Baldur's Gate 3 REAL Minimum Requirements, not the GTX 970 or i5-4690 You CAN play on a budget

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now if you don't remember the minimum requirement  to play Baldur's Gate 3 here they are but we're   here to go lower than that and try to find out  what's the real minimum requirement to play   Baldur's Gate 3 meaning 720p 30 FPS and smoothly  just to know how low you can go and what budget   PC you can play with welcome to Respawn PC I'm  dunk let's dive in I first start with the GTX   660 but I was locked out by the driver being  too old then I try out the AMD side I had the   HD 7770 also locked out from a driver then when I  was ready to try the AMD R9 380 which the driver   was okay and is no more okay after an update of  a Baldur's Gate after that I put the GTX 750 Ti   on the Intel platform Q8200 and now the CPU is out  of date missing some micro code for this Yorkfeild   the chip mean we'd have to step to the first gen  of Intel to start to try so our step up to the   first gen of intel was the I5-650 with the GTX  750 TI 2GB ddr5 8GB of memory 720p low settings   result we under 20 sometimes in the 15 so let's  upgrade to the next platform the next step up   for the I5-650 will be the GTX 950 2GB of ddr5  still at low setting 720p having again the GPU   pegged at 100% and still getting lower than 20  FPS this is another failure we're going to step   up again to a new another card and I think the  CPU is also reaching its limit getting close to   100% but let's try a better card then see how the  CPU fare no the last test with the I5-650 will be   with the GTX 960 and for the VRam we upgrade from  2GB to 4GB of VRam so that 8 gig of system memory   and 720p low settings and in this case you'll  be able to see that we still have a hard time   to reach the aim 30fps but we can see the CPU is  killing us right now but we seems to be bottleneck   by the Ram let's try 16GB with that setup and  see how it's go and look at that surprise with   16GB of memory we're using 9.6GB 9.7GB compared  to the 7.4GB and we're reaching over 30 FPS with   some dip in the 20s and some I in the 40s CPU  is still in the close of the 90s almost pegged   sometime pegs now let's dump that the Clarkdale  CPU to jump to the Bloomfield because 16GB is   higher than the minimum requirement but before  jumping into the Bloomfield I just want to try   the AMD side of things it's a old AMD X6 1045t  still with the GTX 960 and 8GB of memory 720p   low fast bling smoothly but I was in the low 20s  and in the 10s so let's forget about this one and   really jump to the Bloomfield the Bloomfield in  question is the i7-920 I downgrade back to the   GTX 950 because more CPU power can lower a bit  the GPU still 8GB of memory and 720p I've tried   some medium and some look my FPS was jumping from  14 to 34 really unstable not really super smooth   but that was at medium so when I dropped to low  was a bit more stable was getting FPS between 42   and 26 so if if you lock the FPS at 30 FPS should  have smoothed the things up and it is so I think   we have a winner the i7-920 the GTX 950 8 gig of  memory 720p low if you lock the FPS at 30 it runs   smoothly now just for the fun of it I want to try  the GTX 960 with this i7-920 and see how it fare   with the settings set up at the medium I get the  FPS reached sometime at 60 FPS but you have some   drop to the 15 FPS here and there so it's really  unstable so maybe if you lock the FPS at 45 you   have a highly playable system because right now  the CPU is often pegged at 100% 99% so maybe if   we drop everything to low see how stable it can  be and by doing so without locking the FPS we get   a more stable FPS in the high 40 to the 25, 26 and  also the GPU and the CPU have more room to breathe   not being pegged at 100% at all as it's also a  good choice I also did a test with the i7-920   but I put a more recent card the GT 1030 2GB of  ddr5 not the 4 variant still 8GB of memory 720p   low and the FPS lock at 30 and between the CPU and  the GPU playing a who's going to stay at 100% the   more longer it's a quite stable 30fps I think we  have another winner since this Bloomfield platform   i7-920 is a really old platform what if we try  out to just max out everything of that platform   it would be quite cheap it would be a budget PC  for Baldur's Gate so I changed the GPU for a GTX   980 TI 6GB from EVGA and upgrade the memory for  24GB of DDR3 1600 megahertz and I've kept it at   720p but ultra settings and we reaching this 62  FPS Max and in the lower the 40 some 37 here and   there highly playable so what about if we just put  in 1080P and just I instead and by doing so we can   have some 50 FPS and some 34 FPS so if you lock  that thing up at 45 FPS or 40 FPS you can play   at the 1080p easily and at I so the two winner to  play Butler's guide at 720p low settings at 30 FPS   smoothly is the i7 920 pair with the GTX 950 and  8GB of memory we also have the I5 650 with the GTX   960 and 16GB of memory those are really old the  platform but if you're on a budget this will be   perfect the game will cost you a almost as much  as the system itself if you don't already have   it and this keep in mind was all made with the  SSD the next video will be on the HDD to try to   see how it goes how it fares or how it crash we  will test the NVME SSD HDD USB drive and will   come shortly after this video please subscribe  if you haven't and see you on the next one
Channel: ReSpawn PC
Views: 18,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTX 750ti, GTX 950, GTX 960, GT 1030, GTX 980 to, Baldur's Gate 3, i7-920, i5-650
Id: hsP01FNKQOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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