destroy those happy little tree huggers so we will go there and Scout it out gain their trust and then and only then when they think they know us will we destroy them but I just want to say thank you so much for watching this playthrough and coming back to part two please do drop a like on the video if you enjoy and also thank you so much to those who actually brought my new merch as well but now we must venture to Druid Square so we started here on the map at the roadside Cliffs and then we headed northwards until we heard some shouting I hear shouting the head we should check it out but be careful so I think we should get a star in to go into sneeze mode and then Scout ahead just to see what's going on I think we can get a better view if we go on this Cliff here you can see some people in the distance looks like the trying to get inside a hidden gate all right let's go and see what all the fuss is about nobody gets in sevlar's orders that pack of goblets will be honest any second what's going on goblets are on our tail open the gate several now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no time [Music] is he gonna open the gate or let them die the nine Hells open the gates the energy are gonna come in yes oh damn no okay right something I could have rolled under there it was fully open they're only themselves to blame a line of three people provoke the blade sticker Flex oh my God they are actually outnumbered completely he's sounding the horns Condor horse braid critical Miss thank God he rallied himself okay let's use our cunning action here to hide and then we can walk up behind this Goblin and backstab him delete it I'll bleed every last one of you damn oh my God I'm gonna attack twice let's move in and we can actually use grease underneath the enemies so hopefully we can get them all to pull over here oh my God they all pass the save well Shadow heart can go ahead and use fire bolt on the grease foreign [Music] he's taken out the shame and good man oh please no fire now because we're standing on Greece if we move we might slip so the best thing to do here is to jump so I'm actually going to jump over to this Goblin and I'm just gonna cleave him in two with my two-handed sword now he can't set us on fire let's go back into sneak the Starion try and take out this Ward and save this lady 11 damage pretty damn good oh she's running away from the walk I don't think that's gonna be much good why is she running back she had The High Ground these actual characters by the way that can dice I'm gonna go ahead and bless all my party members just so they don't get hit and we'll end our turn what's will doing who is fleeing the battle he's got big damage to this guy I think he's a warlock I'm gonna finish it off and claim the experience there we go deletes it we'll get a story to take out this Goblin tracker here who is right above my companion why has he got a stuffed bear let's use firebar on him hopefully oh my God 10 damage just like the max damage we can get indeed incredible you can oh come on I'll finish him off then don't worry that was the last of them inside all of you more may follow open the gate so everyone's running inside but man we got a lot of guys salute I mean Zack rug he has some unique gloves of power absolute Bane that give you a buff if you have the absolute mask which I actually do want to get at some point and then this guy has even more Loot and we can actually sell this now because I believe there's a Trader inside uh Druids Grove all right let's go on inside and speak to everyone that we just saved hopefully they can do is it if you open the gate for me yes you can thank you very much I thought we were trapped outside then so we're in the emerald Grove also known as The Druids Grove get our children hear you fool we was running for our lives you let them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable look how why am I so big compared to them I'm huge Paladin I've seen much bloodier battles than this consider yourselves lucky and who the hell are you again well I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you are begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward twitches he's about to blow I can melee attack take a swing at the tie fling [Music] geez I ever don't kill him you knocked him clean out nice nice one brother I didn't do it for your praise just tell me what this place is it's a Druids growth fella in charge went by the name Houston he ain't here anymore though got himself nabbed by gobbles same ones what chased us here he's either digging latrines or boiling in a cook pot by now what was important enough to drag and draw it out of his growth we've got a contract to track down some Relic and he wanted in on the job I slits up when he heard about it and told him he wasn't getting so much as a sniff for the reward but he'd sagged along anyhow sounds powerful maybe I can take that job off your hands if you've lost the appetite for it got a Death Wish have you contract came from a wizard in Baldur's Gate relics supposedly hidden underneath a temple around these parts and he'll pay gobloods for it but all that gold ain't gonna do you any good if you're too cold to spend it bear me the chilling warnings and just tell me where I can find this thing it's called The Night song supposed to be hidden under the temple where the Goblins jumped us I'll give you the map and wish you a happy funeral but my mate Brian kept hold of it like his own charger goblins made sure to the fat old chunk thanks don't thank me I'll be well on my way to Baldur's Gate when you die watch yourself I'm out that's so interesting so they're all leaving now and they survived the fight it's so interesting because Early Access didn't have that storyline and if they didn't survive the fight we never would have got that storyline in fact if we didn't knock out the tie fling we also would have missed it too so many things had to happen for us to get that conversation dialogue let's go and stand here and then enter turn-based mode since he is unconscious we can pickpocket here the hell Raiders Pride Helm of protection when you hit another creature it gains resistance against bludgeoning piercing and slashing strength saving throw plus one that's going to be good for shadow heart let's try and steal this and I want zevolor's key as well if we are successful on both of them while he's unconscious let's see where this key goes we're now entering the hollow and this guy looks like a merch refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long the rich all right what are you selling just some bits and Bobs I no longer need okay so he actually has a ton of unique items that he didn't have before we can sell all the weapons that we got from our camp to him as well so now we've sold him all of our junk we can start buying some useful things oh they actually have die in the game now gloves of missile snaring you can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks reducing their damage by 1d10 plus your Dex modifier they