Baldur's Gate 3 - The Bane of Vlaakith (Lae'zel Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today we are doing the fourth video of my origin character build lineup I guess uh today we're going to be focusing on Le zel the giy Yankee fighter uh one of the more interesting characters in the game in my opinion and I think has one of the more interesting story arcs especially if you do choose to play them as An Origin character but even just having them as a party member I actually think one that story arc is probably one of my favorite in the game and honestly I was actually really looking forward to doing this build but it came with an interesting dilemma for me because really I've kind of already done lasel builds like multiple I would say that my psionic warrior my corruptive GIF and my um what's it called the twin stars all of those could easily work for LEL and with a little bit of maybe some you know head Cannon chicanery could absolutely be made to work but I wanted to come up with something that I truly think would be connected to lel's storyline not just a theme of like psychic power but something that you know really does fit her story and the character Arc she goes through throughout the game and I think I found it um again I'll try to keep this like as not spoilery as possible but I kind of will be spoiling some late Act One stuff uh but it's nothing too major and if you know anything about D and law you would have seen it coming a mile away anyway way but whatever uh but that is kind of a minor spoiler warning for this video but if you don't care and you just want to you just want to build then let's go we're going to be kicking things off as a fighter namely because it's going to allow us to keep all of lel's original dialogue options because if you don't know if you change the uh class or subass if they have a subass at level one you will actually be removing dialogue options so we're going to be starting with fighter just to get all the proficiencies and the Constitution saving for a proficiency and all that good stuff so we might as well just start off as a fighter anyway which is is going to allow us to pick up a fighting style now you probably see the great sword on my back and think oh we're going to go great weapon fighting here actually no we're going to be getting this later and quite soon as well so we might as well pick something else that's going to be useful for us which would be archery giving us a plus two bonus to our ranged weapon attacks allowing us to basically just be able to use bows as a sidearm a bit more effectively but if you don't care about that then defense also works but we'll be grabbing great weapon fighting a bit later so I wanted to grab something else here as for our ability scores pretty standard for what we're trying to do strength at 16 this is a pretty solid number to start with dexterity at 12 we're a heavy heavy armor build so this doesn't need to be too high Constitution at 14 because it's a nice middle ground and charisma at 16 because it is going to be quite an important stat for this build as for our proficiencies lasel has the soldier background so she comes built in with Athletics and intimidation which is pretty good so I've just gone with perception and insight here because I don't know next up at level two you have an option here if you want want to go to straight to level two of fighter for Action surge you can but I'm planning on coming back to fighter later and I kind of want to get the the primary levels in our main class right away and that is Paladin now you may be thinking why would I make laelle a paladin well if you saw the title of this video which is the bane of flaki I really wanted to focus on lel's story element of her eventually realizing the truth about and eventually betraying her and I think I can kind of see the GIF Yankee as being paladins or like you know faithful of V if so what if we make that a mechan that betrayal a mechanical thing I want to make lasel an O breaker Paladin because I think that if or maybe an oath of Vengeance Paladin uh if you don't want to go down that whole betraying V of story line and you just want to go for like maybe like a loyal fler follower then over Vengeance would work really really well as like you're getting Vengeance against the mine flers or the gake um but I feel like being an O Breer and betraying VV and getting those o breaker abilities would actually be super super fun for a character like this so I'm going to quickly multiclass into Paladin here and then what I'll do is I'm going to go break my oath off screen so that I can show you o breaker levels uh throughout so let's just quickly go over something so we'll go over this stuff quickly if you want to go of over Vengeance you'd get things like inquisitors might which would give you a bit of extra radiant damage and such but like I said I mainly want to get oath breaker here so I'll be right back and done as you can see here I have become an oath Breer straight at level one it's quite easy to do all the easiest way to become an oathbreaker right off the bat is to unlock while playing as lasel because if you play as laser one method is not available to you anymore but if you free the Goblin from their cage in Mau Grove you immediately become an earthbreaker if you're playing Vengeance but if you wanted to maybe break it later on in the game you could do it in other ways but I just wanted to show off that it is possible to become an oath breaker right at the start of the game and doing so will grant you spiteful suffering it is a channel over charge action and that you basically Mark a Target and that Target will take an extra one def4 neonic damage each turn and attack rolls against them have Advantage which is super strong especially when you're playing a paladin because if you get Advantage you're more likely to crit and if you're more likely to crit you're more likely to critical hit Smite which is super super good next up at level three we're going to be keeping up with Paladin meaning that now we are going to be getting