[Baldur's Gate 3] Support Cleric Build Guide! (So You Wanna Be A Cleric?)

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hello and hey Ms brown with Ballers Gate 3 so you want to play a cleric well did you really want to play one or did your friends bully you into being the Healer I saw those Larry and player number chart I won't ride you out let's Dive In clerics are conduits for divine magic the power of the Gods chosen for a higher calling their devotion is what grants them their power they are extremely versatile with so many domains of focus supporting their allies is the foremost thought but some can Reign magic upon their foes others definitely deliver felling blows with martial weapons and still more summon a horde of creatures to fight by their side as noted in my little intro they were by far the least pick class and the player stats that larion released though with shark being the most romance character parties do have their share of clerics so whether you were saving the class for a build down the line or looking for a way to build your beloved I've got you covered this build will focus on support healing and buffing it will be extremely hard to be knocked out of concentration while empowering your strongest party members to deliver at full capacity oh and occasionally turning Critical Hits on your party into outright misses here we go if playing the build from Level 1 I will suggest first six levels of cleric light cleric to be specific the cleric spell list is just Banger after Banger and warding flare-stopping attacks from hitting your friends is a great way to survive these early to mid game encounters to maintain concentration on our buffing spells later we will eventually respect our first level to be sorcerer if I don't mention this now people will likely be on me in the comments so just getting a little bit ahead of that don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions if you want down there either I just have a tendency to bury important details later into videos where people have skipped past and then comment that I missed something that I did actually cover just not as urgently as they would have liked if you're civil it's fair play giving back to the build for our purposes I'll assume we're respecting from a later level and just get all the character levels in a multi-class neatly in a row again not the leveling order from scratch which means level one sorcerer we get our sorceress origin and it doesn't really matter which one we pick many will like storm sorcerer's bonus action flight when casting spells I think I prefer having the additional hit points of draconic while wild magic exists if you want to Fireball friendly NPCs at the worst possible time the choice is yours our attributes will be as follows 12 strength 14 decks 16 con 8 inch 16 wisdom and 8 Charisma as always massage some of the scores to fit your preferences we want the highest possible wisdom as it is our spell casting modifier for our cleric spells 16 con because we need to keep our concentration checks for our team and having more hit points means less times worrying about how you're going to get your healer back upright if things go horribly wrong everything else is choice of the taster I like strength for jumping and carrying capacity don't mind going a little later in initiative because we've probably buffed a little pre-fight and want to see how the battle is starting to shake out before committing to any more spells then we don't have any real use for INT or Charisma except they're saved this is a final reminder that I don't actually expect you to start level one with a new character as sorcerer six levels of cleric is that play with that dumb Charisma we want spells from sorcerer that don't rely on attack rolls or spell saves utility spells like featherfall or strong defensive options for us like Shield stick to those and you'll be golden sorcerer 2 we get metamagic twin spell is an absolute given take it I mean it take it and for the other it's your choice can make solid Arguments for each I'll snag careful spell because there will be times we want to put Fireballs or glyphs of warding where our friendlies are standing and don't want to annihilate them too just because of our positioning mistake at level 3 second level spells I like Misty step also get one more meta magic you know what I'm gonna say Quicken spell it's just too good we're all contractually obligated to take it hands tied apologies sorcerer 4 we get an ability score Improvement we'll use it to boost our wisdom sorcerer 5 third level spells grab haste an alternative to this is to take a level of wizard and learn it through Scrolls can do it earlier in the character's progression too and if you're willing to have some intelligence or wear a specific headband you could leverage more than just a single spell for this level however three levels of sorcerer make it easy to just grab one more for the ASI and then another one for hey since that's the main thing we'd want from a one level dip to wizard anyhow though completely up to you as I keep saying quote unquote character level 6 will switch to cleric light domain to be specific get our self-wording flare letting us impose disadvantage on attacks that would hit us by using our reaction beautiful thing about cleric 2 is that they have access to