Baldur's Gate 3 - Honour Mode Speedrun and Achievement Tutorial - Act 3 and Ending

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heyo everyone I'm Kronos and this is part three of my honor mode speedrun and achievement tutorial for balers Gate 3 this part will go through all of act three up until the end of the game if you haven't seen it yet make sure to follow along from Parts one and two which cover the previous two acts also if you are interested in seeing a glitchless run and tutorial be sure to like And subscribe to stay tuned for more in the future before we get started I want to cover infinite status mode a little bit more uh since you will be using it pretty extensively in act three so right now I have infinite status mode on Tav which allows all of your cooldowns for any turnbas uh effects just to last permanently so for instance I have featherfall and enhanced sleap here and they're not ticking down so to perform this glitch what you need is a way to revive a character and a dead character so in this case I'm going to do infinite status Mode glitch on Shadow heart here so that's going to be using magic missiles to just kill hering her twice and then I'm going to pick up this revive if I scroll and yeah so now we have Shadow heart uh who is dead so first thing to notice is what we're going to do to perform the glitch is to pick up Shadow heart while you are in turn base mode so it's going to look something like this so you pick up Shadow heart and then you leave turn base mode you drop shadow heart from your inventory you can either right click to drop or drag and drop the body off where you want it and then you're going to revive them by just using a scroll for instance and once they get revived they have uh infinite status mode on them so once I cast feather fall here you can see Shadow heart now has 10 turns of featherfall and it's not ticking down however you'll notice that my Tav who used to have uh the infinite status mode no longer has it that's because whenever you enter turnbas mode whether it is manually by toggling it or by entering combat it will remove the turn base a per like a permanent effect so it's very important to understand this since we will be using it a lot in act three now I'll start going through the rest of act three so once we left off out of act two after the gift fight uh if you did gift skip you should have your Tav and Shadow heart dead and tav's Body in this case is dead at our feet so we are going to perform infinite status Mode glitch on uh our Tav here and make our way all the way to the lower City on the way we're going to go kill Gort and it's pretty time based if you want to cast the least amount of spells but for the sake of this tutorial I will be a bit slow here just to show how it works so right here I'm going to turn on turnbas mode and pick up my Tav their body is invisible for some reason because of a glitch so turn on turnbas mode pick them up and then leave it so that is setting up for when we enter lower City our Tav will be revived and it should have uh uh infinite status once we get there so from here we're going to use featherfall and enhanced sleap on jera and we are just going to start making our way to worms Rock so I like to jump forwards here second jump should get to this edge here I like to make my third jump in the center of this pathway and jump further along just follow this path here like to jump around that patch of grass and then I like to jump to this set of grass right here so here there's a bunch of guards here they're not going to let you enter the city so in order to get around that we cast invisibility and then we jump onto this rock and then we jump around to this wooden platform here from here we jump up to this roof up to the roof again and all the way to this side then I jump to this roof we're just making our way all the way to this section right here so once you get here uh notice that all my uh abilities ran out uh in order to uh get all the way through without losing all your cool Downs uh you just have to be a lot faster with it the last spot you can use your spells so for instance if you manage to run out of your timers here you can cast them once more because once you get here this is where your cooldowns will no longer work since you need to be invisibility and there this is an area where you where you will be trespassing it so to avoid all that we're going to just cast invisibility here along with feather fall and enhan sleep and we are going to be on a timer to uh kill Gort here in the method that I do in the current record so I will demonstrate that route first so it's going to look like this just make sure you have all your spells on and active so the feather fall enhance sleep and invisibility jump to this rooftop jump to the door open the door and we are going to go through to Gort here so instead of talking to gorach we're going to use improvised melee weapon and drag him all the way past this set of two steel Watchers here so it's just a left click to perform the improvised melee weapon once we get past the two Ste Watchers we cancel the action so we don't uh hurt Gort so he doesn't attack us and if you do this correctly you'll skip the cutscene with Gort here so afterwards we're going to perform kidnapping similar to how we did it in act two we're going to use the throw button here we