the main features of Paladin that being the Divine Smite ability and we're also going to be able to grab our fighting style which is great weapon fighting and the reason we decided to get great weapon fighting here is because you can't actually get V arery fighting style as a paladin so we might as well grab the great weapon fighting style here and the archery fighting style from fighter we also get to prepare some spells and the most important one I want to grab here is wrathful Smite it is a psychic Smite that can possibly frighten the target uh and they'll meaning that they'll have disadvantage on ability Texs and attack ruls and they cannot move this is a super super on theme ability for a build like this as it allows us to keep the psychic theme that the GIF Yankee have while also playing into the Paladin aspect yes this costs your action and your bonus action as well as needs more concentrate to maintain the effect however we're not really going to be using our concentration for much else nor do we really need to scale cuz the other downside of raffle Smite is that you can't scale it higher with higher spell slots but we're only going to be getting level two spell slots Max so we don't really care about you know being able to level it up we just want that extra psychic damage which is what we get from this but we can also pick up the other smites that being thunderus and Searing we can also grab uh other kind of psychic abilities like compell dual and command as well so that this all fits quite nicely on theme next to aound and level three we are going to be getting our class and subass features our main class feature meaning that we now are now no longer are affected by disease uh we also get our class actions from our oathbreaker that being control Undead in which we can spend a channel over charge to gain uh control of an undead creature not really on theme for a build like this but it exists although we can go for F aspect letting your darkest emotions birth forth as a menacing pulse that can frighten enemies that's a very uh fear Centric kind of uh theming with this build and I actually quite like it we also get hellish rebuke and inflict wounds as um what would you call them oath spells and I feel like inflict wounds is slightly more on theme that you might think because if you originally got your power from vakif well she is a lich so I don't know maybe neonic damage can make sense in your head and we also get another spell at this the game's gone un chosen heroism which is honestly a pretty good option next up at palad and level four we are going to be grabbing our first feat and I just want to take an ability score Improvement to bump up our strength to 18 now you may be thinking oh well we could use the potion of everlasting Vigor here but I'm not going to I'm well you absolutely could I'm not going to be including it for the purposes of this build because with my origin character build series I mentioned it in the carac video that I've used those both eel Boon and for potion of everlasting V uh Vigor for carlac meaning that I don't want to use it again for these builds in case you wanted to run all of my origin builds in a single save file but if you don't care to do that then feel free to use things like apple spoon or the potion here to bump up your strength even more how and which would optimize this build further however I would be doing so for the purposes of this video so we're going to be bumping up our strength to 18 here next up at Power and level five we're finally going to be getting extra attack delayed by one level but it's not so bad when you have such powerful attacks such as Smite getting extra attack a little bit later is not a deal breaker for me but we still get it which is pretty good we're also going to get access to level two Spells at this level and thanks to our oath we're getting crown of Madness and darkness which I quite like for this build but we're also going to get access to level two spells and I'm just going to pick up the Smite that we haven't grabbed yet that being branding Smite which can also be used on ranged weapon attack so now we have a ranged Smite which is a quite which is quite a nice thing to have and now that we've hit level five of Paladin and gotten that extra attack let's jump back to Fighter for a short moment picking up that action surge that I mentioned earlier which is great for any Marshal build so it's nice to have it here now as for your subass you can pick anything you like it totally depends on what flavor of fighter you kind of want want to get uh you can go with Battle Master picking up three Maneuvers and four superiority die in order to use them giving you a bit more combat prowess going for things like the post or trip attack entirely up to you uh if you want to get that little bit of extra utility and damage out of the Maneuvers but we're not going high enough in fighter where we're going to be able to get a ton of these so you'd only basically have the three unless you wanted to take a hit to your stance to be able to grab the martiall adep feet to get another superiority die on a couple more Maneuvers but that's entirely up to you that is a route you can take if you wish to I'm personally going to skip it this time you could also go with Aldridge Knight and leveling up an Aldridge Knight would give you more spell slots for for smites actually taking you up to level three spell slots it would also give you the uh B the weaponed bond feature meaning that your weapon would return to you when thrown so you can get a little bit of that throwing build action in here but it's not entirely necessary but you would also get things like K trips and spells from The Wizard list like Shield which could be really really useful or Magic missile which I think could work quite nicely here and it it's actually quite a good recommendation I can see you going for this but I'm personally going to be picking Champion but this may seem like a weird Choice why Champion well we're not going high in fighter at all meaning we're not going to be getting