Yes, you can be good, help everyone and still romance Astarion (Act 1) | Baldur's Gate 3

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hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others there can you see it just a dumb boore you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger I just need information I saw you scuttling about on the ship you're in League with them aren't you those tentacle your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark bus buy streams you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on the worm of course that explains things somewhat and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inets apologies indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself my name's aaran I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me my I you've been busy so did you learn anything about the these worms while wandering the ship turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and anyone that can crash a mine flare ship and walk away seems like a good person to know all right I accept lead on your gift friend seems on edge mustn't relish the thought of sprouting tentacles understandable can't say I'm a fan either it's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new the night normally means bustling streets bursting taverns curling up in the dirt and resting is um a little novel I'm in no place to rest yet today has been a lot I need some time to think things through to process this you sleep I'll keep watch the pleasure is all mine sweet dreams I saw you getting a lecture from our Magical Friend I have to say I thought you'd look worse but no not a tentacle to be [Music] seen naturally but I was thinking what if it doesn't of course first sign of change and I'll have to stop that pretty little heart of yours I am a to suggestions knives poison strangulation whatever you'd prefer a classic one could thrust to the heart and you're gone we need a good blade of course don't want to waste time hacking and prodding with a dinner knife well I'm getting ahead of myself this is all a worst case scenario Ario obviously oh my dear I'd like to see you try now let's get some rest the sooner we start tomorrow the better our chances of keeping this hypothetical they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters I've tried corga their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing [Music] else really we're Messengers now we don't you you a great debt if we are forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you suddenly feel something moving against your back and turn you notice she's trembling the tears streaming down her cheeks are indeed real I can't do this anymore Mattis I'm sorry the pig's dead my friend staring at it won't bring it back come on we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and gwk at every piece of carrying you find [Music] the boar seems to be fresh only a few hours dead Examining The Corpse you see two small puncture wounds in its neck and is it dead enough for you I it's been drained of blood with wounds in its neck it's been killed by a vampire I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you they are ferocious creatures but don't worry I'll keep watch tonight we won't have to worry about nocturnal visitors now please let let's go it's quite a sight the Stars I mean I could take or leave your chin no just thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring When we arrive at this gith crash will we find out how to bring the worm under control will this little adventure of ours be over H why not you've been to the hellenbach survived the crash survived everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for you have your charm more than you think the smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a bit too perfect he may not mean a word he says oh you're have fun sleep tight I'll see you later I'm sure shh I'm concentrating does this look good is the coin in the middle ah uh he lets out a tentative chirp gaining confidence he starts a song abandoning his nest building efforts look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead but you seem like a good Soul you deserve a chance to save yourself this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here are you all right oh I've seen it all I once had a fell who'd been caught dabbling with a dryad the wife was none too pleased and introduced him to a pot of boiling oil but worry not I fixed him up and depending on the lighting he looks good as new my point is is whatever ails you I promise I've seen worse why she sounds positively demented I love it let's tell her everything what is it petler what's wrong as you recount your adventure Auntie Ethel nods along her eyes wide so the tple allows us to influence others how very interesting influence yes but a power born of alids is not one to take lightly I would urge you to exercise caution you have the ability to manipulate people make them bend to your every whim and you'd be cautious about it that's no fun perhaps but dipping a toe in the athid waters doesn't mean we have to dive in am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain oh a mere trifle how dear is one Soul really a rhetorical question of course but let me Venture an answer it's worth very little with a tagple in your head one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that and what is Madness but a denial of reality now there's a bloody devil trailing after us this gets better and better shop around he said he seems sure we won't find anything and he might be right we've had no luck so far maybe but all that take your time I'll wait nonsense he's playing with us he reminds me of well someone I used to know someone that like to play with people creatures like them don't play games unless they know they can win maybe but he's not the only one spinning a web for us this is no ordinary mine flare parasite who