are going to be incredible for estaria we could get plus one ring there which is better than our current armor let's give estaria and his glove and whatever these guys are shouting about let's talk to them like a good moment to talk gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for balder's gate at once can we all just take a moment please what's the point in blazing spells that we don't bloody these people aren't Fighters we can help oh yell louder that's fine too where the weak of need the strong have a duty stay no that is not my character role play get out while you can the Goblins will be back yes because we're gonna betray them later common sense at last let's get out of this death trap or would you deny your brother here his chance at fortune in Baldur's Gate come on sis we're less of a Target alone we should leave ah fine just sneak away like God's damned cowards something happens to these people it's on us I hope you know that oh wow why are you telling me that you're the one who's leaving all right let's level up our party we are now all level three so we have some decisions to make astorians also leveled up as well he can now choose a subclass if he wishes Arcane trickster I really don't rate it Thief is really good if you want a utility character assassin just turns them into a ridiculous damage machine so I think we're gonna use him as an assassin it's probably the most effective way to play him we get advantage against enemies who ever taken a turn yet any successful attack brought against a surprise creature is a critical hit and Gail has leveled up to a level three Wizards which means we can unlock another two spells Misty step is probably one of the best spells in the game it allows you to teleport any way you like and it's going to be really useful in jurid's Grove and we can also pick scorching Rey which is essentially a better version of magic Missile finally let's level up Shadow Hearts we're gonna have Aid silence bless enhance ability inflict wound and healing words let's go over here and see key is actually for eign give me a Best Shot [Music] weak not bad again I can't do it I'm not like you oh he's got a point me I don't need you to be like me you just have to buy enough time to run come on I believe in you you can do this enough sniveling child your enemies will not be swayed by your tears ignore him Umi go on now practice what you've learned well met the blade of Frontiers at yours the man's smile Burns downward and his thoughts become yours you have a blade of Frontiers racing through the waists of averness ahead a diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame bloodied great ax help hell's great fires you were on the ship there was that woman in your thoughts you saw her then Advocates diaboli her name is carlak an archdevil Soldier I sworn my good eye to kill I tracked her through the hells to the mind fleship when the Damned lithids infected me before I could end her she's out there now praying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses sounds like someone we want to make friends with you have a mind player tampo in your head doesn't that concern you more I'd be a fool if it didn't I know the stories doomed to shed my skin become a lithid and there's no coming back but I haven't sprouted any tentacles at least not yet thank bouldering could just be good luck but sooner or later it's bound to run out might as well come along an excellent suggestion go to my castle and plan we'll talk more there okay so he's heading up to my Camp let's go and explore down here because there's a few little storage areas this one's accounts are stealing if I try and open it this one is a Shabby door that I seem to be able to open going on in here a makeshift prism you ain't gonna shoot me your hands are shaking put it down can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this [Music] mouth would she taste the metal before she died would she shoot before you lose your nerve tiefling if you ever had it to begin with Paladin this Goblin is in need of judgment it should I should decide her fate yeah give me the power I would actually rather pass judgment because we can use this Goblin to portray The Grove those words could be your last let's stand in between them not having that it's like the absolute sent me a protector you're gonna kill him too you move lower the crossbow or I'll deliver you right to your brother Savage oh we only need a ten seventeen she's gonna be very intimidated um you live my reasons are my own God you're exhausting fine then it's all right ARCA let's go even your cages are boring I think the tifflings are the real problem here in the grave let's shut this door can we let you out what'd you missing with my cage for it's too late to make friends walk me my tribe's coming they're gonna burn this free place for the glory of the absolute and then you buy your guts who is this absolute you're so fond of your god goddess we're burning her name across the face of the world we are the absolute is gold from the sky she is the blessing in the storm and the storm itself you've caught my interest have any holy literature on you an all-powerful Goddess that can't get you out of a cage I want to be sarcastic My Tribe can tell you everything there is to know it's one of our own priests that's good no matter how much of a beating they take could probably stick your head back on if someone wants to chop it off mighty booyog I'm not saying we should trust a goblin but she sounds very useful ah that certainly like to meet her get me out of here and I'll tell you where to find her deal I'll get you out of there then hurry up and do it my tribe ain't as friendly as I am I think we'll need our help oh yes easy all right let's open up uh bloody teeth everywhere ready to go meet my tribe just say the word follow me I'll keep you safe happily lead the way also all right let's go a spasm grips your chest what your strength falters and penis grows within you Paladin the hell something has been lost to discuss oh my God we we've unlocked the oath breaker class when we speak to him I think is that because I opened her cage that was like not a good thing to do that's crazy so now I can't use certain abilities interesting okay let's hop down here because I want to explore what the secret stone door is but it actually looks like I can go a bit further so before we go through that secret door let's go and carry on oh my God so many of these explosive fire things let's go ahead and shoot it so we don't die from it and there is a secret little Shrine here with a pouch oh scroll a crown of Madness and 17 gold wow I wonder if we can get into this room from here let's separate ourselves from the party and jump in this place is off limits leave what why are you even here secluded place all alone it would be too easy to do away with her far beneath your talents hush girl in other words and I'll snap your neck 23 oh my God all right let's enter turn based mode get a star into sneak attacker you still got seven Health