Baldur's Gate 3 Split Screen CO-OP Review (All your questions answered)

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hey there guys it's that anxious gamer today I'm going to be doing a full review and giving you a lot of gameplay tips for couch Co-op or split screen of all those skate 3. so I've seen there's not been many people uh that's actually been covering the split screen variant of the game so I'm gonna give you all my experiences me and my wife have basically been playing exclusively in this game mode so we're starting out in character customization but what I want to say if you go to the chapters of this video or click in the video description you're gonna see a link to some of my other videos and also give full time stamps so you can jump to exactly which part you would want but let's start out in character customization so basically as soon as both controllers X or a buttons are pushed you will see that this the screen is split exactly like you're seeing on screen right now and you are both able to customize your character so basically this works exactly like it would if if you were playing single player however you do have the controller interface so this is like if you were playing on the PS5 I'm almost certain that's what they're gonna do so the interface is a little different by pushing the RB and LB button as you can see on screen you're going to be moving the menu back and forth between your origin your race your class background Etc so basically you both can look at your characters or view your characters and you know have input with each other so like for instance when me and my wife were doing this we were basically talking back and forth discussing our characters our classes and the like so I think they did a really really good job here and there's no real problems in this particular part of character customization and I think they hit it out of the park in this part of the game for Split Screen Co-op all right guys we're going directly into the gameplay so do not worry guys I'm gonna be cutting out all major stories spoilers this is what you're going to see directly after the first cut scene of the game and this is me and my wife waking up so as you can see on split screen I'm on the white cheese on the left and basically us pause screen is just split directly down the middle you're going to see us being able to move around now this is where things start to get a little bit more complicated and why I have more things to talk about so you can see I'm a draw Ranger and she's a half elf Barbarian I will say this guys depending on your PC specs you are going to need to mess around a little bit here I'm going to be explaining a little bit about the user interface but the first thing I want to say is that Baldo's gate fully when you're playing it in Split Screen Co-op in gameplay it does use quite a bit more system resources I have a fairly high-end system just for reference I have the I 7 13 700k which is a pretty new Intel i7 and I have a 3080 TI or TX the video graphics card so even with my graphics card guys at 1440p there is some stuff at certain points I do have most of the settings maxed out but my system pretty much far exceeds what the recommendations are for this game as you're going to be seeing in game though using a radial system so basically what happens in the game guys when you push the RB and LB button or the light bumper left bumper either on PlayStation or an Xbox controller me and my wife use the PlayStation controller but it doesn't really matter except for the button prompts um you're gonna see that all of your abilities are able to be mapped to these radio icons so what you can do is you can basically hit X or the square button on a PlayStation controller and you can basically map as you see me doing here on the white uh of the screen you can actually map different actions to these radio menus now how do I think they did in this part of the game they did good the only two things I will have to say is performance wise again you're going to be taking a big hit it guys especially like if one person's out of combat one person's in combat you're separated that kind of stuff uh you can tell the system is stressed and it uses a lot more system resources another thing that can kind of happen and you'll see later and I'm going to show examples of it is when you're on a cut scene and another person's still exploring around there can be some lag latency that can happen so yeah I think they did well here but it depends on your system resources a big thing I want to say is that I'm running this at 1440p and we are playing on a gaming monitor I would not recommend that guys I do travel work for a living I would absolutely recommend you have at least a 50 inch TV uh playing at least at 1440p for this to look good because you will get a little dizzy there is perspective issues where you know since this Queens are so close together uh you'll kind of be dizzy after a while it's like wait am I looking at hello screen am I looking at my screen or how do do we find each other how do we actually like stay together and I'll try to show some examples of that coming up but I just wanted to note that how did they do overall guys there's so few games right now that even do split screen Co-op to be able to play with two players for only 60 bucks was incredible loyan Studios did a 10 out of 10 in my opinion in the split screen aspect of the game in terms of gameplay except for the performance optimization and uh you know resource issues that I'm discussing right now uh which guys they can be quite bad I've had freezes happen