Elden Ring, But Everything is Random and I Can't Die

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have you ever wondered how to make Elden ring turn into complete chaos no well I did and that's why I added three randomizers to the game and then tried to beat it without dying that means every item is in a random place every boss is in a random Arena and every fog gate connects to a completely random fog gate every time I die I have to restart from the beginning on a brand new seed meaning everything gets rerandomized so how do I win three things things need to happen one I need to find the door that leads to the final boss two I need to defeat the boss in maliki's Arena to enter the final boss door and three I also need to get enough great runes to enter the final boss door for this challenge I chose four you guys know I love challenging PVE games which is why it's so amazing for raid Shadow Legends to sponsor today's video in raid that endgame challenging PVE content comes from the Doom Tower where you essentially have to fight through the ascending floors of this tower that contains all of the hardest enemies in the game the beautiful part is though every enemy floor and boss has different strengths and weaknesses and it's your job to figure out which set of Champions will do the best job of exploiting those weaknesses and mitigating those strengths now if you guys know raid you know they're always releasing new content and this month that's the ability to get the legendary champion Sun Wukong a literal Monkey King for free by just logging in for days between now and October 23rd new players have a chance to get one of the best epic Champions stag knite as well as a skin for him designed by YouTube Legend JonTron use the promo code JT skin before October 7th also if you click the link or use the QR code right here you'll get a free starter pack with this in-game loot when other creators have done this challenge they've used enemy scaling meaning that enemies in earlier rooms will deal less damage than later rooms I wanted to try without scaling so that if I got Elden beast in the first room that would be end game damage and end game Health how did I get stuck hey dude sick just got to go for it dog okay I see why everyone else uses scaling because this is pretty much impossible to do when everything just one shots you at the beginning my main objective is to of course find the the great runes and the boss rooms needed to beat the game but also picking up a good weapon as well as the upgrade materials usually somber smithing Stones makes doing the main objective so much easier you may also see golden seed trees statues of America and Merchants in places that they shouldn't be that's because this version of The Mod is called Dungeon Crawler and pretty much gets rid of the open world fog Gates will only lead to other fog gates in Legacy Dungeons and castles like castle mour and Castle Sal this means that all of the Mand at atory items in the open world like golden seeds sacred tear and Merchants had to be moved into dungeons so that they're accessible on this mode luckily for me here on my third attempt I find the stormhawk ax super early on as well as a couple of early somber stones and honestly for the first real attempt this is going really smooth this challenge is seeming like it's going to be an absolute Breeze I'm finding some great runes getting upgrades and just running into every fog gate I can to try to find enough great runes that was interesting okay okay okay okay okay okay foolish ambition well that sucks but I did learn something really important the way that I thought the scaling worked was every door that you go through just makes the game a little bit harder but the way it actually works is the further away from the start that you get the harder it gets this means that in rooms with multiple doors it's better to check all of those doors first before continuing down One path and getting further from the start and that's the exact reason why ralo was doing so much damage because I just didn't understand how the scaling works but now I do now I did promise you guys chaos so let me show you just how ridiculous this mod can really get attempt four I couldn't start with a weapon that I could wield and I got forced into fighting either melenia or Gideon that attempt didn't last for very long I I I can't Gideon I I can't wield my weapon nice all right I won't be get okay on to the next one attempt seven I couldn't find any room that had any items for me to pick up it was literally just a Boss Rush mode and I was desperately fighting for my life against endgame bosses with a Cleaver that has this atrocity of a charge R2 animation what is that charged heavy bro yo what is this nce butthole Bandits coming for his payback bro attempt 10 Ron in margot's Arena I really didn't realize it when fighting Margot but this arena is kind of awful attempt 11 just look at this attempt 15 Valiant gargoyles with a weapon that I cannot use now you may be asking bushy why don't you just memory of Grace out of the fight I decided that it would go against the spirit of the challenge to be able to quit out of boss fights you know you take a risk by going through a fog wall and see a boss that you don't want to fight it seems like cheating to just avoid it so I changed the rules a couple of attempts in to prevent me from doing that off okay dude okay dude okay dude attempt 18 you know maybe this one's got a shot the starting class gives me the wing of aell which is the best weapon for breaking