Baldur's Gate 3 - 14 BEST Tips for Beginners

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the official release of Baldur's Gate 3 is approaching quickly and with each passing day more and more people are trying out the Early Access version in anticipation for the full game now no matter if you're trying out the Early Access or if you're waiting until the 3rd of August a good idea would be to prepare yourself for this incredibly massive game and so I've decided to put together a little list of various things to keep in mind as you start up your new adventure in feroon now keep in mind that some things on this list might be subject to change but in general I think you'll be able to apply most of these tips in the full version as well so getting right into it the number one tip on this list is about the very beginning of the game with the character creation Now While you'll be able to pick any race and class combination in baller Skate 3 I'd highly suggest that you try picking a race and subsequent sub race that'll be a good fit for the class you're planning to play what I mean here is if you've decided to play as let's say a wizard your primary stat to focus on is going to be intellect a good fit for this class in that case would be the Mephistopheles tiefling sub-race simply because you get both intellect and Charisma as straight for being a thiefling and the magehand can trip of course pretty much every class Works excellent with any race but if you're all about Min maxing your character then this is actually a pretty important thing to remember however you will at some point unlock multi-classing in the full version so you'll be able to experiment a lot with different ways on making your character as effective as possible tip number two remember to kill the intro boss now this is especially important for barbarians paladins and Fighters but I generally suggest you do this anyway because you get rewarded with some really useful things early on in the game tip number three always try to start your fights by surprising the enemy and you do this by attacking before anyone's noticed you yet which causes your enemies to be stunned and unable to move for the first round this is why in my opinion at least the Rogue is second to the barbarian when it comes to beginner friendliness because you see besides being hard to detect while sneaking Rogues have access to sneak attacks which are definitely the best type of actions to surprise their enemies with the cool thing is if you have a high stealth stat you can sometimes keep your enemies perpetually surprised because they might fail to detect you several times in a row [Music] tip number four always go High Ground if you're expecting a battle have the rest of your team running up that hill beforehand hearing some strange singing in the distance and put your ranged in Magic users above on a cliff always always always abuse The High Ground mechanic I cannot stress this enough because you see you get a plus two bonus to your attack roll whenever you're attacking an enemy from above now this naturally goes both ways so if you're facing an enemy that's shooting at you from an elevated position make sure to reposition your team asap speaking of which Misty step is an incredibly good spell to keep on hand if you're playing as a magic user via now while we're on the subject of using High Ground to your advantage this brings us to tip number five which is to abuse fall damage by shoving your enemies off of elevated positions oh this mechanic is incredibly useful and if you successfully push someone off of a cliff or into a hazard like that of lava you can usually expect them to take a lot of extra damage or just kill them all together and you won't even have to spend any actions or spell slots to do so some other excellent ways to push enemies off of cliffs is to use an upgraded Eldritch Blast for the Warlock glass or the Thunder Wave that's available for wizards Sorcerers bards and Druids as well as the Eldritch Knight however one thing to have in mind is to make sure you don't push bosses or high value targets into endless pits because you won't be able to loot them if you do so but if you can see the bottom then you're good to go speaking of endless pits tip number six do not jump into this pit specifically located in the whispering depths [Music] tip number seven if you want to cheese the hell out of this game then remember to quick save often and I do mean very often like literally between every encounter or dialogue scene now this is really important if you're looking to get the best possible playthrough because if you fail a conversation check your group didn't spot a particular secret out of the Wilds or maybe you just wasted all of your lock picks to open a particular chest you can simply reload the game and try again also remember that you can name your save file so you can easily load back to a crucial point in your playthrough number eight here's something else you should do between each encounter and that is to rest up at your Camp besides replenishing your health actions and spell slots the camp is also where you'll engage with your group one huge mistake I made on my very first Early Access playthrough was to completely skip talking to my party members between each Camp visit which meant that I missed out on some very crucial dialogue scenes that can actually affect your playthrough so when you visit your Camp don't stress it instead remember to check if any of your party has this exclamation bubble over their heads because that means that they want to talk to you number nine now I should have probably put this earlier on in the list but hey since we're talking about party members remember to have a balanced class composition in your team now this isn't something you have to do because you can just pick your favorite characters and explore the game world with them but I'd highly recommend having at least one Healer one tank one spellcaster and one Rogue so basically the classic RPG party composition I say say this because there are some really difficult Encounters in the early game and I suspect that the full game won't be any easier so having a Healer and a tank is pretty self-explanatory having a rogue with you at all times is incredibly important in my opinion because this will allow you to not only surprise enemies but also have an easier time unlocking doors and chests and whatnot hell since you'll be using so many supplies to rest at your Camp I would say that having a rogue is basically a must because someone like esterion has a much easier time stealing an entire room full of supplies than someone like Shadow heart number 10 if you're looking to find a lot of hidden items and have an easier time with detecting traps then having a party member with a high perceptions that is invaluable as a general rule I almost always pick perception as one of my character skills because you never know if you'll suddenly run into buried treasure but if you don't have a high perception stat then hysterian is an excellent party member to bring with you and now as number 10 was about finding buried treasure number 11 is to always have a shovel in your inventory because if you don't have a shovel then you won't be able to dig up treasure from these big piles in the ground normally you can find shovels and structures and ruins but you can also buy one from The Gnome vendor in the Druid Grove number 12 send all your supplies to your camp now I know this one might seem self-explanatory to some but it's a small detail that's certainly easy to miss if you're a beginner you can send items to a storage chest in your Camp by right clicking on the item in your inventory and simply clicking send to camp this way you won't have to be encumbered by a bunch of heavy items all the time and you'll keep your inventory neat and tidy besides you will have to do this at some point because number 13 remember to loot everything or well almost everything no pilfering efforts have failed now you have a fight on your hands as soon as you see a box wardrobe chest or other type of container with this little golden chest icon then that means you haven't checked that container out yet not only will you be finding most supplies in various containers that you'll be needing for your camp but sometimes you'll find some really cool stuff like gold healing potions various flasks and even rare weapons and armor so yeah if you enter a room full of inconspicuous boxes then remember to loot each and every one of them no matter how much of a drag it is because you'll regret it if you don't and finally number 14 cloud of daggers is an insanely good spell for casters as it does tons of AOE damage and can completely deny the path of your enemies if you place it in a smart way however did you know that you can turn it off in fact you can turn off most spells that last for several rounds and you're gonna want to do this after winning your battles and as is the case with a cloud of daggers you won't have to worry about accidentally walking into a meat grinder while looting corpses as you can simply click on this little icon on the casters portrait right here to turn it off but that does it for this list I will probably make more tips and tricks videos in case you guys ask for it and remember to comment below if you have any great tips of your own to share with the community as always thank you to all my wonderful landsman Squad members for supporting the channel you guys are awesome until next time Mr Alton signing out
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 119,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, bg3 tips and tricks, mr hulthen, mrhulthen, mr hulten
Id: 5C-VpD1m304
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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