Lae'zel Origin Honour Mode Baldur's Gate 3 Pt. 7 (Act 2 Content)

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[Music] hello is the Stream going to start the hell is going on here says I've been live for 30 seconds but I can't find my own stream on YouTube there we go I found it I found [Music] it we good everything's going to be okay tonight you guys got nothing to worry about [Music] part seven welcome [Music] back tonight we push deeper into act two for my second honor mode attempt after that miserable failure on the first [Music] run hello everyone and happy Thursday almost TG Michael what's up man hello Vox cheese olives onions and tomatoes that's all I need you're a simple man Candy Land hello Christopher thanks for being here everyone appreciate the thumbs up on the stream good evening jabz Ben Randy hello hey let's do a quick stop at the tavern and let's just jump right into it I got to make sure I finish this honor mode run before too many games Games come out skull what song is that I don't know off the top of my head The Tavern song is the Black Bull Tavern from Doss 2 the starting screen song I don't know off the top of my head if you can remind me at the end of the stream if you're still here I can look it up for you it doesn't show me on my main page it's from my music subscription service and I always change the name of the song when I import it into my OBS program I don't know off the top of my head but it does play at the end of the stream too are you kidding me are we really starting oh my God hi thank you for the tier one sub how are you hey Jackie oh my God why does this happen to me all right give me a second y'all give me a second see if it comes right back all right hold was on one second better that this happens at the start of the stream though I have to uh oh is it working again I think it was working then I just ended it again there we go all right we're back in Action everything's going to be AOK okay are you guys hyped up for Dragon's Dogma 2 or is it only me I mean like I'm getting like not bg3 levels of hype but up pretty high up there for Dragon's Dogma 2 I think in like a week or two I'm going to start exclusively covering that game on this channel cuz I just want to dive into it start playing dd1 again I've been thinking for this sub yeah thanks shy oh hey twitch members is there more emojis showing this time we're slowly but surely improving over on Twitch slowly but surely well that's awkward okay wow that's really awkward all right let's get things started the world's slowest streamer in terms of getting the game started and organizing my chats cor says I'm excited for dd2 but get dampened by knowing how much the pawns won't shut up maybe is there going to be a maybe there'll be a setting on the back ends now with that said um Capcom did say that they recognized that complaint for the first game and that they wanted to figure out a solution for it with dd2 so hopefully it's better pg3 going to be continual awesomeness for 2K hours of fun true Marshall Bloom says clicked on the wrong notification going to YouTube enaville what's up my man enville you gonna play dd2 sh thank you so much for the $5 Super Chat I appreciate that hypothetically what sounds more fun to you a bg3 mod for an unlimited party size bring all companions or level 20 mod max level 12 per class probably the level 20 mod unless the unlimited party size rebalances the game to be more difficult that's my answer to that still got a play your game enil I haven't forgotten about it oh oh yeah last session okay yeah last session we [Music] saved been a while oh my God is what's her name still alive is jira alive I hope she is blackets will be done start off with a little bit of looting you know I took like a what 5 day six day break break from this game and I'm I already feel like happy coming back to it just running around this world hearing the soundtrack living my best life if you have an alter selite robe that's pretty got to remember how to play this game though I think the last Light in might might be one of my favorite soundtracks favorite song on the soundtrack on with you unless you want to come back to a gaggle of Shadow cursed Harpers could be entertaining don't just we're all closer to Oblivion than you might think and when we're gone there'll be no one left to stop cck okay well let's head further into the shadow lands probably should pick up some food here see if I missed anything take a look at my quest log my favorite pizza pepperoni stuffed crust pepperoni hands down I don't need all the fancy stuff I'm a simple man put some cheese in my crust throw a couple peps on the top call it a [Music] night we learned from alala that some of the te were taken to moonrise Towers she's asked us to save them all right looks like there's a burgeoning celite resistance to Shin control of the region 100 years ago we should investigate further at the last late in God I'm tempted to just beine it to cck and move on to act three got to get my golden die you know but it's probably better to get some XP while we're here anything I can steal down here hey it's barcus what's up buddy updated it with more content nice you found your way cool good Scot Sesame Bilo what's up Trey what are you doing here I thought I'd Scout ahead check for any nasty surprises of which I found a great deal it really is incredible all the characters that you meet in act one in this game that can show up in act two and act three and what did you find Shades death Harpers flaming Fist and this of course and the makings of an alchemist's workbench ingredients too there's a recipe I'm trying to replicate something that might help you that is if you're still going to help wbr and the others did you guys see the meme video uh Sven shared it today on his Twitter account I don't know if it was I don't know who made it but somebody maybe a content creator made it it's a pretty funny song about walr it's really silly but it's pretty funny of course I am in that case you'll be very pleased to learn what I have in store for you okay a new type of smoke powder all the bang and boom of the original but with an extra surprise oh I call it the brilliant retort you'll need it if you're going to survive this cursed place you'll need it if you're going to get into moonrise Towers and help the Deep gnomes taken prisoner there you'll need it if you're going to save wbr you guys saw some of you guys saw that was pretty funny been watching my old Witcher 3 stream today holy crap partiall that's probably on the live that's probably not even a public stream must be under the live streams playlist or maybe it was maybe it was the the updated version of The Witcher and how did the Deep gnomes get trapped in the towers barcas they didn't get trapped they were kidnapped taken against their will by those cultists mhm if I ever get my hands on one of them what are you going to do about it gnome nothing with you on the job perhaps I won't have to find out exactly I'll do my part according to my talents and you I hope will do yours okay the brilliant retort will Aid you thus I will make it anything I can do to help unless you've got access to a 300y old Tusan apothecari Almanac your hype for good good hell yeah that's for me to worry about you you do whatever it is you do some of us are counting on you okay you got it buddy I remember this fight in the basement gave me a little bit of a scare on my first onor mode run it gave me a little bit of a scare I didn't expect it it's usually a pretty easy fight all right I already got the pouch I already got whatever's in this room let's go to the backs side now I wonder if I should let's see how many spell slots do I have not much we should probably take a long rest while I risk it right let's go to bed indul breeds Madness flets will be done objective noted it's me aaran you know I feel a connection between us you might be a little naive in the ways of the world whoever's waiting for us at moonrise Towers controls it all I'm just saying of course this all assumes we live long enough to find this but maybe did I ask you to talk aarion all right let's see how many camp supplies we have okay not too bad but that's a little bit scary in act two I can always go back to act one though just got to make sure we don't do the Night song Quest what's Twitter you love that armor on lasel yeah it is pretty classy Isn't it nice monk armor you kind of did ask him you clicked on him Jackie I'm going to ask you to take a two-minute timeout okay's doing her best shows no signs of waking assume nothing what's next I think we just skipped the fight down down stairs all I want to do is just get to level eight I think and then we'll take on cck asse maybe nine I don't know we'll see one true way we shall see folks can't AF to stay idle actually let me do I should do Aid with a Stan he doesn't have call lightning so let's go ahead and we don't need death Ward although it's not a bad idea to put death W on one character in honor mode what am I not a horrible idea so funny having a Starion as a cleric so satisfying forgot that I love I'm only recently level eight right now oh level excuse me I pick up the healing potions in here there's a couple usually that's a book of healing potions oh shit it's freaking Raphael man I almost didn't notice him wish we could play chess with Raphael it's good to see you again I'd ask if you've made any progress with your little problem but the Telltale twitching of your eye is answer enough you again I'm sure your arrival is simply a coincidence my dear nothing is coincidence Mortals trifled themselves with free will as if their bets have not molded every potential path [Laughter] ahead no offense meant of course I'm sure everyone in last Light thinks they could have changed things they're not the only ones ripe for Temptation you know rip for contract here fed me for decades I love fiends you were here before but why family troubles not my family of course I Never Surrender knowledge for free but one good turn deserves another does it not to repay you for the soul sent my way I offer a taste of the truth cck Thor proud father man of Faith utter Fool on the night the Harper sealed him away someone murdered his entire Army in Cold Blood now who would possibly benefit from such a massacre if you want to know more I could work the exchange of such precious knowledge into the terms of your future a deal but the time for quibbling over Clauses and contracts hasn't quite arrived you'll be limping back to me soon enough not with you at least although I sense there's something your friend wants to ask me I do last light music so good I have a proposal for you oh a proposal if you're hoping to taste my blood little vamping think again it burns hotter than wyvern whiskey wyvern whiskey we should serve that at the Crusty wolf Tavern devil my old well a long time ago someone carved some ruins into my back I'd rather like to know what they say I don't know when crossplay is going to be a thing we don't even know if it's going to happen larion wants to make it work and they talked about it in the past but they never confirm that they're going to have it like from we're talking from console to PC what are you talking about aarion what scars you haven't told them and you've kept your clothes on this whole time how unlike you why not let them see don't be shy bad replicator is not here she'll be proud of of me oh my God a sorry am don't worry I'm motivated to help you scars often tell such wonderful stories I think yours might be truly Exquisite I'll see you soon is that part of my underwear set sh well my pajamas now you know Gods The Carving must have been excruciating kazador worked on it from dusk until dawn or with an ancient blade he called his needle cutting and tearing starting over if I screamed or winced too much it was a rough night but what's done is done so how how about we stop talking about it and just get on with things although I should probably get dressed first does Darion shave his chest or do High Elves not have chest hair action not wow look at the particle effects when Raphael goes away that's something else I crave bloodah traitors Among Us a child taken that was Mo and still I can only feel relief mhm if they had taken Isabel too let's just focus on defeating cck agreed we must end the threat at moonrise alt together with your help we stand every chance of doing just that I trust that you will okay godp speed you hero May Christ be with you who the hell is this guy oh this the Harper eag for B stop of the shop real fast then