Baldur’s Gate 3 Walkthrough Part 5 - The Hag & Risen Road Secrets!

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today we will be visiting a very powerful hag in the swamps we will be exploring the secrets of the Risen Road and even battling dragons and then we will be finding lizelle in honestly one of the strangest ways possible welcome to part 5 of our evil Baldur's Skate 3 playthrough in this episode we'll finish exploring all of the Overland content in act one and I just want to start by thanking you for your patience on waiting for these episodes to come out I'd rather spend the time editing together the perfect episode full of action moments and just be throwing out daily episodes but thank you so much for all the likes and the comments and the support on these videos honestly like it's it's been amazing to play for a game like this and get to like episode 5 and people are so engaged in the storyline I think it's a testament just to how good Bolder Skate 3 really is our story though starts just here in the blighted village we're going to be heading south into the wetlands below walking along this path just here going to discover a hag speaking to Two Brothers something however is amiss and we need to find out what looks like there's some people at the front arguing just tell us where she is we don't want any trouble but you're already getting some if you don't fess up Flats For the Love of All That is Holy I've never clapped eyes on your poor sister drop the ACT hug you was the last to see me Arena just let her go please you there please I don't know what's come over these boys I just want to go home stop this we we won't ask again hey man this has nothing to do with me potlucks [Music] we're supposed to rush to my defense love [Music] oh damn she's a powerful mage you have a darken my door you'd best have that head bowed and an apology at the ready bye bye now oh damn she just disappeared oh she literally just deleted them oh free loot boys let's go patterned letter that might give us more about this story so this is from Marina to the two brothers don't get mad I mean it I'm only leaving this no so you don't panic and do something stupid I'm going to the hag I owe it to Connor to make things right you'd know he'd do the same for me I'll be back soon so not a word to ma'am right oh dear it just reminds you of like some kind of fairy tale gone awry all right let's see what we can do if we head into the swamps chill runs up your spine you feel like you're being watched investigation look for anything out of the ordinary yeah let's let's have a look we need 20. I get my I got a one nice everything looks fine to me the place has a quiet sense of calm you can't see anything strange but yeah that must be because there was a cutscene what's this A wicker basket and a loving note take a breather lovelies have a bite to eat on me now I'm just suspicious of the apples I picked up but what's that a spike trap I know why there'd be a spike trap and this rather beautiful swampy Woodland I can talk to the Sheep guys sheep's voice warbles you realize it's trying to say bar animal handling drop your eyes and carefully reach out boo the Sheep stares at you with unsettling malice why does it look like something's wrong with it let's use animal handling 15. I got another two are you serious tweezing the Sheep backs away why are there loads of sheep in the swamps anyways there's loads of baskets everywhere with apples in a juicy Apple that almost begs to be eaten sounds like a trap to me there's a boat here as well oh Jesus Christ okay well I found a spike trap am I bleeding I'm bleeding out right now so we've uncovered this area of the map so far the sun-lit wetlands hag's house seems to be here all right let's continue along the beach here and just hope that we don't walk into any other traps this place is definitely not as safe as a scene so I'm fine in terms of these boys were right about the hag you should treat her with respect on me Mia lest she kill us okay so there's a fast travel quick we've now unlocked and this must be her tea house there's also a well here maybe it's another way to be under fresh sweet smelling water gurgles gently below I doubt it drink from well no I don't trust anything here well there's a weight into her house here and we can also go through the front entrance maybe we'll separate a star in there and we'll leave it outside in sneak mode all right I think we're ready to go inside because hello ah oh I don't want to crumb left on that plate girl Auntie Ethel please one more boy and this pie is gonna come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon you're eating for two so get to it oh that isn't the cheekiest pop of them all best have worn Hells of an apology for me young man you must have mistaken me for someone else I I don't think I did deary ugly you're a tick for saying things I like her I was gonna give you a swift kick off the ass and show you the door but I think you and I could have a bit of fun together oh God scrapped me patience each up Marina I won't say it again that's my Arena I have some bad news for her keep that hole under your nose shut or things will get messy the choice is yours there's really no good decision to be made here what is it what's going on Auntie Ethel killed your brothers that can't be true auntie ettle they were being rude I did tedness [Music] enough away would you oh damn okay last silence at last some time in the cage should do her good and you you'll regret sticking your nose in my business will I whoa oh my God she's revealing a true fall I can smell her even more beautiful wow I hope she's a romance option oh wow the whole swamp was a lie you blink and the will us changes a swamp stinking and Insidious assaults your senses glad I didn't eat those apples man okay so the house is completely transformed and I'm now in combat with some gnomes here let's use the poison arrows and shoot them all at once oh my God two Critical Hits wait and they're still alive let's fire a giant orb of Thunder at them oh he saved it big damage dead in one hit attack shadowhaw nice let him burn girl seven damage nice die silly red cat finish him a Starion oh great now he's holding place oh my God a Starion is taking big damage get Rex 18 damage now let's see if we can save a star in fire damage nice so now we have a new mission to rescue mayrina Auntie Ethel disappear through the fireplace and took Bay Arena with her so this is the fireplace but my character doesn't really care about saving May Arena but what we might be able to do is deal with the hack let's have a look at this letter here read Ethel forces are working in Boulder skates the newing wretchers are trying to Edge me out of their own territory I've killed the last four of their agents none have talked not yet at least I doubt you'll hear anything beyond the bleating of your ridiculous sheep but if you ever catch a whisper send word immediately M so there are other hags in the game which is interesting and they know Ethel so we do kill her we'll definitely have other enemies not that they would know we've killed her I'm definitely gonna Rob her anyway potion of animal speaking tea house key will take that now let's climb down to this fireplace I really like her house actually even the ugly version has this massive tree which is built around and there's another chest here with good goal okay let's activate the fireplace now we should be able to go through this door let me in aha there's a secret area behind it wooden stairs to The Hags Lair I assume overgrown tunnels Journal updated to save me Arena let's head down into these tunnels then you are as thick as they come sweetness this is my personal Playhouse and don't have an invite get out or what yeah or what oh the cocky ones are my favorite to chew on keep going pickle and you all find out [Laughter] she looks fantastic isn't she oh I can see some people who've been saying to Stone what's this over here macaron's heads my darling macrame she wished for the mind of a genius but that silly head crushed me this is kind of like a gallery of weird things what's that my sweet Callum whose beloved ass that his Beauty Never Fade so he's just a skull looking in the mirror closer to the mirror a pale face appears contorted in fear fists Slam against the mirror's surface again and again it's Trapped In The Mirror that's wild no thanks I can't drink it not even a choice to drink yet who's this guy over here don't look no don't look I shouldn't look mustn't see Smile as he twitches and whimpers I see it you realize there's magic at work some type of spell an illusion me dead