for five to seven seconds in game so these are like micro status a couple frame weights dropped here and there most of the time things go well but when it bugs out it does bug out another thing I really want to explain guys and this is extremely important to understand if you are playing in Split Screen Co-op please play in DirectX 11. me and my wife have tried it several times in Vulcan and even though it seems to work fine in single player when you do split screen Co-op Vulcan will oftentimes clash and you will lose quite a bit of your progress so I would not recommend using Vulcan if you're doing split screen or couch Co-op so let's get on to the next part of the video so guys now we are going to be looking at cutscenes or dialogue in game so if you see on the right hand side me the trial Ranger is actually initiating a conversation but on the left my wife is actually being able to freely move around in the world and basically do anything that you're able to do outside of uh dialogue however as you've seen she stepped up close to me she pressed the a or x button depending on which controller you're using and now she can listen in quoting quotes what does that mean that means instead of split screen now she's just listening to the dialogue I'm using so it's more for a narrative focused experience so the dialogue system can be different if you and your partner basically want to make choices together then basically have them listen in and then you guys discuss which dialogue option you can choose I know there's also twitch integration so if you guys are streaming this you can actually get uh input from a twitch audience as well to see what choices they would want you to make so that's a really cool feature that I wanted to note but basically guys for dialogue this is how it works which is that evil player can initiate dialogue by themselves and can fully go through that dialogue while the other player is in gameplay so I don't think I've ever seen any other game that does it this way almost all other games right it joins you back up uh if dialogue is initiated and I will say that that is for both it's it's benefit and its detriment on the one hand that allows you total freedom one of you can be pursuing dialogue with a character that the other may not really care about on the other hand I think performance wise this definitely hurts you can tell when one player is in dialogue and another player is actually in gameplay just walking around there is an increased frequency of stuttering so that's something to consider also it's definitely drawing on screen because one player can be like kind of trying to be a must in this cinematic dialogue experience and rolling dice while the other player is maybe off doing something totally else and basically exploring the wall the Looting um so how you feel about this is ultimately going to calm down to personal preference I think I prefer this method just simply because it allows you to be completely free and for both players to totally do what they want you don't have that kind of horrible drawing sensation where like oh my wife Lily initiated combat and I was about to loot a chess but now I get tped to where she is to listen to combat right uh to listen to dialogue I mean not combat I think it was a good thing because they're trying to make it more immersive but by making it more immersive there definitely was a few missed opportunities and it can be drawing in specific instances so hopefully this explains the dialogue system in game for Split Screen Co-op let's move on so guys now we are getting to the meat and potatoes of the game the combat how does the combat feel in Split Screen Co-op guys the combat feels excellent I think if loyan did one thing white it's they nailed the Split Screen Co-op for the combat section and I think that's really really important because I think ultimately if the combat feels engaging and exciting then you're going to be having fun in the game um while exploration and other parts can be a little bit more difficult I think in combat the split screen Works fantastically so basically how this works guys is you use your a or x button to be able to move around so your movement in the tone and then you basically push your RB button to do uh you open the radio wheel and actually access actions so if you can see my wife here on the left of the screen has just opened her radial menu and now she's scrolling around and basically can pick actions for instance she could pick viable here and throw the fireball at the actual amp which is what she's showing when you target a particular character or a particular monster you will see the percentage chance of you hitting and then there you go you roll the dice for the actual attack roll and hit so guys the combat Works fantastically I will say this uh if you notice when she's opened her radio menu there's another RB in the top right of the radio icon what that means is you can switch to up to three radial menus so if you hit the RB button it will go to the second radio menu and if you hit the RB button it will go to the photo radio menu for uh actions and bonus actions at lower levels you probably only need one to maybe two radio menus when you're at low levels and if you're a Melee character however I want to clarify that for Rangers uh for Mages especially like Wizards when I was playing around with Gail you need three plus radio menus like spell slots it becomes very complicated I would say that the game plays extremely well in controller mode split screen controller mode for specifically melee characters however the more spells you have guys and