we're going to head out into the dangers of the Shadow curse I sold a pair of boots to that CH can't believe it my elves can have no shame hey Michael um I'm looking for camp supplies to be honest with you running a little low in that category right [Music] now D still a lot I'll take it all sure why not pretty sure if you ran out of camp supplies you could just keep spamming partial rest take a long rest but only do a partial rest and then the vendors will [Music] resupply um we should take that too absolutely abolutely [Music] oh one of [Music] those well hello nice oh yeah life is good God five Scrolls of hold monster do I have any I used hold monster so much on my first honor mode run that like I can't even imagine life without it and I don't have a wizard I only have 2400 gold right now see if there's anything you need we don't know when the next blow might land you know you can't really use hold monster and act two that much though because almost everything is Undead although your gear is not but I think I can kick your Gear's ass without it you know this cost so much it's crazy I mean rightfully so oh no it's 1,200 I'm going to do it let's just have one all right right let's head [Music] out won't hold out the darkness forever just about you shouldn't hang [Music] around the lantern gives off a chilly glow protecting all in its vicinity from the surrounding Shadows you notice a tiny pixie trapped within these Fay creatures are Infamous for their trickery sometimes playful sometimes give us a game in the fa wild please oh please oh goly be so much fun you must release me or I'll die this Lantern only lights the way I am hurting night and day who are you my name my name is Dolly th now won't you free me from this Vice and what's this mechanism at the base of the lantern I dare not name it new FM friend the faintest touch could spell my end finally been trapped in that coffin with no one but a m Rider and my own farts for company did me a good turn there didn't you what do I owe you used to be annoyed with jir and bg1 and two she did have a bit of an attitude in the original games she's more of like a grandmother figure in bg3 so I think she nied up a little bit it started my first game ever and I can't get past the first fight what fight are you talking about the nautiloid ship or the intellect Dev hours when you're off the tutorial area hey don't sweat it too much though triple happens to a lot of us first playthrough if you don't have any knowledge on the rules and mechanics of fifth edition DND D or bg3 can be really tough but try to figure out what you did wrong take it slow and in no time you'll be cruising through act three trust me okay uh jpp thank you so much for the five gifted memberships over on YouTube holy crap thank you thank you up Arthur we heard that Laren St is trying to buy the right to D and D Foley I don't believe that that's true I think there's a possibility that maybe tensent might be buying some form of Ip ownership over digital DND for video games I'm looking into it I might make a video on it in the future don't trust out all the clickbait titles that you see on YouTube and on uh Google as well there's a lot of misinformation floating around about that I need to get through this Shadow curse can you help sure I can but will I yeah sure why not here give this Bella a shake speak the magic words and you'll get what you've earned protection from the shadow curse what more could a dingus want ow owns 30% of laran Studios believe it or not they have for a very long time um they seem to have a hands-off approach for a lot of the gaming companies that they invest into like obviously tent was a good thing for Lan Studios because they probably provide a lot of funds for Lan to use and they didn't seem to have like a controlling aspect behind their ownership I would that said Sven and his wife own you know 66% of the company so they have majority but been blessed already haven't you move with your life action not reaction all right let's get into some battles hey Z y'all Y PP thank you again that was awfully generous thanks for amazing times on your stream some membership gifts for the community I'm sure they appreciate it I do thank you you love do do wondering if I should go fight that big ass tree thing or if we should just go right to garang goth thorm let's go right to garang goth thorm right now probably give me a nice chunk of XP you don't like what they did with Minsk forgettable huh I haven't heard anybody say that yet but I respect your opinion I've heard people not happy with the viconia rendition and sahak but I haven't heard people complain about Minsk yet okay should we go this way isn't exactly that's the main Bridge yeah it is we also have the KU TOA that I could fight too or did I already do that I don't know yeah listen to that music fires are everything [Music] PJ thank you for the $5 Super Chat what's up we figured i' catch a bit of your play before I get to playing my game make sure you save Isabelle this time Isabelle has already been saved my friend your $5 went to good use thank you stop rolling I knew that I took a bridge that I wasn't used to something didn't feel right when I came across here this is the bridge I usually I actually didn't know that you could get across right there that's my first time ever using that bridge that's funny you guys ready for a Garen goth thorm fight maybe we'll take weapon unfortunately my characters are poor I was going to say we could take her weapon and then use it against like some other bosses in the game by doing that reverse pick pocket thing just to test it out but I don't have a lot of gold so I don't know if reverse pickpocketing is going to do anything for a poor boy like myself you know so many gith Yankee slates that really not even come anywhere over here yet no Let's do let's do gar go first let's do her first man is such an epic entrance into the second section of act two Toll House Harper prayers and protective charms the pre D and's Dairy is that rotten jeez I smell I remember on my first playthrough of this game I pushed gar go thorm off the roof and I was so proud of myself so proud of myself it was so much fun will be done I had no idea really how the fight worked at that time you know I didn't know that you had to take the skulls out I want it back touch me want it back now over here that's curious H Hulk thanks again TJ what do you bring who are you oh Harmony and a greater understanding of this place I require go oh if I give you gold what do I get in return you can pass but you must pay the stream almost die yeah I lost a lot of viewership there for a little while sorry I don't know what's up with my internet um it seems to me that you have enough Garen goth no no I want her armor that would be awesome you must he uhoh I have no more gold shit hopefully she doesn't get first in the order of turns if you cannot pay might get one shot here canot pass gold gold gold he likes your gold Michael thank you for the twoo Super Chat appreciate you as always thanks for the long time support she did get first in the order of turns no way oh my God thank God she missed okay that was close oh I really have like no gold anyways um I'll send it to Camp just in case all right just going to show you oh yeah I forget I'm on honor mode we got to be careful we have legendary actions to deal with when she loses a piece of armor gang go Thor can try to sublimate her foes turning them to gold oh yeah I remember that happening attempt to turn your enemies into solid gold uh-oh that's a bit of a problem oh wow these things have 44 HP since when what in the nine Hells is going on dude I might be in big trouble right now I might be in big 607 HP what if I can actually knock her prone not I will take psychic vulnerability cool I don't have any psychic spells though [Music] 31 damage let's go baby let's go folks will not be [Music] for get her boy [Music] really love how she just comes apart like that and you just find like this hag looking lady underneath this will help you her 6K gold yeah I don't got that I'm a poor boy thanks Kenan you know it's funny I I several people have told me that I like how your streams are laidback and chill and um what are other streams like is everybody else just screaming all the time or something I'm still trying to figure out why people say that I appreciate I appreciate the feedback though and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon but I'm always just like people always say that I'm like what do I do like what am I doing my am I is it because I don't [Applause] scream like all the twitch streamers do uh-oh Global invol oh excuse me Global vulnerability is so good Brandon one of the best spells in the game absolutely hands down Okay so let's go ahead and just do one of my Fav how do I not have Spirit Guardians oh I do let's go like this and then we're going to simply just jump right into the middle of all of this oh that was spectacular that was spectacular I miss this um what do we got on the ground here oh my God scratch no my boy no my God turn to Gold can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions okay um let's take out the other skull I think it's just the way to go with this actually I could come up here let's do perfect love it love it love it two skulls left nobody needs a heal a little bit worried about lasel this is going feel good hold on hold on let's think about this through spiritual weapon can take out this one all right [Applause] wonder how much damage this is about to be this is on honor mode difficulty moral confinement oh no watch this okay we're good how many skulls do we have left I think it was just one nope two skulls so we have the coin hellbird coming up next what can that thing do really nothing really not that impressive I don't think it does extra damage my character's gold I don't know 80% chance let's do it oh my God man this is good really isn't that funny it's a disgusting creature highly creative avarian studios though thanks V you have a calm voice and you keep things real Spirit Guardian is the best spell in act two did work protecting hson at the portal I think it's one of the best spells in all the acts to be honest with you you can get so much damage if you just know how to work the battlefield hey zillan how are you man hey zillan I was watching the ashes of creation presentation only a couple minutes of it I just went to their YouTube channel and watched a couple minutes of the Caravan PVP dude I'm getting so hyped for that game we're going to get back to covering ashes of creation on the channel here very very very very soon I'm so excited what's up Oliver takes one to No One charlatan Inspiration Point look at my party three of my party I'm actually kind of I got to be careful here three of my party members are frozen gold right now I don't think I've ever had the fight go on this long before Oh She summoned another hellbird wonder if there's a way to get a character okay it's just a is it a con this fight is pretty isn't it it's a con save I think every every round to get out of the gold 7 HP when you strip her of her gold armor that's just crazy you guys want a romance scaring go thorm the hell seriously couldn't have thought of a better idea myself two misses man be fighting an army of Hell birds herei and better off for it the twist of Fortune enough time wasted battle awaits when you roll at two or less with this weapon's damage die roll it and take the new result all right we're looking pretty good and I got to pick up all the gold on the ground here you guys have to remind me that I sent a bunch of gold back to my camp quickly then did laran Nerf this weapon or am I remembering this wrong I thought that Garen go Thorne dropped the weapon that the more gold that a character had on them the more damage you would deal I'm wondering if for Honor mode they took that out anybody know you never fought this boss P doong not too bad if you take out the skulls first you never did this fight either this is the toll house you got to pay your toll before you enter into act two come on folks stop avoiding taxes for kp's sake GMO says I lost my honor mode playthrough last night by picking the wrong dialogue with vth oh man let's get some L's in chat for GMO there it is strike out greedily dealing an additional three piercing damage per 300 gold that the target possesses the gold will be consumed I thought it would have showed up here you can see on aarion right now blood Money okay put the Leander mace back on yeah that's a hell of a rip right there man at