shining quietly observed splitting knife twisting got spilling all features all bad old gods don't hurt me oh please please please please not everyone looks like you do elf it's shocking I know monster for mind dripping flesh peeling my flayer let's see our future take a deep breath and Roar Get Wrecked do you have any good loot oh you do you have some good spells thank you oh the whispering masks there's four of them one each part of the flock Auntie ether welcomes you Deary watery eye this poor dear wish never to lay eyes on her family again I mean you speak with the best why did you go to the hag family took my baby girl pretended Vanessa existed adult Ethel never wanted to see them again damn okay why did your family take your child they they died they couldn't touch I don't think you could tell me about Ethel doesn't matter nothing matters is there anything else I should know about this place oh damn okay well there's a lot of warning sir I think we should carry on despite the warnings feel crushing waves of beer as the presence within the door recoils let people through not again come on open up you see the gallery it's walls lined with The Hags victims their bodies and Minds Twisted Beyond ruin feel it cry I'm not afraid of that hag scene appears in your mind two paladins in a cleric marching through the door shrouded in the glow of the Divine weapons brandished they charge into the hag's lair s of Terror appears the air you let them in naughty it's a decade for each you're mine for 30 more years pecker the problem was was that they were paladins I am an oath breaker paladins are weak and the hag will be the least of your problems if you don't open the door Twitches but stays firm open up or I'll burn you to ashes yes come on 24 let's go the door shutters imagining its wooden frame cracking and splintering in a raging Inferno you see the hack she walks through the door it's formed shimmering with a jerk you're pulled from the vision you feel the presence within shrink terrified so you can just walk through the door then we can walk through this door I believe just walk through there we go it was just an illusion quite clever actually now what lies Beyond looks a bit strange this area oh hello there's some enemies oh enemies wearing the mask of Terror oh damn okay they're all attacking us let's use missile snaring Shadow heart can you jump up there yes you can good let's use concussive on it whoa big damage use hellish rebuke on it flaming sphere over here so if they fail their wisdom check it seems like these people have to attack us I'm gonna jump over and start destroying full damage let's bring our ball of fire here to attack her beating the heck out of the Archer get Rex up oh my gosh it just hits like a truck with that ability the Healer 22 damage pinned against the wall Get Wrecked do it so when they pass their wisdom check they actually refused to hurt us which is interesting let's use Dreadful aspects I've saved it oh burnt alive I wonder what happens if I put them to sleep and remove the mask let's try Charming no she saved it okay we killed her then we're gonna have to short rest after this a faded note read this every morning remember she's not your friend she's not your family do not eat the food unless she's watching do not drink the tea unless she's watching do not wear the mask repeated the word lies is written in large thick letters across the rest of the text so I guess Auntie Ethel found it we should not wear those masks more loots and then it looks like we can jump past this waterfall into this poison area let's go ahead and jump over oh what to say so we have to work our way down to the bottom all right let's take our glass and I think we should be able to get him to jump across here like so reception failed so I guess these are traps or something and it looks like these noxious fumes are coming from somewhere maybe from the red flower so let's get a Starion over here so hopefully he can pass the perception checks jump over the same way can you see anything here I hope you failed that see be careful okay so there's a vent right here so now we can get top glass grow a rock I think I've got some rocks yeah heavy Stone so we go through heavy Stone should be able to block this ends well oh my God okay it works great so now let's get a Starion and then we can go down here need to make sure we don't stand on those purple flowers because I'm assuming they're going to explode hopefully I don't trigger this one there are tracks about it looks fine um and then we can get down here it looks like we can just jump down here and then we can get to The Hags Lair with the cage that I assume menthara is going to be in because you spoke about thing now we should be able to jump over here to ignore this poison on my way and we only needed one stone I suppose crates would also work as well though and now I'm going to enter sneakers because I could see him inthara in her cage so now I need to get the rest of the party down here all right so I finally got my whole party down here looks like there's some birds trapped in a tree here it's very weird I'm gonna get a star in to do some investigating yeah in the cage can I shoot her down from here or is she gonna die maybe we can just like walk around her might as well free her while we're here I don't really care about her but maybe she can use her as a bargaining tool against the hag there's also what is this silence Silvan Stone I'm interested in this loot to be honest recipe unlocks in this door okay A bit angry down here then there is a lot of stuff to loot we have the staff of Crohn's a heavy chest was a bit of divorce oh ever seeing eye I've heard business has been slow rest assured I have a job for you a client fled Boulder's Gate without payment my agent picked up his Trail along the chintha and have ensured that he will pass through your territory do as you wish with him in exchange I have a girl who suits your particular appetites her mother's mind is failing my contacts has assured her you can help I've sent her by the usual Roots dearest sisters are you feeling all right petal I can't believe you let some pup give you this slip I've been mortified worry not my red caps and add the bugger they're taking their sweet time with him her scream has stopped a few nice past but the sobbing continues he'll die regretting he crossed a hag a mother with a failing mind you know me so well I have the most darling mask for her you must come to visit so wow these hags are just sending everyone over here to die oh my God so many rings all mine now I can hear some weird sounds coming from the other room what is a mushroom Circle see where it takes me oh it takes me outside to the putrid bog oh this is like the back daughter house interesting let's go back inside to the hag's lair butterflies in the stomach lost time Missing Pets broken promises these are all like sort of concoction she's made of people's despair I guess all right let's head back outside into the tunnels here trying to see if there's a lever around but I can't see any kind of oh okay we I think we just got the taxes ah you'll come to my home interfere in my business and now have the goal to face me in the heart of my Lair you Bachelorette bollocks I'll rip your spinos your [ __ ] I'll use your blood test spice mice gel I'll keep you alive until I've stopped samaro from your bones and then I'll bring you back and do it all over again stop it it's all about a human oh boy here we go okay we've got to put out of this fire oh okay okay our glass is poisoned there isn't much time to save her let's quickly jump to a Starion because we can actually go ahead and sneak attack 80 percent with Advantage fire you can trip just to see if it's the right Ethel no it's a fake one let's see if we have any water or anything we can throw I have grease someone's gonna have some water yeah Shadow heart has water all right let's throw some water onto the fire sends well to put that out hopefully she doesn't sit on fire again this hack which we missed great okay that's the real one I hope that was a fake one but this must be the real hack buying a fire hag okay oh great now she's duplicated menthara we don't know the real one I'm going to cost Mirror Image just in case he does get attacked he'll get one hit killed otherwise so historian has a 50 50 chance of methara dying to this sneak attack or not unless I walk over there and push her but that would waste a sneak attack so I reckon we just flip a coin if we get heads then we tap the one on the left it's Tails we're gonna attack this one hopefully it's the hacks thank you Gods we got it and