Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough [Part 1]

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hello new viewers and returning stinkers I hope you guys are doing great welcome back to the channel if you don't know hi I'm Cruz uh if you're returning hi I'm your father I've come back with the milk um we we just got back from a break we're back to daily uploads now on the channel so I'm really excited for you guys but I have a fun little note for all of you who are new or who are returning uh just kind of little quick notes for you guys to catch you up because it's crucial for the playthrough going forward if you haven't seen or you're like again like I said crucial stuff we had an original playthrough kind of going that was a multiplayer run with me and my friends and I was kind of trying to save my reactions and stuff for that however our schedules just haven't been lining up there's constant Hiatus breaks things like that and I'm just just want to play B G 3 really bad uh I played a little bit of the old games um not much not too much though uh though I know like backstory lore and stuff like that um and I also played a lot of divinity original sin too so like this is this it'ss up my alley right so we had an original playthrough we only got kind of towards the end of act one and it was really sporadic unfortunately I wasn't trying to backseat our game play too much with that playthrough and so I didn't want to make everybody have to group together and be like super nitpicky I I didn't want to be that person but there's a lot of stuff unfortunately that all of us kind of miss out on dialogue because everyone kind of spread out weird in the playthrough so I get to see a lot of new dialogue I didn't get to see before as well as I can do some more romance options and also we just didn't go to all the areas in act one so there's a lot of stuff that I still get to see but if you're like hey it seems like K kind of knows this as well as narrative CU he ends up jumping in on the playr by the way um uh but it's it's yeah I probably seen it and I but I am playing it differently so I was originally playing a dragon born Ranger and kind of doing more of the good thing now I'm doing a LOL Dr elf goo warlock which you'll see more a little bit of the character creation I'm not taking all that away from you it's different I'm playing it more like again L throw elf kind of play so I'm not doing dark urge but I am doing kind of more on like the slightly evil side of things but like also not completely good you know what I mean kind of chaotic good I would say hopefully that answers all your questions I think that's more or less it the playthrough is going to get uploaded regularly we're already tens like 20 plus hours into the game so that's all going to start getting uploaded obviously larger increments and they're from stream so you might see myself repeat myself a couple times but I just don't want to have to do an intro at the start of every video to explain this every single time because that would be absolutely miserable um so I hope you enjoy this um and all that fun stuff sit back enjoy get your popcorn grab yourself a drink maybe some milk cuz milk and popcorn goes really well together and I hope you enjoy and I will see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching and without further Ado balers Gate 3 um I guess for those of you that haven't seen the intro um here you go you haven't seen the animation I'm going to let it play cuz there's a chunk of you that haven't seen it so darker 100% evil and as someone who's uh completed the game avoided it until you finished the game normally okay so we'll do we'll do kind of a normal run and just play how I think I would play outside of the group okay I have not made my character yet so I don't know why I'm being shown the cut scene or rather I'm kind of surprised I am cuz I didn't get shown until after I made my character last time you can't watch this again yeah it's pretty gross hi Serena how are you how you doing welcome it does this s never apply okay it's before I thought hey just cuz I'm starting this it won't override my other playthrough right or did I just [ __ ] up our multiplayer file it shouldn't right I can save it separately no one okay I just I got nervous I yeah I hate that I hate this part what's the plan for class and race still I got to close my eyes oh it's not that bad I've already seen it once and it grossed me the [ __ ] out the first time oh here we go um so here's my plan I figured you guys would help me today okay um just because I I'm doing a solo run I have not if you don't know context okay I've have not completed this game we have a multiplayer playthrough on my main YouTube channel I've been playing it here on Twitch um I it's just been like we our schedules just haven't been lining up and and I really desperately want to finish this game or just play it more um so I think I'm just going to start a solo play through um and then I'll still do our group play through whenever it works out but I'm going to just start one fresh yeah um the general consensus it seems like from chat is don't don't do dark urge until I finish a regular playthrough might make some things confusing um uh you could also use this as a chance to play an origin character i s oh that I mean that's true that's true I feel like it'd be more fun to just create a new one though um and then have people come along kind of from there but I could you're right I could I could play them I could also roll a warlock mhm that was uh one of my when I've played actual D and D one of my characters was a tling warlock you can change your companions classes too oh I I didn't know that the more you know um bro warlock is correct yeah uh let's do that let's do a poll um whether we do let's do a poll between Bard and Warlock okay warlock it is all right here we go okay um race I'm not really feeling like being a gnome Let's do let's do tling oh Dr elf would be really fitting too for it tling Dr I do I have a dragon currently for our multiplayer play through so I feel like I need to like not potentially do a dragon right now even though drag dragon's cool let's do tling or Dr I feel like tling is probably winning oh Dr is actually winning chat you surprised me okay so now I got to choose my subrace um L sworn Dr raised by L uh L's cult in the city of menzo uh these Dr and I'm not going to read the full thing I'm just going to say meno um these D embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess LS marks her follow with bright red eyes so that those in the underd dark will learn to fear them on sight oh so that's like it's that type of drought it's literally the under dark drought that you hear about okay seldarine drought um can they can be found seeking allies from all over fun aiming to settle their conflict with LOL uh and each other by any means necessary the LOL actually has really great dialogue does it I might have you guys vote on this one you guys want LOL that bad is it unanimous it really does yeah sarine is decent too yes okay [ __ ] we'll do LOL then all right go big or go home I highly recommend it all right you guys have me so I'm like scared if you there that if everyone's that on board with LOL okay um now I get to choose my can trips uh blade wind bone uh blade Ward bone chill eldri I can't not choose eldric blast um friends uh gain Advantage with Charisma checks against a non-hostile creature Mage hand minor illusion poison spray true strike gain advantage on your next attack roll um poison wouldn't be bad I feel like Mage hand can be really helpful so I kind I think I'm going to do Mage hand eldri blast isn't a can trip uh it's a way of life okay uh subass the F the Fiend The Great old one or the arc Fay okay the fiend is warlocks in service for friends uh two fiends means work towards corrupting destructive ends intentionally or otherwise and receive hellish blessings in turn um armor of a a gifts and arm of Herer armor of Herer arms of herder uh dark one's blessing so I'm doing [ __ ] up [ __ ] because of my PCT that's what that is the great old one uh warlocks bound to eldric beans uh in their far realm work towards indestructible goal in inscrutable goals gaining strange Powers over ENT uh entropy in the mind so that's dissonant Whispers T tash's hideous laughter leave a creature plowing with laughter um without the ability to get up uh dissonant Whispers frighten a creature they'll have disadvantage ability checks this one sounds interesting features mortal reminder uh when you land a critical hit against a character the that creature and nearby enemies must succeed a wisdom saving throw or become frightened and then this is the Arc Fay um Grace by lady or Lord of the Fay you're imbued with the scrum the I almost keep saying scrumptious uh Sumptuous and scary qualities of your Patron's extraordinary realm so this is fairy fire um all Targets within the light turn visible oh okay um an attack rolls against them have an advantage sleep put creatures to sleep dude that one seems really good Fay presence charm and frighten nearby foes with the F Wild's beguiling dist disturbing Magics that kind of sounds really fun plus I mean dude the fire is great as well you already get fairy fire as a Dr oh do I really disclaimer fairy fire does not reveal invisible enemies though never seen anything on balers Gate 3 to his stream is my first look at it well hello welcome we're going through the most tedious part right now which is deciding my character if you have any questions feel free to ask me okay so [ __ ] H I don't know I'm stuck between the great old one and the arcay the fiend one I'm not too interested in right now yeah let's do a poll for this one too I kind of like see this is why this is another reason 1000 I like streaming because you guys are helping me choose otherwise I'd be here for forever had that [ __ ] ready thanks Josh am I playing with any mods no I do not have any um I might consider adding some at some point but currently no I Nexus mods kind of annoys me and the fact that mods are through there versus like the steam store and stuff I'm kind of like me what's my character concept for this run um just kind of [ __ ] around I think I know that sounds silly like I'm not I so right now I'm pretty good I would say on my multiplayer run I kind of want to mess around my current character isn't mess around too much I feel like it's pretty focused it's it's I'm very animal oriented because I'm a dragon born Ranger too so I want to [ __ ] around without being dark urge yeah I think that's I think that's where where I'm at okay subass uh so we're doing that one spells um and I can still swap these out yeah I feel like helish rebuke and um expeditious Retreat are more up my alley you like witch bolt a lot link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning um deal additional 1 to 12 lightning damage each turned by activating it h Noble just sounds fancy so I'm a noble Dr warlock that's kind of [ __ ] but it also fits okay let's do appearance we got to be purple we got to remain purple like purpley blue that's too blue I do like the I kind of like this palette honestly let's keep it what it was yeah I think it was I think it was this one I kind of like I kind of like it amethyst tones yeah uh scarring I love putting scars on my characters uh yeah I think let's do this one that one's a nice deep ah [ __ ] it I'm I'm just kidding I'm going to do this one I changed my mind we'll make her a little older um freckles she already got a nice amount oh my God that one's she's got a Beholder too wait the beholder neck tattoo I have one on my elbow if you can't see it I if that if that's not a hey I need to run that one I don't know what is I don't know what is [Music] bro okay but but what the [ __ ] is this that it looks like evil is like seeping out of my [ __ ] face like I know we I the beholder's a sign but that's [ __ ] sick I think we got to do it oh dude that's cool I think okay I think we're going to do this one okay makeup dude she looks so badass Chad I think I like this one the most I I think it's the volume of the hair maybe your dry was corrupted by some kind of dark force and she was stunned away yeah yeah maybe maybe toggle for ad highlight colors wasn't checked oh is that why oh oh that was accidental I didn't think it was going to do that that looks so good and it's only on that half of the oh my God she's so cool okay proceed rura I kind of like that one rera is good I like that then that's Mimi too we'll just put the last two there we'll do it like that it's pretty that's pretty balanced holy [ __ ] I'm so glad you need a guardian oh [ __ ] oh God damn it I got to do this all over [ __ ] we should make Santa we're we're making it into it's almost Christmas time dwar he would not be a dwar he' be he'd be a gold dwarf Santa would be a gold dwarf there we go we got Santa I don't want to spend any more time on him do I get do I get to name him I don't he's just my guardian there we go we've done it thank you for your assistance he's Santa he's not our Guardian it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas I love love this intro cut scenes great kind of looked like zeusy did kind of didn't he Ro Santa Santa is a holy Warrior [Music] Guardian oh that sound gives me chills how many of you is this your first time seeing this cut scene or any Boulders gate gameplay I need to know me oh my there's actually a lot of you I didn't realize wow wow I'm so proud of you guys you're witnessing a great game I I'm so flattered by that dude cuz I I love balers gate and [ __ ] like this so if you don't know what these creatures are oh what the [ __ ] are they called I've already lost it I was just going to tell you um oh God throw it out there for me elth no not not cthulu uh they're mind flares