yeah okay is she dead oh she's got the storage key so we can get out from that side and there is a cabinet's key what is our cabinet in here oh there is an alpiness cabinet drow poison they become poison and fall asleep that is very useful and uncommon poison as well as lots of other poisons oh Soul coins what's that Soul coins as a concept are one of merciless Simplicity the soul is bound into a minted piece of infernal iron and used as a currency by devils and their cohort interesting I thought that's what they're for they're frequently traded for their value can purchase mercenaries magical items and even fuel the strange engines in the hells let's go ahead and loot everything in here there's a lot of rotting food these guys don't have any food to survive on now I think we can go ahead and leave all right let's exit sound based mode and leave this error and go and explore this secret tomb from behind jump across there and we can go into this stone door underground Passage hold on Sir there's a dead complete save the goblin sazer how the hell did she die why even killed her so I think what we have to do is we have to sneak and we'll just try and sneak past glowing eyes are so really a good sign best tread carefully so this is what killed the goblin I decided to reload because I really want to see what happens if you make it to the camp with a goblin and a lie if she dies for some reason I guess I'll change it it's quite funny that she got just incinerated but I believe we can sneak past this um Guardian statue and there's a rune of the bear here so I can probably just turn it off don't wear his voice out we still need answers that's currently the story in here and then we can just walk through I think we're safe now and we can go join up with the gang I guess hello there did some bleeding Arts show up to save the Druid okay little pieces mucked up the old raid yeah absolutely don't like failures I do I'll be an hero when I tell the boss about this place I'll be telling your boss myself kill him he's a smart one he is okay I wasn't expecting this oh my God I'm just gonna take tons of damage with the looks of it okay Shadow Hearts go next we're gonna have to cause blessed here let's press her and myself then I'm gonna go ahead and heal myself oh my God is that poison oh Gail's being ensnared great I'm gonna have to use Mage Armor so I don't die and then we have a little Gobo she has no weapon oh my God I can't give her anything she's just useless [ __ ] yourself oh okay well at least we're in combat with this stupid orc let's cast Divine favor and then we're just gonna go ahead and delete them all right Omega is your one Health bruh use a ranged attack with advantage on this Archer and we miss 88 chance God oh no oh critical mess we got lucky let's get shadowhall to finish off as well oh my God he summoned a war if we jump over here oh no he got a free attack really need and we'll just use all of them on here okay thank God that got rid of the wall I'm gonna use my crossbow to hit him oh nice eighty percent chance yes instant kill we can speak to fiendo his wounds deep he doesn't respond to your voice I could heal him but then he would see that we are taking a goblin out with us so it's probably best we just kill him to be honest maybe I'll resurrect him and kill him after and then we will make sure that we short rest so no one dies let's get a Starion to actually before we kill this durian over here it looks like we can get there oh yeah just about there we go I can see another one of these Guardian statues so let's see if there's a way to turn it off all perception yeah I can see it don't worry we can turn it off just here by the looks of it and there's a dead human here who I guess got incinerated a charred key and pale orange die which is dire clothes orange interesting why I'd want to do that I don't know but and take the key with us and then I just want to check jump back across we climb up here there's another one of these things over here that we can turn off right now I think we're safe okay I think we've disarmed the entire place and there's also a heavy chest with tons of explosive barrels next to it is there a trap here oh dear someone's left a trap out for us and if I blow these up then I guess we will break the barrel but can I move them and move the barrels away from the trap no trapped us arm toolkit available so we just open it see what happens open locked because they've got a key maybe the charred key worked yes it does okay aha Nature's snare chance to win snare Target if it is not a plant or a beast we can give that to Gail oh a potion of invisibility you should really just loot all of this pick up the water barrels and take them to your Camp because they're actually very useful later even the explosive barrels as rotors store them at your Camp sometimes there can be situations where you might need them just right click and send to cam let's see what happens if we try and heal this uh rescue attempt has been noticed choose your next move carefully I just noticed the goblin all right then you've chosen death oh key of the Ancients I wonder what this does let's go ahead and put it all it's like a circular on our character's head all right let's go ahead and climb up here then and see where this leads then we can get through the stone door The Enclave Library oh Jesus Jesus Christ what is this there's vents here I don't think we can actually get through here though hmm what's that oh stone slab open oh my God I can do it with my crown though yo what the heck this is like inside the Drury Grove and we've just snuck in here there's lots of books here potential lore and lots of Scrolls in these bookshelves have a look what's over here that's thing in that vessel let's loot the drow first he's got a letter apparently he was a scout track the Druid find whatever Barry he returns to and report back to me remember you are our only Scout do not engage do not kill anyone simply observe and return I shall decide what to do next M wonder who that is let's take this with us and also there is houses pipe hastily written notes dear Nettie I entrust you with the circular to open the library where it always if you need to enter the Vault talk to wrath he has the Rune but won't give it to anyone oh so there's a missing room to solve the puzzle to enter the Vault here so be sure you have a good reason to ask protect my research while I'm gone and take care of the animals notes on growl parasite so she was researching this drought who was infected with the parasite was researching the parasite he might be one of the few people who understands it there's also a journal here and they're the ones who caught the drow mind flare parasite specimen in a jar interesting let's take that oh my God you can consume it examine oh my God so they've got the tadpoles in a jar hanging suspended in murky slime it's worth a hundred gold and I can also consume it which might actually intensify my Powers Yeah so just here there's a missing tablet so we need to find that