least it's only act one it's the end of act one better than act three though you know onward IND breeds Madness it could have been worse just a sad way to lose your honor mode run to dialogue you did mess with a goddess though well is she gotd us that's curious the Lich Queen going take my gold back right now so I don't forget Hance breeds Madness a scratch died in that fight I just realized that oh enough waiting I crave blood I already I already looted the safe right oh no I didn't is there not a key to the safe [Music] somewhere action 514 gold not too shabby hey good looking assume nothing oh you lost against answer Justin you know that's a respectable fight to lose though it's probably probably the hardest fight in the game if you're not like fully familiar with all the boss mechanics has has some of the most unexpected you know AOE abilities that are extremely powerful out of all the bosses in the game very easy to tpk when a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition the wielder gains Arcane acity all right who should we fight next an efficient path still have plenty of spell slots we don't have to take a long rest just yet IND bre Madness I'm feeling a little OCD with all this gold on the ground though I feel like I got to pick it all up even though it's not really going to be that much and all is said and done dirty election thank you for the prime Think answer is the toughest yeah he just does so much damage the bartender yeah we could go kill him sure or malor I think I want full spell slots for malor though he can be kind of a pain sometimes flets will be done no sense in searching any of the barrels here for food cuz it doesn't exist in the shadow Cur lands shit top of the statue this is a funny little soul trapped in but who put them there and why oh nice that's a good thing I came in here enough waiting I crave blood all right let's go fight Mr beerbelly then we'll take a long rest could go to moonrise Towers right now though I wanted to this will do get a few items from the shop oh crap there's that one room that I need to go into how to get to itle yeah my first playthrough I pushed garang go thorm to her death right down here I was so proud of myself blackets will be done I'm assuming you can probably do that in honter mode too a couple of the bosses you can't shove anymore Cazador FaZe spider mama Spider Queen yes there's this one room it's on the second floor I just don't know how to get to it hold on let me come outside let's see there's one room that's not it come on let's go not losing my mind I could have sworn there was like a special room here let's go oh it's this room right here can't see that well with the isometric C oh man now I have to have carlac lockpicking that's not good could break this chest though medium toughness let's break it wonder if I can how much damage do I need let's see resistant to piercing and slashing so if we pull out whole faithful here I think we can get the job done nothing in it what so it's already been mythbusted that breaking chests doesn't cause you to lose loot but I feel like it did right there maybe just bugged out on me or something that's a bummer action not reaction all right let's go see what the big boy is up to I don't think killing these guys first is going to affect me going to moonrise Towers could be onong though a Distillery if the sign weren't clear enough the odor would be or I could try to outdrink this guy what do you guys think should we try or do we fight him who has high constitution in my group 14 on the monk 14 14 looks like Shadow heart okay so let's send Shadow heart to the bar my faith will guide me let's see what happens here yes without delay there is work to do how delicious what's the story my patience wains shall we wit and Blades you guys want to see if Shadow heart can drink oh and performance oh man you're right I forgot about performance my monk would have been the best one to do this light a hand go back down W you whistle tell you story what in all the nine Hells are you son of Thor son of Sword Coast go on Che Bottoms Up Carol thank you so much for that leaning in you can see how the creature's skin barely holds it together the Bulge of its belly is on the cusp of bursting wide open go on make it drink be Dr you and I both skull to our good health oh yeah you do have slight of hand forgot about that oh we have cleric saving throw too oh that's great I'm going to do that it's tied or just a regular saving throw but whisper a prayer to your God and then drink that's really funny oh no that's not good Snoopy killer with the 20 gifted memberships over on YouTube God bless fyon holy crap the entire YouTube chat is now a member thanks Snoopy not the first time Snoopy has done that the liquid burns your throat as you swallow but otherwise you feel no ill effects but such a small shit you take thanks Snoopy feel not you will soon qu as I do wow is right it's a $100 donation it ain't cheap now tell me a story a fa Fable Fable 4 anyone can we get some damn gameplay on Fable 4 says could have gifted me before I became a member oh yeah this would have been where we needed my monk this is uh this is rough here I've seen the Goblins vile rituals with my own eyes oh no I think it's over let combat begin here we go oh let's let's give it one more try oh should I do it one more time I feel like I'm getting addicted to gambling right now one more time can't hurt right oh no one more just one more wouldn't hurt right still have two left it is Diet rer yeah musy what's up no we're not yeah one more can't hurt it's not a big deal told you I can hardly bear tolerate endure if only in my mind such daring you ask you drink then you amaz anduse Stone me again Lan's got some really cool characters in act to as your drink call upon your God to steady you we're still in the game not my first diet root beer your belly rumbles as the vile Brew fills it what do you guys think this is Amateur hour mind remains miraculously steady thanks again snooby more St I got to do it again me of f f villain f Quest Beast bastard all right an ow bear mother lunged at me I slaughtered it in reply oh he's going to like that story minus one for Charisma you know when the game some some people are naturally good at these games and I happen to be one of them commiserations the god-given talent this place is my mother it Tee of car it milk is bared ask question me got do it one more time think you just summoned a that one wolf is so humble thank you thank you appreciate that swear Eternal Devotion to your Divine as you knock back the drink you guys really think I was going to fail that come on it's simple math each Swig is as painful as the last but you remain in otherwise sound mind and body I know you I knew I I wish we could see this guy before he turned into this you know a century ago when rithin was a prosperous Town one father's personal missterious sa sa no not never father said ordered command don't say it don't say it cage cage die bu bu in Father me this is when you discover that Cath is bal's father I can't bearish it's interesting because you don't hear cck talk of FAL uhoh oh that's so disgusting I know the feeling now let's just say I paid the toilet a visit earlier today what I ate spicy wings why you guys going to get so offend name yeah cther doesn't talk about theal nor can you find like documents of Theobald in Moonrise Towers which makes you think maybe Theobald was a bastard child before cck married um melodia there's really no documentation to know for sure maybe he's just like a neglected son but then again he runs the the Waning Moon Tavern I'm sure back in the day this was probably be a big deal what's that Benjamin blanket the Rat Bat my facei protects me those helmets are ugly well I guess we got out of that fight right hell I thought I just hit helmet oh there we go I wonder where larion got all the sound effects in this game like the bottle the sound effects of the bottles clacking on each other like do you think they bought that from like a place or like they like had someone grab a couple wine bottles and make it in the studio be interesting to uh know where all that comes from what are you hiding probably made it themselves I would imagine 90% of the time you have hide helmets on yeah some of them are pretty ugly but I don't judge you know easy 12 oh the punch drunk bastard Club got to be drunk and then you get advantage on all of your attacks looks like a trap there pretty clever right Theobald talks as if karck is his father but cck doesn't mention Bal at least from my records and then malis thorm seems to be cck's uncle or something like that and we don't know where garang goth falls in the family tree then of course you have Isabelle as his daughter and melodia is his wife but both of them passed but Isabelle has been resurrected with the aid of one of the dead three Merkel Lord of Bones ready the lord of the necromancers the god of dead find it weird that Krick had other sons and only cared about Isabelle yeah that's why nobody really knows what's going on with that I wish there was like an explanation somewhere in the game that told us what happened because you could have story reasons that make sense right you could have perfectly reasonable explanations for that M need greater anyway okay we are halfway through level eight let's go kill I go kill maltor I feel like I want full spell slots for malice he scares me sometimes malice can be a scary one now letting Shadow heart kill aen no not in honor mode I would like alen's help for the cck fight a huge power boost action not reaction maybe I maybe I would be fine doing malast storm right now I have a lot of spell slots just not that much whatever it takes assume nothing can't remember what his legendary action was what did malis Thor do don't remember consider me intrigued oh yeah something to do with like his summons or the nurses what lies within when you deal damage to them something along those lines or maybe that's what the mechanics always are burst out of his breaches securing guy's voice is funny assume nothing we're in the same area slice nice God speed to you holy artist for bg3 the sound effect was bought from the war movie um no getting drunk does not heal you unless you have the drunken amulet which you can pick up in chess's caress on worms Crossing then it will actually heal you that's the only way for it to heal you careful I'm so if you're doing like the drunk build which I did do a video on that if you guys want to learn how to do a drunk build a crap if you're doing a drunk build you put that amulet on every time you sip alcohol at the cost of a bonus you get a little bit of HP back all right let's kick some ass no time to waste easy dub easy easy dub [Music] quick character fell through the elevator can you fast travel out of there you're on honor mode I don't know what to tell you good luck I guess that sucks covered let's finish this got to move so powerful God Tavern brawler monk is so good my path be true I almost wouldn't even recommend that players do like a strength Elixir build or something like there's got to be some downside to playing the tavern brawler monk you know there's got to be some downside it's already so damn good just massive damage death's cold grip yes it's crazy [Music] folks surrender I'm ready no time to so much fun though I'm ready quickly huh I don't know where this thing is ah over here monks with stunning chest yeah open hand mon for the win right EB is busted and needs adjustments that's what I'm [Music] thinking poor [Music] fucker what is up with carlac today like absolutely atrocious okay the game's bugged there's something going on in the back end let's end this taking position skill issue true that's cous you see a man drain his tanker in an inn as he listens to a flaming fist play the loot he's better than his uniform might suggest a button inscribed with nonsense no l you catch a glimpse of the loot playing flaming fist it's the catatonic man you encountered in last Light in that might be worth a look pick up rotted rotten food consider me intrigued we don't even have to do this Char Temple thing right now let's go this way eager for battle probably want to try to do a couple more trash encounters oh I never saved Arabella did I don't think I did here lies sister Kevin a more devoted claro blacksmith of renown may he make iron sing in the after live yep I'm currently live on YouTube and twitch right now the warning Bond ring assume nothing action not reaction found and taken what happens if I go fight cck what happens if