apparently I'm still invisible which is interesting so let's just go back to hiding and end our turn oh I was worried about that happening one damage 18 damage oh man this is gonna be my main damage Source I think let's use witchfall on her nuclear hits yes it did good let's just use piercing shot dude that's nuts I'll take it we're gonna hide and then we're gonna backstab her success with advantage really let's try spiteful suffering a day another fight you saved us oh critical mess that's lucky get a free attack do some good damage let's reactivate which bolt on Gale 100 chance to hit 11 damage nice let's just go in with the power then miss again okay even Farah's just cowering oh what oh no she's duped us off again she's right here though right because it's Gales but Gail's lightning is still attached to her can I click her other clouds dude that's insane what awesome mechanics love that her other clones are still there but we know that this is the real one critical hit though duplicates are going to be attacking us because they can't hurt a lot still oh we lost our concentration on which bolt oh well and everyone's oh my God oh my God we're gonna have to get rid of some of these Hags wait just a tick killing me is a waste of time I'll find a way to return always have always will but it's not pleasant so how about we be civilized about this hmm I have something you want this should be good if you're gloating now just wait till you hear my offer petal let me leave with the girl and I'll give you power you want to be stronger tougher smarter don't Anything is Possible just let me keep the girl and her babe if her powers were worth anything we wouldn't have beaten her finish this it's your choice sweetness if you want to live hand over Marina and this power right now I was totally gonna take the power and then I read this dialogue Choice 100 taking everything from her we needed 20. we got plus five though is that it's 20. ew greedy little balance fine here oh what is that uh not soon forget this sweetness you have my word oh the deal what about my husband what happens to him deals off you dumb cow and you've hit the tank for it not the tit Masters I'll find another just as plump and ripe I can set up shop elsewhere people always need lotions and Potions I can't kill her as well can I I think she's gonna come up again she has friends in Baldur's Gate we know about if they ever see you again you'll be fertilizing the Swarm I ever see you again you'll have a dented well glad you haven't agreement stupid how can I have trusted her I almost gave that monster my child best crying will go please I have nothing wait here this socket is worth some coin not much indeed got nothing else is this clothes off my back my back and I'm not walking out of here starkers you want her or not I'll take your clothes as well better than nothing I suppose just look after it all right my husband gave it to me I should take him home his coughing is just upstairs a decent burial is the least I can give him thank you yeah I don't think there's anyone else who would have saved me your brothers came here to save you dumbass they're dead though consume this piece of Faith flesh Grant a permanent plus Bond bonus to whatever stat we want let's put into strength and now we can just leave her dungeon through this hole here we go be the mushroom Circle I should also give Gail the staff of prones that we found irina's locket is worth one gold and we just took it from her anyway all right so this has led us out at the back of her encampment this Mulder and coffin I guess this is her husband didn't hear you coming that was close I know we should head home but I can't bring myself to leave the thought of putting him in a wheelbarrow and making the journey all over again I found a wand I think I can resurrect your husband that's not gonna work I bet it's down with her in silence we were just kids when we met I might have pushed him off a swing I wanted he got right up and pushed me back I was so surprised that I just laughed you did too we've barely spent a day apart since I'm really tempted to see what happens if we try and resurrect her husband what I don't think this is going to be helpful and this is going to be more evil if you feel a surge of power from the wand the air suddenly tastes awkward it wants to be used bring it back bring Connor back I want to see oh but what's happening why is he still dead he's not dead he's fine look at him he's absolutely fine this is how most people look in the morning feel something pull at you the creature yearns for a master yes [Music] oh my God what have you jumped in huh the creek just bound to this one how useful this this is your husband do you want him or not we can always bury him again don't worry I have this one I'll make use of it oh no wow let's have a chat with Connor really I can't believe it let's have another chat you're a very passionate man aren't you apparently he's quite smelly So currently we've discovered this whole area of the swamp but there's still an area to the South there we can explore Smash down let me in it is crazy how you come back outside of the hagg's house and the Swarms have just completely changed like compared to the illusion that we saw when we were walking through it it's actually really creepy now we can loot these Barbed bushes as well they still have point oh now they they say they're poisoned apples now there's even a campsite here with some bodies and whatnot blood oh lots of I don't like where this is going oh there's a half eaten Apple so that's how they died I guess so from the Riverside tea house just here we went all the way to the right and now we're standing on this dock just here and you can actually jump across here it looks like so we're gonna go ahead and do that see where we end up maybe we can jump across here Sanctuary oh my God I'm wearing combat with some ancient mud methods can't afford to let up foreign thankfully they're only level three because otherwise I think we could be quite dead here let's go into sneak mode and see if we can shoot this one at the back here critical here what are these creatures oh my God they're summoning new ones whoa take care of the buttons because when you kill them they actually leave loads of mud on the floor which then slows you down there we go we killed something this one has a wood Road Shield plus two armor currently just down here on the map at this great tree and there's a chest here which we can go ahead and loot with the Spark's hands and let's look around the tree someone's cut a notch in the tree there and not in the tree there's a wooden crevice with a letter to Cargo now you remember cargo from yesterday when we burned down The Druids Grove but it turns out cargo specifically was an evil jurid who is something called a shadow during Shadow droids care more about the environment and plants and they do actual people so colgo was trying to perform the rights of thorns which would have protected The Grove but killed all the tie things in the process and apparently she was going to Baldur's Gate so I assume there's some more Shadow Druids there now we could have used this letter to confront her with it but obviously she's dead and we killed them all so so now we're back at the camp and we're gonna have a long rest before we proceed onwards oh something's happening another Vision I was a bay dream Bay I promised I'd be back don't worry I have things under control [Music] for now I see you've been using the powers the tadpole gives you good and you haven't tried to have it removed I trusted that you protect me I just don't trust that it might not be the worst thing to become a mind flare more power you are open-minded the good quality to have your parasite is unusual it is wrapped in Magic that prevents its removal until the source of the tadpole's magic is destroyed any attempt to remove it will kill you the parasites are merely a symptom of a greater sickness in faerun I thought you said you could protect me tell me more about this magic it can be it in parasite with special powers some that benefit most that harm but most importantly this enables the host to be controlled the infected hear the voice of the absolute and believe it to be a god that is how the cult of the absolute is spreading the highest of their rank the true Souls carry a tadpole just like yours it is how they receive their orders it is what makes them obey when the order to transform is given it will not be a matter of days there will be mind flayers in an instant worried not for my protection so would you so with the master of the absolute telling us to go to moonrise