those important higher level features but you get from playing the other two like the increased superiority die and the increased magic options you get from alridge Knight for example so if we're only taking a few levels in fighter we might might as well take champion cuz this benefits Paladin in quite a major way it reduces our critical hit threshold by one meaning we now roll crits on a 19 or 20 which means that we have a higher chance to get those critical hit smites off which as you'll see in the combat footage if you are going to be wanting to hit those critical smites as much as possible now while this build equipment wise doesn't go completely into the uh crit reduction threshold thing uh crit critical threshold reduction thing I should say get my words in the right order uh you could do that if you wanted to and get a ton basically just get a massively like crit smiting Paladin that crits over and over again that would be super fun but it's not quite what I'm building for here but you absolutely could if you wanted to but again just getting that slightly higher chance to crit is always welcome for a paladin and I feel like again keeping this build fairly simple this is quite an easy build to play as well so I'm going to go a champion but as you can see I've made a case for all of these so it really is a pick your favorite situation and then our final level of fighter is going to be level four for the feat and we're just going to go for an ability score Improvement to pump up th strength to the maximum allowing us to have the maximum amount of damage with our great sword and bow attacks which is super good this is something that we want but you could go for things like a great weapon Master if you would like wherever that is it's up here which will give you a which would give you like a few more options like when you land a critical hit you can make another have a bonus action attack which again if you kind of want to play into that crit critical hit play style with the equipment you would be able to get this off a lot more and you'd also get the additional damage but I'm I'm going to come up with this I'm not personally a fan of great weapon master and sharpshooter in this game unless you get a ton of equipment that can offset that penalty it never really feels worth it to have it on because all the damage you would have done every time you miss one of those attacks could just be made up for by just not using Sharpshooter if that makes sense so I'm personally just going to go for Ability score improvements to keep it simple but if you wanted to go for something like great weapon Master there's nothing stopping you now with our fighter levels complete we have no reason to keep going in fighter because you know we don't need extra attack and we don't need the level six feature so let's just go back to Paladin and get some more powerful stuff from there including ore of protection allowing us to add our Charisma bonus to saving throws of ourselves on our allies which is super good uh we're also going to be able to get an extra spell at this level take whatever you like it really does doesn't matter at Paladin level seven you are going to also get another feature that I really really wanted from oathbreaker I'm just going to quickly fix my spells cuz I realized in the last frame they got a bit messed up good which is the aura of hate you and any nearby fiends and Undead gain an additional uh gain additional damage equal to your charisma modifier uh with melee weapons so this means that now because we have a decent amount of Charisma and we can bump it up even more you're going to get way more damage on all of your attacks which is super nice this is something we absolutely want and finally at P level eight we are going to be getting an extra feat which means we can take an ability score Improvement and bump our Charisma up to 18 giving us a bit more power with things like Aura of hate however if like I say you can go for great weapon Master here if you'd prefer there may be other features you might like here but I'm just going to be going for an ability score Improvement here to get get more to be able to get higher uh like better smites as well with our like raffle Smite and that and also you know like I said the the better buff to our auras so definitely want those and that is the build overall you're going to be getting a ton of cool things out of this build namely damage uh tankiness uh you know various interest but it's just damage it's just damage damage damage I'm not even going to sugarcoat it here it's just damage it's lots of damage it's different ways to stack damage it's different damage types fire Thunder psychic radiant you're getting it all you're getting you're getting uh melee attacks and ranged attacks and you're just going to you're just going to be a very bog standard very basic super powerful fighter but again playing that kind of oath breaker theming mixed in with the fighter levels really does play into lael's story arc and I think could create a really really interesting play style for the character so so let's get into the equipment and I'm just going to get the elephant in the room out of the way right off the bat after I fix my ring selection there we go yes I'm going to recommend the silver sword of the astral plane this is by far the best weapon in the game for a GI Yankee especially one that's built to be a paladin or a fighter like lasel uh this weapon is a plus three legendary weapon that comes with an extra 1d6 psychic damage if you are a gif Yankee and also a gif Yankee holding this weapon has advantage on all mental saving throws resistance to psychic damage and cannot be Charmed and you also get the unique attack Soul breaker which does an extra psychic damage on top of the GIF Yan psychic damage and just is super powerful and can possibly stun your enemies this is a weapon that can be obtained in Act One by a casting command drop on um a certain high level enemy and then you can pick it up straight away in act1 however I understand that after I made my um my GI