every spell on their list at any time time so I don't have to tell you to look out for anything specific on the way through I will be sure to go over the Spellbook later on though just to give you a rough idea cleric 2 we get Radiance of the Dawn a nice little AOE damage spell that enemies still take half damage on a save this ability does not count for taking us out of sanctuary either that's an important note clear 3 we get second level spells oh boy cleric 4 we get our last feat going to use it to boost wisdom again get those spell DC's up boosting con is an option to better keep our concentration but between proficiency and the many armors that Grant advantage to the save go ahead and add to that that we don't really take that many big hits to even push the DC above the minimum of 10. I don't think it's strictly necessary clerk 5 would get third level spells and Fireball from our domain Glyph of warding is a good shout here as it will let you deal damage or inflict sleep or not back again without breaking sanctuary cleric 6 we can finally use our warding flare on allies forcing disadvantage on attacks that would hit them did somebody finally manage to roll high enough against your 26 AC Paladin prove it roll it again a crit against your big damage dealer probably not roll again it's a super strong feature that will keep the damage from even accruing on your allies especially if they have any 20 or higher ACS this feature is definitely worth it to go this deep into clerk 4 just make sure to select to ask for your opportunity attacks in the reaction menu don't want to waste your reaction missing a Target you weren't going to do significant damage to anyway and then not be able to protect your party and for the final character level before patch one we would have gone Paladin because Leon hands was scaling with character level and now it is not big sad for the former best healing dip in the game I suppose we will have to go clerics 7 or go grab that single level of wizard cleric has nice fourth level spells though not enough to make up for losing the Paladin Healing the patch just drops so I would also consider backing out of this list to maybe go something like cleric 9 sorcerer 2 Wizard one but the official recommendation I'll stick with cleric 7. so cleric 7 sorcerer 5. because this isn't a super specifically focused concept I'll crack up with my Spellbook like I said and show you which cleric spells I like to have this is obviously completely subjective just like the entire rest of the build use what you like if you don't agree with the choice I make level one spells I like are healing word cure wounds sanctuary as I've said bless create or destroy water if the wet condition is good for our party command and guiding bolt it's almost a whole list level two I like spiritual weapon Aid hold person lesser restoration level three I like Glyph of warding Mass healing word revivify spear Guardians animate dead if you want to work it in and use up those higher level spell slots to summon level four I like literally all of them some of these fight for your concentration slot others will absolutely bring you out of sanctuary however certain scenarios require specific Solutions the whole list of spells is really good this is just a loose pointing out the ones I find myself using the most use whatever you deem fit you really can't go wrong and we'll put our customary example Combat on here showing some pre-buffing as that is this character's job twin taste is so good that once you have it you'll pretty much be unable to use your concentration slot for anything else legitimately unfortunate as nearly every other single spell you'd like to be using is a concentration spell and you know what it's still worth it to have this wind hey the entire extra actions for two characters for ten turns is ridiculous the double-edged sword part of haste is if you do lose concentration both targets are sitting ducks unable to act for return a huge negative swing in the battle and all the more reason for you to sit untargetable behind Sanctuary can even bring an ally into that with you just power of twinning support spells baby in my Summoner video I tied to the cleric as an amazing Choice especially a cleric 11 wizard one to be able to get nearly every single option in the game summons are solid uses of the higher level slots that we sort of struggle to find a proper use for in this build get the luxury of upcasting any spells we want but you kind of feel that we don't have any spells higher than third or fourth levels in some encounters still for Pure Effectiveness this mix is something I stand behind can tweak the levels to give you more summons or more damage but for the support role I love this mix if you have any comments or questions throw them in the appropriate section but I hope to catch you in the next one as always thanks for watching thanks for listening be safe guys [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Ghostzapper
Views: 7,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 cleric, bg3 shadowheart, bg3 cleric build, bg3 cleric multiclass, bg3 cleric multiclass builds, bg3 shadowheart build, bg3 multiclass build, best cleric build, best bg3 cleric build
Id: 3LVsBG2ylqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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