if we want to open the secret vault here and that's apparently on one of the people inside the Grove so if we come back here and kill them that's probably the best way of obtaining it for now though we'll leave because I don't think we're going to be able to access the secret part of the Grove until we kill him and that's going to be easier said than done because he's surrounded by people so let's go through the rest of this tunnel hopefully we can escape the Grove go through this stone door I'll do a lot worse in that cage if you don't make this worth my while I'll introduce you to my whole tribe and put in a good word for you see at the camp oh we've got an inn now okay so that was work and it looks like we found a secret entrance Into The Druids Grove as well which is interesting there's also a Secret backpack with some thieves tools and stuff the goblin Camp is actually located just over here so I reckon that's where we'll go but also we have this other Quest called the blade of the Frontiers which is the demon that will wanted to hunt down and I think I want to recruit so from this exit let's go ahead and head West if I look on the map you can actually see this is druid's Grove this is the Emerald Road fast travel point and we're heading west oh hello there's someone over there people up ahead something's wrong auto save okay what's wrong what's happened what a true soul you can't die okay I'll Stand in the middle I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange marked on their flesh within new stairs in response his rooms look deep I might be able to help with the medicine skill we actually have Proficiency in medicine because of our background as well he's hurt badly an oil bear got him deep well if there's anything you can do I'm watching you the Ancient Man locks eyes with you a familiar squirming chairs in your head pride block him out hold his stare your minds intertwine you see his siblings andrick and Brenner new recruits yours to Shepherd mine protect them hey it's a true soul good morning Tim he will he he Ard head please he's with the absolute now you're you're a true soul Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin a true Soul so this is what the goblin told us about this true Soul religion you're mistaken I'm no true Soul explain this absolute to me what are you are you testing us the absolute is our goddess she's going to rip down the old world order start a new one then we'll be the ones with the power well you will firstly Crystal you don't need me to explain that a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule that sounds good that fellow had a tadpole in his head and they consider him blessed chosen Madness is this you need to find the beasts and avenge your brother oh I can tell them what to do a crude summary you have to learn more of our faith novice I'm sorry true soul I only repeated what I thought I knew disgusting the absolute still has a great deal to teach me you must find this beast and avenge your brother what is killed one of us it killed Edwin it's an enemy of the absolute yes you're right sir the Beast must be destroyed the cave is just ahead it was too much for us before but but if you could help us true soul May stand a chance let's go and kill an owl bear oh my God they're just going I can loot their brother's body now absolute same as that Goblin sazer strange power calls to you most corpses feel like toys before you to be played with and discarded when you tired it seems different a friend calls out from the corpse desperate to be freed why let its host's memories go to waste absorbed at all its experience could nourish you strengthen you embrace the desires to commune with the tadpole will it to break free damn oh Damned oh my god I've got it yeah just put that in my pocket mate I like everyone just standing there watching that now what does he have on him he has tons of Salamis this guy loves a good salami they're pork sausage and a staff of a broken spear which I think we can use to craft something later okay there's actually a robed morsel here as well what did you mean before Gail For Eyes you said clearly that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul yours have dark curtains across the mirror no offense taken I have no necessarily I haven't made up my mind about you yet oh she's cute let's go ahead and loot all this stuff someone's actually taking their boots off to go in this water and there's they've left them here there's also an open coffin so makes me wonder what's actually happened here and some Mur grass I think oh Alchemy you can now craft your own potions that's good so this is the K this is where they're waiting oh Bear Tracks its nest must be nearby I think we know it's here so I think I'm gonna short rest before this encounter because I think Gail's full health pushing off are you ready this is it I guess we go inside yeah let's go let's go inside you go oh my God they're just running on my way are they just gonna run it they're just going straight for it they're gonna die dead Albert prey no doubt as a pickaxe and some skeletons and heavy Stones don't really know what I can do with that Beyond throwing it um oh there's a gilded chest down here let's climb down see what we can find Queen a shrine to Saloon okay there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can feel its aura well let's take it with us this thing won't yield its contents easily I wonder how we can de-spell it and a potion of animal speaking and a book on the wall between Saloon and Shaw what was that is there actually something behind it there's a book actually hidden behind her the Genesis of saloon and Shah a Dusty volume that speaks to the conflict between the goddess Saloon and Shah after Saloon ignited the Sun and brought her life sustaining light and warmth the universe and there's also a prayer sheep imploring all to accept the moon maiden's blessing and sharing her bounty to print a sheet with the same symbol as the one on the chest ah convenient let's go ahead and jump back over here now see if we can use it to open it now it did 11 damage you serious I have the prayer sheet read my prayers are answered leave it right if possible but why this is an offering to salute Saloon would be cursed do not trifle with that Moon witch or her trinkets only trouble will follow why do you care so much Saloon and Shah so if she hates Saloon she must be a Shah worshiper why do you care so much see what she says oh 19. it's got to give us something I should have stayed quiet you want the truth fine I worship Shah Mistress of the night Saloon is Twin and foe now that you have the truth please don't make a big fuss about it you worship Shaw blimey she and my beloved mistra are not exactly friends sharp Gail I'll decide whether to make a fuss or not hard to trust someone who's holding out on me though secrecy is everything for Shell's children it is our code our Creed our Shield I even keep secrets from myself I had my memories suppressed so that nothing I know could be used