thank you I had it and then like immediately I hate when that happens so these are mind flares they're pretty much like some of the worst things that you can encounter in like D and D those are dragons obviously I don't think I need to explain that to you yeah there's some gith Yan right there yeah they're like yeah the ithd or or the uh mind flares yeah there's some there's some tentacle boys they want to like wipe out humanity and turn them all into like themselves essentially hence our parasite well I say Humanity they want to wipe out everything but this game is addictive it's good I I felt so bad I know I'm talking over the cut scene it's cuz I've seen it before um I saw some people uh some Spider-Man fans and and they were looking up game play of balder's gate and and they're they're literally watching like stuff from the end of act one and it's no commentary it's just some some it's the same person just sit like no mic anything it's just the game play and there's no context to anything they're doing and I'm just like it like kills me bro it kills me if you look up a lot almost when it comes to strategy games like it is a lot more complicated combat but man that just it made me so annoyed bro cuz I'm like you could have looked I I mean I don't mean to toot my own horn bro you could have watched my first reaction to this trailer and stuff on my cuz like again I I've been through act one that's it um and uh and I'm just like dude you could have like literally watched anyone's game play and it would have given you a better intro to this game than just like some dude that's not talking let's go Kyle [ __ ] yeah and it just GH yeah yeah here we are we're coming out of our embryotic sack yeah I've been uh a lot of a lot of Spider-Man fans also looked into it yeah they were like oh wow this is actually cool those that looked up like proper [ __ ] yeah dude B HCK thank you for another dude 20 gifted you crazy thank you I appreciate that thank you so much and fr also with the new sub welcome welcome and okay our shiman with the new sub thank you there's a lot of Subs I I haven't got to catch up on thank you guys I I really appreciate it all right so we have now spawned in um and we're going to investigate also there's a lot of Clues I wasn't able to I failed my rolls on before o I want to make sure I don't have karmic dice on I shouldn't from the last time that I played uh I have the twitch integration um not like we're going to use that Karma okay I don't have it on okay cool um is there do I get okay I can change the color of the dice as we go um but yeah this welcome to balers gate this is our UI if you have any questions feel free to ask essentially action button pew pew click the clicky click click things and we going to do stuff might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked all right someone else got out yes they did might be other survivors okay let's not let's try to not get burned here uh I think I blew this up last time on accident so let's let's hope we oh loot hold on we got to do that first ah a Blood Stone good all right this is the pool that thing came from the parasite now writhing behind your eye yummy investigation we could blindly reach toward it uh what I mean what's the worst that happens I get another parasite um all right ooh scuffed metal I think that's the default one I really like the dragon flame but I feel like it confuses people when it hits the 20 because of the laran one should we keep blue or do you guys want the flame dice flame flame okay well we'll do flame long story short uh if you don't know how so every game you ever play uh video games are heavily influenced by d and d whether you know it or not so the RNG your dice rolls okay um any time you do something in a game there's a there's a chance that you unless it's an FPS right there's a chance that you're in for something on your action and what you're doing right so in D and D there's the dice you you use a die the most is your D20 um 20 is the best Nat one is the worst so my currently it that is my skill check is I need to hit that 10 or higher to complete what I'm doing um if if we don't do that then like yeah so U anyways [ __ ] well I have my plus one so I did hit it there we go thank [ __ ] the casing is fragile the slightest touch could cause it to crumble I remember what I did last time uh yeah uh it's gonna it's going to blow up if I do it oh [ __ ] it wanted the easy path yeah I think last time I uh I said [ __ ] it did yeah you know what who was inside might as well blow it up I mean why is that parasite's just staying in there it's chilling you know it's not really much better all right this should heal me I feel better all right the wall luy yummy the belly of the Beast all right hello don't mind me just taking the gold and stuff off everybody's dead bodies M mhm oh a chair I didn't realize I could sit in that okay uh doesn't look like I can do with anything with a jar mind flare horiculture interesting didn't ooh a tablet take it can I take it thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes ah okay I thought maybe I could use it for something else um all righty let's see what's going on over here here um I thought that's going outside I thought we could free somebody last time before we go out though I thought there was one or two people we could neural apparatus doesn't do anything uh okay may were they back in the other room and I missed it it's no it's in a bit not yet okay thank you doesn't do anything oh this is the brain I like that I like this part it's pretty gross H yes you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us please before they return oh I failed my they return okay uh who am I talking to a man or a brain I clearly the brain think you're put the past the point of saving tell me what to do you sound afraid why the enemy so many enemies uh a newborn born new from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person I want to save it it was my pet last time just destroy it uh I mean I'm curious what it'll say I think you passed the point of saving tell me what to do remove us from this body from this case free us please inspect the exposed brain break the skull um gently prize the gra the okay so my Dex is definitely the highest I believe or it it looks like it might be about the same here it it's useful if I can save this I would like to save it yes yes the brain lifts from the skull but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat I mean we're not 100% good right but is it going to take a lot of I feel like if we're going to mutilate it it might take damage we're going to [ __ ] it oh I failed it anyways wait does that mean I kill it oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh it doesn't like me ah oops also I need to make sure I uh nice save also someone asked if I was going to save scum I have no idea I'm going to if I if I accidentally under Combat on something that's like really annoying yeah I'll probably [ __ ] save scum but like or if I'm in like if I'm in an area that's severely out of my level range but like outside of that I don't know I'm having fun going to do as I see fit [Music] okay oh there's there's uh so I think I owe you guys an explanation with this popping up Abomination this is your end uh your head throbs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head what the what is [Music] this s you are no th blackith blesses me this day together we might survive what made you think I was a thw I don't even think I look like a th we carry mindfully a parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind flers um we're turning into mind flares there must be something do who are you we need to figure out uh where we are what do you suggest first we exterminate the HS then we find the helm and take control of the ship sounds great there's still a character we're missing though once we reach the material plane oh no she I I think she is in this room actually so so fun fact um on our multiplayer playthrough I accidentally killed laelle in the next fight I um I was trying to time to strike uh what's it called um I would like it's going to be smarter if I attack this one okay and do that um yeah Shadow heart that's that's who's next I accidentally killed LEL though in the next fight like the one when you're at the control tower I was trying to kill the other guy and uh I am death yeah I [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up long story short um I have a pretty I have pretty good gear I want to be the one that takes this loot I have to um okay and then let me do then hello oh am I not proficient aha I'm not okay I mean it makes sense hello I need that back in my hand though oh no can I not why can't I put it back on what's going on cuz I use my action oh mother [ __ ] I forgot how hyper realistic this [ __ ] game can be let me put it back on it's my [ __ ] turn God damn it wonder if the gods forgot there was another imp to fight still I a fury I am death get the Imp thank you all right Prov surprisingly adequate in battle uh another imp yeah I thought we were done I'm just like uh but how thank you for the 11mth resub I appreciate it oh yummy skull void gold okay uh anything else over here this guy got a little axe okay how about another aquarium yummy all right what do you got there's another thall okay heal ourselves all righty um take and then there's another body up won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late uh that's not well it's a robe I I actually think that's might be better for me okay money money SpongeBob uh draon thank you so much for the sub welcome I appreciate dragon with the 5 months wildly with the 3 months uh actually you subed three months in advance you're a new sub thank you so much I appreciate it if you guys didn't know there's a huge discount uh this month on Twitch Subs yeah yeah I do know about holding alt but I don't like doing it all right G Machinery I can make no sense of it all right the man isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive yeah 25% off new subs and I think there's also discount on subbing in advance too in general even if it's not new I could be wrong of his surroundings yeah that guy's [ __ ] dead um get me out of this J we have no time for stragglers L El she could help us kill things ooh cuz I'm a warlock and have AR I can all right let me use my smarts here nuts look at my big kid rolles here warding runes you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the Pod are you satisfied we need to go calm down look for a latch that might open the lid there's no time uh we already determined it's not a latch let me see what I can do please all righty let me go over here touching the console let me just pull these pedals look for a switch hit it I might kill her if I do that warlock inscribe the device with glyphs you send from the pods warning runes yeah let's do this let me use my warlock abilities comes to life yeah there we go place your hand on it uh take a closer look oh look dude borlock is [ __ ] stronger oo Knack 20 nice the pulsing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine okay perhaps it will open the nearby pod so I'm just going to hit it now all right yeah Place hand on the console suddenly head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority wisdom that would have been hard roll to [ __ ] up could you imagine you feel the biomechanical brain has to give 20 Subs every time Cruz gets a that 20 right yeah definitely a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated oh got cha y are a bunch of memers Boll r with 20 gifted subs thank you dude you sold out of worked hey MIM selling out's fine oh God thank you yo States thank you for the new sub by the way I appreciate it draon thank you again for the new sub welcome guys uh if you don't know subbing get you adree viewing uh we do I do pay someone to run ads on this channel though at the most opportune time that is the least intrusive for you guys um you do four ads an hour uh I think it's 4 minutes worth so it ain't [ __ ] but just in case you didn't know you also get a bunch of emotes with it um and then Discord open to everybody you don't have to be sub to join Discord just in case I know we haven't talked about that today but you do get a sub roll in there in sub channels um if you are a sub so if you haven't connected your Twitch account to Discord you can do that um not any worse than TV smile a lot less worse than TV but you know anyways enough of that shadow heart hello oh she was hella racist last time I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin she going to do it again thank you your mind l into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with we to be fair a lot of D andd characters you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company dangerous company is what you need in a fight got a problem with get the an did you feel that just now we were in each other's heads I did I change the top it must be because of those parasites they put in US they'll have to wait we need to get off the ship alive first let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way all right then let's get going I'm rura Shadow hard one moment what do you know what to do oh your D20 forgot about that come on time to go finally let us make for the helm we've wasted enough still got the stars going on she's right lead on all right right I want to attack this though first I don't know what I just did but icky sticky is now everywhere that I think that probably could have let her out too that might have been another way to do it okay so there's loot back here oh son of a [ __ ] what did I just grab a the oh [ __ ] you must be terminated son of a [ __ ] they know oh last time I made a friend of the other one and I didn't have this problem yeah [ __ ] up that brain here I won't really need to use