going to click Gort and then we're going to left and right click very quickly afterwards like this and it should be able to pick up Gort and throw him so basically you are able to carry him anywhere I've noticed that people have been struggling with this and there's multiple reasons why for instance if you are too far away and you are trying to do it you might not be able to because you're not close enough for the action to actually occur so you need to be very close to gorach in this case also I have heard that it might be frame rate based so if you do have your frame rate set like mine I believe I have 60 Max frame rate cap here that just makes it very consistent uh at least for me although I'm not sure how other people have been feeling it but this is what works for me but yeah we're going to go ahead and kidnap Gort here like take a couple tries here we go and then we're going to cast enhanced Le and we're just going to start making our way down to the bottom so we enter this passage go down this way and then you're going to have a cut scene with the steel Watcher if you skip gort's cut scene and we're just going to jump North this way to go drop Cortes off at the straw Bridge so to throw Gores off we're going to drop him off here by using the throw button and that just places him back down when we cancel it and you want to make sure that your pass around this wooden decoration here this is so that these enemies here will not ago to you when you kill Gores and you have unlimited chances to kill Gort here so you don't have to really worry if you failed to 42% chance here so throw Gores off the edge and pick up his Gauntlet from here you get this cut scene right click through it and then leave it and then just jump to the lower city right here and enter it so if you don't want to do the improvise weapon Strat on Gores I'm going to demonstrate the alternative way here so so once you cast all your spells on the rooftop here and you make your way to the other side you can just start the cut scene with Gort here by entering into the Fortress going here and then just start talking to him time for the nities so when you talk to him just right click and keep pressing one here to go through his dialogue it's a lot of it but fine so once you skip past that line when you have this uh line that says I must go select that one it's the fastest way to get past it and then click one and just keep going and pressing one and that should get rid of all of the dialogue here so that's the alternative way of going through this section from there same thing as before just do the throw on him so it's going to like something like this and then just start jumping your way down to the bottom just like last time so once you enter the lower City you're going to have a cut scene here with the nether brain so just right click to skip it so it'll look like this and then switch over to your tab so from here you're going to want to level up and this is important for some stats that we want so you're going to want spells here and the important spells that we need are Misty step invisibility and darkness so we're going to be selecting all of those make sure you prepare them as well so Misty step invisibility on this level for this next level hand trip doesn't matter for our spell we want Darkness for sure the rest doesn't matter and then we just want to make sure we prepare Darkness as well from here I like to choose the athlete feet just just for a longer jump distance and then this level five here doesn't matter we just select whatever spells you want and then that's it so from here Shadow heart gets a level but we don't care for shadow heart's level and we're going to use enhanced sleep and featherfall on our T and if you did infinite status Mode glitch correctly our Tav should have the infinite status on these Buffs from here we're going to make our way to the firework shop so it's one long jump to the right there so I can jump onto this rooftop from this roof I jump to this side of the roof jump to around the middle of this roof and jump to this roof here once I get there I jump down to the bottom of these stair steps and then I jump to fellow gears Workshop or the fireworks so here you want to make sure that your tab has all the items you need so in this case uh I want the armor I want uh the Warhammer from cck and I want the Bell so make sure you have at least these three items on your tab here for the Bell you also want to put it in your hot bar here since you're going to be needing to activating it as soon as possible for the Orin fight so at this point this is all the stuff you need for the end sequence and we're going to talk to Avery here and we're going to buy the fireworks so here we just sell our armor that's C we buy all the fireworks that we can so all these pop draks the Squig and the wlins and we also want an alchemist fire you can also buy some smoke powder bombs if you are scared as well that you don't have enough explosives and I will also cover how to get even more fireworks as well uh so here we just buy all of these leave the shop and now we're going to be using Darkness to get all the rest of the fireworks here so there's a bunch of fireworks at this Center section there's a fireworks display case and a bunch of fireworks here uh there's a bunch of fireworks in the back as well and those are all the