tampered with it and why what do they have planned for us and why are we important enough that a devil comes knocking our door door if we find those answers we might have a chance you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to sanguin hunger it's not what you think I'm not some monster I feed on animals BS deer Cobalts whatever I can get I'm just too slow right now too weak if I just had a little blood I could think clearer fight better please at best I was sure you'd say no more likely you'd Ram a steak through my ribs no I needed you to trust me and you can trust me thank you do you think you could trust me just a little further I only need a taste I swear really I of course not one drop more let's make ourselves comfortable shall we It's Like A Shard of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches your pulse quickens oh of course that that was amazing my mind is finally clear I feel strong I feel happy shouldn't take long so many people need killing now if you'll excuse me you're invigorating but I need something more filling this is a gift you know I won't forget it you watch as he stalks towards the forest stronger more confident ready to hunt good morning how do you feel it'll pass just be glad I'm not a true vampire aide from them and you might wake up as a vampire spawn like my good self all of a vampire's hunger but few of their powers oh no I should be Cinders in this light I hadn't seen the Sun for 200 years before we crashed here someone or something wants me alive they've changed the rules standing in the sun waiting through a river wandering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now as for my other quirks well we can figure those out in time that's my theory but who knows I'm just glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time hunting with vampires never thought I'd see the day very well but I'm keeping an eye on you and no Wise Cracks about having us for supper I just better not wake in the night to find fangs at my throat quite the opposite I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty to work together as a team maybe we could get him to wear a bell dissuade any nighttime prowling there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it I'm finally home or near it anyway you served her that's enough to damn you will catches his breath and his lips straighten sheer dread twists his face you don't know what you're saying you're asking me to trust a devil listen to sense now I don't want this to end badly for either of us Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heart L and the soulless carlac meets the criteria by virtue of having no heart kill me I wouldn't recommend it I die and Will turns to a leure and gets sucked right down to the hells there you you are I was just thinking about you and that delicious moment we shared the other night the very same I've had this condition for two centuries but truth be told you are my first in all these years I've only ever fed on beasts drinking the blood of thinking creatures is a different thing entirely you were delectable and now I can't help but wonder how the others taste don't worry there's enough of me to go around I'm a man of tremendous appetites I don't think they'd volunteer of course but it doesn't make me any less curious take Gail for example he strikes me as someone whose blood is rich find like well-aged brandy but the GIF what in the hells would she taste like H oh well that sounds very appealing I'm almost convinced absolutely a mere thought experiment so in the spirit of theoretical questions if you had to take a bite from one of them who would it be oh no no no no no don't be disgusting I just mean a sip of their blood no mastication required a fine Choice she is enticing although the more I think on it the hungrier I get I better go find something I can actually get my teeth into there's nothing that tasty lurking out in the woods but I'll make do uh sweet dreams it's our sister Marina she's well she was in a bad way after her husband died started saying weird things like how she was going to bring him back next thing she's gone looking for the hag of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since and no good ever came from dealing with a hag none of this matters all right we need to get her back and fast I don't remember bloody asking you hold on Joel let her talk what would you [Music] suggest are you joking I ain't got a clue who you are no way I'm leaving re it to you a diminutive creature sporting a red hat glares at you you recognize the Red Cap a fay creature known for its blood lust that noise is the creature pretending to be a sheep need something why do you insist on assuming the past I was a slave a vampire SP born kept by the Zar family perhaps I still am I was never able to resist their commands but now I've been conveniently lost they won't ever control me again it's simple just find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire spawn their obedient puppet in theory the next step is to drink their blood once you've done that you're free and a true vampire people think the biggest threat to a vampire is a cleric with a stake it's not the biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire they're scheming paranoid power hungry beasts so why would any vampire give up control over a spawn to create a competitor trust me it doesn't happen I've already apologized what more do you want unless you're looking for another nibble maybe but there won't be any more midnight surprises I can promise you that yes my sweet there is nothing I'd like more I'll come to you tonight when you're snuggly wrapped in your bed roll and we can have a little privacy and this time I'll make sure I'm quiet we don't want to disturb your rest later on when we are at rest I will eat you right up just enough to give me strength and just enough to leave you wishing for more ah stranger forgive