any spells for now there there one [ __ ] in it easy pey God they really would have been helpful in that next fight I don't want to talk to you either who are you and why are you helping me hard not to ask questions why the hell control over the ship or do you wish to die here maybe I do okay uh want Lo this guy anyway talk to her anyways want did my [ __ ] loot didn't have [ __ ] okay um did we we need to go this way I think oh wait did I not no I did loot them already uh is this where we were no I haven't gone through here yet okay oh the key the key to the loot nice how many hosts there's also another slave mind thing up here actually is it to this chest and maybe not the other one pick up two potion I don't know what the slave mines do I'll have to read that Al Green nice nice those controls next to the Pod okay I actually would uh where is it slave mind a humanoid brain alive in imperfect condition suspended in cerebral cerebral spinal fluid yummy okay let's see let's go see what's going on in the M Flair pod dazed woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you I [ __ ] this up last time dazed woman is trapped okay maybe I can free her this time [Music] hello are you doing a solo run bro I am bro I was so confused Discord just gave me some Christmas [ __ ] jingle [Laughter] ring bro I I literally looked around I'm like huh like I thought it was something with the game at first then I realized it was the disc Corin ring [ __ ] yeah I figured I was like I don't know if we're going to play this week and so I was like oh I'm going to at least start cuz like we're at the end of act one anyway so it'll take me quite a while to even catch up so I figured [ __ ] it what you what you trying to sneak you sneaking in here you sneaking you sne you know what if you want to come sneak in and play one of the NPCs you [Music] can the [ __ ] let me know when you're connected I'll wait to to press the button dude I've already I'm doing a um I'm a warlock for this run o Dude my character looks [ __ ] sick she looks really Co you know what there is a character that I've wanted to try that I haven't been able to try in a while uhhuh uh or that I haven't done yet and it's actually a uh it's actually a ranger oh I've not done that in a while easy peasy BR yeah I'm thinking I'm going to play this again on Thursday if we can't get that group session going because I just want to play bers gate honestly I just want to [ __ ] play balers gate it's ridiculous yeah the addiction's real I I have a steam deck now narrator and I'm like I've been every night I've been like do I start a new play through or do I just wait to play it on stream like what do I do what do I do here [ __ ] I feel it I feel it though yeah uh I I only have one character that I've actually like tried to progress with and I'm just like dude come on I actually you just so you can take your time I'm going to keep going in here um since I'm at I'm still on the ship anyways okay as you place your uh let me do hear let me do a presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change um okay I love how much my character I can't get over it oh right I just shouldn't have touched the console period forgot about that oh [ __ ] this is what happens when you yeah ah I didn't learn from my past mistakes changed at the pull of a lver how if we are not purified uh playing lethal company tomorrow night oh I did want want to see something on audio can I turn up the user interface sound effects music chatter voice volumes up I think I'm going to turn Mass sound effects and stuff down just a wee bit because it's kind of hard to hear the characters there we go okay there we go that should be a little bit better all right well am I letting you out mind flare stares at you weak and dazed okay nope I hear something all right we're going to go up here let me go get my other loot chest cuz I got the key is there something else moving out here it must be connecting you to the Mind FL oh no that's not the right key is it it was nice golden an onx Stone no I didn't want to talk to you [ __ ] lizelle all right all right we got to go through here now oh I can't I'm going I don't want to talk to you I just want to [ __ ] continue OD things don't think we need that but I'm going to do it anyways we are nearing the helm once inside do as I say I I captain who put you in charge do you hear that chat I'll Trust my own judgment kyank hi last time how are you here we go three bad [ __ ] roll up on your ship oh I didn't pay attention that he ate his like Cranium last time like that and we don't have the brains to help draw connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now he's calling me th I do it we will deal with the G after we escape okay he is okay yeah uh now we're going to have to focus on our [ __ ] let's see I'm going to ELC blast this [ __ ] [ __ ] I missed I uh I don't need to waste that okay well uh I can still go up nope I can't just kidding leth taste my f all right that hell is going to be a problem yeah we need to focus on him um let's also do a pommel strike I might be able to finish him daed him nice okay he doesn't have any [ __ ] for loot stay focused okay um she has resistance uh bonus of saving throws I'm going to throw that that's going to be probably pretty help P Shield of Faith uh wisdom save protect a creature from attacks say increase its armor class by two um I would like to do that on my character and then we're going to go over here and smack him with my sword just kidding I can't do that quite yet D equals dead yeah okay all righty there's the Imp H he sucks nice your head all right let me help with this one don't mind me just going to live real quick damn it got [ __ ] I will send okay let's finish this um blessing of the trickster Grant another creature advantage on stealth checks well we don't need that sacred flame guidance uh inflict wounds I don't know if I can actually yeah I can't really do that from over here have to make our way over uh I would like aan aarion in the party and car at some point I definitely know those two I don't know about who I'll do for a fourth yet um uh I'm going to try throwing that on him nice I will Ascend okay looted and tooted ready okay on the Move guiding Bolt the next attack roll against this target has an advantage okay that's let's do that [ __ ] lead him to me the transponder he wants us to go to the transponder dead we must take the yeah so I know more Mo wait is that that's not dead oh this is awkward I thought we killed that okay now he's dead now we don't have to worry about him down Um this can be useful for a bit so I'm just I could go touch it but I kind of don't want to I kind of want to kill him but I know more people pop up Victory awaits all righty let's see this guy wouldd like to try killing him I really would what the [ __ ] is this astral knowledge gain proficiency and all skills with chosen ability Rush attack so I can do both I'm just going to do a [ __ ] regular this is your end okay wow that's great that's that's okay well that's not ideal and I can't do guiding bolt again son of a [ __ ] oh this is horrible I'm [ __ ] whiffing everything the furn is ours uh I'm going to need my buddies to come up here and help me with the imps they might they might [ __ ] me up yeah I could throw Potions you're not wrong okay I'm going to have uh my path be come up here what's the got to move yeah I'm surprised he didn't take an opportunity attack there what difficulty uh I'm doing balanced I kind of want to try and kill him but I just don't know if that'll go well cuz last time I tried to do that and uh it did not so I'm going I'm going to focus on killing these guys first before any of the other ones I'm going to get the first okay [ __ ] [ __ ] tits never mind just kidding uh hamstring shot nice on the uh okay to let up yeah yeah I got I that's what I was the Z's got a bow I keep forgetting about you didn't CH it before killing him but you get really you don't you got to really know what you're doing to get Godlike rolls yeah he's got a lot of [ __ ] health for this level cuz we've got 10 he's got 100 150 and here come the others and they're just as bad Come a Little Closer hold me closer tin danc all right please die thank you very much I had to laugh someone was like this this guy came with you over Spider-Man chat I'm just like go look at get reviews and how many people bought the game versus [Music] Spider-Man objectively yes are we how can you still be surprised that got game of the a need to act fast your time has come quick Google search answers everybody's questions I wonder what happens if I break the purple goo like would that do anything for the fight wait were there chests that I forgot to Lo before I CTIC bulb not enough that's a chair I'm just seeing if there's any environmental factors I can do before I leave I don't think so it looks like it's just chairs and [ __ ] yeah I think we're just going to get the [ __ ] out of here I don't think it's worth it at the ready oh Hy okay I'm not close enough I thought I had expeditious retreat but I guess not all right lizelle the hel's alien trans hold the trigger you made it in time the Red Dragon I love him my boy my sweet boy it sounds like a rattlesnake I didn't notice that the first time like that's what sound like uh not my first playthrough through act one but I haven't finished the game yet I have a multiplayer player we've been doing and our schedules haven't been lining up and we're near the end of act W but we haven't made it past [Music] that what happen I just I just touched the tentacles for the ship how's your boy how's he going how's he doing I was literally naming him wait it booted you out yeah no way I didn't know it does that it's okay I know how the build works so I'm just going to speed through it now oh no bro I'm sorry why did it do [Applause] that what the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] funny sorry bro what the why the can't do that that was hilarious I wonder if it counts it as like out of the prologue and into act like into an act yeah I think so yeah oh that's so unfortunate that's all right I know how to I know how to build the I just [ __ ] got clunked on the side of the head with a piece of like rubble from the ship Santa save me H yeah it is kind of turning into a Duo playr uh narator I guess will play whenever I'm on and he wants to log in but outside of that it'll be solo I love my character I'm excited to see what yours looks like too oh it's going to be nuts as you wake the tadp squirms in your skull all right yourself where did you land check infection you're more or less intact uh D thank you for the four months how are you been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure all right I thought I told this game no tutorial [ __ ] for me another step forward I'm going to go in the water while it was like teeh but what if what if I didn't care yeah right I'm in the water I should be clean now I didn't kill AEL in the tutorial this time yikes I should speak up Shadow heart wake up wakey wakey eggs and bakey take o D20 take it uh she'll get pissed if I do that I'm just going to wake her I forgot about that I can't successfully grab it you're alive yeah I'm alive yes you are how is this possible doesn't matter true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses stre about I remember the ship I remember falling then nothing uh do you have any idea where we are what happened to your gift friend our gift GI friend that's going to piss her off you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us okay oh okay so she was on maybe she's no longer racist sorry TS if I wanted anything I said cookie do blast uh what is that quote oh no what number 13 the clitoris is a phenomenal dinosaur did you know that the clitoris can actually in fact be about 16t long bro I forgot I forgot about that one when was that Val was it valheim that I said that I don't sometimes it makes me wonder like what prompted things like when you say the clitorus it sounds like a like a like it's a dinosaur though like for real if you did not know that was related to an anatomy part it does sound like a dinosaur all right here I come let's go um you more concerned for her than she is for you clearly we need to take care of ourselves first thing things first we need supplies and most of all A Healer oh what else is we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our hands I'm so curious cuz we'll have two players in our party like actual NPCs and we haven't gotten to do that so wait that also means we can seduce carlac cuz we can't do that technically on our other one oh yeah oh yeah you're damn right uh want to stay together just like that this is now my better campaign out of the other ones what's at stake got of better company let's get moving one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my but you didn't yeah Shadow heart's being nice to me I remember that lead the way dude dude it's cuz I didn't try to take her D20 the minute a second she was knocked out when we landed oh yeah that's right freaking I did that yeah she was pissed at me last time literally looks at you and it's just like why are you touching my D20 why do you have a D20 I got questions oh God you just [ __ ] popped in out of nowhere I was like whoa dude you're a Dr too let's go are you also a Dr yeah wait we kind of look alike we look like siblings all right all right you also have a white ponytail what the [ __ ] sis let me tell you something all right in our adventures we're we're going to help each other out in our conquests all right you see a really cute dmy mommy looking character all right I'm all over there if I see what what's what's We Make a Deal get asterion and you can have carlac is that our deal do oh so you're in the vampires all right all right yeah [ __ ] it we ball yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude that's so [ __ ] funny bro oh my God accidental sibling play through let's go O A book can I take that I was about to say I need to find some [ __ ] crossbows or some oh I have hella [ __ ] bows looted you got bows yeah I'll throw one in your inventory well oh yeah I got here one two oh yeah three oh yeah hold up you have a oh they might be the same oh yours is better can I [ __ ] can I oh wait oh I can't freaking do uh I can't I can't wield [ __ ] two crossbows yet that's okay you're what that's all right that's a thing you can do yeah of course I can I can do of course do whe crossbows it's crazy o pick packing any [ __ ] nice we got a fish hell nice dude campfire [ __ ] all right what'd you find SIS let's see what this more found more fish touch the sigil oh dude hell yeah your dude grunted so loud okay so I feel like we need to level up before we go through there all right uh from what I remember about that spot where the [ __ ] did LEL go more of those wred things oh oh yeah they're [ __ ] hella dead [ __ ] hella dead [ __ ] so historian is through there how did we get him last time early we we just got to walk stay back one strike [ __ ] hold up this brain stands no chance I'm going try and it doesn't know how dumb I am I'm gonna it's going to die from my stupid [ __ ] oh damn it I was I was successful in hiding but then I I didn't survive the other one that's okay stay back that's all right though get him shadow heart oh my God you [ __ ] them up get hit all right we got to do hold up nice all right true true strike heck yeah so now we're going to get uh there you go yeah you'll get Advantage [ __ ] yeah oh H rebuke [ __ ] you I haven't got to use that yet I like that a lot I hope this guy can no don't that's son of a [ __ ] oh that's it no no oh and I'm also got this okay hold on I'm going to heal myself yeah got Shadow heart coming in clutch she might die from burning though cuz I did have her stand in the fire like a dip [ __ ] [ __ ] you we'll figure it out I can I can we'll figure it out we'll figure it out okay Elric blast oh they're both low but I'm going to do it anyways and then nice that one will try and attack you son of a [ __ ] okay I got to use I don't think so well perhaps our survival isn't such a and we can level up nice nice um I forget uh I'm going do this also real quick yeah okay I don't get that back but you know gave me a little bit of Health um I'll take this way I don't get that back sagil um we got a potion of speed and a spiked bulb all right all right leveling up yeah lelle is after a singil okay see I haven't had her in our party before so I'm not wasn't sure oil of accuracy hell yeah ooh my health is increasing from 10 to 17 that's a big jump uh that's a big jump very very big Shiva there's literally nothing going on out there someone is here okay choices pending sick class features warlock spell slot gained okay I gained two passives oo alri invocation uh in your study of Ault lore you have Unearthed eldc invocations fragments of forbidden knowledge that AB you um in abiding magical prowess nice when you cast elri blast Ed your charisma modifier to the damage it deals yes I want that I I got uh Hunter Mark so Mark a creature uh as your qural to deal an additional one to six piercing damage whenever you hit with a weapon oo um and then I I got the spell good berries so I conjure four magical berries into your or your companion's inventory and when you eat it you gain hit points back nice and then I got a weapon proficiency obviously in archery [ __ ] yeah dude oh yeah dead sounds great once per long rest you can cast Bane targets have they receive attack rolls and saving oh penalty repelling blast when you hit a creature with eldric blast you can push the creature up to four and a half meters away from you ooh wow yeah so you now your ELD Eldridge blast does uh push I could do that but Beast speech is kind of oh but I've got my Ranger with Beast speech I feel like I shouldn't always do Beast speech but also like the option's pretty [ __ ] nice I'm you know what I'm going to just grab it again cuz it's fun to have I can always get the other thing I think true you know like I'm going to level up again I unlocked a wooden chest let's go I got a [ __ ] leather helmet uh prevents targets from using reactions oh no charm person it covers up my Luscious Hair son of a [ __ ] um yeah I'm get more of them later anyways yeah makes her attack steal an additional one to six necrotic damage to the Target gives a disadvantage on ability of your choosing ooh yeah that's hex that sounds kind of nice I think I might snag it mhm nice I also have the the Hideous laughter one it leaves a creature prone with laughter without the ability to get up so they're on the ground laughing for 10 turns the a creature must have an intelligence of five or more for me to use it the Target also can try to shake off the effect each time like that might be kind of funny well I'm going to do it [ __ ] it I mean I would hope I mean I mean I would hope so you're making them laugh literally is your [ __ ] name rera Hey Hey listen damn sis I ate you out here I get it chat chat recommended it and I thought it was a great idea okay all right I'm leveling up uh all right prepare my spells here oh wait I don't need to I kind of like what she's got actions turn Undead pray to turn all the undead that you that can see you what what oh yeah you can hide helmets I forgot in the inventory next to oh hell yeah chat coming in clutch uh your enemies with illusion TCH rolls have Advantage for you and your allies oh oh I those are setting gotcha and I can change oh okay how do i h healing Ward cure wounds on heal a creature you can see um bless command a creature to flee move closer or freeze protects creature from attacks increase by two guiding inflict wounds um call forth a random or destroy a waterbased surface prob you attack a hor creature huh I think I want to take that off and put bless on how do I get my normal stuff to show back up again uh is it all Z or something I forget for the UI chat how did you get rid of UI I forget I know I've done it before but the uh the clothes I do like how I fit right now though like with the armor hidden uhhuh I man just out here all right I have I feel I think my is my AC better with yeah how do you how do you uh actually it's not I thought it was going to be better how do you put all that stuff back on I got a lot of [ __ ] how does one do that okay food is it all in there nice okay Alchemy pouch bro this ship sounds like it's still breaking oh 100% time to press let's have a look how do I okay how do I nope there we go default okay all right bet so yeah over that way see where you get your vampire boyfriend yeah yeah yeah a but that will fit in my pack a storium I'm playing a Dr elf Mommy it's right up your alley and I'm a noble snob don't you talk to my husband don't D not don't you dare hey sis look who I found very well hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others what you were just watching kill it yourself you look capable enough who are you know who are you sis he might he might like that though I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh oh okay uh so this isn't a great quickly roll push yourself to your feet oh do a DEX roll yeah I'll bet you know what he's going to be like ooh you're Swift you're quick with it ooh okay he's like oh my God you're capable oh you can take care of yourself I like that I saw you on the ship strutting about whilst I was trapped in that pot okay what did you and those tentacled freaks do to me you have it backwards they snatched me up too Put The Knife away maybe we can talk I haven't done anything to you yet going to do the first one I'm not an idiot I S your mind twists you looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear who what was that what's going on you got different colored eyes it's my yeah dude it look the one looks corrupted it's like my say I was like what the hell uh it's the Mind flares wor Put The Knife away I'll tell you everything uh my wormit connected us I don't care if he put this knife away he's fine the worm of course that explains things somewhat and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits yummy apologies wow apology accepted I might have done the same were the rules reverse glad to see we're all caught up now you'd better uh you'd better have more more to offer that apologies and I'll do the first one a kindred spirit aha now you're a kindred starian I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me nice uh introduce yourself a pleasure oh I am RAR rera do you know anything about these worms I got that Charisma bro it's fitting I am rorth full of AR is oh God nice to nice for you to meet me so do you know anything about these worm G unfortunately they'll uh they'll turn us into mind flares uh I know we don't want them in our heads I do the first one turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect I love his ears although sorry it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time heyy control it we need to get rid of it you should travel with me our odds are better together I need to get moving but you can shelter at my Camp yeah kind of play hard to get there oh yeah I was ready to go this alone the pale maybe sticking with the herd isn't a bad idea safety in numbers after all and I hate to turn down an invitation all right maybe I'll see you there good luck SM wait is he not going to join us right now okay well I guess I'll have to grab him later what you told him to go to Camp well I thought I had to act like too cool for him you know what I mean well congratulations sis now you [ __ ] Co a mind flare ain't that amazing I I'll pick him up from the camp shortly oh all right hello Mr the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel let me do it let me end it compassion hey I'm just saying Compass say say the [ __ ] word and I shoot him give it word this isn't right step away you can't move can't think thinking is mercifully done for you it will be a joy to you good to die for it an it's your mind thank you holy [ __ ] dead as [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy o potion of speed also spiked bulb e e hell yeah let's go this is this is why we're a good team thank you m dra elf brother you're welcome oh who's this a goblin dead Goblin yummy potion of hel I'll [ __ ] take that checking for supplies maybe uh Supply pack I like that Goblin bow ooh all right do we want Gil what's going on with that room I mean I feel like we got to pick him up you know all right approach theity on the stone even though he's been a whiny [ __ ] on our other place well I mean yeah he's going to he's essentially going to be like freaking if you find a magical artifact I want to eat it yum yum yum please let me eat that and I'm like how no what imagine if I just High fived him instead anyone my God like highed and left it at that yeah he he's reaching his hand out and you're like there you go buddy wait I can slap the hand I'm doing it ow perhaps I should have clarified helping no way anyone holy you know what [ __ ] I get I get it Game of the Year Game of the Year tune yourself with the cil's magic then all right I'm going to do it oh dude only has seven God I'm not being also also every one of these apparently that you've rolled it says I can give you some kind of bonus oh interesting I I I don't know what skill gives me a bonus for your roles but doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick nice yeah yeah I'm a cool warlock hey y Gil W hey that's a whole dude that's a whole ass man he's been bed hello I'm Gale of Water Deep apologies usually better at this all right you all right no need to apologize you are at introductions that magic say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you were on the North Ro as well no you don't trust this man draw your weapon never mind I was yes never mind not how did you get stuck in the stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in freefall plummeting to certain death I spied a glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side how about you how did you survive the fall I took control of the ship landed it safely and saved the day that vast burning wreckage behind you somewhat contradicts your story but here you stand so who am I to argue yeah that's what I thought swash buckling heroics aside I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you to were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome inser in the ocular region yeah not yeah go on could have phrased it more repellent myself the inserty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating dation it will turn us into mind flares it's a process known as seram morphosis and let me assure you it is to be be avoided you've known this whole time you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a Doctor Surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle nah you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them warl my Patron offers me any gifts but tadpole extraction is not one of them I can't cure our parasite I like that established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan no thank you I'm not looking for another traveling companion uh we're going to leave him at the camp though anyway most excellent a parasite shared is a parasite hared or something to that effect Oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone it was an act of foresighted kindness I assure you for I have the feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor oh and he automatically joins as the level up uh I'm going to go to the camp really quick and swap him out cool foran excellent hope I don't I got to no time to rest moving in I have something to ask so we've picked up a wizard who