Baldur's Gate 3 - Meet the Companions!

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foreign ER Skate 3 video because I just can't help but be hyped for this game for those of you that don't know Baldur's Gate 3 is a new story Rich party-based RPG set in a dungeon and Dragons universe and it is the game I am most excited for right now with its release being only a few months away I thought it would be a great time to take a closer look at the companions that we are going to be meeting on our journey through faerun as a fan of Biro games and specifically Dragon Age companions are always one of the highlights for me when playing through a well-crafted story so naturally I was thrilled to hear about the recruitable companions in Border skate 3. and when I play through the early axes I was not disappointed on a contrary I couldn't get enough I went on to do multiple playthroughs trying out different classes discovering new areas and trying new dialogue options the game has tons and tons of great content to offer and if you want to hear about all the things I'm excited about you can check out my previous waldridge Gate 3 video where I talk about all the reasons I'm hyped for this game for this video though as I said we'll be focusing on the companions so grab yourself a nice cup of tea and let me tell you all about the Baldur's Gate 3 companions [Music] before I start I need to give you a quick Sporter warning this video is going to go into details about what we currently know about the bg3 companions which is everything that is revealed in the Early Access now it's nothing too major really mostly things related to their backgrounds and we find out about them pretty early in the game as the Early Access takes place in act 1. and I'm assuming larion are saving all the major stuff for the later X in full game but I thought I'd give you a warning just in case you haven't played the Early Access and want to save it all for the full game so you've been warned anyway with all of that out of the way let's start with our first companion Lazelle blazel is a fierce githyanki fighter and she's the first companion you meet in the Early Access you meet her on the nautiloid chip as you make your way through and she helps you fight off some enemies although she doesn't fully join the party until later kisenki are generally very skilled in combat but most of them are aggressive arrogant and cruel Lazelle like herkin is an excellent fighter but she is also a bit of an [ __ ] that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake she's blunt ruthless and she doesn't really seem to care what other people think her direct personality however also makes her very honest she says what's on her mind and we know she means what she says and that makes her despite her aggressive personality also one of the most trustworthy companions that we currently have in Early Access while it's impossible to know if she has any ulterior motives it seems to me that all she wants to do is get rid of the Mind flayer tadpole that has been planted in our brains and yes while she's only in our party because we're useful to keep around I don't get the impression that she's secretly plotting to betray us at some point I feel like if Lazelle wants to get rid of her she's not the kind of person that would stab you in the back she'll just stab you in the face But ultimately we'll have to wait and see what happens in the full game of course I might be proven wrong but I think if you look past her aggressive demeanor and warm up to her bluntness you will be able to appreciate lizelle for who she is a straight to the point Kick-Ass fighter that certainly pulls no punches and does what she does best [ __ ] [ __ ] up preferably for our enemies she is also the person that out of all the party members knows most about the tadpole and mind flayers in general her people have a long and bloody history with the Mind flayers basically the gifts were enslaved by mind flayers for several Millennia before eventually freeing themselves and making it their goal to completely annihilate the entire mind flayer race unless they ever tried to enslave them again so naturally she would know a lot about this topic and her knowledge of the tadpole and mind flayers will certainly come in handy it starts with a fever and memory loss then you start to hallucinate your hair falls out and you bleed from every orifice your bones will change form your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles all skin will turn to gore and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath then you have ceased to exist and a mind flayer is born ultimately lizelle is a product of her culture she is the way she is because she was raised that way during your time with her in Early Access it becomes clear that she wants to prove herself worthy in the eyes of the Geth Yankee Lich Queen leader vlakid who she devotes herself to however as her Arc progresses things happen and she will begin to have doubts about her people who knows maybe lizelle will eventually warm up to us maybe she'll even be happy to call us a friend one day and maybe just maybe she'll even be nice you do well to observe more and question less the next companion we meet is the half L Shadow heart shadowheart is a loyal cleric of char and we first meet her on the Mind flayer ship as she is stuck in one of the pods you