against the dark lady once I prove myself my memories will be restored I'm not sorry I kept this from you not one bit that's really interesting I mean though perhaps that might change if you can show an open mind she was even keeping it from herself so that's very interesting let's see how open-minded I can be tell me more talk to me later we've got more pressing matters to see to right now yeah I think those people are probably dead though uh acolyte gift of Silver Shadow heart is inspired I'm not gonna lose the chest I'm gonna respect Shadow heart I quite like her as a companion and she also has a relic that I want so I want to gain our trust and get this item of power more than what's in that chest potentially all right these guys are waiting here where's the owl bell all right let's speak to Brianna Beast it's huge I'm not sure I can do this my friend as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority the absolute has plans for your child and they only begin here I won't tolerate counters attack now yes come on easy you're right we can handle this and and we'll do it for Edwin that's right oh my God they're just going for it they're going for it who just saved the spell oh no oh no look at it's gonna delete him how much health does he have he's got he's gonna survive one attack maybe why are we so far away let's dash on a Starion and we'll do a sneak attack 13 damage okay that's a stop bless all of us leaving the owl bear cub we've got to kill the poor Cub let's go ahead and heal ourselves is dead okay she's using another spell and healing her friend wow so he's not gonna die here shoot him in the back critical Missy he's not even moving all right let's just set up a bit of damage damage and Ray all right let's go ahead and use Divine Smite on it as much damage as possible here whoa hopefully we can Daze it as well and it is days this is good we might actually be able to make these people survive the owl bear is going to kill the mage oh actually my oh dear she just kicked it away like it was nothing can we backstab it from him here man we got a 96 percent chance to hit do it let's just surround it come on stealthtrack oh 18 damage it's got five health we're just killing this poor thing secret flame poor damage just got one elf left from you to his dead mother oh no a single strike will end his suffering May the creature live end it's suffering or let it live I mean if they let her live is that more evil because I ended suffering to kill it but that's the greater good thing to do I'm gonna say I'll let it live what hurts oh it's so sad you watch speechless as the Cub begins to eat his mother Savage yes the club has a fighting chance now that or we've just prolonged its misery Mercy mercy of course so this is the head of a broken Spear and we can actually repair that with the shark we have in our bag as shariha said did we prolong its misery was that the more evil thing to do we need to speak to her let me guess you're wondering why I was in pain before best if we just get the subject out of the way now okay the wound on my hand it never quite heals and sometimes it causes terrible pain to rip through me it's my burden though from Lady shark I can feel her influence somehow yeah what causes it to hurt you it's difficult to say sometimes I wonder if it's supposed to be guiding me punishing me testing me but perhaps it's none of those perhaps it's completely random yeah that's annoying I'd like to hope there's more to it than that some meaning that lady Shah will reveal to me when the time is right until then all I can do is endure why would you even subject you to something like this I cannot say not with what I can recall but even then it would not be for me to question her will lady Shah has her reasons hmm you manage living with that it's less difficult than you might imagine when you can't remember life without it pain is sacred to followers of Lady Shaw pain will give way to loss and then to the Peace of her internal Darkness you can tolerate a great deal of suffering so long as it has meaning damn okay we'll talk to her later I can let's speak to andrick we survived a camp believe we survived we did um sir what no now what were they doing before the owl bear attacked them we were sent to look for fugitives some survivors from a crash ship a ways West along the key onthar the absolute wants to find one way or another go back and report on your mission stronghold right Ed said something about the Goblins Bray will know the way thank you true Soul all right so I just climbed up there and there was nothing really of Interest up there apart from this Stalag type that I think I could have broken to fall on the owl bear pile of bones underneath it and a headless skeleton oh the oak fathers Embrace order of nature Undead creatures that hit the where I receive one to six radiant damage medium armor and take the food from here and also this egg an hour these are supposed to be worth a fortune all right it's time to get out of this cave the thing I love about this game is that there's so many side quests and distractions everything really to find the poison The Humble specimen aren't you on occasion I do like Gail he's just so so we're now just here on the map and karlak is over here so I actually want to go and find her now I think she's just to the north let's go ahead and Loops this ah is that a doggy named scratch hello [Music] let's talk to him oh his own is dead I guess rip reach out to Pam he's angry isn't like that let's have a look at his collar oh I got a nine rip oh he's still barking at me that's intimidating good intimidations oh yeah that quieter deep down didn't it now you know his boss let's try and pet him now oh he's a little worse now the easy cool boy [Music] motion him to follow he whines but remains rooted by The Corpse's side guess this is his owner hold out your hand so you can follow your scent to the camp okay that's cool get a little pet dog for a camp he has an interesting collar who can loot his corpse now oh my God there's so many letters here gomwick be doubly careful on your way back to Baldur's Gate I've received more reports of attacks from Travelers throughout the region I thought I have my best messenger winding up face down in the ditch oh dear that was from the port Master let's read the second one David it's a boy he's healthy and perfect I've named him out for his father come back and see him as soon as you get leave love flora and David Jr it's named after him as well nine fingers I Won't Come Back to the Sea not while you have your thugs looking for me if you want the depth page you have to trust me collect it yourself go to the graveyard and look for where Mr Kerwin is buried get digging and you'll find enough valuables to settle matters between us so Mr Curran's grave at Boulders gate is where we can find some buried loot apparently a lot of buried loot it sounds like we can also potentially tell his wife that he died so I think we need to cross this River to get to Carla how do we get down here and