you fight cck right now like I skip the whole Dame alen and everything could try that sometimes sure some of you guys have tried it but doesn't let you it will happen up Eli he's invulnerable oh yeah true he's siphoning Dame alen right now does it let you try though Bain death boots Hance breathes Madness action reaction all right we've made it to the House of Hope all these dark slain in battle they must have aold nearby or get the Raphael seene real fast our hero thought but a treasure ahead did not consider the Peace of the Dead through the dark she went creeping and awoke what was sleeping a new Grave they dug which she herself take fed oo [Music] spooky did carlac just say ooh spooky are you saying there's treasure ahead ah greed my favorite virtue I've grown quite fond of you you know in my way I thought it only fair to warn you about the dangers ahead don't be absurd it would be pointless of me to try to BU you from entering but I can set the scene as it were prepare you for your role there is a stage down in the dark upon which a great drama has suspended itself in time its actors dwell there still mired in the Langer of their long tired scenes if you however through the dark go creeping and awake what is sleeping chances are many more Graves than yours alone will soon be fed paint me a clearer picture than that grass log thank you so much for the prime I'm a mentor not your mother I don't wax poetic about bogey men to keep you on the straight and narrow by all means stray explore hunt just don't indulge in the illusion that you're the greater Hunter I'll be pleased to follow up on your little escapade AES in your Camp one of these nights should you live to tell your tale that is and don't think I've forgotten your tale asarian when the Beast is dead I'll consider that payment enough to translate those scars of yours a fairer deal than I expected you wound me Spawn I always deal fairly and we'll close this particular deal soon enough Vanquish the Beast and all will be revealed T and those particle effects something else all right since I have a little bit of I have like enough spell slots to where I can enough waiting I crave blood I have one more short rest too damn it's good to be alive I'm going kill a couple people in the temple of sh I think or I could go fight the KU TOA yeah we already got that and ulence breeds Madness go unlock the Temple of sh Way open up Sig attempts to restrain lady up elk I don't I you know what's did I even go to The Druids Grove on this playthrough I did and I killed the I killed the herpes but did I ever talk to Netty I don't think I ever went down into the room where kaga and Arabella were I think I totally just didn't do that so no Arabella is probably [Music] dead whoever you are leave I shall carry out General form's will alone here lies melodia Thor beloved wife and mother a arel man here cck's wife who passed away from a mysterious illness enough waiting I crave blood he was a starch supporter of saluna how can she be gone where did she go Moon Maiden cannot be so unfeeling so cruel not toward her most devoted servants not after melodia it makes no sense it makes no sense I won't survive it that much I know forgetting is the only possibility the Embrace of Oblivion reprieve of nothingness would not be possible for a man to survive knowing what he knows knowing what can be lost Char understands that hers is the only Mercy I can comprehend my mind is full of holes yet not enough The Emptiness the time the nothingness and still I remember still I remember it all there's no mercy in this Beating Heart there is no mercy in life at all Krick turned to sh the goddess of lost to help him but his mind is still full of holes eager for battle interesting Sig not that I know will care who it belongs to something over there guess we're going to be digging through the okay it's not really on the [Music] concrete I don't think I ever had the party unless I'm just not remembering correctly too many played this game too many times I don't think I did the party but I did get credit for saving the Tans We rescued hson and we know that Tans are currently being kept at moonrise Towers pck is greater than Orin and Orin is greater than gorach yeah I think I would agree with that ATT I think orin's a really cool character there's just she's just not as developed as huh oh yeah there we go we got a cloak out of that I was going to say cath just got such a deep story in act two wish we could see him in act three you gain eight temporary hit points after casting a spell while in melee we'll give that to a cleric cuz they're always in melee not always but a lot of the time action not reaction all right that's CX volume three we're going to come back for that go over to this side do volume two Bones on display but not as trophies some form of dark ritual got there goes up to something in here worth examining forgetting evades me in this infinite Darkness belar is my own source of the beest Comfort the thought that perhaps she might be brought back to me if Oblivion can fail what defense have we against death none except its Mastery eleazar's words have never felt more promising mastering death cck not good my man so you're not headed down a good path all right let's read Diary three and then let's go down yeah night Andale Early Access I believe is February 22nd melodia would understand if she knew my aim she too I believe would have turned to Merkel under such conditions as these our darling will live again what kind of man would I be if I didn't raise the world entire for her sake that's why cck story is interesting CU it's like breeds Madness relatable yet not relatable hopefully it's not truly relatable for any of you guys in this chat will be done putting yourself in his shoes it's somewhat relatable as to his actions that he took to a certain degree I guess you could say an open Tomb perhaps the occupant was Restless El ol pres is near this is Isabelle's tomb apparently Isabelle is [Music] alive St Vig there are traps here we have moonrise Towers right here a cent over a century ago when it used to be the town of wraith win a shining Tower A Primitive depiction but not unpleasant a town of saluna worshippers an Elfin mourning a fruitless tradition and then C's wife and daughter dies take heed I see a TR and he turns to sh and raises an army for her and then turns to Merkel after that that dis is the way forward I should see where it takes me oh I got to fight Bazar again too I don't have to kicked his ass last time just want to get to level eight and then I'm ready for cck you know the funny thing is I bet you if I I killed malist storm and urar I would probably be level eight I could probably just go to moonrise Towers right now uh well I have to do the Dame alen scene I could probably do dame alen then go right to moonrise Towers oh yeah I'm going to have to fight belthazar never mind there's no way around that one just don't have to fight him in the first room we not saving the Gnomes and the T I don't know does it really matter on this play through not like I'm really rping anything you're going to play the dungeon Barn open Beta maybe at the end of tonight's stream I'll play a couple dungeon born rounds enough waiting I crave blood sh before my very eyes I had fun playing that the other night lady guided me here she she wanted me to find this place go to Moonrise and get quests that I missed pretty sure I did all those on my other on my tactician run many moons ago rogish what's up sh's Warriors must not be C must not be drinked I'll probably take out Bazar in this first area rather than down at the bottom proceeding remember this room bugged out on me the last time that I was here I spotted a trap new with purpose a trap just as I expected I like how this puzzle is all about darkness when we're in the gauntlet of sh or Temple of sh Hing oh my God connects the puzzles like that as powerful as it was unexpected connects the puzzles to the lore stay vigilant there are traps here Lan did an amazing job with these characters true yeah cleric's the best man one of the best classes in the game if you ask meum nothing having two of them oh so sweet nice having two clerics and being able to drop guiding bolts too cuz guiding bolts already powerful as it is but then also giving advantage to my melee characters my fighter my monk it's nice sacrifice vampire boy to ball flets will be done apparently you can use knock to open the door and let Bazar do the fight for you and possibly die huh the rain of Night comes in a thousand Falling Leaves just love all the different environments in this game the contrast between them I didn't even know you could walk up on this ledge taken makes my life a little bit easier assume nothing I really missed doing these puzzles for the first time though there're so much fun trying to figure them out that happened to me a lot think lasel think there must be a way around it I was so nervous coming in here to try to grab the umbrell gem welcome child follow my voice and prove your worth all right there's a couple of quick trash mobs that we can do oh enough waiting try to expend a few spell slots and then we'll take a long rest I do like it down here it's nice H but yeah I think we will go to moonrise Towers before I fight Bazar we're not going to do Bazar right now you upset am I need to stay focused got to press on now this is my happy place oh I have my stupid Hammer right now got to switch her weapon look for the slaughter Qui what made you decide to use aarion as the other cleric um nothing in particular he just happened to be in my group at the time what should I do my injuries Victory awaits taking position my turn let's have some cage radiant rort true true I got to make sure I don't let radiant retort take me out this run I always forget that opponents have it up and romance sh her voice is sexy I want a romance shs mean am I dealing radiant damage oh I am you know why my faith will that's why I took damage cuz I have manifestation of soul on as my passive right now take you know it's funny though I think it's worth it here we go we're going to do time to move ah that was pretty sick might have cost aarion his life but it was totally worth it saves me a lot of time here keep fighting nice little nap well obscured in the shadows I've always been interested in doing like a Darkness build obviously warlock could work potentially well with that melee warlock do an entire party that just based off of hiding in darkness that would be pretty cool a dilapidated Panther assume nothing all right um hurting pretty bad now I think it's about time for a long rest if I can unlock the there we go the Waypoint has been unlocked um could also do stupid rat could also quickly bang out one of these trials does have a nice voice no time to D have to keep pushing the B contains an ancient rusted blood stain it forms a neat disc as if spilled calmly oh have you never seen that spell before what spell you talking about this as a trial where initiates would prove themselves you're probably talking about the AOE radiant attack that I just did that is specific to the light cleric that's probably why you haven't seen it before values those that can remain unseen and can still obtain what they want stealth is a virtue derived from her very essence Within Reach not one false move what's that oops did this one wrong stay vigilant God bless here this is an interesting way to handle this maze but I did it steing Shadow a simple task certainly took the stress for route that time but that's a okay okay the more entertaining route right not bothering to romance anyone on this playthrough probably not not like I get to enjoy the romance scene anyways CU YouTube Just age restricts me we don't get to watch naked peeps on this channel ini selfsame trial I wonder if I do the selfsame trial if they will have full spell slots for that will that would actually be kind of a nice one to do right now something in the air down here you really and good onward I got to heal myself up though is this a selfsame TR it is Soldier hey could probably just put this in my inventory wonder if that makes a difference probably not just in case I'm going to drop it on the ground I think I went through this last time whatever comes I'm ready flet will be done there time to waste I'll give it a try another Bowl bearing this another of Lady Sha's trials that her initiates must you can just unequip that's what I just said I just wasn't sure her Embrace will elude us until we shed that which holds us back so I did it this way want to dance