I'm sure it's gonna only get worse as you level up the more complicated it's going to be and the less intuitive the radio menu is going to work now I just want to make it absolutely clear single player with mouse and keyboard on this game is the better option the controller does work good and it is fun but it does not beat the mouse and keyboard especially guys for spells um and I hate to say that like I I played a lot in Early Access messing around I played in the full game in both you know normal single player and also uh controller mode which split screen for guys of you who don't know split screen requires you to have two controllers it doesn't have to be PlayStation 5 controllers but it does have to be controllers and you do notice on any ranged character any Mage you notice a definitely a worse user interface there's no question about it I think they did a great job but I do prefer the mouse and keyboard set up a lot and I just want to say that that you know if you are able to play on mouse and keyboard then you're gonna notice a difference when you switch to controller and that difference probably will not be entirely Pleasant however it does not take away from the enjoyment of the game and I think they did still a extremely good job with the limitations of the controller this is just kind of like RTS where there's a lot of buttons to map guys and it is very very difficult to kind of do that uh on a controller one quick tip that I wanted to give that I think is really invaluable if you press down on the d-pad on the controller you will be able to stealth your party guys this is very very useful because stealth is very very good in this game especially if you're playing Rogues and or um Rogues or Rangers or anybody that knew like stealth this is super good so down on the d-pad will help you out there and I did not know this and then I actually picked this up from a Reddit thread and it is very invaluable so now that we've seen combat and how that plays out let's move on to the next part of the video so guys now we are moving into the character sheet of the right trigger and the inventory guys so basically guys when you want to actually long last when you want to go into your Alchemy menu when you want to go into your character sheet when you want to go into your inventory what you're going to do is you're going to press the white trigger on your controller as you can see on the right hand side of my screen I'm mixing and matching I'm equipping items so specifically I'm playing through is it though unden I'm playing specifically role playing as a character I want him to have scimitars because scimitars are what his character uses in the books so as you can see I'm in the character sheet on the left side of the video my wife Lily the Barbarian is looking at different weapon values so basically if you will hover over a weapon that your class is I believe it's proficient in that you can basically equipped then you will be able to have like a side-by-side comparison which is a really great feature in this game so you'll be able to see uh like for instance there how the hand ax compares to the greatax and again guys this is just showcasing in game I'm talking in dialogue to lizelle while my wife is in the inventory menu so the white trigger is going to give you a lot of actions guys you're going to be able to do your long rest there you're going to be able to do your short list you're going to be able to do your character sheet you're going to be able to access Alchemy the character sheet is probably the single biggest thing uh in this game that is important to utilize as you're going to be really messing with your inventory a lot guys you're going to be equipping items that you get itemization is extremely important in this game so yeah I wanted to keep this part of the video short because I think it's somewhat self-explanatory but plus white trigger radio menu will open and you'll be able to access everything right here that I've shown now one thing that is important to note here guys if you see in the left part you will actually see the map guys the map can also be accessed by hitting the select button on the Xbox uh I think it's the sync button it's specifically the button on the PS5 controller that you use to sync your controller via Bluetooth so yeah the left button on the top of the controller will access the map guys and the map is going to be your biggest friend in this game because it is very important so I wanted to explain the inventory and the map in a very quick and easy to understand method again press the right trigger radio menu will open and then you'll be accessing all of those functions so guys now we're going to be looking at character progression or leveling up now there's two ways to do this the first way to do this is hit the right trigger and hit the level up button in the radio menu the second way to do this is to hit the left trigger and then push RB and you will actually be able to level up your character whenever a level up is available so both of these Ways work I just wanted to to give you two options to do the same thing this is me and Lily going from level one to level two obviously as you go up in levels you'll be gaining Feats you'll be gaining character points you'll be able to choose more things the first the second level is really really early in the game and I did this specifically to not put too many spoilers but this is pretty much how it looks like guys on the controller or split screen setup you can pretty much choose everything here the interface works great it's extremely self-explanatory I didn't want