Yankee Barbarian kind of beginners build that a lot of people don't actually like getting weapons in this kind of cheesy way but I feel like if I don't bring it up in this build it is a missed opportunity for lots of power if you don't care about doing a little bit of cheesing early on in act one and you want to get a powerful weapon this is the powerful weapon to grab filel you absolutely want this however if you would like a similar weapon which is weaker but could be obtained legitimately and pretty soon after you would be able to obtain the silver sword the astal playe through this method anyway you could go for the soul breaker great sword it's basically a weaker version of the silver sword of the astral plane it gives you a 1 D4 psychic damage buff instead of a 1d6 you gain a plus two bonus your initiative RS it's a plus one weapon overall and it also gets the soul breaker attack again a little bit less powerful just because the weapon is a little bit less powerful but we'll still work absolutely fine until you get this weapon legitimately in act three which you can get it pretty much right right at the start if you know what you're doing but I'm going to stick with the idea that maybe you got this weapon a bit early because like me you like the power build sometimes and I like the idea of story-wise maybe part of lel's Kind of Traitor Arc against FL if she steals a legendary weapon in the process which you can absolutely do but I'm not entirely sure if it breaks lel's quest line I don't think it does through my testing but um just in case if you really want play 100% safe then the Soul breaker great sword will work and it will work just fine until you get this sword in ne3 uh let's get into the rest of the equipment now and I'll do the ranged weapon next just cuz we're already on the weapons I've picked up a dead shot really any ranged weapon will work but if you want a decent act3 option that is going to play into our play style this is a good option to go with because this is going to stack with our champion feature to reduce our critical hit rate even F threshold even further meaning meaning that we now crit on an 18 or above it also allows the wielder to double their proficiency bonus while rolling ranged attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage and it is a plus two bow but really any bow will work up until this point dark fire short bow regular long bows are anything you can think of you can throw on this build and that's not really going to matter but then when you get to act three you might as well pick this one up but now let's get into the armor first up is the Grim skull Helm since we're going to be a Frontline fighter we might as well just get a piece of armor that works and since this is actually one of the only origin builds I'll be presenting which can actually use heavy armor let's use the only heavy armor headpiece in the game using this means that attackers cannot land Critical Hits against us we are resistant to fire damage which is a nice buff and we also get a use of Hunter's Mark once per long rest which we already do get hunt which uh if you went with the Vengeance Paladin you would get Hunter's Mark anyway but since we're an earthbreaker we kind of lose that so it's nice to have a different way of using it anyway uh we also are going with the armor of persistence as our final kind of endgame armor mainly because of the fin I've covered this furnace black and red and it just looks absolutely amazing on laser but this is one of the best heavy armor pieces in the game it gives you a flat 20 Armor class reduces all incoming damage by tune you gain resistance and blade Ward automatically it does give you disadvantage on stal checks but that's just all Heavy Armor once you get into act three you can buy this pretty much straight away from a vendor and I absolutely recommend it because cuz it's awesome however if you want a good-looking option for lasel that you can obtain around the same time as the soul breaker great sword you can go for the sionic ward armor this is a piece of medium GIF Yan armor and if as long as you are a gif Yan you have resistance to psychic damage which is awesome if you don't get the silver swords with the astral plane you're still getting that psychic resistance and whenever the wearer succeeds a saving throw against a spell they've regained a bit of hit points which is good it's not as I mean obviously it's not going to be as good as the armor of precis assistance so you're probably going to want to swap to this once you reach act three but I still think this is going to be a solid option to get you through the game until that point when again this could be obtained in act 1.5 or late act one or whatever you want to call the crash next up is the harac near braces uh this is going to give us a few cool things namely number one we get the T telekinesis spell which scales with which I mean well not scales with but uses our strength for the check meaning meaning that we cast this with our strength meaning that because we are a pure strength fighter anyway this spell is going to work out really really well for us it can only be used once per short rest but if you know with the telekinesis spell after you've cast it you can keep concentrating on the spell to recast it over and over again without spending any resources meaning that as long as you don't break concentration you can use telekinesis pretty much as long as you like well 10 turns but you get the point and as such with that you now have a a really cool psychic ability that you just get to use all the time even though we didn't heavily focus on Psychic stuff with this build this is still really cool you get this in kind of late Act 2 um but there are you can pretty much just use any kind of gloves until this point you can even grab some of the earlier gloves that just give you like a little bit of a buff to your attack rolles or something like that but once you get into kind of that later Act 2 range you're definitely going to want to pick these things up because they are awesome and