fireworks that we need for the run I will also cover uh getting additional fireworks uh after doing this the normal way so right here this is what I will do you do have a timer on Darkness though despite having infinite status so you do have to be somewhat quick on doing this so just be careful so I like to cast uh Darkness here first then you crouch to S hide and then from here you're going to pick up all the fireworks in this display case pick up uh all the fireworks here you don't care about the boxes of fireworks since they're too heavy to carry around from here you pick up the pop Dr and that firework there then I cast the second one here to grab four more so make sure you're still hiding and then I pick up these pop dcks the SW gloms here that are hanging up here and then just check around to make sure you don't have it more you only get four from that one so it might not be as necessary but this back one right here is the most needed so cast it to make sure you get all of these fireworks in this section then make sure you're hiding once more grab these fireworks here and ones in these display cases and these pop tricks Squig up top and then this fireworks display case here and all these wag liims here if you do this correctly you should have about 60 in this case I have 62 or so 61 but yeah that is all the fireworks that you need from here I like to do the jump clip through the wall here so that's just a mash jump through the wall like this so down around the staircase is where you aim and then similar to the lever skip in act two you're able to just walk straight through the wall so if you don't want to do that it's fine uh this is what you would do otherwise so uh you could just exit the shop out of the entrance and then just jump around to the left here in any case that you fail at getting the fireworks for instance if you get seen by the guard here and they find you and then take all your fireworks something that you can do is pickpocket of Avery here and you're going to take the seller key which is this key right here so it is a seven check here so you do have to get somewhat lucky but this is only as a last resort scenario but once you take that key you are able to enter this hatch here and there's a bunch more fireworks that you can collect here uh there are traps in this area as well so you'll have to be careful but there's a display case of fireworks here here's of fireworks here and then here you'll notice that I'll probably fail some perception checks here but it doesn't matter if you trigger these too much because what happens here is even if you die you can just long rest and it'll just revive your Tav so it's pretty minor and you're still able to pick up these uh fireworks that you can so all those can take this Alchemist fire if you didn't get one earlier uh and yeah just whatever fireworks that are left in the area you can pick up as well and that should give you enough fireworks for sure there's just another about 20 or so so as you can see here now I have an extra 20 fireworks so from here you can just exit out and you are good to go from here we jump up to around halfway through this uh ramp here so we can jump to the other side pass this big gap we're going to jump to these pigeons here then jump to this rooftop here the small roof there yeah from here we jump to this Rooftop at the very end here and then I like to jump around where this red table is then I jump to where this person is standing basically and then I jump all the way to this manhole here and this is where we will enter the lower uh the sewers from here we are going to jump our way to Orin so it's going to be in this direction to this door once we open the door I jump to the other side and jump all the way up to this corner here so once you get here you don't want to pass this doorway yet until you're ready because we're going to be triggering the Orin cutscene here who is Orin disguised as yenna and uh basically we want to keep Orin in Yen's form by using the bell and by having the Bell cut scene trigger before the Orin cut scene does then Orin just gets stuck as yenna for all the way until where we need to kill Orin so we're going to go ahead and do that so we're going to walk up to these patch of rocks here and you'll notice uh yenna spawn in and once we see yenna spawn in we're going to quickly tap the Bell so it's going to look something like this so we walk there we see yenna spawn in we tap the bell and we get the Bell cut scene you look like you want you want to make sure you don't skip out of this too quickly because if you do then Orin might talk to you after this cut scene so normally you just wait a tiny bit and then you press leave once you do that make sure you don't talk to yenna here otherwise you'll trigger the cut scene once again and that's basically the entire uh skip for that from here we jump forwards here and we're going to attack this hanging corpse with a Firebolt or a ray of frost whatever works that's just going to get the blood to spill here so this door opens so normally in this section there's a big fight that happens here but we're going to avoid all that by turning invisible at this section so make sure to have invisibility casted on yourself so once you do that uh start making your way down couple jumps all the way to the end so just get past all of these enemies and make your