Towers their ultimate plan is to turn everyone into mind flayers at once but also there are dialogue options saying we shouldn't trust her my mind tells me to do foul things are you sure your protection is working I protect you from becoming a mind player I cannot protect you from yourself but I know what it is like to be burdened by forces outside of your control we are alike you and I just like you I was infected with a mind Flay of parasite just like you I seek to be free of it I've been trying to escape from this evil for a long time once I almost succeeded now through you I've been given a new chance you can go where I cannot and I can protect you from that evil if we work together we may turn this around health they need me I have to go wait what do you need me to do the power I use to protect you I stole it from someone they want it back I will hold them off for as long as I can but sooner or later I will be worn down you must discover the source of the magic that controls the parasites before that happens the cultists are gathering at moonrise Towers use the powers your parasite gives you to convince them you are one of them and when you find the source of their magic destroy it go our freedom depends on it she's telling me to go to act two I had another dream which I suppose means you did as well really whoever's reaching out to us truly does seem opposed to the absolute but wants us to embrace the tadpole Venture right into the heart of the cult perhaps we truly have a secret protector or we're walking into a trap the vision seemed very different to the absolute convincing us to go to moonrise Tower though let's see if anyone else has anything to say about this a story would be interested to hear from I had another visit from that dream figure I take it you did too it claims that if we Infiltrate The Heart of the cult that's giving out these parasites we'll find the answers we're looking for it gave me another gift too just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me whatever is at the hall of this cult we need to find it by any means possible so I can absorb the power it holds and while we're at it we can see how many more of these little worms we can Harvest how are you turned into a vampire I was attacked a gang of vagrants a tribe of wandering gur took issue with a ruling I'd made they beat me to death's door when kazador appeared he chased them off and offered to save me to give me eternal life given that my choices were eternal life or bleed to death on the street I took him up on the offer as I guess it was only afterwards I realized just how long eternity could be hmm I didn't think vampires was walking to people's houses without invitation we can't and yet I crossed the threshold like Moonlight through leaves this worm is a powerful little beast isn't it interesting sounds like you're enjoying it what's not to enjoy trespass upon any home manipulate Minds I'm the most powerful vampire in the realm realm granted the looming Doom is an issue but why not enjoy the benefits while we can tell me about your history why do you insist on exhuming the past I was a slave a vampire spawn kept by the Tsar family ABS I still am I was never able to resist their commands but I've been thinking they won't ever control me again now it makes sense why he wants the power how does someone even become a vampire it's simple just find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire sport in theory the next step is to drink their blood once you've done that you're free so they buy you you buy them yes and no the problem is once you're a vampire spawn they completely control you they have to allow you to bite them and why would they do that vampires are power hungry creatures they won't lose a servant to create a competitor trust me the Riverside swamp Tea House area we're gonna go back to the north to the Risen robe we already did the Toll House in the early episode but there's more of the north region of the map we want to explore so the toll house is just here and we're gonna head down the road here under the bridge I see a very dark looking cave in there a few bodies I think we might separate historian what now to go down this path and then get odd lash and the rest of them up here and move there's a dead hyena probably some more Knolls maybe the absolute because there's a blood Mark here that's the symbol of the absolute marked in blood yes it is and I can see some nose over here inside this cave we'll go back to Astorian like so and we can use our cantrips and blow up this barrier it allows us to go deeper into this cave and we can walk through after the fires done oh perception failed okay well there's probably a trap and there's a massive Boulder here so I assume if I can enter turn base mode and go up the ladder so oh yeah that was the Trap and we've activated it but if we go over here and end our turn that ball is gonna fall down covering everything in oil that's probably safe just to jump past this area and now we've reached a little jumping spot and there's a few people actually standing here who look like they're defending themselves against these nulls here and we will sneak around behind I want to try and get the high ground and attack this guy right up here it looks like they're trying to keep them at Bay with fire here can we jump this Gap from Astoria yes we can oh yep Who the hell's been over here and help there's no idea where I got there if we don't deal with them nulls none of us are getting out of here alive there's another way out follow me oh yeah we could do that persuasion one of us is getting out of here richer I don't fight for free yes we gotta persuade him we only need five though he doesn't really have a choice does he so he has to pay it fine mod is useless to dead man there you are fairly bought and paid for let's take them let's do it now I'm gonna actually send the rest of my party in as well surprise luck of the Fey realms for a critical hit Take the Lead okay here come the null there's a lot of them hopefully if we take down the leader they'll be weakens Shadow heart can go ahead and bless our team like so oh damn okay get Gail to cast fire off set the fire orb Ablaze oh okay the leader has a full flail thing I'm gonna use dash on a Starion and then I'm gonna climb up this ladder here 60 chance here then class inflict wounds I'm burning my sword is burning everything is burning I think I'm gonna have to jump in to help these guys because otherwise they're going down we've got instant killed oh man oh I've got hellish rebuke 20 damage on the hellish tribute in killing him let's use scorching Ray on these Hunters to finish them off they all have like two health okay two died let's use inflicts wounds on it we miss giant Fireball can hit yes it can great again all right we're gonna have to get Shadow heart to heal us it can also cast Aid as well to boost their entire party increasing our health by five okay everyone we're trying to help is dead let's use Thunder Wave let's start again oh hopefully he'll dive to full damage oh he's got 31 Health left come on okay 19 damage and Shadow heart can you heal our glasses and then use inflict wounds finish off hopefully yes Shadow Art's just a machine shattered flail hitting an enemy with this item heals the Wilderness for one to six hit points but they can go mad if they don't continue hissing an enemy each turn oh also he has the Mind flare parasite in it did that have any effect on the nulls oh my God oh my God okay Daddy heart shoot this no he's dead let's rest all right now everyone's fine let's see what's pretty eventful everyone who we tried to save died and what was down here has a pouch so it seems like they were guarding this Caravan strong box let's go ahead and open it you don't craft a chest like that to hold trinkets let's crack it over and see 24. a iron flask a flask that holds feeds and foes interesting what's in the eyeing flask and there's another chest up here oh is there a trap oh my God great lock picket success oh so this is a Berserker exclusive item we can Venture onwards out of this cave everyone died but I guess we got the loot and we're now in this area just carry on down the hill and see what we find up ahead oh there's even more Knolls down here interesting to go ahead and sneak attack these guys 17 Damage Big damage indeed another sneak attack another 17 damage and now we're in combat then give this guy a Big Easy big damage right now they're all dead fantastic all right now it wipes out all these Knolls let's head down to the corpse oh there's even more down here there's so many around right an open letter of