managed to get stuck in his own portal he's roasting damn get [ __ ] nerd I need you in my party will you travel with us sorry but I prefer groups that are a little small lose a follower or two okay uh ungroup oh no I meant how do I do I have to talk to I I think you have to talk to him gotcha are we getting rid of Gail or we getting rid of Shadow heart oh I was thinking I mean up to you I think Shadow heart's going to be more useful cuz of healing [ __ ] right now though all right Gail um I'm going to need you to wait here and starve we'll deal with you later uh not first in magic with the powers my Patron grants me I could write an epic oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you wizard which you are not if you meet any Elder let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master okay now now how do I dismiss you ohoh how can I help I need you to remain at the camp for a while I question the wisdom of that decision but so be it me me me I'll be here in the oh [ __ ] hey hey Cruz make sure you come over and get your chest stuff oh yeah I forgot about that yeah something you my party darling I thought you'd never ask oh he was more excited to join the party than I expected nice C so I now I have a cape so do the characters automat atically um what's it called uh they automatically just join anyone else Minds that business I'll be fine like level up sorry not join um do they automatically level up yeah no oh okay you would have to you you have to level them up gotcha loot of Merryweather bar not proficient needle uh does the needle does the same for me it looks cooler though so I'll I'll take it with me how exactly I don't like the Hat not going to wear the hat okay I'll leave the rest here I do like my Cape though the Cape is pretty cute okay uh I put the chest back can't go in I can't use that Alchemy pouch what the [ __ ] oh well must be on my way okay keep your somewhat sync okay awesome yeah I didn't realize that all right Stan let me level you up yeah sibling cake dude yeah he's a rogue so he'll be f a fun addition to the group uh okay yeah he just incre hopped up here I confused all right um I'm going to go feed my dog cuz it's doing a little time for her I'll be right by everything you're leaving me alone with your chat that's dangerous hello everyone it'd be a real shame if I just started saying some really ludicrous things wouldn't it wouldn't it all right time to test chat to here hello every no I'm just kidding oh if only I had Cruz's stream open I probably should do that that way I can actually say hi to chat that'd be funny say hi to all you heathens my goodness gracious there we go all right now I now I can see all of you T smile couldn't be worse than cruises yeah yeah yeah yeah it's kind of that's true that's true why am I not streaming too you know what that is a great question why am I not streaming I totally could I totally could be streaming right now you know what here let I'm I'm going to ask Cruz how long she's willing to play balers gate right now and if she's going to do it for a while then I'll kick stream up if not then I'll just I'll just hang out oh my goodness do willing FY you can only do wield uh hand crossbows I know that's the plan that is that is the plan she's only been on for two hours oh all right she might uh yeah she might do that did it did it oh wait oh here we go she's coming back don't tell her don't tell her what the [ __ ] did you do what I didn't do nothing you piss off my [ __ ] husband no I didn't do [ __ ] the [ __ ] every yeah every everyone just just act natural act natural she piss did he piss you off yes no no I didn't talk toan he said yes oh whats to tell I'm a Magistrate backb Judge see look Ted you're risen him up lest you be judged rura is inspired I gained inspiration for he he made me inspired that's awesome see I can change him I can change him I can change him I can change him oh my God I love that I looked like an or I look like an Oreo kind of like my hair like Blends in with my face tattoo yeah I'm the little Maro cookie I'm a little Maro cookie this is so ridiculous how we [ __ ] both P Dr with white hair and the [ __ ] black face tto oh we're funny we are we're [ __ ] comical all right I'm ready to leave this [ __ ] all right let's do it how how uh how long are you trying to stream for uh I'm going be on for a little bit still if that's what you're asking like probably another hour or two another hour or [Music] two debating on whether or not I start streaming you can I mean I could I'll do it I'll do it next time I'll do it I'll do it next time cuz also Lindsay's going to be back soon so I'll be like I'm sure she'll want to she'll want to say hi and then be like what do you want for dinner and I'll be like I texted you first oh I walked through fire why' I do that ow that's a great question why did we do that there is a interesting Spike trap right there can I touch it broken must have been here a while okay never mind all D I got excited for a minute moment I need a shovel there's a shovel right here [ __ ] you that's my shovel all right fine you know what you dig then oh new chest new chesty was you son of a [ __ ] I did all that work and he took it no I I literally just touched it I didn't take the loot still in there no way there's uh black and Azure die that's cool and then gold did you say azure yeah what the [ __ ] it's crazy is it I'm going to throw up oh dude there's some oh wait there she is there's this of course zoru was right yellow as a toad and twice as ugly the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill he just equated her to a [ __ ] in response to the prisoner's White H stare lb thank you for us move yet you hear her voice get rid of them whoa God damn holy hell under elf yeah blad hi I miss intimidation if you value your life walk away oh they already they immediately looking at us oh oh I can add oh I can't I can't add guys bro I got hella of [ __ ] here well there ain't no way they don't they're oh thank God for bonus even when you fail you succeed hell yeah de come I miss her now yeah that's what I thought enough gawking get me down hey how about I hear a please yeah yeah yeah say [ __ ] please okay yeah then [ __ ] rod up there well again this is this is your playthrough but I'm observe and listen sis she's she's kind of got to piss me off as you say what are questionable intellect unsurprising release me what or enjoy a future as GE uh what does GE mean mind flares the atrocities We are Becoming oh that's not good becoming there's no hope for us is there I know a remedy release me and I will share it but how can we trust you you try my patience patience hey hey I'm just I'm just saying like say the word I know I am say the word she's trying my patience dude I don't even know like how the we have to get a vantage point to [ __ ] cut it and I don't even know how we're supposed to get there is it just like right over here I can do it uh I'm pretty sure like I can probably shoot the Rope maybe yeah I can try and shoot the Rope yeah go ahead and try that uh oh that's oh it will not it will not allow me to shoot the Rope okay maybe just shoot the cage uh I try and shoot the cage yeah oh yeah yeah weak the base okay yeah yeah yeah oh the oh the floor oh there you go God the Tad Pole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious smack but the longer we wait the more it consumes excuse my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me uh Ayo I thought we already had a cure yeah a Pity that I made an offer and you accepted your fantasy is not my burden show me the five fing discount yeah [ __ ] for real dude oh my God a simple thank you wouldn't have gone a m yeah you may as well suggest a Wy bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice as thanks [ __ ] racist little [ __ ] oh my God you know I want I don't want you here I know you're very rude she is [ __ ] annoying I'm just saying yeah you know what tell her to [ __ ] off I'm down hypothetically right how do people like her she's she's got some cool looking armor we would we would have to well we'd have to kill her at the camp right n you hated her but she's a strong NPC she grows on [Music] you one of the nice she's considered one of the nicest yeah well guess what she's one of the nicest GI it is one things oh my God a haty a training ground a shelter ganki protocol is clear when infected with a gay tadpa we must report to austill for purification uh-huh I guess she'll go to the camp she'll be stuck at Camp she at least won't be with us fine you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior yeah you yeah [ __ ] for real very well dude you know what I'm glad I accidentally killed her our other a one there this zoru has seen ganki a crash must be near I must interrogate this zoru our very lives depend on it I will be at your Camp do not keep me waiting man your gear looks awfully good yeah it is good be a shame if uh just happened what are we like level five and it's still like one of my best like I have not swapped my [ __ ] Armor out yet yeah um so the right is definitely going to be hard right now uh it's just it's full of traps and [ __ ] and I feel like we're basically a one hit wonder right now yeah yeah I see a flower I can grab I think no maybe not oh this is where the the people are the people oh yeah we're about to have uh combat yeah yeah yeah which actually if that's the case we want you and I are going to want to probably be up here yeah I'm getting oh here comes dial open the bloody gate nobody gets in zor's orders that pack of goblins will be on us any second what's going on goblins are on our tail open the gate zor now you let goblins here where is the Druid please there's no time why did oh why'd you throw the arrow you have an Archer my guy give it to him that's another pair of that's another thing of ammo I the nine Hells open the gates what well don't do it now they're here yeah you're just maybe after the battle bro what if you got civil oh oh that'll yep get no yeah there you go that a boy yeah there [Music] hey I'm sorry but you guys were stupid enough to lead him back home [ __ ] for a line nice damnable roach oh I forgot this is where will comes in provoke the blade and suffer it sting okay okay will all right out here let's go H asterion and G ch strike oh yeah what a good back stab oh yeah he's dead [ __ ] yeah he is uhoh oh he misses get to The High Ground Raiders guard the bastards wow absolute homie how does it feel to yell and scream and then still miss literally couldn't be me I'm the type of person to [ __ ] all the animals in this game what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean what are you talking about squeeze me you jail a absolute jail um I I haven't gotten to the end of act one yet on our multiplayer playthrough so I've been through act one before but not the rest of the game I'm also playing differently than my other character yeah knock an arrow got his yeah oh yeah all right let's see all right Cruz you got this I'm thinking of attempting to make this guy laugh 60% chance nice now he's stuck on the floor laughing for 10 turns [Music] oh my God that's so funny dude imagine your buddy just starts cackling in combat like I'd be so [ __ ] mad literally just like dude are you serious right know are you dead ass I kind of wish he was actually giggling oh damn it he saved it he got a save roll oh [ __ ] uhoh oh he put freaking grease all over oh we need to move oh that if someone lights that on fire that's not good yeah that that is that idea I don't I don't see it on our floor up here oh never mind now I do I I was like oh I forget the grease isn't black yeah that's oil yeah okay EST Darion I need you to go down here there we go that seems to be the fastest way oh there's a uh a regular bow in here I'll leave it for you just in case but it's not I don't think it's better than what you have no no no I'm I'm more towards like proficient in like cross crows nice so do two hand crossbows oh my God this guy is terrible oh oh but that that guy is starting to get a little there we go you know what's nice is like since we know what we're doing now at the game mechanics we don't have to really think too much yeah okay so bug bear is up and about again which is not good so we're going to do true strike on him nice nice I like it also and I'm going to prioritize him I was going to say looks like on my screen you're still in the grease a little bit just a heads up potentially for next turn yeah that's what I'm nervous about they're they're not really paying attention so you're probably fine yeah no they're going to be focusing on the guys down there first yeah I'm going to focus on the bug bear can I not for sure that Goblin freaking booya over there is still uh there we go oh God damn it I st [ __ ] again no no no no okay oh not what I thought he was about to do what the [ __ ] I don't think so oh St oh okay all all right Shadow heart I need you to hurry the [ __ ] up [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that I meant to click Dash not space well you know what at Le at least the at least that guy's dead that's good yeah that's good like that a better position yeah okay uh hey buddy you're going to use your hamstring shot on bug bear cuz he's facing us and I don't like that okay just kidding oh he blocked it wow he got lucky though Miss get [ __ ] oh my God oh my God he sucks terrible okay we're going to do this okay what do we got here what do we got here I'm still eating [ __ ] on the ground my face is in the dirt nice nice true strike okay weapon action my screen zoomed in so far on him on the ground for some reason all right now careful okay I'm out of it thank [ __ ] all right all right good job all right I am going to wow wow wow wow okay all of this looks like it's a 75 chance bug bears that was big that's huge I do