way to Orin so right here we jump down to this set of stairs here and then we jump all the way down to the bottom here and you should get this uh wayp point for the Temple of ball that's going to be important for jira for the end of the run here and we're going to just jump our way forwards to the set of doors so once you reach the set of doors uh we're going to be casting Misty step to go through them and it's going to be something like this so you'll notice that Target is out of sight but somewhere here there is an area where you are able to Misty step through so it's pretty small of an area but it's pretty lenient since you can only cast it when you can cast it basically if you don't have enough spell slots remember you have Arcane recovery you also can do a backup which is grabbing a chest and doing a wall clip through this set of doors as well if you are playing Dark urge you don't have to do this either you can just talk to the person that's guarding the door and just talk your way through but here I'm going to show the Misty step here so it's going to look something like this we teleport through we're going to jump down to the center here and you'll notice that Orin is still disguised as yena here with yena's body knocked out here so from here this is very important we're going to be toggling non-lethal attacks to be on this allows us to defeat uh yenna here stuck in this form or Orin disguised is Yana Here and this will allow us to basically kill Orin since technically you're not supposed to be able to kill yenna uh just weird Shenanigans with how the game works so by doing the toggle non-lethal attacks we are able to kill in one hit so it is an 80% chance to hit you have two swings because if you miss the first swing you can turn on turn base mode to get one more chance at another swing uh if you fail both swings uh yenna will run off all the way and disappear but then 20 or so seconds later she'll reappear and you can just try it again so you don't even have to worry if you do Miss it's just a lot of time loss if you do so yeah you can also dip your uh Warhammer into the uh candles here if you want to get guaranteed damage since I believe well you should do enough damage like all the time before we used to not be able to but here we should be able to do it in one swing so we're going to go attack here with non-al attacks on we knock out Orin disguised to Sienna and that just triggers the cut scene and basically we get the nether Stone and complete this Quest from here Emperor greets us say you're not ready and then that's basically it now we have all three nether Stones we have orence nether Stone here and jir has gaches and CX there so we are good to go uh something that you'll notice is we are not able to exit out of this area since we never opened the door and the faster way to get out of here is to switch over to jira and we're going to just use jira to go all the way to the morphic pools so from here we're going to cast enhanced leap on J and we're going to jump onto this set of stairs on the way North we're going to jump onto this uh wall here basically and and you should have enough distance to make it all the way to this other side here so once you do that just jump through this doorway jump to the edge of the docks here and from here you'll have all the cranium rats here you want to make sure that you don't start to fight with them otherwise it'll be a pain so what I like to do is jump to the rats here and then jump to the other side and turn turn base mode on that just guarantees that uh we don't uh trigger the fight so once we do that we're just going to use the boat and that should let us proceed through from here you'll enter the cut scene just right click through all of it and then from here we're going to have a shadow heart and we're going to switch over to her and jump into the chasm of water here since we no longer need Shadow heart and by doing this it allows us to skip the cut scene with the nether brain at the end of this section which is normally very long you have like three dice rolls that you need to do so it's pretty long and it's nice to be able to skip past that from here we switch to jira and we're going to make our way all the way to the edge of the water here make sure you have enhanced sleep on and we're going to toggle the Tactical View and you should be able to go scroll your camera down a bit down here so you should have a area where you can see your jump basically just be able to reach here uh you're not going to be able to jump like normal you're going to have to do the spam jump so it's going to look something like this and you should land on this set of rocks here from here you can just jump through to this side of rocks and you should jump through these Stones here by jumping close to around this torch and you have to be far enough back to be able to make this jump so it's going to look like this and you're going to get the Constitution fail thing here sometimes so you don't want to be spamming jump because you might get stuck there from here you might trigger this fight here with all these brains uh you generally are able to not get that fight but if you do you should be able to have enough actions to make your way this way and that cancels the fight from happening from here just make sure you have your enhanced sleep on and we're just going