Oppression and peacocks dear editor I find it despicable in a diabolical that you would defend Boulder Gates ridiculous restrictions regarding animals in the city no animal larger than a peacock May gain entry how archaic my darling gazelle is the most well-behaved bear you'll have ever met and yet to spend time with my child I must visit my summer home and call me I call upon parliament of peers to resolve this issue immediately the emotional and physical and psychological well-being of the people of Baldur's Gate is at stake and I shall take this to the highest Authority should it not to be dealt with accordingly right now gazelle cries out for her father the archaic policy has separated a child from their parents Mr R picking oh my God what a fantastic character they've got tons of body parts which is always lovely to see for my character who does enjoy that the Risen road is a perfect place for an ambush really it looks like we stumbled across a raided settlement of some smoke something's burning wall teens rest let's head on in silence you will find just go straight through the front entrance is the best way to deal with these things usually a lot of drow Raiders wow seen any drought around here he is the unsleeping eyes grant me the might to carry this burden grant me the faith to face Darkness without fear looks like he wasn't cut out to be a flaming fist so my character is the dark urge apparently he's from Baldur's Gate I didn't know that from my character yet another dies for a futile cause he should never have been here in the first the one that talked him into Jordan and Massacre drow and Goblin slaughtered the lot please just leave me bee someone needs help great guard help what's going on here trying to get a door down glad you waving God could be inside don't just stand there push let out a rally and cry as you help the fists push onwards that sounds really cool we get Advantage as well for Paladin oh sick yeah we smashed it we just blew the door off its hinges Fine hurry we don't have much time oh gloss smash let's go let's go what are we doing down [Music] I was just kind of caught on the fact that I could smash down the door and now I'm I'm in here and people are burning I like the smell what's going on what's the heat coming off that door opening it could spell trouble why are they all standing in front of this door like a bunch of lemons for me to smash it for you oh God I'm afraid proper thanks Miss wait all right she's just leaving let's smashed on this door too whoa big explosion quick get me out okay I'm going apparently I'm blinded Jesus oh my God everything's on fire bro fire hurry get this thing off me investigation find leverage shift to be now mate we can just lift that no worries 17 easy hopefully he's got some good loot or something value these people seem pretty rich no how the hell do we get out of here the door's that way right I'll try to keep up and we're getting out of this I'm gonna have to try and push him to get out and there we go time to press ahead Miri no Gods no no no you should have stayed you should have been with me it wouldn't have made a difference she would have survived if only I'd kept my mouth shut about that Bloody Dory what am I gonna do she's all I had what was that about Darry it's for a sister's wedding they made a stupid joke about keeping it where is it you argued about it for hours then she didn't cheat the Dorian left she said I'd never see her again she was right at least you're still alive how is this up can be arrange there you go now you can spend time with your wife complete and rescue the trapped man now I know that he has a dowry somewhere hidden in this building let's go and meet up with the rest of these uh fresh air at last your boldness is a blessing I'm in your debt you are counselor right it takes more than mere fire to break me Eva now listen close fist duty calls drow have taken Grand Duke older Raven guard Westward if my eyes and ears can be believed Gauntlet report to the man and send for reinforcements we must find the Duke on your command counselor the rest of you count the dead take word of their sacrifice to this city and you I must ask again for your Aid I don't think so please rescue Raven Guard from his drow captors the council will reward you for your effort may I trust you'll see it through we can tell them about the absolute court is based in Moonrise and that where they would have taken him let's ask who he is though because I don't actually know the invisible force holding Boulders gate together without him the city's collapse is certain perfect I fear that may have been the intention of those who abducted him you have to find somebody else for this job I see your Good Will has limits far be it for me to stretch them word of ravengard seek me out I will not fly far fist to work oh wow okay well if you're gonna give me a reward that's nice too electric blood when the Wilder deals damage using this weapon they gain two lightning damage now I would actually recommend the spell sparker because if you use magic Missile or the fire version of the spell you actually get two charges per magic Missile so you can get six charges in one turn so giving this to Gail it's going to be really useful I have a new wand for you Gail there you go now I need to find that man's Dowry wherever it might be let's run through here I have a feeling it's just like out back somewhere in the barn or something what's in the haystack looks like there's a chest buried in that hey Dowry ring 20 gold damn I'm glad I killed him what's out here with haste there's a dead ox and some dead goblins and it looks like we can see down oh yeah romance horns lower than your direction oh damn okay animal handling interrupt the only option I have really before I get charged by a ball because the tide Twitches every muscle primed to bolt he's terrified oh I shall I call him moo moo intimidation Square your stance and face him directly I want to make grunting sounds as well he Huffs and after a moment appears to relax I just squared up to a ball or an ox can we milk him now creature turns a piece of card around its mouth chewing contentedly he's happy now we've befriended him I'm sure there's probably some loot in this bigger building as well but most of it seems to have burned down I think we can actually get on the roof here though just climb up jump do some Parkour something's moving around in there is it I can like climb down here okay there is someone in here and there's a trap door here why is he sitting here was this how the drow got entry pickpocket him engraved key talk to him I was behind it you spot a man crouching between the shelves just as he spots you dexterity wait listen detect thoughts read his mind yeah interesting didn't know I could use the spelling combat exceeded little serpent long shadow don't want to die little serpent long Shadow just say it oh that's the the passcode I know the passphrase little serpent long shadow s I thought you were flaming fist well down you go then they'll be honest soon so if you're looking to trade you best be quick entrance is hidden behind the Wardrobe here's the key yo no way this is what is this a secret trading area he said I had to be quick otherwise trade zentarium basement as a wardrobe there's a kind of Sterling no all of this stuff is just free to leave which is interesting oh there's some cheese oh an engraved key so you could have got the key in here as well on the bottom box there anything and there's a locked wardrobe here Starion go ahead and open this let's crack it open so there's something behind it it looks like some kind of weird mechanism or something oh it was wow yeah you can see like that's excellent so good to see a secret passage with some Flair yeah you know what I agree I love a good secret passage oh there's a fast travel Point here from October something's about to happen I guess that's far enough what's your business down here ad sir honestly and maybe we'll kill you clean what do you mean you let me in it slip back into the Shadows with like eight people behind me I actually I'm genuinely interested what they have to trade maybe something unique down here 20. nice trade with one your life was ours the moment you walked in here but maybe I'll let you buy it back I have a job needs doing we've disarmed the traps come down oh that's traps okay thank God the importance of networking are Starion open again so where are these traps oh my God was that a granite rock disarm oh my God better be careful not to trigger that thing there's a lot of traps there lucky I didn't have to get down there alive don't get comfortable