Baldur's Gate 3: The Most Compelling DLC Theory To Date

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I'd like to talk about the most compelling Ballers gate3 DLC Theory to date namely the theory of the Dark Sun as you can see here and if you've played through the game and have reached the epilogue there is a note that Withers possesses and on that note it reads the following as you can see a missive in Wither's hand addressed to some unknown entity though you understand the alphabet the script and the words themselves the meaning eludes you you glean only the impression of Dark Sun in white sky and an offer or perhaps a warning now Dark Sun has a lot of connotations in the context of the Forgotten Realms and I am going to take the full dive into the deep end of the conspiratorial DLC Theory pool here and suggest that this is the DLC the expansion that laran are working on but I need to explain why this is so compelling well Dark Sun in the context of balers Gate 3 and more importantly in the context of the Forgotten realm is the symbol and the name of sirich now sirak is a god a very evil God that has at least in fifth edition been largely forgotten and he has a very long and storied history and after this video is released I fully intend on doing a deep dive into the history the deification as well as the personality trait and the many other attributes of this most malevolent of deities in a separate video because I've covered many gods on this channel I am very much looking forward to covering sirich but needless to say he is an evil God that has had dealings with basically all the important gods that are mentioned and are relevant to the story of balers Gate 3 more importantly he has been out of the loop for a while so sirich historically was Immortal that's the brief synopsis and he asent ascended to godhood during the time of troubles he took on the mantle of three different gods and it was after he ascended to godhood that the dead three as they're now known Bane Merkel and Bal took on that moniker of the dead three because they weren't dead before that sirak had personally slain Bal by his own hand albeit with a sword that was the Avatar of mask a separate story and Merkel and Bane perished during the time of troubles and so a the over good gave sirak greater godhood in the form of bearing the mantle of all these three deities so in the wake of the time of troubles in late 1538 Dale Reckoning sirich was in fact one of the most powerful evil gods in all the Forgotten Realms being the god of strife the god of death and murder as well as the god of the Dead inheriting these titles from these deceased deities now as you know the dead three eventually come back and sirich also appears in balder's gate 2 Throne of Bal if you weren't aware of that so he's had many dealings with the dead three subsequently Bane eventually resurrects himself and there is a lot of strife and tension between the Church of Bane and the Church of sirak Merkel doesn't like him and well BAL of course Bal eventually reclaims the mantle of murder from sirak but that takes quite a while and as it is obviously the case there is no love loss between these three evil deities and this one evil deity syk who is extremely malicious extremely evil and by some Reckoning quite insane as well so sirich has direct ties to the dead three because he inherited all their portfolios subsequent to the time of troubles and lost almost all their portfolios save for the portfolio of strife which he retained the dead three are important in the context of balers Gate 3 as you know assuming you've played through the game but it doesn't just stop there sirich is very close in many ways to the goddess mistra and this has because before sir became a God and before the current incarnation of mistra became a goddess they were both Mortals and they were friends with each other but sirak betrayed mistra as well as somebody else who's kelore who later becomes the new god of the dead that's a long story for a separate time and so already as Mortals there's bad blood between them and if you fast forward to their state of godhood sirak is constantly trying to undermine mistra in fact kelore and mistra used to be lovers and sirich managed to destroy and shatter the love between those gods and like I said this is not the official video for sirich but long story short sirich murders mistra in 1385 which results in the spell plague that period of time in the Forgotten Realms when magic ceases to function so sirak has always had it in for mistra they've clashed as Mortals when he betrayed her clashed on multiple occasions as deities throughout their 10e of godhood and eventually s Ked kills her and so there's a lot of bad blood between mistra and sirich and interestingly enough the only explicit mention of sirich in the game as far as I'm aware at least until we get to the epilogue with the god of song milil who makes explicit mention of sirich is that story that Gail tells you Gail who's a devotee of mistra if you decide to rescue the Goblin in the cage in the Druid Camp whereupon Gail will regil you with a story about a cleric of sirich but sirich and mistra have a long history of Bad Blood with each other and again directly related to a goddess who's very important in the context of the game just as he's important to the dead three for the reasons I mentioned before but the connection of sirak to various Gods doesn't stop there as you know sh plays a very important role in the game with respect to shadowart specifically because she starts off as a cleric of Shar and guess what sirich also has a relationship to char specifically it is rumored and almost certain that sh manipulated sirich into murdering mistra which is to say sirich was her pawn and sirich resents her for that and has resented her ever since for that manipulation now it's true that sirich wanted to murder her regardless but sirich didn't enjoy being manipulated again there's a connection between sirich and Sh and the final Divine Connection in the context of balers Gate 3 is the connection between Withers AKA jurgel The Scribe of the dead and sirich what is the connection there well as many of you might know and I talked about this in my video about jurgel and will be reprising the topic of jurgel and Withers as a topic in the future but nevertheless as you know jurgel originally was the god of death the dead tyranny Etc he stepped down and he seated his portfolio and divided up amongst the dead three Bane Merkel and Bal now when he stepped down he became a senal a servant to the god of the dead at the time Merkel he became known as The Scribe of the dead as a kind of record keeper and servant when Merkel was slain sirak became the god of the dead and of course jurgel was forced to serve sirak for quite some time and to be perfectly honest jurgel AKA Withers does not like sirich in fact sirich abused him repeatedly when he held the office of God of the dead and for that reason as well as other reasons because jurgel did not think that sirak was a very good or efficient god of the dead so to speak jurgel Withers does not like him very much and there we have multiple divine connections to multiple gods in the context of Father's Gate 3 and the mention of a dark Sun why would they mention the Dark Sun laran knows full well what they're doing here you know Dark Sun is a reference to the God sirich and the final piece of evidence I will uce here and I think it's very important is that laran likes stories about the gods and the interactions of the Gods with Mortals as many of you know the Divinity games Divinity original sin one and two revolve heavily around divine power and the notion of divinity itself and if you think about it no fewer than three of the origin characters have deep connections to some kind of divine character first and foremost of course Shadow heart who starts off as a cleric of charar but also Gail and his tumultuous and complex relationship with the goddess mistra and even to a lesser degree Lazelle and vth now vth is not a true deity but nonetheless the relationship Lazelle has to vth is very similar to that of a worshipper to a deity and so it isn't a stretch at all to think an expansion or DLC they're working on might again be related to the gods and to butress this point it's important to mention that sirich was actually imprisoned in theory for A Thousand Years by several greater Powers after he murdered mistra and there hasn't been much mention of him save for a few occasions in certain circumstances and so this could be the perfect opport opportunity for a comeback for the God sirich because he hates the dead three he hates mistra he doesn't like jurgel and he resents sh all these gods have something to do with him in some capacity and why else would they talk about a dark Sun all in all I can say I'm fairly convinced with this maybe I've convinced you and expect in the not too distant future a follow-up video related to the gods about his history about his past and how he might fit into the plot of a balers Gate 3 expansion anyway as always thank you for tuning in if you like my content you can leave a like comment share subscribe really helps out the channel and I'll check you out next time take care
Channel: Spell&Shield
Views: 103,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nU25C4280vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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