Baldurs Gate 3 - AWESOME Character Creation Mods

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hi everyone I just wanted to talk about balers Skate 3 and some of the mods that I use to enhance the character creation I find that the base game character creation is pretty good um but mods definitely enhance it to the next level I've in the past been quite frustrated whenever I find a picture of a character or something that looks really heavily modded and the mods and things used in that picture are like never listed I find that highly annoying so I wanted to go through all the mods that I use for my characters starting off with the new character creation presets um this is like one of my favorite mods it has like tons and tons of different face models bunch of different variations of like the same type of face um includes both male and female as you can see there is quite a lot of different options I'll link all of the mods that I'm showcasing in this video in the description below that's not the only face mod that I use I also use Vin's other heads this also has a pretty good selection of different types of faces but that's it for the faces now I do use an eye mod and I use eyes of the beholder um particularly I use the glow eye preset um you can use like whatever you want has a ton of different options you can see each mom with like its previews as far as I'm concerned you can only have one type installed that may have changed um you just have to look at the instructions now onto the hair that I use tab's hair salon probably one of the most popular um I'm sure a lot of people have seen this one um but I will show another one after this one that is my personal favorite um but in tab's hair salon there's like a ridiculous amount of options um there's like 352 pictures of like different types of hair it's mostly female hair I find but they have started adding some male hairs now this is my favorite hairstyle mod vel's hair collection the reason why I love this mod is because well I mean it just has hairs that I really like um and I feel like it has a really good quality balance between it looking really close to the original art style of the game tav's hair salon does that as well but I do like that vel's hair collection um it feels like the hairs are quite different mostly different um and it has a really good balance between female hairstyles and male hairstyles um particularly I absolutely love this hair um I love like these two hairs I use them all the time uh this hair is like a 10 out of 10 from me I mean it's just an altered version of aerion's hair but it's different enough that I I really like it now I primarily play male characters so that's why I'm kind of focusing on the male character aspect of this but most of these mods if not all of them are for both female and male characters now onto one of the horn mods that I use which is called horns of fyon this mod just has like a few different styles of horn horns I've seen this one a lot on like so many different modded characters s's horns is also another option that I use for horn mods I use this one particularly on the character that you will see at the beginning um they also are usable by I believe any other race than just teelings now for some accessories trips accessory collection and piercing edits kind of go hand inand together piercing edits adds a variety of piercing mashups available as new sets or replacers it includes compatibility with the trips accessories trips accessory collection adds its own unique [Music] accessories half angel ASMR is kind of like a race mod and also a general character creation mod it provides a bunch of different like Godly looking accessories like wings you can get some like pretty cool stuff like this for example now going hand inand with the half angel mod is the angel wings and Halos this mod adds extra Halos and accessories as well as Wings the last mod that I want to cover is C and else tattoo makeup collection there's probably tons and tons of makeup mods out there but I've been using this one and I really really really like it it adds a bunch of more mystical looking tattoos I also really really really like the makeup that it adds I use it very frequently this tattoo mod does replace the base Game Tattoos and makeups with the new ones so keep that in mind that's it for the mods in this video there's probably so much more that I could show but that list would go on for a very long time but if you do end up using these mods I can guarantee you that aeran will call you beautiful as always leave a like And subscribe if this was helpful for you thank you very very much for watching
Channel: AphyTaffy
Views: 1,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphy, aphytaffy, aphy taffy, BaldursGate3, Character mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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