so much damage since it's based off of my Charisma multip modifier now heading there oh hell yeah oh Dash hell yeah Shadow heart there you go all right she's finally in the vicinity a little bit got bug Bears going to die the war's going to die soon he for and freaking did that all right okay storian is no longer poison that's good I the fireball on the on the oh of course of course son of a bit they're pretty low so you know I can't be too we're just we're just going to did you know that Sony made a PlayStation r what does that mean I missed oh that's not good oh no oh nice all right piercing [Music] strike is this this is my uh I have that as a can trip right right yeah my ELD okay I just wanted to double check Blast for warlock is if your can trip goodbye bug bear arguably one of the scariest [ __ ] can troops in the game oh yeah oh yeah no he's dead he's done look at this look at this absolutely go ahead Shadow heart have to keep going unfortunately guess what can can she she barely not close enough the whole fight she's been trying to get closer man nice that was the last of them inside all of you more may follow open the gate open the gate water free oh don't forget to loot I almost almost forgot well careful of looting rather if we if we loot anything that's like their friends will get in combat yeah what's this a pot oh that's just a pot lid looked fancy got excited for a moment potion Goblin citar rotten chicken eggs gross all right all right sick oh Zach we forgot to uh ooh gloves of power that's a friendly looking what do those do yeah what do those do um absolutes Bane on a hit with a weapon attack possibly inflict a penalty on attack rolls and saving throws plus I'm going to give you that oh yeah actually cuz that also you're your physical I'm probably going to be doing spells most of the time M your path lies before me o before I go on here to talk with animals oh hello there cuz uh the animals offer some good [ __ ] through here all right a backstabbing this feels just like consider yourselves lucky first of all show some respect this man saved your pathetic life hell yeah well I didn't ask for any godamn help also uh you have begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself coward the human's eye twitches he's about to blow take a swing at the take a blow with the human if you want me to take you both down I will otherwise knock it off more violence won't bring back those you lost stop and think what uh honestly like he's kind of asking for it they're I feel like they're both asking for it yeah true but he he's like he's over here like man he just saved your life and he's like oh I didn't I don't care oh man should I should should I should I should I give him should I give him a lesson that his dad should have but like on the same token hold on the human wanted to open the gates and [ __ ] which was like instead of fighting him yeah so he was running like a [ __ ] that's what I'm saying so do we take a with the Human Instead of the tling that's what that's what I'm talking about Oh I thought you meant the tling my bad I saw no no Daddy tling was [ __ ] defending my honor does that mean we're about to fight the whole Camp no just this [ __ ] yeah do it [ __ ] it oh no this is going to go so horribly oh my God we're going to change it to the blue dice uh hold on your rooll for just a second if you don't mind uh there was a rough time to have an ad play so I I just want to I know they're going to want to see it the reaction is going to be too good 40 seconds I'll let you know what done like did we did we quick save uh I think it auto saves okay I think it auto saves it might have been before the fight though yeah we'll live with our decision it'll be okay yeah you're GNA fail it anyways let's be honest yeah I'm probably going to fail it like good I have to get a 16 or higher there's no way yeah but hey there's a chance for an at 20 there's a chance all right you're good there's there's a there's a chance all right ready let her rip God damn what if he just just like knocks the [ __ ] out of you that's what I'm saying wait oh roll again oh oh yeah no way no a that would have been so cool it would have been so cool if it worked God damn it he acts before you can intervene oh with a funk man collapses unconscious even when we fail the go have found us no doubt the Beast will be back we need to pack up and leave immediately I like you I like you I like this TL oh that's so funny seems his skull isn't asick you got knocked the [ __ ] out second I wouldn't have looked to a Dr for him but I'm grateful all the same I'm zor hi zevar I'm rera well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve why are they forcing you out those goblins have they been many attacks like that I'll be staying along I need to find a Healer I have no quarrel with The Druids there have been several attacks by different Monsters the The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave so like this didn't make sense CU I'm like what if they need resources I mean I guess they could sneak out but you know yeah um I've tried corga their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare I remember she was real [ __ ] before yeah she's a real [ __ ] I'm My Own temporal concerns I need a Healer what are you offering for my Aid we'd owe you a great debt okay what little we have we'll scrape together it isn't coin we need it's time all right h h i I'm curious yeah I'll see what I can do really we're Messengers now you'll find The Druids at the heart of I forgot I forgot they have old dialog right make them see sense that's what I was like excited about if it's of any concern you're brave to walk around without hiding your heritage yes I'll make sure everyone knows that you helped us at the gate yeah I don't know how I would hide it you know what I mean I'm a [ __ ] drought like I'm I'm blue purple know what I mean it's called White Face Cruise oh no oh no uh let's see I'm going to split this I'm going to try and douse myself in water can I do that maybe not I'm looking awfully dirty I wanted to I'm looking awfully dirty h g throw there we go taada oh nice I can throw it at unless you w maybe you walked out of the puddle wet though I'm soaked I'm no longer dirty I'm not dirty to the gr we go to the grve we go hello Gro hello Aon oh yeah is there anything you need act fast if you do the rich just some bit what are you selling brother um I'll let you do that for a minute I'm going to go Pier so take your time I feel so much better so much better one day I'll catch a break okay all right I'm going to see okay so I don't have enough for the armor but I'm close so I think if we just kill a couple more guys I'll have enough you also have uh Two bows that you can sell I don't know how much they go for but mhm that might put you right there um yeah cuz I'm at 197 gold and the armor is 260 so I think here I can also give you the six that was in both of these are both of these are freaking three a piece easy peasy easy peasy those ice arrows and [ __ ] Are So Good by the way they're so good i' like to see your wares yes please I look like an Oreo milkshake that's what it's making me think of uh lonely thank you for the 13 months dire with the onee lava with the 100 Bitties thank you guys I can do this here yeah crab game's going to be fun harder I always enjoy crab game this guy the offer has been refused bro come on o did you try to haggle him yeah I did calm down uh yeah you do you do have uh you can be encumbered when you have too much [ __ ] won't do it it just depends on the weight uh it's a little overwhelming for you yeah I can see that it can be kind of loud all right hold up I can do this though uh let's do so 12 yeah I like to keep it lower in the one in the lobby screen especially J web thank you for 13 months I appreciate it then I sell that uh is it point and click uh or move uh to move or keyboard point and click to move yeah ah damn uh think of it kind of like Diablo you have your WD for your camera and stuff ice though [ __ ] hey Cruz yes sir can I has four gold pieces Dam yeah yeah yeah that's funny he wouldn't come down from the four he's just he's just he's just a little [ __ ] there you go yeah all right all right Aaron freaking brother freaking see my Wares blah blah blah give me that [ __ ] please thank you hi Viper how are you tonight yeah I heard they're do doing another um they're doing another one of the the the 20 or 40 Man lethal company lobbies it's it's not what I'm proficient with long I can't do it I'm I'm good with I love all the people there but I can't do it so we'll do hi epic how are you tonight what's up dude Jay thank you again for the 13 months dude there we go all right oh yeah we're cooking now refugee is there anything you need fast some and Bs I no longer need all righty uh trade um barter okay oh God I have so many weapons don't think this one's oh that is better but that's two hand ain't it oh it's a shortsword me I'll keep what I got oh that's my favorite thing I love that Tex Lindsay hey what would you like for dinner I don't know you decide it's not really asked I I get uh I get annoyed at Taylor for it purely because I'll make breakfast and I'm like if that's the case you need to decide it's your turn it's your turn to figure it out and they're like I don't know I don't know about that uh I can sell the Pearl and onx I don't think I need to keep a gem collection can I not stack those yeah I I don't know why I took the slave mines but I did I kind of feel [ __ ] up that I did that okay Blood Stone I can sell there shouldn't be any void bulbs so the alien bulb at a Target possibly pull in near by objects and creatures that actually sounds fun what the [ __ ] spiked B that sound that sounds hilarious yeah right what is this shanties for the [ __ ] Queen that's what that book was that I picked up what I was not expecting I didn't read it when yeah it a shanties for the [ __ ] Queen I didn't that's the the book on the coast uh you could pick it up that I didn't read it but I picked it up that is hilarious I love that all right um balance the offer give me all right there we go for the [ __ ] Queen that's crazy oh you can undo and redo [ __ ] interesting doly robes padded armor hedge wander I'm sure I'll get some robes off somebody soon ring of flinging throwing boost the wearer gains a 1 D4 bonus to throw damage interesting gloves of missile missile snaring H you can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks and reducing their damage to your Dexter modifier Drake General dye we have that pale green dye green dye um ring mail arrows he don't really have anything that I'm interested in oh he's got a potion of flying unless you sold that I I'm the one who sold that God damn Sean I I I I literally found a a thing or like from the from the bag that we got at the very beginning where it had a bunch of potions in it I was like yeah I'm going to sell that [ __ ] cuz I need better armor if I'm going to be a ranger and I did and it boosted my AC to 15 the Lord knows I need it yeah you're not you're not wrong that AC bonus to be nice okay I think we can get get dialogue with these guys Hells we can't just leave they're kin I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Boulder's Gate at once can we all just take a moment please what's the point in blades and spells if we don't bloody use them we should stay these people aren't Fighters we can help oh yeah louder that's fine too I was going to say it's really carrying mhm you should all stay a single blade make a difference get out while you can the Goblins will be back I don't really care I could just say nothing Roland's right sis we should leave while we still can or would you deny your brother here his chance at fortune and Boulder's Gate a fine let's sneak away like God's damned cowards but if something happens to these people it's on us I hope you know that later they can do their own thing yeah oh here the go on give me a Best [Music] Shot not bad again some loud blades dude damn I can't do it I'm not like you II I don't need you to be like me do you have tattoos though you just have to buy enough time to run come on I believe in you you can do this hey there can I have a word this WP is hopeless you're wasting your time it's good advice child do you do well to listen yeah scold him you're on the right path II go on now practice what you've learned well met the blade of Frontier is at your the man's smile bends downward and his thoughts become yours you are the blade of Frontiers racing through the Wast of a verus just ahead a diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame bloodied great ax held high heo hell's great fires you are on the ship yeah yeah and what you going to do about it who is that woman the one in your thoughts you saw her then advocatus diaboli her name is carlac an archdevil Soldier I swore my good eye to kill what I tracked her through the hells to the m flare ship but the damn Del liths infected me before I could end her she's out there now praying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a tra she Mommy will I'm going need you to F the [ __ ] up bro ain't no way more concerned about the parasite an excellent suggestion but your party's full off still when the time comes call for the blade I won't be long to answer so go to my Camp a splendid plan we'll talk more there hey hope you guys don't mind but I just yanked one of your like best swordsman out of here sorry yeah he's no longer going to help you in your party sorry bro personal Adventure uh takes precedence over teaching this uh wab be whack ass child how to learn how to a sword they're just children why are you teaching them Pro they're kids in Wartime they should learn yeah they're kids in Wartime bro soak the battlefield with blood do not resist death but embrace it be strong and watch