H now I get to double check all my loot anyways cuz I think I was not optimized as good as I possibly could be so carlac we're using boots of speed I [Music] believe 15 13 13 14 so we're using oh that one's 15 let's use this one when the wear deals nope I don't want to do that let's put that on my cleric what a day enough waiting I crave Blood let's get on with it that's badass trust no one proba go back and buy a cloak all right let's gather around children action not reaction I wonder what the next move is well well well f enough waiting I crave blood action not reaction what's the story action not reaction an efficient path indul breath Madness unheard unseen all right and then after this we'll take a long rest and we're going to go back and do some boss fights sure we're going to get some XP for this Prime SP for okay we got LEL you serve my purpose staying out of sight something smells tasty we got Shadow heart can't afford any mistakes on with 12 Armor class well well and then baby carac too tall for this oh no no no no no no no this way please he's got a loot Lookout Boulder hello nope I'm going to be going to moonrise here very very shortly before I do both is are need to keep focused my patience [Music] Reigns interest I need to concentrate want to dance to die 96 damage let's go let's go baby on my way for the [Music] throat carac is missing everything today it's crazy hey Shannon taking position uhoh somebody's [Music] closer can't give up how do I not have inflict wounds prepared right now that is a horrible cleric folks oh really you cheating bastard put him up see you close ranks after seeing the voice actress for LEL I kind of have a thing for LEL de is the best did a great job with their character [Music] too some fun got to concentrate where'd she goting up where'd she go let's turn someone inside out there she is oh come on really talk to me really really [Music] really hello puppet how are you I'm Fury just going to go invisible again about to kill her with a different character time to kill let's go what's the P see you 62 damage no big deal just what we do around here just an average you know damage roll nothing really to talk about too much indolence [Music] breeds you guys think the award ceremonies are jokes killer sweetheart all right nice we made some great progress in The Gauntlet of sh let's go ahead oh you can't fast travel out of here will be done almost level eight almost almost almost let's go back [Music] to yeah take a little nappy poo yeah de wild and several the other voice actors and actresses have their own YouTube channels where they're posting their balers Gate 3 playthroughs and all sorts of fun stuff she invented some of those phrases for the GI Yankee herself oh that's cool I didn't know that of a battle come on come on folks there we go I saw one speedrun by May and it was pretty cool as someone who doesn't ever watch speedrunning content I'm a fan now a lot of it is glitches but some of it was actual like insane knowledge of in-game mechanics and that's what got me pumped up uh the speedrun that I watched May used the wild shaped form of bear I'm not sure if she's the one that came up with this or not but she turned into a bear and basically jumped off a ledge in one shot cut the thorn because of the weight of the bear that's like part of the speedrun if you want to have a chance at going for the world record mechanics like that are super cool to me the glitching stuff doesn't really get me as excited but it's still very impressive that players are able to figure all that stuff out in the fastest route I'm sure it takes a lot of time and dedication blackets will be done it will happen all right you guys ready for a little malis thorm action this should be interesting I think I'm actually going to leave we're going to do something here we're going to take Shadow heart we're going to climb her step soft wait am I remembering this correctly yeah this right here we're going to climb Shadow right here this is a cool little spot not clo and Dagger my favorite see here I oh yeah this is maybe I should put a Starion up here too actually yeah we can always get right back down sure let's put a Starion up here too oh I got to do my pre-buff hold on we're just going to attack him I could make him kill himself but I think I want this combat you know let's see if we can get him to kill himself never mind that'd be pretty fun but just in case let me do my pre-b Buffs first let me get inflict wounds selected never run as a cleric without inflict wounds it is literally the melee spell for the cleric it's got pretty good damage too can't use hold person on Undead so not going to work here we're going to do call lightning this fight which means I don't need bless prepared don't think I'm going to need revivify because I have [Music] Scrolls I want to take command command can be a pretty good spell but then again it's oh no command's not concentration that's part of the reason why it's so damn good what now all right I like that I like it a lot don't have any level four spells prepare but that's fine cuz we're just going to upcast spells don't really want any of those right now anyways don't burn yourself all right kind to drop a little Aid if you guys know what I'm talking about y all know what I'm saying you know what's funny is I don't have long Strider on this run it's the first time I've done a run without long Strider readily available it's a ritual spell you bastard keep your distance done all right we're going to take these two de Bronies we're going to put them right actually I'm going to send down my melee characters first eager for battle try not to proc the cut scene not sure how close I can get here see here I assume nothing you guys ready for a little malice Thor legendary action once per round malor can use his legendary action after being attacked to make every assistant cast wh of lost simultaneously confuse your foes with a shriek of absence that's some crazy stuff right there folks that is batshit crazy I feel like a ro in a t- shop of the playing with without long Strider is triggering you I know it triggers me too man yeah I don't think the cleric gets it as part of their spell list I don't see it here unless I'm not seeing it and then I don't have it with monks either and of course I don't get it with the fighter going to have to sacrifice without it with every breath a purpose all right so this may turn into combat it may not I don't know we've already done this fight you guys want to watch this fight if it doesn't result in combat and you guys want to watch it play out in honor mode my previous honor mode run which is in the same playlist I fought pretty much every boss in the game that Raphael without delay see how this goes the objective of the scalpel system is to soothe for the scalpel indeed is an extension of sha see how the patient reacts when I stroke the right nerve here it's Comfort he the very Melody of [Music] Mercy pray sister show us the extent of your beneficence stop stay your hand for it slaps where it should stroke we can hardly hear the patient size of Solace Perhaps it is our unexpected audience that makes you quiver come step forward you are no sister but that matters none every student is welcome the legendary actions are for Honor mode only they're not in tactician although if you start honor mode here's one thing you can do you can start honor mode and then just wipe in the beginning of the game and then it turns into custom mode you can set the difficulty to tactician or you can set like set the difficulty alignments to tactician or the the settings to equal tactician then you can play the entire game on honor mode or you can play the entire game with legendary actions but not actually play on honor mode I didn't articulate that very well hopefully that made sense a student yes do please enlighten me absence absence thanks no other word captures the heart of sh so very perfectly it is the scalpel Journey that leads from Pain oh God it's just that would hurt so he's just like Cazador utterly insane I like how aarion takes it personal what is the light of eyes but the cancer that causes one to witness the laceration of being if light is the symptom then darkness is the cure for in light there is presence but in darkness there is absence in light is presence in darkness absence but you look how the sucker of sh eludes you see how painfully present you we do not wish to see you suffer so let us cure [Music] you those is going to be rough I don't think this is going to work with my character the sisters aren't ready they'll make me sick instead of curing me I already have four inspiration points again the hell did I do and I'm going to gamble them away in one little session like an addict oh my God all right one more time time and I'm playing dungeon born at this point I've already gambled my life is already in shambles at this point might as well gamble the last one you know what I mean right okay all right I've been humbled H fret not so you are quite ready aren't you sisters the scalpel Soo come sing its song we would hear your Melody of [Music] mercy so much for that plan so much for that plan folks let's have some fun got to make sure he doesn't have radiant retort can't afford to let up time to Victory awaits dude takes a freaking resistant to everything that I'm going to do right now it's about this is going to be an interesting one this is certainly going to be an interesting one foxy shall we cut and run got to [Music] focus the D maav how did I miscast that I could have sworn that I had him targeted whatever that'll still will help I guess want to form like a little battle formation right here too so nobody can get through victory awaits ready that was funny still yourself The Source teeth will open the way for a [Music] shadow bch what are you going to do about it what are you going to do about him being stunned is so clutch here guy is a joke need to act fast oh shit Aaron's freaking paralyzed what the hell how did that happen they threw something up here oh my God this I set this combat encounter up perfectly this got to be this one of the smoothest encounters that I've ever done in this game need to learn the hard [Music] [Music] way yeah we don't know how Isabelle died which was a little frustrating that it shrouded in mystery but it seems likely that sh had something to do with it cuz sh seemingly wanted to make cck miserable so then cck would come to her for Comfort because she's the lady of loss and cck would have lost his wife and his daughter repositioning we just know that she was killed fast that's really the only thing that we know there is a mimic chest in her room in Moonrise Towers there's theories that that might have killed her but also doesn't really make sense cuz it's still there and there's no way KCK would have let that unless he didn't know I don't know most likely a master plan from sh cuz you got to remember rithin uh cck 2 and the thorm family they worshiped Sal although cck was a little bit more hesitant in his worship than melodia and Isabel but the entire town was devoted to saluna which is sh's twin sister and they are enemies with each other always in competition with one another so sh had you know really great reasoning reasons to try to turn the town to her favor as any town of saluna or any place of worship for saluna sh is obviously trying to rid the world of probably came up with some master plan and then also the fact that sala's daughter Dame aen visited riwin fell in love with Isabelle it makes it even more of like a nice Target for sh to try to overtake with her [Music] Darkness more than suff we found a loot burying Arts initials in the house of healing maybe playing it for him while bring bring him back to his senses I don't know staran you don't seem to be too proficient in that category but sure maybe I will let you play it thanks Jackie thanks fry appreciate it in the game files there was cut dialogue about hson killing her in an accident I read about that but laran left that out so I don't know if that's actually what happened anymore it would have been interesting would have added a lot of uh yeah that would have been interesting if larion went with that but I feel like if that's what they wanted they would have made that clear okay malis thorm is a goner who else can I take out your gear would be next who am I missing here Shadow heart carlac where's aarion what a day oh he's playing he's playing the loop back here you know what I should actually search this place real fast let's see if there's any any