on theme for this build and finally with keeping in theme with the armor of persistance I've gone with the boots persistence you can get both this and the armor at the exact same time uh these just give you freedom of movement and long strider for three and for three for free and you also gain a little buff to your dexterity saving throws but if you want a decent early game option that I think works really nicely for a build like this you can go with the boots of speed to gain a bonus action dash for a melee fighter like us who wears heavy armor being able to cross the battlefield quickly would actually be super super nice so having the ability to Dash as a bonus action pretty much infinitely like a rogue could is super super good and it works perfectly in the early game until you get something like this which gives you a bit more movement speed anyway between with long Strider but it's entirely up to you you might even just want to keep the boots of speed if you find them to be useful enough but again we have some solid act one options here until you get to the good stuff and even this is act one as well so you know this is this build can come online extremely early uh next up for our accessories aren't that important but I just kind of wanted to grab some useful utility options first up we have the spell Sant amulet uh this is obtained in act three but it does give you an additional level two spell slot that is an extra level two Smite which is always welcome uh this is the ring of three action three action I keep saying three is in t shouldn't be it's been a long day uh the Ring of free action you ignore the effects of difficult terain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained this is more of just kind of like a filler ring for this build you can swap this out for whatever you like but it's more if you decided you wanted to keep the boots of speed but also wanted the kind of stuff that freedom of movement gets you from the boots of persistance you can have the best of both worlds with the Ring of reaction cuz it kind of does a similar thing however feel free to swap this out if you do decide to go with the boots of persistence uh this is and I think this is an act 2 option too so you can kind of get this a bit earlier than the boots of persistance anyway so you know it's still worth picking up in my opinion and then finally a really a surprisingly good ring for this build the killer sweetheart when you kill creature your next attack R will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes after a long rest now obviously getting a critical hit as a paladin is great but the Ring's description here is somewhat misleading you don't have to make your next attack roll you do after killing an enemy be a critical hit you can choose to spend it at any point as a reaction so basically after killing an enemy you have a free 100% guaranteed critical hit that you can use at any time so kill a minion in the counter then save that critical hit for the big boss which means you're guaranteed to get one of your critical hit uh smites on and let me just show this little combo here if you go for something like wrathful Smite right and then you spend your executioner um your execution a charge you will be able to get the max damage on your attack the max damage on your ra or smite and you'll also get a regular Divine Smite added on top because that's how the mechanic works you suddenly have a nuclear attack that is guaranteed once per long rest which hey I really like that it's a surprising amount of synergy that I wasn't expecting and I think this ring actually works out really nicely on this build uh so yeah uh that is the build and overall I'm quite happy with this one the idea of making lelle a paladin who maybe is over for devotion or over for vengeance vengeance is more my thing in service of V if then once realizing the truth about her you know discovering you know who uh she breaks her oath literally and figuratively going against Flack and as such becomes an oathbreaker Paladin I just I love that for this character it just feels so cool uh I I just think works out really really nicely thematically mechanically you're going to be an absolute Powerhouse you still get like the psychic flavoring that comes with the GIF Yankee thanks to things like telekinesis and Crown of Madness and all that good stuff but you still get all the good stuff of being a fighter with things like action Surge and you also get a buff to all your attacks with things like Aura of hate and you just you get a lot and I think like again if you're playing with LEL in your party most people are looking for a really simple and strong melee fighter again most people would just keep a straight fighter Maybe get Battle Master I just kind of have her sit and be the DPS of the team but this with this you get just a little bit more fun you get a little bit more Intrigue you get a little bit more stuff mechanically again you're playing a paladin fighter you're not exactly getting complexity here but you're just getting enough to have the build feel interesting and again mirrors lel's uh character Arc quite nicely as for uh the end of video stuff there's not really anything to go over once again again I am recording this in big uh bulk kind of batch so that I don't have to record and make videos over the Christmas holidays so I think I will just leave this here uh leave you with the combat footage even uh thank you so much for watching and I will see you all next time I'm quite proud of that one leave him to me connect the transer their cores in the we must take the transponder con you are no longer required the gas turned on us get to the transponder
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 10,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's, Gate, Builds, Baldur's Gate 3 Builds, RPG, DND, DND 5E, HOBOZONE, DND Character, DND Build, OP Builds, Roleplay, Roleplay Builds, Lore Builds, Broken Build
Id: uVHCnpx_C_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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