go jump again we you seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier seize the day I say more now than ever so we started here at the entrance to Jared's Grove just here on the map and we came all the way to the west across the river killed an owl bear and then we went North across this River and apparently carlak is around here I really am excited to meet this demon devil let's have a look pile of bones must be a devil oh yes carlac all of the trail of Bloods seems like a good moment to talk oh wow dude she looks awesome one horn this is the devil will has been tasked to kill attack attack try and douse the flames study on Soldier that's the stuff oh she likes it it's you from the okay so she's also one of us she's a companion potentially what quarrel do you have with these tyrions none they're the ones chasing me down but believe me these so-called paladins are anything but they a great heat Roars through you the Heat fiery as the hells then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood amazing you soared from above as the north Lloyd passed through awareness but here's a demon so it makes sense it's the tadpole it connects us that explains the voices from that Peak I got into your head you've made some inroads trying to get the thing sorted but alas no joy I'm karlak and you are I'm not interested in making friends oh boy an [ __ ] winning you over will be entertaining oh okay you've got a little help if we start with a little thumb how'd you like to help me kill some evil bastards wait a little background if your moral compass needs something to point at you already know I fought in the blood War I was good at killing demons really good so good zariel the arch devil herself made me her personal attack dog played along until I could get the [ __ ] out of there took me 10 years to probably Escape but now I'm free Rosario sent goon after goon to hunt me down but believe me when I tell you I'm not going the latest yappy little dog she sicked on me are nearby a group of dopes posing as paladins of tear wanna help me take him down because she seems to be a good character she's asking my character who's evil to do good things taking out fake paladins of tear I have my own problems I don't need yours too I can see that but if we take a problem we can move on to ours the tadpole kill some fiends Invicta parasite and take favor and buy the short hairs sound good you want to just team up with some blood-stained killer because I'm fine with that I don't think so you go alone damn after a decade in hell I was hoping for a little company especially some who look like you but I can take a hint good luck out there you're gonna need it okay you just chill there and your own blood oh Jesus Oh Shadow I got pushed into the water there let's go and find these Paladin of deer there apparently they're fake paladins I don't really I was surprised I thought her character would be like evil it was a dead Soul collector let's have a look if we actually now in yesterday's video we found the Amulet of Los voices this is quite a good spell we can use and the dead Soul collector to find out his story [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly damn how did you die jumped to escape broken where were you heading anywhere Away safety who are you Soul collector do you have any valuables gold basement locked it's enough information for me where's the toll house key I fell dropped key actually there's a key around here you can ask no more questions Gail is inspired why is gay on the smart so he must have fell and dropped the key from up here so the key must be pretty close to us somewhere yeah hello who are you Cyril need any supplies with fewer mouths to feed now what is she trading actually before we do anything else she's got some Scrolls and some arrows nothing truly unique here we can give her all our books we don't need in Tia's name oh so you are a paladin so she's one of the paladins searching for the devil or maybe she's posing as a predator me and Shadow heart will come in the front end there's so many bodies there all right let's open this door here and go inside I'm ready for a trap who's there please keep your distance you're welcome to shelter here but we've grave injuries to Tender really who will watch taxi a devil the most deadly foe we've yet encountered we are paladins of tear Lord of Justice he sent us after an infernal being straight out of the nine Hells hiding in the form of a one-horned tiefling you recognize the description the burning tiefling he met by the river she slaughtered countless refugees fleeing the absolute yesterday she butchered an entire family without Mercy we were lucky to survive our encounter with her save failed religion oh yeah because I'm a paladin so I should be able to debate whether he actually is religious I believe I've met her then you're lucky to be alive this is the Sword of Justice blessed by tear I've wielded it since I swore my oath okay it's all I have but it's yours if you stop her bring me her head and tear will consider her crimes repaid they're both asking me to do good by killing evil but I get a free soul and that gives me power so I think Role Play Wise my character would want the power from this I'm taking this sword May the just God guide you in fact if we go to our account we can get will that's the spirit let's get will to confront the stink of averness advocates diaboli oh I'll be godstammed the blade of Frontiers thought I'd shaken you for good or teach me to underestimate you you're all the devil we've been hunting bloody right an honor to be chased by the blade of Frontiers but I a great heat Roars through you her heat fiery as the hell's then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood the blood wall new sword from above as the nautiloid pass through awareness it was on the front line evidence proof that you're a devil a gladiator in the archdevil zaryael's army I can explain the situation if you just hear me out another vision blade raised slicing through Devils zarya's servants as her highest Dart around seeking Escape her rage and Desperation seep into you victim of the blood War not an agent of it trying to trick us don't believe her lies saw the truth I never wanted to serve Zario I was enlisted in her Army against my will forced to fight a fight I did when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it finally home or near it anyway you served her that's enough to damn you the paladins of Tears end with your head and I mean to take it I think we've found the evil option that won't be you oh she just wanted to be friends commence battle we're gonna send in the Imp first using our sting ability to hopefully poison her oh my God we missed the sneaky action will not Bend let's boost Will's armor [Music] let's use hellish for buke oh my God what a way to die the devil has fallen Hells I should be celebrating making toasts roaring in Victory but I can't I can't tadpole's Visions out of my mind tell me we were right to strike kharlac down who cares I want