there's so much oil everywhere as well the crazy thing is is that you could blow up this entire place with just one match everything is connected and it's like we might do that because I like a little bit of chaos want your portrait done if you have the gold my pet artist will make you a most heroic a likeness you have a pet artist no I just want to trade fancy that so do I what do you have oh so you're selling potions Dowry ring goodbye okay so there's better stuff here what are you selling you the way you handled zaris you're not one of her thugs you need to buy me maybe but you don't look very expensive not to you perhaps but those of actual taste might disagree for the return of her prize artist my Patron will measure her gratitude in gold tenfold whatever Ransom these clots tried to squeeze from you I guarantee it interesting I'll go and see how much they're asking for you I hope you have the means these Zen have seen my work they won't let me go cheaply made him do it probably this lady climb up here and talk to her not many can talk their way into a center in Outpost I could use someone with your skills interested in a job who are the xanthrian we're the finest mercenaries on the coast we can provide you with anything for a price oh power what's the job some of our people are missing more importantly so is their cargo find them keep them alive if you can failing that just bring that shipment back unopened oh no I think we've already found it yeah well I already found them dead God damn it what about the shipment give her the flossy van inside the chest know where am I playing with this flask oh I'm still looking good reckon you won't find it here though all right so we've pretty much explored that conversation I'm contemplating whether it's worth keeping these guys alive I mean if they are in Baldur's Gate When we arrive and there's no point in killing them so let's see where this smuggling route actually comes out [Music] oh there's a prison as well what's in the prisoner what's the author of Darkness Journal update Shadow Monster Tour I suppose you've noticed I'm not not terribly fond of wolves they're ravenous Predators with fangs like daggers hardly an irrational fear to Harbor you've been decent to me so far maybe if you can don't make me face any more of them at least not alone that's fine with me you're unlike the Mother Superior then maybe that's what I like about you you're different there's so many wolves here I don't know how we avoid them I really want to get a key to open this gate so my plan is just to run round everywhere and pickpocket people let's find out what it seeks to hide let's find out what it seeks to hide I can just walk through it the elevator oh you have to unlock the wit okay we can do lock pickaxe before we do then let's just leave the party here we'll get a star in to go and look for a key shall we because I reckon if we find a key then we can probably maybe it's this guy's pretty close by turn-based mode now we're going to sleep thank you success can we open it that wasn't the lock a lot quicker 25 okay it's unlocked quickly go inside no one can hear me oh my god there are traps about all the chat oh some reason my screen's gone black don't know why I had to reload because um it just went black and I couldn't seem to recover it so instead of going in there and picking those I'll probably come back at some point because I'm really tempted to kill them okay I'm just want to figure out this elevator because I think mechanical lock yes opens the elevator probably should have gone into sneak mode is this the way to the underdog oh damn yes it is this is how they're smuggling everything that's crazy they go through the underdark beautiful down here I'm used to a Crips Gloom this is something else glowing rocks mushrooms this is no simple storage room it looks like black we've leveled up again so now we're not gonna explore the underdog this episode but I had no idea there was an entrance there to it I want to explore the rest of the Risen road so we're back at Wilkins rest the Risen Road's just over here on the right Walken's rest is just here and I want to head down to the west of the mat so this is the front Gates of the estate and now we're back on the Risen Road and we're going to go west it looks like there's some kind of uh fortified entrance here saving Auto saving look at that Beast seems almost too big to take flight what the hell you've got a lifetime without seeing one it would be too much to hope that's nothing to do with us wouldn't it I think it was a dragon oh can I loot this chest it looks valuable oh my God yes give me that what you doing hold up before they see you mark Gresham whatever you just call me I don't like the sound of it what's your tongue got more important things to watch than my harassing tongue look that lot of swarming all over the bridge I don't know what they want but it can't be good I'm going to find another way around you ought to do the same unless you're looking for a fight that is who are you nobody just another harassing fool trying to stay alive there's plenty of us around Can't you join us what follow you around I go my own way alone I kind of like your character right that's it I'm getting out of here okay cool we're gonna see what's actually going on down here it's a long way down it looks like a bunch of bees drop your weapons I'll feed your innards to the ants before I do that to istick this is your last chance no look up that was your last chance is stick now burn yo all my days get red stop wasting time Beretta you're not here to play with the locals of course kithrak we merely sought to no excuses question kill then move on find the weapon Our Queen watches us fail her at your peril the weapon are they talking about The Relic as well can we kill them please pretty please I am tempted historian but they have a dragon credos the dragon look at the size of this thing wait it's lizelle it's lizelle that's for sale look what wonders near a child of valkath he's still a little hear me night I must do not honor Commander with your time it's not your time to speak Lazelle is a potential follower you can get normally she's trapped with a bunch of tieflings but I've not freed her yet I just left her to it should I go down there and confront them I'm gonna go down there with my orc and just conversate with them we've got back up on the bridge here we'll see what happens your skull pounds in response to the get Yankees White Hot stare her lips don't move hear her voice you stay put and keep your lips sealed Ryder my time is short lead me to shh such a familiar tone were I not merciful I would slice the skin clean from your meat yet you are not bleeding for I am nothing if not merciful your name child keeps quiet let lizelle speak if you wish to speak speak with me attack the gift no let lizelle speak I've not met her at this point I don't know who she is or what's going on here Liesel proud Regal even you will call me you're still kithrak thus night Supreme the queen Silva the Queen's sword I am who you say a geek vessel has fallen from the sky Lazelle thieves aboard have taken a weapon most precious it is polyhedric in shape and inscribed with the sacred ruins of our people you suddenly feel a strange anxiety take hold not your own but the fact you can you can't somehow it's afraid you would tune your mind to it the artifact does not want to fall into the githradio's hands any more than it does the absolute followers take word to your crush you are to join our search speak up child affirm your mandate I have my own mandate time to die GIF no I this conversation is too interesting I want to gain information here my mandate is still kithrak is to locate this crash I was infected aboard a gay ship and need to be purified your mandate is to Aid me purified oh laser why must the truth be so bitter soon your skin will go gray and your blood will run silver you will shed your skin to become dick only in death are the infected cleansed but you were on the nautiloid you possess what I Seek You will give it to us then you will bend your head for the sword Stand Down Knight I do not have what you seek our Queen's word binds me berether see her skull split and her corpse examined I will take word to Green vlackath our Quest has ended a current of deception carries voss's words wherever he flies it is not to vlakath to gain us to the sky why would he not fly back to his Queen seems so God that dragon is cool damn I want a dragon [Music] is getting deleted oh my God you're already dead because she's level one because she's not leveled up she's never in our party I'm just dead