camp supplies or wine bottles or something sister Julia damn didn't get much xp from that fight believe it or not need more Char character development Elson or Cath a look at little scratchy poo look CutiePie enough waiting I crave blood repositioning no I haven't fought the GI yet maybe I'll go do that right now yeah that would be a good idea I have I have enough spell slots for that yeah let's go kill the GI sure if there's anything on the top up here let me go check real fast the GI and then there's that other little fight right there and then I'll be level eight then we can go to moonrise Towers uhoh oh no is that going to oh thank God okay all right keep a blade close eager for battle oh the buttons right here indolence breathes Madness yeah that's why I leave scratch hidden in the back so he can help out down characters then oh this just brings you to the top okay all right just so no okay we'll go over here assume nothing oh potion of invisibility up here I could use that we got a little ball for scratchy poo also uh any summons that you guys get in this game obviously like highle spell slot summons are really really really good in this game they're powerful they have a lot of HP but other summons that don't have a lot of HP like familiars and scratch and Us and other creatures maybe uh shovel if you cast Aid on your party your summons benefit from that HP boost so scratch has 20 hp right now so I'm mainly using him for backup if I need to help up a down character in combat I can sneak him in and help with that action but also 20 hp is pretty significant so I could use scratch kind of as like a pawn and send them on the front line to take some damage away from my own party 20 hp is not going to last that long but it might last a couple actions so Aid is like super good when you have summons in your I mean it's good in general just to use it but it's even better when you have a ton of summons maget will be done an efficient path all right GI Yankee time here we go I got to get off this damn roof first though I don't think GI Yan you will be too tough maybe they will be they were a scary fight the first time that I came across them they caught me by surprise holy crap and I think I was also level six eag for bad on that run you get back and play bg1 and two again great games right kind of lost right now some holes with the companions yeah it's not perfect but pretty damn good though theic detector sing blacket Warriors are upon us what's next I wonder where do I want to fight these guys maybe just right up here and just get the job done action not reaction keeping low still in Shadow unheard unseen up tormented hello uh you can get us in the bottom of moonrise Towers if you didn't kill him in the beginning or if he wasn't killed into the Shadows invisible me surprise oh my God holy crap did I really just do that that's incredible wow they're all facing this way too that that's great that's really good [Music] legendary does this guy have a legendary action legendary resistance no legendary action though damn it's good to be alive a little off the top come on what am I to do must let anyone see need to press onward how delicious not a sound you stay right there scratchy poo Ninja there is work to do I was attacking lasel is a GI Yankee so I couldn't tell the difference I was trying to use hold person on her I will Ascend I will take the artifact I killed Mena pretty sure I did don't tell AEL that I know messed up man damn damn come on dude the amount of Misses from carlac today though has been pretty crazy there's blood in here it has been pretty damn crazy let's end this [Applause] no [Music] ooh oh all my whole persons are done hoping they would have last a little bit longer wonder what these guys have for wisdom 12 these guys must have 14 [Music] 16 can't afford to let up I got this is it going to register or did I really miss need to stay focused moving Shadow heart wiped your party tormented you knocked Menor out but she wasn't at moonrise I think people were saying that you have to knock her out when she's in a non-hostile state or temporarily hostile whatever whatever it's called I think it's called temporary hostile we talking about that before I didn't try it though [Music] [Music] do got to concentrate not [Music] these guys still hit pretty hard even after my crazy strong start what dude this all right there we go that was cool it looked like it actually bounced off The Shield [Music] oh these guys are level nine no wonder I wonder why they're hitting so hard I'm level seven dude take up fuck yes I've got it can't give up not [Music] now oh that was clutch you get a really cool cut scene of the army camp if you keep heading west on this road I don't know if you're trolling me cuz you want me to actually go in the camp or if you're just talking about the initial cut scene but I'm aware I'm aware of both of those on the move could be level 10 by the time I get to act three yeah maybe I think I just only need level eight though watch I say that then I wipe on cck thorm oh I should have went for the other guy nice now I got Advantage perfect let's finish this God it's hot in here Dam damn it Perry these guys they really do hit hard not worried about this fight but I didn't expect it to come down to this much red especially with that strong ass start that I had I need your help see this is what we can do now now we can take little scratch I don't know if he's going to be able to instead of you know throwing a potion or wasting a bonus action or an action depending on what you do you can just bring a scratch up have him use the help action if I can get up here I can a that's a good boy scratch is a good boy let my name be known no time to waste you wiped on this fight last night in your honor mode run damn well good luck on your next one yeah I didn't realize they're level nine probably best waiting until you get to at least level eight before you do this one what should I do that's going to hit carlac all right miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss I'm not even drinking a potion if he attacks her that's fine wasting his action on her I didn't expect that stupid alien bastard level where I when I finished act one uh level six uhoh we bugging out time to okay there we go ready nice got rid of the Parry I will locked no failure miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss I'm ready score Miss hit oh miss okay all right not fall before my [Music] time oh yeah just kicked him in the neck see you the see you Bambino hey you guys excited hey Adam thank you so much for becoming a channel member appreciate you guys shout out to all you channel members and twitch Subs out there thank you very much are you guys excited for there's two things to be excited for one the new Gladiator movie and if you guys were to ask me my favorite movie of all time I think my initial response would be Gladiator and I think even even if I thought about that for a while it would still be Gladiator they're coming out with another Gladiator there's no time to waste and Spartacus is coming out with another season I haven't watched Spartacus in like eight years since my good old College days back in the day I think I was watching Spartacus around that time so I'm pretty excited for that too and a lot of the actors are returning so that's awesome thanks Adam oh if you guys haven't seen the first Gladiator movie like you have to watch it it's not even debatable longer now like not watching Gladiator is worse than me not watching Princess Bride assume nothing it's worse hands down there's not not even a question about it Russell Crow back in his prime W the guy who played The Joker I don't know if it was the most recent wait which one did he play The Joker in it was just called Joker right I think the movie was called Joker back when he was much younger super cool great acting Amazing Story one of the best soundtracks out there when I go to the gym I listen to the Gladiator soundtrack seriously I just pretend that I'm walking through the fields and uh it's historical fiction I mean there's real names and some things happened so it's not just like completely made up for a good meal but you get a little history with the Roman Empire to to a certain degree there it is eag for battle repositioning paricus is a TV series I'm not talking about a movie talking about the Stars TV series you guys know that one all right we should do one more fight let's see crave blood dude how do am I get not getting much xp from these Encounters this is crazy um all right let's heal up we're going to do this other encounter I have no spell slots right now it's okay though if I could do this this encounter we'll be golden do I have heals dude I'm running low on everything right now this is crazy I only have 10 [Music] heals all right we should be fine that'd be funny if I wiped right up here I'm going to go for it let's just go for it it is what it is let's just get the job done Gladiator was just it was just they don't make movies like that anymore that was incredible absolutely incredible damn I'm running pretty low on HP I should have done that first this is your end [Music] um I'm not sure why they brought back Sparticus but I was pleased to see I don't know who the actors names are in that show you guys those of you guys that watched Spartacus when it first came out season 1 the main guy Spartacus himself unfortunately passed away don't know what type of cancer that he had he had some type of cancer he was only able to do one season of gladiator it was going to be like the star roll got his career rolling and he passed away um but the guy that they replaced him with I don't if want to say replaced yeah I think that makes sense also did a really good job too it's like one of those situations where a lot of us are going to hate The Witcher with Liam uh what the hell is his name Liam hensworth a lot of us are going to hate that because of the way that it occurred and Spartacus obviously the guy passed away so they had to replace the actor with another actor and he did a really good job too but a lot of the actors are returning for the new season and this is like so many years later like a long time in the future IRL time I can't even remember the names of of everybody in that show so it's not even going to be like a different show it's going to be like a continuation is the Rome series good I give the Rome series I give it about a six six or seven out of 10 that I give it a seven out of 10 I enjoyed the Rome series not one of my favorite shows of all time but I thought it was a good show Unfortunately they canel it after season [Music] 2 but I enjoyed it I also enjoy like any historical show out there anything medieval fantasy historical like I like it even if it's not a good show but Rome was a 7even out of 10 this all right I got to pay attention nice Troy I give Troy a six out of 10 not the movie with Brad Pit that's a 10 out of That's a classic movie but there's a TV show too also called Troy I'll give that one a six out of 10 was all right you guys watch like all of the historical European shows too like medich Versa those are all great shows too oh he had non Hotchkins Lymphoma yes I remember that sad man is it crazy life is a weird thing you have some dude he was probably like 30 years old maybe 35 and his prime physically except for the cancer of course gets a role in what was to become an insanely popular TV series then just dies that's freaking nuts man and it can happen to any of us unfortunately oops I just gave up a turn the Russian movie Viking the Russian movie Viking oh yeah I think I watched that yeah I thought that was pretty good speakon of Vikings Vikings the show Vikings one of my favorite shows of all time that one and the last Kingdom but I have to give it to Vikings Chun yet no I haven't oh we're really going off on some show tangents here aren we who cares about balers gay three last kingdom is greater than Vikings you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me what are you a fanboy over utri you're fanboying over UTD too hard that's what you're doing you got lost in his eyes I know exactly why you say that come on come on f wolf is a viking you know as much as I like to fantasize about like being a badass Warrior the sad truth is 99% of us would probably all die in our first battle forever pal but that's okay we can still fantasize about it I used to think I was kind of badass when I was young younger then you get older and you realize no not nearly as badass as I thought I was but who knows maybe back then you