the aroma you catch a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought all gar were vagrant Cutthroats your friend has just heard the rumors of my people that we steal chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I'm no witch doctor or Cutthroat something terrifying no doubt Dragon Cyclops Cobalt I think so Dr itic I'm hunting for a vampire spawn his name is aarian but I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush him out if I can afford her blood price not this time my orders are to capture him oh uh and bring him where exactly Boulder's Gate my people wait for me there I don't know I'm sure a vampire spawn could still rip out your throat if he felt like it he is right Unfortunately they are only weak when compared to their masters during the day we have the advantage but at night when they hunt you'll not find a more deadly Quarry we've all survived so far let's focus on that it would still be wise to post guards at night the threat is real indeed it is we should do something about this threat wait that's it we're just walking away fine but if this comes back to bite us it's on your head go in peace my friends I pray our paths cross again they better bloody not hello what can I do for you so it would seem hopefully he bumps into some nlls while stumbling around at night and that's the last we hear from him I didn't do anything I was kidnapped just like you it seems kind aor wants me back kazador Zar is a vampire lord in balder's Gate the patriarch of his coven and a monster obsessed with power he turned me nearly 200 years ago I became his spawn and he became my Tormentor it was him I'm sure only he would know to send the G after me it was a group of G that attacked me that night in Boulders gate I would have died had kazador not appeared and saved me well he didn't mention the slave claws at the time and now he sends a G Monster Hunter for me it's a message he's reminding me of his power even in the middle of nowhere he can reach me and he wants me [Music] back concerned do you know the power vampire lord possesses he can change shape turn into mist call wolves to do his bidding shog off blows like they're nothing he could walk into our camp tonight and kill you with his bare hands and you'd be lucky if death was the worst thing that happened to you first we have to um uh I don't know well if we kill his lackes he'll just send more we just have to be vigilant keep our wits about us and kill any Monster Hunters on sight [Music] I won't lie it's tempting if I keep the tadpole I risk transforming into a grotesque monster if I lose the tadpole kazador has control of me body and soul and I return to the Shadows it's Grim either way so why not sell what's left of my soul to a devil better he has it it than cdor figuring out what's happening to us confronting A God Called the absolute I'm in finding time to kill my old Master before he can control me once more yes that's an option but I wouldn't bet eternity on it there you are my friend oh that a scratch I ran a foul of a bear he took a little of my blood I took all of his so is any meal worth having it's nothing compared to well uh other things I could be dying on but significantly better than the rats and bugs kazador served me it was exactly as appetizing as you'd think still that was the past I'll never have to groel for him again exactly I can be better than him stronger more powerful more oh you meant be kinder pet bunnies that sort of thing I have no objection to being nice of course once I have the power to bend others to my will well yes you can't look at the world and tell me I'm wrong oh I hope so a little corruption sounds fun I spent centuries as the victim of a corrupt man it was the Mind flares that plucked me away from that they gave me a gift the strength to take my own Freedom I'm embracing this power you should too the choice is made Koga burn the tainted away start with a snitch as you say Olan with the Grove taken for cloakwood the circle will see that I'm right the great mother will guard us from all danger I yes when The Darkest Hour fell it was us that brought light syvan demands we illuminate Shadow not hide within it how was I so blind it's sparse thanks for what you've done for us and I'm afraid I have more yet to ask you've bought us some time here but the Goblins are still massing out there we'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Boulder's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities you're no Army there may be away though goblins are ill disciplined it's unlike them to organize so cleverly somebody must be leading them bringing discipline to their ranks take out that leadership and they'll scatter it's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight you're equal to the task everyone in this Camp depends on it thank you looking at something the only benefit to a mirror when you have my condition it doesn't quite make up for the lack of a reflection mind you pining in the Looking Glass Petty vanity of course I miss it I've never even seen this face not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned dreed I I don't know I can't remember my face is just some dark shape in my past another thing I've lost what I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me what you see excuse me I'm an eternally young vampire not your doting grandmother you can do better what else this is meant to be flattery not poetry just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call us a day how dare you I thought we had something special still you're nice too I better get some beauty sleep it seems I need it if I'm to catch up with the competition Gods grant me patience eat up Marina I won't say it it again keep that hole under your nose shut or things will get messy you know what that sounds like to me leverage what is it what's going on that can't be true Auntie Ethel they were being rude and I detest rudess