and I'm being attacked like a million times rebuke let's go nine damage [Music] oh my God she's still a psychic of a fighter she gets to attack like several times a turn I think she's just dead guys I don't know if we can get her back now I need you to sneak attack she seems like the strongest one and she's powered the attack so it's done zero damage Shadow heart's gonna come and unleash death oh my God she's successfully hid no she failed let's use Glyph of warding I will put it right here I've never used a spell but not bad damage everyone saved it though and we'll cast a spiritual straight tag to help us out in combat I think Gail's gonna have to come down to actually cast a spell because he's too high up first cast flaming sphere let's cast Dreadful aspect see if we can fear these guys one of them's frightened that's good we missed gonna attack this guy and the fireball this thing seven damage nice shadow heart defended well these guys are level five so they're pretty damn strong oh I was not expecting that aren't still hidden it's like 5 fights on him and she's still that seems unfair missile snaring oh my God it still is uh somehow she's dazed me like 20 times till I'm dead Gail it's time to Fireball girl 25 damage I think the only reason we could survive this is because of Gail and you just push this person off he's standing next to a post so I can't push her off are you joking right time to sneak attack 70 faster here 14 damage right we're gonna have to help our follower here otherwise he will probably die so let's hurl him up then I can dip my weapon in the fireball to set it on fire now we just hope we don't die let's go and attack this guy over here we can't move seven damage oh she's trying to run away give me that free damage on you Lady oh my God how many range attacks you get oh my God you try and push me off as well oh okay oh 17 damage and Pro oh dear he's gonna finish Gail oh wow she missed a body on the floor it says no I can't push her a stab her 12 damage I can use magic Missile to maybe kill this cake at least okay great Shadow heart help up ah the only way you're gonna live let's go in behind us as you can't move same here and we use a potion of Greater healing and then get the special left to come and eat her she parries it from behind come on critical Miss oh that's the only reason the star ends alive right now is that he misses oh Gail's dead Shadow heart hellish rebuke level two yep 14 damage come on she's got eight health left using hide and then I'm gonna sniper in the back 17 damage he's dead and I have invisibility okay this is good wait where's the enemy did she is she invisible she's here right she she's in between us I know she is but she's invisible she can't get a free attack when she's invisible and then I'll move back here so she can't move from this circle if you're all body blocking her if I ranged attack where I know she is will she get hit [Music] I missed I know she's here yeah and my son blades oh my god oh boy okay we're alive that's all that matters I want a magic Missile I think overall this would be the most damage to her yes she's dead we killed her oh my god get the Yankee great sword 7 to 20 damage and the gift Yankee half plate one of the best armors we can have and an elaborate silk unusual runes that etched on the Slate forming an array of arcs and circles Arcane focus on the object perhaps you can reveal its secrets let's have a look what's this AC just touch it oh oh magical energy courses through the Slate you're flooded with understanding a mystical map glows before you revealing a githyanki refuge inside a temple within the mountain pass the suit also reveals the githyanki's purpose homing the saw the sore Coast in search of a polyhedric relic of great importance to their Queen yeah we knew that though from the conversation that I bothered listening to what they were trying to get here the gift Yankee long sword damn and all this differently I think we can wear all this it's like it's gonna be pretty yeah lizelle is dead we can take her armor as well and she's just got a scroll of Resurrection can we use it on her let's use one of these Scrolls then is she actually back now as a follower I have followed protocol he does not speak for blacketh I will be pure I will join my queen your skull briefly aches and you are you feel the woman's anger at the Dragon Rider she'd confronted I remember to Lloyd you carry a tadpole you know the look in her eye this like tilt of her head she is sizing you up yet even a feared sarth could not break you in battle yes you may be of considerable use lend me your skills and I will take you to it lies just get rid of her seems they get Yankee are Keen to reclaim the artifact I carry can't afford that to happen in fact none of us can that thing is shielding us somehow I don't want to know what happens if we lose it this is very interesting there must be more to the artifact you were sent to take it you must know why it's important well the artifact is shielding us but ultimately you do wish to give it away something has to give a problem for another time hopefully we'll no longer be in need of protection by the time my mission draws to an end I think your mission could result in our death even if you give them the artifact go back to camp for now what just happened your own kind wanted your blood he's a kid rack a gift Yankee night he is also a traitor denies the Queen's protocol and calls for my head he says death is the only path to purification I know this to be a lie my cure our cure awaits us at a crash you're still sure about that my God the outfit I should have taken that armor oh my God I can show her the Relic definitely not gonna do that I'm keeping her for myself the writer mentioned a weapon what do you know of it it is a police Hedrick device marked with gith runes if the kithra is to be believed I know nothing more no gift text describes such a weapon I am not certain it even exists who doesn't know about it and this cure you mentioned okay thank you question must be near it's God still has the means to cleanse us so says my Queen's teachings and so it must be what's a crush exactly it has many things a hatchery a training grounds a shelter youth Yankee protocol is clear when infected with a gay tadpole we must report to Augusta for purification one must be close at hand we will comb the mountain pass and Beyond will we now it's funny because the purification is probably we get there and they try and kill us I'm pursuing other means of a cure I don't need what you're offering if Yankee teaching is as infallible as Queen vlakid herself to remove a tadpole there are but two paths purification at a crash or beheading any other cure might be offered as a lie cast it from your mind all right we'll travel together for now you have made an ally from Crash career few no such Fortune call me Lazelle a crush is near we must seek signs of it forward through the past oh my God you're supposed to beware the skies we are watched we've all leveled up again oh no lizelle's leveled up what's really cool is that we can immediately give her a gif Yankee great sword look how awesome that is she's proper Yip Yankee now the weapon has an effect when will to buy gift Yankee this weapon deals an additional wonderful psychic damage the Raider ghost GIF Yankee crossbow and there was another one up here that a starring killed down to crossbows two to nine damage GIF Yankee crossbow three to twelve we'll give a star in the other one it's going to be really useful to him all right let's go back down here oh what the bridge has collapsed so we can't even get across there I assume that was the mountain pass that were meant to go through see if we can go down this path here oh yeah this is the mountain pass so we can carry on here but I think it takes us to act two you're about to progress your adventure tie up any Loose Ends before adventuring fourth okay so we won't do that yet let's climb back up here onto the wooden Palisade because there's a few chest it's off that we can loot still heavy chest more Loop and then we come down on the other side here there's actually a broken bridge and just about make the jump on my character I don't know if the rest of the party can follow that and there's an area around here a burrow hide oh okay yeah there's something over there oh we found something okay you just dig up this whatever it is uh 36 gold oh wait this is the goblin Camp down here so there's actually a secret entrance into the goblin Camp through this borrowhold just here dude there's so many secrets in this game I've never even noticed my my what manner of place