to make our way this way to the brain controlled couple jump and then you're going to jump all the way down to the bottom here with the nether brain to skip all the extra stuns and because Shadow heart is dead we can right click to skip all of this dialogue SK press one here to skip uh the emperor's dialogue and now we are back in the astral plane what now so if you did the gift skip you're going to have to do a couple things here because the GIF will still be in this area since we skipped them before so what we're going to do is cast invisibility on our T and uh since I never went into turn base mode uh with our Tav here they're going to still have the infinite status mode at least for now so we're able to jump all the way down here jump to this area pass these G they shouldn't notice you at all and then you're just going to talk to the emperor from here this is the most important part for the dialogue then I will be able to so you want to make sure that you say uh you want to use the we the stones yourself to become athid it's because you need a an elid to defeat uh the nether brain otherwise you won't be able to so select three skip all the cut scene here and then talk to the emperor again I TR uh to skip that and say make me a mind fler ready to be very well all you have and then once you say open your mind to the parasite you will turn into an olid so from here you want to make sure the emperor is your enemy at the end sequence because you don't want any extra allly is getting in the way of the fight so to do that I shove one of these GIF here so that's just going to be shoving here this will make them all surprised as well so when we do it the emperor will leave and all these guys will be surprised so we're able to just book it to the portal and leave to enter the final sequence of the game so once you get here you're going to have jira and make her jump off the edge because we only want our Tav to be the one to finish the run here since all the other characters will waste our time and we're just going to cast enhan sleep and start making our way to uh the fight so here I jump around to the left here instead of going the center way it's just a little bit f faster once you reach the set of doorable doors here with talks about how you're alone which is and you can buy some stuff from Cole here uh if you want uh Cole does have some useful things like if you need Scrolls of fly or something or potions of Slumber to refill your uh spell slots or extra smoke powder bombs just just in case you can always do that here if you feel like you don't have enough fireworks so that's always an option I never do it since I don't find it necessary but yeah once you get here there's two routes I'm going to show the first route here so this is the standard speedrun route that I like to do so generally you have enhanced sleep uh feather fall if you want and then you're going to cast invisibility so from here you're on a timer because there's going to be a bunch of enemies just flying or walking around so I float all the way up to this rooftop and then I jump down to the bottom here because I have enhanced sleep and feather fall and then you'll notice these enemies are walking by and patrolling the area and they do have invisibility Vision so you have to be very careful not to get seen by them and it's a role on whether or not you will get seen so if you get lucky or if you get unlucky you will get seen by them but most of the time it shouldn't happen so we're going to just jump up to this ladder here jump to the other side and just make our way all the way past all these enemies to uh brain stem so at this point you should still have your enhanced sleep and feather fall so that's one option uh there's also another path here if you don't want to do this frog skip that I will be showing here so I'll do the Frog skip first just to demonstrate how it works so here normally you have enhanced sleep on and you're going to talk to Bell here so left click to start the dialogue and you're going to select option one and this will turn you into a frog turn on turn base mode so you have frog form uh so you can line it up easily here and you're just going to move your camera all the way to the top of the brain stem when you cast jump here you can see the area where you can jump too but you want to jump at the very top of the staircase here this is because if you jump anywhere else with the spam jump you will fall through the brain stem and die which is not a fun way to lose an honor mode run so from here you do the spam jump at the top of the stairs which would look something like this and you should appear at the top here so once you are at the top you end your turn you should turn back to yourself once the Frog timer runs out and you triggered this cut scene so right click to skip past all of that and from here uh all that's left is going up to the brain stem uh before we do that we're going to use invisibility one more time once again if you don't have spell slots there's also a chest here that has a potion of angelic Slumber just in case if you want it to have your additional spell slots if necessary so if you don't want to do the more risky fast route there's a very very safe route that you can take as well so what you're going to do is cast enh hand s and we're just going to start making our way this way so we wake our