STS and the first room gives me the stormhawk axe which like we saw earlier is really strong this is an incredible start to the run I've got a good feeling about this I I think I do actually like wing of Estelle better but I just need to level stormhawk or I need to level strength twice and then I can wield stormhawk okay what the [ __ ] is going on here what is this what is this seed man it needs 19 strength why am I so stupid got a rune Arc by the way uh so that means I need 13 I need 13 strength okay so I need two more yeah that looks a bit sketchy I'm I'm going to go get the items over here I'm going to see if I can get something some sort of runes Perfect all right that should be enough for two levels right surely all right let's let's get the thing wieldable first and then we'll we'll get in there all right Rune pickups are like pretty common this is also a dead end room we aren't going to be able to get any uh any Gates but we we are obviously getting items nice dude what a weapon huh all right let's go get the items over there by that crab uh and then we got to go back to stranded graveyard God what a weapon okay you know I really don't want to get knocked off the edge here [Music] homie I knew it was going to happen and I did it anyway okay the double venomous Fang serpent Hunter is also kind of cool I kind of like venomous Fang though bro it's a good weapon good weapon I'll take it all right we get a boss room off the rip that's fine we can wield the weapon oh God my rala dude oh this is not the weapon for this what excuse you Jesus huh oh God there's so many things in the way what a [Music] weapon I do really this weapon is good the only downside is it's a claw weapon which is not so good nice okay gold and Seed okay let's see what do you have for me stance damage in tier okay Uchi let's go see what the other Merchant has okay he has a one two and a six that's pretty good he has a single smithing Stone one that's not so good okay okay so there there should be some to pick up around here and we can get all the way down into lower schifer as well which this is kind of nice this is good exploration room okay flame grant me [Music] strength nice bloody shock that's my favorite kind oh oh a got me excited okay can you poison trees yes you know the scaling is a little bit higher than I thought it was I'm not going to lie I'm I'm a bit concerned about how much damage it'll do come on come on man all right wow wow sick 16,000 holy yeah that that scaling is actually this is the second room in the [ __ ] chain what huh what is this scaling bro there is a merchant down here kind of need to check that Merchant oh oh okay okay maybe I should level a little bit of Health huh o all right found her weapon so 12 and 17 is what we need and then a bunch of viig 12 17 take that there for now nice okay somra four or great Rune I like great runes too somra four great runes all right um well he's a sacred tier which I guess I'm just going to buy right now okay what's this guy got nope got Talisman pouch legendary item now what could you be getting a lot of weapons we're going to go explore the other the last remaining part of Castle Soul holy dude God this room man I thought we were chilling can confirm we were not chilling yeah you know I might just say that room stop God stupid [ __ ] it does it even do any item checks I think there's one item check in there okay it is a legendary item okay maybe it was worth it I can't think of any layer that isn't as deep as this portal so I guess we're going through this portal okay out gone I can't can't go in there all right got to be close to a stagger right nice oh [ __ ] I didn't think that was going to hit me didn't do a lot of damage though hurry okay I I think I go through the Valiant Gars door dude uh actually wait did I even I don't remember if I checked these doors cuz that would be depth two and then we're going to depth three so this is pretty early H okay welcome dear customer well are you please I'm hry out of four Crimson oh F that's a great Rune right there okay well I I don't have the runes for it and I I don't need to buy it right now but okay so this is a dead end but obviously it does key item checks as well as surely a somber four up nerds see you later nerds all right so what are the faith requirements on those 10 Arcane 12 faith I ain't see no seal all right so it doesn't matter yet because I don't have a seal anyway I think I want to go to the Valiant Gars door here that's a somber for right there 100% no doubt was a zombie oh Fu me and know this this is the wrong room to go into oh let's see where this takes us takes us to a somber four I believe okay oh boy that was quite Des spawn got to be close to a bleed right I can see it as clear as day the coming of our dasty okay we came in through that door let's check this door okay um yeah that's a mess that I don't really want to deal with like sure there's a lot of items but there's so many Fu enemies bro there's also no doors so it's literally just item checks I I guess there is like a golden seed drop right so there there's a key item check okay and I need need the ring for that okay there's also a merchant where is the merchant oh I guess getting to that Merchant isn't actually too bad I guess we can go to that getting to the seed is a pain in the end so after this I think we go check the Regal teleport uh and if that doesn't lead anywhere then we check lower shifra doors or volcano Manor okay no seal no great Rune no somber four useless all right Regal teleport okay this is a low depth