over your kin and trust there's Victory bad news children are all going to die spare a story or two bad news you're all going to die oh my God that that feels like a dark urge like resp I'm not quite that my character ain't quite that [ __ ] up I going say soaked the battlefield with blood oh good job now they're even more scared F okay and leave me alone battle is scary what do you mean the kids are scared to talk to us you think we're not tough enough to defend ourselves I've been training for days oh yeah okay not by anyone all right well I'm proud of you but uh you're already missing an eye there all right bet you didn't see that coming I got to talk to our ax buddy oh yeah gone I am hungry okay it's it's one of them I think it's the far one moo another one moo what are you under there then I love our Bor or rocks what are you talking about Aunt are you calling me small maybe I'm an ax too you have the smell but I do not think so damn you are not like the keepers here they become Birds to hunt on the wing Bears to hair flesh with teeth but for me only oxen only same old hair and I cannot even eat it because the horned ones hide their shiny bits inside yeah let me get the free money shiny bits cheer up you do you do a noble thing carrying burdens for those who can't uh yeah I'm going to be nice to him no ask things thinking that clever not clever sometimes I eat the shiny bits and they have to go look the other end I wasn't going to be able to this money hey gain 15 experience and you got a pouch let's see nice yeah I got two pouches I thought they were going to have uh Lo it but oh no they did uh there is 13 gold and an agate that I nice I have no more to say even old going to head down here you're addressing me no Mattis I'm not going to talk to you you stealing little te yes this yes this is my boy there's something strange about this Ox what is it I I didn't get to figure this out last time please please tell me I get it yes I didn't have our I don't think I I was able to last time at least something's off this creature isn't what it appears to be okay maybe it did I just never pick on this pick up on this before is he just not he's is this a human or something there more me I care to explain whatever your secret is it's yours to yeah on no you are incapable what come on old chap I'm a devil for gossip o which one are you strongest in Persuasion wait exception to hold on fine I heard the tling are going to butcher one of you for food so your secret will die with you damn damn I I get definitely get more with the persuasion roll I'm going to do the first one I'm a devil for gossip come on buddy nice let's go nice I'll tell you this much I'm going to Boulder's Gate with or without the rest of these poor sods now that's all I have to say besides and I really mean this move yeah I don't think I got all that dialogue last time God damn that was lovely I'm happy about that I'm going to I'm going to walk up and talk to these guys this is yeah yeah you're a bear shut up I can crack that open come on come on that's not I did it we will not tolerate Dr in here BR who is it who are we fighting oh the bear uh the it's it's the people down here the bear don't like you either ignore them and proceed I'm not looking for trouble can let me buy why what's so special down here if it weren't for me over my goblins by now keep back force my hand and I'll show you its claws a moment gona what yeah why would she allow one of them I suppose so you apparently corga wants to see you go ahead yeah that's what I thought one wrong move and every single animal here will tear you apart I feel like that's so obvious considering they're Druids like no [ __ ] yeah it's like every animal will tear you apart it's like okay uh but last time I checked you answered to somebody higher than yourself so shut up they don't how about that hi magr all right stone door here we go let's go let me uh head on in with you 4 days 11 hours and 40 minutes till Christmas let me get the whole group I are we not in group mode there let me grab them cuz they they need to be in dialogue too I keep forgetting about that you went in the stone door yeah oh I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger excuse you I don't I don't like you Thief poison what's the girl's actual crime she's she prisoner she's just a child she's a parasite she eats our food drinks our water then steals our most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up see that's a poisonous snake she remains here until the right is complete keep still devil Tila is Restless come we took back the idol surely do it don't cherish Harmony yeah what the [ __ ] jiling the girl distrs Nature's Balance release her I'll see that she stays out of trouble detect thoughts um [ __ ] which one am I which one am I best at uh detect thoughts I have I have a plus three from wisdom for that mhm I could try that yeah it couldn't hurt where is my bonus okay n 20 that's good is gone I am first Druid now I will take control and prove my authority ooh ooh you've proven your Authority now prove your mercy oh my oh man man yeah Fair words child take to the others word of my grace C TAA to me she's just a power hunger [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you cor Master hon hson isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest hea pierce it I'm very egotistical oh oh shadowart has something to say after all that I know that look oh yeah you're wondering why I was in pain before let's just clear the air about that now oh it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about whatever dude it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is in danger of getting away from you it's just something I have to live with how badly does it hurt are you sure it's not connected to the Tad PES turn to to other matters yo mahalic thank you so much for the 20 gift D dude thank you is it cuz Nar hit an quickly so I can manage is she sucking up to me right now she really is turn to other matters also godamn 20 sub let's go yeah it's cuz you hit a Nat 20 but H Rick's would do it every time a Nat 20's been hit dude let's go thanks buddy I appreciate make habit of threatening children I have killed the thief outright we have nothing in common protected your own with a hesitation my comp o oh you're talking to the lady I was I'm talking Shout At Heart uh I was confused for a sec what's the story with the odd little artifact you have she ain't going to tell me oh man do I I as there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it we've been through quite a lot with I know she wants make it more Sy she just wants dialogue a little yeah thank you I really appreciate apprciate it Raina with the 35 thank you thank you how you doing tonight must have thoughts on our little stowaways what will you do if we actually manag to remove the tadp how am I holding up in your estimations I must admit you've been a surprise and not an unpleasant one Kindred Spirits are few and far between for me besides you saved my life aboard the nautiloid how can I do anything but sing your Praises um must have have thoughts about are little stowaways must I thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it find a way to rid ourselves of these things I'm not too hopeful that a GI crash will actually prove our salvation but worth keeping in mind oh boy if um what will you do if I actually manage move the tles I suppose we'd go our separate ways not a slight on your company of course wait delivered I haven't seen the box for that well she's lost it the lead lady yeah she essentially was like a hey you're you must be uh an excellent sword for hire since you took care of the people at the gate you should talk to uh to the T and convince him that you'll get everybody out of here and I'm like I mean I I can I can talk to him I don't know what he'll say though and she goes oh you'll do a lot more than talk and I'm like I can reach for my weapon right now I could do it no one would hear you H but she's also surrounded by a poisonous snake a couple wolves down here three other NPCs I'm like I ain't taking that chance yeah no reason for us to stay together uh not stay together if we get on well where would you go home's gate there's someone waiting for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible family a friend a lover seems personal I won't pry thank you and you're right it's a delicate matter not something for light conversation all right uh I'm good to talking to her H sweet this is fing game of the year I mean it's sold crazy amount of copies compared to most games what do you mean are are they is that one of the people that's like how come Spiderman didn't get bro I was I was [ __ ] talking about that earlier man I was just like it's like objectively looking at [ __ ] you're like actually crazy to think that it wouldn't have gotten it literally everyone is like whether you like the game or not yeah cuz again I loved I loved the game Spider-Man 2 was cool it was fun to play however fix me what will you do just like show about my head the cool combat in Spider-Man 2 and it's literally all cutcenes that people bring up in arguments and I'm like okay if we want to talk about how good cutscenes look may I introduce you to the entirety of balers Gate 3 like like what do you mean uh he's been pestering I'll teach him a lesson I don't think he'll care oh goodness I'm going to do the third one I just want to give you my smell I'll leave you be no wait you smell fresh safe I got him to like me this time you can stay yes let's go oh wait everyone can stream can like check our stuff in Boulders gate like check what we have uh yeah I think with a twitch extension that's pretty cool there that's pretty sick I'm on my way to talk to uh what's his name oh I just closed the door that's awkward uh where you going are you back outside I'm I'm trying yeah I'm outside I'm trying to roll why this ax is looking at me oh where's the I I got to help the bird I can't not help the bird oh no don't take that was the most human sounding moo I've ever heard in my life no way no shot concentrating I love this bird does this look good is the coin in the middle it's slightly off push it a bit to the right I'd leave it out it's too dull that for slightly off yes yes you're right that's it hey what's going on zor what's going on bud I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road leaving the gr the best option I can help can you delay the [Music] ritual hey we have that twin telepathy by the way uh what what do you think I should do here ah I don't even know they don't even seem to like it here that much yeah I we could ask them about delaying it you saw what they were willing to do to a child Just For Trying true cers influence true without her twisting things I believe The Druids might see sense okay then why don't we get rid of her I kind of like that option I'm not going to lie a low thought but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it but The Druids would Slaughter us we'd have to get close to corga within Striking Distance I can't manage that but they've already let you last once hey yo we actually going to do this hey yo uh feel like we're doing a dark urge run if we kill her though we we really are too um should I'm not some murder For Hire yeah doesn't sit well with me either but to get these people to safety there's nothing I won't do you'd be well rewarded for the risk but if that won't sway you there's nothing more to discuss h yeah I feel like the whole Camp would fight us you know L literally the entire Camp would fight us uh I'm um I was playing it so much but when I did a four player game with friends and they wanted to just steal things the whole time yeah it can be a bit chaotic when you run with too many people huh what's that yeah um uh the game awards also are given by viewer votes well I think they also like I think that's the majority of the vote but I think they still there's still a like board that votes like that take I think it's like it makes up like a third or a fourth of the like decision like it weighs to some extent okay I forget where does this even take us uh I don't know where you're at oh I went you're historian I am yeah I I just went up an elevator this squirrel Timber the the squirrel I didn't get to hear her last time I forgot to do my speak with animals hello little fell the squirrel lunges at your foot and bites it what was that for oh what yeah I'm not going to do it cuz I I don't I'm not dark urgent you want you think I should do it bro she bit your foot the [ __ ] or you could say calm down I'm a friend I me personally I kick the [ __ ] out of it I know what happens if we kick it do you I you know what I'll do it just because you haven't seen it wait wait what what happens does it just just kill the squirrel no no all right it pisses her off though you failed well I failed anyways wow that's oh she about to be real [ __ ] mad at me quickly your foot finds only air try it again I Dare You wa trying to kick her again no way what's your problem let's start over be friends okay yeah let's start over you barged in without an invitation I wouldn't call that friendly see you're in my territory and I want you gone you're a squirrel there's plenty of room for both of us warlock intimidation one word and I can fry to a Gris God damn thank you oh oh you're getting that no matter what yeah oh no matter what you're getting that I think if I had done a that one though it [Applause] overrides okay okay calm down we can make a deal how about you can stay if you keep those ugly feet on the ground I'll even sweeten the in the pot found some weird smelling stuff on the ground you can keep it but these trees are swear to God follow the rules and I won't have to intervene got it you're really upy for a for something I can literally shout a word and then