is this a path to Redemption or a road to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning oh really what would suit the occasion hmm [Music] the words to a lullaby perhaps the mouse smiled rightly it out Fox to the cat then down came the claw and that love what's that [Laughter] they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service it's not every day one meets such a Cavalier sinner as yourself a true bloody pleasure don't tell me you're one of my old star one evil Butler is enough am I talking to the mouse or the cat why I never you're paranoid aren't you must be the surroundings rather Bleak and Lonesome one feel so exposed this quaint little scene is decidedly to middle of nowhere for my tastes damn okay middle of somewhere and you'd be more specific than somewhere the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly go on partake enjoy your supper after all it might just be your last ignore him through your plate not easily rattled I see good makes the next part that much more straightforward he's a cambian what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain we have so many different characters very different characters offering us the olive branch of how to save us I don't care what you are care what you want Oh Amir trifor how dear is one Soul really a rhetorical question of course but let me Venture an answer it's worth very little with a tadpole in your head one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that and fix it or die by my hand yes I like it when my clients put up a fight only to realize victory was never an option try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door hope [Laughter] ratchets I'll rip out your mopping tub ah yes the tongue yet another piece of pleasurable Anatomy you'll soon have to do without all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out playing the long game he's a smart man you'd think my evil character would be aligned with the devil but Devils trade in power and my character is power hungry so he wants to keep it for himself you saw the red dragon slaying his infernal kin above hell's fires did you not next to a dragon the devil's a gnat when I am kithrak I will take my queen vlakid his head as a trophy what does kitharak means the riders that chase the nautiloid they are the commissars and enforcers of my queen vlakis will vlakith bestows no greater honor the bastard at the pass made a mockery of it to wield a kithrak's silver sword is my destiny she's holding one I will earn my Queen's favor and I will conquer every layer of hell should she command it why are these Knights chasing the Mind flesh [ __ ] the gay are my kind's mortal enemy it is not unusual for the kithrak to give Chase to penetrate the hells this is unusual but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen I can see but to the horizon vlakis sight pierces the many planes all right let's go and get shadowhall back bloody Hells literally when I think I've got a grasp on our dilemma a devil shows up oh boy no matter we've dealt with every other Oddity thrown at us lately we can handle this one too now as for this Raphael he knows our secret he claims you can help what do you make of him let's share our connection see if we can read our thoughts we can anticipation she is test somehow about Raphael yeah I thought so it seems like you have a particular point you want to make about Raphael actually yes you're right very intuitive clearly the devil was trying to sow doubt Among Us he's clever my order uses the same tactic when dealing with enemies of Shah you don't need a Scourge or a rack to break people fair and self-doubt is sufficient when actual pain comes the victim's already done the heavy lifting for their torturer there were no right answers with that devil he was toying with his food us that's very insightful I didn't realize he was so well adversed in mental and emotional torment aren't you glad that I am it's an effective trick watch out for it and for Raphael all right let's end the day after that Mozelle wants to talk to us probably about her traumatic events throughout demand this is a distraction the Kid Rock deserves the whole of my scorn how dare he speak my Queen's name how dare he dishonor her child calm yourself save your anger for your Queen's enemies we need ten twelve nice yes judicious Council and vexing given the source I am a child of guess I was abide by protocol and seek the crash Guster as vlakid has taught and then then I will skewer the heretic with his own silver sword a crush is near that much is certain we follow the path forward and seek signs of giftyanki settlers no one not even the ignobles are still kithrack will keep me from my purification he's still hopeful after all of that and I go to bed now it seems to be the perfect night to spend a little time together just you and I assuming you haven't changed your mind of course lead the way you made it come here sit with me drain the cup in one slower just took that like an absolute Savage as well someone's enthusiastic maybe I should have brought a barrel I was hoping for a toast us bold what does US entail I suppose I'll find out to us we could have friend zoned her which is quite funny now tell me something about yourself I know tadpoles dragons maraud and goblins or anything like that something about you share a little member of Greyhound Baldur's Gate is it's still like I had no idea we grew up in Baldur's Gate part four speak of Uncertain youth neither fully at times of humans or a youth that forwards resilience self-resilient this is really accurate for a character too I can sympathize Trudy don't stop now not just as things are getting interesting I insist I need a ten yes don't laugh but I'm not quite sure I have anything to share when you worship Shard secrecy is everything we'll sacrifice our own memories when ordered to a lot of the little things not lost to me right now wrong you like orchids and can't swim you told me once I did and you remembered you're sweet there's still plenty of wine and the whole night is ahead of us down again the others will be awake soon the others can wait I don't want this to end just yet another moment won't kill them I suppose well it might but let's take that risk [Music] thank you for last night I hope they'll be more to kill me too she Trails off you read an invitation in her eyes you know if you want something I think you should just take it oh blush smash soup too baby let's go that didn't hurt did it the pain was worth it I should think so let's head back if we must oh what was that sound oh Shadow heart wants to talk let's go chat let's go chat why are you wearing the ugly helmet I wanted to talk to you about that night to be spent together I was going to say the very same thing as soon as I worked up my courage a little I can't recall the last time I shared so much with someone maybe I never did before I hope there's more to come I hope so too though I'm not sure what kind of courtship will be afforded given all that we're facing but if you want to see where this goes I do as well first time I've seen shadowhall smile what the hell and this is capable of that we share something special very serious of you but go ahead admit it you've never had a relationship like this even if I could remember I'm not sure I'd tell you I don't want your ego to get over inflated next episode we will be searching for even more power in the underdark there's three entries into the underdark we're probably going to use the gobbling Camp entry because it's the only one I haven't shown you in this playthrough thank you so much for your patience and understanding sometimes I don't get the daily episodes out every single time trust me I am loving this game and every ounce of me is putting all my time into rating this content for you I will see you in the underdog next episode have a lovely day and goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 148,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3, eso, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, gameplay, dragon, dragon rider, hag, Baldur's Gate III, Baldur’s gate 3, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay, Baldur’s gate 3 part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 walkthrough, d&d, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 multiplayer, baldurs gate 3 release date, rpg, walkthrough part 1, risen road, Waukeens Rest, Zhentarium Hideout, shadowheart romance
Id: fkKa8aSNeWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 18sec (5598 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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