area with lots of to pick up oh is that a great [Music] Rune okay and then I have one sitting at the merchant so I'm functionally at two great runes right now I just haven't bought the other one yet okay that that could be a smithing Stone right good and gold I thought this was going to be the [ __ ] seed bro check a couple more items and then we got four doorways to check maybe leveling to be able to use a a bow that that bow takes 14 faith and I kind of want to level the faith anyway all right yeah that's that's the next thing to do I think shoot for 14 faith that way we don't get cocked by God skin Duo all right now I should be able to wield that perfect which means I I can shoot these arrows all right okay so he phased in does that mean he's sewer Moog I I don't actually know he's grunting so he's real that is not how that works he's the fake fak all right your strength extraordinary that was a questionable choice but whatever let's check the next door get a somber four I don't want to deal with it nice love to see it up nerd so are you Healy deer or not Healy deer [Music] that was questionable [Music] oh oh dude oh oh that was so [ __ ] sick ah hello all nice yep seed that's a somber four right there 100% no doubt not a question in my mind almost so if if this other door doesn't lead us anywhere useful I guess we excuse you I guess we do lower shifra cuz it's either lower shifra or shaded castle and I do not want to do shaded Castle oh yeah and volcano Manor that's true that's true that's true maybe I like volcano Manor first I don't know bro getting through volcano Manor is a real pain in the but there is a merchant there okay so this doesn't give us access to anything new but it does give us key item checks or a key item check oh I I think that's a great rune wow okay okay that is two great runes I'll just go buy the other one right now just so that I I can make it three I guess I can buy this hope in hard tier is actually really nice for this stance break ter Metals will be nice um okay guess I'll buy the Talisman p ouch it's either shifra or volcano Manor let's check shifra let's check the porters the shortcut Porters let's see do you take me to somewhere random or is this still just a shortcut teleporter okay so this is just the shortcut teleporter um but we can do the the Dragon Kin teleporter okay so teleporters don't actually go anywhere they they just go to their default location which means we have the top of the elevator doors and we have the ancestor Spirit down here it's j bro this is so easy I guess I can check equipment of Champions yeah I forgot that's a thing I'll take that oh I I also didn't check these items yet yo sheer is [ __ ] clutch it gave me blood hounds Fang the somber 4 and the somber eight I took you for no matter crazy okay I need to go buy the nine wow that's expensive all right I'm going to go kill something first getting a seal would be nice uh but we we got just about all the items that we would want okay let godric nice cled all right need a little bit more for plus 10 oh God that's fire giant okay I I at least it's phase one fire giant phase two fire giant would be a mess nice okay we want to go check the door getting a seal would be really cool man ask for a seal it gives me a staff that sounds about right oh my f i almost jumped down this ho dude that would have been an awful way to end it ah the drip the heavy load drip two STS all right bro I really can't complain about RNG on this run this has been uh good run good item so far now let's see what this has for me obviously have all sorts of doors to go through over in God skin Arena um but that's a a layer deeper so let's not go a layer deeper when we don't need to okay okay um so it's either volcano Manor or here I'm going here let's get viig to 40 four doors let's see where they go okay that's a dead end okay anel River main that's a lot of exploring over there let's see if we can find a a boss fight don't suck oh boy [Music] well now art passing Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins T bad Roll n ain't going in that's sces me God the uneven Terrain all right well this is a very sketchy Arena so it's good that we didn't die scaling went up by quite a bit as you can see though okay nice we got 40 viig we got 70k from that let's check the the last door over here okay this is useless there there's nothing there so it's either go through volcano Manor which honestly is probably not that bad of an idea or it's check this door um or it's go through the anel main which that's kind of a pain in the while on its own there's also shaded Castle okay so this is a dead end anyway yeah we can do volcano Manor I'm hry I mean I guess Arsenal charm doesn't suck yeah that's kind of nice cool all right let's see what's this going to give us okay great Rune check I don't think this one needs the magic Grease sick okay not a great room but that's all good I can check this door uh okay well this is a dead end holy okay um but we're we're going deeper in depth here chions welcome the stars of oh boy okay R card's in there oh man we're we're okay we we've had a just a couple connector rooms at this point scaling is going to get Juiced bro [Music] oh boy that was something wasn't it he just killed absolutely everything outside of the Arena demolished all those poor [ __ ] out there okay we have another door that we can go back uh one depth and check right we still have to check the teleporter in volcano Manor it probably won't take us anywhere useful I I don't think I have check perfect perfect all