Baldur's Gate 3: Drink ALL the Hag's potions!

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so you encountered the hag and discovered her acrid Workshop this is where all of her lotions and Potions are brewed we encountered more than a few people who were double crossed by her magical concoctions but we're also very curious what do these potions do well let's find out lost time its seal is dry and cracked with age yet the clear potion within Bears no sign of spoilage armor class is reduced by two and can't take reactions we are cursed butterflies in the stomach good for four turns a traditional Brew of Urgot and Nutmeg meant to recapture the fluttering thrill of first love hemorrhaged one to six damage per turn bleeding from the inside suffers one to six piercing damage at the end of a turn well Love Hurts Missing Pets Missing Pets good for three turns thousands of little legs skitter inside the bottle seeking an escape let's drink it ucer spiders run up and down the creature's body imposing disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles wilted dreams smells like a sleep potion turn sour permanent something waits for the creature to sleep it takes 3 to 18 psychic damage during its next long rest o a mother's loathing a hint of blood lingers around the stopper it's enough to make your mouth water gains bite until next long rest bite a class action 2 to eight damage that might be useful lovers avarice a rotten pungency undercuts this potion's otherwise Pleasant Aroma of roses and honey wisdom is indefinitely reduced by one well love can make you do crazy things broken promises a parasite swims in the bottom of this bottle fat with strength until long rest strength is increased by two until the next long rest upon resting strength is indefinitely reduced by one faltering will a sweet intoxicating Aroma hangs around this bottle it reminds you of Home disadvantage on wisdom saving throws until next rest Heart of Stone until long rest fres ments of malachit swirl at the bottom of this potion coalescing and separating rhythmically resistant to poison damage until rest that sounds like a pretty good deal may have to hold on to that one Insanity's kiss something thrashes in this heavy gourd consumed by rage hostile to all other creatures for the conditions duration so you'll see that the potion broken promises has reduced our strength indefinitely by one this must be the same potion that the tling in the storage building took Gods [Music] Gods be careful with that one well we hope you enjoyed the video and enjoyed watching What The Hags potions found in the Apothecary do please feel free to comment the algorithms do love it when there's engagement if you enjoyed it maybe you'll enjoy these videos as well until next time thank you very [Music] much
Channel: Legion Grey
Views: 328,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hag, potion, lotion, 1440, 2k
Id: 5PA35hgBC-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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