a good fight she gave me one I care damn it all I vow to hunt vicious monsters not join their ranks no kalak blazed with the fire of avernus I saw it I smelled it infernal Essence tip to toe I've slayed Myriad Devils each one a threat to faerun I've torn the horns from their heads without a second thought why should this time be any different my prey has fallen hail the blade Hail To Me hmm well then hail to our champion and let there be no substitute for victory a faint acrid smell clings to the corpse like the memory of a storm remove her head oh boy gonna be brutal it comes free with a sickening crunch damn I just I love how I just never met that companion that is incredible Barbarian clothes nice that is brutal the seven head of a tiefling with a single horn I still seem to flicker with a faint blame all right let's go back to the toll house and clean our rewards I've told Will to leave the party all right so the dead tall collector is here he said he dropped the key while he was running so let's check down here from where his body is oh okay the key was on the floor it fell down the cliff okay fantastic so now we've got the key and go back up this ladder and we can go back to the toll house and find the gold that's apparently in the basement all right we are now back at the toll house hello there Anders any sign of the tiefling fiend here's her head just like you asked stop saved our souls it's a debt that can never truly be repaid but here is my blade blessed by tear I hope it keeps you safe and brings your enemies to Justice incredible completed hunt the devil Sword of Justice it does less damage than the everburn blade but protect a creature from attacks increase its armor class by two which turns you into a absolute tank probably one of the second best weapons we can get I went to Camp to get shadowhall back and the paladins have left so I don't know where they've gone or if we'll meet them again that'll be interesting so the trapdoor is right here in the main room it's already unlocked smells ripe enough time for its killer to have moved on oh there's a court we can unlock this door with the key it might be another body in there to find oh hello there's a valve here there's actually four valves so I assume this room is trapped they better be careful not to trigger that thing that's curious place is more dangerous than I thought indeed and there's a large bottle with something underneath it a borrow hole I think this is connected to outside though so let's go ahead and put barrels on top of these uh then trap there's even more traps in here I guess if we open it then whatever trap happens is going to initiate oh there's bronze ingots and silver ingots with a hundred gold wow we should really loot everything in here you're not burst in Magic are you of course I am I'm infused the powers of my oath as a paladin oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not oh if you meet any Elder Wizards let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master okay I didn't mean to speak with Gail um but he just insulted me there so that was nice oh even more silver ingots dude there's so much money work in there oh drow poison oh my God there's so much jewelry in here search every single container oh Steve's Tools fantastic all right let's try and open this door see what happens okay I think we're safe but the other room is definitely trapped reception failed yeah let's just put stuff on the vents trap this place is more dangerous than I thought let's put this on there there's also a chair here Stone chair and it looks like there is some kind of wall here which will open someone doesn't like visitors no definitely not oh there's a trident nice so there's clearly a room on the other side of this and I think we have to do something with these chairs maybe if I split my companions get a star in to sit in it oh something clicks okay that's game just in the other one go so you need two companions to open this secret door oh amazing very cool puzzle so I guess we have to stay sitting there we'll get Gail to go inside okay yep we found a trap apparently I'm fine oh okay it poisoned me okay let's throw this on there a trap is it more dangerous than I thought it is a trap okay so that's close those vents they're actually poison 200 gold amazing stones of value there's also an actual helmet here which we hadn't found yet so that's pretty good and metallic gauntlets studded Shields a great sword a wooden chest he's satisfied oh gloves of heroism when you use your channel of spells you gain heroism so this is amazing for a palliative even more gold a plus one great ax all right let's group the party again looks like a trap no Shadow heart don't go inside the door's closing now it's over okay let's get out of here we found everything we needed especially this really cool looking helmet look at that I look like a pretty ugly orc with this but it gives me plus one to Constitution saving froze which means that I can maintain my concentration as a paladin I'm going to put these gloves on as well they look pretty awesome all right let's head back outside back to the Risen road now I really want to check out back here so we're pretty much done at the toll house location but if we look on the map the toll house is just here there's a fast travel point to the north called the Risen Road and if you actually turn around and walk up here I just passed a survival check and found another dirt Mound right near this road that's been completely blocked off so we can go ahead and dig this up it should be a chest there that's one hour of acid okay well not that exciting all right now let's head back to cam I forgot the oak breaking night is also here and I want to go and speak to Shadow heart because it's some very interesting topics of Converse upon you also oh we're just open now we're open okay I want to talk to you about Shaw worship I'm sure you do but please try to understand that it's not something I can just talk about freely I have no problems with Charles if that's what concerns you yeah let's say that don't roll a one we've got a stick thank God very well there's potential in you let's see how you handle this I am indeed a disciple of Shah Mistress of the night and Lady of loss I assume you've heard of her Mistress of a nice interesting remind me my lady Shah is the night singer the patron of darkness and loss sounds pretty cool please continue most fear the dark like children because in darkness they see their fears reflected but Shah teaches us to Step Beyond fear Beyond loss in darkness we do not hide we Act pain hope the promise of Better Days all of these are heavy cloaks that bend our backs and burden our hearts I agree we shed those clicks before Shah We Stand gloriously naked beyond the vanities of Mortals when you put it like that it seems strangely comforting especially if someone of my character's background there's Comfort yes but often there has to be pain beforehand we tear down the lies the world is drunk on so-called great worship lives they