to drag this out too long but I just wanted to cover very quickly how character plus question and leveling up works when you're playing in split screen mode so let's move on okay guys we're getting near the end of the video here I just want to show you a couple tips that might help you in your split screen Journey so if you see guys things are lighting up on the uh screen and we'll see items pop up so how you're doing that guys is you're pushing the light thumbstick in and what that will do guys is it will allow you to view items in the uh ground if your perception allows for it so you'll basically highlight what you can pick up this is very useful guys not all items will show up I want to note that very clearly you can't rely on this this is just an easy way to see what you can loot at a glance if you're doing this on the PC version it would be the left alt button so the left all button or the light thumb stick in will I believe they call that the offly button prompt will basically give you uh a quick look at what's what's in your surroundings and if your perception allows for what you can particularly loot so I believe this is governed by your perception skills because it seems like different people can see different things from my experiences but yeah I wanted to give you that quick little tip again when you're looking at your mini-map guys if you hit the share button or the select button on a controller it will pop up a large map that you can then scroll around with and transport to different uh fast travel locations so those are the two big tips along with the left the uh left d-pad guys if you push down on the left d-pad you will stealth your whole body so I think those two to three tips are really what I have that has actually been like game changing or that is very easy to miss and the tutorials don't really talk about that much so hopefully these little tips help you out guys and now let's get to the final review section and conclusion of the video so now guys we are getting finally to the review of this game in Split Screen Co-op guys I just want to say this right away loian Studios has hit this out of the park Baldo Skate 3 is an incredible engaging thrilling experience in Split Screen Co-op it is so incredible that for sixty dollars in the year 2023 you can play like it was 2005 or 2008 again in split screen nobody else is doing this they are destroying other gaming companies by their example guys it's like you know it's like everybody always says the best way to lead is by example loyan has done an incredible job in this regards I think that all the little technical hiccups the uh controller interface issues and the freezes that I mentioned never took away me and my wife's enjoyment of the game and I think that's the most important part if you're a must if you're having a good time if you're engaged in the gameplay then really all the little technical hiccups that will get better over time aren't going to matter that much so guys I want to say this if you have a cousin an uncle a brother a sister a partner you know husband and wife and you want to have a great bonding experience but 60 bucks this is probably the best bang for your buck that you can get because you have something that you're sharing together me and my wife are having an incredible experience bonding over this game and I think it's just a absolute Triumph I think the game is fantastic and if you're on the fence you should definitely buy this game 100 I would recommend it and I hope this video has helped you make that purchasing decision if you like this video please crush the like please question the Subscribe button it would help me out so much and any videos that you want to see on this channel all you have to do is ask I do all of these for you guys now to summarize in the video I want to tell you one last tip and that is actually saving the game guys saving the game so you're gonna notice guys that when you're actually playing in Co-op or split screen you are going to have an issue and that you can't almost save the game there is a way to do this guys and basically the way you do this is one person needs to disconnect and then the other person actually is able to save the game so as you're going through the game you will get Auto saves but really the only way to save the game is to actually have somebody quit out and then when you hit the start button as you're seeing right here you can then actually save your game so this is something that was really confusing to me and my wife uh and I just wanted to note this because if you don't know this you're going to be like really confused on how you can actually save your game which is pretty important in an RPG uh where there's a lot of choices and there are still a significant number of bugs so hopefully guys that summarizes the entire video I hope I helped you out hit the like hit the sub button and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: That Anxious Gamer
Views: 51,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, multiplayer, bg3 multiplayer, baldur's gate 3 multiplayer, split screen co op, bg3 split screen, how does multiplayer work in bg3, how does multiplayer work in baldur's gate 3, bg3 muliplayer explained, multiplayer explained, bg3 multiplayer info, baldur's gate 3 multiplayer guide, baldur's gate 3 multiplayer ps5, baldur's gate 3 multiplayer review, bg3 co-op, bg3 co op, multiplayer in baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 multiplayer, larian studios
Id: 2bjSanCHlAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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