you fly off dude I I don't even think I can climb the tree if I wanted to like honestly is there anything over this way though I don't know there might looks like this just leads up to look at this um DIY DIY hole I [Music] am potion of M reading gold and some health pots nice nice uh whoa whoa whoa there's an assassin AAR assassin [ __ ] how we didn't even discover this last time uh hey yo bug bear assassin oh that's awkward crap all right hold up wait hold up all right I have them stuck down there but it'll be okay we can take the bug bear down real easy peasy real easy peasy where you going bro whoa okay maybe we won't hell let's rebuke you [ __ ] [ __ ] owie eldri blast you [ __ ] owie okay offhand attack yeah extra [ __ ] you buddy oh my God he's literally wait just need one hit do it do it do it good come here come here oh no off hand off hand off no that's that's all I can do oh no oh [ __ ] oh I hope he's pissed at [Music] yous I need to hold on oh God thank God nice he has a skull a Morning Star freaking poison and other stuff damn light on my feet oh hey there's a telescope up here and a I mean hold on hold on oh yeah I almost I almost [ __ ] I kind of feel examine tlan cuz I don't know if they're going to know I mean they're not seeing it right uh but if you get her stuff and then walk back into Camp find out yeah done all right I'm peing through it to sleep that's a dragon oh that that was a dragon yeah all right then uh perception I mean they're both squint out the oh you could probably that one I feel like trying to make out further I feel like focusing it would have would be smarter yeah it just might be a higher difficulty not for me let's go let's go not an that 20 but a 20 oh yeah oh yeah you see a red dragon tyrannical greedy and vain they hunt Without Pity all right with the telescope to the left he went left right yeah the telescope points to the left all right the telescope points Straight Ahead all right now what's to the right oh oh the T points to the right right the right what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got oh it's showing all the places gotcha okay all right well now what we go down here [Music] um interesting are we doing the uh we can do two things here we can either go and we can continue obviously we can this story uh we can go to the far right where the uh uh what is it no trap area where yeah where that underground area is MHM um and get the Necromancer uh we can oh we can do a lot of stuff that's a good question yeah what's this how do you Dr do that that's a good question I don't know find pleasure in killing I got a goblin myself yesterday it's awesome shot her through the throat yum that should have killed her but she kept gasping I mean yeah it's not a kill shot cloring at the arrow that's why that's why you got to be accurate dumb ass we don't all enjoy killing I find no pleasure in killing just embrace it the adrenaline the excitement the power M takes you stronger it's a refined taste someone like you would never understand ah yeah we don't all enjoy it I do what I must I'm sorry I just the Goblins the killing it scares me I want to help I just didn't think it would feel like this well that's it's a doggy dog world yep you got to do what you got to do sorry um I thought we were going to be able to tell her about the uh [ __ ] that's been uh yeah that's what I thought it's a little surprised by that um kind of weird that we weren't able to tell anybody about uh you know the thing the dead person up there um let's say [ __ ] it and just do the Trap area I think that'll be some good XP for us we might need to rest long rest though um do we do we have any more short rests or no we do not no well yeah we'd need spell slots back for everybody anyways okay yeah let's do a um let's do that then let's do a long rest let me see and then we'll take on the camp cuz then we'll have two two short rests available as well okay I'm going to work on getting the other guys back over to here I have it on group mode so you would [ __ ] think that they would get over here let's move how much farther can I go okay I'm not going to I I won't engage anybody yet oh my god oh yeah there's a okay so I'm trying to see is there anybody there's that person okay we're going to be we're going to be sneaky about this we go we're going to be we're going to be sneaky about this why did one of the Goblins just revived and died again that was weird what you know what I really miss about gate food freshest fish I ever had um oh okay I don't care for fish red means now I'm going to matter that'll be faster than a Walkin y oh it's the Run I still went to the wrong one overground at at your word I simple enough can hit that Foundation block with a with a arrow get in over there yeah I'm coming hold on what am I eating uh cookie D blast okay you're up so there for a fact there is two just kind of sitting below that uh Foundation block I don't see you am I losing it oh you're hiding right here oh right cuz there's guys outside yeah I would say yeah hit the foundation block yeah yeah all right I'm going to get height Advantage um I'm going to see if she'll get close to it what now if it'll affect her too why is why is group mode not grouping have to keep pushing at least things have stayed interesting all right well I just took out two of them nice nice they are they they yeah they're dead they still don't know I'm here that's hilarious where's the last dude at uh on the stairs gotcha uh can he even hit it from here I don't think so well so much for peace uh 13 okay just kidding [ __ ] my on I go I really need to get that though to be honest all right all right hold on oh God acid that's a choice oh I'm entangled oh there's one up top too so there's actually two left yeah oh you're in a different fight apparently gotcha I'm not I'm not in combat oh you I've been sneaky I thought they still okay yeah they don't know I'm here firebol where is the other uh oh she's up there oh that's more likely I'm going hit him height Advantage I wonder if I can push her off survival is all that matters I wonder if I can get up there without them seeing me uh class damn it to focus oh dude I just see you [ __ ] sneaking okay I need to heal okay you why did you walk damn it should have been more specific I knew better missed hamstring shot [ __ ] all right watch this ready ready watch this watch this you ready you ready are you up to oh oh you almost shoved her off what I didn't shove her off damn it said successful and delicious bro whatever choice but to keep all right well you might need to uh blast God damn it critical Miss we're not going to talk about it uh invoke distract your enemies with an illusion oh that sounds kind of fun uh guidance yeah I could probably use that right [Music] now oh boy twisting Vines oh she's running she run away from from you dude she's still trying to get usion this [ __ ] bro okay can I shove her I can't shove her now because she's in the uh what is it oh I can I can I can get her though I got it uh do you mean I'm going to have him behind this pillar let's do it sometimes the only out so it says it again successful but she didn't she didn't get p P okay he's dead that's very confusing I'm going to go here am can fuzz um have her go up here uh-huh resistance inct protect me okay damn she's still [Music] running she broke her concentration how dare she I know right nicely and now you're dead easy peasy oh my God she has a lot of stuff [ __ ] yeah if not over quarter sta uh Scroll of sleep and scroll of magic armor nice divination without thought all right Federal um yeah there's a door I think I think we could hop down though cuz if we fail that lockpick I should say um Let me let me see if I can open it I do have pick lock picking tools if you don't all right I got it oh I have so many [ __ ] bonuses for this nice that's a seven plus three + one plus one there we go Bing Bong doors unlocked oh yeah all right um let's wait first before we go in yeah let's go uh let's go rest at Camp cuz there's going to be people right when we get in here yep okay right uh is it just me or do you are there two Gales what dude a yeah you see that too right Gail's Mirror Image what the [ __ ] Gail wait what Gail duplicated himself I could already barely tolerate one GA what are you doing I don't remember this happening before neither do I uh gaale is he going to hit on himself be with you in a moment what uh what are you doing in in a spot of vanity handsome devil aren't I what the [ __ ] uhoh be that as it may tham morphosis what does it make you think of uh ice cream I'm eating ice cream let's go uh until quite recently nothing at all first and foremost the damn tadpole uh if you're about to start a lecture I'm not interested damn spot on day one fever and memory loss day two hallucinations and graying skin day three hair loss and blood leaking from all orifices oh what need to go on what shake your head my point is this our orifices remain blissfully unblooded our heads remain clear and our blood temperature normal any expert will agree this is abnormal okay long livey abnormal right I was about to say like Long Live theal toast to that does that mean Gil can [ __ ] me however oh yeah 100% sees only the silence before the storm something to sleep on we should get some rest all right cool no problem girl do you uh do you want to talk to a storian oh yeah oh yeah oh he's at four out of 17 Health that ain't good yeah we're all pretty well him and I are pretty low all right what a tentacle to be seen I'm hoping it'll stay that way naturally but I was thinking what if it doesn't of course first sign of change and I'll have to stop that pretty little heart of yours please do I am open to suggestions knives on you you're already doation whatever you'd prefer mon a w a knife that seems quick poison that sounds painless try it and I'll spill your guts uh not sure how would you like to go oh man woo I'm going to say the knife sounds like that sounds very drow yeah a classic one could thrust to the heart and you're gone we need a good blade of course don't want to waste time hacking and ring with a dinner knife well I'm getting ahead of myself this is all a worst case scenario yeah of course yeah yeah mhm obviously that won't happen it can't and you how should I kill you oh my dear I'd like to see you try now let's get some rest the sooner we start tomorrow the better our chances of keeping this hypothetically oh man he got he's going to sink his teeth into you Cruz right I know that happened to Tay last time now it's going to be me let's go would you like to go to bed yes um uh I'm just going to have an Auto Select cuz we don't have any Al beber eggs this time oh yeah oh there yep there it is it's happening he's sneaking around oh where you going little fella where are you going oh does he not do it tonight oh I guess not he he he went off he went off and did something though that's I wonder if I can mention it so we're traveling with the famed blade of Frontiers I feel safer already uh I think it's better if you stay no huh interesting I guess not fun fun all right bucko I do have I got to got to head off and go edit some [ __ ] I didn't realize what time it was I got on to sponsor Tic Tac all the fun stuff thanks for joining dude appreciate it yeah no problem H yeah yeah all right let me thanks man have a good nighte all right Chad I got to head on out I got uh I got to go edit to sponsor [ __ ] so I appreciate you guys thank you for watching new Subs reubs gifted Subs tips bits follow all that CH dude H rck with another [ __ ] 30 gifted dude you you gifted an insane amount tonight man thank you so [ __ ] much I appreciate it dude thank you thank you um thank you guys all for watching I appreciate it round the number off yo I appreciate it thank you so much um bear I hope you're doing well thank you for the 44 month resub just saw you in here but yeah thanks for watching new Subs res Subs gifted Subs tips bits follows All That Jazz thank you guys I appreciate if you don't know I go live at almost every single day I take a day or two off when I feel like it the best way to know when I go live is turning on your Twitch notifications however sometimes they don't work I I do really recommend no backup I always tweet when I'm live it's also always posted in the Discord Discord is open to everybody you do not have to be a sub to join that in there you're going to get live stream notifications you get YouTube video notifications you'll get community updates such as things as merch drop announcements will be in there um you can also submit Community content and make friends it's really good place highly recommend it um but yeah thanks for thanks for watching guys I appreciate it tomorrow the plan is uh we're going to play some Mario Kart and then we're going to play some lethal company um and then Thursday I'm probably going to play some more balers gate so uh yeah yeah yeah that's currently the plan for this week Friday um I think I've got something I can't remember off the top of my head I think there's a Lobby on Friday no o o that's what it is Friday's crab game that's what it is depending on what time I think it starts at 4: no it starts at 7 I'll probably play balers gate prior to that um but yeah anyways that's the plan I appreciate you guys thanks for watching and I'll see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Kruzadar
Views: 174,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kruz, kruzadar, let's play, baldur's gate 3, bg3, playthrough, warlock, drow, lolth drow, fun playthrough, yournarrator, kruzadar plays, kruzadar vods, kruzadar baldur's gate 3, kruzadar baldurs gate 3
Id: dRA-AQOGcvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 40sec (9820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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