know I would have grown up in that lifestyle and trained day in and day out the sad thing is we're all just used to movie scenes for battles and how like Sword Play plays out and things like that there was a good movie a decent movie with Timothy shalam you guys know what I'm talking it's called the king I believe and the reason why I liked it is cuz they portrayed some of the medieval battles in a much more realistic manner than what we're used to in a lot of other shows and movies just like how like uncoordinated it was just like a mosh pit of just dudes running into each other that can barely move with their armor and just getting stabbed and dying that was like the the reality of uh of medieval battles back then I guess that they tried to avoid having to do ground combat like as much as humanely possible always try to Siege if you can Siege because Ground Battle and ground forces were just an absolute mess it was no 300 scenes with some dude in the middle of the battlefield with dual wielding two insanely heavy swords jumping across like seven backs and plowing swords into people's necks like our buddy Achilles did it's just a mosh pit of dudes that train their entire life just to put on a haror that's too heavy and they can barely move and they can't breathe after 5 minutes of battle it's even true with modern day war to um obviously we have some badass warriors fighting for different countries and things like like that but a lot of people uh a lot of people have like this idea about Special Forces like you can just send in a unit of four to take over a country or something like that and it's just so far from reality as to how it actually is with that said special for I have friends that are in the Special Forces I was in the military myself I wasn't Special Forces and I have nothing but respect for those dudes and there're some tough mofos man they would kick my ass but once again battle is just not the way that most people think that it is from the movies got to focus there's some cool stories out there though some interesting stories round want another I was in the Air Force I was Security Forces basically MP I didn't do shit stood at a gate and checked IDs and then guarded planes that were never going to be attacked that was my my day today repositioning let's have a look all right welcome to level eight folks wi and Blades beautiful know we have a lot of veterans in this community too from several different countries we appreciate you guys Air Force PJs yeah for sure they are studs but once again it only takes one bullet it only takes one bomb and they're gone just like that US Air Force veteran nice Snoopy hell yeah man that's why we vibing over here Monty Python and The Holy Growl you know I didn't actually watch the Monty Python movies until re somewhat recently within the last year or two some of you guys forced me to watch it and I'm so happy that I did I don't know how I missed those when I was younger those are pretty funny all right we have 18 wisdom so let's go with 20 get that done you got some Marine Corp nice nice hell yeah man father was in the Marine Corp Battle of the bastards and Game of Thrones kind of showed that side I got to rewatch Game of Thrones that was a great show all right what do we got here 18 strength so let's go to 20 could take the alert feat tempting you heard of the Canadian Rambo no I haven't there's a Canadian version of Rambo that's great um all right Fe feet Fe Fe let's see 18 strength I think for my monk what's it any of you guys play Tavern brawler monk I mean obviously actually never mind it's not not even a question 20 strength have I finished my first honor mode run should we tell should we tell po gout what happened to me should we tell him I'm going to encourage you powo to go on my channel click on videos and then go back I think two videos action not reaction your and have a little laugh for yourself all right one true way don't touch me you'll thank me later T brawler monk is pretty damn fun I think it's too powerful though I'm not going to lie it's like the Battle Master fighter is one of the best classes in this game really really shines at levels five and then level 11 when you get that extra extra attack but this tavern brawler monk is just good right from the ge-o I mean so is battle map but Battle Master gets really good at 11 do I still sing as a hobby no not really I think singing's pretty cringe I did do a couple gaming covers over the past three years on the channel I did the Skyrim uh dragon born comes cover that was all right but other than that I haven't done anything nor do I really have any interest in doing anything to be honest with you holence breeds Madness because it's cringe being able to stun on demand yeah it's crazy right someone there you guys all about that cringe life or what not for blackets will be done I think you are watch your back got to ditch the staff with lasel um I pretty much never have to use the staff rogish subtle steps hardly ever only in a really long encounter because I have all these attacks that allow me to attack without it and I get the benefits of it so assume nothing plus one bonus to unarmed attack rolls in damage because I can do Flurry of Blows I can do stunning strike with my action which is unarmed which doesn't use the staff and I have nine key points I pretty much never run out of key points the staff has been pretty good actually all right let's go to moonrise Towers hey what's up but I was thinking the same thing when I picked up the staff initially but then I realized there's all these attacks that you can specify unarmed thanks Justin the good old music days in my life were a fun time I had a great time got to go to many different countries experience many different cultures and play with some of my favorite bands that I grew up with I don't regret any of that would that said when that time passed that time passed and now all I care about is video games oh yeah how is a barbarian Monk multiclass Is that a good multic class I can feel it the absolute it power is strong WR here flets will be done you guys ready for one of the best scenes in the game his thoughts invade your own probing for purchase your parasite purs in recognition ah one blessed like myself what news true soul yeah and then key points replenish on a short rest rogish so you pretty much are have full key points for almost every fight that you get into I might ask the same why is one of our rank on guard Duty who better to sus out his like you'll find Zell in the audience chamber's voice actor you think she'll be wanting to hear from you that's what I call an invitation let's find zerel and get this Caravan moving monk N9 Rogue three I think I'm going to be doing that but I'm only level eight right now so I haven't done the multi class with the Rogue yet I think once I reach level 12 then I'll Respec and then do that praise the absolute oh was the singer Valiant I joined a Tha metal band when I was like 24 4 25 and then I would go over to Asia to be with them and play we could work on most music remotely I could stay in you know my home in New York but then when we wanted to play shows or film music videos I used to go over to Thailand and I did that for like six or seven years eager for battle there's a whole history behind that I crave blood there can be no doubt this is the place this is where we'll discover the secret of the ABS another true Soul the disciple want to see you through the main doors braveart and the Patriot I think I think jimo is is a little bit delayed right now somebody wants to tag him in chat and tell hold followed every order I was given the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so take it up with Min Thora she's the one who enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room your Tad pulse squirms urging you to obey you failed to retrieve the artifact you failed to protect your true Soul you do not deserve to live um yeah I still like metal I don't listen to it nearly as much as I used to nowadays I usually just listen to movie or video game soundtracks to be honest with you Game of Thrones was my soundtrack that I was listening to today but there's one band that I've been listening to a lot lately any of you guys that like rock metal pop and Jazz all mixed together look up the band called Sleep token truly phenomenal band blew my mind all right let's um let's keep silent and keep watching you ain't serious yes you can't be General th let our newest arrival speak you have seen what these creatures are capable of and you have seen their inadequacies isn't that so what is your judgment we did as we were told we're loyal to the absolute kill him enough Tru Soul tell the general how the Goblins served our cause look at the Goblins just looking to me right now I love the Expressions on their faces yeah menar ain't going to be in here today Andrew he's a goner yeah sleep token's amazing what happens if you attack the half working General right now does KCK just run and then I get into battle with all these we don't want to do that thank you it's good to be appreciate I'm sure they were very enthusiastic but Zeal without efficacy is for children not servants we are too close to the ending and the new beginning I can cuddle failure no longer kill them quickly what no you cring old bag of [Music] shit it's a hell of a throw out of a goblin though you got to admit right through C's heavy armor [Music] too [Music] yeah I'm so sorry my Lord she's an unbeliever outside my control try again wonder if cck feels any pain obviously not [Music] right do Undead feel pain armor is cosmetic such a great scene top five of the rest as you see fit top five bg3 or better yet put that true soul to use you have far more important matters to attend to or have you forgotten of course not my Lord thank you at those tusks what a badass you heard the general the Goblins are yours deal with them however you wish oh yeah my band's name was in vice versa you guys can look it up on YouTube if you want to see young wolfart jump around like a madman and probably look like an idiot and probably scare most of you guys the funny thing is I can't even listen to my own music my own band's music on stream at least on YouTube I could do it on Twitch that's that's the cool thing about twitch is I can end the YouTube stream and then we can go watch like YouTube videos and things like that over on Twitch I can't do it on YouTube though I'll get copyright claim I get copyright claimed by my own by my own band's music the reason it's because our music is like through a service that protects it so like the process of allowing myself to be a to listen to my own music on a stream is just too complicated to even go through it so I just don't even bother here in the seat of the absolutes power your authority over them is complete they will obey any command report to me upstairs when you're done nice yeah you ain't going to do anything drastic are you we for nothing but loyal spill your guts on the floor I want to see you bleed no please carag disapproves damn wow I'm pretty uh oh my character's pretty wild isn't she I'm evil then I'm nice absolute power occupied by a general that cannot be killed General C Thor his followers are Flesh and Blood we must learn more about his power yeah it's a great cut scene I agree I got to make like a top 10 cut scenes of balers day 3 video sometime compile them all together well no didn't think to quiz her about about her business oh I didn't mean to skip that uh who is Flo florenta the g a cambian i knew back in a verus these guys know each she was the closest thing I had to a friend that said she would have choked the life out of me if I ever turned my back on her the fact that she knows where I am where I might be going doesn't exactly Delight me a role play of lasel is funny it's pretty skitso isn't it is she a threat maybe probably I don't know she's a half devil impossible to read I wouldn't have given her the time of day but even I needed a laugh once in a while what can I say the bitch had good jokes enough chatter your friend gave me three Soul coins said I could sell them if I wanted but if I kept them for you she consider it a favor Ed Soul coins huh this could come in handy sure but she did have a condition for every coin you take you've got to hear the story of the Soul trapped inside there you have it Flo came all this way just to try to make me feel like shit clever use of her time memorized a bunch of sad stories on her behalf did you didn't need to your flow did some devil woooo and stuck him in my head