can choose to free your from the Pod for which you will be grateful and if you do she will join the party as you look for a way off the ship but not before grabbing a strange looking item from the pod after a ship crashes and we wake up on the beach Shadow heart can be found again not too far away we again get a glimpse of the mysterious item that she is carrying and we even have the option of attempting to take the item before waking the unconscious Shadow heart after she's awake she suggests teaming up to look for a Healer that might be able to get rid of the tadpole as their odds are probably better together than apart shadowheart is a pretty private person and she doesn't share much with us until we spend some time with her and prove to her that she can trust us when she does it is revealed that she is one of shara's dark disciples and the only Survivor of a holy mission to retrieve a mysterious artifact the very same that she is carrying and delivered to a hidden closer in Baldur's Gate getting her to open up about all of this might take some time or some successful persuasion rules though she values her privacy and doesn't like it when being pressed to talk about herself or her background and she is not afraid to let you know when you're being nosy just don't expect me to entertain your questions if you won't respect my privacy but she clearly appreciates it when her boundaries are being respected I need to get to build his gate there's someone waiting for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible thank you and you're right it's a delicate matter not something for light conversation heart can be pretty sarcastic especially if you get on a bad side and she might even come off as a bit of a selfish person but if you get to know her and she trusts you you will see that she can actually be a really sweet person and that she does care about others which even she seems to be surprised about you know who I never thought I'd find myself caring for exactly right never gave them much thought certainly not that bunt in the Grove yet we came through for them we saved their lives odd in a romance scene she genuinely seems interested to know more about our character nothing related to the tadpole or slaying goblins just them as a person she's also willing to open up more about herself although she is not able to share much apart from lacking night orchids and not being able to swim there is not much more she can tell about herself as a Shar worshiper it is not unheard of to sacrifice your own memories when ordered to a lot of the little things she says are lost to her right now so that begs the question who was shadowheart before she became a Char worshiper or has she always been one did she become a follower of char on her own volition or is there more to it I guess we will have to find out in the full game whichever companion you encounter next depends on the route you take as you make your way through the crash landlord ship towards the roadside Cliff Waypoint a human wizard named Gail will spawn from the Waypoint and appear in front of you Gail seems to be an okay guy and although he can come across a little bit cocky at times he is generally nice towards us and he approves of things that are considered good aligned when asked to tell us a little bit about himself he says that he is a wizard of considerable Acclaim hailing from waterdeep he has a cat a library and he has a weakness for a good glass of wine all is not as simple as it seems however for Gail is carrying a dark secret that could have catastrophic consequences when his approval is high enough he will reveal that he has a complicated relationship with magic or rather the goddess of magic mistra according to Gail when he was young he was so talented at the Arts of magic that it attracted mistra's attention misra showed him the secrets beneath the magical veils as she whispered to him that he was the chosen one he fell in love with her and they enjoyed each other's company but one day The Whisper stopped and the young wizard was left behind heartbroken in a desperate attempt to win back the goddess's love the wizard did something foolish he sought out an ancient piece of magic sealed away in a Tome of gateways in the hopes of returning it to mystra but his plan backfired and now he is stuck with the nidory's orb inside his chest that needs to be fed magic in order to remain stable if it becomes unstable it will explode with a force that could level a city the size of Water Deep so it seems we'll need to help him find a way to either learn to control the orb's magic or to get rid of it completely in the meantime though we'll have to keep it stable by feeding it magic and unfortunately the best way of doing that is to give Gail magical items that we find so that he can feed them to the orb which is kind of unfortunate and we don't have to help him but Gail certainly won't appreciate that and then there is also this and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematurely perished however for reasons that cannot be disclosed it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest conveniences you may rest assured that I do not speak out of self-preservation alone many lives depend on my return to the living within the span of two days I trust I've made myself clear so yeah Gail certainly is an interesting character with seemingly