you want to be stronger tougher smarter done anything is possible just let me keep the girl and her babe trading some wealth we just met for impossible power it's a fine deal it's your choice sweetness fine have it your way I'll rip your throat out yet you little Bullocks look I don't like Owen people here this socket is worth some coin really that's my husband gave it to me I should take him home I suppose you want to hear about kazador I don't want to say a damned thing but that won't do anyone any good Cazador Zar is a vampire lord in Boulder's Gate the patriarch of his coven and a monster obsessed with power not political power or military power I mean power over people the power to control them completely he turned me nearly 200 years ago I became his spawn and he became my [Music] Tormentor a vampire's spawn is less than a slave they're a puppet we have no choice but to obey our master's commands they speak and our bodies react it's all part of the deal sometimes he'd order us to submit to torture sometimes he'd have us torture ourselves whatever his weather vain mood settled on thank you but this isn't about sympathy it's about knowing what we might be up against the Mind flares aren't the only monsters out there they're not even the only ones hunting us all I'm asking is that you keep your eyes open and watch out for anything lurking in the shadows what more could I ask now is that all I had the strangest dream last night there was a visitor promising me protection and all sorts of delicious powers from the parasites in our heads given our shared Affliction I suppose you had a similar dream excellent now we can see what these tadpoles can do for us is there a reason you're such an utter drip I mean do you have some sort of condition honestly it's like you hate good news did you actually want something or are you just here to spoil my fun you know if that parasite isn't to your taste I'd be happy to consume it in your stad I don't relish the thought but if you're going to just leave it sitting in your back well one of us should try it oh I have my reservations no question first of all it looks disgusting second there's a nonzero chance that it'll turn me into a purple glistening monster but if it doesn't who knows what kind of power we can unlock and power is always worth a little risk ah so that's how it is a Pity because if you continue to get between me and what I want I will have to find a way through you just something to think about I had another visit from that dream figure I take it you did too it claims that if we Infiltrate The Heart of the cult that's giving out these parasites we'll find the answers we're looking for it gave me another gift too just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me h on the one hand you're right on the other don't be so wet behind the ears in burnt to Ash the captives were many Goblin Kind had reduced them to cing filen so raise it your goblets and drin them with pride draw Raglin the true soul that let you Glide why I never lights inside are trying to get answers out one of his mes n are all beardy and woodsy ain't they this lot were a scabby gang of Tomb robbers and a big old war bear with them though took five of our meanest lashes to chain it up we'll beat the fight out of it and make it one of our own enjoy poking holes in people do you he's inside keep to the right and follow the screams half right sharp I as then is a normal Trader just a matter of what's for sale weapons and other exotic Goods true enough but most of all we offer discretion no judgment no right and wrong just good deals and bad that problem for you assuming I believe you not really no never much lik zarus truth be told forgive me but that look in your eyes something terrible has happened to you do not be ashamed child what I see in your eyes in your soul is only natural we've all suffered in these dark times it is little wonder you bear scars of pain and anguish please let me alleviate this pain as the maiden of pain the goddess latar teaches us through Penance administered by my skilled hand my work can grant peace and serenity the likes of which few experience it will be worth it I promise I must see this don't you dare say no oh I have something Exquisite in mind rare is the Beast that survives decapitation help me eliminate the drown in thara the hopgoblin draw Raglin and that perversion of a priestess gut they are the ones holding these parasites together remove them and nature will cure itself be warned my presence could make things more difficult I can only restrain my bare form so much works both ways and I saw some weird shadows swimming around in your head just now maybe I can help with that us true Souls got to look out for one another of course don't want this rabble interfering with true Soul business let's go to my Chapel ready to clear your head the absolute will protect me you don't stand a chance we survived who would have thought it looks like I might have to pay you after all once we get to the city of course you know that actually sounds pretty good if you drink as well as you fight we'll have a lot of fun you know I never pictured myself as a hero never thought I'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives and now that I'm here I hate it this is awful we killed some goblins to save some teelings the tally of lives didn't change much but what do I get for all my hard work a pat on the head and vinegar for wine I'm just looking for a little more excitement a little more fun by the hells sex my dear a night of passion let's wait wait until things quieten down once the others are asleep we'll find each other indeed you will my love indeed you [Music] [Music] will [Music] w y [Music] w
Channel: Carian Bandit
Views: 91,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7ZRu3mCOS50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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