couldn't forget now if I wanted to you want the coins or not oh yeah one level on Wizard with the headband might be a decent idea I don't know if I still have the headband though that might be all right that that actually could be pretty good got to figure out what level I want to do that at and I'll have magic Missile even if it's only level one it can still help with those opponents that have the Unstoppable condition fine get on with it then first coins got the soul of a woman named Mavery she was born to a cruel mother and a violent father and three Evil Brothers all named Boulder she never knew a day of love in all her life Boulder when she was a girl of 15 she sold her soul to tiat in exchange for someone who would love her unconditionally she got what she asked for a fellow named Clint destined to be her soulmate struck by a cart and died a few moments after clapping eyes on our Mavery poor guy the scud of her soul is yours now thanks I guess we'll put that coin to better use than Tiamat what if sure you will thisen has got the soul of a man named Frakes lived in a village near never winter H hard by the worst hunger in a thousand years to the north fraks called out for help prayed for his children to have meat to eat zariel answered made old Frakes grow flesh upon flesh after flesh his we ones had all the meat they could stomach he should have known better to die a thousand deaths and let zarel into your life just like you Alex we'll put his coin to good use he'll help us rid the Realms of people like zarel whatever you need to tell yourself last ones got the soul of a little boy named on gear 8 years old he liked playing in the sun with his friends that's a good story tell that's all I know that's all that's all oh and this slip of scratch well thanks Flo hearing a bunch of desperate horror has ruined my day which I suppose was the point you got three Soul coins after the bargain didn't you I'd quit winging if I were you I did my part that means our business is done unless you've got actual go to hand what is this ja Bron sell the hbert of vigilance wow it does force damage that's that's really good cost too much money though I'm going have to pick pocket if I want it and a plus one bonus to initiative roles you know I could take something like this and then change my Battle Master build around a little bit with yeah take some different Feats the 1 dd4 force is nice because it's the least resisted damage type and it helps with Advantage too when you make an attack roll as a reaction you make it with Advantage so that actually works really good with a battle master or with a fighter that uses repost the Battle Master maneuver damn that's a nice weapon I'm just going to sell that never using it anyways oh oh I should put the sentient ambulet on my monk right now cuz I get the key restoration keep a blade close my faith will guide me better hope so hey we've got this Soul coin right thing is I think I can use it zarel used to top me up every now and again when she wanted me to go after an well a soul coin is a person in a way many hearts assume nothing one soul my favorite color I don't know Black is Black technically a color I don't know when I was a kid I grew up with green being my favorite color but I always like blue too I like if I had I think one of my favorite colors of all time is either Sage or like an evergreen green you guys know when you're out in nature and you just see like some dark deep green trees they're beautiful so we'll go with that color okay how does that sound deep green yeah right a great color I also like lavender or Violet big fan big fan I want to show you guys something for those of you guys that have never done this before I actually did this on my first run deadart can't even make oh she's encumbered how am I encumbered fortunately Shadow heart's not strong enough to make it over here oh yes we [Music] are a risky jump onward like will be done I think this might be the back of C's room objective noted this was probably some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game my entire life on my first run I came to moonrise Towers it was immediately hostile towards me me I forget what I did killed the guys in the beginning and then instead of going in the front door I scouted around and realized you can climb all the way up here and then when we get there I'll show you guys what I did after that action not reaction Super intense super fun your's is Yellow Nice Nice foren silence I'll go get the ENT traitor here soon Soul the absolute promised us a feast of corpses and still we St the absolute owes you nothing you owe her your faith she had it until she kept the real fa Feast from us they Dro corpses down into the tunnels and below the tower enough to feed an army of us if the absolute will not share her dead flesh we will tear it from the backs of the living as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority your friends seem faithful enough they may start by feeding on your flesh yeah I got to spend some of the lith points I don't really care that much but I'm going to spend them soon your mind lurches reeling suddenly as if bitten you would never the feet are mine no get away let's cut with fire baby Swift and lethal he nobody said that winged whes were the smartest all right so anyways on my first playthrough assume nothing I came all the way over here God it was such a one of my favorite gaming sessions of my entire life climb down this think they release a DLC I have no idea and then and I came over here you can oh I think was this wall not broken I got to sneeze okay I'm okay what lies chest and I broke this wall it leaves a little tiny Gap Shadows if you didn't kill flaming fist Marcus back at the last Light in Marcus is patrolling the hall right here and what I did on my first run ah it was so much fun you guys want to watch an episode just type in Moonrise Towers wolfart FPS don't do my tactician evil run it's my let's play series I don't remember what episode it was but I had my entire party in turn base mode jump from right here now right now I can just come in here everybody's friendly with me but on my other playthrough they weren't friendly or I just didn't know what was going to happen I didn't want to initiate any cinematic cut scenes so what I did was I jumped all of my characters from here through this Gap over Marcus's head over his head in turnbas mode in midair I had to do like stealth checks I think and then I snuck everybody into this room right here it was just incredible it was just such a good time okay we don't need to do that right now I think I can just simply jump in here I don't want to take the damage though nobody's hostile towards me right now and that was how I infiltrated moonrise Towers undetected and my God was it intense able to go on to their next project oh I think they definitely have already started working on that efficient path well we know that Sven came up with like a general idea for act one for their next project cuz he tweeted that yeah I'm sure they're working on that might be a long ways away though Hance breeds Madness Al found a hidden chest on the outside of moonrise right out the doors of the barracks and sleeping quarters and a wall you can break not great stuff but seven playthroughs before find it you could technically probably come up here and then feather fall down into this area too um oh maybe I should try that hold on I'm kind of curious bring is all back up here note action where am I right now this my oh my God I feel like a freaking Queen what a what a throne right here what does it look out to nothing a cut scene if you come here with Strider into the Shadows oh we're I think we're in Isabelle's room right now yeah cuz this chest I believe is a mimic chest oh no didn't think it would go off oh that's nice okay I cannot suffer a liar my darling daughter when you were a little girl I would often watch you play with your dolls and your cousins and picture myself an enormous opaque and silvery Shield surrounding you protecting you I knew somehow deep within myself that no harm could ever befall you because I would not let it though the healers say I may pass into the city of judgment soon know this darling daughter I am always around you I'm always with you and the moon Maiden will never allow you to Bear a burden you cannot carry I love you forever a love that has no death Mama melodia Thor onward unseen a small hle thanks flag I appreciate the support one true way even stripped of Flesh the warhound is formidable spectral eyes meet yours as it growls a challenge and then it hesitates gleaming muszle sampling your scent as if in recognition lower your eyes you're no threat no inspiration points come on come on yes the Hound relaxes clearly accustomed to this show of deference within its Master's chamber it turns away and utterly ignores you as it would any lowly foot soldier we must speak smokey unblinking eyes F wearily it watches your approach there's no flesh or fur to scratch at Only Bone and cold metal but it seems the touch is enough and for a moment the undead beast is just another dog happily wagging its tail absorb Elemental damage once per short rest take half damage from the next Elemental attack targeting you and deal an additional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack and then this is the letter that melodia thorm wrote to C before she was about to die what use is love wasted on a husk like C that's cool man I will take my pick sure I'll just take the whole thing I guess unseen let's inance breathes Madness proceeding oh my God that just scared the crap out of me anything happen if you bring scratch I'm not sure I can't try though oh wait I could pull out trap let me see hold on I don't know if scratch is getting up there to be quite honest with you I don't think he can got to make too many jumps could bring them through the tower though through the front door look how far away I am it's not going to work we're going to have to dismiss action not reaction be funny if they just went straight into combat One V one give him a fly potion oh enough waiting I crave blood objective noted quickly then all right FKS Smokey unblinking where but it seems that as much as I want to keep playing I got to go to the grocery store tonight and I only have 45 minutes until it closes so I think this was a pretty productive session we reached level eight so next session will be your gear Night song and probably cck and then after that couple sessions in act three and then we're taking a break from Full bg3 playthroughs although I might mess around with some mods like the randomizer or things like that but other than that though I'm going to be playing night and gal Dragon's Dogma 2 all sorts of games that are coming out yeah that's going to be it for tonight appreciate you guys watching and I hope you guys have a wonderful night thank you guys for all the memberships the donations the gifted Snoopy thank you for the 20 gifted our YouTube chat filling up with green and uh also the gift is over on Twitch too Justin thank you and I will catch you all on the next one which might not be until Sunday and there's a chance that on Sunday I might not even be able to go live cuz I might be playing some poker do that like once every couple months and with my friends and I think it's important that I go to that but who knows I don't know maybe I'll do a Saturday stream or maybe even a Friday stream we'll see but as always I will post it over on the Discord server link below in the video description see Justin seea Alex seea twitch chat zel peace Carol mer oh man so sorry to hear that merid thoughts out to you and your fam [Music] have GM night G looks really cool it [Music] does so hyped for it looks so [Music] immersive have lad LT have a good night rogish catch you [Music] later [Music] later Muhammad I don't know if I I don't know how long I've been on mute for have that been I don't even know what you guys heard me say or not say but anyways you guys didn't hear me say thank you to everyone that gifted memberships and donations this is my thank you to [Music] everyone be a Mad Dog got port
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 17,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, patch 5, new ending baldurs gate 3, patch 5 notes, honor mode, honour mode baldurs gate 3, permma death, multiclass baldurs gate 3
Id: BsEwD_dd32U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 20sec (12980 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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