a lot of Secrets maybe just as much as Shadow heart and I'm honestly curious to find out where all this will go in the full game [Music] as you explore the beach near the null Lloyd shipwreck you will come across an elf asking for your help in killing another one of those brain things luckily the creature he has cornered isn't an intellect Devourer it's only a boar hey good news nothing to worry about it's only it and he's pulled a dagger on us thankfully this is all just a misunderstanding when the elf realizes we are not the ones who captured him we are also a victim of the mind flayers and are also carrying a Deadpool in our brains just like him crisis averted the elf's name is estarium and he's a rogue from Baldur's Gate he seems to be more of a neutral line character and maybe even a little evil lading as he seems to approve of some more evil things we can do in a game he is pretty selfish greedy and a bit power hungry and kind of similar to Lazelle he doesn't try to hide that fact but of course there is a bit more to him than that if the pale skin red eyes and pointy fangs didn't immediately give it away he is a vampire spawn he was enslaved for nearly 200 years by the vampire lord Cazador and the only reason he is here right now is because he got captured by mind flayers for 200 years he was his master's puppet forced to do whatever his master wanted him to do tortured and only allowed to feed on rats now with the Deadpool he is finally able to walk in the sunlight again and with these new powers he might finally be able to escape Cazador for good now as I said Astorian is generally a selfish character and whereas most of the party members want to find a way to get rid of the tadpole historian's goal is to learn how to control it and I suspect this is very much related to him getting his revenge on Cazador or mainly to be free from his former master and live his own life again without constantly having to watch his back I spent centuries as the victim of a corrupt man it was the Mind flares that plucked me away from that they gave me a gift the strength to take my own freedom whether his personality is a result of him being tortured for 200 years or if he was always an [ __ ] I'm not sure maybe he's cocky and cruel behavior is just a mask that he uses to cope with the years of trauma that he is carrying after all he seems to be open about his pass as a vampire spawn after a secret is revealed and leaves himself pretty vulnerable by revealing this information ascazador is certainly still trying to chase him down and believe it or not historian does have a lot of genuine moments that make me think that deep down he is actually not that bad of a person oh you meant be kinder pet bunnies that sort of thing I have no objection to being nice of course once I have the power to bend others to my will or maybe it's just all manipulation who knows either way like all of the other companions I am curious to learn more about this character and his backstory we've talked a lot about secretive companions in this video but one that might not seem so secretive at first is will also known as the blade of Frontiers a brave and Mighty Hero that has made a good name for himself slaying monsters and ridding the world of evil he helps people in need and tells stories about his Great accomplishments legend in the flesh spector's killer of Cobalts the pride of Boulder's Gate but just like the others there is a little bit more to him than that will did not acquire his powers by training alone one day a goblin named Spike burned down his village and took his eye in the process when Spike left the mall to burn he swore to the heavens and to the hills that he'd make him pay it was then that a woman Rose From the Ashes mizora she promised him that he would have his revenge she'd give him powers and make him into a hero he'd be able to slay any enemy and save every victim the only thing she wanted in return was his endless devotion and it was only after we'll agree to her proposal that she revealed what she really was a cambian half human half devil as a warlock will gets his powers from Azora his Patron but in exchange he is forced to Aid Missouri whenever she calls on him and when she demanded the prize that he was unwilling to pay he told her he wanted out however will and mazura both got captured by the mind flayers when a ship crashed Spike the same Goblin that burned down his village broke her out of her pod and took her somewhere he's been trying to find a way to free here ever since there came a time I wanted out I was telling izora just that when the Squiddy snatched us both after the crash goblins plucked her from her pod in well I reckon you know the rest I don't know what the drow want with mizora but she promised to break her bond if I save her I free her and she frees me the bargain is void if she's killed near as I can tell and now impossible task even for the blade if the drows slayed her they'd do me a great favor also I think on the darkest days but she still lives they want something from her God's know what the way well behaves makes him seem like a true hero a good guy he always wants to do what's right and he approves when we do good things but there's a darker side to him he is willing to go very far to get mazura back even willing to torture a guy if Spike doesn't give him the answers he's looking for which for