cling to we destroy false idols topple corrupt organizations fight Heretics wherever they're found there's often suffering death even many people break before they Embrace Shah's truth I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound convincing you should tell me more sometime you're wiser than most many people bulk at our Doctrine it's the reason why we cherish secrecy you have a habit of saying all the right things either you're very Global we're Kindred Spirits maybe both know myself but yes once we've saved ourselves we can talk more on this now I want to know about that artifact there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it that was it my memories are all gone is your taboo playing tricks or mules I understand why you ask but memory loss is not as uncommon as you'd think there may be other causes hmm interesting you're hardly alone bloodletting is quite popular of late though your twinge of conscience sets you apart from the brigands monsters and kill happy fiends of the world whatever you think may be compelling you you may have greater ability to resist it than you realize everyone has unseemly thoughts being able to quieten them is what sets us apart from the beasts with Shadow heart I believe myself to be quite a beast but I still want to get to know you more you already know my biggest secrets what more can you ask tell me something about yourself besides shot besides tampons what besides my life's calling in the greatest problem I've ever faced well I like night orchids and can't swim is that the sort of thing you meant I don't know I can't quite literally I mean with my memory suppressed I can't betray Shah's secrets and I can't remember much of myself either if I manage to return to Boulder's Gate and fulfill Shah's mission then my memories will be restored you've had your memory suppressed it seems extreme of course it is an act of face not to be undertaken lightly shall will reward me when I succeed I think now we will rest for that can and end today apart from the Grove I don't mean any harm oh no State your purpose or die wait wait I'm not your enemy quite the opposite in fact you're all anyone talks about in The Grove hearing all you've done inspired me what I want to join you to fight by your side I want to help people as you've helped us sorry sorry what do you know who I am I have no time for weaklings but I can fight I won't hold you back I swear it she seeks a safe haven and what sort of ears gang would refuse it Jesus I just wanted to hear you back a little you can join me it's just a God complex is that something my character would say if we do let us say she might write a song about our evil Deeds which could be interesting I tried to hear you beg if I was moments away from getting on my knees I'll decide thank you you won't regret this I promise I think I will how am I going to bed now what's going on now open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed okay you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your cause her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend you recall nothing of how you ended up here but you had pounds and aches oh what the hell attend to the body something must be done about it try to remember something anything investigation investigate your surroundings look for an extra explanation two roles I have minus one on attends of the body no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands the question flows through your mind who are you really that you could be guilty of such bitter business admire this beautiful death I am actually appalled at my own actions like as a human but I feel like my character is evil and there is some feeling he has inside of like what he's done is impressive if you could craft like this in one night what masterpieces have you sculpted in your forgotten decades you don't have much time for reflection now you need to act you may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you stealth try to hide the body oh boy seek out the nearest water to wash the body away I mean classic prepare to face the others you aren't going to hide let's see how long we can keep this our dirty little secrets you scrubbing yourself until your hands are cold and raw Oh I thought I was gonna blood it's washing away but your heart Mourns its loss so dearly if you were fortunate no soul will be able to know you were behind this murder I wonder if your misdeed will be noticed the night I think my vow is doomed by themselves what kind of nightmare is this I'm gonna say something I'm confident we're all thinking um what's this you're doing I just admit to it yes I murdered her a wild boar ran rampant in the camp and bought her and Drew a pentagram around her as well why is Gail immediately asked I wonder how long we can keep this secret going 15. God damn it is dangerous wandering around at night you could bump into anything your guilt is safe for now is the Inquisition departs to learn with a familiar headache you must uncover the source of your mad spree lest it happen again eagle the only joy greater than murder is getting away with this [Music] [Laughter] yeah I'm a loser she has a lehalla's new loot it's not many better than any other loop but I'm going to take it with me oh the dog shoner oh at least someone loves me he's got a name on the dog's collar scratch oh let's give him a give him a pet oh Shadow heart and what will approve them again oh he's a good boy well he's just standing in the middle of the pentagram it's like as I give him a scratch off the brutal murder scene fantastic yes someone should really clean up this mess on that bombshell my friends I'm going to end today's episode here I'll link the next one in the playlist in the description below for you to check out I feel like my character is evil incarnates but he's quite secretive about it right now I don't know when would be a good time to share such a thing or come clean about it but I like the feeling that I don't know if it will get worse or how long me hiding it will go on successfully I think we may end up very lonely in our playthrough and right now we do need our companions with it I'll see you in the next episode my friends and thank you for your support on this one
Channel: ESO
Views: 140,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate III, Baldur’s gate 3, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay, Baldur’s gate 3 part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 review, Baldur’s gate 3 walkthrough, Baldur’s gate 3 build, Baldur’s gate 3 character creation, eso, dungeons and dragons, d&d, baldurs gate 3 character creation, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldur's, baldurs gate 3 classes, dungeons & dragons, rpg, full game, walkthrough part 1, bg3, evil playthrough, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough
Id: 6wLMFAFvL50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 57sec (4677 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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