way to around this set of stairs here and we're just going to jump all the way up to the top here and then basically we trigger this cut scene here so we skip all this dialogue here just save five to get out of here and from here we're going to enter through this door so this is generally where the big fight sequence would start but what we're going to do is just cast invisibility and we're just going to run past all of these enemies since we do have enhanced leap we can jump past them it's a bit faster but yeah you're just going to ignore all of them and they won't uh fight you at all so that's pretty fun just go all the way up to the top and go through the door and since they don't have C invisibility you're able to skip all these enemies there from here you're going to uh go if you don't want to do this frog skip uh I'm going to have all these intellect devours around so what we're going to do here is we're going to cast invisibility right before this set of doors here so it's going to look something like this and once we walk into this area trigger this nautil cut scene here but that doesn't matter uh so once you do that we're going to uh just walk up here you can exit uh turn base mode as well and we're just going to fly all the way to the top here so it's one fly from here I like to fly around this Edge then we fly all the way around to round this area here and we are able to fly all the way through this window that's open up here so just fly like that and that's the alternative method to reach the top here and from here we're going to cast invisibility and enter the brain stem so when you do it you'll open this uh cut scene here that doesn't matter just click the brain stem and say you are ready from here right click to skip all this dialogue and you're going to make your way to the crown so here you just levitate right next to this Dragon this is so you avoid these tentacles that are around it and then you levitate all the way up to the crown and because you're invisible you're able to do the two turn Crown thing in just one turn so it should look something like this time to again and break will and once you enter the cut scene here just right click and you are in the nether brain fight is so from here this is where it's very important that you have all your fireworks all your spells and all your movement pretty precise here because if you waste movement you're going to need a second turn to do your setup so what I do is fly all the way down to the nether grain so just around this area here and we're going to drop off all the fireworks one by one and we're going to throw a flask of fire at it and just destroy it so it should look something like this so I fly down and then I open my inventory and I'm going to drop all the fireworks down basically right at my feet here you don't want to place them far away because your character is going to move and that will potentially make up all your movement turn for the left that's left of your turn so you want to make sure you place them right next to you so you don't move just put all the fireworks that you have so it should look something like this and then once you do that you're going to walk as far away from the fireworks as you can so I like to walk like this for instance and you should have enough distance away that you don't die to the fireworks if you are scared about dying to the fireworks what you can do is you can wait one turn here it'll have the cut scene with with the nether brain but you shouldn't take any damage or die and then you can use your second turn to walk further away from the fireworks but I believe this is far enough so I'm going to go ahead and blow them up so just make sure you throw the fire bomb on the fireworks like so and that should end the game no resist so right there you you have the nether brain cut scene you right click to skip past all of it and you can choose whatever endings that you want so for instance you can dominate the brain command the brain to destroy itself it's up to you basically at this point you have completed the game and that is all that is left of the run so that's it for this tutorial video so hopefully you all enjoyed this series I will be doing once again a glitchless uh run and tutorial eventually in the future that'll probably be sometime in late January early February when a route will be developed and everything for it and it will probably be around 2 hours I've gotten quite a few comments on having a glitchless run so that's one of the main reasons that I want to do it and I have been receiv Le a lot of comments on being able to do these tricks on Console unfortunately I don't have a console to test everything but I have been getting and giving feedback uh from a lot of people on whether they or not they're possible and once again it's a lot of just comments that I've been responding to really appreciate it and if you have any questions or comments about the video or run please feel free to like and sub subscribe and comment down below and I will be able to answer all your questions that you have so that is all take care and have a good day do it correctly fireworks should go boom [Music]
Channel: Chronos
Views: 17,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -as9izu-0XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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