a guy that calls himself a hero is not a very heroic thing to do the normal survive this cockroach comes first so that makes me wonder if Will is truly the good guy he says he is if his reasons for freeing mazura are really him wanting to break the Pact he says that killing her would be doing him a favor but something tells me he doesn't want her dead and I think there's a possibility there is a bit more going on between these two [Music] so these are the recruitable companions we get in early access but they aren't the only ones that stick around after we've met them as of Early Access we also have two camp followers they don't follow us as we venture out into the world but they'll be at our camp whenever we take a long rest and we're able to talk to them just like our companions the first scam follower is Volo now if his name sounds familiar that might be because Volo is a pretty famous character or inFAMOUS character I should say in the DND Universe he also appeared in the first duel borders gate games and if you wonder how he has survived for so long the simple answer is Magic in bothers Gate 3 Volo can be encountered in a Druids Grove where he immediately wants to interview you about your recent fight with goblins he expresses interest in the goblins and her Newfound worship of the mysterious absolute and tells us he is on his way to their campus we speak I've interrogated one a captive In This Very Camp She they've abandoned their God maglavia in the absolute the Scandal litter he can indeed be encountered in a common camp where he is being held captive if we free him he joins the party as our camp follower when we tell him about our little tapple problem Volo claims to know a lot about the subject and offers to remove the tadpole for us which may or may not result in the loss of an eye our next game follower is daddy house um I mean the Druid Helsing Helsing is the first Druid of the druid's Grove but he has been missing for a while we find him in a goblins Camp as well where he is also being held captive if we free him he will join our camp where he tells us he was looking into the tadpole situation and tells us there is almost certainly a cure to be found at a place called moonrise Towers getting there might be quite a challenge however as the only ways of reaching it are through the underdark or through a cursed place where everything is shrouded in Shadow affecting anything that passes through it helson also tells us that he has been wanting to go to moonrise towers for a while now as he has been seeking a way to end the shadow curse I helped overthrow Catholic Thorne in his dark Justice years ago but I failed to prevent him from unleashing Darkness across the region before he was defeated I spent years researching The Curse trying to put an end to it nothing has worked yet if I can join you and get close to moonrise perhaps I can lift this curse same as you may find a cure for your infection so that's another character with seemingly an interesting backstory while not a full companion it seems hellsin might stick around for a while the last characters I'm going to talk about only briefly they are currently not in Early Access but they've been confirmed to be companions once the full game releases Minsk and Jahira Minsk a heroic human Ranger and his miniature giant space hamster boo Are Born Heroes they live to defeat evil and do some good butt kicking Jahira is a half El fighter Druid and a former member of the Harpers both Minsk and Jahira ruined the previous border skate games as party members Minsk is a kind-hearted but befuddled reshammer Warrior that has enjoyed Many Adventures across the sword coast and Beyond during the events of the first two border skate games he potentially travels alongside our character and AIDS them in their Adventures slaying evil when he can Jahira used to serve as an agent of the Harpers along with her husband Khalid who unfortunately is killed during the events of water skate 2. she is determined and not afraid to speak up about what she thinks she too journeyed with our character in the previous border skate games and is even a potential romance option in borrower's gate 2. it's great seeing these characters make a return in the third game and I'm honestly really looking forward to seeing how they will further develop and that's it for the companions in borders gate 3. I hope you enjoyed this video and as always thank you so much for watching if you like this video let me know by liking this video or leave a comment and let me know if you'd like to see more about our Skate 3 content what made to take an even closer look at some of the companions have you played the Early Access what do you think of the companion so far that's all for now though thanks again for watching and I hope to see you on the next one
Channel: Lisa plays Games
Views: 37,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 companions, Baldur's Gate 3 Lae'zel, Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart, Baldur's Gate 3 Gale, Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion, Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll, Baldur's Gate 3 early access, Lisa plays Games, Baldur's Gate 3 Halsin, Baldur's Gate 3 Volo, Baldur's Gate 3 Minsc, Baldur's Gate 3 Jaheira
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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