right that's one of the things we need to find all right okay let's check the volcano Manor teleporter okay we have a key item check over there I think we continue with this for the moment because this is all going to be like kind of low scaling let's see okay k a Manor I oh I am an old perhaps you okay I need that let's go upgrade the serpent Hunter as much as I can okay this is this is pretty early game and we haven't checked this yet okay I mean there's the oneway teleporter that I can check but I'm pretty sure we're out of good oneway Loc locations I don't think that's going to matter forgot about this yep useful one way wait this is Valiant guards hey you got me [ __ ] up if you think I'm not summoning here okay yeah this is a mess all right cool you know this is as far as Arenas go this is a pretty good Arena if you have to face Valley and Gars this is a good Arena to face him on ow nice all right there we go okay well now we just need malakas Arena okay so it's Kia Manor or here I think we go here cuz I don't really want to deal with K and Mana to be honest with you hello Gideon highs scaled Gideon oh God see you later Gideon nice knowing you okay there's two gates here is that a key item that might actually be a key item okay that is a key item okay all right um so we have the sewer gate that we're going to go check right now all right come on just give me Malak Arena why not okayy oh my dear God that is a hellscape all right so apparently I can simply die to fall damage and well don't technically die but this is how they dealt with that hoing problem okay I believe believe I've already been here let me see though yes already been there okay other lane Del gate then oh there's also a gate over here oh and there's also the shortcut right there I I don't know what I'm talking about bro okay this is a merchant apparently Faith tier enhances charged attacks that seems good all right where's this going to take me where is this ah the exit to godkin Duo okay uh let's go check the other lane delegate first Malak Arena I I would really like Malak Arena if you just want to give that to me oh goding rala getting blended up okay this scaling isn't actually too crazy Okay jump back all right there he goes ow oh God not The Blasters bro all right cool so we're just trying to get to the teleporter out there I mean technically finding a seal would be nice all right now you take me to somewhere that doesn't suck okay okay fine you know it's relatively early scaling and if I do it right he should never do the fire breath move okay I I didn't even know this was a move that he I guess you have to be pretty far away from him for him to do it oh come on you you no can't get on the horse yeah this this isn't an awful arena for this all right I need to find malikat Arena what okay so this this one just doesn't randomize it's also a one way okay uh it doesn't give us access to anything new though okay now who is this going to be okay now who is this going to be ghost Loretta so [ __ ] cool bro all right so there's the main anel river which I think is what makes sense to go do now there's also the post god skin Duo which gives us access to two doors but we're going to do main anso right now yeah no matter what we do there's going to be a pain in the run but actually this doesn't even get us to a [ __ ] door this gets us to a oneway Teleport and all the [ __ ] oneway teleports are useless I'm pretty sure all right we got to go do got to go do lower anel nice okay finally get access to rikardo okay I didn't think it would work but I had to give it a try that's not okay I thought that was going to be the Stagger but I guess this is [Music] all the no serpent Hunter Right Guard kills really paying off now huh okay okay let's get that that I guess we get one more faith and then we start leveling endurance let's go check the hard to get to door okay uh okay what's that and scaling is getting up there which is why this door is a bit concerning but f it okay it's a merchant check might as well buy that all right let's see okay well we now have so this this is going to be we're not going to do this right now we're going to go to regular her tree sanctuary and then check these doors okay merry [ __ ] Christmas bro we found it all right the scaling should be pretty high here so let's not die all right oh of course it's the here dude ah ah oh he's one-h handing what an idiot yeah sick sick one hand dude nice job follow that up no balls what a buffoon absolute [ __ ] hey that's my move don't use my magic grease against [Music] me it's cheating bro astonished why cover okay we got what we need bro this was the run well okay I suppose I still have a boss to kill I probably shouldn't be talking sh all right here we go bro here we go still never found a seal but whatever we got magic grease what more could you want all right see you later nerd nice knowing you sucks to be you hey this is a pretty cool Final Boss we'll take that I missed I wanted the repost anyway so it's fine yeah that had to be the all right don't kill him let me get the style let me get the style oh yeah bud oh yeah let's F go let's [ __ ] go finally got some of that luck that I needed after 17 attempts of tragedy since you made it to the end of this video I know you would love this video where I played Elden ring but got randomly teleported every 5 minutes
Channel: Bushy
Views: 1,079,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sO2-V9dUUfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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